sws in iioije oy qtyp arfcm 3fltee vena ucwur ucaj towu wldla t oclrtu tiik acton ftllb rkess la pukllaw y tliurady umhim l itw fr vim baiull mill ut actual odlailo- tu tuwlptux rha ddil tonal to offices la tlyutltd lata tin data lir wrblltl aalaacrlptlonn e tnu u indicated on lb bjldfca ukl aovhutiilnc uatestrulcnt jvii kunia to cnri ci i ma aril nraur for aral ttailuo nil j cnla iter una of each bubaa quant ibaartloa loaliut tuply edrattia v tuaulli i so inel ea ur ao c tum ii nu f intji each tana rt ton advcrtlaaamnl wltli utlt pdfij doectuima toilt b inacaud till orblj fcfld charnh afr ift g a dills felll- tul ktxl tfi hmionks- mllnrlal nnd lit bulldlnff acutc coats low v building permits issued by 03 cities in canada during the montli of march this yenr had a total value of 11041427 on increase of 3b0287s or 40 7 jicr cent over february 1027 and about 0 pur cent over march last year tho total for march this year was the highest on roord building costs are now at tho lowest margin for icvcral years prom the detailed statistics furnished by soma 0 aities it was shown that they had granted in march over 1300 permit for dwellings valued in otocss ot 5400400 and for some 2500 other buildings estimated to coat approximately 5 000000 all province reported in creases in the building authorized during march ns compared with the preceding month i he greatest absolute gam was that at 1052831 or 37 0 per cent in ontario but larger proportionate increanes were nh own in the other provinces the sunday school lesson fou sunday may 8 tho audi torn report the auditors report for 1020 has been printed and is m the hands of the clerk ready for distribu tion to any- ratepayer it is a inula of information on ho workings and financial standing of tho town every taxpayer should get a copy and study it 4t shows where all your tax money was spent and what- you secured for it tha page showing the debenture indebtedness i very interesting to any rnrpnyr nnrlila f iea ntny fra t ct lcmon tit in iv t i loiiuou john 2t printed 31 1 id 31 h- llvlng 1 ib id 4hum chrlat 10 thursday mofinlng may 5 1d27 y editorial mothers 0ay t next sunday will be obsehcd i mothers day all over this continent tito observance of this day has grown in a few yearsjintil now every son and daughter looks upon it as always havihjg been and sols apart that day to send mother a remembrance to revere her memory it may seem a small item jo krocmbje4ttaibcr especially ontiuuilay by send- a very complete one and auditors arnold and knapp were well deserving the commendation of their work which they received from the council get your copy from the clerk it will answer authoratlvcly many questions thaj have been exaggerated by streetcorner gossip read the report and post yourself on the towns business they are free to ratepayers upon request to clerk farmer oonarul llui lln iherlptiii si 1 17 oohinii tiktiuwiii ih u ait mild lailhr uf iut rtrd jimum chrlnt who utautimim to un it it iif i bgut im 111111 unto it by tho riurrifttloh of j from the dau 1 i vt 1 3 dnvotumal hoiiilln4 ii tf itlnji 3tuhn laoh thm iii viow of thrt fact hint tin imtnlul tit a 1h ii 17 wuk miirmuinul uiltld ly with thu itbmult ptloii it hociuit ul- vlmmbla tlldt tlui mllhllltrutllll to duyri jror wo alutuld lny nur prlnoljiftl ihiiiiu mi tlio luttvi- pur tlnn of th niti klt tahdaufrlnljont it yfti tn runtlml uralvm oocniililnjilly tlutt our xiurilm tlurlitlou wrro onllnnry iiuiami bclnnayeri ordlnuuimii vrv human aw f no uiarti lr cithhlmh morenn uav isjtoi wan u liiati ho wukftt otm of your mloi jiuo no hit it i huonumn at tlily vi lj ulillltlotlluchfrt of tlitt iiih- cllilcu tlmt thai llvox uhuuu le 1n- ttttaatltm to ua wio ar umj coiiimon- lact ifltoi ami lilu cftinr ilow lutv l i otheufl day fnliiii ii ly i i ti hi dhaujvnd nil illloi inil towntt im thlu uoh- uiit ri muiufty miy wllh mi w hd ft nltitf miitln uloi vr ry- u i lov whnru jiju iiimmlnl iluy of ti pwullvrly i mortem iiitltinlmi7tint it tvum fllujmu f mi a iuult of ruulllitr thut diulutit un 1 wityfurim utittti w ii not uliowlhtf jiiut ill tlkiubhtfiihtiuu lowukd thllr mother th y uhoitl i i m hluu ujiiuiib up i uvu ono diiy uf ihu 315 ut iwi will ji thou f from lioinu urn mi inhi nm t i uiiiiki hjick t vllhitfn or iti u fti- unii hi illlon u tlu niiy jim mill she tells- you not to bother and in this busy rord we may surely set apart a little time on this ouo daytahodpr or remember her wbohasbeenthe guiding factor in all the best things your life thehhtrt appreciate the privilege of honoring mir having been denied her wise counsel for a time mothers day is a great privilege use it next sunday courtesy distinction a reputation for courtesy is a distinct aiset to an iridrvidual or to a nation canadians for many years have had that reputation many tourists havo commented oil the courteous treatment they have received while in the dominion and have made o secret of tho discovery thcfo is w dbubt that many tourists re tarn to the dominion because of that very fact courtesy lubricates the wheels and contacts of life mr frank b kentisxeeent visitor in canada- ting in the baltimore suv says that canada puts tb states to shame in the matter of courtesy he writes tbat invunad i hotel clerks waiters stowards transportation offlc- en3 etc are considerate and thoughful and contrast sharply withv their brethren over tho line whole chief con co rn j seems to be to highhat their customers these bo pleasant words for canadjanslx may they always be merited niagara falls review a newspaper v faith ttiete are ccrtafn critics of newspapers tyia ap parently have little conception of tho work hat the newspapers are doing in the world there was time our grandfatheryxan recall it when there vas comparatively little tin the average newspaper to rouse a man from his dreams make him look with a vide awake and seeing ye at the world around hint and think this is what tho real newspaper does todaylt is not greatly bothered by the persons who say that most of the news should bo suppressed because i h an i t nrwspaper 1 loves in mirroringiiten as nfqjcallyjs 5h0w4grcatcr faith in human nature than the crjtics that is all whert they call this or that pfece of news awful they often mean seductive rather than awful they wrojnelyfeacthatji umanun tureinstmctivelycravea rottenness and that the exposure of a vile career will prove enticing it is no more enticing than the picture of an insane asylum is enticing it shows as othingc is every lino of the picture thunders with a power denied to speech the memory of it is burned this tolwlthnquerichlessflrtf thrtcodeyrow- or young serious or gay can never misunderstand can never forget it is a lesson that lasts it is the truth in flesh and blood the truth acting itself out before our very eyes in real life carlo ton tplace canadian i f wp jtnu in dallto had huutnl thltlior but iwrno tlnyajwfciitb uil it uuii lord did noi nvpnnr whlli thy wttlted ivitwvwikmi uitnti l tin ixtiovmi bcm oc galileo utitl th un quiihabli lonalna f tlm truo suur man took bold upon him i o nrth- inr bo muld when una juu hatti under norvoum tennlon whttn h in weiiry wltb tl0 runb and turmoil of our buny life abovn ul iai win lb uplrjtual llf ned ritorit th mood ood lm provided tba upftond of natura for man m rfct and refroahnioiil 16 ter ltvntord tlirle over ivter hud denied hi xm now fca mint thro tltiuw proclaim hlu iova mid loyalty thy wro walblnjf touwtjier rm in formar dayn buuld tho tum of diijiioo tlu situation wan uh in formwr dtonfyllt wa vtry tllffr for tho youtik oulllatun cnrpon wan now tha crucified and iluen iord arid iii cbton friend und cotrt- lade wum tb ono who in dm dnrkojt hour bad dnd him tho thouoht th crucifixion and th momory hlu own faiihlejminewi roue peter mind like an invialhla wall littweon thnm in timid ultohrn bluk i oltr sltoon w thinking mmkiy o iiajaiuffioavjujiior b uimtlon quickly liccjli ii tlmt uuthivu ulo now m wllb nmuy piuyiw tliuuifhtii mt nwmw nd lirtm on lho ilttu u uotti in 1 ttrliavd moii iih hir viry own r ipoibriuo d y chuctiu ut nil cimuim- innllrnim tbi n will im ujucial rrfir- tnm to ilia duty und d lr iblllty of rtlliil culo towunl tiio iiuitoriiiil parent rtarn will ho uinlnl pruyorri in uoni tliurrhow unit vfuhti will ixf hotiori od n vmloua wifyii shvn ii thoiikrlil ta mnihor ih hitf unnetitl thuiuu of ifitlii u iuy it nrttiarwtimrroti uiiroiiiwf uvory uifn urm cloor in utouaht und hailiuh ihith uuuil onu vory muii- mtimthil forhi of rrintimhriincfl tar tbu ocounioh hi tn mmtuuu of uomo mu lul clft- homo to mother thin ultt can bo uonwihlnic tlmt will italian bor boliiinhold laborn or it can timi tables at acton go to the or imhto dullubt rrlcu with it tho himcjiii niouu- mothi r n duy tho ifonaral a splendid community spirit in acton it ia interesting to note the fine community spirit in acton and it has been driven home more forcibly than ever during the post few weeks j reading of tho proposed celebrations of the dominion diamond jubilee in various towns the council in many places have been called upon to back tho affair with tahtstfttwuji 200 to 2000 while the outcome of the meeting called for thursday night i not known it is safe to say such a condition will not arise in acton it isnt typical of acton as a rule thoy dgnt go about thltjgs that way in all probabil ity it will bo the reverse instead of doplcting the town treasury for a big time it is probable the big timtuoneywiube4isciltojmpjovoaomcinibjiclyj owned place or promote some civic enterprise you may call it town pride or cooperation or whatever you will but xcton citizens are to bo congratulated on this splendid spirit its making big things pos sible its giving us improvements wo hardly dared dream of its making acton better and bigger town lets keep pulling together in the same way buy in your home town tho port arthur news chronicle makes a strong appeal for recognition of tho claim that the local merchants have on the citizens as this applies generally to every other village or town w repro duce ii paragraph or two for homeconsumption verily by day and in every way port arthur merchants are contributing of their money their tiuio mid their energy to ntako this community a bigger better and busier place in which to labor and live it is well that our citizens give more than a passing thought to the debt lhey0jljo ouf mer chants and that this debt can he repaid by giving tlnni the trade of the community u trade that is rightfully their a trade well canted there is a tttuhure of meamtead as well as unfairness in using local ittorca a a men convenience in buying from hiliii necessary staples on which there is a minimum margin of profit and tending mail orders to the big cities or special purchu simply to save a tnfli in price or to get something different the only way in which the local store can bo improved or v miiintained is by local patronages buy pcally when possible is a good slogan it puts your money iu circulation und keeps it in circulation locally aiid hulps to build up and keep up tho place in which livcj you needn t even go chopping to find out what is fur salo arid at what price you have only to read the attractive advs in the local paper advertisements pay the customer as well as the merchant if they arc rad and the goods and prices are compared with what the stama goods may be bought for elttcyhcrd let u all ba loyal to our home town investigation what next tor the past few weeks the public has been given an insight into the workings of the customs in several departments the more it has been investigated the worse it grew the liquor interests have had a hand in the matter and dragged various officials und the jaw down to their own low level weve heard cnougln of the evidence to make us think the de parttnent needed to be investigated but now when these facts have been given when it is shown that the law has been laughed at wlrcii the country has been defrauded out of huge sums of money what is going to be done about it if tho big interests can treat the law with contempt and get away with it we will soon be in a state of real lawlessness- because what is fair for the big fellow is fair for the smaller man let us have tho prosecutions jf these lawbreakers now if a man burglarizes it store he has his trial in a day or so if he robs a bank and is caught justice is soon meted out the eyes of all are upon the lawmakers to see what wijl bo done with the lawbreakers found by the customs investigating committee already there in talk of one brewing company rcorgauixing under a new name and british controlling interest will a license be granted fc can only wait ani set but the eyes of all are watching to see what is going tc be done and if b riti sh justirfi lagoipg-to-hc- meted out without fear or favor to all men it will bo a sorry day for canada if an example is not made of thd biggest bootleggers were all waiting to see if the rulers are big enough dud have tho back bond to do the job which is clearly their duty and prosecute all offenders regardless of position editorial notes besides the usual mtiy events of trout fishing empire day and victoria day the may of 1027 will witness the inauguration of government control the council is to be commended uptii taking tho initial trip for getting tha jublle celebration under way the rest is up to he citizens the first duty is to attend the meeting and help the covered rink proposition seems to he going over big in lots of towns walkerton has 12 000 subscribed for a new rink one thousand shares at 1000 each were sold to raise the bulk of jhe money it seems only a matter of putting the shoulder to the wheel in most places and the object is accomp lished the province of alberta will spend 2400000 on highways and bridges this year according to a state- inent made by hon o l mcpherson provincial minister of public works this will mcludu 1000- 000 on mam highways fio00 on market roads the balance being on maintenance and on construe tion and maintenance of bridges in view of the difficulty of financing the affairs of this great province the people of ontario should irold in grateful remembrance the uout hart and efforts of expremier ernest c drury in with standing thd globe and the cohorts behind it in frustrating the big radial railway scheme organized in toronto which if it had gone through would havj sunk the province in hundreds of millions of debt milvertou sun hurd 0fjtfz33nibctg th 1kt who know thd hort of mi mankind aympathld with thu mnh who jmd lnnd nd jiuffercd ba jbkuh utkod lilm tho bwnrchltr ques tion shlmeon bar jo no lovout thou mnl auuuma um ikd tih auction and thr4 tlmoi hlmon in a spirit uf humility replied thou knowent lhat i lov than uuinr how- avor a im dxrjltod worl for lovo pir thin wan tho now put or lie ha j lioolllfd f lh uuit umw wvr- otfajn wouht he im cullty of arrogant antwrtiveneug jauu mlaht speak of klorlouu exalted love tbuall hcrwould claldujmibjniinjdjnjiniljihli fltitt two- juttuttonb jpuua uflod the htcher wurd than flm third tlma see in that polar waa determined to re main humble tho lord camo down to imerm plana and alao urj the hum- blr word and each tlma tbat johuu ftbkad tha question und rcoivod peurs ttinwf ii laid upon lwtur 1iu hinimftidon feed my lamb tud my kheop fmhi my dour deat mhoap ua it in in chrlfct dual mien with un nlno tha on who u tfdnulmriy repentant who heart iu rttally changed who ik to uim tha old phtroad truly converted hndu that there in full forilvnra for him and thv token of that forgiven ia tba uorlouu drlvliettd of imihk a pnrtnr with ood in tho work of hlu king dom kor study and dleouaaloh lioucrlba pater iphonca on tho mornltitfoof tho uflnauractlon wero the duolplea xpeottf tlie itaaurrec- tlont tell of jeu appifarunoe by tho boa of oaiu why ut you aupiwme did peter hugfiiht a flklilriu trip what tfct did je apply to iettt how did poter rpondt what 1m the truo itlknltlcanco of oonverulon7 wliat irreut privllojro doo ood civ to tiio convdtind dally rdln for nvt wak monday may d aota 5 14 31 tudnday hay 10 aota s 23 34 wodnaudiry ixuy ii actu s 3747 thumlay may u john 16 715 krldoy may 13 l cor 12 111 saturday may 11 3 potor 1 111 sunday may 15 phi 2 611 that i tut ov oiiuloiii for tho r in to lund tloworj in lionor of lldlhor a ulco bnuquitt of muttioru fuvoruo flowwtm can jik uont to lutr whlior uho llvtra nur or fiu tbanku to tho nu lend id 4io- crruplilc iirrjuiiicmiint wblcji now in ilao nmnna flprliito ovttrywbnro hut wbother nionoy iu wpent or not for the upoclal nlniorvunco of molwr day tlio chlwf t1ilimn to ojttond nn expreunlun of loyalty to onaii mother there will be thounniulii of yountf fellows und younir womtn who will alt down and urlle a nlco long inttor tv the folltii lmak home miiyln thut letter hn boon noctncttld for wooki poanlhly for inonthu won t mother ho happy when alio flmla that olio i 0 wotlicw wlio liavo boon inenibtrcd on hor apodal day the celebration of tho second qun tlay in may aa mother n day orlir inutod tbrouah tho effurta of ula anna jarvln of philadelphia n r mother died in 100g olid who rceotved that uho would each yrdr pbucrvn xtba nnnlvoraary of hor death jmien it ocoujrod jo her that orbora mljfht fiel tho a if tl hhi wlflltr al4mnr- ujravwidb iuuiiktpritmtrivntnruf p nf i mnnytfwhom npreed tonmhlut the nocond sunday in xlay vai wit for tho ttbjlrvanoe mdltvttilurirertthatoalhat da yu ii peruana should nhow wuw iftvo und reiipeot for tholr mothorn by aomli -ttdbuuvj- ffrestotte dealer twenty vcans ago prom tha uu ef yh pr pr of thufeday may 0 1007 darrodii the nun aasmuiar ilrown hoa auceoeded bounujbdomqttulb-rilll- ro a nod dinar danoine in in litxiiierty lw soarlna in price i aomo cnutjii surety unwarruntod contract or forlwa in makliia ood proirrhii with tho atone workjof the johnatona block foundiuioiui t ilrown baa juut laiufid a halt dojn new ploturo jwnt iarda views of acton und our publla bulldliiffu arlwr hay won obuervad at tlte aohon herd lawt kvlday and au a runult the mchool urouudj prentnt a mutili unproved uptwaruuoe co u t mo tor john cameron intendi brleklua the hauad on main dttyet he luui in course of construction he will removo hla planing mill thlu vum- mr mr 13 a uco haa aold hu ikrojuirty at the foot of willow t rant tol w proctor tor a- conulduroible udvunca ovf tha priue rodlvd by the fj plight eatute two yoorw uao mr a j lehmuu haa given tint ooutraotora the plan and upoclflouttouu for the enluraoment and uuprovemeiit tif the dominion hotel mru j norrtah will loavo acton on saturday aftr spondlntf a few weuku with friendu in tvrgua and uurllub- ton alio will go out to north dakota to vialt her duuahtur tho vlgorouu lady la ovst olgjity friday arternoon wan of ojnlal in- tfitvmt to the ladlou of the women inutllute it waa the fcnnyal mot- inu and ileotlou of otttcera after the eleetlon interest control m an blhltlon of dwlrw which had heii judgiwl und awarded prlw prior to iiioullhtf 1 hlu wuu a new plan and luaridl a very tntaruutlnu after noon ihero wau a to udmtmdon mr john harvey ban sold to mr w white the two iota lie recently bought lake avenue ur white will erect a penldunca thin emntner jaijim heiuleruon numaig- weyu who haa divided to retire from fariulntf baa purcbaued the rxlilenco of mr junitt droh maria utreet far 000 he will removo to acton abort- 1 yh latt aithma attack may really i tho uat ona if piompt ninanur a unj tukun dr j d heliogg a ak thnm lumudy will uafe gguid you it will luhujmu ty lb wnullertt bron- utlilul page un 1 jalng alxtut a baltby tnitidltlou it ulwuya rullevuw und itj continued u often hua a prnianiu etfot why not ut thlu lung faiuouw remedy to day and mmeitcti itu uit inhaled au mnoku or vapor it lu wtiually wtfeotlve tlmt laughttr coeta too much wlilch fa purchunod by tlio aucrince of do cency qulntltliin mercy tuina her back to tho un merciful q liar ft a tr ahoil feiall-m-tho-bnllarrth- aoldlor the fiahermnn the lumberman tho outdoor laborer and all who ore oxnohod to injury nnd thb elements will find in dr thomna ccloctrlc oil a truo and faubful friend to titoo pain relieve colds droaa wound mubdua lumbago and ovorcamo rheumatlem it ih exeellenb flherefove it ahould have n place in 011 home medlclnog and bo amqnaat thoae takon on a journey iblendid wasil to waahlkmucl so atvoog of 165 ptxwd mad ctt it wh famayrnp fa haws that ml ataauljm tauat tcv 0p iwi wiiailaj naulajj auwaoab vashty j lwcw mk tba met i jbm boecd u mk hx b ant way th ttxa au aaa abmbxlm of tbla iw4y wojj ipoti- th- umoaf uomnuul aoihi witmm vlmoovvm smp enameled ware m p product ar- hndd in aoten u james bymon w ii e ulaih hardware plumblnu bhop acid in stomach cause indigestion creut qua sournees and pain how to yrat medical authorltua atutn that nearly nlm teuthn of tin um u of atoinarh trouble indlgiutlou tutirdrku burning gnu boiling uuuue i ilc me duo to an extuhu of lijltictilorjc uoltl it hip uloiiiui h und not au uomo h lluvo t a lutk of dl jukiy iho tuiltalu ut unaoh llnlnk iu irrltnli i dluiallou lu detaye i aji 1 fot d uourhr ouuliig the dlwtgi t eahle uympt niiu whluh very atom n h uuff irur kiiowu a well artlllrlal dlgt ytuiiln urn not no did in uulii cntrii nnd may do real barm rry lay tug un lu ull tltguuuvo uldu und liiutad got from any diugglut a f w on new i t illumatuil magjilulu and taki teaupoonful lu a ijuarltr glitmu of ater right uftm siting 1 blu uwet t nu thu utomulli pnvtutii tho furmu on of m ttriu utld ami hurt la no uounnitu guu oi ptln llluiirutoj mug eula in ww jui i i tablet farm level lluull ii milk lu harmhua to he adonuu i hu i t tmlvo to tuko und the uxiiu llllnt form f inngneula r ulom u ii nun u a it la uwml by tliouuan im uf i i 01 who enjoy hulr lunula- with uo mine ftur of luduvtiou ifc willseive you better and sae you money the firestone dealer ia backed by an organization world wide in scope nnd innucnceon inatjtutlon whose auccess ia the outcome of a single purpose steadfastly upheld to build tires of tlie highest quality und reduce the cost of tire mileage r j you can depend upon the firestone dehlcr not only for the better service which goes with these better tires but for the economy safety and comfort that gurndippexl tired give firestone tlrk ik kltbhkk couianv op canada umurt l mamlttow camada most miles per ioujvr fires builds the onlxmfdxppeptirei i- mrttoricrt are supplied in acton by highway garajje a uelsaaq phene 14 ma 0t jar symon haiidwahd ititomc vounjr st carag mplrrtnt shop c c pahkep phone 4 vouha bt- oolng wt no 3 uunday only 1041 a j- tiu 51 4baa no 3i j a n -p- m ooltij eaat no 24 iiuuiiiy only t oi p an no 0 -y- l 7 01 auoa no 30 1141am si jarida no 34 17 p m- nrf js aispio canadian national electric dlly dally doily dadlj dally dally dally dally dally i1aijlvavb watlxiund liully dajly dally dally domiy dally dally n ivfcy- tl ua 11 c6 ajea 1 tuaa i k turn bstf pjk 1 s pjn- 19 s4 txiau s 6 aum hit auu 1yt pvtfx ti plul 9 3t 11 5c torohl tarmlnal kpu btrt hnd bt cujr avmiw freight dellvurod by aimcial wmraal rrolghl krilgit picked up at any ad- farms for sale w umvw m laro hat bt parma in tha vicinity of asian lanalng in klaai from 14 to 200 aor and would b plaad to kav you look ov our umt b oral buyndf al w kaveaetna trofn o- quick aala j a smith tiphona 106 acton ontario farmers zi complete li at of ah necxsary ear-nterai-oaeda- wo deslro to cxpreaa nur alnmra thanks to our many customer for their patience and patronaae durlns the pant aeauon wo are anvloua to render better eorvloe tlilu year and t we mnyliavotho g esrm cry fop castoria m1ttier- chers castona is es- pecuilly prepared to re lieve jnfnts in anna and children all ac of constipation fktu- jtaicy wind colic and diarrhea allaying reverlshneas ansina tlie re f mm and by reptiintmgthestoniaih and rowel aids the osjuiniuition of fami giving healthy and natural sleep to avoid imlututaij always wik for tl aigiuture of ciaruajctai ahtolumy llarnilcf- n o ul iiysiuaua tverywiwi rccoulmcnd it peroilon ua in tha poul w hops our iroodu havo proven for themoelveal tpfr marl t a- they donervo und in rutlira will wtand up to thq teil we trust you will avail yourvcaof iheprlvil- tga jif dlaauaulng- your noeda and w wld ondravartotnttirtfjtytl ih rhaf we hnvo to offer vvo hav homi aeeondhaiul aprlne nroodu of real value caokuhutt vvot wood iouden water and stable ejulpinl limntforil and chloaio wlndmllla 1eorleaa wire pvmco itoiuilra for all makea of inaohltvory onurtesr and bervloo j w dahucrtnee phen 100v3 aeton ont savage onpical sebvice icmbodlcu tlio moat mclant an i advanced mt tbodu of kya icxamtnatlanii ivame mttlnat ojld optical liuainoau uethoda our ono tluucbt and aim haa been to oonatantly improve our aervlce tit bo ua mar portinuon an lu humanly pauaihle when your isyea are kxamln- td by bavaxe you recelva thai oaauroxca that you aro galna to be satisfied a d savage atuomairut mftf opiiolan rustit at tha iot ottlca savage dulldlng- oualpb savage company jewellers china silverware low6r wyndhani st phoite 571 gueljph hmsou and ueliau gnuilu and hmtbl works y we ar inanufaaturbra and dbri imiwirtfcra of all klnda of uonuiuantal and iluadatona work wo aall dlrot to our cuatomera ut wholesale prloa tbuu fcavlng our cuiitomera 40 par oit we havo uio beat appllanoea and the only machanlra in the dominion who cantoprato pnaumatlo toobi properly wo iajl give rferenoa frotn hun4ramia of our oualomnv liigronto and thr puji where othara ipivoto- tiayj tw aulta lu ordm- to ooliwt ww um urgt and wt btuck of oranus in tho douilulon or hiura tuaji any thra dualerat in the wl w ar utu- tuatv daloru and uuploy uo agat and tjo not ajiuy ur pat eutomai by aandlua out ignorant kgeuta aaludt- tug ordera we unploy only mkchulcal and dofy oomiiutltloia hamilton sons ouelph ont