j r lu artim 3tor tob irk ill town wlhtl oilarlo ultuluj vrr i llutuutf llutcrluluii tub actoh ihfe 1m1fv1 ii iw tluit i minims si ilie jrtt vi mill mreal ackit ptilsjlc tlic iiilutcrliiluti urica u joo per ar ii tulvulmj roilaue u iwu i m i liiional to nrc to lltv unllj duut tic dale la uik psu it indicated o ill a luieitiiiiflihliciiiiwfji quest imctliaii contract ipl r jo find arh ubi k4mr loch each insertion oui aocciiic direction will b ii ml cliargtil accnrillmuly ted ill forbid a dills ldltor 1 prop or tpiehionks- kiiioii iiui ueiljdce iionoer kopltf 7 tho ovont ofthd past fpjwypokj n hytng the athnntic hits occujikd u jood deal of public attention uml drew- forth varied comment from ull hide the loj of tliohd two brave i cdptuin nun jjenscr and captain coll sort ad loom over ull who had followed the attempt from both vides of the water tften the achievement of the jonl hy yuitii lindbergh brought the joy that ulwayn cotnes with success he hat truly well earned hia right for all to xeusc cluiti him the hying fool out he need not feel dgftneved at having such a title applied to him ho who daren do things big and unusual who dares to risk hiu life for achievement nfntl progress is oftoii dubbed a foul by the mt athomes and com fortloving folk its highly probable that coltimbutf was called a fool by many numbers of edisons contraptions were called foolish ideas unil marconi was thought not quite wise by some for his early ideas on wireless it may scorn foolish to have such h waste of life in these attempts at hying over the ocean but we may be thankful we have pioneers with nerve enough to blac the way for thcie feats many ajifc wjis lost m the old sailing vessels but im prece dents were gradually brought about until now an ocean voyage has no more terror than- that of being sea sick the loss of brave ones is the price of pro gress innwearflymgnicrsrthejhtiiirtrwill be the aoccpted mode of travel for all theae com forts that we enjoy to day and which generations to come will enjoy in later years we owe indeed iebt of gratitude to the pioneer fools thursday morning june 2 1027 editorial playing the gtune square thebrewtnncstflay attoitto the letter of the law buttueycartainlyruntotha limit monday morn mgs mail brought a personal letter from the tor onto brewing malting co advertising their brand of beer and explaining how toorder and what brand to beurtospccityvandthtfuetti following paraflrflpkjyivfrhiil h glttdtn wqme 7 a all or l ilrom amy of our srocfc- liolders customers or others who wiilcure to visit ua at any time in other words using an fcvenue tjttnibhcl ryhtir1iasnottkhrrcl osedbythc act these are the people wlo are expected to play the game square tcpeclcd 1 crime prevention it is an old saying that if you would reform it child it is necessary to begin with his grandfather says tho oshawa reformer this may be placing more- than the warranted premium on heredity but the problem of instructing in obedience to the regu lations of society has been greatly emphasized by the prevalence of crimes of all kinds a large per centage of which arc committed by persons who are hotwcnthcarecofi8 nd25 year the raining of children cannot be left entirely to the public schools bssojnnny parents show a dispositio to do neighborhood news oakvilll v i ho municipality of oukvllln wmm uiwirpuraud mm u town by uti at t of iurlliimpiit ttovnty yturs 00 krliluy if this wil a fculn of mum liquor l mills dur ing u w k 11 ml on iliy in oulvllls i rnlrtd hy th- ou1clil permit laaliat- ii rw flu- u iilli ltnr wo inf mt rlilhlrn 1111 u lllllr lrl wtmun nm u tytl iuiiwii mirrowly fuoail ti uiit utriuk hy mr al tliu t orni of iludriir uitl iluiulum htrtm luttt on fluihluv wfttrnoon wm it rur projiunl- in if wni mwtvtsi mu utruck tliu null 1 fi w imtt trant wimca thoy wcr tunillnr tim rtiitrtlntf at tlm vclilclit wum duiunl but ttoita of tluj four iicoili44ktri wcrt lnjuit itsortl and jar itolmrt j muliuny liuvd uirlvetl lidin from tlinlr tlirnf monllim kuront loiir hy uml arid wav rr uml mr u d j lirmr mill thfllr duytfliur xhuy wiluon ilr duytfliur uy ilt runfwliiit bhjtirudlt uvllu ufttv ulnilfthy tin 6auvlui ufttv ulynhlhy alihriic acoohhuir tolltu vtcforntrk- til tlotl diumt uhlfh lit mllloh in wwii bt t4i iwmt olflenr tti oukvllld it in who it tint iti liquor rtir haia oti mtut uut thn tvoot jtllco nurf mli tar- conpcbfewayion and airen booty vktars o pnoaneoo hiu htoiiy oi ihu mount 1ci 1wilycjn wlnduor isj frlfittdm but the obligation rests upon the parents and society in general teachers may enjoin the pupils to obedi ence and may set them a good example of citizenship iifatliehm3qhourftfe wee nine mon in n year will uoto bad tnfuifcnceafr stherbourcftsr bo qdjtfraretoj lawlessness is k jr pjiiwiiifi of a leading canadian jounultet in the rather sudden death of sir john willison kb ll d canada has lost one of her brightest journalists and prominent men of letters born in huron county fni85s john wilhson early in life chose journalism for his profession in 18s1 he becameamemborof the staff of the london ad vertiser within ten years he was managing editor of the toronto globe which important position he occupied for twelve years with ability and success in 1002 he became editor of the toronto daily news and remained at tho head of tho staff for fifteen years for the past decade sir john has been a regular cor respondent of thelondon times and has been a much prized writer in a number of magazines he was a painstaking and convincing writer always in formative and accurate he was one ofthe best known canadian publicists of the past quarter cen tury what have ve done to merit it we cannot understand the reasqn for it but it will certainly stand explaining and perhaps we may find out something heretofore unknown why does acton get the gobyfrom tho bell telephone co we were assessed our usual raise in rates and were not overlooked in that regard but when it comes to getting from lum who has received it is different the council for six months has been trying to have a pole removed from mill and mam streets that is u iiieuuco to public safety they have assumed their share of the seemingly ridiculous price of 41x700 for its removal and yet only this week lias real action been taken tho chamber of commerce has had an energetic committee at work for two years trying to have uti area thai shonld have acton as thoir central linked up with the town two miles out of acton and they have their central in rockwood and george town down on the first line of esqucsing the form ers are digging the holes and erecting the poles to secure a telephone connection with acton is the grasp for dividends getting to be the sole ambition to tho dotrimont o serving the countr and if so it is time the service came under a head similar to the hydro where the general wolfare of the people 11 concerned maybe we arc used no worse than other towns in securing consideration and perhaps we are grumbling without cause but certainly acton people have a pretty small area for the cost of the service hie work of the uqiior conuuisalonera regardless of what one may think of th system and regardless of ones views on the question of temperance it must be admitted that mr hanna and his two associate commissioners are accomplishing great things in getting the government control sys tem of dispcnsipg liquors in the province under control they have had less than two months to organize the province into districts make contracts for the supply of the liquors arrange for the lease of stores in which tlic liquor will be kept for sale carefully supervise and appoint those who are to handle tin liquors and safeguard the possible ubue of authority and responsibility placed on- the shoul ders of the dispensers ijiey have had to prepare tind distribute permits if jias been no slight task and it required men of exceptional ability in organ ization and careful looking after details to do tlu work once the system is organized the task will not be o hoavy but the responsibilities will be none the less anyone who has uu idea that the liquor con trol commissioners have a boftjob has another guess coming winchester prts yes and two other trials they hue had tfc contend with ftuld turn the aver age mans hair gray might uku be mentioned the mcciuaiir demand to supply too greedy thirsts the thirst of the intemperate for booze and the insatiable greedy thirst of the brewers and distillers for speed nig up the machinery to reup- in the profit from their nefarious bubincss yes theyve done real well to far and herob wishing them luek when the hoods are loosed there must bltgrcater co opera tionbotwccifthc kutli on ties and the parents especially in the eases of children who show a dispostttottt disregard tht regulations which have been provided for the good o fjhcm on f th prnnpq ftmi of crime is the freedom that is given too many boys and girls to roam the streets until late hours th3 curfew plan has been tried by many municipal authorities but it has not been found effective be cause many parents will not cooperate in the effort to keep children from the streets- juvenile courts have been established and accomplish much good in handling cases oldejinquents but the most import ant work is in pevmting boys and giris from reach ing the stage in disobedience which makestt neces sary to take them into court hanover post auto drivera to bo licnfid after july 1 every motorist in ontario will after july 1 ner be required o carry a drivers license an order in- council to this effect was passed recently at the cabinet council meeting of the ferguson govern ment and announced last week it fixed a tec of one dollar for the license and provides that it shall be valid until the end or 1028 the license will be granted automatically upon payment of the one dol lar fee to experienced drivers into which class all persons who have driven 500 miles or for six months will be admitted inexperienced drivers will be re quired to puss the scrutiny of inspectors who will be appointed by the department in ttie various centres of the province examination by these in spectors will cost the individual who is securing his first permit one dollar which will be retained by ht inspector as ins remuneration for his work the government is estimating that it will issue an aver age of two drivers permits for every motor vehicle in the province on this basis the revenuefrom the licenses would be somewhat in excess of 000000 the purpose of the highways department in licens ing all individual motor car drivers is not so much to secure additional revenue as to eliminate the in competent and dangerous driver from the highways of the province hon jg s henry minister of highways told 200 members of the north waterloo automobile club at its second annual banquet at kitchener last week it is the intention of the highways departments to keep a close record of all accide which a driver mayhave even thoughnot resulting in court action wherever possible so that tho driver who is habitually involved in auto crashes may be barred from driving in the future ira krunk xjrwcohy n formerly of milton in lultl unit relatives in town ltv oruhnm uf luli ami hurl- liutr of million bxchaitjfj pulpit iiut hun ly ttvonlns mr bnimfty unln utrbet la imliur ca ttura tulutn on her attaining r dlkt hlrthduy him lw mi of uiuoiim ouuat rnldbtu our oruoo church frlomb ar tmy with imiirovomeiiu to tho utoundm of tho church ami havo iratjy improv- fhltuiolr uppoarunca chartoh drownrlilce of neliton townulil in tho lroud owner of a ilolutoln cow which pavd birth to three culvoif tha trlplntsi ntid their motltnr are jolnir wall ale d mr diaries jjvmtliu- liroiw willnmt wlfrj lob angina cat and mr and mr satn llall of toronto upent tho 34th with mr and mr it j marc tho ownna aro ml thflr way to opnd uoveml montha abroad luformcr on tuesday ieo oatxopola a polft wild in flmployfrd at aali wan celohrat- inrr umpire pay hy ifottlnf off clant flreeraokera ono of which jucnladad as licuelokjn ilia left handfof wlitol tiiuuiajuuctju biowu ojt jim wit e llimnrihrrtr a h kitjiiuauiliuuuaii hwiui takut in- tmiaimr apn6rdnioix mo pltnuii of cuimdlftn uovt rwiunntr 1 ncllvltlrm tvr ciiptiind and held the ptihlln liiiiiulimtloh llku thn jioynl caititdluih mountud ollco 1 ha ccoril of thlu ruinuiim ttntly fh riiowiifld ihroutchoul thn world pnd whorivr vouwtuhulury iivit uitluhltmht d hoy ura ihohioiu 1 iurif4i1y on thn nvump tho ciuiadlan force tho koyul canadian uountni irp fokinicly thn ltoynl north wwil mount od iollco in ihi oruanlxatlon uhti whluli the uomlnlon aovknunuiu rnll rf for uto xoctllloii of kijaral it tflmlittlpn it lu liluo uvallihlo for utatanco to the irovlncoj in tli preurvntlan of law nml ordnr wlmn tlifi prat hen boenmn part of tlio-jdo- mlnlon the forto wau odtahllitliot 1173 to maintain hrltluh law in ttx how urea and u 11 dor tlio ii mt com- ittlhtilonor colonel atterwardu mujor- clenerul mir cianrn froiich tiin forcu thrun htiiidrod alrontf iimrclmil jl isti from hil hid hlvt r to the ilocky mouiilulnu tho march hua bdcomc fanioim in mtluury blutury for 1u 3000 i a piinh ivrouirh unknown tvrrltiry nml imiune houtlto trlbeif of indiana loom lk7fl to 1881 brilliant sorvlcn wan rtndorcd hy tho iollco in controlling tho uloux indiana wljo en- torod tho north wait torrltorlnii ufter the defeat of oonernl cuntor in tho upltod htntoa r au tho buffilo dlmlnluliod on tho lirairlm io imtlan jroom incrraaed tho ctikiudlan pacific hallway wan tltruat ncrona thu plalnu jn urn sdji and tho conntructlon brounht arjnlca fornlqn utborern into tho weatorn country imnjlcrutlon followed au tho rlomentn of lawlcauneaa and fro i j rcat wore prenont vat tho ollco iikj ware them atid by atruiuftb n ttblwncy and lncifmttlblo rt vchy pamiliah an iiimiiwoiu hi wlii rimitlly nfv 1 ho in imit iff lh t iv n to mi ollm wau tin 1 1 1 1 i dv iitylliit i vlhlt o ttn id fil ml uu 1 in luhl m in tin fornuir hi illty an hw il l in i o ri ililm 1 i yi i folnl in i mi m w l ir mrliln hild hi i fill nd oil hiiuio hoy hpi id nil iluht onii v i in iiiwi ii 1 ihjiliti t an ni yiu n oillln ti rtnu wld miy ov v im vi t li finlhii hi iliilnd ihviiil nil it nrilm l in fihlon imiiiim ni nv linirmf 11 urn why only th i tin r dny uiin v i tn i lib i mo it thnfi on hhiin n null 11 all no bo had a hi 1 liimin w nt i ni mi ti uolf oiiim uid iilaytd iiim tin iriinio affii tn n turn 1 1 to tin i inh ticuu iiuotlh r hi oh imiiin ild i lilin w1i hiimly how d i y uki tlm uanio o unwff it h illij hun bud niild hindy i irimt tiro hullj hut found rlicht flit kills moths and theit larvae does not stuit internal and external pams- aro tacomptly relieved by dq thomas eclectric oi t bon is a ttittiuonial yhay kcakb hih its noyhmguo cutativh qualiylta i for eyes that geck good looks and feet that crave comfort invictus shoes business directory medioal dr j a mcnivjen pliymjohan nod burjom oiilto and itt uhlonrn conn r llowetf avi iiuo and i ijcln lltrm i mtovi fl dr i j nelson i m in ut ic ftrnicartr acton oiurlo ltzqal iliono no 21 v o llov tit harold nasi i rahmni ma barrutar solicitor notary public convayncr etc pcnrtywan dlock acton ony moniy i i mt ov toii10aok1 hours j if il in to i p m haturd iy i 12 00 odock dr j m beli d d s us danttat honor aniduik if t r into unlvw ity til itto t tnmlhrtlr uukd tfv daalrnd ofllcn nt n il lincn nrnrr of uj aiu i rednrlrk stritn ttie j3est good sitot h l harrison editorial notes june wjis ushered in with a different kind of wetness from what may favored us with and it wasnt governed by a change of the moon either wonder if the flood that was loosed yesterday in ontario will be as hard to control as the rampage of the mississippi trent 10 a m to fl p m are to be the hours of alc of liquor this allows the thirsty longer hours to buy their liquor than they haveto do their bank ing the globe acton hus good reason to culcbratc this year with the diumond jubilee the opining of the new park entrant mid the forma opening of the new pave ment give real reason for celebration the kind offer of dr farmer to erect a bridge at the entrance to the new school grounds on willow street has opened the way for all citizens to have a part in beautifying the fine property all that should be necessary for the school board to supply i the landscape plan and many citizens will roll up their sleeves and oacomphsh the task while all honor 19 due lindbergh says the london free press it might be well to remember that some eight years ago when airplanes were frail craft compared with to day two englishmen capt john alcock and lieut arthur brown crossed the atbuviu from newfoundland to ireland they were tho first to make a noustop flight across the at lantlc bet6wn mra norman col lop of chicago la ftiuneat in aolibrac and mra a llsayonj vlaltod actan friends on sunday mr jjorne prwlp of toronto waa fttwftok end visitor in town owlnif to the heavy rkln tho uxcro match called for the 34 ih in thn park had to ho called off mr h jfackonxa la vice cap tain of llaltan qolf and country club tho qiembra or verdun jloheknh lodge held another uuccoiwful dance in uto arena last vrlday nbjtit mr macnamara rendered excellent mualc anil delicious refreshments woro oerv ed durlnic tho nvonlnff nd mm j m plshor of tor onto liavo returned home from a trip to chlcufio whero they mot their son dr stowart 1lshnr of kocwutht who imd just inluhod a upcial couriw in aurvory and who ac nipanled them homo by way of ckveland and buffalo at tho convocation at manitoba unl vorjlty wlrmlpe lust wek mr rcd itutt son or prof nml mra hutt uf gcorcvtown rcoeived tlw dceroo of muster of aria two years ajio 1yed received the xleireo of mastor of hclenco at wlnconuln university in addition to bis ix fl a daaro of toronto unlvcraltj trod a numerous friends here extend congratulations- heram grin ulss gilbert of toronto u vlslunc with miss cl uacmlllan miss marcarat mckachern spent tho weekend wltfi rrlonds in toronto miss nclllo miller r n of waluoc- burir is vlaltlng- at her borne hero mr and mrs lome overland tor onto motored ond anont hunday with tho rormera parentu mr and mrs l ovrrland liero mr and mra l d sponcer nee hlva mclaehhin and little son of itlff valky alberta aro vlsltinjf with mr v d uml mlua macmlllan thn inclement wtalhcr spoiled tho holiday tor many who hud plunnod motor trips an vi ii ua various pro- nmmmes of spurtu tliroushout tho oauntry mr lux bcott misses olive itobln- uan and mildred muloy of toronto miss llnsel isvans of quolph vent thd holiday with mr and mrs scott mrs j d tlouffli has returned to her homo at rochester n v after uiwiidltiij three wooks with her tl mutarcjdoajnett who iulu bufin qulto hi wo aro plea sod to report tluit mra arnctt la oonvalooclne mr and mrs ji ivankum and little daughter of llurrlston and dr and mrs ilutclilnaon and little daughter uf llrampton apent hho week vind with mr and mrs w hull mr cu mcmillan is the local la sucr of liiiuor iwrmlts locally there lu very uttlo enthualusm balnr dls played wo undorstand mr uqull ian has yet lo lusuo tho first permit advocate tnrtlstraflon order wum jrorved it wftndurinc tbcii rtnja scarlet roally won their spurs in uio south african war troopers from the orco eorvod with tho can dlun contlnuentu and tn tlm a rout rvnr two squadrons were raised far ovomeoji service one in jvanco and wmrlnaiberln uatthmlitaryirittiet of the mounted iollco work has larao ly luisusd and to day tboro is a croat variety of its duues such as iruard- inir aaalnst prairlo ilres and vf si tine lonely settlers durlnsr tho winter arctic luitrols prevention of aalo ami amuacllnir of narcotics thoudmlnlstra tlon of the naturalization act tlio canada tcmpcninct act tho quarnn linn act und all tlie divert ledora laws which require police aid in 1006 the prolix iloyal wan lvn to tin i oree after consplououa work in tho yukon territory durimr the lld ruaii days in 1030 tho ioiili lost its strictly western chuructlr und bicuma a do mlnionwldo body thc hi ndquurtcru which for muhy yura hud ixin at lteglno suakatchcwun moved to ot tawu 1 or nearly forty ycurn the mounted police had boi n prominent in the rapll dlvclupment oc tlio prairlo xtty of itci inn but to day with head quarters in tho capital tui constables- truvol from tho atuwlllc to tho in cin and from dil inttcnatlonul bounl u ry to llhsmere iulund in tho arctic i rum tho orlalnul rorco of 300 men the mounted police hnu crown to a strencth of over 1000 when it was formod tho train in u waa that of a nvtuuh cavalry regiment while to day it varlen from horsemanship to crim inal tlotcctlon and tho study of tho law burlington mn mr und mra is c poorer data wura vonun removed to at cath urtneu tlifs wttok wltoro they will re ldo lit the futun mrs mcorultl of new york sjwjnt u row days last wtek with jitr mother mrs iroucott uf appleby mr lloyd llunin bus accoptod a lwlllon us radio- apnouncer for c1coc hamilton ant mwv4ilco soumla le natural throukh the inoffuphune tr a c humlt and d hyiilop spimit tho past week at llurka fulls on ouhlna xpiditlou and reiiort a spioodjd outlnsi althoutfli the weathor was not the muut pltaaunt mrs lvtrott him p land is spondlnti a fow daji at her homo at alllston her broth r wum injured in the wreck on the c i it at nliwgon rt coolly and lw eonhnvd to tho boupltut al orl william win i otherulll shot a young- bald- h on dml iuh on his futhirs furm nt appllbv on victoria day the f im 11 a attention was attracted ty tho nolsu or tho chickens und craws and nrlnu a 1u11 william brought down lilrd nrst shot ii is u uood snecl- iiu n und fulrly lurtii for its uun nhii tlllpln und blu fuuigug rldo xuu nolhlnu on the runaway which occui wd un ihuiil utrstt up 1vljay nmrnlnic i a hum of horiws owiimi und irlvon by a 1 hushy und attalhtui o u sted drill took frlubt while ut vurk mar ths c n m ststlon und iurtod on m their mud carter down irant lltrit mr ltusby stuck to bis pout during j ho run and fltuilty laouiiht tlit animals to u halt ut thw rnor of llruut uml jamoa tltrsotu csuotts howu this onet a ticotchmun wus strolllns throlifllv the market place in qlusgow ono day and clone at bis buolu followed bis faithful collie attructod by u ono dlsphiy of shell and other nsli the ticot stopped to admire perhaps to purchase tho dog stood by contly wutiulnu lla tall wiillo its nuuttor on icutird the flnhmonffcr in convernatlon unfortunately for the beast lo its tail dropped for a moment over a baskot ful uf nnc mvu lobsters instantly ono uf uio luruent lobsters snapped its cluwu on tho tail and tho narprleed collie das hod off throucji the mnrkot yolplnic with itiln wbllu tho lobster hutiir on crlmly tlioush dashed vio lently from side to side the -flnh- monor for u moment was speocbloaa ulth lndlinutlon then turning to hln prosiiectlvo customer bo bawled muni monl whuutla to jcr doff whustlo to ycr duff hpl mon returned tho other com placontly whuule to yer lo outer cdcn milld the w m b of itockwuutl continu ing ireiibyterluu church vuu livid ut mrs wm croft a homo on thursday with a rood attunduuee tho yount ptoplu u ooculyiof tho united church hold u mystic tea in tho hull on the qvcnlim of tho 23rd for somo weeks a keen contest bua boon curried on as to whlih tlum would ealn tho best attendance ut tho week ly mootlnga tho winning uldo tiulned 71 and the loului 70 tho lulttr uuroo ini to entertain tho former rhouuh the weather wun uufavurublo thora was a cod numbir attended and a ill muni tlmu spent tho annual mot tlnff of the woinun lmuliuto nut ut mm jon lutrtlenc homo on wnlntu uiy lttth mrs jua uuihiuoii tvuu iloelid litnljimt und mm l culurt htcntuii mr john wilson in hum from tin geuorul hospital ills condition id iliuro hopeful keep your eye peeled z old and odd ccys of ill there i i have u y wrt 1r- f 1 wjfl ii w- imtr uu uuj off-o- clrculauon nod liiyinc mound lndrawcra tluit have nr ityaliu fur nxumpw tho conptr jpn dited ih30 with twjllnnlr of mnntn oouut lallio juuiiolty-uc- uiucjjlai uolnu nfcaiuk itp thenarecotjm cataloqbt vollif yon ubrntttltc vnrooinx of dltftrtnt countries includinit canada and the ijrllii ii col ni n unl llvcn jou tho jirlcca i irunrunteo lo pay for name scnt pogtpaid for eighteen centb7fcnttoctnrfiln7m3a will do w wurtembura 8tret jamesearson dohety ottawa ontario dr j h johnson dds ld5 dntst bdrgoon ofilce over ii ink of nm scotia ti t i phoni it mi8ccllaneoud francis nunan deekblndar account books of all kinds mad t ordpr periodicals of f very descrip tion curcfully hound mit and promptly done wyndham street quolph out over william store 3httttomkjshrraee3tate list voim rnopnttt with iii vwjtn o tabh- ovep30 years the same good tea imow packed in aluminum red rose isgoofiteef red rose orange pekoe extra good this great healing oil must banish eczema and skin troubles or iowr money back hints uio plan on which emerald oil la sold by e j haiaaitl and all good druggists vl makt up your mind to day tint yoi aro itolnn lo uivo our akin chunco to ket well you vo probably been like a lot of other people convinced th it tho only thlnir to uuo wan an ointment or ualvo sotaoof uiuulutc vori- iood hut ln tho bli injijorlty of cuscu thcuu ntlcky salves simply elua thu i on i and tho condition primarily remains the same go to 1 j husnard or any other sood drucflnt to day and cot an orli inal bottl of moonos rmerald oil tho very first application will iritfo you relief and u fow short troatmentu will thoroughly oonvlnco you thut by ittcklnt faithfully to it for a short vrtillu j our akin trouhli a w 111 1m thlnir of tho past don t expect a riliikle i ottli to do it all at onco but ono bottlu wu know u lit ehow you be yuml l1 luojtlon that luu hut ul llllt h v n i ttuy to re itore um jkln to pirfoot health itemember 4hut mwiikh i nu raid oil lu a clean powerful penetrutlna antiseptic oil that does not otuin lenvo a ureas r uldui and that must uive omplute n kuifuctlun your hiom y cheerfully refun led mr mi la 1u uih lu rt th hospital hit htnlth is cuuraulnji uu hln fri nils mns w wohh uml lln sou are somewhat liupi o itlll cunanud to im d mrs j 1 norilsh hud tho misfor- ino to full a row duyvt ko and hurt jr kneu julto badly mrs a 1 uudd if irkitod cull i un rrl mis of tho vlll u 1 ml week tho fortnllhlly uoilul dub duncos closed on 1 rlday nitfht for nmr to tho relief tf inm vllluiiim whusi rent the nolso whleh is tiuth oeeualonu mr v aiideiaon lu m ml t i outdph bavlnu uituurt w ilt in mi mirun im n ut od yml jl iuiumuh lunl of tho c n it 1 and n h muthhull are pultliitf up a ut w uct of ueltfh seuluit ut tlu nluuoii dr muishull 1 1 ulso 1 1 etluu iheela at tho uumo 1 luei jtov a l muruili mid mr john murwlnll uj to luhfinmi it uuinil tun this umk iu loe i buhibull tium pluyt 1 u pruetlco tamo ut tho nk itoud on huturday uvenl ntr dsh for n h wll vd tbuunh of the in tut hod by lutd with what the red cross is doing for flie sood of canada for die veteran befriends 3300 soldiers fill in hospital relieves sickness and need in their families cares for the soldier settler provides sheltered employment for die disabled in diree veterans workshops tor the children through junior red cross has aided 5000 crippled children and has pledged over 137000 stho practice health lutbits and to serve odicrs jfor the pioneer dfinis nursing service to those in frontier districts through 39 outpost hospitals and nursing stations tor the new canadian i wclaimes and gives needed attention to immigrant mothers and children ic three seaport nurseries for the mothers and daughters in hurbc nursing classes has taught principles of mining diet and home hygiene to over 12000 women and yrl tor the disaster victim is organized to afford prompt rehc to sufferers from fire uood and epidemic nationwide appeal canadian red cross society suj coulnuutua tat olu dlvuuiu cuuu kj criml suuty 410 suuj slnak tomk oaurlo auto and acchent insurance ask about our new plan auto insrrance special features a c nicklinv dower avenue a insurance of all kinds jlionay to loan collections wo handli olhctloiu on 3c oars expii eiicu ip ikn f itself nnourlnc eilleieuc and r hub lilt j kelly s aiken col i i ctoits oranasville and owen sound itof standard itunk of canada monuments mark every grave acton monument worlis farmers accessory shop sprint time necessities on i nd what abftt somo i ertlllxer i oo i fir grain corn or roots a u that i w vsrtlluor turnip drill somo iro jonctnir and galea tu protect our cropi a mow rjow or feultl itor don i foriret about that m w m r and unite liny iondeir oi h iru 1 ii mtnt how about juur w iter si ly your pumps wlmutniln t tc on also need a certain amount if ro lr idndly maku joui roiiulrm nts known to us unl w will i ho ynu our very hest servlei wlro strurilns and hopulrinti of all kliulii hive prompt uttentii n th ink jmi c ill amin j w dardliincl phone 1063 acton ont wool wanted r h burbaur hiltsburg will be ut the cnnadtnn na tional railway stution acton june 2 9 16 to buy wool for the guuph wonted und bpinniin cu highest market pncta paid runners mutkit your wool direct tu the mills 4