gtijie- jvct in v i i ill iii iii from ilia liiu tliurlay ir jinn lum llir ilrrjmiiii j oil wlllo- mi a u w rln iioiir of ljr artmt sfaftf irraa wrru nrl rl town wfi till alton 1 id i ihkns pulilliirl rvci thiiiiuy criit at tlir i tee lrr llnl una uill strrrt ac ion ontario flir tillut rition prke i- u- xr in wntr ioalaffc n charfful aildhiunal l ftci ll itc uiiilrti state llr date t wlihh ul njuuni c paid l hi tuil i on tlir alrr uui avintisln tatis lor tu i tmuiui ftl xwcrhirmrno and in itlirr rolumn the rani will lr fni 1 i rail iin i ila advertiiitik rjtri m appl all u a ijji 1s alitor ami iropiul tflumonls erftiorul ml n ueaulcucc mr jnmtn 1 thursday evening november 3 1027 nmovrd ffuni u lutn ijtuin v- profitable himkkiinj f a cleveland jury lfir just awarded it womnn vj7i ditmurc ofiamm n policeman hecnirc he nr- rcted her fni spooninp with her liiilmnd in their automobile on one of the streets of that city grant ed that the policeman mijilit have heen a little ovcr- rcnlnus in the execution of his duty and might linvc had ionic- reason for beinj sceptical of their state meni that they wore husband and wife it must he admitted that this wns a profitable few moments of spooning for this pair their plea that the full moon on the night in question wns irresistible must have touched a responsive chord in tlic heart of the jury which was com posed of six men and six women syvcrnl of thcni well on in years there is one drs- ndvnntnjje in living in a smnll town like acton where chief mcphcrson knows most of the married couples not many acton pairs would be able to pet away ih such profitable spooninj at home hut it might 1l worked out on the city police results such as the cleveland pair secured cannot always be assured however and possibly a jury from a canadian city iould reverse the decision and impose a fine and it might prou rather expensive mr ii h l editorial t u fi iii titnii r canada in the councils of the nations uumiun at the league of nations convention at geneva it in switzerland recently canada cuba and jfinland j were elected to fill the three vacant nonpermanent feats on the council of the league of notions for hrce year terms fortynine states took part in the voting culajeceved41i votes finland 33 unji ry iij conadirreeetvtnc one vote marc than ilie necessaryabsolute majority of 35- greece was oh canadas nearest competitor for the third seat get hou tm 23 votes portugal received 10 votes uruguay 3 and haiti i kpcculfluotui ami investment we suppose a man has a right to do what he pleases with his own money that many arc induced by glib tnngucd agents to invest their hard earned dollars in schemes mining oil stocks etc without them first making careful inquiry into the sound ncss or reliability of such schemes ii altogether evident the desire to double your dollars on a chance is so human that it is not surprising that oftentimes men who arc generally considered cau tious and shrewd arc victims to smooth talking agents who come along and present a sure thing p the way of investment this community has been tctimizcd not once or twice but many times and the recent exposure of the nrts of the swindlers at ottawa is but another in the long list of how men with money become the dupes of the swindlers the promise of quick and big returns is very enticing to the man who has a few hundred dollars for invest ment dear only knows it is not because the public have not boon warned the lessons orycsttrdat seem to bo forgotten in view of the promises of to morrow and so notwithstanding the scar of the u ir r jinn uun recent burns the victims im the blme-iliflt- n ftiiutu l umwuuoaiufolra -too- ittrtwcentlihtr promising aiturtncy are again unselfihh campaign tor prohibition in his last letter in the cause of prohition says the literary digest of new york wayne b wheeler for many years the great leader of the antisaloon league who dfed a few weeks ngo said we have won each step of this long hottlc by none but honor able methods even though we have fought the most unscrupulous foe known ta history we have con served the results of our victories in spite of the massed assaults of the allied forces of commercial izod vice and appetite we have fought unselfishly as you in your own experience know only too well the champions of a sober america have given them selves sacnficially our foes fight for selfish advant age whether that be the gratification of an appetite or the desire for the profits of the tiquor trade we have fought for the good of generations yet unborn sihjjcul let us again repeat do not invest in hny speculation orselfcmc presented by any agent without first consulting your banker he will give you sound advice ho will never mislead you better to caujious than sorry winches ten press frlen lkun it vou till ring tliankhgivuwj- ann la tice monday is the day set apart by parliament for this year or the annual day of thanksgiving not that we shouldn t be thankful tor the other three hundred and sixty four days of the year but that this one day should be designated as a day on which to give thanks to the giver of all things for the plenti- tude we have enjoyed taken as a sort of summary of the years blessings or a day when you could count your many blessings one by one it seems is if a day is hardly enough for the task looking back over the year it is not hard to find many things tc be thankful for there is rarely a dny that does not have many causes for thankfulness on monday in the odd moments between the festivities sit down and make a mental summary of the goodnesses that have come to you this year coming as thanksgiving day docs now as a joint day with armistic day the shadow them have given way to the years of peace the long years of war during which the griefs seem to outnumber the blessings or perhaps just over shadowed them have given way to the years of peace and plenty and it is only fitting that all should rejoice during these years and give thanks for the peace that has been restored and that excellent programme that has been carried out in acton each year gives us all a few moments in which to pay tribute to our soldier heroes and to sympathize with the otics who lost their dear ones j the proverba arc still itight there is a foolish idea prevalent among worldly wise young people that the old fashioned virtues are no longer suitable as a rule of conduct in modern life writes the framcr of an editorial in a recent hamilton spectator s saturday issue they seem to assume thai though they may have been good enough for our unsophisticated forefathers no in tclhgcnt person eon take any stock in them to day honesty is the best policy cheats never prosper moral stand bys like these arc beginning to loic their appeal it is to be fcaied rumors about tor cup t ion ii high places the notmn that business success is frequently the result of sharp practice the indifference with which crime and law breaking arc too often regarded how do the timely proverbs about holding to the narrow path of rectitude tit in with these ugly tucts but it is not the proverbs that are arc amiss they arc torevcr right anyone who thinks tllflt crookedness of any sort whether it be oil the large or small scale can pciniunently succeed is to be pitied dishonesty may tor a time seem to get results but only for aumc the day of reckoning always comes sooner or later nothing can come out ot wrongdoing but ultimate loss be assured there is only one way tp achieve permanent success of any sort and that is by the good old methods of personal integrity lvcrytlnng which weakens character weakens also the prospect of success the fact is recognized by hard4ioadojbusiness njerrqmte ab much as by seutimeutalits work thrift leitiper- ancc moral living honesty in every undertaking these are btill the best rules of life 1 hey are eternal and no change in the hahnvor customs of society cau pusubly affect their validity the town band the following article has been going the rounds of tlil press for the past few weeks but it contains so much praise for that worthy institution the town band that we offer no apologies for the re publishing of it again the motional side of our natures craves expression and we often find it in whys thai are not beneficial and sometimes rcnll harmful do we not owe it to ourselves and to cur young people to see that we and they have the best possible means of emotional sublimation music is recognized to be a particularly enjoyable emotional stimulus and at the same time a mental refreshment and a food for the spiritual part of us the essentials of music inculcated in the youthful mind prove to be an invaluable constructive force from which may be deprived the best emotional pleasure and mental sustenance of all the forms of music the citizens band fulfills this inherent need most satisfactorily for the band appeals strongly and instinctively to one and all of us regardless of temperament be sides being a pastime and u pleasure music is also a subject of study and a vocation and has been classed as an absolute necessity as someone has said not necessary to life bui lo living how true this is in many cases it has changed a state of mere existence to a happy purposeful life of action the home town band has been the training school of many of the worlds greatest artists in the realm of music and they look back to their youthful strivings with an inexplicable feeling of wonder and tender ncss for they realize that it was there in the small town band as they gave their concerts in the park before enthusiastic audiences of their own townsfolk and those from neighboring communities that they had acquired their hrst knowledge and genuine love and appreciation of music that greatest of the arts yes the town band has been the first stepping stone of success in many brilliant careers editorial notes the milton reformer has passed its forty second milestone this wetk and its vigor is noi wuning with age but under lditor white the reformer continues tu keep milton to the fore hon james g gardiner premier of saskalche wan predicts u population for anada of 21 0h oou b 1050 like i miner he bxhcvcs thai the 1 0th century belonged to me united states and the 20th to anadu according to magistrate jclfs of hamilton since the advent of the liquor control act the revenue of the police c ourl has been increased from two to three hundred dollars per day it tecms to be very successful in creating more drunkenness 1 be pioinpt catching of the umpbellvillc bank i ohhcis will take away sonic of the en 1 1 cement of onths for this kind of banditry and a good stiff sciiience handed out to these young chaps would prove an excellent object lesson lo others who might be considering such outlawry 1 in spile of all the good liquor that is never supposed to hurt anyone wc still read accounts in the daily papers of people dying after drunken carousals and the victim lust week in toronto hud a permit for procuring liquor from u government store it surely is sonic business the province of ontario is into the motor acudcn1 to the little son of mr atu mrs j v savage on monday cvenmj which is the second accident of itskmd this year in acton shows motorists it is their duty to protect the children quid in lit jlay ure heedless of all else but their sports and a group of youngsters at play should be a wnrilihg for double cure from the motoi ist nidi r lit iliijlt in 1 t i nlun on u iii ihll til wlnt i m uiil mm s c iiimittu it ti uil i ii n r tr ml mr in mi 1 rr luvin kuii mill tmifihtrr aur ii ill 1 ml na h i riul ii ur sliiiifii tutr- wero we k rn i vliltwrn nt th hum r m il 1 h lllliim w till iikrr xi h j m ami nil rtltn lirutnli ixiiii fiom si j mt nil n llusiiltit hun ulon iril0 und a luiiipit i null ration t i nil fiilfwltu dlh r iic ulmruiitil in in lciutl au tu lrlwih an rrmlnitcd tu tnk licet lo llidai- uulll jlltzuu 1 ln lt4v n i n i li il nr ullt nun tiivliifi lci put ik rr fur t 1c rtl inner ami mif tj ir hcmiimv en ami tlit publk ir ulthiiiir mil jptri fcjlrecli hi r ilil llintjillel hi imlrr in aii r i incrailni iomi lucor 1 milton tlir lint of 111 wltlm ddu hull 1 lim for ulllmi mrrctiunt fur r wuu hi id jritrrduy marshall uf milton ald in ntlunil lioi lurnd kutiaiu oi mlnouurl hfir t ml i it nirrtirul ronv ntion oiupaiilrd by ilia mil itiruu mr niii diwuoii imi in d tu tlla ih mi r iiiultioli with iii h tk rndd hlu honor jud r uliot in huldlm a must dully m imlunu in tin mutter of tl uppralti m tltin i tlir cou nty dun r n cuulinitioii thr uducbament it it ii tie noinn tllii ptobubly before ili h arlliltn in flnln rl in inn numir ii mllllch tlltp w 11 be no nrrtliis ot tl utility olln 11 until tl whu utter hun inn llirofilird out 1 he t rnrnl 11 nd riion chun lil i f nrlui w a 11 iih 1 uiul full 11 r nrlno ml ii lluilnllrhl no i ur ml uiki mm hotinrii id r mllliui left lutii it ur ti i u it th nil rnt tu i thlr huu i w tr il unci li i ui il that n in hun 111 1 wliu in in mil i ilurtlilliil ih ulni vcrj f uhil bill i 111 thu flul hplluu nii nil undi ml it hint mom iiy inuii iii 1411 j klin of j 11 ruritirr milt in himihu if i mi d ih u tlltlillin 3hl would watch thc wcathlii babysowh soap i ink tn id u i id ti n tu i ttttt r tin- mr hi tiin hi tu mr-mitiwi- y irz t samd fonts fragrant creamy father tint h h 1 1 t uii vvltl ok it mill him hi li in th ull i fi u illllllltlb b jan in ik lit ir f it ill 1 i ut i ud nt inu t j i i mi mi itu idujuld i ii inn n ml v mi dilmm it dn t luk ilk uill but if it nhoull 111 i uu kiurt 8ef faryou and bam riiiiur b a hi too he bank of montreal on november 3rd completed the 110th year of it existence oieiiing its first ifflie lt motiticul 50 years prior to the con tcdefit ion of canada the oiamond jubilee ot wiiilii was celebrated by the oetimnioii rhi3 year it ins steadily cxtndcd into every part of british worth america today it lias over 600 branches located throughout canada and we wfoundl ind with its own of fiecs m grenr bnrain brain e the ljinted states and mexico and offers unexcelled facilities in all departments of domestic and for eign banking mark every gn acton monument w jnicol main h weekly fashioi i igl ul i ml k m k ms ior ihr vrtrl hnir wishr t ib 1 lr to kiw tin- th u uul ind one littl thai in hiciu ih uity uillm rriiini imlliiiif iniiltl l luj iii in um nc imtc ir culm mjm with ikiii hlur willi titiiimiinis i i ilrihinii itu ulli 1 ii tluiaiiih iut nn 11 li tw 1 miiiril sinuilx in hrre rti irtnlnnly mt m mm i mil 1 1 lin in sulihitiptioiiri or all iwuri nt itie vwn ohlco