Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1928, p. 4

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ffll uru nti till at ii tl rla r ii ii mrtel e tj charge 1 i 11 i i iii ss tatei bill tl i iii pall advi iltimm frl alvrrtiirnc ratt will tc o play a iveil nj wn i i a nuts ltn cuitiuinv univermtw ahkoib tlu dominion will mirtly non he irunted thr tatu of n cmmtiy devoting much attention in cdu cntinn h the other imtions of the cnrtli the total ii ct of cnnnilii twenty three uuiverntic lire pllit- ed ut sh7 107 h0 the four imivernttici in we tern caiiidahnvc tutal tetf voided ut ff i s s02 871 while iilkiul mi per cent ot the 42 s 10 iliidciiti intended the m cumuli in univer nics ore women only nhout nine per cent of the 1 2m profc or- on the tcnchnik tnffs i re of the fair ex they howccr hold much the 1 i eater rutin of position in the primary and r iry school of the dominion iiuluceti n ii if her stmuliird of living the editor of the locomotive engineers jonrnnl la mif fiirnnnl hit nthpr riny juihi wc thursday evening may 31 1928 erjflbril a growing weidy st week the picton gnzette announced that in d of issuing only once a week that paper will tttr be issued twice a week on mondays and usincss in the past fifteen years the gazette has il from on eipht pbrc paper to a sixteen age and now to a twice a week journal this nsion surely speaks well for the progressivcness mr calnnn and his associates it also speaks tics for the loyalty and business foresight of the riesc people of picton and vicinity undoubtedly expansion of business on their part has been red to necessitate the enlarging of the facilities he gazette and mr calnan will see that this th is well cared for made for permanency the paving of young street is now completed and the finishing of the section in the crossroad on will be through with detours on the highway h favorable weather the contractors expected to plete the work this week the old saying that never miss the water till the well runs dry ht welt be revised to read you never miss the way until you have to detour but the advant of the fine sections both east and west of town soon overcome the disadvantages experienced ing the construction period the municipality has in step with the march of progress and has ed wisely in paving the s etions of the highway nectmg through town the foresight of the ncil also in securing the necessary land at the ners of the highway to mnko them safe has also i commendible quite true all the improvements 1 have to be paid for but in all cases the work not been done with an eye for the immediate nt only but with a view to permanency with finish of the present detour which will not be long or so bad as that of last fall acton should free from this bugbear for many years to come d while the first expense may seem large the saving upkeep will more than compensate for this amount believe that prohibition has ushered in a new day for the worl er of america that it is enabling them and their families to enjoy comforts that they never could afford when a part of thctr pay envelope went for booze that labor must choose between putting the money oer the saloon bar or puttinp it into the hank- and that the wholesome wmewnnd heer recommended by the a t of l convention constitute the precise reason why millions of worker in europe have never been able to reach as high n standard tt living as american workers no man ever yet improved lus lot by takinp poison into his system something for nothing the spring racing meets are on and that desire that seems uppermost in many humans to get some thing for nothing moves multitudes io these race courses and to find other means of playing the ponies the folly ot hopiny to win regularly has been repeatedly shown the evil of appropriating money for the purpose of betting that in many cases should be used for family necessities has been decried from pulpit and press repeatedly in spite of all the showing up the betting system has had the lure i- just as strong for gambling on the races most everyone concedes the game is a foolish one bat npparcntly most everyone likes to play it the crowds that attend are proof of this nsscrtion after all most people who do attend the races know by then judgment that they are doomed to be eventual insersr- but barnuin was right wherulie cizeiuup tket pcarec tjroa havr commenced the erection of ulclr darn no at their service station an water street and it will bo rushed to completion daniel iuccock returned home from the hofipltal last thursday and u pro- brcllna favorably mlsa u a campbell of lie 1 wood a sler of urn tiltort la vlsitlna at trinity farcanaac for a few daym several youths appeared before uoau- tratq pat ttcjftox rublic by his assertion that they liked to be lootcit vfstttturtjoy bbuu program lestpr chnuncey of colffory who is taking a couroe- in medi at toronto unlveralty spent loot thursday liuro with cjordon alton prior to his departure far calgary on saturday evening mlcses btcna thompcon of ilunuvllte marjorte kam of woodstock helen oarbutt of peterborough edna demery of toronto and marjaiie harris of mac donald hall ouclph spent lhe weekend at the latter n home here mrs lucille waller misen jean me mulan and annie henderson attended the nucleate at btanlcy italls hamilton on saturday afternoon and evening lost mliu henderson contributed several num bcru of dramatic art gazette a dangerous practice it seems to be a foregone conclusion in many places that the twenty fourth of may and fireworks arc inseparable and each year following jhis holiday there is accounted the usual toll ot accidents the regrettable part of it all is that the toll is generally on the children who arc given liberties on this day with fireworks to please then this year at least five children in ontario were injured and three build ings destroyed as a result of fireworks on the 24th no doubt many more minor accidents occurred which ucrc not reported like many more the editor can well remember his own burned fingers from the fire works of his day that were not reported to anyone in acton it is now illegal to sell or discharge fire vcrks within the corporation boundaries the result has been that there has been a gradual dying out of the custom and now very few are guilty of disobeying the law fireworks in the hands of children are a dangerous amusement and the action of the council years ago in illcgnlizing them was a credit to their forethought editorial notes once again the gucssers of the end of the world have failed in their guessing the time set for the commencement of the battle of armageddon has elapsed but thank goodness the battle did not materialize it must be very gratifying to the general public as well as to the farmers of canada to learn officially that of the 410 024 700 bushels of wheat grown last year 94 per cent as reported as having proved to be of merchantable quality a pino- iavv for lire w era and bt3tiueru in british columbia i system of government ntrol ot the sale of liquor is in force the follow item from the financial page of one of the dailies ii prove conclusively the splendid success of this w from the brewers and distillers viewpoint for e year ended december 31 1027 the hnancal state cut of brewers and distillers of vancouver and its bsidiary companies shows profits of 1 g0o415 this fore charging interest on bonds depreciation and xcs the capital of the company conbts of 4 sub f shares of no par value trom the net profit of 000414 was deducted bond interest at 205 depre ut ion ut 07 g20 and tax provision at 338 000 icav g net profits for the yearof 1314 580 which lilpares with 089 892 in the preceding year being increase of 021006 in his remarks to share oldcrs the president henry ueifal sayb in par fter providing for bond interest 20 205 deprc mtion 97 and dominion and provincial in lite taxes 228 000 the net pro tits for the year ount to 1 31 1 588 this is un increase of 024 gu0 ver the previous year it will be observed in the alunce sheet that the current assets exceed the cur utmbnitiuby 172- 250 and the operating surplus at december 31 1927 amounted to 1 758 382 on ly 1 1027 the balance of fli7l soo 20 year 0 per ent first mortgage old bonds of british columbia rewenes toih limited were redeemed and this ompotiy now has no bonded deb on december 23 027 supplementary letters patent were issued con irmmp special by laws b pruvidinf for the con crsion of the capital stoi1 of he company us fixed y its charter eonsistmi i i 500 000 allures of the nomination of 5 00 into sou 000 shares without omiiial or par value bung un the basis of live of uch shares without nominal or par value for each f the original shares of hie dtnomnation of ss 00 during the perfod undei review two new warehouses llicieusinj the maturity capacity by 15 718 barrels have been erected und euntranh have been entered nlto for furthet additions to tlfc plant which when completed will treble the production of the distil icry and just note that lust parui raph that is pro viding tor treblmp the output if the plant and all this with a profes cd iew of improved temperance education with the banishment of the saloon in the united states it is freely stated that nine tenths of the drunk en n ess in that country has disappeared commander evangeline booth in referring to the conditions existing in an address in london recently said the liquor problem in the united states will be a question of the past in another generation the pacific port of vancouver b c is becoming a great port for the shipment ot grain for the north ucst provinces since august i 1027 when the first shipments of the years crop began to be made no less than 71 053 758 bushels have been exported from that port this is a large increase over the corres ponding period of the previous year neighborhood news i oiua i v mr hob rt mrlj y nf mlmlco nprnt sunday at th h mi of w ii wlllwiii mij jvi lull if hiwlinlltmik rjwnt tin wcrk oul wllh mui mary vunnutu r mln j i t ptiltio wlllnon of muffaln city hnrpllnl vlnllnl nt hrr hninr hrrr nn uiimlny if you d m t tie y ilr don ip i n in galna to c m horn ml ltou one of throe j dayo mlui alice orrclmnn of tlut n u mln a itnff ot tin pt nliytrrinn ilnnpltal view york clly r nt a f w tlayn at hrr home h rr durlnn thr piua wo k captain human holmnn of laptiham lit von hire hiulaiiit pnld a flylnu vlult on nirndny to dr dickie and family en route to vnnc uvrr ii c herald m7 3uiii attti7titrtmakntornhvii aillfnplr ni u rr i to ilrantforcl on olin- d ly to vlnlt their iilnlcr marffarct wlio u 111 mr and mrs uuuell orundy and dauuhtrr mary and wr and mm ulmer miller and manter jimmy vultnl with drampt n irf nd on ounitny mn hcv hall who hax been a patlrnt at tin ouclph ocneral hospital for rumie wrrkn tl making fttlifaclory r n r ru an ntt ick af tuphold fever io plcnscd to icport uiat mr w hull in making favorable proffreta towanu rccovrry and unions further compllca tiona develop wr hope ha i be able to bo up in a few riayu the erin j i a and j w i reared another rucccn on wcdneteiy cvenlntf of laflt week wlicn they put on the pujy a prairie hone a ttecond time bo popular wan thin amateur performance that the hall woji well filled and every one thorouahly enjoyed the comedy the youna people are to be hujlily conuratu latcd upon their aucceu ajv cnte mbui wuma mfcmulan of actan wan heme for the wrkcnd mr and mm morris teeter and family and mm j c mcarthur and family motored to elora on qunday noclulde correspondent in advocate hukungton oakvillfc men arc back affaln worklns on tlic crib at the west pier and likely tlu work will be rushed ahead the mimco uutan and sophronla mclccc of toronto upent sunday in town with friends moat of the yaclila have been launch ed at the olilp yard and lhe boats arc now being fitted out far the coming ccaan ncwn ex councillor win anderson now of oohawa was in town on sunday j h slater of town haa been issued u building permit for a 1 10 00d reald ence on waton avenue by chief kerr hugh macnell who epent lhe winter at san diego cal returned to town loot week leonard h cornwall left town on friday morning for midland where he spent the weekend wlui hla friend paul angle a fanner citizen of oftkvllle who b now running a dairy biclness in that cood northern town record the ninth line north of bnldera comers la being graded preparatory to rocclvlng a coat of crushed stone the holiday motor traffic was unusual ly heavy with the race crowd and blossom visitors contributing many cars elmer patrick has leased the store formerly occupied by richard smith and will open a restaurant there star tub deli at kxoylyh onrt ol uin moal tntcrt nllni f in ii 1 h tlut initi ut ijoyd ti the un ut tu minn muriiu in uran nvcliiiiigc lui ilnglng linn ttiorit kltinlnt mice thutt th u uml of nimt lwll for it is rung only when u vikihii s rcpnrud kmt or when a whip loiuf oucrduo and coiihldervd loitt unei iwiclmily rnacluii port u vyim hll rvery long keo imy a vrlur in tit llltn that ilm clatiuhiu ahnouncd thr eufo rntum of the utiowdon nunge which urrlvml in u bturd mndltlon at queciuitown fifty- two iuy out from i hlladnlphla and lontf txillovod lot her lout would luvri bntt lloyd vomethlng like x 100 000 and it 1 lltua wonder thrrfarr tlml uu underwrlurn rluvered wlien tity iveard tlut new 11m boll now used at lloyd a bolonffed to tlu lullrm which was wnvckt nrar um mulder m in ootober if 00 while tkliib ciiecfn from kiiluh metclutnu to lumburu there u a room nt uoyd known as the cliam of horror and here r nasteil tliirtioramh ttunttptirt caknatiiartnr wa unimportant accidents are not en tered in tlie cmu book hut the moat urlous are not only entered there but ar orld uloud by an orflclaj wlio sundi in gorgeous uniform bneath uie sound lug board wlun after a weki dis appearance u u feartd umt aiviel lias bane down tlu ownum make an appllca lion to the commltlm mv lloyd a to have the ship pahud tint u dona by posting up a notice in uuj cliiniba of horrors which aays that die autmiblllca would be atad of information ooncemlng the boat a week elapse and uten a second notice in put up uylntf that uie boat lias not since been heard of wlun you read that a ship lis been poud as missing you may know that declaration is upon the notice board at lloyd on that day the insurance money is pay able and all who were upon her are legally considered dead when a ship is posted uie old luune bell is tolled once in uie very unusual event of a veuel arriving in part often being pasteuv the bell u struck twice and uie caller makes his announcement front uie rontrum uhild a breauiless silence redrose is ood tea un irc diwrlnrv the orange pekoe is something extra a special tea 14 in clean bright aluminum powerful penetrati antiseptic oil heals hczema and other skin diseases musi dfvo itefiulta in 7 dnyn or mnnty hack 1 lurceon rr r linwr i x 331 11 ko i nash i al u ma n r it 1 i tor fj i y i i 0 i 1 nilvman olock acton ont i 1 y i in m i i ii i j im i i i s 1 d s dnnt at aoulun it not matched un t it strange uie halleya slmuld have married each ouierl mused mrs klrby not that slie wo particularly interested in uie dalleys marital affairs and if mr klrby iiad murmured a com fortable uhhuh from behind his evening papr her mind would have speedily reverted to a less personal topic but instead lu had unexpectedly re plied btrange not at all jny dear they are unusually well moled as well ttuuclwltta ettimoaekaqxcniu wrfc4r klrby had bnnford to an trtimettiirjrtnmaxsbnhettinaiunru- why wlulam olortln klrby r aho w claimed laying down lier iwlrur and leonlns forward in her chair how can you uilnlc ol 1 u tofbtst uid hand some und indolent and alu liaui t a laxy bone in her uun utue body tliats just wliat i sold uarcla edger ton klrby returned her husband but in your seal for an argument you entirely overlooked my simile in that remote and dark ages period of my life before i knew you they offered a prise at uie county fair for the best- matched pair of oxen tlicre were soma beauties brought in eo that everybody lauglied when ezra plnncy came driving along a great luuid- gome alow moving ox hitched up beside a wiry scrawny lkue beait uiat took two steps to the big fellow one lotun on jlrst prise aln t ye earat called out one of uie men ironically tliatn a finely matehed pair o muni so uiey be i agroed bra eompla ccntly so thsy be tlut but matched pair of oxen in wood county one s wlhln to do all uie work an touieri wlllln he should i make up yi ur mind to day that y u arc going to glvr your nkln a real rhnncu to get well like a lal of other people you vc probably born convinced that the only thing to uno wan an ointment or ralvo some of them are vrry rood but in the big majority af cases uimo fltlcky salven simply clog uie porri and tho condition primarily remains the name oo to e j hassard or any other good druggist to day and get an original bottle of moonc a emerald oil 111 vfry flrnl nppllram i lll u j rllirf and i frw nh rt rmlnnii tilt roiiuhly r nvlncr j that 1 all v hurl faithfully to it f r a ly rt wiik ymr rvln trrililm kill a thlt u f thr i ml itrmnlwr that mix ur n i mrrulil fill in n rli an powerful x n tratlnu ai rcpuc oh that does not tain i r icavr n griaiy rrnlditr mid thnt it mil jl complru- nauifactlnn or your mor rj cheerfully refunded 1 cold medal coffee ita full bodied coffee flavour makes a real mans dnnl national gcocecs company limited wiioimsu d mribulor 4 f mn i i m t colliers complains tlmr the presidential campaign of tlic united btatcsis decencrating into a content between slanderers and liars it asserts tllut the can dldatcs hoover and smith offered by the two leading purtic arc men of unusual power und intelligence and ays let s for once have a campaign in which the voters arc us decent as the candidates dr charles l barber of lansing mich told the innuul convention of the american association for medico physical research that sixty per cent of till balm 1 urn of ciurctte smoking molherdic before they reach the age of two duo primarily to nicotine poibonnij a biihy born of u cigarette smoking mother is sick he declared it is panned and may die within two weeks of birth the postmortem tdiows degeneration of the liver heart and other organs milton the chorlca llonham farm eighth line trafalgar ion been sold to j elmore af toronto mm and miss stanley af kincardine luwo bean vuuung lira d a- andrew court street clifford liaudc of uie toronto police force spent the weekend at uie home c f hla poxcnui mr and mrj u j uaude the many rrlcnds of j m uackcnxle who liiui been confined to his bed for lhe jiost jlttctn weeks will be glad to know uiat he was able lu be out yecter day j u landxborough editor of uie star and vldctte a rand valley and urs landbborough and children visited uislr uncle and aunt ur and mrs ii j hare on sunday champion ir and un ross swackhamer ot toronto spent uie weekend hero with her parents mr and mrs jos peacock mlas dorothy cabot of boston uass lit upending a caup oi monuia here wlui iilt sister mrs is masher miss isabel andrews and two lady frlcndo of the ouclph qcncrul hospital spent a few hours laat sunday at her iioine here miss m uews who underwent a serious t pcrutlon in tho ouclph ocneral hospital a few weeks ago has mado such qoad piugrcsb towards recovery uiat on won day ahc won brought to her home lie re itcformcr visit lakf ol days this yeau up find i in the lake of days region you 11 i land of lakes that will add a thrill t your vacation umc amongst the forebls and lake ncjue utuc resort colonics tiny cottuges and modem houb here all summer fun is ut its beiit canoeing swimming aiidouicr acauutlc itrta lennla golf and dancing in abundance wi have prepared u booklet dricrihlng the lotkc of hays in detail any agent of canadian national ilullttuya will uladly bii ply you wltli one of theac rnllrcly fret of tliorge ma mil ol- wonder cojiluln itawllgh whi n i t ou some returned suldicr are among the upplilants for the vucunt shievulty 1 hey reason that if return ed soldiers are given the preference in filling the dumllgllb milder the dominion government all things heme equal otherwise why not by the ontario gov eminent what isamce for the goose ought to ba juu fur the gander ulso but its dollars to dough nuts thui the same qualification will not prevuil in this cisc lo lhe party workers belong the spoils milton reformer mliii i i llur ilut uould y u i vi int und ugly tlic caput i jullfttitty y u nifty uruw uldtr my diar mlu ilutuj bit yuu t in nevtr urow uglier and un hi went hi nit hi wi udend why tht hud n j cled ilm sahty utllts iou iltctulcitv l item inlxr ihut uu humuii body u u r ndutt u tl n it ncli wlrr ir uny tliiuu iu will h uiuy bu ehurued wth clcciriclt dt i l 1 v wlili i d uu by any oi r t ul un mx it ui t i r hil il i irk lun j niur 1 i ut h trl d vlci ivili for a inoiiiriit wllhoul making burc uiat uio euriviit lu turned uh we untangle your printing problems whatever they may lie we are com petent to unravel die tangled threads of your printing problems we do good work and have it ready on time we have the facilities for punting anything from your letteihead to the laig- est kind of a circulai you will lie sin prised what a ilifli 1- ence good caielul pimtiiig will make in the quality of yum advertising matter he through willi hasi airless m- coireet bluirid cinnlais and publica tions tin n ov l a new leal l letting us take care oi youi piiiilmg our puces aic cxcecduigly nason- 11 the acton free press phone 174 t bwj lh j m joh ir ids da dental 3u b n 1 v i f a tl i j j ii 1 mijjccllancous fkancis nunav dootb ndir ar ml t 1 f t i k nrtn mad to r irr t frl i j nt rvry dfk-rli- i n trfilly r rl i u n r uy in i r np z nt- nil in mtrit o rl h out fjvr v lmn 4 rtt r i kerr uctionwrr and real efitat t rnt ru i- idt hcp iit yoi l i hot h utt vtltii mi- acton ontario cattatntttrtp i lave jour car painted in om latcjt colors prices reasonable doranl anil slar kafea and vus johnsons garagl piioe i a milton life insurance aibo utu ccidrnl sirlncxs nil hrr insurance 1 it di i of numerous ar ace denls aiiji inaunince hoa be come a necessity do not lea c ir if lubli bj n rl ctlng u hn uru of these policies i or part culur bee l mcklin ilowcr arnnc acton qnt- mti ey to ltiaii u mrit mortcacca hero i 1hl jklly you have ilecn lfokinjt i or manufactured dy mclaklns um1ted kamilton and winnipofl rarmers equipment gentlemen and oardencn wc would be much pleased to supply you with your uccccsltlcs wc liavc a full line of best quality of uooda at acaonahlu rlceic careful attendant aluuy on duty uprlng maclilncry crtini facjiaruu ni windmills pumpo und 1 loo unit wire fencing und 3 drtvo gates for tljoo bone plicuphatu for cattli chewlnt bones pcrtlltzcr for bardeiu itcpalm and rcjialrinu a repairing a cue c laity ur iwtronuue uillclud j w bariiekkee rilonl ia alton p o 13 insurance if there is any kind of insurance you nmy require we will be plcubcd to quote you please give us u chance automqiulfc inbudancl a bptclaxty t g ramshaw milton and acton j as iiamshaw aimtant tulmsuillirs sall oi land i ok aiutlaits op taxls vluaje of cton county uf halloa hy vlrlujbjt u warrant ut 1 r tin hand or lho reeve of liu vllluite of acton ufoniutd and th u il r iii aid vii luau dated uie luui day f ivuruory a d 10jo und 1 1 uu dirt end loiiiinuud init me ui 1 vy upt u h la uli li n in ifter drscrlbtd fir tlu mn na niinctlve ly due ihrntu ut u i ilth lii txui incurred i h rt by ulvi u lie hint pur juunt ui tlu aliineiu ait ft ti o 1017 ctiapur 3u i shut in niesday juno uui 1qju ut tht hi ur tf ouo ocluclc 1 bj nt tlu c uni 11 chamber in tho ruwn hall in the vllluj t f artun aforcbaul prucctd lo iull by uubllcauc lion so much r uiu wild intfiti ai maj lu ncccsiry for tho pam nt of the ald arrearn and charts a thrr n uuleos mch arroara and cimruiii sjiall hine been sooner paid iit 3u plan 2 turi hi iirun 10j4 ibjij mm 10j7 isnully d i 1uxt3 cosls may 1 10u lutal 5i jl iu ti 4 tu fll ib atms4ti in ui nam if ih wordi n ijtuu and ulehurd w rl n t mltlivtlle unturlu tlald lands urn paunud ii n faituul lveaujcr of ac lun

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