ijr atfmt 3ttt iririui tirumiday juiv 5a loan lojn july io7ii m w w 1 vi 11 1 1 2 3 4 i c 7 y 10 ii 12 ii u 1 11 n iii 19 10 31 2 u is 7l 17 ib jo 11 1 f if t wiiin mo til kit iookh i mi mber rurh n lot of things that happened long ugo when inu an jim won six yearn old an now were urn or no hill tliiw1- that i remember best the mm i most can see arc the thlnifit hint used to happen whrn mill her looked at mi one time in church when me an jim waa inlckerln out loud the mlnliler wren prayln an the rwopleii heads wan bowed we had the biggest kind of joke about a bumblebee hut things fcit quiet rather quick whrm mother looked at me- and then theres tome time when i think ive had such loin of fun agoln in nwlmmln wltli uie boy bown there by jones run cut when i ret back home again junt bout in time for tea therea n kind of a differnt feeling ramri when mother looks at mo lu 3fittt jlmm fityort innj m jimmy runs from office 11y jonathan imooko m rniiri w imetl military academy wt bat r amenroug ajhl moont to duck jlrolhrr vau lw no ufe for regular follci and llyur in u tub of cold water cnilid in a the inme thing gom ugaliinl ijii and draw or logfull ilur to tho urrlvul of hill i reliifunieineiiii for mrother llycrrt in tho aw ihufu apple iuuce upoko up juke rm f ll1 uuwm iiiiilgomi from hbi rrul on the trunk i dure but it knocku off votes for un k11mi- iatlu inioumatjon on hi llh i iino ikxjh prnrllcc mtnl euii- a that time when i wju awful sick an the doctor ilfaflc his liead an ovry time pn covie around hln eyen was wet anved i member her hands on my lace how eofl they used to be bomehow the pain omtned coaler when mother looked at me its funny how it makes you feel i aint afraid of her ohen dout the nicest person youll find mwt anywhere dut uic quccrcnt tori or feeling an queer an queer can be makes everything mem different when mother looks at me letchworui smith immv iiyiauj bin economic selence nnd language for the next day in hand picked up a book on railroad organisation that he hail found in the jordan library and leaned back under a reading lamp to enjoy himself for an hour be f oho going to tied no rooner had he gotlm his uoi burled in the volume however tha hln door openrd and his friend i of hi ii iii iour trooped in iii kid put up tbi rending matter greeted billy armstrong yean can the cramming added les moore bnmethhig important going on aotta fellow hero we want you to meet nig jack hllllgcwui third in line declared njrorn meet mr nelson slippy this u jim flyers jimmy put down his book blood up and extended a hand to the newcomer bllppy nelson olad to know you mr nelson he said dldate for sophomore preildenl our nounr- in surely entitled to at irarl one class presidency elllppy nelson of the j prl delhi in organising qtlier chaptera for him it lookn an if he could be elected we plead that uyern flloul 1 forget relrirh purpose mlbmcrne penuinnl frniroi nil i brlnic up hi loyalty lo old alplm onieffa to the fore we plead ilia tit be ncnteiicld to a term nf polltlil endinviir in order that we may beat uie ileu ihh thlr miirh at leant be j vej to un wn urae the jury to brlnu in a hndlnil of obllffatlou by drothcr hyrn to win honor for thin fraternity by ucat- inil the beta phut acntlemen of the jury baan ham mond an davb wiped bin red face and sat down on the floor you have lieard the araument of tho state in the case asalnst dyers whal la your pleasure your honor jimmy rnoke up quick illlppy retorted wo uotta gel 1nuiy nnd ddiy thew tlilnun npreuil it round that jlmn aireifular uuy and all that hilppy jr and hilly depnrud hut julie hllllaoui remained behind uut mnrh d l r railed in fft out campalffnluu jakr you look an low on if your aunt had died cheep up i dont core about tlili ihtntf jimmy exclaimed hut we do wan all juke had to wiy how do you like mr slippy hcliuin urkrd jjmtuy curious to ffet jakea ktiuit i dont hke him loo darned clever rnld jake til ii of trlckn au a monkey li of fir an hut ixn and mil thouffltt tiny knrw whnt they were dolna when th y col nhold of him for manager junt ihen the door of the room opened uniform lhaii the troughfed lumi and tony hammond jlmmyn nenlor n- hint they are nhorter fthd lcn mil tabic- ommiitc and kannarimi julje entered lor the produriion of wlltilllrr nidi i ilehlml hlni came a mender little rliap i bli in hecaue all the plri t all the with tortolnenhell tflavnei almost hldlnff iied they driire niul unlifiji this f ed in i conducive 1 arowlh of frame and miifclr they will develop into nliori illicit lloffl of ncirfecdlnir 11 lation nun he lime the plffii an ld until tbey nr- flnlhlud lliu in the ireat tnajorlly of tsuirn rcjuluil in a rmullcr nuinber of nelect hoffi oelnu ni- iljieed than wien a nlmllar meal ration li trough jeif flolffi d plffii arc at lllierty to coniumn ufl the meal or urn in which they bnlrc and all piffh in tliu jot have an equal npivirlunuy to do mi on the other hand troiiffhfcd plm ncelve their feed nt ntated hilcivnln dur- iiik tle lay and in there h ofti n mueh crolvdlnu the ntronaer and more vlnitr- un individual obtain morr tliuii their dime lining the attendant a on hand to ore vi nt thin it in a common ah- tlon lhal the riclffed hoffi ue more iianiui7r to akiciiruitaij kkphiiskntatlvk many iiiiiiillni mr mm vu prior lilury itn iml vhjrto tdtfard n tuu trinlifetl nly hli mnnll fare- well well hcren uie candidate and one of hln manaifcro n6w said ham mond how ffoeo that battle airalnct the jlcla phtn not eo aaoa jimmy tinned and i filiou id worry youd better not tiuny younif fellow warned hammand cut out that nulff ly nut he won too late already thc rome clffna of life or kan- jury had taken tin jaroo judffe quenilonl question t motley crowd hove you reached a verdict shouted uie oaked tisting iiezliklaii it in to bo hoped that uie folio win a story l at leant exanfieraled- it u funny at all ovenln and may be aald to teach usually accepted that a ration of good variety which contains about 21 per cent ot protein in about rlffht for younff weaned plffi and nlno that protein should he gradually decreoned until about lb per cent in fed durlntf thr flulnhlnif period i aji a matter of fact lliene flnurea up- roo court will drap you iko ton 1 ri- phu- to you to bcal the hu f m and vrloiimrnt at bncon lioan which nrc fln- jrt ihc when about 300 pouda in wululu well i rani mm lo w anytllni lal reccnu ttlc ccnlrol e hut younn m applcdorncr here j m j mlno yu uaht to d lc conmn s npeup rd m6 miusix i wu ju1 telllnb mr himimond the j dr lho ttolnvd little fellow piped np in ul volee decidedly upcrlor to a ration con- t tninlnj jo per cent tor weaned pin and f- briuluav reduced to 15 per cent the ollppj nehion cornea rrom dock home i t uyre thick thieve i dont on ulc 1ro teln ration attained an averago weight of 217 pounds when ollghtly aver nix h i i ni i months of age and were quite well on- dyer to a trenuom obort to beat the boomed j mhll he o double- mrd a brtod beta phut but will impend pronounce- ff f j 1 l ounulod ldnllcally raent ol punishment pending the rcult betluld of him unl nroalc 1u neclt rbton0 m of borb nrothrr byer may mate tlttt f and failed to nuh for another three icanoaroo court tand adjolimedl- and mented but i llmilr myself he a not tnla thol uld he boneed the table again to emphasis muchfmui relatively too hl in protein for ad ournment then you nuyr had better net buw tahu uiiiahfcd houi but rlirht for jimmy remembering llu1 icruujaroo pronto ejaculated hammond thafa i s- while there muai neceasorlly be a gradual reduction of uie iuln connutuent from uic knn- sllppy spoke up billy in going to he anagcr in your manager right now lea de clared all cet ready to go were j your board or ntrategy and weve nlgned i hammond him on as manager jair the love of llzjlc jimmy pro tected looking from one to another jaluic invadlng quartette in rcarch of entlght- enment wliatn uiln all about well xald lea moore plumping him- j tclf down on a trunk youre in politics not on your life and youre going to be elected presid ent of uie sophomore clnxa added billy under uie auspices of lho bigger three of uie dig pour began jake and uie perconal supervision of mr flippy ncuon concluded len i whocc jdcft la uua demanded jim hi surprise ourn spoke uie three in unison j nothing doing jimmy grinned what do you mean naked billy court though conducted in a spirit of 0- apple heat the ileta phis heat uie ihitaj this i came a concerted yell in reply in vain jlumjy trletor gd unf floor j for an argument ki hln own behalf i judge hammond hanged uie table with j his book and ignored jimmys plea to be heard this court rules dyers in default of ills duty to his fraternity unless ho where ncuon gela off to manage a cam- changes his position said uie kangrroo nalgn to beat ovcrstrert judge sternly it sentences hrouicr uy george i nnvcr did like nelson i mean uils cluff la out all of it an important lecaon aluiough not uie declared jimmy leaning back against hvr unfeeling anduinsh one which the his study table im riot a canss i n i matier within uy bmji what to do asked him- nmt t second character in the story drew from for anyuilng i donl wavit tom for mlty uld qnly grin and accept itof helplessly pte in constituent or a widening of the l anyuilng im no siluc- i ul arc ucrc nbout many barbs duwu rall period ad bqulre lcathem had a ilddah w arc uie noltlcians prowled anjj pft acro t mcm im 1 j ilezekjoh we arc uie hn li fln w ti nf h yraanlyjmwtobuwaiu iroiesiea nilly and jake can put it across let ocrsy asked jim uloughtfilllv t frvntkrr xs he went upstairs to hlsrontmimy tcshirbaiiorftrc bpilt heann lyic uf uaco jwtftwarrbevtabwii one iffi care sliould be taken to maintain rciauveiy higher protein content when irivlqiiii to lit drimrtun from 1ilnrc idwurd county for hi m u lh id hi hull in county mi a i mm viinlu i lliiuoiin 111 w aiiiiiuiiuili id pn iiilu- tlve wan tinilciiil 11 iimplliiii uliuy liui- rjurt mr mac vinmi 1 m bun 11 pre- m ntallve in irlnui ldwurd county for nlnrtcrti y urn hem 1 from llu n ijorl an iiiibllnhed in the plctou oaatle itiow the 1 ill 111 in which mr mucvuiitu 1 wuii hi id in hln fnrinr r field at urllvlum it iayn in part tin mil um staged in tho parlili houe where nuirly two hundred john d lo pity trlbule iu the sterling worth of the gurnl of uic pvin- ing the ocouloii uu iiiirurid by the annoclaud farnirrii onninlfitloiifi of tfic county with mr h d clunliiroii of the ajlvluiry afttlculliinu fuiiiiill ljl ronveik r during the miirn of llu- iviii- liili mr mnrvanml win tin nilfiil ol n bruutllul ciblnnt of mv u 1 iiuiclbh i memento of lili may in tin imimi llu i jircncntftlign wiifi mnlle liy lh imlnntui i who very fittingly jncludi i u mm macvanuel j the chairman and the mayor in ihelr remarks concerning mr mucvninul hud many kindly thlugn to nuy for hlui dur- hi hln tenure of office tin loant to hie klng honored hi lho unual wuytcrfdrniuiii li hirnson pike llrlefly ho remhilnenced wriir iwi utyoni ytars when a dlntrlct repriinlnllve uui appointed to prince imuurd cnunly in the person of mr win low alti r thai years nervlce he m iurcti di d by a 1 macvanuel a raw buich hid from wentcm ontario lonlfiht ve have gathered to pity tribute lo mr mtic- vanncl a nineteen yearn t iirlle in tli li county and thk iiiillurliuj denion- ctraten his rral worth to thu county it affordi meplenmrrp to welcohfi till large galherlng tonltjhl to bid fare well to our departing ructt uud exti nt the glad hand to hu micccnr mr macvanncl has occompllnhed niiub dur ing his term here but the ircuti t tiling over done for tnii county wan lu is- tabltshment an a tulwrcuilji itte area jjy thii our jjucnt thl lvhiiiih will l remembered for all time to conn in extending to him uiir bt wliln lur his gr atrit hucceti in hli m held x am suro i voice thr irntlnn 11u nf thin liilln ueinbluffi mr cli mliinon mentioned the present ucluitinu for an extennlon demontniuon lurm in lilt- ern onlarlu it t up to irlnco ldunrd to go after tliln he diclurxd mid ii ufter it hard mayor i p 1rorf r mu c uii d 011 li extend to mr mucvnnni i in iijiprirln lion of the nun the huin iulln ring the moyar thought fulrly indlrnted tin is goodtea the omwge pekoe is eadtra good 1 clean bright aluminum 1 1 0 pooled again jirtri- vn one amf w regret hlii removal but thee tliini i nnd wu hope uiat it la for th- bet j termnnt of mr mucvannij a- for max i lug for till lov11 it li inipoh ibli nattbowarlil wemi i sb h katoa ss toromto ontario j auo x to sept8 1938 pome to the canadian national exhibition this year a gigantic picturesque fourteen day premutation filled with interest and entertainment for everyone liiluinta from almoit every country tint infrnjtioiu aircrjft sliow and liie hind of ii11 majcaty a royal air force of friihnd first bliowing 1929 motor cira aiiui fucca on the fiiuuc dirt traxjt in ametnu golden jubilee rtrsv3ginna fanniyln fairyland hy 1 too ivrfnrmm wviviaihto- feic tic third wrigley marathon swim for a piirscnf v000and tic cliimpionibip of tlic rid wrn c irr paraoiu at lout ha been ty uid tlul m thr 1 to it cot no time to sz sfv- k f- l 1 to lnl lmlt tln declared tlmt h would proutt iu own nm or uiyuitair nor utrv on mw i f wl cudldatc inurccta so he loaded hu ahotffun job if im elected wouldnt h elpett pl lo me nelr names wllh t- f tld he rebuked him round told uon got m cude u et and rs tusszts jln zsls i a cae he mr macvanne ncef again i he said tragically do hta m utihlii hjm that he wavi unwdruiy to bear uie outside reading and its almost time for mint hn hvin7t7 j t rin h t i must n j me and energy i dont know anyuilng hammond u f for study nut wfiat study can offer ula bnjbhed excitement or a hardfought political cmon jake lef go exclaimed jim battle in school jumping up and grubbing his cap don t jim kept up his work but managed y a word to les and lilll nor to slippy also to keep in touch wlui uic campaign nelson li uiccc folks think uiey can 7 h although he could not bring hlmtclf to call us roughnecks and high ha la and n the point of soliciting support or making dumbbells and all that and get away trades wiui ouicra interested in uie clec- murder to win an election well hon lie knew that billy under sllppys now uiem a trick of our own i proud name of leauicrs and pushed him baseball and im going to try for the out into the night in half an hour he team got up saying that he wai going out to thats juol it opoke up nelson again test the boy vour football and basketball record for talnt necessary to make a fool of uie varalty and your freshman baseball yourself jonan sayb his wife i admit make you uie best man weve got to run it t it will be a cinch admit he a a coward aayn the squire nouilng doing said jim firmly i no admit youre foolish says his dont wont to be class president and i icbta i am w the mulre but not talj yzs i fto ct- h t l t to tluit boy a coward he uke alter but our own b here antu aym- to wm mt w t ed the yourlamlly ill chow you rkld to nultun uch u to lie knew itat je ourccm dcor tehuid him he lutened carelully pull uie trlmrer and uie oaulro went the lour boyn blared at jlninv in as l j whk aa they went down f wab ww t nc up the sophomore ig lo abide by jims judgment at the auiletcs under the ouggestion of olippy end or uie front walk they parted and n r l on different errands when uiey old bammy jones is uic best friend met again shortly before supper ume weve got lcs declared one day at joke had conferred long and camcouy lunch hes a rotten football player iu sam jones and jimmy had visited but lies sure got a tot of rrtenan and c of the uircc candidates on uie slate he a working his head off for you jim uiat had been lined for him by eilnny dig sam the tubguard j nelson wlui uie help of lea and nniy yeah and hes one real guj said that evening without a suggestion from i t i duly hui and sorority monagor i wish i had on cosy job like yours jimmy telephoned uisa oomstock and lea said billy the athletes know i obtained permission to call at the ua i jim but the women at uie sorority houses icappa house when he went to bed don t know him from adorn bay jim that night after flnal powwow with joke i you gotta go wlui me over to uie uu i be was ungllng with suppressed excite i kappa house tonight i cant get uiosc menu ting acquainted although hid ton loathe to part with mr andn u a thtir agricultural itcprr iitntut lhi uri in deed plead uiat a man of mr mut- vannel s tyjw iia utii t lm u u till tin outdoaru and into tile melon patch hczcklah was in one comer bhlnd a posluon burdock waiting for game the strange angry had to smile at their awkward figure attracted his attention uirouii uie embarrassment darkness and he gave it uie left barrel well elect him whether ho wonts us the doubting parent jumped into uie to or not grinned slippy nelson air howled murder and ran for uie no walt ive got a better idea than fencc- ilewktauimnstrurunn jiadhwi f ihatljjnojtc un ua auddcnly to moke uiosough work of it so lie let olioot it commanded billy uu prowling object liava uie other no come en outside sold les barrel thla setucd uic squire and he crawled to uie house and cent for uie doctor tutcning meanwhile to remarks appro priate to tho occasion from his irate wife tlie old man was always a little lame after uus and it used to be a pauusuc thing to hear him tell uie story of uie occurrence and at uie end shake his iieutl ob he observed i seen when it was too late uiat what i ought to a done was to a sent uie hired man out to test uiat boj ucaeklah uas a true lcauiers after all a modern jonau a rnrrerinnrirnt of ftie j wlio eaya uiat he once spent uireeourr ten of an hour in a whales bally uuu relates tlut stransc aiiventurc tha feood sblp eurapa ou which i sailed as caua- boy was anchored off uie coast of ipva california wc had taken a munlr of wliales and were at work frying uv pll out oljlio blubber cut from tb vhaks lying alongside to act at the tat tnlde tlie whaler we were cutting off the tiwu of two or uirco rllu and hoisting lhcm up from the whales body tins left an apcruiur large enough for a ueraan to crawl into uie whale juul atrip ija the fat which waa seat on deck in buckets wc were short handed and uie captain told mo to go ddwn into the whale and strip off uio fat doyllke 1 jumped at the chance x had not been at work long before i heard one of itfc sailors bins out pull tlie boy out of tho whale the tackle foils arc stranding had a rmall monckyrcpe tied arouud my waist the other end was on ho vrssrls deck at uie sailors cry uie captain jumped and grabbed it to pull me out hn t- it was too late uie tackle all tiiappfil in two the ribs closed to gether and i like jonah of old was shut up in a whales belly when the ribs came together uiey closed upon a toggle or pin used on the tackle thli pin had come out and caught between uie ribs through it a small hole fur receiving a rope had been bored and uilcly by means of uils hole which inablrd mc to brcauic my life was saved h au una confusion on uie ships deck tlie men lured not use their sharp cut ting n pud i it to mulnaiiouicr inc talon lor fear of injurlnu mc the tears were rolling do mi old captain o s face one of tli- men jumped on uic whale and i shotind through uio hole in un togglr tluf i wli all right then uiere was gnat rejolclnu tlie old captain jumped on the whale hlnualf and with a small rjieath- knife cut away at uie flrnh until he rame to my body dreat cure had to be exercised not to disturb the tougle for they knew i was brruuiing through it at length uic hole wii lunju enough for me to craul through and i came on deck sick and weak from my experience ice caucus teave him flat uie poor shrimp oct your nose back into uiat book you poor little runt he added leading uie way to uie door as he spoke billy jake and dllppy nelson followed him while jimmy grinned at uiem an uic door closed behind uiem he picked up his book again hope you have called after them jim sat down again adjusted tils read ing lamp and tried to devote himself to the book in which he had been interested when uic four interrupted him but ho could not concentrate on railroad organ isation study out of the question he put dowi the book anrj went to bed he heard no more of uie candidacy next day and linprit n had boon abandoned by his iarlug u rum in both rhjty and luf eftcrlivi it l iiul1i better to use ilo- lowayu corn itcmuver and eradicate them entirely froltolvk vh quiz berth buddies lis asked each of uie puier uircc of uielr big rour about it during the day but all of them evaded answer ing ah carried an air of mystery jimmy wondered what could be afoot that night after dinner he found en lightenment uirust rudely at him call for kangaroo court he heard one of uie fraternity brothers shouting within five mtnutco all uic fraternity above uio frcalimcn class were assembled hi uie big livingroom and icangoroo court hod convened wluun another minute jimmy had been arrested and waa before the bar hi the custody of les moore and big jake illlllgou be hind the impromptu bar of jusucc sat tony hammond mlir senior alth whom jlmm shared his room as presiding judge thla kangaroo court will be in dis order called out llammunct slamming a book on the table uiat formed boui bench and bur everybody sit down except the prisoner prisoner stand be fore me lie cununucd addressing jimmy have you any cuunwl if it pleou the kangaroo court i ii act as my own counsel said jim u rui ning dc3pltc tils upprchcnsioii very good and ill apiwlnl jerry davis who some time ago conducted uic case of tho state versus armstrong with success aa prosecuting attorney said hammond in mock tcrlousncua the prosecution will proercd to obtain a con viction your honor and griitlcova of uie jury began jerry davis stepntng up to uio bar while the fraternity members bprawllng on tho floor at chairs and tables cheered our case l simple a committee of our bet suptiomorcs wait ed on iimuier hymn and nolinrfl hlin tie had bii n nominated for sophoiu re president on u fmng slate li rot her dyers would huve- no part of it he refuted declllruj balked and olieralsc renlgged mj ikw nrrxrrammc a serious charge proclaimed luiiy llaiiirjpndj prlsailer what lu your plea aunty oi on i guilty guuvy your honor grinned jim but hold your argument hammond or dered the btate will prtxcfd with its aruumeat r prooccuuir our contention your honor began divl u that brother iiyi ra has no legal or personal right to throw down hli fraternity in thl manner alpha onirgu hoa dona well lu scholarship in athletics in jouruainm and in social affairs we arc proud of our record in these uilngs but wo have been shoved to the bottom or uio ladder year after jrrar in cam pus politics the local church was making a drive thfltlhtf beta mils haw oniilsedtuanu for fundj and two colored sisters were against ua every time they have re beailngdown hard on uncle ilaslua cruited ouier fratcriitus u keen us i cant give notllln declared the old out of rainpiu hoiinra now then we negro i owes nearly everybody in this have in our houie licrc one ji bvers- lure old town already i your honor jimmy lutcrrunted but uld one of uie nulector dont why does the lightning have u you uilnk you owe tho lord aoiueuiliig mo u j u ly reason of hu success i du fcwir indeed uld the old h f bow lull and basketball id man but ll ulnt puiluii mo like my by r of hu perwrnallty rcsunird ouur crdditors ts ijavls luiuid mako an uduiirubiu can- bcef again i he sold tragically yau know my dar dropping into a plaintive tone there are lmc i wli n beef begins to pall on me 1 we had lamb yctterday rflld his and on monday you knew ur ruat loin of park oh i know i thats juit it bcf mutton and pork porlc mutton and lief i one monotonous round and ull taste alike i sometimes think uiat the eat able animals were orjglnalty one and were only gradually differential d h locality you dont care fo chicken oh i get ured of chllken that i 0 with uie patient tone if neviiral muriyn what i would luce u a ltl- cliunie a little variety we had a rabbit buw li- 1 week 1 thought you enjocd tliat ii jou llkt ill have it auuiln tomorro i purklni ijji doar said the head of the houie calrmltlci almost dropping the carvingknife in hla bit fed up agitation i dont sec why you imagine ld r mini because i happen to cat something with dolt fully to a frleaid a tolerable relish i can stand it for seven what uould jmi say days in uic week let the rabbit real were to tell ou that in u fur a while dtcfl time the rlvem or our cu the last ume we had duck you said dry up you never wanted to set another ilm i should say the markltman sold you a black irlind on thou uud di duck for a widgeon in a pained voice j etllni around uluency nnd urudiiihj t millers wonn powders palutnble ui chlldnn who ury in uklng them i lit i bring worm tmubli s to un i a strengtht nluf tlmuliitini recting the disorder of liiie lo the jyiteui mei1 di vclopuieiit e-a- lhi ikm milt i oooi hxamlll never was tin d or projihrs i and hi friend i wen g u iarklnj hud nirittty predict- and j danica lined up by myself if i go over i suppose uicyll all like my looks so well uicyll vote twice apiece lor mc hey queried jimmy sarcasuc- ally but say is that the reason you dragged me over there twice before this tiling came up aw i just wanted yuh to give uie gals a treat muttered bluy whereupon uie boys at uie table burst into laughter at jimmys expense intt bvrntngthowevcr lie agreed to go out with billy to uie uu icappa ho uee and he spent on hour talking with dorothy camstock he told tier frankly uic whole story of uic political campaign and said he wished he bod never been dragged into it and uiats one uung i wanted to talk about he sold you know im not much an society stuff but i itom uicn on unui friday day uilugn happened thick and fast filed sldcnt slippy leu bluy and jake cornered jim for a conference and slipiry promised to produce some new strategy for tuesday evening the dally on wednesday announced uiat a big mass mecungyf uno rganlicd sunhomorcs had wondered if you didnt think id been coming over here just for political reasons to get your girls lined up i dldn t uilnk anyuilng about it jaughcd miss co mi lock you didnt mention iu i bul you dldn t know uiat till you lection bo uie bill 1 fast j j know it was overdone wltn dignity tuesdays jordan daily announced uiat lncn i inserted uie ijolil if hie bam jones football man and barb had carvingknife in a convenient seam lie ni1 i a candidate for top horn ore pre- murmured again uccf1 if i liad known uu wouldnt care for it i might have had some fish you cant get any llsh that has the rlflht flavor after it has been packed and kept on lec the martrerman telephoned that he had some line ticiir steak i almost wui id got that i like it extremely but nj yu i must have heard mc miy may cunnot imply cannot cook it j it h u pity uiat some new animal can t be- invented for you oald the lonii- r suffering housewife rebelling at last i was reading uu- ouier day that they ate lltuunui lnisouth america and thai the i dluger uldluns cunsldcred tuib eggs u great delicacy i i don t think i am hard to sutlufy dald the head of uie house helping hlni- gubalanual piece of the meat j pledged uicrnselvcs to elect jones tues day nights conference wlui jimmy keep ing quiet and showing no alarm or excitement produced no new ideas on wednesday slippy called up jlnimy by telephone and asked him to meet wlui him ut uic soda keg right away jimmy went and found johnny over- street his beta plil rival for the closa i presidency olo walling bllppy and a study in i1ikkim11 an irlshmun wu miiltd in u lm lut pompous llldlvlduil utm com pan led by a dog inline dug ye hui phwat kind is if a cnxa b twem ape thu man rcphxd shure an it ixluud to bolli of the irishman rejoined uid uie in irl hum tub rirtoo c tun dip pi no process ctrcngtlieiu lb tiro lo eimi uu iliif fit of bill cliealimf iuek tuops sudden turns mrttl iiikii pd- tua firstoo traatl ia sciantillcally tlougnotl to grip tho ruad in otosr- gsneiss yoo can kav this atra safety on your car aile your local itiraibona daalar h wilftava you mast and tcrre you bettor altvaym put a firalane tleamuteljed eupruu titkc in your tircitorte tire firestone tire ru until company ui- canada limited hamilton ontahio jrlretotte builds the only gumdipped tires the iiigttww rge aiclsnnc ilione 151 main street acton overslreet after lome licsltuuon broach ed uic subject of a com prom est- with a merged orcek ticket to oppose uic new ly organized barb strength the idea does not interest mc said i jim im just as well satisfied with i dldn t even know uicn that uie my chances now as i ever was and boys were put una mc up explained jimmy interrupting thats all right and i wouldnt have drought unythtng about it anyhow the girl laughed again but you can bet on one uitng johnny overs tree t b ruhlng id with our girls all hu can and he after all the yunu uiat have beep spilled about my being a dumbbell and a rough- iilck and a highhut and so on aw suy we never complained overslrect guilull im not saying you did or uiat slippy either and jimmy grinned and won t get anywhere lies promised uiat winked ut the tricky nelson but it was if he is elected uie kappa vi house can name the rdinnurc cotillon queen oh i cce grinned jimmy begin ning lo get the maneuvering going on agulnit him ujavc uic icappa pi girls many voles 1 hut 11 where johnny is dumb uiey hait only seven votes and wc have flf- tctri mua corn lock explained now jic wishes he hod not promised uiem anyuilng and hes trying to kid us along borne of our glrla am strong for uie beta bhls and uiey like jolmny but uiey dont like hie ctuff just now on monday with uie election to be held uie folio whig friday 13 billy joke and slippy nelson met in jims room for a conference and taking of slock all of them except jimmy were rauicr glo omy well how duo it look asked jim grinning why all the gloom it looks rotten growlrd billy next lime i try to put over a womanhater umouu uie sororities 1 hope somebody hokra me i he barbs say they re tired of vot ing or fraternity men added jake discouraged and the athletes tell mc uiey cant make any votes bccuuoc copu are tired of the roughnrckn running things lrs contributed to the gnu ra despair what do you know bllppy billy uikcd nclmin well things do look blue the oll- uctuii rrplual uy gang tin phi deles are oic and so a your crowd weve gut the dummies bueatise uiey liave uir ierclaryuhlp on our ticket and uie lie tea j with uio treasurer candidate allogcuicr i we vc got five frauniltiea and uircc tor- orllltj lined up uw ubout overairecl and llie beta 1 ui thru phis asked jimmy gnodnatu redly itieyve lined up nine fraternities done and our side didnt do it lie walked out or the bodo iccg grin ning at uie discomfiture of nelson and ovcralrecl prom the sodu keg he went downtown u a printing office and left un order for ume hundbllli thursday the prcdlcuon was fur a landslide to bum junes and friday tlie lu- lslldc materialized barbs ar- ivlilg at uic oolluig place hi uie union building found liandbllls telling them liow to vote each bill llsung jones aa the candidate for president on a slate which included all uie other naiiiec un jimmys old uckotl jojieji for president 307 votes over- street ido byern 40 was uic hnal result but all of jimmy a old slate uwept into nil ice jliumy grinned ut his wretched buddleil ijcs and billy us the vulc was i announced tliat ulglit we 11 fix you fellows yet raged billy us uiey tillered uie fraternity house togcuier uiey climbed uie stairs and found hammond in hln room we claim that this bycrn runt lias thrown uj down exclaimed billy as they entered the study room what ubeul it uun uiied uie lordly hammond wlui all uio dignity of e ruling senior i claim i tiae curried out the orders of uie court said jim grinning what what drmaiidid le my orders wire u beat the beta ihts jimmy eoutiniud ignoring the in terruption all right we had a tip uiut bllppy nelson was a chum of ovcr- ntrcet uud wui doiiblcctusstug ua bo we jake and i got bum jonrs to run and grab uie big barb vote i got the rest of our ticket to sit tight and ride hi with junes and we got the mu kappus iftceii voles wlu jones self to before him pcrhups i had no right to hint thai an occasional variety in my diet would tx what is ihl what la which asked his wife as he chewed tlowly and analytically lhi thi mrut its venison tlie currant jelly 1 to the right of you i suppose you think that is funny said the head of tlie house trying u look dignified final rnoo brown im you uilnk tin ill ud un communicate with us black i know they runl once i uiuuaged to brnw a dollar from u tlcols- mun a wetk lati r lie died und i have not heard u word since promising lhcm the right to name irblcr and i cotillon que that wai ihe lav t four sororities replud ailppy glibly and i supjkw yu 2 looks like theyve whipped m or- handbills printed hey demanded uaniuiuim but that not tlie row at burr jimmy s m f a they re spread dlrt we cant wlp u he kudji what dirt- asked jimmy in surprise izly tji two sut well our sury u that youre a dumb- i baek their ni uilj jm in 2 1 bell roughieek of an athlete anuuier llly fauhkm dropping o in a tine- is that youre a luckup loahhat half on hour later thvaoru of bruu- men dk yourself wliy not b iuccuj w luow th way la bin rr avlt0aa uta good alsrv as taotof mvlinlc la t ury wuing vutcanujoj ioum wtriag trfcliujeaii lurluruuj bau cultur work damour cumi now fanning rduca t ura aa you hum inurwllogcauloffu tr wilt or call ifitursru tkauh school lnimxi icimo wan tosauio p fflcsr iiuriou7 rchutdy a llmi hm tajur a1 to tailk uomiiayr foamimj 35c and soc a box 7a safe remedy for constipation red rou oranjfa vivai comas as near to perfection as any tea can everything that tea experts can do to make red rosa orange pekoa superior in quality flavor and value is dona lu the great red rosa blending rooms try it today put up in the bright clean nlumltiur packages m ymmmllk medfijij j rice is by quality i i h on mm n lake niniiii cor iiislancc y it liciti lull von jcl lie i kind anil tin re is nolliinn o rli riled ami nults as clicaii iriiilini iiiir ol i i alisoliirlv orllncss liniidcrin 1 1 k mall pi ojpnil ionalc ainoiml llial on sjicml lor tiiiiiii on can a ii i in null tlir s lhal iii tan lin ni i liiilfi lr v 1 1 iv uu an in rst mriii loan c- ihiisc llu nod kind inn lei lien mi anl muilin jiis icicli lor rail 1 1 i- jlidlv io intoddai iiiinlii rcijiiirciiiciils and all 1 1 i on jri r i rluiiili ll i illl c ci lion lie inline oilier stand llie ihone anil on oiir ihe lirs coniiarisoii jioinl laken into eonsidera the acton free press