Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1928, p. 1

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fitytliiril ycui no 11 tiiuhsdayevening ffmfuahy in l2ll acton ontario canada tmuusday fvening fenruahy 10 1028 four homeprint rn five cents slfitrrif swruiwii ihtiteu cljurrlj nf cmuiim aclon and district minister iuv v parsonage wll 11 00 u m tin- ft the tragedy of age 2 30 p in sunday two miracles of in 7 00 thn che monday ii 00 p ililitlh- thurnduy i 3ii praise bervlre nl prayer and jliciiinjtittau knox church acton itrwart m a 1100 a mthc minister subject the ileal is yd to be 300 p m sunday school 7 00 p m- the minister subject fir pen tuner unlo life monday 0 00 p in ysiung people aulld strangers leaving addrrvi with th ililicrn will be cnllid upon by the partoi suuhul cdlfurrlf acton evening service 330 p m sunday school bible clasn 7 00 p it ful ailing monday mrcung thursday bervlce subject peoples unclassified small advertisements lost on saturday morning on single ley reward if rrtu piuam ofllcc roit salt two general purposes lit right every way apply auction sale d a overland 8th unr erin will j hold a clcarlug bale of very choice live stock implements etc on february 22 hoy hwdley auctioneer fuitnltuili sale mm mcdowell will hold u sale of household effects in erin village on saturday february 18 roy hindus y auctioneer a chosen now a wise investment w ii lor the rciiiiitiuik weeks o winter and then pack i liway fur further wear next sensnn you will have n oodiookini hilliypc model a a quality you can he proud to wear foi several seasons to come and it will cost you only u inictimi ilf the usual lijure clearance savings range up to half price and hicr than that so lur all oats that have rejulirly been priced up to 10 for all coals lluit hnve regularly heen priced up to 7050 35 for all couts that have rerulnrty been priced up to 0050 30 tor all coats that have regularly been priced up to 50 50 miirkdownh j tint an drnhtie amnnj the ijowcrpriced coat 10 lf 20 25 new hats wliicrm spring s29 and 305 special values sliifitiij stlks auti hiil int which br of fashion in line and frimminj and interest to winter wardrobes when wor the bust spring colors included i or the ncweit whims which will add fresh top coat furs all jaiuart fr for spri jd likeable twopiece styles with a new spring manner the jerseys m pineapple italian blue rosewood peach nile green cafe crenie and grasshopper green the kasha frocks in natural shade trimmed with bright red or green or blue irresistible in style especially when the prices are so i6w all the iv v and girl coats immense ly reduced a popular dance the dance by the mason orclicntra last friday proved a very popular one indeed thr hall wan crowded to ili capacity and a real rood time had by those in attendance the oldtime and xa indulged l mauin orchentra provided tir music i a splendid lunrheon won nerved a llleh krhool kalhir the toronto fltar nnyn john m warrrti the newly elected chairman of the it iffh school hoard of the township of york mluht well lie termed one of tlu- itfjih bclwol pathcrn- lif the mun icipality he won one of the members of tile llrst board lie hai taken a keen inlrrrrl in the erection or township choh seriously injured by a all laisl friday mm william yllllums lake avenue had tlic mlafnrtui to fall on the ice at tile bade door of hi rcsld- nicc and tcvercly strain the muscles and uglmcntn of the right hi in she lay on the lcc helilenn for five or ten minutes before her plight won diiicovered this honored aged citizen lion buffered a rood deal since the accident but ln making tome progress toward recovery honored rctlrlnc teacher mrs wm paul who line been tlie iiopular teacher of o b no 2 najma- wcya for five years liofljrenlirned on irlday eventns last the truntecn and a large number or rate pay cm met at the home of alfred itordcr where mrn paul was the recipient of a handsome mantel clock and oji appropriate addreul ex- warden e abucw wan chairman and naqtciaffiiwetiraenvcnatiytiubiic scnoor inspector j m denycn or milton and otticrs milton ci lamp ion the communitys social side of life vtaitnrh to niwl vom town oiirinp i tlio iat week iih glcnneil by tlic free ireih oeoitae lawoon alter more umn twelve yenrn wlui tli rd fllove comiaiiy mid hecomlii f am lot time oeorue ijiwijii of 7 pane gtreet tonmui died mil violet crdn the william duncan appeal case an appeal was entered oqaliutt the ence of william duncnn the driver ntencc she i ijally tlobtne 530 p kircptlnr wrdnestlay itunla nt 930 p m at 1230 noon and d macdonald bros ltd uuelphs leading and largest store ftffhmfbbrwfttw auction sale geo berry lot uu 3rd unc ertn wll hold a clearing bulr of turm stock implements etc on friday february 2 implcmcntri all nearly new hoy hindujy aucuonecr timhik ton salk jj1i0 firt 111 lrl irik lied phm hmkh is w mofiat con 4 niiuu is x- caftd of thanks the mason orchestra desire ui publicly uiank all who helped in many wayu u make their dunce uucli a tiicccii lut lriday evrtiluij to thojbe who supplied biildntf and helped by othem means and to all who putrunlwd the event they are ijraleful for the support accorded cuuing auction sale wallace ii younu uit jli concession 11 on 10th line of erin will hold u cjcarlnu hale ux fnrui til6ck olid iniul meiita on tucuday february 21 com- i mrncliiit at 12 30 shun a very choice bunch of horses will be mild includlm several line brood marri uoy hindlly aucuonrer ptuiuc 150 krln it h no 3 acton specials for this week granulated sugar 10 lbs foi 1otatofs per peek mclur tiers 1 jelly iuu eketb fur onions 68c 23c 25c 25c french fryers to clear at each pork lieans m mm 2 for black tea per lb dish pan deal 75c d 29c 58c 148 barga ins in footwear at harrisons rlihma llilbtifin hpila 11ob iu trii r ill kind a the place of quality footwean at low prices h l harrison wo cloto every wodnottday attqrnoon all tho yoar round excopt doc om bar spy apples i iliilie per peck 60c chain red white sto j w jones phone 2g acton ont this week scandy specials le walnut crrun irmilur 4 uihlui chikiilau- tlirrrlei per lb inr ikiilur ilie ii or lb wonderland mliitay ireilhitalty 17 mr wllu- a vlld- drama nt hie umn mireery of the orient tlarrliif chunry ctmiedj- klltlri umn lvllx hehiud the fnni satihiijay nillliiakv foreign do ils titan hit tim mrci d ctumiiluten rnuiur 4llc ulid soe lb for lb ice cream in brick ok hulk uelightftil i u lichen und meals at opr rcutaurnnt harold wiles acton j fi tlnlst ni- jiiimiay i tiiuiialty the iruirit king iominti llit iiitr iaraile k u gkegoiv son rineral 1huki swackhamer i amiiiiu furniture amiuiwnck keuvice ieriurii sis0 in s7s0 hardware we uiv i iiiiplellnit our tik i hi this drpurutlent our uiotu a spiaiu ikil iiitrtu hltiht prlir specials for this week a lb lid null oik und kiln axe 1 lindlr i eu h tlluw ui tiul nliow1 eai ll hor and 100 itariiiih in kiuinutwiire oi hc motor ear containing ihtr camp- bcllvillo banlc uandlui on uic claim that lie did not know ills companion wc fjjruwr twnl tin tile mr cleiinie altl detroit lor orr mlw ilelin cuxr moj home from tor onto unlvcndly for over sunday mr hector mcdonald of dtrolt ww hoinr for tlu weekend holiday mm eniril cole- and mr- olbbon vllti d ouelph iclatlves on friday mlv marjirlr ijiwmui toronto visit id acton trlends over the week end mr harold kulcllllr of delrolt vlclt- rd acton friend over the weekend m and mrs robert ileld v lilted their son mr huirh iuld erin on sunday mlwi jessie mater of toronto vtilted her sinter up c joiirr over sunday mlvn liorb maddnrk of toronto vlnlt ed with frkndn in aclon oer the week- was home from at his home on saturday mr lawum utu home froiri came from scotland 3 yearn nio and end eltled at kitchener later innvlnu b n vllted friends aelon and to tnrunui to join the howard ektnd company survlvlnu are hbi wife nee a i- iron i j- iekend nd him fn md mlvi u to lilo the nd len i jindiboroiifi sjieiil uie ith iiend in kitchener and quit miss k llltli or aetiui attended the funeral of the lite a it hewetsuii of urampton nd miss tlilmz td acton friend mr i- red warn aimer of toronto n sunday miss irene moor i the of in vlilud lost mljs mlrkiriuaaeii of ouelph encnt the weetend with her jrand parents mr and mm t pkiartin mill mm c 11 mnonnnrt mr andai l vl v i uilr muhnr l-i- jmilni altxrt brawn orxit wreltend wltli o- uie ease conns up- in the appelate qourt at ocaoodc hall last week police macutrate moore liaa been advised that title sentence of ten yearn in iclnijatoii penitentiary slanda but that the cccond infliction ui ten laches was remitted metropolitan church to htay on banie bite followlna a mectlna on monday of tin special committee appointed to bruin hi plans rctfording the rulurc of metropoli tan united church which won destroyed by fire a few days ajo it wan announced that nisht that metropolitan church would continue to be on the trcecnt nltv bounded by queen bond church and tihuter btrecu but that uie committee had not decided yet whether to rr-om- tnend rcconatctlon of the present bulldlna or tho erection of a new odlflce guelph junction hallway dividend la declared ouelph junction i loll way dlreclom at their annual mectlns in ouelph on mon day reelccud j m taylor president lor uie ccvcnui successive year a divid end of 0a per crat for uic laat quarter won declared the carnlnba of uic road for 1037 showing a ulhjht increase over 1020 eotald harry mohoncy who has been business ajjent for uic railway fur uie past rive yearn liandcd in liln rcala- nauun but no action waa taken rcjjard- inn uie appointment of a successor mayor h d ho neon of ouelph was choccn vicepresident and city assess ment commissioner o d hasunu- ec- c re tary trcacurcr slje wu no lady a troiaujar younu man met wlui rauier on unpleasant cxjicrlence recently when rctumhm from toronto lie notic ed a lody apparcnuy in dutrcsa wlui her car near ertn dale and dclna filled with chivalrous ideas he not out of his car d proffered assistance to his surprise two men stepped from behind luc car and uic cry of hands up met his car the lady 7 relieved him of his valu ables and a num of 14 30 adding insult to hi jury by returning him 30c to buy nas and then driving off this should lesson to our young men to relieve distressed damsel only in broad daylight and in a crowded district milton re former cordon ciallifher kent to jail lout uiuulh oordon aailaiuir whose residence is quite changeable brought three cases of ontario dispensary beer to town and stored it in a bedroom of uic house uii main utrcct occupied by james mrrryweauier tlic cuulc eye oi chief mcphcrson who to a special officer fur uie enforcement of uic liijuor control act did nut tall to observe uic effort bejim made to evade the act charges ucrc laid and gallagher caine up fur trial before police magistrate moore on saturday afunioon three wltneics iravr evidence of sales by hlni and uie payment of money fur same he was convicted and sentenced u three moiitlis imprisonment at liard labor hal tan protective aciiorullan the annual mrcxlng of uic llalton prouctlvi assoclution was held in mu- uui lust frlduiy every town and lowushli bring rr presented tljerc li now over si 000 in the treasury fur uic purpose of uldluii in the prosecution of live stork and chicken uiicvcs the following of fice were elected for uic ensuing year president w e uccrcady trtalgar township vicepresident w j cle- iiuii li muuni tiecrclarytrcaourer j 11 wilson lyafaluar township auditor w j mccunalian mlllou directors nel- um tounsiilp ii cartwright liy htcvcnson w d uhlelds m dlcu and ucorgc agncw trafalgar township t held it it anderson f c wlllmotl and and it hush jr esqurslng township p lialle t chlsholm j w elliott p mclllbboii und k j jruhaui nossa- iuweya tounshlp a anderson w itcld and e elleuuin milton a mcolbbon ktioi youiit iruplra mretliij tlie nuctlni on monday evening was in the tiainta of the tkalal and look out coinnilttees mlj e pulrlek opened tlu iiieelini by reading uu- scripture lis on olloucd by a prayer by itev a v lite wart master harold tikllllng then favored the audlcnre with a piano olo followed by u duutt by ml j e orr und mr v ii itumley miss vera hurst told the suiry of hi valentine miss a collier favored the meeting wlui a nolo followed by a selection by a number of joung kople urn hall gave on auu- hurp selection und mus fatiors hurst di u readhib and then followed a scuctlim from a mlxud luartette uta clarion morton gave a reading after which a number of hearts were passed amund nueh having a number on the back the tublis lulng all numbered and the one lioliij u the table with uie number that corresponded in that ur the one on the heart each table had to eoiuixu u vitm- and no 1 table won uu- prize a bounlllul liuxh was seived and a mmui time spent mlves marlon schools of mr ii mr and mr chener iciit u parent- mr mid mrs o ibqrown mrs jumi llvliirtonc j of ouelph spent a few days durlni the week wiul her parent mr and mrs cleorgc soper mr carlos william- of hault btc marie spent uie weekend wlui his parents mr and mm william williams ijike avenue olive coopir jran paul and hoblln of lorouto nonnal pent th- neckend at the home nd mrs wm cooper mrs charlotte mac donald and miss coriime and mr clurdiui johnuin of hamilton spent the weekend at uic home of ml and mr e ii vincent mr laird mcdonald of detroit and miss helen mcdonald of toronto uni versity were home for over the weekend mr maxwell uell wai home from tor onto over bunduy mr and mrs hoy uallram who hac beun visiting at the home of her sister mrs oconfr murray und with ottili friends in this vlctnltj relumed it their home at fort william today messrs albert arthur und clarence ijiliiu mku eiipheiiila l ilnt urd mrs o murray toronto and miss iji1ii- cf guelph attended the funeral of the late mlvs alllr ijihu here on tuesday itev mr coburn nf the deparuilent of evangelism and social in rvlce of uic united cliurch of canada tnrouto wai the iucst of itev und mrs itjole at the parminaci- during t ilr ui in town mr and mrs lluith caldwell cheiu-n- hain unnouiue uie eiimcuieiit uf their daukhur kleila ilubj to alexander mc laren son e1 mr and mrs duncan mclaren erin marriage to take place iilcuy in february james graham our cnerablc and ed felloucitluii and llfclom printer who resides with miss graham mill and elkln tjlreels celebrated ills 02nd birthday on tuesday tin iwia piiaii ollun iuiarly cuniiratulauons fathck and son uanquet splendid fveniiic by the men uiblr lijji u the ilaplut undnmrjir bom in erin toynshlp lot 0 uilrd line on aniruatll 105t on march i ibst hi uii1ij1 n liftlymiillylftitrlltfv ofjfmtrdauahteirof uie-uiwnlortr- twfior w b vellkfl uielr two daughters and con mrs lawn toronto mrs itcd mc- arthur esqueslng and wlulom el of one brother david it bnyder toronto and one sister miss ella snyd- sloucy creek also survive to mourn his loss during hli months of illness bnyder was a paucnl sufferer and apprcclauvc of the erforts made to ol- levlate hli buffering and ot the calls or ighbors to visit him he was a member or uie canadian order of chosen friends society his church membership with uie united church here and before 111 health prevented he was a egular attendant at its cervices tile funeral was held this afternoon and was conducted by his pastor ilcv c l poole li d interment was made ki uic family plot at pairvicw cemetery church the newly reuted mens hible class of uie acton uupusl church held u very successful futhcr and boll banquet last friday evmlng about seventyilv darti and ladi enjoyed u ipltindid hoi sumr served by the ladles of the church a short progi online of mines toasts and musical number- folium d a in eitlnu demoiistratloii by mr w j llaxur messrs btanley thomns loin ond cluis crcbcr ernwl hroitghtou olid chester flank furnished the uuule president ilowurd mi comb lb a brief but clever address presrnud the alms and posslblli- tlis of iln l1uv willie the president rested altei enlliii and in preparation lor hls share of ill-u- waihliik mr ltank crebtr presided in it thepioeeedlncs his winsome speech nt tliunks u the ladles or their aluuice in providing and preparlllu the banquet was iileaslngly ro- pllid to by mi- merkl luv c 1 pimlr responded u the uiult ui falhei- und wi v a c lite art rr- plled for the tiiureht lloih exiiress- eil thoughts ihe litem iilslnu mei clai j jo u dl i til tdneral jate hewetson j atteudrd serrec ilrul it ilramp- tuu ijii trlduj afternoon veiy largiiy ulunded uu- the ti laat friday to urumpum cemetery mclhall i of wheeling went virginia and sinter jlni beech alw ot wheeling two nephews alj survive william ciiibiiolm alter an luncii extending over many months the dcaui of william chlsholm occurred at his home 04 richard street ouelph on february 7 he was a non of tic late mr and mm john chlsholm of erin township he was bom in es queslng township on december 10 1003 removing wlui his- parents to erin town ship at the age of d lice he resided many jcars latcr removing lo erin yil- imfi where ho resided untl about 11 vt years ago in which community he won highly respected besides his wife hi heaven u mourn ills loss two sons john of livelong bosk and archie of fart eric out and one daughter mm arthur connor of toronto one sister survives mm colin mcmillan of quelplj an other sister mrs j gibbons predeceas ed him about a monui ago one brother dr thomas chtohulm of toronto al3u survives routine business ly the couneij accounts piumwl niul mntlorh of ordinary itiuiinchh rink prormmiitinn dlctuuicd vari rious news iteuis james a jifjynrrresidj bnydeh and vlclirlty passed away an monday at lib home comer of mill and wellington btrceli in uie person or james edward bnyder he had been in very poor hcajtli some monttis and gradually tank ui the end came peacefully on mon day the late mr bnyder was a not nf- isaac midrcllaiitjronrilci mibs allie laino toronto there was laid to rest in uic family plot in fiflrvlcw cemetery on tuesday afternoon tho earuuy remains of miss alexandria lalng who spent a good many i her uscrul lire in acton mlsn lalng had bctn a great sufferer for tcral years and latcrly was an in valid nllncd to uic home bhc and her sister miss euphcmla ltvcd together ai llfl uulsani avenue mum lalng was a daughter of adam lalng esq was teacher and an insurance agent in this lunty in uie earlier days nearly forty ars ago uie family came to acton theirs was a christian home and during ice here uic deceased was an active christian worker in uie mctho- dtsl church in uie bunday school and young people a society her talents willingly used and she was a mem- of the church choir throughout her residence here dcaui lias made in roads in uie family circle during late years lost year a devoted brother itev ilyron lalng b a of toronto paused iwuy and a year or to previously the lder brouicr john who was a teacher ios called to his reward there now survive miss euphemla of toronto al bert wlio is superintendent of uie anu- baloon league of the state of vermont arthur or loo angrlea calif the funeral here was conducted by itev o barker or toronto an esteemed pastor of uic family when uiey were rsldcnt in ac lou and itev c l poole 1 d of acton united church hauvey c simpson from uie empire- advance or vlrdcn manitoba uc glean uic following obitu ary nitlrr regarding the death of mr i c simpson fauicr of mrs l dr a k b kciiney of maple creek bask harvey simpson one of uie best known arid must hluhly esteemed oldumen or this district passed awuy at ills home in vancuuvct tsiinday january 2j alter a iglhy and trying illness the llrsl intlinuuou ot his dcaui came over uic llo bunday evuiilng and it was uie isc of u feeling of sorrow in the hcarls hundreds of people in uils commun- tj he known well highly hn was a closer c people prouablj than any wlio lias lhcd in vlrdeu llurvey cutlicart shnikin was bom at larlcuin place ontario in i0u2 when rtveiileen yearn old he came west to 4vln- uieg etubued wlui the spirit uf adven ture lb- secured a position with a wlunlmg hr wspupcr and becauu- one of fastest eomposltora hi uu west at u time when all type was cot by hand uioul ltloli he moved u vlrdcn and in ompaiiy with a brother engaged in the huslliess uf ullliig horors mid oxen to omlng settlers as well as dealing in mi laddi later dealing quite extenslve- tn iralu during which time mr simp i held u seat on the wbinlmg gialu chuuge during his rcsldcnco here was public spirited in all his activities utrtbuurlg lu every way in ills tower the promotion of the brj jjitereslj of r lownxind dlstthl in 1000 he was cted to the ijluuirc fulluwliig the uth or hon j 11 agncw who -va- ovtnlvl itcusuut in the hoblln liuv- inienl mr ttlniuion strved the to-1- lltu loi ndei lunli hi k 11 coliuoba u d past fn ii irlitliiu end iy i of hope ran i tot onto hi pa nol iii ion lte we i r nv oi the hoard tlmi of the united chinch hr w a pcitlcy toronto idluflll pi idn or iu id he united climili ai of the lute mr lliwrl fnwkco nov york vuepies the inu rutillonul clirlitian unuiii repiemiitliig oie presldi iollluit linmedlale relatlii v id wire pall beams mpiiial n nt loll uili made at the hurch for loee of the hiiiuptoii und ac ton irlii lliirlnii the mi lie mia c m ett saiiii on of mr hiwclsoiii nt tin illte l1 i field oll mi ud the c niidu ui the and mi i iiju tended the i lilda ervlcr id uu- people he wl tupihirtt1 of vlrdcn hospital her worthwhile objectives 1 r was a methwtlt bclnti md u worker in tlu- ehuri- t lib life durum uie war i iindeied spli ndld tauylce as quarui master captain going ovcrscub with 11 104th battalion in loiti after hrlilng u ralm- it ml only son major fred simp on a graduate of the university u manitoba was killed in action with tin jr plying corps in tun he was a law t i iruluate fruni the firm or aiktrui loftua akin wllllim1 and mcaulay while in was awarded the military uves to mourn tils death his wire and three daughters edith wife of dr a a 11 keiuuy maple creek bask olive wife of mi norman hell van- i mivet a i ul alice at home also two iruiul hlldrrn and two brothers lt col ii u m bhupson winnipeg and j c iliiipsoii mlnakl ontario- male of work and ilnmemade hut- ini in the unlud church ox canada acton buturday march vi ttw ctiunrtrn nuiiiiir mcptintron ttipit- day evening had all the coimeillon al- kliison hansen nlrol and thetford prenent councillor thetford occupied the chair and conducted proceeding iinlll the arrival of itceve mason who was detained hir a short time with an other rngaiirmriit the third report of the finance com mittee recommended that the folio wing accounts be paid w d talbot suppllei for town town hall s 13 44 j 11 mackenzie supplies for hall 4 2 w h e hlalr supplies and labor 13 0 hell telephone co nervlcen 1 21 h n parmer registering blrthn marriages and deauis 10 01 dale estate flowers n 01 public utilities commbuilon street hunting 15121 public utilities commlision town hall lighting 002 public utilities commisnlon power at pump house 10 76 241 03 upon motion by messrs thetford atkinson the report wan adopted and the accounts ordered to be paid mr tony seynuck had complained to councillor thetford of his cellar being floodnld by water from the street drain the matter was thoroughly discussed moyrd by e thetford seconded by john nleol that lot no 30 lu plan 211 at the corner of arthur and george strecli nic u in the nnmet of tli iltlli fichool oratorical coiitei1 the high fchool will hold an orator al contot h thr town hall on wed eday evening february si this u mnsored by the jilly blur i oronui here will be folk dunrini an lectlonn in addltlnn tilhrr a i on und itulcl cm uiiied for at thr door ilenioiiwi ration of piuttl miwrn s v king have a drmoiiiitratluii of the pontlae and hulck ran ill acton on friday rienlni febru ary 24 at 7 30 moving picture- and a lecture will be part of the prncrammr and the affair will be held in the dining rihin of jocqui cafe an acton lady spciurr in 1 lie und one of the prominent ilrl ul the acton chamber of commerces turnltrth annual dinner nt acton england won mlw itnhcna c clark of aclon on tario miss clark re- minded to the toast the ladlei imposed by jatnes croc kett esq past president mb clark is one cif the canadian teacher who are exchanging with english irurhrri thlc year uite of edward o wordcn and richard warden tie lug lu arrcart for taxes for over uirec vlam the clerk and t be instructed to lake immediate proceed- inga to hold a tux sale uf the said lot unless the said arrears arc paid forth with carried ittjrajructaua tottuvui use uui wood cut in dearl new ground in uic ccmc- tery ale ttrrwurteee lvdrnm of commprco regardirib tht proponalbn icnrcnrctwrrljje neighborhood news nassagawijya lost balurday monilng mr ivai harris of lot 24 concession 3 naiuaga- wcya wai taken suddenly ul jwlth ap pciidlciib and won taken to the ouelph geneiul hopluil and underwent an operation h- is doing as well an can be expected at present the farm belonging to uie estate of the late john f wilson near eden mills lias been sold to mr stanley norrlih- youngesl kin of mr and mrs j y nor- rlh nusiatiwuya for a good figure mrn john clark widow of the late mr john clnrk naiagaweya l- bavin n clearing sale of rami stock and imple ments the farm will utoo be put up for sale at the amt time eden mills a canvas of the village and vicinity to secure subscriber for the installation of hydroelcctrlc has been very successful and iirospccts arc bright for uic com pletion of arrangements and the bulldbg of the line in the early summer a slclghrlde purty from uic daylight lamp co ouelph vlstlcd uic village on friday evening and held a dance in the hall a merry time was spent mrs jos wilson has been 111 lor a mr herb taylor is at present in lor- onto wlui his son mr alvhi taylor preparatory services were held in he united church on friday evening luv ure stewart or guelph was present and gave uic address from the subject put on christ hock wood word was received last week from winning of uic death of a former resld- t in the person ot mrs patrick lcc who with her husband kept the dominion hotel for a number of years tho sym pathy of tho community who age in timately acquainted wlui herbert lcc and hts sister mrs lome walker goes out to uicm in the bereavement one frank died while the family resided i the remains were tjrounht to iph on friday morning fur interment in uie human cauiollc cemetery beside her late husband uic itev father quirk ufllclatlng the pailbcurcrs were john cummlngu henry ueuluuii joseph aaluui p j corbclt vincent mcace j ben clt the many friends of james mcalear who lert here last july for chicago ill will be ilrased to hear or hli oucr ss in his studies when he an la tied lib llnt iur of college and passed uvcry- uilug in his examinations sccuruig jlie first class and four second class honors and the remulndei of his nine subjects o it the choir of the united church wcnl er to mr und mrs george bay lies lust fi iday evening and spent a pleasant unu a short programme wu enjoyeq by all and during uie evening a present- lion uf uu electric reading lump wai made u mrs it it itudd who is lealn nert month mlis gladys haiuia read the address and fiflss irene peal made the prccn ljiuon herbert b dyer li busy wiring i he school for clcctrla light the scholars of the continuation and public schools are busy preparing tor u concert to be ipld this week the proceeds being used to secure a piano the regular monthly meeting of tin- womens institute li being held thk thursday evening ul the home or mrs m huiiuu mrc luili ul orion is her- ll with mr and mrs win m france he f loss he l uyrns mlsj m mllroy ot torotiui was home tot the weekend mr itor iullersoii who liiu been in montreal foi nomc lime returned home mrs audiew hewal b al present not very well being eoumiud bj uu house the many friends of mrs oeorue h peaieii will be pit used lu hear that he l able to gel iiioilnd iu usual after iter ret nil illness in eompuiy with mm win o edward- and mia e e levlnesn they aprnl munday with mm george gordon thr horticultural society held all lu ll i etlng meeting on monday evening lu die town hull when a nphudid report of ihe ontario horticultural aqciatlon tun ven lino inld hi toronto last week by mi robert 11 henderson mr win harrli also gave tome interesting poliils ul the ciinwiulun rev l e gossclln moved a vote if thanks to mrs he dei stiu which was seconded by mr gi ii lyurrn the president uien called on mr hurdsuine or the ontario re foi innlori to nddrt vi tlie meeting on punning and tiahspluntlng seedi and olhir ganteu itiini george holtou mov ed tor a vote of lljanks to mr hunl- doiie metindid by fred smith owing to the ubmiiir of the tlefi clary -treiuiur- ei mrs i m ruycc through lllnrsi mis fred b hamilton ailed the vacancy for die evening a receipt given by free prrti founder in looking over mime painm belonging to her father the late titos pcrryman mtsa agues ierryman came acrosn an old receipt for her fnthrrs iiui purjii subscription dated march idttr it waj signed by uic founder at tin fiuj putriti the late j ii hacking the receipt was remarkably well preserved and the print ing was a splendid example of tin tyle of that day but a trifle more omaie than what is in vogue at the present lime narniattbuiib rwptrvmririi the mimlmn of the y p u of the baptist church spent a very iruaili evening al a valentine social at the home of mr and mrs ived crew son on mon day evening about luirtyflve younj people aflgcmblcd and spent tit evenlnr inging contests and games vnl- enunc dccoratiaijsiicriinuchtn evidence ttefrenlimeii bl were sered at small tablcj tlatnoiwtruni thanka won tendircd ip mr ipri mm frarr crcwson for their liaipltallty plannlnc for acton fall pair it seems u long way off until pall fair ume but acton fall fair dlreeui held an interesting session yesterdaj itcr- iioon laying plaiii for uie fair or 1d20 vhlch will be held on uie date always laid aside for acton fair- tuesday and wedncsdaj september hi and 10 pre sident kerr and his directors ore deter mined to surpass uie lair of 1027 which was acknowledged in all circles to have been the best of country fair and uie arly work is to arrange attractions to beat ulelr own record of last year itaillal car stranded passengiri on the canadian national leclrlc car which arrives in acton at i 55 oclock at night were forced to sit or over an hour in a dark car somr- ilicrr between eden mllli and aclon buhduy night employees told the wall ing passengers that some fuses wcre 11 and consequently the car was in darkness and unable to move they detrained from the cur which brought them from toronto and entered the ltalung coach which was towed inlo jueiph jij the dummy motor from guelph their car went back to tor- mto wlui the lasscngcrn from the tranded motor the mowalitluenhuute weldhi a pretty wedding was solemnized on saturday afternoon al the united church parsonage bl catharines when itev mr bennett united lu marriage miss anna inly datiiihter or mrs ullunhuuse and lhc late w ii hhuiihuuse of vlncland station and mr bert mowat or acton he bride was becomingly gowned in hlte flat crepe with slippers and stock ings to match after the ceremony a dinner was served for the immediate relatives after which the happy couple left for new york for a brief honeymoon the brides golugaway costume was sapphire v elv el w 1th hat and coat to lch on their return mr and mm mowut will reside in aclon good hopes for the extra train he committee- of uie chamber or commerce entrusted with the duty or presenting thr wlshrc or the people of acton thai tlu- train leaving toronto at 02 p in be sclieduled to stop at acton ailed uikiu the general passenger agent fur the canadian national rullwuys at now union btuuon toronto last friday they were cordially received presented strong argument in favor ot the pruposil and were cmouraiid wiul attitude or the ofllelals a f el let a ling or uie uiilclal of the pasdiiun npctuling sci v lc- s will ih- held next monday when the mailer w ill be de finitely settled hi uk meantime the iiuiiilllei is itudlnu furtliei diita fur inslderauuu spoltf to aflatllaii aulliuri 1ust balurday the lorunto uraiicli or e canadian authors asocliiiiiui held e oi the largest meetings ever held was addressed by canadian aiithoi 1 puul- concenilni thi addiivi of rs mucikinald of niruil the nport vs l m montgomi ty imis mcgon- j of norval author- of cnicn gable und other slorli itnatheu prince edward island in lei delightfully d addrcs ilie storj of a vanished world reiiilnlmciit of the dij when the uiackeri1ilsliliig tiiduutr uu uic lilaiid was ul its reiiltli tuloie ll jutered ll in 1uu0 realistically she uiltitcd ic north shore in lis various weather loods describing the terrltli storms hiih look lieavy toll tif huiuuu life its limueiise slhihib of muileiel and th- extensive exploitation t tlu luiiuli y bj amerlcuu fishing litlirest the raker wa1 luliodiilid bj mlss c m u wlill tlie it i- l p o meet li the irgulur meeting il the v f y 1 o was held in the 1 arlil mall ui fllduy ul last week with uiuls llnrvh- low pnsldini tn the ehiir the iui r- iug was opned by tin- iiiglii of i he miptu 1nt ila- follow inc puiiiuiiuni- ule iitiibi die woik of the mi n j makers mr walur lliihain as hull chalrmin a n itutlou by mis hclty uvmi violin v lee lion by mr aichle id r o i by mr ltunk lleciiian spetch by mr gi o uslle entltld iinilllgrallon i mrlet report by mr tuanley ijliowger reiiilng by mlss margaret ilrowu and the merry makers paper entitled uie bru uii ti er mis aihrson mrs robetl li rr and mr ni villi- 1 ian op kindly ouit in judge the debate itimilved that a bo quln let lei for faimiiik uiiu foi a touin i industjlal life the uflli inalh i upheld by mrsrn uiul liio ud roland- mieulifrii and ml hit the clul 1w- iieatl lil upheld by ml jean cue mi is lrauk 1ieeiuan and will mcdonald i lu- judges git ve their ihclslun in tavui of thi nega tive side the uutlii cls 1 bj the lliilng ir the natlouil aiitlu m aftev which luiuh wa seived und a sh iul hour was spent r

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