Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1928, p. 5

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qft artim 3fivt jlrrua 1iiu1ujday may it 10lfl mi iuiiih or iiomk 11m wlflti ilkli right hghls how fair thry iihlm lnnlghtl i love un iillnl rial gleam of then the changing topna gift nil or tlieni agaliint tin imw ring height lhry iin 40 guldi t beacon act 11v hnrqiie aright fhoiu far 1lulj like iitar rights allium nlniin he hoy no prim f india tt nnvlod gdnu nor llnrli of iximbard dladcma liu in my will lui they ide turn that draw mo home agiln i i pi rrhuncr mlidit stray oh 1i1 ar lights oh near lights tin larl long leugun in passed the winds among the cordate sleep oray veils of mint from shoreward creep the anchor now in coit haw bright th iwi to w me nl lustt agnes montgomery f f rft ci a gj ar the jb 30 j emewrm 6fi rsllam 1 h m2 tired mothers a little elbow leans upon your knee your ured laicc that lias bo much to bear a childs dear cyca arc looking lovingly from undcrnrtjjjftlljqf jnalcd tntir jvbhnnainn warm moist fingers holding youni so tight you do not prize the blessing overmuch you aro almost too ured to pray to night but tt la blrtuiodnes a year ago i did not sec it as i do today wc arc so dull and thanklens arid too clow to catch tlu sunshine till it nllpn away and now it wcim surpassing strange lo me that uhllp i wore the badge of mother hood i did not kui mure oft and tender tiil little child uiat brourfnt nu onlv good and if some night rent you miss thin knci when you sil down to i bow on your tired riitn rtatleim curling head from of your breast this lliplng uirtcuo uiat chatters ooij- 1 tan try if from your own the dimpled hand ilia slipped and necr would nestle in your palm again if the white feet into their grave have tripped i could not blame your for the heart ache then i wonder so that mo then over fret at little children clinging to heir gown or that their footprints when the diva arc wet are ever black enough to make them frown ir i could find a little muddy boot or cap ar jacket on my chamber floor if i could klin a rosy rootle foot and hear it patter in my home once more l in tlin iuy 0 my youlli tulhcf wil liam rrpllod 1 remembered that youth could hot hub thought of tlu iu turn whatever i did i hat i never might grjovi for tint post you arc old iathnr yvllllnni the young man cried and life mmit he imulenlng away you urn cheerful aial love in couveruj upon death now tell mo the reason i pray 10 the i m cheerful yoiinu william replied let the catua thy attention engage in the days of my ynutli i remeiiltwirud my qod and lie hath not forgotten my age it were well if young men generally would take to heart leather william a nane aitnwern to- tin inter rogatltli of hit loutliful friend ttsfy f vvourii will li they luid spent the day fishing in cold driving drixxic but tliey wcro ri turning with empty baskou and sorely tried temlier as uicy entered the village a dog ran at them harking furiously one of uia fishermen pushed it away with his foot arcn t you afraid j10 11 go fur you asked ilia companion ills friend looked at him sorrowull for minute or two then he npaki i wish he would he snapped cluuicc anything lo be able tu gj tiomr anil truthfully nay i d dud a blto ol some tort no oounr about it a acottfian wishing to join the police force in nlrmlngham won asked by the impcctor wliat would you do to dlspenu crowd wml replied ute qcot i dlmrn ken wiiat ye wad dae in birmingham but if i were in aberdeen i d paw round tha hat half muumi dollar adilltlsn allow for greater development in tre iniliutry hamilton may 15th another mile stone in canadian industry was pouted today when tlie halfmillion dollar ex tension to the pirentono tire h rubber company of canada limited hamilton plant was opened for operation- since this progressive company commenced op cratlons in canada six years ago they h compenetftoirefctwiriiiiit if r cmmi mena arnrokcrnamoday to morrow make a kite to reach the thlreli no uuman in ooda world could say she was more bllsarully content than i but ubj the dulnty pillow next my own la never rumpled by a ahlning liead my singing blrdllng from its nest u flown ihl little boy i used to kiss is dead tiitnd mothetts these qpiuno days yes i m an old man and not supposed to know much about the work in the average liousehold these days but i m having it forcibly impressed upon mc ijc da t t tlmo and that uicrc arc tired mothers all over the land not much wonder is it if thrfi tired mothers of others are a bit short when thit cjiiwrun axo longing about tftslr tired forms and expecting ho usual loving attentions i suppose these period ical uprlnj mid fall house cleaning tur moils must be ingocd tn but my but im glad when they ore over and the affairs of urn huuuhuld come back to normal again of course the men of tno hous- are put to a bit of inconvenience at these times but oymputhy hi wholly with the tired mothtn mid the little children i wonder if wc ail appreciate the eir mothers tenderness and solicitude for jier children and her household gcnerajly evon when uhc herself 1 tired out vltli tha cxtru cures and duties of the season tame tnic has said uiat uje mother li tlic dlvliuty uf infancy but she jj rrirt jie i- hil nnpelopjrlt of the horn jjr love lowu in her sympathlca and re um ui all hei tliuiifihls and deeds be ollc ever rfj ured uila moljjorlovc never cools nevrr tires never dreads never sjerns but evir glows and bums with lacroolng iirdinir and with sweet an j holy lucent upon tho altar of home devotion wen of the home be considerate these days of tin tired mothers itemember die cxtru duties and the exacting cares and do what you con to lighten th burden tin y serve this consideration from you give it imstlntuigly and show your cjniputhy in tho extra effort requlr d far tin 1 xlra duties till- old man g oompoht i often ovtrhuir th comments of ytung pi pli 1 apt cling old folkn and they frtuiieiitly 1 sprcsjt surprise and won dr that old people can be happy when there arc uo many tilings uiat are denied them because of thrlrage when i hear these xpri sjiidiis i am reminded of the dialogue bitucen in certain old man kiioun ai lather willtum and a young man of hli ncauulfttancc all depleted in tiolilhry 1 mutuikijji poem in which louiui h tie mul nal comman nensa arc so ell iijiniaid au follows you are oldnithvt willlain the young muii trid ks ubat arc eft jtiu re father william a la irty the iliaiui i pru nrvouui lrutlier wll- t youth would fly igur to meat uw ever fncreaslng demand for this popular tire the plant extension has become absolutely necessary and gives an increased floor space of nearly 151 600 square feet allowing an inorojuu n production of 40 or 6000 tires a day with on investment now of nearly as 000 000 in canada the firestone com pany show their faith in the future de velopment of this country approximate ly 1 000 people are employed with an minus payroll of 2 000 00o the new addition enables the company to use tho latest methods in tire con i unction making possible the best tin at the least coot to the consumer the improvement tn firestone tlrcn arc the result of tireless research work engineers chemists and designers new method of construction and de velopment have enabled firestone to give the pubuc a new and better ure built for extra long mileage safety and com fort tho increase in the sales of this life is largely due to the cooperation fire clone give their dealers firestone urea aro cold only through reputable dealers who give the public a master tire service g peel ally designed repair cqtlpmcnt is supplied to firestone deal- era and educational mceungi held allow uem to keep abreast of the times hi relllns and servicing firestone urea plrcjtone freatjlt nchlcvcment in ure building is the oumdlppjnj process by this extra process every fibre of avey cord in uic ure is insulated with rubber which prevents the strands chafing n gainst each other and causing internal friction the greatest enemy of the tire ilfc spring ternf in each at llhaw a twelw litihkbbi lucrum into tho hummer in mi with iin fnrrnd vucittlntui knter tmy day llookhd free write 113o bay ui loranui w ll iihuwi uecreury jfiot- 7l6twft own ilettmdy 1 trrru nut tawrrav to tax hotniawr hmujixi 2sc and 50c a ha constipation druggist tils easy way to end bladder weakness pleasant ineimnlv horns trttatment quickly uctuvm dally inrlutuin and gettlnvdpnbjhu no matter what your age may be how long you have been troubled or liow many medicines you have tried without suc cess if you are a vlcum of bladder wooknejih and oreuiral irrltauon caus ing days of troublesome an noy on cr and nighti of broken rea you should try tho amtelng value of dr 8outhworth uratabd at onoel made from a ipoclal formula success fully used in uie doctors private prac tice for nearly co yearn uratabo are parucularly designed to swifuy relleyc the pain and misery of burning urethral irritations backactic bladder weak- asu and ouirtnlgfitefv ont incfpdbvijand luppllod by all fcrxttftfrulbfc orrsgtnintrvttorinoiicy back if not satisfied if you need a medicine of uila kind try ulflltabs to day 1 oumdlpplng made it possible for flrv stone to produce the first balloon tire uiat has rcvoluuontxed the ure industry and allows the maximum degree of safety and comfort from these urcs season 1928 wool wanted for ouclph worsted and spinning co will be in acton at tho c n it station to buy wool on the following dates may 31 june 7 june 14 in eiiin atcp il station may 3d junl 9 june 13 highest market price will be paid farmer market your weal direct to she mill efficiency in home management wiitm n to day an wnl an mm are jiifit biklnnlngto roallui the rervlcn that elec tricity hak in offir we wlui nnn thniight of elifebialty as un ekpciulve luxury are lieglimlns to nee luiw eb-c- trlrity in nut only economical but its latnr saving devices have lightened tho work of every creature in chrlnletiuvim without a doubt the homo uiat you now occupy is not as rophtl with the modern comforts tut it might lia ihetur to yourself llie modem kitchen it luu a good rolling light with a liandy switch ii has side lights and aeverul convenient outlets for your electrical appliances now rontront it wltli the usual kltciien perhnpo your own it has onlya centre it- generally one you have lo resell up to luiifun v7iienvcuiut you rauier live and work in those who llvo in acton have little rxriuie for lining oluih l hoiiui wiring we know a company that can give ner- vlixi in the way of wiring and installa tion utut is not hvfci uuniaaseil by elec trical englurera in the largest metropoli tan rltleri llefrrrcncc to anderson at plait plumbing heating and kleclrlcal work located at 33 quebec utreet west ouelph and we arc proud tn recommend them ax tha lieit of modem electrical engineers wlielhr you are building a now liom and want it rxbctly as your ideal home han been pictured or if you are simply dissatisfied with your present wiring system they eon lie of untold service to ydu their plume number is ouelph 330 and it is said i un uiem for uia safest and best modern electrical installation and appli ances plan your shopping after n housewife lias planned licr rrcnl she is faced with the task of secur ing tho food meat is generally uut out standing feature of the menu and nothing is more provokjru to uie lady of the house than to be forced to call on half a down markets in order to pufchw the cut and grade of meat she desires for her table the women of thin district who have experienced uru difficulty appreciate uie service and better meats offered by dad hiltons meat market which 1 located on garden street ouelph few if any meat firms have attained a prominence equal to uiat of uila modern market maintaining an upto date meat market for uie accommoda tion of the public tlfls nmnrwmlw bian has an enviable raon for olfinuneu and sanitation dad milton insist that cveryuilng about his store lie in accordance with modern scientific ideas regarding sanitation he has assured uie public uiat his meats are pure fresh and wholesome nor lias he seen fit to take advantage of uie general tendency to raise prices needlessly as have many meat dealers but an uie other hand has been most moderate in hut selling by reason of uil fair dealing wlui the public his patronage has increased uiiul today his market is visited by hundreds not only from ouelph but from all uie surrounding territory for clean fresh and cured meat none could da better than to visit dad miltons meat market and see quality in abundance at prices uiat are avtremely reasonable ha is to be complimented for uie policies adopted and it hi predicted uiat he will have a continued era pf prosper ity king imvaiuln tiiolttrjfntk ilie ulct of icinu 1duard vii tiidflorul him to the hrnrdi of flw ptoplt nuhlde of fiiglund nu will n to hli own i tib- jecln our of the utti hdatllji nt u foiilili rourt dirrlltfrf a lrlt of the urifuu monarch and thr imprrilun hi math i he teller of tlm story lr nn nhl lady who has lived nt the court nlnre her youth i he king camr he nmlledtir jjcailud lie wan like the eiur hit inadi un all feel that we were hcnutllill and wonder ful and yet tin re wan no flattery we all foil in lovo with him from thr mo mrnt he klnied our queen n hand lie not only said nlct tilings out djd nice thliupi he ihoupjht of evrryr boly and wc never foil that hi charm log bperchri and attentions ciimi from the idea it in the tactful thing to do nol it all cnmifrom hli heart one evening there wan u ifreal func tlon at the palnci wc had lccn itand ing for nearly two hours our own l k1mrimttnrrmriaetnteirr theso matters hbt the vldt of the cngllsh king was inch honor such a i ucci ni uiat it made her milte fonrtrul qhr forgot to sit down hern if or ui give tho order to ut poor ladles bi attendance i am getting old and icing edward inw my distress irjjy was walking about talking u everybody eludilt nly he i lap ped in front of me i made my courtesy and heard my poor ntlft knees crack your king nald n few nothingn then wills pcrcd duchess you mui t sit down i i rr you un worn out by itandlni ijj lom bit down if only for u few mnmcnbi i will stand in front of you ro no une ihall unequalled savings on standard car makes xaanyof us would like to own a car real rnnimirmvtfahtf tnxartiorrtncf wttoo tjuebccrotywitteast auelpli uie foster festers located on tipper wyndham street in ouelph la the meoea for the well drccsed women of this section who havo found mils store headauartni for ueady to- wear clothing and those uttu accessaries ct essential to the women of today the fiw tray you are hull though many miles removed from new york which la known aa the style centro of uie continent thi efficient establish cni ti uioroughly up to date and is plcte wlui the models of the hour in the various materials and shades which have been approved by uie world lead- ng arbiters of fashion no sooner has any style been accepted by the leading tachion authorities of uic nation tlian it it once mokfs its appearance la uiln tare and is presented in u variety ar iiatcrtals for uio choice of the people if this section at trusters nro alwayit found not only tyles and niaterfau in hast nupufar hjue today anjong society a leadurj more ounnervailvu and mudnl at most reasonable figures for wluch this store enjoys the patronage or uie leading clliiena nf th irnimify l uio maat- iwpular store among people of everj walk of lire you have at your oervice many lltuo lcceuwrlcs of drcaa which cliaracterlze the uttirc of the progressive woman jf today anil one must look far and wide to nnd a block marc complete and at liacuve at footer a you will always find the name courteous nnd accommodating ser vice uie sumo high quality at reasonable juice and the aamp metro polltnii ul musphcrc which actljally brlilu fhui averue to yoijr doof uiillo at tlo same time taking into euiuldcratlon the needs and so have we the only thing uut keeps un from renjlxlng thla drtam la uiat we do not rfrnfa a be able u ajtord a new cor of uie stylo wfl want the only logical solution in this problem u good aiced car pf thl ityla and price we can afford many of our friends have neglected to provide themselves with cars because they lack the te clinical knowledge of motor construction they ore afraid leftt they pay their money for what is known in the motor world as a lemon we would like to remind these friends that there are reputable auto firms dealing in new cars who have good uck jf used cars uiat were taken in ojt trad they have been recondluoripd and prlt ed nccordlng to ctrrem valuta just audi a n la da ajency for the chevrolet motor cars they liave used cars on hand uiat they can conscientiously sell to anyone who wants a real serviceable machine for pleasure or business purposes when you call on them keep uie fact in mind that you are not dealing with a secondhand car firm on receiving the used cars uicy allowed a credit equal to uie cars value and uicy merely wish tn realize this amount in the renale they axe not in uie bujuneaa of making flowery prom ices and offering ocutlous voluci they are on uut job to represent a motor ear as it u so don t expect to be fooled if you buy a used car from daymond motors you will be satisfied and pleased with uie value you receive mukr up your mind lo day that you c goltif in give your run a real chance lo m t well llkr u lot of other people you uo probably iwen convinced that the only thing to use wan an ointment or ralvc comr of them are very good but in thr big majority of rarrn uicrc sticky en simply clog the lores and the condition primarily remains the name in to it j ilassard or any other good dnigglst to day and grt an original botuc of jlfuoncj lime raid oil see the dear kind man wan as good as hi word by and by ho went up to our queen what he said r dan t know but she sat down and avc the rlgnal with her fan which means uiat we ladles can also sit many royal pcrronaes would have watched un standing untlj nvc a dark in the morning and never have given a thought to our poor aching feet i say that a man whether he ir a king or a peasant who thinks of the htuc things can take care of the big uitngs collecting a debt a sea captain living in a small mas sachusetts town had loaned money to u neighbor who after uiu loan wai u year or so old made no effort to pay it the captain began to look upon it on 1 arriving home from uac voyage he heard of a debtcollector who was noted far sueldng to a delinquent uuul come result was obtained the captain called up this person told him the clrcumstanc es and said now if you will collect uc debt i u give you half oi u- jjl if- yuudanl collect but half of the bill 111 divide not so- many years ajro bonds arcm almii fng tih collector nodded i guess j can got half of it anyhow if i dont it slum t be far want of trying hard enough the captain sailed awny and on his return again sought but uic collector hello mr blank i sad hr how about that bill have you collected it yet well replied uie man i slnt col lected uic hull on it but i did c lect my port bout oi soon as you gin the account and after he ain t paid mo a cent aincc i keep after him but its just as you said when you give me uic bill he don t have any conscience about it oood day and uic brisk col lector djappeared leavl ig uie captain vainly gazing after him granite memorials stand test of time ihc past pruvca a rood teacher file mistakes of yesteryear find corrections lr to day tunc has taught us uie asunq qualities of grunlta a worker tn ulu atone b aconje 1 farnworth whose plant is located on elora rood at wood- i lawn cemetery hi ouelph here are exhibited memorials of scotch american and others of uic worlds thlest granltest the plant of oeorge h pam worth is very extensive and la equipped with the latest of scientific machhiery for the producuon of high class work the name george h parnworui stands for high quality reliability and progress in memorial rrftftynanbhlp a marked improvements jave been made tn the memorial markers art una man htt adopted them an soon as they wro pproved by the trade the large number of monuments plac cd in the cemeteries show in what ap prcclatlon uie people of this section of ontario hold of mr fornworui o work their unusual symmetry and beauty of design stand as examples of his expert workmanship and designing they ore tp ndmlrnllnn nf jt 1 1 i lywj- them oeorge 11 fam worth handles the selected grado of all granite and anyone desiring to choose a memorial for uiclr beloved departed should consult him his display rooms arc open dally aa well as evenings it is a pleasure to point to this monu ment works ag really one of uic leading memorial enterprises in this section and to 6et forth uicse advantages of trans- acung business with uils concern burmints uiat have hkt with universal and depmnds of the people of uic com i pproval as regard prlnc yon wl fd umulty aptl it is predicted in this rcvle v hut uicse garments which hang in hut tc fu lire will sco oven great ir gruccnll and becoming lines ar ofterad ucej in le jfrounns nt uiclr jusuca in tin di lum rcpllid i rt nu mben d fa t and abud not uiy llrului and my ul llrm that i utiir uilkhtured them at lasl you an old 1 utlir r william the young mini erli u and pleilwiini with youth pass away and iin urn nl not the days that art g in how tdl nu ik reason i pray write for free booklet walla that reflect qood judgment con tnlping ntertatlpil informntlort on home planning with qyproc roc board and insult millions of insujatlhg tir cells fireproof vvatttooard tor sl by j b mckenzis acton ont the georgetown lumber co ltj acton ont making meals interesting in planning meu the housewlfe has un eternal problem thrice dally she is confronted wlui the question of variety one uay to make uic meal lnteresung in to vary the bakery products dread has always been tho piece dc resistance of the menu and today it can cither be baked or purchased in rasclnatuig varieties loaves buna rolls cakes and in fuel dozens of dainty breads rich breads and breads uiat arc realty deserts tho principal ingredient ofread be ing flour it la well to lucrtmtnato yjt making yiifr purchase many takers und housewives testify uiat 6 now drift and dictator flour two product of jlniqs qoldlc curiipuuy of ouclpt aro coon omlcal easily ebtalpoble and uniform in y w inflwct tuclr p inow orjft and dlclator flour is nut unirorm by chance laboratory and baking tests are mode at regular inter vals thus you ar assured of obtaining uie same miparuuve quality year tn and yrar out flour mlllbiff la a ulgtity specialized industry and the cxecutlvca or uie james ouldle company of ouelph are ably equipped by uftnlnn and experience to qicpate tiwlr anterpiise proflttlng both themselves and their patrons the many processes of manufacture involved hi milling flour are hi teres ting and tnstruc live and uic officials will always welcome the proven asmima ileroedy since asthma existed there he- been no lacl of much heralded remedies but uicy have proved chart lived and woruileo the ever growing reputation of dr j d kcllooggs asthma rem dy ho- given ll a place in the field of medicine which no other can approaclx u has never been pushed by aensauunaj mcuiodi but has simply gone on effecting relief and making new converts elf bcrvf basis in tiil rorcst guarding according to uie 1021 report of tnc m nlter of lunam and ior ts for on tarto one out of every uiree faxct lrc which occurred last year wi re reported by the ouljda public by people who were in no aay umclatcd with hit fire longing staff clllct fire range an ununlmou in attributing- to education thlt radical change hi uic atut udc of uil public tram indifference and lau x falre to active coopcrotlon so much for the- potency or education in fireproolng our foreato tliereport slnts further that human agency was rcspo nslblc far more than nlno fires out ol ten or ninety three per cent of the fires of known origin the need uicrcfon for further public co operation is evident the department by the inauguration of the travel pernlls in ccrtabi bccuona lat year such ai uie ferguson highway made a bid for public support and got it in dltrlcli where the permit was u tin- travelling pub lie played uji ttcllaiid renpondrd to uiu appeal frr cooperatlun ontario has a ure ranging ltoif com prising some l 000 na nun em these men attempt to take cir of 1q 0qq squnte inllcs ot foret country or on average of fio uare mile t uch and much of uilj u tract lea forcat uil lieed of the upkirt f all tht pcopk who travel tlic forrst in ki plug ute rlro demon in ctuek is at once apparent tlic provlnrr l spending a million and u quarter dollir- annually in an etideuur to build up a ixnnaiuiit dltctlie rurri fire protection at rvlee wid ul tht sann time to flgh tht tin 4ixand i dd lire whlcli liavc occurred i juiuull fur tin pojt five ycrirs with ll n mlnlmuin i l this mjney beluiigh to t ik peopl nf on tarlo uvci dollar bp ol can 1m mud doubll my trebly ellctlv with ui tlvt publle mppjrt behind i feultlcvi uialty perfectly milled tq a sort ikvdcr fine texture rich and my white in color nigtator flour tea the most delicious pabijy rhy pie crusts fuid olden brown buoulta 05 tlcular mention of them when ordering ucccesfully 5noui0llt nakca pcrfoot fiom your rrooer and you will onuw drltt and dictator flour made i from tho kernel to uic sock if you have never tried uirsc bronda fl suggest that you make pur the publ c d cord ul id i d well li in tin 1 7 mui lug i hi n kit and um1nt aijyuiie uli i up unyon l ahead lui t ii up en p ip cl n if no v mil in tvqc cln lo t u w kju ii kept bi i i lauiul uldi powerful penetrating antiseptic oil heals eczema and other skin diseases miiil ciive ituitilii nltjjyh or money jtiick tin very first spnllratlon will give you rellrf and a few whorl irrnunrnls will thoroughly convince you that by stick ing faithfully to it for a nhort uhllt your okui trouhlri will lie a thing of thr past flemrmbir that moont n kmerald oh i n rlrnu powerful prnrtrating antl- fjptic oil that dorn not rloln or leavn a in any rrrldur and that it must give plrlr- mill faction or your money cherrfully refunded free from furnace drudgery he furnace is a taskmaster you mint null to 11 the first thing in the morning hake h and stroke it during thaw last tlnd momentn at night before ynu can no to lied lie t ween ttmcii your wife mur tend it ii means asiics dirt sca trred roal vurylng heat to lift u coal nhovt i morning noon and night 1 tw long for uic many advantages of oil hrt t healthful unvarying comfort out tn grant the desirability of oil in atlng is one thing tlic choice of an ol heater for your home la an entirely different matter oil burner dlscus- rlann with interested and well meaning frlrnib can hardly provide you with facta about your hrallng question only heat ing engineers men trained in uiclr pro- fenilon can help you decide it intelli gently one firm in ouclph whose personnel b equipped by training and experience to cervo you in theso matters lo uie iuchardson plumbing sl heating co wlui office at 07 quebec btrcct east wc rugge t uiat you lay your problem before them thry will take into con sideration all uic peculiar requlrcmcnto of your homi and udvbe you authorita tively ar u the bent heating mruiod for you they will glvr you all the facui that you med to re uie your heating troubled completely and permancnuy wiuiout the illfhtcct obllguuon to you tile richardson plumbing a heating co rrll and imtall tho oh omatic oil iliimrr laslly ine tailed the oll-o- matlr oil llumrr li adaptable to mnjt any dwelling if it canmt be uced wlui the maxim u i r l fncuon the m n in charge will promptly tell y u o they lnslt that the ollomatlc oil burner serves ynu quietly cftlcirnuy and safely the willluri oil o matlc has been on uic market far nine yean and uiere art now over 70 000 in use all over uio ward the new model j wlui all uie latest improvements la now obtainable if you would eliminate the labor poisonous fumes and dirt of the ooal burning furnace and if you would ap- prcclably lower uia cost of hraung your home give uie richardson plumbing st heating co a ring at ourlph 1025 anil uicy will jladly call to core for youj heating problems sound advice to investors loaves of bread nw and delightful experience in baking the spectacle peddler jerhups you renumber uic spectacle peddhr und hi hum door lo d xr and fitted grandmouicr mum ouicr member of the family with glasses lie wi3 ui ouro a caller 0 ycum up urt the llrlnliig rod sacsinan or the hobo who rhiiipcd at uic family uic ocrmun uih wood pile for a uieul he wixs aa familiar haractii in tha town square as was ihc indluti herb doctor the pain killer in kan ii n or the lead bund lie was un imprt iiiv person eje ductor he usuid your eyes wlui u ear 1 set upright i n ui family crntrc table and fitted you with lenses uiat lie aelccttd from a stock carried hi a plush box the hpri tacles thenisclves were muuufiillurtd while uu waited und your ch lire of frunira were liver or uold plat rd tin prim depnukd uimn the linaglil ntluii of uiu doctor the iwctucle peddler hu becumo a ehuiucter t f yrsu rduy 1 he guardians of the public health have rluwd him out of bunlttefcs und lie in jailed if caught utteinpuiiu to carry on hli buulncu lo dcx tu lrtuil- uuiutlu ol utu vision u u ncccsoary to b ilccuaed b tlie province and trained by coiiitelent educators the oplometrlit wlio corrccu your blhl by fitting you wlui uhuuvci no mare to be claiscd with u spectark peddler than a scientist in uic weather bureau is to be compared with thi religious rain maker of uic nine ilea in day uicrc are uiosc in oach pro fission whose akill has brought their names to the attention of the public ocou irhtgle at no wyndhum tjtrcct ouelph has earned uie well merited reputation he enjoys in uic cornelian br troubles uiat affect the ryes through tho ute of glosses he con nt you wlui lenses correct power and shape in styles uiat are pleasing to your appearanc- itrlcuy scientific and most expert ui the care til troubles that uffect chil dren s ryes if you are having any trouble wlui uia gimmes you an now wearing or if you feel unit you need glasses it will pay you to visit him wc nhouid da n 11 to t lull ill the siime beant ulu n hon i h st w i ml often give to mull bit ln juit ut tin turn of uil 11 iu murki d the old cltljun of utlu j u un t really tell by looking nt tt w nth r 11 l com in i in or uuing out y 1 vo ult u iiell ul tola rwo old ijdlinin tat by it t road ldi pulling solemnly at their pln thi re a no much phuuri big donald ad handy h jo tlau ye niuk unit tluiud donald woel ifje le rnoltin y r ye re thltikln o t i wfu xpt uu un u yine muokln 3 ith r body s pipes rammed c tleht ic wliuut draw wen uiy england and mew york families benks and insurance companies nod been buying them for generations because uiey knew uicy were uie safest and moat convenient of all investments dut uiclr sale woo confined almost entirely to weal uiy men and woman and to large instltuuonfi for many years they were strlcuy a rich man s investment the bond idea gradually worked noru ward and westward and as it came t grew from a mere idea into a definite plan tlie bond sellers let all the people know wliat a few had known beforc- uiat of ail forms of investments none an better than bunds it l no longer necessary for an investor to have a uiousand dollars caved before lie can invest in a good bond pivc hundred and one hundred dollar bonds arc issued und old in largo numbers a leu yiurs ago uic man who bought bond- wu the cxcepuon today it would be hard to ay just who arc the bond buyers because every class and age of investment advice like legal advice nliould bo based on a study of each in dividual cose in uicso days when co many worthless cciiemea are offered o entrap the unwary uic sound advice of a reliable financial insututlon should be appreciated foremost in cuch a service stands an old insutuuon or ouelph t j hannlgan son whose offer of sound information and advice to their clientele and ail ouier poopcctlve purchasers of bonds u free of charge at all umcs and in no way places uic inquirer under any obligation to buy from them be lore a bond l cold to a client or an opinion given lo a nonclient they en- dcaior to make certain uiat ute invest mcnl is best suited to uie individual requirements their offices are located n quebec street east in ouelph thera you 111 find a well train arganlzauon under uie dlrecuon of men who are known for their honest und competent dealing- and sincere careful investiga tion definiteplan aid in home furnishing firm in qucjph that has had years o experience in home furnishing is smith s purnluirc suire 120 vyniuiam btrccl 1 heir idea have created many beauuful they are able to reproduce period effects uiat are the biggest sort of success in the home and that will fit in wlui future nccdk not only will uiey old in planning but they will ahow vou pieces from uielr replete block to illustrate their ideoj they ure very courteous and affable and uily do not make it incumbent on you la imirchasc from them merely became jod have uitrd their advice it is hardly jm ilhk for us to ijlve a puioluute and i luu which follow to form eoncrcu idin of their stock which lias tucked uaay in our minds is a dream picture of u hut we desire our home to litok like aiimc day often however the pielure l so haxy uiat when uic actual nitment of furnishing cornea along us uie ealci thing in the world to be led amray by the very variety displayed m lie shopj and plecci of furniture bougih for their caua appeal not only fall to harmonize prop rly but go quickly out o style tut tierure uie first piece of furniture li purctuuted tn it only a tiny table or a chulr deciding on a definite plan will ucl aa one of tin greatest helps in fur nlshinu the home cluier completely or by iw dinreci and will enable this first utiles in one harmonious whole tu the inexperienced this planning 1 difficult nnijiorhjun onl errors nia tx mude that u hi be disastrous it s utte forehaukht to consult eomeone cx- itneid in i um 1 tun effects amid cum blnutloni before deciding qeflnllcly a been wlictcd with rare jiidcmeul and tncludt everything uccriary in home iuinbiltbig- a ttsit tu snutttb turiil lure btorc houiver will readily prove o ou that thli ilrm la a firm that can be rial old to jim in u lectltig furniture fur your hume now everyone can have the tires he want for a couple of years some car owners had to get along witb shortmileage troublesome tires now its altogether different bigger sales have brought good year tires down to where everyone can afford to buy them and of course its admitted that good- years are for and away the best buy on the market especially when they can be bought at a price as low as you were asked to payior cheap tires r a coxe lkysliil ani iiudkoncssia ca1is itkphoiu gii acton service that iviennw a real saving to you

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