fiftythird year no 52 thursday evening june 28 1028 acton ontario canada thursday evening june 28 i02b six homeprint pages five cents fllfntrty fitartiirvs itititfb aiurrlf f ffluituftu acton muluur rev c i poole it i parsonage willow street 1000 a nt sunday school lesson the early ijfo ol bind 1100 a m baptismal service rc- a p linn of candldatcr fur church hpm- jptihlp cftcromcnt or lnrdn supper 700 p m the- mlnlfttr subject beclng christ fnmi trir sycamore tree thursday evening heslon mcetn at 7 30 preparatory service b 00 p 111 subject conviction nnd service jlririiliiycriuti knox church acton minister rev a c ktewart hl a manse willow street 10 00 a m sunday school lesson the burly life of uaul 1100 n m the m in liter commun ion service subject spiritual pro gress 7 00 p m the mlnlntcr subject seeking peace strangers leaving address wlui uie fulieru will bo called upon by uie pastor suyliut cflljurr acton paster witt j iuxler parsonage frederick street 10 00 a inrsunday schools 1100 a m divine warship subject baptist life in the worlds life hear come great and surprising uiingn revealed at the baptist world alliance 700 p m devotional bong service subject the need or a prophetic min istry thursday 7 30 p m meeting tor prayer and praise wmwmwsmmsmemma -uwclaaoiincnv- small advertisements fob kent two roomn for unlit housekeeping 15 per month mel light and water in cluded apply il s holmes acton onl lost a black and tan male hound ile- ward for information leading to its re covery nohuan mceacheun 522 coxcs oarage notice n6tlce is hereby given that i will not be responsible for any dcbln incurred by my wife mildred mlno she bavins lct my bed and board 533 oeorge moto choose your now summer wearables in time for the holiday every department in giiclplts hie store ready with style- help fill new and price ifelpfulncmii to make your holiday and summer ruyiug a happy task june sale savings will make it a mattek of economy to choose this week scores and scores and scores of new summer dresses at 349 595 795 puji silks at 340 sizes 14 to 20 and 3g to 44 long nnd short sleeve models white and the fashionable colors printed charmeuse frocks at 349 youthful modclsuullibricfest of sleeves 4 to 20 years tub silks and printed silks at 595 and 705 all sizes from 14 to 44 bows inrcs rufiletf pleats tucks tics and tiers every new little femininity of the summer mode represented new silky fabrics in solid colors with soft white overplaids nnd stripes and checks silks with fine jaspe stripes sleeveless white piquo ireoeowithjnckets colorprinted on -white- even flnt crepe pleated skirts with printed tojis a glorious irfrmvqftn nttatulftjftvlifift hnuglyt t ttm iuntiitctflwnvnc1ivrtftrttiar r3fqcs1 foil sale oliolce grain or dairy farm oood bulldlnfcn splendid water clone to acton and georgetown would take good limine in town in cxcliange apply david radcufpe 4d3 acton r r no 4 fob balk any quantity of sixquart and eleven quart uaskeui 1 quart berry boxes i bushel apple boxen and berry crates john pord 406 p o box 021 phono 310 aooroctown lultv chicks fob immediate delivery prom canadas oldest and areatent laying strain white lei homo iteduced price 13o each any number safe rival guaranteed we were first in can ada to advertise and ship chicles lotty page catalogue pree fibiier poultry paiui 513 box o 83 ayton ontario dry french cleaning and pressing nw systeid all work ouoronteed v u mabcelluh main street oeorrtown summer footwear in all the new styles nnd leathers at lowest prices for quality all sizes hargaiwrtn tennis shoes and j slipperu j harrison jderland fbidav june zd wife siivere with die f am ouu comdy team wallace bccry and hnymond hat- ten comody at it again i lodgepodge picuirtal tldbltu hatubhav june 30 liarplumtem i a romance of deep scan alranuu ports a sailor bay and a dancing klrl fc tarring course obrien cojnedy pandangu pox news monday july 2 my rtt ctrl wltli mary llckford and clmiuj boffiirs story by kathleen norrla coiiudy on deck uabblt car toon mttchanlrul cow prirea lo and 3sc tukkoay july 3 ivalih of destiny ufa picture lllmed nuulnnt backtiriauid of tin winter no 3 uhtnd cojnwly uwlij alpj in the haunted scared pink couino i6lbiiui ii u gukgofty a son save on your coat need coats and drones up to 1095 going out at 500 coats nnd dracs up to 1975 going out at 1000 coatu and dresses up to 2950 goink out at 1500 coatii and dresses up to 3975 going out at 2000 high grade coats and ensembles up to 7950 for 2500 d macdonald bros ltd guelpirs largest departmental store dally cloditr 5s0 p kl exeepune wlnecday at 1z3a noon and saturday at 0 jo p m tlie communitys social sicje of life visitors to wwl prom town during tlie past week ua gleaned by lite preo pro mr jack oymon was home from tor onto for uunday mr john nuwlcn wafl home from tor onto over bundny mbji clarn ii ijihu wan liome from oalt over the weekend mln clara ebboae of toronto spent lvlday with acton frlrndn mr carina wllllamn of oault ble marie wan here on tluridoy mrn d l jon en of aoderlcb i v ins acton frlcndn thin week mm adah k oatninder npent uie vetkend with toronto friends mr j klvin oamblc u snendlna a few dnyn in kltcliennr uiu week city engineer h a nleklin and mary or guelph were liome on hun day mr ooonre ullman of toronto vlnltcd acton frlendn over uie weekend mrn p e mcclcary has been vlslunff frlendn at st thorn an tlila week itev dr w t mctavluh of bello- vllle vlaited acton frlendn lout week mr tliompnon miller or kitclwhcr la cnendins liolldayo with acton frlendn mr burton wlsdnn of port colbournc na here for severalhours on bunday mrn gordon i lay ward of toronto silent the- weekend wltli acton frlcndfl mra edith wilson or meodowvolc vlailedatmnt jr or nelsons over sunday csmtauaxf 8ixty3ffirht fbirlljban once imuln the year lion rolled round and canada will on bunday and monday celebrate tlie blxtynrat anniversary of confederation aluioiish tliere u nerhapj not an much certf- mony and furore in this year celebration oil that which marked uie diamond jubilee last year canadians will from coast to coast just as loyally mark tlie dayo thot commmem- erate uie nations blruiday this year on on the awipteloijn occasion of 1s37 tlie post year lias been another onr of marked pmartfji in tlie nations many departments tlie mlnm uie forestn uie fannlns uie foreign trade uwnanufocturlns and uln public utlllues and uie ouier interest tbtko t make uils counlrv creot have all shown steady advancements of canadas future juftlit hon btanley baldwin says canada boa an enormous future the future u wlui you do not be in loo much of a hurry your country in a country for men of the north virile races quality before quantity any day nuild up with the best what does it matter if it u a hundred years or two hundred years or more before you country is full keep uie stock you have and uie men and women you have and see to it that the cominff beneraltona are in no whit inferior to them i liavo often uiousbt tliat it in juldanserous a thins to uie morale or a nations to set rich oulewy as it in to an individual time in all on your ildr maintain uie values maintain the otondords general interest news lohlh anniversary of boston church ilijurrd in suli from illryfle one day lant week owen the four yearold win of mr nnd mrr lloyd masaini wan belnu ridden on a blcycl by an older lad he fell from the wheel ond onto the mad nltshtlnif on bin bead and miircrcd a ullijlit concuvilmi of brain from the fall ho ban now almuil fully recovered from the fall and ii able to be about nsuln mr and mrn rtoy wannbrc mr krncjit pearson of toronto was hero vlsltlns bin mouicr over- the week end mra dr gray and mlno lauretta enjoyed a motor trip to dlyui durlns tho week minn edna persuson of nocliesler n y vlnlted at mr geo boners home uij week mr and mra elmore johnston of hamilton opent bunday with acton frlendn mr robert albbons and mrs w d frlck of toronto vlnlted acton friends last week minn v holdnhip of toronto spent a few days vlnluns her cousin mrn l johnnton glee club financial statement bepbrt of th cambfunuy clee club curfalmaarerfir tlie ocuvltles for uie season of acton community glee club liave been com pleted and like all community ortiranlxa- uons financial report is presented to uie public a report of uie christmas tree pund which was held under glee club auspices u oino included in uibi summary nj2ceiptb membership pe 33d receipts concert april 11 j028 iqca ilecelpti concert may 10 1028 1300 neoolpls concert brampton 1500 bank interest to april 30 1038 134 total receipts lo balance on hand october 1 1037 june weddings mouzankino tlie marriage of mrs n n king of tinrlan flnnrliim snrl yr ti yntp tobj5jw0idilj isicpiaeaw jl llflytwo wrote futraure here the iauranco exnmlnallonn which were written thin week had mtytwn puplln writing at acton uchool twenty- one of these wore from acton bchuo and the remaining thirtyone werrt from rural schools of the district the exam inations wero completed yerlerdny after noon mlrjjcn prances u hurnt and daisy pointer were prenldlng over the examina tions r kpcnilliis hummer holidays in europe minn plorcitcc ilolmcn wan homo from taenia on sunday to nay farewell lo her parents mr and mm jon holmes before olio balls for the summer inonuis on an european tour minn holmes sails tomorrow on tho letltlu from mon treal for aiaisow lljsr tour luncrarv includes the british inlcjujfrance bwltx- crland and germany minn hdlnies will apead the summer holiday montlin uiere returning to canada in oeptember another sunday evenlnc hand concert acton cltbtenn band will provide an other bunday evening band concert next sunday evening july 1 it will bo held at the park nt 0 15 following uio ccrvlc in the churches the bunday evening concerts ucm to be papular wlui cluxcns generally and uib one coming on domin ion day will lccm quite appropriate the fncllllien at the park provide excel lent conditions for all to enjoy the band concerts there i i united church ladles sate of nakliij i -tub- unuiltoblo woauier iantbaturday forced the ladles aid of uie unlteu ch to liold nl r roc q nnd tale of jjiu tluiltaiwiuiunt vottliatclunrcii rev mr bawycrofflclated t rriurrrjik ttttc vtnt- however eld not mltlgato rronmhe cuc cenn attending the affair the liome lanemoriuq i w dainucs offered for nalc were i readily disponed of and uie aitcrnoan a very pretty wedding wan tolcmnliedi mr was mit nn n f on saturday june la at uie united church parsonage at alton when hose celebrated last sunday mid monday with atiiuvcrkary service niul supper lnt bunday and monday nonton pjrjn- terlnn church ijjuuing celebrated fu lobui annlvcrnary tlio fine old ston5 building had an air or faiui or icllowuhlp wboidr it bankw f nowcmpeanlcb iru uraniums and rores wiul rcnli field llowern brightened the cliaiicel and pulpil there wan liardly a vacant ceat wlicn tlm service began plijeald hymns seemed to take on new meaning in the atmos- pliiiro of liollncsn which lervaded uie place it was in a very real tense a plae of worchlp riio cermon was a tribute to uie pant to tlir pioneers olid uielr church and carried with it a message of inspiration full of liope and ideals that uio blrcnnui or a community and of a nation la in uie character of ils men and women wan uie keynote flf uie cermon delivered by uie liev jarneu wluain of uramplon on uiln occaslbi the mnves of ui pioneers in uie ceianlcry about uie church were not for gotten tcnji flowers gave evlden of uioughtfui remembrance and clone cut lawiui tcallncd to tlia care uicy received among uiose attending uie service were mrn d j l jones or wintlior and iier brouier duncan mccallum their grand father wan uio foreman carpenter when uie church was built or uie real old- umcra john mcgibbon now ninetyone waa about uie only one who survives uie dayn of tlie old rrnme mccuns lioune thinua have cliangcd a queer lot since uioae dnya lie wild i helped build this church ulxty years ago ifn a line churcti but he added wlui a note of regret uicrc arent many or uio ald- umcru left on monday cvenbig an anniveniary supper and entertainment was held ut- the church utounds here again a splen did gauierlng of the counlryslde was held and thin affair proved an enjoyable social function for the mccunff or former nt- r who arc now separmted gupper wan tervedj on uio lawn and uris literary pru x tf m specials for this week granulated sugar 10 lbs for 2pu lb j pure laud for black tea per tb mclaren jelly pow ders 4 pucker for 65c 35c 58c 25c sodas 1 lb for tomatoes tins for zz weston english bis cuits per lb sweet pickles large jars 16c 29c 33c 43c bananas per dozen 25c chain red white sto j w jones phono 2g acton ont this weekscandy specials plain white marhollow regular 40c lb for nc ikons chocolate ronq buds regular uc lb for perjb maraschino chocolate cherrlcn regular 000 lb for per lb assorted chocolates regular 40c and 50c lb for per lb wuigijgy nips in the new handy pack regular 3 for 5c special his week i for harold wiles acton 20c 49 c ot 10c modern conveniences every home siimih have them they mean real economy und tabor having connor electric wushers in a variety of models and price moffats and mcciorys electric ranges- perfection oil stoves with ovens this weeks special 549 fertilizers and insecticides two burner electric plates no eictru wiring needed pari gieen arsenute of lime arsenate of lead agency for king bug killer and climax bug killer w d talbot iiaudwakk miijj ctttkttrvacton curric and family visited mouier and sister ln bronte mr a c mr currlco on sunday mrn john mossup and children of toronto visited at r h wanjbroughb on tuesday miss margaret thomas of rockwood spent the weekend with her friend miss laura r held mr and mrs lyman 8 buuln of bt clair mich visited re la uvea at moore- croft last week mrn l o king and dorouiy are visit ing at uie home or mr and mm dutch- bum parts ont mrs james bprowl and her nlnter mrs e lane arc vlnlung friends in manila- waning for two weeks mr and mrn n il oardcn marjorle claire and glen left today for holidays at port bldney muskoko mm w j hall attended uie anniver sary tea monday night at the boston church 108ui anniversary mrs ii u 8ehreltcr and mooter jack or kitchener were guests at mra c c speights over uie week-end- pastor w j baxter has been attending tho tensions of uie baptist world con vention at toronto thin week mrs p j browning of toronto u vlsluns her fouier ua oeo dllbj and ouier acton frlendn tills week miss c e icnnpp or gait a former teacher ln acton continuation school visited acton friends uiln woelc mra jan plrstbrook and mrs walker of toronto visited with acton mends and relauvca over uie weekend mus dora lambert niiraeuitralnuig at guelph general hupual spent several days uils week at her liome here masters blllle and el wood collier of toronto ore spending uielr holidays at uielr grandniouicrs brock avenue mr and mrs william ilaydon and children or toronto are spending uio week with mr and mrs ernest rookes mrs prrd punk of uinglianiton n v is vlsluns her mouier mrs jos moore and sinter mus clara e moore mr and mrs arthur lane and mrs robl lane beatrice nellie and bobbie visited mrs alex dobble bi hamilton but woelc mra cecil huston or detroit mich is upending the weekend at the liome or her parents mr and mrs 1 1 fi wilson mr and mra jos curric or carllnle mr david curric ol chatham and mrs r small of kilbride visited ac ion friends on uunday mrs 11 b wtbon mm a n agnow and mrs r l davidson attended uio summer ineeung of tlie norval womens institute lant week disbursements music administration expenses prlnung and advertising labor contribution to christmas tree pund concert april n q2 mr broadbent taylor tlsao mr- elsie expenses 300 amusement tax 330 concert may 10 1038 refreshments practice room rental knox church r dron caretaker i1051 1809 8jt7 1007 3 80 1000 3000 10 00 balance on hand june 30 1038 3i ibo5i c r knapp treasurer chrlsudas tree pund 1887 contributions hewetsnn bhoc pactory 83075 acton tannins co 1713 beordmore a co 1000 glee club looo crcber bros 1000 corporation grant 1500 acton crmmery 300 mofiott knlltins co 103a boy oeouu 300 j w jonea 500 collections a t brown 0s5 collections e j hansard 700 collections bank of montrcju- s10 coilccuonn bank nova bcotla 300 refund actom pnkx pvebs 140 14302 dibburoeuents j w jones- nuts oranges candy etc 4 grocery orders ip 1400 8 moat ordsra at 100 acton cooperauve btore actoh paxa ptkib printing 10133 1800 003 1800 140 balance on hand june 30 1038 10363 4137 1433 c r knapp treasurer mr william pearum of toronto lias been vultlng this week wlui his meuier mrs j ii icirton who ban been ill for the past week or no mrn charlotte macdonold and miss corlnnc mbui winnie loftus and mr gordon johnston of hamilton spent uunday wltli actun friends mr kugeno mcphereon wlio has necur- ed a good position in uie head office or the canada life insurance co toronto was home for over uie weekend mr and mrn w j dobble and family of cleveland ohio and mr and mrs alex dobble or hamilton visited with friends ln lbncliouse on bunday mr and mm r j mckuchnle and family of llochi uler n y returned lioiue on tuiwuy atwrsptiullng ncvmal diiyit at the home of mr uud mm george soper mr and mrs hugh m raid and mr and mrs robl il held attended uie funeral of uie tatters cousin uie late mra w bproule orangevllle on wed- nenday mr eric hill atundad uie young peoples rally held in exhibition park toronto on bunday the 34ui ln con junction wlui uie baptist world aluancu meeungs mr and mrs melvln coper and master oeorgo and mr and mm jan living stone phyuls and norma of ouelpli spent uie weekend at uie home of mr and mm oeo boper mr and mrs r l johnston mr and mm m c overtiolt and mr roy john ston spent several days uils week motor ing to ottawa and montreal returning via uio state of new york dr and mrs t albert moore and miss norma of toronto and mus dorouiea moore directress or physical culture at uio v w c a calgary were guests at moorocroft yesterday mm albert wilson and son pletchcr or gall ulan b dun lop and uie misses clara and ada mitchell of uranuord mora sunday visitors al uut liome of mr and mm win g mitchell the many mends of mr nell mc donald will be dellghud to know uiat lie was operated an in st josephs hospital hamilton on tuesday morning or uils week and uut uie operation was suc cessful and uiat lie sliows every indlcauon of a quick and complete recovery haai- ingb star william r stewart wlio in taking on honor courui bi modem languages at toronto lua been tfucoefinrul jn hi nrst year lakbig keeoiid clau luiutrs robt u stewart lias auo succeeded hi passing lcngllsli bi uie tvacltfrn course fur b a tlie ubov studfiibt arii uum of mr ond mra w li ulewart milton cham pion druscllla daughter of the late norman morris of alton was united ln marriage to aruiur william nan of mrn robert lane or llniehouse tlie ceremony was performed by uie rev wm lee m a the bride looked very charming ln a peach georgette dres and wore a picture hat to match she carried a bouquet of ophelia roses and lily of the valley she was attended by her alxtcr mis plorence morris who wore a blue georgette dresi wlui picture imt to match and carried ophelia roses the groom won attended by mr hyatt dobble of lbnolioune the grooms girt to tlie bride was a diamond pendant and to uie bridesmaid a dinner ring and to the groomsman a gold piece the happy couple left on a motor trip for eastern points and on their return will reside in new toronto collardstewart a lovely wedding took place on satur day afternoon at 400 oclock at uie liome of uie brides parents mr and mrs j stewart acton when uielr uilrd daughter alice esther becamo the bride of ruoben j collard non of the late mr ond mra collard of toronto rev c l poole b d conducted uio cere mony tlie liome was beauunjlly de corated for the occasion with peonies ferns snow balln and camauons tlio bride entered uie roam on uie arm of her father to uie strains or lohengrins wedding march played by mus bcr- nlce bracken the bride looked charm ing in powder blue georgette drens trim med wlui gold lace and carried ophelia rosea illy or uie valley and babyh breath minn nellie stewart tlsler or the bride acted as bridesmaid wearing a rrock of rose beige trimmed wiui lace with chocs and stockings to match mlut edna mcdowell niece of uie bride acted as flower girl carrying a silver banket wlui peonies snow balln and camatlona she wan dressed in white handembroid ered organdie the broom wan attended by mr a low or toronto pouowins uie ceremony uie bride and groom lod uie way to the dining room where a bounteous wedding luncheon was served after which uio bride donned a mart rosewood ensemble with hat and gloves to match wlui blonde slioen and stock lngs mr and mm collard left amid showers of oonfctu and good wishes for niagara palls buffalo ond other fronuer points mr and mrs r j collard will reside at 111 wostlake avenue toronto lea served wan quite on attracuon for many the ladles realized a good finan cial return for uielr efforts i o d e ticnlc at llmebouse a splendid picnic was held uy the duke of devonshire chapter of uie i o p e at uie home of mr and mm wm gowdy llmehaunc yesterday afternoon the members of the society spent the after noon at this flno home and at the lunph hour were joined by the husbands of tlie mcrnbcrn and a delightful picnic supper wan served after supper a stren uous game of eo ft ball won played and thin was rollowcd by a social hour of bridge mr nud mm oowdy proved most hospitable hast and hastens and un gauicrlng bad a most enjoyable time sa i had pure water supply oftwrumwt teat again shews water works sample to b absolutely jpura at the pubuc tjulitus commission meeting on tuesday evening commli sioner kins and reeve mason were pre sent and chairman howard presided accounts wcib ordered to be paid as follows hydro aeeoonti hydro- electric power commis sion power etc 1013 60 lincoln metro go metres 0300 noruiem electric co luppllon 3033 irving smith fuses m75 ii ii wilson inspector inspec tion of metres 3130 ii leuliman labor 1100 a e crlppa prepaid express 3 04 c wilson convention expenses 3100 1b43b3 a letter from uie school board re quested uiat the metro be removed from th public bcliool it was decided uiat uie one service in uio continuation bcliool was sufficient tlio superintend ent as requested to report on uie matter the regular test of a sample of uio water from uie town supply was received from uie laboratories of the department of heal ui of ontario the test showed uio water to be in the hlgtiost classin ca tion and was rated a good quality examination failed to show uie presence of colon bacilli ln all portions tested r li the procuce afuw commission to submit samples tor tefiung at various limes to keep ac tons supply of water at the hlgliest standard the evening uual diqehteu no money in the well clifford rlre and frank lcltch were working together on a larm hi erli townslup rice saw a roll of bills 33 drop from lcllchs packet co lie picked it up when leltch missed the money rice naively helped him o look for it going over the ground thoroughly and carefully then lie wunt liome leitch tiowever was not satisfied and ln his effort to find uie money pumped dry a well on which he had been working but still found no signs or his 33 in police court monday rice admitted stealing the money and uie remainder or the story waa told by crown attorney reams on rices promise being given to mak rcntltuuon uie case was amicably settled azxd guelpb resident is struck by lret car struck down by a street car on water loo avenuo guclpti yesterday afternoon james algle gr aged guelph resident cuflcred such ivuro injuries uiat it was found necessary to remove him to the general hospital in addition- to a deep cut on the head several riba were broken and his condition ln norlouu algle who is 70 ycam of age wan walking across uie road and apparcnuy did not hear the car approaching henry olonblttle uio motorman observed him ln time to apply w emergency and although uie car wan only moving slowly when struck the aged pedestrian he 1 thrown to the road wlui considerable force tiiu pulor ol uiij church cliargc or uiln programme which eluded uie following numbers solon by misn ruth aibson acton nctrumental numbera by uie macon xe rkch tiring trio readings by minn l cannon ton and piano due tin by pastor and mrs baxter acton canon naftel muton rev c g janee campbell ville and pastor w j baxter acton ln brief addresses conveyed uie greetings from uielr rcspecuve congregations to that of boston church on uielr onlvcrcary occasion acton and district civic uolday gala day august g tlieitollowmg is bullcun no 3 or uie sports committee in charge of the civic holiday ocuvluca rurther announce ments for uio nig day consist of tlie engagement of some of the finest talent for uife monster oardcn party which is to be held on the night or uie flth no expense has been spared to hrlng lo uiln vicinity material which will provide an fine a concert an has ever been hed in acton further items regardbig uio afternoon sports in the holdlns ot greasy pis content to uioscmvhb are acquainted wlui thin contest we have no need to nay juiyuilng but to uiase who are not familiar wlui it vv can assure you uiat if you do not enjoy aticurty laugh you will either have a cracked up or liave a grouch on uiat day manager mccomb has just received word from mr aordon t beardmoro uiat uie ncgo- tlauons have been closed lor obtaining the assistance of miss norah gordnn torontos great allround athlete to as sist uio acton glrln ln their game against the sclberllng nationals miss oonlon will also bring a catcher wlui her to assist her a scotchman was leaving on a busl ncss trip and he called back u he uun leaving aoodbyu all and dlnna forget to tak little doualu glasses on when he una toakui at anything iurplo parrot north western ask him another hello in that tlie uiwn brokers yes sir wliot tunc la it iikaw i nm not here to ti ii you the time hilt sir i im you who buve got my watch vvl mele uoris fatally injured itetumlnc ram boston anniversary as the msult of injuries received when nlic was struck by a motor car on uie centre road three miles toutli of bramp ton early tuesday morning mra william brack aged 07 ol 70 gilmore avenue toronto died in peel memorial hospital brampton tuesday night mm hracl received the fntul injuries when slio uan searching the roadway fur ai utllclc lom when the car in which she and her hus band were riding was ditched about two lioura previously in uie first accident mr brack suffered u broken finger mr ond mra ilrark were returning from 1 celebration held in connection wllh uie celebration or the loaui anniveniary ol boston presbyterian church three mllm couui ui brampton mr bruck stopped to examine lib broken his car was struck and shoved into the ditch by anotlim going bi u111 mune direction while ho i won knocked over sustaining injuries to hui hand blh ho und mrs brack wero given attention at a neighboring bullae ami uun returned to uielr car which had been towed to tlio other ildii or the road mm brack mused same tdnall article started acroui uio road in search of it and stopped into uio paui of a car driven by ivrcy david air tor onto she rucelved injuria about uie heiul and at the tinipltal u was found that she lunt tuslabied a- fractured skull mru brack did hot nguln conscious ilcwj returned from general assembly rev a c stewart returned on tues day from uie cessions of uie general assembly at rogino back mr stewart also visited in briusli columbia and the state or washington he will occupy his pulpit at knox church next sunday at both services a decided improvement durlns uie acek the cedar hedge at the soldlcre monument ban been trim med and otherwise improved tins hallowed spot lias now a much more attrocuvc appearance the bed or tulips has been replaced with a bed or red geraniums andiobolla and this adds to uie beauty of uie place a crowing hen mxrw p rudd alma ont lion on extremely rare specimen of fowl in a fullnlzed crowing hen tills creature has every appearance and feature of an ordinary plymouth rock hen and al though it lays no eggs it maken itself known ln uie world by loudly crowing almost continuously from daylight to dark or hoy stewart mlfhuy improved dr roy stewart or crcwconn corner who won to seriously injured lost week hi a motor accident an uie highway in suil in a very critical condition at the guelph acncral hospital his condition has shown a slight improvement during the week however and hopes are held out for his ulumate recovery he is still ln an unconscious condition accident at oakviue when their cor collided wlui another f m scuddn 0130 quebec avenue went toronto and lus sort harold aged 31 of 43mountvlew avenue toronto were seri ously injured the fauicr nuftcred lacerations of uie head and face and uie son a possible fractured nkull both were taken to sl josephs hospital after firet aid treatment by dr w m wilkhi- can of oakville improved view or schoalg rounds marked improvements atuie school premises are noticed readily now from the main street and willow street en trances the trees have been well trim med up numerous loads of underbrush liave been cleaned out und- now uicnc flno premises present a most attracuve view to uiosc passing on uie highway the changes muku marked improve ment a garden party at churchill for the nrst ume in come ycam uio churchill united church has arranged to hold a borden party this event will be lie id at uie liome or mr aruiur swackliamer just about uirce mllei north of acton on july 5 an excellent und varied programme luut been arrang ed a rcfrcshimiil booui stocked with idcnly or good uilngs and ail uie attrac tions that go to make a good garden iiarly are promised plowing brmaaslrauaa furrarr of loday is suu intrrefctad art of plowing he rnjoji the lr ujood plowlnu as well as the glory of victory and tlu- honors of com petition on monday june 10 unlcr the combuicd auspices of the milton junior partners and magrlculturiinter nrcscntutlve a meet was staged at uio lurm or joo wlllmott 2nd line trafal gar jon mclean of richmond hill uas ireiit and gave uio boys u days coaching in plowing all thou present xpreied the opinion that it wan a day a ell spent and indications arc uiat uirc will be keen cavtipcuuun ui uibi clans ut lie next county match in the sight rod and gun magazine a pleasantly taritd bill or furr dealing uith tame nioru unusual phases of ufc in canadas outdoors features uie july issue of rod and uun and canadian er fox nevis which has junt been published while gzaxk ripley contii- butea 0110 of hlu splendid ash stories lloniiycitlfi dale in view or a recent dlscuudaii this uruuiui deals with natural phenomena bi canada which have been mistaken for uui fublod sea yrjwmta hod and aunand canadian ttllver pux news u imbllshed nuinuity by w j taylor limited woodstock ontario