Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 8, 1928, p. 1

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flflylliird villi no llj iiiuksday evening march ii h2b acton ontario canada thursday evening march 11211 imir homeprint pnrjcs five cents elnirrrr grriiirrh llntlrh ctljurrli uf eunitiiu mllllblrr urv i- ioiilr ii l pnr wmlim lllh 1 1 on a in 1 1 the krjcrlrd o j nn p 111 iiiiiidiiy mlllljltt if- jesin feds lln- miilulikli 7 00 ti in hi- mliihuc aiibjjf hearing the cross on 1 in- hillside monday n i i in viiuiii lvnpl laiue muitcuj nuilil thursday 7 in rn prayer ivi praise fieri ire llrrnbiilrriuti knox ciiuimti acton minister key a c stewart m a mai wulm sine i on a rn tje mlnlsur subject ihi- beginning ol christs work 3 00 m sunday school 1 00 p m tim milliliter subject the beginning o ouf work monday noo p m young peoples guild strongcm leaving address with lhe ushers will be called upon by the pastor bupltm ccijurrlj acton pastor hm- j ilaxter pamonuge frederick street 11 00 u in tile pastor 230 p in sunduj school men bible clofji 700 p in tin- puilol monday u 00 p m yining people mrcuug thursday u 00 p m midweek prave service unclaosipicd sffidhadvertisements word mimn fob sali giul wantid girl wonted tor housekeeping or iosi- lion out of town cull plume ho or p o box 323 wanthil to iifnt wanud to rent oiii or two good loli fur crop purposes or 1920 card oi- thanks mr und mm geo wood wish to ex tend their blanks lo their friends for the kindness hou them during the 111- nrii of their lhur granddaughter doris work vantiil haildy man seeks employment good references o mills box 440 111 crescent for nalf hclnlzjruui upright piano und chcsu-r- flcld chair for sale at a uritaln apply phone 102 j 3fl3 ucuruclown m next week will be- spring o -week- all ovit thin hip slort with pnrliciihir interest centred in spuing kasmions in wtuneiih and mikhch apparel thursday and friday march 15 and 16 will lie formal dbiplay lnyn j it nit invited in tc in cjuliph al that tunc mid to pa isit nf itisitt lum in iitelplis hi f store in ilit incuniiiiii- iikil- is iiiulii thiit is new and inlcrcmmj sue tins witk sill dicssch luinnhout frocks of iirih- iht wool ihurmihg hals lowpriced i in little sluipts iluit iirc the very incarnation of chic with plenty uf liumisiiii in lurgi head sizes of youthful or iiiilrunl st lc in silks satms ribbon crochet straw with h mrriniinih mr s29ij35if39s w50- a 9day wauiwpkit sale maximur wall- iaiioks oitelts ceilings iuee mnximui wallpupciv lire of very llijjh jrildt 30 inches wide niul mild fi inn limim id coiusi ill iicc standard prices sol lio 7sl hsl si js and si 51 ii roll d e macdonald bros ltd ciikijh liwer and ilpiwr wyndhnm streets iall t liiliic i 30 p tn tsrcptlne wcdncsjay at 1130 noon and saturday at 030 p- m 1 3 arrests follow 1 kilbride fox fhclls clever wnrli by provincial cnn- htnlileh itutlcr owcrui and alliin and walker and thompiion the police idithorltlen have evidently not been luilltp tilnrr the tlieft or the i thirteen lilnck und mlvcr foxrn from ll of j o nlcholium ol kilbride in thli county mi saturday nliilil pehniary 4 loit saturday nlht and oundny under the direction of chief inupccuir milter ol toronto provincial cmirtabkn uiitler owent and allan of the ilaltotlpcel lorre and walker and thumpsoi of onelph curried out a rampalijn wlilclj inuu c i tl airejituf uuxccll haiiillton and 0ur jeuow wliu cm indued in milton gordon gallagher who wiw al ready hi jail bcrvlnn three mi tiia tor kelllns liquor in acton t- al li healed an well an two uthcrn fur uliom utrunlt havp ijtcii ificurd and whone rrenl 1 expected bcrorc the date fixed for the trial tile omcera worked all night on tiamr- jday anil all day ounday throunh the deep nnow and die mrjlnir ntorm and finally tracked down hamilton and tcbow in n dilapidated hourc near oakville they werr unarmed and were arrcnted without a utruirulc none of tlie fuseo or ihclr pclta were recovered it ti gndrniuwkl tlie animal were killed rdcliuied and the pclta oold at a low price to a fur dealer in ham 11 bin the fan n to inn were valued at 250000 pur in n saturday night uie police uf- flccrn covered tlic county pretty thor- oujjbly they were in oakville acuin milton a uelp h and geortiruiwn arid the mirroundlnrt country the rounday belnu rmrnnixefl fdid dlrected i ro m h ead juar tern at toronto the men arrrud will come before police mnglnlrate mtkire at milton next monday afternoon for their preliminary trial f u counu on tuesday luvenlnx at the lortniflhuy usslou at uie public utilities commijiilon on tueiday evcninn commlkoloncr ictm and rrexe mourn were prrmml and chairman haiimrd prt jjded accomlta u ere ordered lit be paid ius ii lira account hydro- eire trie iower commb- alun upplle s 40 10 canadian aentrul lllcctrlc co supplies 0g0 bell teltplionc co servicer 4ati w j iccnuier uasullnc 1 62 ii a coke truck rcpaln 130j2 ajoclaud municipal electrical suppllts membentlilp 5 00 a e crlji exprciia 1 7 11 lulslunan labor 2 ho foil salk chlldu col wltlu- iliainel in good cimditlnn apply mii k pllllxtla frederick htreel rioa foh sali- 11 chunks or plgri for ale iilji sow with lltur of 1 three ueek- old 1 ttilui of quod mixed flay apply ahtuur iaiiey lot 1 con ti ei in ron hau 100 acren clay loam t5 ncrea work able balance btuli luid pasture bank banw buioc liouac oun uiuu iruin antuu john allan phone 0013 u h no 1 actun faitm ioll sall bant half or lot no 30 fifth urn euilleiirijr ion aftcij recently ownrd by h w grucu apply u 11 a ueed 343 georgetown holist foil saik hrlcu venevr jiouje u lueiilluij al- inot new all oonveniencet a miiip lor mdck wile apply miia m c ovuiuiolt 34tr wilbur street auction sali charle- hobcrljm it h fifth con ermilon isquentnif villi luild a ul n ilonien cattle hii alfuuu si d am hay on monday march 111 at mu- o 1 1 k h j 1ceuu auctioneer plume 3d aiui specials for t jveek macaroons i ih i in lk hakh su n ta clur 2 lbs toi 20c i 4 35c 1 3 rt 25c 2tilaciflv saudi nfs i ins toi sim ammonia packets for lux iacketb foi granulated sufjar 10 ibb for 25c 25c 65c 25c makmai adii okancies on sale now cha red white s j vv jones acton ont clfauing auction sam 1 mdnd mar tin osprli if mill hold clearbiu sale ol fivru hloek imp nuiiui g und hay lrlilay mar 111 at one o loeli iol itli il y no reei 11 till ta it all lie lit ll j kciut a mild or uclllikl rt nl pi nine 31 aeli this week scandy specials lllllui title lb and mh lb for w0nier1n1 tllldav italtll i lomc to m lloilse node l dberitlul n ul aiituiiln moreno up curumjn uie luuy itiilih satu11iiav maklll 10 were all iiimhleni ituiuu luinlni tlioma miith cometly grtan uliiea ttlkmlav iiau i u tiil woman on trial drama ulth iola niurl clia ur i oi the rruii or the iicei comedy flutlrrlim ll urb cominti lkn llir kk itkory v son ick cltkam in hie1ck ok hulk dtlililful lunclieh und meabi at our itchtaurant harold wiles acton j sion- 211 34 waurworlu accounts acton hydro department power and heaunjj ul spring 01 24 jan ailmour supplies 5 00 acton hydro department opc-rtt- llonii tor january and febru ary 1c7 20 canadian urusa co iuppllea 4 44 23fl 07 plans ere outlined by iteeve mason lor u combined mcetlntf of the public uulluca cinnillon the council and tht chamber of coimncrcu to meet wltn lli bell telephone ctjmian reprewn- taei ui liave a talk over the telephone rvlcc m acton c n r 1juys lildouauo lakk iii amp ion mm kelt out inurrfll tu thr electric iliilway announcement uf on important pro- i pttly trajuircr in the county or peel ab- cloa that tlic canadian national elec tric itallwaya hao taken over the uuncr- ttllp or eldorado pork the torojito- g tlclph line of tills railway poises throunh uui park and a large number or toruiiuj plcnlckera and parties from acton and placcu alanu uie ihie have en- juynl their annual oulingn uicrc durlnu the pat uiree yean iti former ownert wurl a jilliuuol itiiulnesii men in brampton and vicinity the umount involved in the transfer ha- not been made known but 11 bi lumoredthul the price li u itibiuuitliil one if b btuud that 11 u- park will be plated under tile iiuui manatijiiient ii the nuluuy compxiiiyu lakeside park al port dalhousic el dor a do park haft an area ol unne 12h acrcv and li looked uikiii ai the choicest picnic liruundu property in uil- vklnlly of toroiiui it l located uixni the upper reaetie1 of the credit rivii where nature iiui been neiierous in mal- iiiu that part of the country a dellklilil biuuty pot the mot direct iiulr to the lark l- over the railway j oun line but it 1 only a rdinrl dlilance mm the provliklnl hlldiway run n lily ihituch ilranippin the i allu ha alreud under wuy u prirauifiie of linprovemeiils und addi tions to the piik furllitlcs in ordei to brtuu it up to tin- mime fuuirturd us the park ul purl dalhoumr lllliminn all society feei and iialton ufpoitt foit rfkhilliany sale of work in hie school room ok the acton united chuitch ulr thr ailir n uir iidlco aid un saturday match 17 tnd kvenidk toininpntiiik at tm p m atront ailldren arulv vitkknoon tka will ite srrvid saii of homk madk hakinj ani andy special sale supper hrricl in m 3fl lu 7 30 p m u ui mi aiii lin ml lltlid llithiin cnlmp mncunml and cheese ii i l uui ltttnl und htittr 1 in price li only c aiipluall 1111 ft r ctilldren chlldicn itmitv ed durlntj thi ftmplai it nt el ved lllwtlu illoni made mall ie eelved mail t i it out mill me l lipprt ixlmalily oniii it il i vlev coin t ii ittendanii- arlon and district junior 1 o hold monthly mrrtlnc the rripilnr ineellm of i he iakeilde chaider of the junior i o d i win held lint evriilnu at the home or mim marie ijuii aftei the hulni li meitlnil tai eleed it dellhtiiil mirlui hour u nt won al the artji ci ui7 tlni of the ceulriil y m c a ut toronto lnl uiek mr georije miion mm of iteevr and mr- mnnrni you ctond place in the public npenklni contest george li interlllu llllo the nrllvilles of the v m c a in many circle and has leen uslnn his musical ability also in the aetlvllles at the y m m a sadly vrrnft n ilaby oaufflitrr much iyniiitli here is felt for mr and mm mm old reed in the death of their dojir little six teenlimn thsolcl duuiehter helen maude al osliawa on bunday the llttl one had been iii only for a few da and in spile of the beat medical skill uothlnii could be dime to slop the proijrcrj of the lnteitlnal polsonlnic with which the child wiu allllcled inter ment was made in ojhawu and mr and mrs j ii lieed attended tile funeral a slrljll iildinc party an en oj utile iklal evi rllllljl wi us held last thurday o eului 1 uy the choir 1 iiiheni t euelier- u ud olllei it of ll ie hun- diiy belli hit of icll nix chui eh tw o well- loaded j lil ol the pai ty enjoyed the slelchrld lo ul- home oi 1 mr in id mm wm llii iclen ju t south of aeuin here an cnjn uble mic lil even iinit woj i ijicnl by lhe k ithcrlni tiild bou iulous 1 efrerli- tnentii v re ervi d the party eujoyed jllc plehflirlilc limii iuyiin afur the ijdai tlir km ulioui the biui from toroi ous one llu- made until the nnn mm tre nhui trip of uie arrow proved rather n ledl- iiial fine prorej wai until line wiv renched duluj occurred riic bui sos jlmmle jones 205 wiujv4uviiawieffrsji7 pmahthef3mvaha1irik jarffl ill ah u about mid- lllhtv iirter hu iim been on thejroiut ii 20 p m at thk farm uie nupply of ijasoluie woj exhausted und mr bniwn bniujht the piusennen to acton where bin from guelph called ul the ualtlii room ul wile cafe in lontlnlie the journej lo guelph itlll tile ekl peoples kocli allan mi and rev jcvle galbrallli mln and masu- harnionlci j1o mlvs isabi i an mkws martha and messrs v wm burton an did paper on th pictures fo roplrn ilrrtli ii of uie knus monday eveiilin of the dexollonal comii shall read uie serlpturi l led i praye- ml iraiui r tommy nlcul uavj n another appreciated an icietu- composed of idei mm mrs ada near orr and annie collier ii rumlty alex jack d alex maim a splen- e influence of the moviiij klven by mbia amilt collier altss marjorlr swllirr the vitnuer tte acton ooiilliiuiiuon lichikil liter ur society held meetlui ul the school on thursday eveiilim march 1 lo deter mine the winner ot the orauirlcal con test us marjorle kwluer and jcta younii had both been tied for ilrst place three uuchen from the guelph voca- tlonalcullllale inilltute were aiked ui judle they uere mliua a e sinclair w m humphries and r j lauulilln thi judijes decided in favor of marjorle knitzer liiuh jessu- ymum aa con- uratulattd fir her ikillni hrjuullli and manner slelnlu were provided for uie scluhil and all enjoed a dcilqhuul leljjhiicle after which a dainty lunch new train a leal convenience al the mssluti of llu council und chamber of commerce luil thursday eveiiliik the uieitlut was informed by tehruram tliat the new train schedule would b- elfectue immediately and the change would be shown in the folder to br ltsiied on march 4 the new train which ls scheduled lo stop here at li 17 p in is alreudy prni llij ijulu- a con- venleiue und ls n llu ulllivd by numbers of acton jnople lu retunilnu rrom the city xiio main jmly suipi at aauin when there are paiseuuers for acton from toronto and nf course pujcnijcn for the west ran only make use uf it at the timet but slnr ll new ciiedule it hiu been iiiullui ijulli iciular stop heie nirnct is txini well patron ized i wrrr stalled in si snai drift had lulle an ml on htlll- hi a inrlij bill rled im tin public school honor roll pupils tiiohc who won hichcht vstnndhijr in their departments fo ihe month of february the followiiib ll the ilonol iu11 i mmiir hclinoin rnrtnftnnrirfrnt niurrh with the pupils who n luithtil i illdllil in their renpecllve clave srnlnr fourth olive iluokci 430 myrtle worth 411 eorvua iuilibrook 401 fjjlhnr taylor 3uu velma blair 303 normnn olbmin 303 total 500 junior fourth wlllinm near 301 catherine macklc 344 clara bauer 333 amelia evnnn 320 iiiab- hwlurr 333 joe mccann 311 total goo m z bennett itinclpal senior third teddy liannen 603 erlo mnrzo 470 harvey hannard 403 john nlcol 457 ijmbir lealham 450 claire garden 422 tommy coaliv 443 total 000 d iolntcr teacher junior third harold bkllllnu q54 harold moanny 532 violet white 510 eddie pootltt i00 oeorae bwitwr c07 marftarrt ar nold 500 ilto marao 500 total coo m orr teacher junior third ruth jennluip 303 annie glbbcnn 343 barbara taylor 320 prancen kelly 325 roderick ryder 34fi jesnle trotter j42 total 550 henlor rncaml heelor limbert 413 norman bcarrow 307 itank jones 350 kathleen huard 310 herbert price 307 harvey mc- cutcheon 303 tubal 500 jean barber teacher junior hrcond a thelma crippi 30d fred turner 34b hifil rn1211 334 ehmn bralda 333 annie evann 330 haxcl wllwm 320 total 400 junior second n hiuli vlckera 310 lucy mcarthur betty llttlev kviyu wldicr jer of tin lo uill u ar jmrcrjtmftjd teacicj junior uftoond ice blcwart 251 nontian broida dorouiy dunn 342 glen garden bewde miller 233 margaret icclly total 300 junior first iciilhleen chapman 250 marffnrct hiirrbuin 245 john dtilaholm 237 annie andcnum 220 theresa campbell 220 hhlle turner 224 total 300 mrs c e ruddy teacher senior primer lioom i class aeomc wllliainn helen with ers menia itawson george bayllas eijuul senior primer vernon anew jack blow w1i1u hall oordou blltou junior primer helen mainprise henry taylor elmer muuiprlte dalay buchanan a w macmlilan teacher junior irioary roam senior class beatrice crlpiis ralph huiiju fauces macdowcll jackie hol- 11iilt i inurmedlule clnss helen simpson bertie allan ruby gervals murray bauer mrs m it moore teacher ery inleresled re called liml wee much he enjoyed tw eks paper jiln home own which he left twentyfour yean mjo was bristol hr letter from dr iarmer juft carried htm back to the rormcr rcenca and wan a ureal delight to him the article was in an adjacent column by the old man the two urucles med to be clorcly allied and wer inteiwhnrr tifctcarjer- witsiion- i5 jloyr brown j n thn fild hnmnlnnmlhit ufl max r i lkindjvruktniraptin louifr-odllar- thr render rtldhc notd- one improvement in his liomi town of bristol wtien he resided there it waa known as the city of churches and breweries dr farmer now rlatci it ls known as the city of churches ana chocolates died at age of 9 yeails to have lived for nearly a century and seen nine nencrulluun of his family was the remarkable experience of tjir late john beaton whose dcaui is reported about iwenty years auu he left oakville where lie hud made hbi home wlui mm w j albcrlson daughter now hi her rlhlyccoiid year from oakville mr beaton went to dakota where he died rcceiinlly in his ninety ninth year mr beaton lived to actually sec nine jjcncratlons he knew his ureal rrrcaturandfalhcr his rattier then hlo brouicni and distent lib grand- ehlldreii breatarandchlldrcn and his lircatfrcatnuid children thus he knew four generations before his own und four succddlnu bpnerauans mr beaton was of scottltdi birth but must uf ilia life was spent in canada in uie township of vauatuui in york county tlic beaton family has tcct noijd for 4ti 4onsvity- tbrtw illr- died ut 04 07 and do years uf ujic u- spectlvely iour brutlicrs attained to the nineties 01 03 05 and 100 mrs albrrlions mbther was a mc donald of uie pickering district and they arc also a ioniclived family tud ui the industrial school r of uiyi in the mlluin shrlier r of ulrbi in tin- mlluinbhrlur idlt hewlni a ma1ttii ol- climati an uiultslunuil realdiut 111 pen la fell 4uu d lununnlinn wit li ft nrirl ttlx siijh napier malcolm ul hit bxu on ivr- iilu oyei the notlvn tendency ui lylim he insisted that lylnti wos a sin it is all very well for a lerunul uu kuillshmaii to say ttuil replied uie piinlau hut the fact li they rami li ii lies and we can it ts entirely matter of climate in that case perslaiut oliijllt lo beak j the truth ild the enicllilunuu lor tit- ancient ci rick hlslortaiui det lured liiut ihrslans were remarkable lor theb i truthtelllau i that is veiy itue said the native j but uhp does not know that the climate or a iiiuntry changes eultrely in twi thouuid ytumv a itlnii conference llrlil by the chamber of commerce and the council lout thursday tvenlnx a very representative mccllni of the chamber of commerce und the council was held last thursday cvcnlnu in the council chamber lo confer on the fcai- iblllty nf crrcthn a covered arena in ac ton ii was sort of an informal talk over the prosixcta and iteeve mumii miuioii was requested u act as chairman afler dbicilvdnif the prtosltlnn from all unit lea uie meeting went uuanmlously on record us fuvorlnu the prpiial u build a rink here the council will niukr lmjulry us lo the lenil procedure ueee to proceed with the pruji a committee was ajljjolnlrtl ly uatiicr all uu rink data procurable a rrcord of the meet inn and u iietltlon and pre to uie council tor action at their fkl meeting iieutlmeiit seemed vei y muall in fuvor f the enterprise the cleriiy who ex- need tliciiu-elve- were lu favor of it lr d t beardinorr said uie eompan a- prepared to ijlve any iiurl of the id rink thai could be used in eructlnij he new rink he felt qiiltii uiulldenl inil the rink would bu operated ut a i inside ruble prom und ultcred to pay hlifh ai 300 jut year lor a period or in eura for ouch year that all operal- uu surplus of 1000 won not obtained the eommltuo und council are now ut turk on the duuivi teleuuted lo them hid their report wll be uwulled with een luulej1 vartcty of news tfoslpmiril llanre ut luuinafad bnniinckburn womens institute will hold their jioitixincf dunce in balllnafnil hull on tueiduj mnrrh 13 a tohoeeanlnji party a very enjoynble toboifui l on tn eveijlnu l party wns r q i t ond tiuln umiarc roups of the unit- rd church after the tohoiuanlui llie rompany returned b the iuruitiiiii here a dcllnhtfii lunnhoon wuji ktrved by itev and mrs poole c g i t had charfr nr mrflinc the meeunti nf- the ynunii people n iramie of the united church on monday uitik wbii in chariie or he c g i t a roup misji ada mills wan in tin- chair afur thrlr reriilar opening axcrclscn four nr thr membern sioke oil the fuurfold purpo or the croup minn ruth gibwui have a vocnl coin the glrn then nave a little play cnlltlod clash or color brln ll inn out the mluilonary nplrll a pleiidld and enjoyable evenlnit wtui pro ddrd by the- ynuiiiier ulrln at this me-el- inc found ilia ulster fr j ealcji wlm came to acuin from koulh africa notnr weeks aito in mient if his rlptcr has now located her at nlatinrn ialbi ontario bhe und her husband have their names on the quota awuitliik entry u the united hluusl and it wan by this means that mr ealei able u secure tile uddrew of his mtssluit sis ur the old iloi d arlon friendit over the weekend mis1 helrn coxe ity was home for i mlvi wllhrltplnn mcmillan spent the lmlsi juubutctacnncltoi- toronto ent tlic weeknd at hex- home here wi urn i lltulr mrrtlnc monthly meeting of tlit he mrul mens insllliite was held dtl march 1 al uie home or mm e flowers wlul dirty ladle present in the absence of he president mrs wilson mr lantz occupied the chair the meetlnu upen- cd with the institute ode followed by prayer ihe bushier part of the programme was then disposed of the ladles wlm are always leiidlun n helping hand to the needy decided to give 5 00 ui u ramily in need in town and also 5 00 to help provide u doctor for tuber- uiorrny where a doctor la very bndlj needed the programme wan as follows piano miio mrs flowers paper on women v ork w hicll was one uf the best papers uf the year solo miss lor raine wi1oh the contest ftnii won by mra collli r with mrs j irishman trcond mill the meeting closed with the institute anthem after which u social hair hour was spent the pulpit and the itwb debate the montiil uieethig or llu- mens club ol uu- inilled church scheduled for next tuesday evening promises u be one of the most interesuiik of the seajjn at the sunday evening service next sunday the mens orchestra will lead in the mrvice of praise and contrl- uuu- several lectlons the dt bate on tuesday evening li the big altractlnn uf the meeting the mibjecl is ttcsohcd that the pulpit ha been of more bcncfu ui humuiuly limn the press the af firmative side will be upheld by messrs e t thetford chas uckwiwn and liusll johnston the press nrunicnt will be advanced by messrs w j akhis j p scarrow mid e h vincent the meno orchestru will bu on hand and hike part in uie programme the judccs of the debut w be from our neighboring town georgetown and will be rev h dickie d d ii it minims and c u dayrool the usuul refreslunenls and mjciui hour will of course be a feature or the gauler- lim also special sheep course on march 1 and 2 u special lwoduy course on slieep was put on in aconje- town by ofllcials of uie domhilon ltve huck tn tooierntton with our local agricultural represi nuilivc mr d a andrew four sessions were held and the fact that the attendance increased as the course progressed would jjo u show unit the information given was appreciated by tliov lu uttendunce and everjthliik considered uie eounie was a decided miriim two rail will earn were uuuzed tlie oile wa equipped as a lecture mid demoiiitruliou car the other hod 10 sheep representing dirtircnl nuirke clavse und uur comuiuu breed rd sheep the local branch thiouifli ou agrlrullurat repn kntullve ii pupai c in follow up this special wulk by givlni uslluuice in dot kill and cammtlng in btallluit of tanks and dlpplun the grad id utile pllll the comniiinitys social side of life vbritorh to mul ivom town durinj the prwt wcclcffla jlcnned ly the fro row mr rrlinrlen lrlrlnn uaiiuiitic fxain- toronto over sunday mlwi clara b lantz was home from oalt for ovrr sunday w- mr charien nymon toronto over bunday home from mr and mrs w j hull i iuie friends on sunday harvey wan home veckond visit mini tjollle e hall spent the weekend with frlendj icitclienrr mr earl cooper wan home from btrat- ford for over the weekend miss mamie mainprise wan home tram toronto over the weekend icrautcr visited at his home in slrutrord over the weekenrj s mcarthur or quclph vuitcd mica graham on saturday last s jos leslie m aylmrr visited lur mrs ii 8 wllaon last week and mrs fred mccutclieon and nii visited friends in toronto miss margaret brown of toronto vlnlt- mrn a ktonlrnndcr visited frlcnda in toronto fornr miss helen mcdonald was home from toronto university over the weekend mr and mra alex inrljj or trinto spent thr weekend wlui acton lriendo mlsa olive cooper was home from tor onto normal schools for a few days visit mr g powell of the firm of mciccon ai powell has taken a pusluon in oshawa mr and mrs elmore r johnston of hamilton spent sunday wlui acton relatives mr wm baldwin of saull stc marie willed over the weekend al mrs robt bennetts mlss mary cooper of toronlo vudted at mr and mm robt scotts over the weekend mi r d warren of toronto visited aclon friends and made tin fbec pefla a pleiuoint call mrs bartlarjd conover of oakville spent the weekend at the home of urn robert bennett mrs robert sprowl who spent inst week with friends in hamilton returned home this week mr and mra robert w stewart ol weston visited nt the home of his clster mrs john ruddlck mrs wm mcdowell and mm itoi of toronto visited at tlie home of mr and mrs john ctpney mrs jos beaumont of glriiwiulamn visited her siilcr mm robert bcotl several days last week misses frances and vera hurst were buesls at the city hall at home in toronto lost friday night mrs b cord bier spent the pasl week in toronto with her sister mrs george mcdowell who is seriously 111 miss delaine gibbons nurse- in train ing at st michael b hospital toronto was home for a few days last week nr ftea wrtrnt or osiuiwn wtirj tius been speudhig several days at tils home here returned to his duucs uicrc this mrs charlotte macdouald and miss oortnnc and mr gordon johnslon of hamilton visited acton relauves this mrand mrs j linton icenncy and barbara of toronto spent the week end at the home of his parents mr and mrs john icenncy mrs robt johnston knox avenue has been ul uie pant few weeks the many friends of this brlghl elderly ibdy will hope fur tier return to- her usual hcaltii mrs anna mad dock and mra bella lindsay of toronto were here during the week attending at the beside of thrlr cousin miss bella graham who has pu way iheip husbandry lliut the farmer uv lata ncc with an hi fortnri twine and sui ks fur shipping w in obuilued ut lhe agricultural repr mlitutlvc n unite milton llaplul yauruj people meetlnt the rigulai weekly meeting of uie liuptlat y p u was ucjd on monday veiling lu uui clusxroom muui nephew iiliutiled the chair during the bulnesi lewiiull uie b y p u decided to 25 00 towards tl new sunday hi hool ooni being bulll i uie basement u lh hurcli the pciotioniil committee hul huric uf tho piogruiume mr slanly crlppi acted tis chairman jls nellie elliott read llu scripture lesson and mr c r knapp sang a solo mb nephew guvr the addrehs of the eveiiliu uastug her remarks ou the imcm rugby chapel by multhew arnold intiiutu ud from tin- pthin ilvuwiu the lasses of eople iii uie world a first tlioirf- who huve un oul but eating dressing ami iklty s second lhuse wlm have il dellulle guul und desplto- uie uyrrw helm ing odds prev un and icucli tlie goul alone third those who have u dchnim goal and pres forwurd uuioplnu to help tithrrr nlong llu e uie the ones who follow lliple mlo murloil reld alc tract ftoin uie poem ul the famllv fium a dllitue atteu ihe fuiniil mi- uuilli w ley iuul 1red nnivil m nnil ml foil loionlu mi ml ml- mimuiiliiy a ida gliiiwllllani- ml ttlkl mi i wall uiuth and mil kalian gcuigclowu mr john k cm icy was lu hamilton on fursday lo see his third sou mr telfurd ct- 1 uie degnc of a majtcr miaun on this occasion he was presented with a uuulul masonic ring by his par on us the eiigugemeut tu announced of mar jorle elizabeth only daughter of the lau- dr and mrs win hunter asiigrovc to dr jus wright mcbridge llmchuutc he marriage ui lake place very iiulcuy ally in march s dun ngaiieuienl u tuuiurlni wliiiilfi armstrong toi on i wlllli gib second da uy liter to william edgar n of mr und mxu erin the inarrlugc tuke plaic iiuleuy the middle uf march letters to tlie editor dear ldluir the editor or a paper in ontario which is strongly wet staud edluirially a few wivr i lotted away that lie was a respcclcd eltl4fi and a consistent aupporter of prohibition i wonder u the government will ucieed lu their ellort to pipularlze dilnk to such an extent thut when a meinlmr uf the community pusses on it will in- iald of hlin uv way d cim- mcndatlun ht wja 4 uroni muporur of the aovrrnmrnl sale of liquor a reader much lj 1u2u lhe junior l t u e liuhre party in uie tuwi wuduiaday evcullig april 11 iilt hold hull u

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