49i jftnr turn k i vw lw w m s l3 i 12 19 i 13 10 1 14 31 i 1 is 22 1 9 2 j 16 23 30 fifye ivrtmt jjirri thuwiday junk 31 103s quality in ihjkknkkk jam wulloii di ad in line ion eh well nay it dont nrrin himlly mnrcn yalrcuy dam had u corner hero in luvrr kudu ah wttlwnivluuuiua frieiuln ifo nt er dcim much talkln cam but ocel hln block- inlnidi won all they claimed in lw an thiil in- in must important when 111 ill mild gam wnltun ulznrfii jivt went etralffht alnad night umin ho built a bluer r place on then gtlll probperln he tuk the notion when the boy not old enough ud help him liow the ellyd be some better fer thorn now llna never made a fiplaah but all the came ilia dooi woo up to scratch an jest hli name opelt honesty an when dam walton died i bucefl his hclrnd all ba aatufled wlnli i could hear him now proteatin he aint of pertlckler consequence danff me if peter dont stride acroxt uu rolden floor an tell him joil the fclnd were loolcln fori annie uutherland mr pkastlkk on trice and value aint judson icnapp aftked deacon hync rclnhtlly a mite dupoed to put a flcacr of value onto thlnfti thatai bouuht and fetched here ram away over tlihnan that are raized riant in dll- moutli wlmta brouaht uiat to your mind jmt at thlfl hmc7 otked caleb peanlee looldna up from the beets lie wu weed inc oomethlnu hell con orid done in the n rtve the dffcorjj him a ram for ten tlollari judson almoct turned up his nose at it and lie tent awny and rot one it wu delivered up at iila place whlbt i wafl there and to my mind it aint co veil pointed a ilieep nor co flno uoolled i dlaiowi td oufiht to liavc nnld what i did but i really wanted to know why he bought that thins instead of dcna so i up ii aaked htm and what do you suppose he said caleb shook hb head vigorously and waited said he did it becaufle lu wonted a superior kind or nheep the deacon an nounced and when i put it to him to point out where this one was bettern bens he brought out the bill lie paid for it i den offered me that one of liu for ten dollars he nays as if that settled the whole matter and look at what this one coot me 1 over five times uiat countin ccttlntc it here and attt and with that he shoved the blu back into his pocket as satisfied as old tukeyl caleb crlnncd with tolerant under standing thttta the judson in him breakln out he commented and the icnapp in lum made him sure he couldnt be wrong x spo old tobias judson juds irnmd- eathar waa a goad deal the tame way he never could uccm to tell uu difference betwixt value and price lie fiffffered that if a thins cost more it was wuth more names jud did about uie nun i supporc in the counts of his life that way of thlnlun must have cost him money for not every man lie traded with took pains to alve him square treat ment sames doodwln ilay did hay kep tile anucnu store and tavern in town there ant no other place to trade to tobias liad to do hla tradln with hay or go wltlioul in those days the heft of what folks used to sweeten their tea and coffee was mlajca a hat they called then ions sweefnlna old tobias was one of the few folks in town that ever bought sugar in thote times and ilay used to reckon on keeping just enough of it to supply tobias and no more there conic a time uiough wlien ilay flgaered too scant and ran out of it and ills juiuuin told toblai slud got to have camelhln even it twas nouiuv but mlasces so the old gentleman stubbed off to the ttorc wltli a jug the mlfucca casks in hays store were rowed along in the back room with the ends cut through the petition into the main room of the store tlicre was three of em porto reek and norleans and common mloixen tobias looked at the casks and wound up by askln hay if he didnt have comcthln a little higher priced that was better tvol mr judson hay says t can open up uimc for you out in uie back room but itll cost you twenty cento a gallon more and youll have to wait whilst i do it and tobias flggerln it to be special good agreed to wall iii mebbc five minutes hay come back into the store with the jug and tobias paid the extra price and went off happy at ecttln something out of the common and blu uace who was clerktn for hay begun to inquire into the trans action know in well enough that there want any other barrel out back x i didnt tell him id open another barrel hay tvayit i just told nun i d open up ame for him out back and i did i tapped the other end of the norlcanu barrel and drawed him a gallon out of uiat rnd and now youve got to keep watch and ctiade the price a rale on what ntuff he buys here till lies got that twenty rcntn back i dont want to get the better of him on count of his wlltirui hay aava the deacon pondered it ought to have bttii wuth somcthln to tap the barrel hi- commented id liave kep back sumr for uiat remembering aunt ann tly lumj iinton omi inuhtrut wdind had rnuiird i ituui vincent frnm rffrcnjilni iilumlwr j till inly half awake she thounht impfitlcntly that the family nrxt dotir hud ixgim uirlr irldny uanlnhatanutvavuily njur o twain h her ryen she nlared ut the rourh lioard celling overhead and then at the nun- beam creeping through a knot hole in hi opponlle wall and rrmrmlii red willi i happy chuckle that shu uim fur from nextdoor jieljihuorn bho rare hartlly mid began to drrrji for the dayn in camp were no precloun that nhc did not v lull to lnrc one moment of them mm araydon her honteui heard her ntlr and nllpped a letter under the door hrreb a letter for you dear i oho calkd j nekton rowed acronn the lake early uilo morning to get the mall thank you ruth miwcrcd i hope ito from the folks at homo but when nhc ntooped to pick up the letter she frowned in disappointment the letter had been forwarded from the homo pant olllcc aunt ann i why nhc never writes except to thank me for my christmas and birthday gifts a lancing ut the calendar bcsldo uie uashbtand she ganped and cat down weakly on the bod aunt anno birthday had passed and nhc had forgotten hi as her mind ran back over the past month oho felt that it was quite natural uiat oho sliould have forgotten the birth day of an aunt especially a greataunt whom aha did not remember distinctly there had been the excitement of gottlng ready for tho high school commence ment and then commencement wock with all of its gay hours filled to the limit after that had come the invitation to spend two weeks at the qraydonn sum mer camp the lact ten days had been brimming over with the pure joy of living but why had aunt ann written surely not to upbraid her because she liad foiled to remember ruth hod grown up with the impression that aunt ann dmwmt ulku nuti wvuksjg uali sjratftt like an altauian nkilltu ai1- vfcntuiik have ou ever wished to see willi youi own ey i di epeavrnird valleys ctfow topped tiiouiiuiliis ruattcd pathways that lead advrnliiroiu tuiuls from ins luaxt oi forest lauds up to rocky misty lulghta all this in part of uie magnificent luimruiiuc of mountain glacier and rac- lii stream that you can urn and en- joy us you travel through to uie pacific cyajt and to alaska on the oy there you can stop off at joijut national park cee wandsrs or thin griutcut of canadian playgrounds thru luuve civilization belihid for j day or two ui you pou uirough rangj after range of inliihty forestclad mount- oliis tusu ugutn uie joy of city life at beautiful vancouver and f victoria then luki the farfamed trip 4bruuh the iu tinlc t iu of thu nurtli vaclllc coast to auuka -uu- land of uie mid night sun low tourist fares are now in effect the complete- tut of ilia trip utui- prlslugly low- well within r of uit avvrage pjruiii thu way you raly we the west akk any cunadlan national lujlwaya agent for full information und uliraturu m thi-u- liiiirii uc will bd glad to suut you ui plain your iuiiarnry 613 a ckar precise liaiidlti dear niece i am writing to express to you my uiankn for your remembrances or my birthday all three of tho pack ages arrived on the morning of that day and i wish to assure you that i grcauy appreciate your thoughtfulnesa very sincerely your greataunt ann vincent my three packages k what in the world docs she mean then suddenly ruui rolled on uie bed in a paroxybin of hysterical laughter the thin walls of the summer cottage could not chut in such a tumult qlqicrrlment try as hc would to muffle it and immediately three girls in kimonos came rushing in und demanded to know at once what waj causing ouch hilarity its its my aunt ann ruth ganp ed and mother and aunt helen and aunt grace i well youve known them all for some umc how did you happen to dis cover all at once that uiey were u very amusing irma a ray don asked shaking her guest soundly its about aunt ann n birthday i forgot ltl dut evidently the folks at home remembered in umc and to cave me from disgrace each of them sent a present in my name for aunt ann writes to uuuik mo for her three gills im wondering whether t was three breakfast caps that uiey sent or uirce handker chiefs with letting on or three pairs of bedroom slippers her friends joined in the laughter and urn qraydon who had entered in time to hear ruths explanation laughed too then her face grew thoughtful well hope uut your aunt ann was not ullcndcd in any nay she said everyone hi uie home town knew how hard utue mrs vincent and her two delicate maiden slaters liad had to strug gle to keep a home together and to keep boisterous ronipln ruui in clothes shoes and books unite she climbed steadily from the baby room uirough the grades und uirough uie high school occasion al gifts from aunt ann uie one living relauve on the vincent side had helped but since the funeral or ruuin fuuicr uliom aunt ann had reared educated and loved in licr own undcmonslruuve way uiat lady had never visited his family early in june ruths mother had writ ten to aunt ann and asked her to visit ihem during commencement week she hoped that when aunt ann should hear about ruths wonderful achievement in the high school and her longing to no on ttlui her education she would offer to lend the money for the college course aunt ann had replied very briefly uiat she could nol accept the invitauon be cause it was the busiest time on uie farm she had added that she hoped ruui would go to work now and waste no more time m bclioal us she for her part did not believe sjn tending girls to college mrs qraydon knew aunt anns vleu i on uio education or women very well but nevertheless hopid that this wclllodo relauve would change her views and give ruth tho opportunity that she deserved tins episode the feared might make matters worse when they had alfleft the room ruth sat down in tront of uie mirror to re arrange her tumbled hair she glanced squarely into the face reflected there and suddenly all her laughter vanished i im usluinild or you ruth vin cent she said bobirly seeing only uie funny aide of what must have necmed almost u tragedy to three of the dearest women in the world thrir fucrs came to her very clearly blic could we the utile worrit d wrinkle that had came bcturcu mothers eye- brown whrn she had n allzcd that ruth was t rur away to bo reminded in time of aunt anuti i birthday then mothrr liad takm down the baking- powder can from tho top of the kitchen cabinet counted carefully the week n al lowance and slipped out euouuh to buy onir littlu gilt tthich she had mailed wlllioul telling her msteri that thought- kwi huth had lefl another burden on htr mothers tired sttuuldcra then as aunt hchii had hurried down to the office she had remembered loo blie had dccldudly lojally to kep ituuis forgetfulncss from the others and had ulu mailed a package to aunt ann oeutlo aunt oruee working ceaselessly ovor liar embroidery or crochet work hud renumbered and snatching time from some of tlm orders that gave her a small supply of pin inuiicy hud made some beautiful thing and keeping tier own counsel had mailed it to aunuann iloi dear uiey arel ruth whlupcnd contritely ill try u make it all up to them but i dont know how to explain it to aunt ann uhe was quieter uuui usual during breakfast biil tho others wore to much excited over llui projected motor trip to clreul cavris uuil thny did not nulled her silence inna and her father went looking ovar uu uutdibuok and figuring up the number of mlla to u drlvtiu lluit afternoon allowing for onyuting that could pos sibly tuiytku woll rach the holil in tlmo tor hupiwr iruia uiuuumcdd and early in uw morning wll uol our tiiula and start through tho eavmi having all the time vn will uhd ii uw uvryuilng lhey say tlut trip up tluin u nriat urh plctuituiuo bioinry ull along tlui way say dad dont i1h oniv a klov i listen in some of the funny nnmei of the little uiwnii along the road fluddrnly ruth cat erect irmtl had rattled off the qurer pontmark on aunt anns letter do you ri allyuothrough3om asked that is aunt anns pout office nddrrss and her farm hen j tint beyond the little vlllauc i remember going there once with father i thought that it wu across tho world from home then i cant get used to the way your car ai- ulhllatcn distance a little later she canned consternation by announcing calmly oirlo im going to stay with aunt ann while you no on to arcat caven no amount of cxpostir latlnn or argument necmed to affect her dcclhlon and irma rushed to her mother for help make her give up this- foolish plan she said ohcn been wild to go and i cant understand her she acts no different come and talk to her and make her see that it is all foolishness let her alone said mrs qraydon gently i think that ruth knows best if ruths high courage waned a bit when she stepped from uie big car to uie roadside where the gate opened into a laue and where the mall box bore uio grim name ann vincent she did not let the others know she waved gayly to them as the car rolled away walking toward the big square white house with its giccn abutters nhc rcniembered uiat faraway day when she had trotted up tho lane by her fauicro side holding tight to his strong hand something like a cob caught in her throat as alio thought of the many times uiat his deal feet must have passed uils way there was no sign of life at uio front of uio house but hearing voices ruth followed uie walk to uie rear a man in working clouica was itarung from uie pump toward tho back gate where a home and plow were waiting and a woman called after him and if youve finished uiat south patch you will have time to work uie car den over before cupper p wiiv voimh iaunt w fahpfcffuttgtmjrg jm 4 t ii flay dad cant hoys amount to as much ii3 boys an men can on men youd better believe they can dickl why oh im always hearing the expres sion and im nick of it wlien a fellow wants to do something or go somewhere or find out something half tho lime come grownups lookn at him pityingly or laughingly and nays of course not remember that youre only a boy even the girls like to tum up their llttlo noses and say 1 dont believe you know what youre talking abouuyoure only a boy i the way to remedy that is to make yourself more than only or a merely age sex and rlse have nothing to do wlui it any human being can climb out of the nothing but class if hell try cause yourself to be remembered an tho boy who always is courteous always con siderate of others always outwardly cheerful uc the one in your class who in never late let your teachers dis cover that you never guess at an answer when you dont know you ijay so in your games as in everything else be known as a fellow who always plays fairly and squarely in a ward never be satisfied to be just a boy bo a fine boyl those very superior grownups will nay 11 junt the same dad youd think that they were born alxfcct talll iii bat wuoutl mrrr 1 friend said in tin recently that hn hnd to lake hln hat off to ihtf pulnt manufiirtirrni for thn wy hi whirl thry have put over uie paint hnhlt nil thn people hlu reference of course was to thn save thn iurfuce campaign wlijeh he reuunled an a gnat advertis ing triumph wu hava no wlnh to mlnl- mlntf the value of thn rilmpalgnuiul we think it in correct to nay that it wan not the only factor hi bringing about the increased demon for paint two other foctonr an well must nharr the nredlt one the lnrreane in arsthptlr interest which wan already spreading among thn people when the campaign wan inaugurated so that nerd fell on prepared noli but perhapn eyn more important than thin thn dally increasing competition between individuals and be tween communities to make thrlr im mutilate environment more attractive foi hi htn in the merchandising world comne tltlon wan never more keen than it n today to increase ht traile every merchant in compelled to think of thlnri that did not norm necessary n oi fifteen yenni ago the shopping -oppor- tllnltlen of the average w rwnl have been widened by invrntlon nf the- motor cat which has also widened the area ol the average ntoren customer prospects an a remit merchants hove found they must do more than they formerly did to make their ntorcn attractive and this incidentally has led to a greater use of paint and today there in competition be twecn places towns are vicing wlui one another in an effort to make tliem selves attractive to uie eye in uie old days it did not matter much from lacarbualucss standpoint whether a town looked well or not for not only wan there little civic pride in thin respect but the strangers who visited a place were few in number the order things has completely changed in uiln respect there arc a hundred onnnrtr visitors to every town nowadays for every one that the place had in the dayi before tho motor car and it is the con sclounnens of this fact very largely that induces tho average cltlxen to otow flo worn to encourage civic improvement irttrw hllva hie premises painted tho save the surface campaign of course stressed the value of paint from a protection standpoint and no doubt this effort icrt its mark but the feeling wo expressed to our friend was uiat the chief reason why paint sales were increasing was an acsuictlc one and uiat this was based on a growing apprecla lion of uie delight that bit found in beauty and the dollar ahd cents value of beauty as a help to making sales the maritime merchant t toward uieglrl uie two pairs of r eyea that met were very much alike aunt ann i have come to riufy ovef- night with youruth cold in her quick direct way the woman started at uia sound of her voice looked at her keenly and then held out her hand and sold you arc johns girl there were no demonstrations lhey shook hands like two men then they went into uie coal sluing room and ruth in her straightforward manner began at once to tell how she had happened to come an an unexpected guest when she liad explained she added i came to tell you about the three birthday gifts aunt anns arm mouth twitched slight ly at uie comcnji i didnt send them ruth wont on and told the story and while im here she said i might just as well tell you aunt ann that i never have re membered your birthday though i didnt realize it until uun morning but i know now that it was always mouier or aunt helen or aunt a race who reminded me in time tho part of mo that was i intended for the purpose of remembering i birthdays either doesnt work well or it was left out entirely ivo a nauon that you would have survived without the hugmctlghts and caps and bedroom slippers but isn sorry i couldnt remem ber to send a friendly grceung anyway aunt anns lips had parted in a broad grin now and beckoning she led uie way into her bedroom opened a drawer i of uie oldfashioned cherry bureau and pointed to the orderly rows and stacks of unusucd articles each labelled prom i your loving niece ruth do you mean to tell me uiat you did not make all these uilngn olio asked im sorry to suy uiat i did not ruth admitted it seems uiat the part of a person uiat is used to contrive fancy things was left out of my makeup too for uie life of me i cant sec the use or uilngu like uiosc i wlui a low chuckle aunt ann pushed the drawer in and uiclr visit began ruui forgot her fear or the great- aunt whose favor she liad been taught to strive for and each of them started in on a new bonis of friendship before night fall uiey had explbred every field brook and woodland of the old farm and aunt ann liad answered all of ruths eager i questions about her father and she was enjoying tho girls frank comradeship more than she had ever hoped to enjoy i anyuilng in life again ruth felt no regrets over the trip that she was missing she slept uiat nuht in the roam uiat had been her fathers and was standing uio next morning by i the window looking out across the fields und woods thinking of him when aunt ami came in you look just like your father child slie said putting ono hand almost timidly on uie girl s shoulder and s am glad since yesterday ive made a dcclman i am going to rent the farm and movo to the state university towh and i want you to stay with me during sohool terms for the next four years and attend uie unlvarslty but i uiought you didnt ap prove of higher education for glrto aunt ann nnlfilicd i dont for all girls maybe ivo been bitter over thai subject you see i had wanted to go away to school und finally father had given lil cannt and i was going hi bcplcmber but mauicr died in august i couldnt uo away and itavc father and brother right then no i decided to wait a while just after thnnkuglvkng brother john jot married and brought his wife home sin was like a dear older sinter to mc und helped mc plan my clothes and get ready to go the next full when i was ready to blurt she died leaving her baby boy in my cure lute that full john look lyphold and never seemed to want to get welt and then fattier had a stroke and went too i wus ull uiat utile john had ixfx and i did the beat i could byluui i managsd tho farm und raised him and i had managed to lay by enough for tils educa tion then he married und i was loft ulciic too old to try to make or myself uny tiling utcopt- a plain farm woman all these years ive been watching how coilly education comes to moat glrla und how little most of uiom appreciate it but i iiadnt any right to suy that none of them deservrd it i got tho notion that you were one of the kind thut didnt falnce ivo wen you im willing to rink it on you tlui motnlng was tilled with uielr planning for tho future uud ruth htiurd thu duuiul cull of the uuto horn with li inline ngrit at the door she htultated then nald firmly aunt ann they will be so glud at home tluitie three dear little womrii onoj by one uiey wilt tuku mo ksldu und tlr me about remembering your birthday for ine they will be turn that they helpe 1 me in hut way to u college education- and aunt ann i dont want to be dtullful but i eunt tell thtm that tiny didnt aunt ann cleared hrr throat and her hhruujt thirk pyts nutltlmly grew molul i hat uiit deceit she said very decided ly i hut ui only wniio of tho tact und unite theyve him ull these oum trying to drill into your tau tier of fact vuiuht jaij4um wiatcff- tliey donttinrntrtotiurt youjunttta ou dont intend to hurt old folks by things you say we oldsters often bear just what youre bearing no one says perhaps youre only a man but their looks and m may say youre only a poor bookkeeper while im a wealthy manufacturer youre only a business man while im a v millionaire youre only a foreigner while i m a canadian all of which of course is very silly and very vulgar remember dick most persons who look down on others dont do so because theyre really taller but because theyre standing on a pile of shoddy pride were you around tho other evening when colonel jackman was litre the bin man who came in the oplcn- dlffcroun cur i gupponc so the colonel a massive und hln income corrtuponds well some thing brought up the name or a man wo both hud known in boyhood cltcstor lunn and i remarked that uie world had treated him rather harshly yes indeed wild the colonel re gretfully for nil hli llfulung struggles ho dotsii l ovn own the roof over his head toululit but believe mc my filcud uhui i declare tu ou uiat he s inunltcl richer than i i awn a lot or money but thats about alt anyojie ever sujs of me when lunn dies therell be hundreds of people saying 1 a square man and a kinder one never livtdl and ytt i suppose uie nplendld chap uilnkji hoii looked down upon by mut or uioe hundreds thats what you mum by character being the real health of a man i know thut dad und everyone ought to be flue of course but jiloplu count it u lot more in u man than in a boy they feel thut the man has leui excuse fur n weak character as hes hud longer to grow a strung one but what uthers think of you lji l tho most lmiiortuut thing by u lunu shot its what you arc and what you will b ior my dear boy ou inut never for get that thi character youre cultivating day by day is not for boyhood merely nor for youth and oung manhood only its for all your life until your lust hour and according to my belief iti the nlart of what you mint be through out eternity some bad boyj become good men don t they dud a few science fills ui though that the strongest lmpulsti grown folks t sesi were planted within uielr uilnda be fore they were ten yiuru old some trret thut start twhttd und crooked by curcful pruning and tralnlilg grow up fairly ttrulght in their old ago but most treln uud men thut begin croaked atay so rs u wise young tree und a wle lad that keeps ntrulght until even the cvllest wind- can t make him stoop and the slralghtcr i keep the taller ill ntand dad and the harder itll be fur the micers to look at mc rrom the top uud call mc only a boy eh never mind their onlles you re duds only son and thut me ana more to htm than you cun imagine i a thitllling mimm1k to uk through 1500 lakn and virgin lorrst without a fluldc algonquin iurk in the lltghluiidt r onturlo 1 the ideal pol for u roving holldav some 2001 feet above wu level 11 1 cool pliiinciiilid air and fnih ui- v lgorutlng brcews bring now life and health to nervt worn people you may iaddle or hike almost any where throughout the park without a guide the fishing tipocklcd trout sulmon trout und smallmouthed black bass can hardly be bettered tiie park with its glorious pine woodi rocky hills gleaming lakes uud rlvrm in u veritable- meecu fur those who like u heman hollduy every nillo of la three thuusuud muure milts li interesting und beuutllul ask any canadian national railways agent rur full information and illustrated literature on aluuiiuutu park 313 nature uud i in glud to mc tliut it a taking hold in the ilghl pluem the horn houiult d lul iteiitly noal from tho end of the lane i lit y uurld to shake hundi an thi y hud tlntu- the day befon hun itulli hiiddeiily tint v both uriui about aunt ann uud itive hsr u hug thai murly lifted the oltli r woman from the lloor il i may foiiii t your ud of turn but iii i lo blrthduyt to ui aluujit line jou and he wti uy down hi hine i fut a im ft u niul i airy hi r aunt ann mood quit itl until hnh hud vunlhid fiuui night thtn lu wip ed her lyi and mild lo luriu i utd to think it nus jiiitf p div r uud put tn v inn julufi wife wai always trying to be nlu to vi ryuie ii i yui a iillthliahivh lmkcktltiton to mary curpniter ulonmi thi honor of huvlnn lwen the ploui i r nf u iiiom im nt whlrh resulted in thu ituhllihiik nt industrial mill r formatory irhooln lu cvrty iuh town in ijigliunl nlu- i dfcrilrd in mafilu of honor n l lug v ry practical but imll m i of u ready wit and grt at ju npli ully a girl nt the ihtl uhu ih of tin homes for glrlii eluhllsh d by ml- i car penter had a rooted av nion to laundry work and the wiekly wuhluiday v ut invariably the klgunl for n ulure of the m on i alarming klud he became ubmiluh ly rjijld fonnu 1 ut uie inoidh tnid iiemid ullogt tin in a rnot almnrmal condition mum carpenurn obwrvanl mind tool rognhuyire of thine n gulur nt urn i fits and in her own practical fivlilon i he formed her cnncjuilajiu ami tti rmhi- rd on the rtmctly rnmln d having sent for the tlocloi hi rn him ulonr and rrquetitl him lo uolh the rymptomi and to npprovc hi r pro- poscd method of tnutmint i have been strictly luvi lliullnii tin nature nf thfi fits dm lor i li uld quietly ui lhey stood ngithtr by tin bedside of the apparently inn on i lou girl and i find thut the mo t jn caclous cum is the application vt a lin iron to thr calen of the fert the doctor acmilcccd wltii u profi n- clonal gravity that did him gn at endlt turning to the nurlj- miji curpintir sold sharply hent that poki r n dhot immediately the prescription alone win liiliu- taneounly effective the girl iit up iinu began ut speak there were no more fits an washingdays tht couf and now sold tho eager english pro fessor who can tell me what a myth i can air answered uio trash fresh from biology its a female moth lost from civilization in 3 million acres of forest in the heart or the tlmagaml forest reserve miles awny from civilization the vacationist who loves uio crisp fresh air of outofdoors and the rugged beauty of nature will find a holiday very much to hln liking whether you take along your own tent or make use of the accommodation at the excellent tourist campu uils north country does wonders in health building far you tired nerves relax days of paddling harden muscles and give you a healuiy coat of tan exploring and fishing trips under the care of an experienced guide are big features of your holiday he takes you to his particular fishing grounds away on hikes and portages uiat bring to you the thrill of tho old voyagcur ask any canadian nauanal railways agent for full information and literature on holidaying in timugaml he will be glad to assist you in cvory way 513 bladder weakness makes life misery daily annoyonco trouble to me nights wrecking lives of thousands states writer who telia what to bo lor quick relief backaches headaches pains in feet and legs nervousness rcatleumcss fre quent but c canty urination wlui burning and piln gctungupnights are some of the more- troublccmr ilgnn of blad der trouble uiat should have prompt at- tcnuon before they reach a more serious stage no matter how stubborn your case may seem to be or how many medicines you have tried without results dont think your condluon la hopeless or uie natural consequences of advancing years until you have tried uio spelal new treatment of a world known chemist called 6yrol tablets on a strict guarantee of money back un flriit box purchased if you do not re ceive swift and satisfying relief any good druggist will supply you with syrol tablets in coaled packages con taining two weeks supply if syrol tablets bring groat relief inside of 40 hours und a wonderful improvement in side of two weeks you should be grcauy pleased lr they do not help they cost you nothing ask your druggist today it fn hr in ull ills got ixr falhti t wiim und tcroju bluin it hren might ho ilkr country tirade is now city trade koulito tlio immune chnngo in cunditioiuj in juat u fen yearn that tho tolcphono han iioiihhi bring ubout tho utorc in tho hnmllrr town now carrion prttly much the inmo up todnto litylcn tui tlio bijr city itorr tlianua to lxmu diutancc manufacturoni or wholo- iiulcrfl wnrchauseii arc prac tically ut uio atorokcareri elbow the tlmo required to telophono an order by lonjr ijiutunro iu now only a fow minutes connoctionu ore now often made at once without hanging up tho rocolvor and tho cost of long dis tance nicusagcu la email la often qulto a little wu than in generally buppoed coll up our managor and ask him tlio riito to points you ar intcrcutcd in ci mk oi 1hoih1iii lvui from n mlflili point of vlw it i iniii pnilllulilii in hi i nthirn up than to tty in ul them dnwu win un run by jour own fli i uu i uevi i by tryltii in lilmli r othi rn in tin lr uine w un i iimrli hrothin of inn uii- otlut t lint vi unlit luirii how lj lv h- llu i iu vi ihull lh rl j toil un i w it mullby i lu imlilii thut irrunn thi lioiiiehulil rod from un i yi u of thn vulgar mill itiilim me not uuwn nf laci but nf ill rrellon used tractors iou kamo i i nril on run ono month l itumli y rnil ono ienwni 1 itiinihj mil three iuiidnii apply hanna bros itumlry lutrlluurn gin iph canada 2 jbis good tea if you want the very best ask for red rose orange pekoe 17 in clean brlglit aluminum c i 3 h the spirit of the new hudson vogue and performance advanced neon up to thrilling new limits coupe skm miuuons cxclusive fashiini of line color ami m ppointmcnt is iddinu tlimisamls of beauty lovers dtcr io o tlie hosts who want its supremely brilliant cr performance in the new models a wider variety smndord scdm sinmj i arc presented than ever before in history cuwmujausti i io iiu pcrformincc is advanced to entirely new cutom7pa sod 20 of luotordom all wi h w imlh itoz i hse are ailvanta responsible for the most cn- jtr tliusiastic owners and buyers in hudson history ldbuljiaji aiul uuuivilkt villi ol liv h a coxe acton out imhmf everybody is singing the praise of our most excellent printing work ihii on want priuliii 1 tin liillcr kiiiillic kind i tilt will add diftiiiction lo nt iriiittil inraii our job priutiuo dcparl liltin i- ever rcad and rajcr to ml u c null i oronrpt rdiiipiil rr ice and lin- chaiaifr of our work i of llir iillict irid jirdcr will do more than mrrr oids ninr ou of llir liiuh rliar- arirt l our w ork on w ilmirn win evervboilv n hino- 1 1 1 llir iraisr of our jol iiiitiiir drparl- iiiriil better quality at a more moderate cost t always keep our de livery promises tjie acton free press jlllmim