Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 26, 1928, p. 8

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lu arunt 3fra tyws lown wrrulicj f onloi charert i jill il in it n h ll r uliilr i slalei thr t li li iil ni lorn arr paitl imhattl llic a llret i 1 r- advuitiblnf iiati sl nr mill iimuwi rd mtvrtlirmri an i in other c liirin ll r ratra will lie u mj at hral of to imo 11 play ivcrtiilnc ratri on apilicatl n g a dii us editor tint fcoprictor tpli 1koljins- edllorlal onl iliiiiocx oir jteuidttice jixh1 crop ivedlcledl the bank of montreal weekly crop repot t giivc tlc following optimistic report on dominion crop all crops thinughout the prairie province continue to miilcl excellent progress under highly fnvornbl- conditions mid prospects generally lire very ut- factory iilthoiigli in it few r of siinkotchcwan there lin been severe damage from hail mid some urea in manitoba have suffered from flooding in quebec conditions continue rnvoruble although inter nuttcnt rams have retarded linyinjj operations all crops arc making excellent progress in ontario where warm wcnihcr with ample momture has pr vailed in he maritime provinces equally growing conditions have been maintained in british columbia weather conditions have been ex ccllcnt for held crops but ram lias largely spoiled oarstotrl cherries other fruits promise well neighborhood news hiiuiiincton mlui unlc miiiihih of llrunilnii mali in vliltliik oiilff ami torn 1 hnlui mlui laura hum or london u tlm ifunit ni hrr rklcr mm a if martin mr and mm prank virtue mid family ini hollihiylnir in northum ontario liiunii nitoni luivo iweu etiuuued thr past week chrcklnj up traffic on llui hluhwayn mnrjorlr and norma hjirpiwrd lutvr relumed home after irwnilliitf the nasi two weeks will their tuint iu1 unci at port dover mrs ll a langhnrtir and mnatvr irvln m paul ijtreel left on momly ood nvrnlns tac mew york and mountain llprlnuii new jersey karl lmercon of new york u kmiid- lnu a couple of weeks holidays liere with liu pareius mr anil mrs j a emerson thursday evening july 26 1028 making u easy for tourists the action of hon v d eulcr minister of national revenue in issuing instructions to customs officers nt border points to assist visitors in making out their tourist permits and to do so free of ettln mm a f truman lias same very fine delphiniums in bloom in lir flower garden some of the italics measuring over wheal tvwpectfi ijfijjht lnclu in hrlbht ttu bioom ta ccpuonally tieavy and uie colors very prospects for a satisfactory wheat crop the beautiful r li j a ljndlcy picked ceveral rlpo tnm- western provinces have seldom been more favornbc i umw on jllty nnd cpcpij u pi the peneral conditions arc similar to those existing tomatoes on the market uiu week thu in exceptionally early tar outdoor toma ii 1023 when one of the largest crops in the history tora tlc yeu promiw to lie very of the west was produced recent rams have pro heavy uua neaxon axitut vided surliciciit moisture to take en re of the crops for two or three weeks to come and very little damage has been done by any cause according to the northwest grain dealers association the estim ated acreage for 1928 in the prairie provinces amounts to 23558000 ocres aa compared with 20- 879000 acres tor the large crop of 1923 and 21420- 000 acres in 1927 thio acreage then if correct breaks all previous records tins is good news for the whole of canada for when good crops and good prices prevail in the western provinces there is a favorable reflex influence everywhere in he do minion suburban gas and oil syndicate crime increasing the fact that crime is on the increase in tbe mr kenneth leltcli of delrc it u vult- tiiff with mr and mrs junior ralrd mr and mra stewart of c lelpu arc vlaltlnjr with their bon mr david stewart mr peter pace df compbellvllte tperit hut week with mr and airs leltch mr john miller of rockiord lit u lioudayhiff ultli mr and lira j o mc kinney mr and mro c e mawhlnney and family of toronto are spending tlielr cummer holidays at the liomo of mr illcliard a fines mm a icofeh and um jalin miifl dejiic oreonwaacr nave returned lo itockford 111 after vinltinir will mr and mra j c mcjclnney the cant of the hrln j p a dramatic club including a number wlio ajuuled in tiia play a prairie now xpeiit dominion is shown by the latest statistics published pleasant day on the loth lnat when they jrt i motored to la salle park hamilton at ottawn for the year ended september 30 1027 j to nuriinaion deach the number of convictions recorded reaching a total mica myrtle mcklnnny principal or the local continuation ochoo suftcrcd eudj of 212 075 as compared with 187301 for the prcccd- abou the face and liead when die the above syndicate own sonic 2 aercs 2 miles west of acton and have under option 900 adjoining ncrcs a complete drilling plant in on the property and will commence drilling on tuesday july 21 the syndicate arc confident that they have a good chance lo find natural gns and oil and consider the shirc3 n good ipiculniivc purclinnc inspection of property invited and fullest investigation solicited no more than two shares sold to ony one pnrty application for purchase of syndicate shorcu to be made to mr tony scynuck acton price 25 per share suburban gas and oil syndicate t seynuck president liasincst jfthvjclory ml li6al dr j a minivrn iiijkiciuh ami hiirkmiti i and itoldnili corner ilower and i in in flint thoiir nn jj i o itojc 335 harol d nash i armpr m a harrmrr solcrr nolary lulii unvrynnrrr i tr ptltuvman iiichk acton ont monpv uni on moiuc1acieh hoiirn 0 j u r 0q m flntiinlnyi lou uii cton ontario july 23 1028 ing period ended september 30 1920 pleasure trip that takes one across the border is spoiled by a series of petty annoyances that seem to link up with crossing the border the little fee of fifty cents charged by people who bad the offices for making out forms and govc instructions to steer isitors through the machinery of customs was not cxhorbitant but nghr nftlie point of entry it labelled canada as a petty grafter in the eyes of many the doing away with that impression is worth many times the fee charged goksip and slander there is a kind of gossip that 15 harmless mrs so and so or mr soand so may have mannerisms and idiosyncrasies that may cause or olcnsion people to talk and comment and evin exaggerate but no harm is done but when people or any person will draw on their imagination will interpret certain actions or expressions into evil or evil designs they but disclose and display a mind that is evil and a disposition that is not to be envied many a man jndmanya woman has- suffered much because of such evil slanderous gossip that started out of the evil imagination and ventmous tongue of the slander ous gossiper newspapermen know how foundation- less and how untrustworthy am many of the evil rumors that sometimes get spread about concerning worthy citizens because it is the duty of newspapers to investigate thoroughly before giving credence to such reports burns wrof 1 o wad some power the giftio gie us to sec ourscls as others see us and the sentiment is right enough for self exam ination but may ttic power save us from seeing oursclf as others sec us m some respects orat leant as they picture us to others it is a merciful pro vidence that keeps many an evil false slander from the cars of the innocent victim because if each of ua but realized the etact position wc sometimes stand in in the eyes of a gossiping community we would hide ourselves behind a mask of forgetfulness or welcome an early grave winchester press a new zealand newnpnpcr growth through the courtesy of mr j montgomer of new zealand the dditor received a copy of a special edition of the dominion which marks the pro gress that paper has made since established in 1007 the building that is the home of such u paper and the equipment of such a plant is indeed remarkable for a paper only established twentyone years it iu interesting to note the guiding plan that has governed such a paper in far away new zealand in twenty years until it can claim now to be- the national daily they are given by u quotation from dr g e anson chairman of directors of he company in on address delivered on a previous occasion and might well account for the phenomenal growth uf this paper to teach successfully a paper must be attractive both to readers and advertisers with out a large circulation of readers the advertisements fall off which entails financial failure we must therefore make our paper popular and financially sound but above all we must ulso prcuch the gospel of just and good government or we shall have failed in our highest mission the ehicf danger hat besets every paper is lest it should become shackled by some political party some financial in terest or some band of shortsighted funuties who put their own interests or that of their fad above those of the whole community every journu should bo absolutely unshaekled ijd fearless having chosen its party political or otherwise it should support it forcibly but should never hesitate to criticise freely whenever essary or u journals value as a supporter ig infinitely greoter when it i known that it iq not the obsequious servant of anyone but a loyal supporter and fearless friend and critic therefore i should say that our journal must be interesting of course but alo fearless in critic- ism and above all things independent and un shackled if must never be said that k i a reform paper or a liberal lubor capitalist prohibitionist or liquor paper it may well support but not be shuckled by any of these also it must not foigct that its highi t duty is to save the principle of a ijiiul dciuuurueyby iwuliuc hud teaching thf eft elm- tc choose honest and eapuble legislators wjn111 they trust to deal with national question the increase bumped atralnot the julndhleld by the force of the sadden slopping of a motor jn 192b over the previous year was 103 per cent car n which ahe was rldhur with mt by classes of crime offenses against the person de- e waimnn at the wheel at unlvrlty j1 tu totalled 1020 per cent offenses against property j without violnce 10 83 per cent malicious offenses gfpugetown 28137 to 31 171 but breaches of liquor laws decrees ed from 13512 to 12477 during 1027 a property 0 32 per cent forgery and erme j j zzjtt2xtt against the currency 23 00 per cent and various day lost cher offenses 0 per cent the principal increase i 2sjzsx under summary convictions was in breaches of traffic the credit ruver la nearlnc campuuon rcsultionsccvtctons which rose from 78027 to tzczz hg310 during the year drunkenness increased from sinclair mine llac james or acton is cpendlnjr a few days wltn mr and urn w r webster jolm street mro a cook windsor and mra wm ncln pf new york were visitors wleli the sunday toll ur and uni 1iarr aoiduam on friday last discussing the manner in which the modern drndmnpl ibui have wtnru- c jinjc- d home rrom a motor trip to owen sunday is observed in the united states an amcnc sound mcaford souuiamplon and other an newspaper has the following paragraph sunday point t mr and mra w xl watcon mr and has come o stand for the day on which excess energy ur w a nekon of ununpum and is released the feeble and the aged devote them- ur mcclurc have returned from a i motor tour of northern ontario selves to goir the middle aged resort mostly to motor- ura- j u moore mlti aileen moore ing and flaming youth takes his in an aeroplane or ciaridac mum ciaridao uhue i mamaret and marlon mckay and mus sawed off racing machine sunday has come to be uannurt kennedy ore houdaylns in the day when the hospitals turn over a new leaf in muskoka mr and mrn thoa scott celebrated the register and lay out n couple of extra pens to their b ueddina on friday but expedite the entry of the victims as they are brought w hinrc number of frtenda and i relatives gathered at their home and the kingston whigstandard after quoting printed mr and mrs ccgtt with this paragraph asks the question what is the moral although the kingston paper leaves the answer to its readers it is not hard to find the answer is that in these modern days a vast number of people have ceased to have any respect for the lords day they have departed from the old- fashioned ways of looking upon he sabbath as a day for bodily rest and spiritual recreation the sunday of the pioneers was vastly different to that of the present generation and although the passing of timooftiin makes changed custom snecessary it cannot be said that the change- in observance of sunday is for the better a perusal of the monday newspaper can not help but note the results of the sunday madness of spded and pleasure last sunday eleven lives were lost and mnny more seriously injured might it not with perfect truth be said that these lives ean be directly charged to the manner in which the sabbuth is desecrated in these modern days under the old customs of sabbath observ ance the day was spent quietly and reverently there is very little of reverence in the crowded highways and by ways of he sundays of the present age editorial notes the best roads in any town in the country was the leinurk of a traveller the other day in connection u i ill alioii jtrects i he frequent and heavy rains of the past week are becoming a serious menace to thc crops the farmers are having difficulty harvesting the hay and the grain crops are being flattened out and damaged purse of fold herald oakv11xe mrs i c wilson and family are spend- in two weeks on luke joseph mludcojca the brampton junior lacrosse team came to ookvlllc last cvenlnff to play our taut juniors miss mary uycra is upending two montlu as a councillor in a summer camp in algonquin park there is a report that a bilk factory u looking for a location in oakvule there is aaclcomc forh excouncillor wm anderson and family are oaaln occupytnff their resid ence on reynolds qtrcet havlnff returned from oaliawo the waterworks sedimentation basin will be cleared out next week and as a precaution the commission advices that drinking water he boiled qtar the brewers worcliousc in town was closed on monday owlnc to the bylaws vote bclnc taken the firemen are pracucinc tome fancy stunts on the central school arounds these cvcnlnc miss hilda kjilflht who had a flnucr amputated a few weeks afro and ruts been routined to the homo of tier parents la now able ui be out and around aaln mm wamc wife of bishop wamo for forty years methodist episcopal olaliop 111 india u v lai ting her sister ulu m e jcrfirls in lown bishop warne newly retired and mrs warne arc now resldlnff in now york city ttccord it is expected thut 80000000 bushels of grain will be shipped from the port of vancouver b c by the end of july when the current crop year tcrmin utcs ontario tourist camps arc to be brought under provincial inspection and approved it is a big undertaking but it is inevitable that these stopping phices will have to be safeguarded adequately 1 he- globe the display r silverware ip the fru prtcss window is not a new jewellery department and to relieve the anxious feelings of many of our friends we will suy that neither have wc anything tp serve in the mugs the four wheel brake signs on the autos are quite un aid to safety but any sign of the three requisites of common iense eare and courtesy on the purt of jomc drivers who tear along the high ways is often lucking one hundred und seven thousand six hundred and live pedigrees for pure bred live stock were issued in can udotl in mj li27 by the canadian national tivl stnek records association which has a member ship of ih 1 1 1 breeders distributed throughout canada milton mrs mutcheon and uttle son of tor- onu are vial tine her parents oavenior and mrs a mcolbbon misses dorothy and marlon owynne of toronto arc vlsluns tlielr erand- parcnu mr and mrs ii campbell mrs o il ilews mlu m dews and miss p harrison left on tuesday for port dover where they will stay at the orcliard beach hotel fur a week or so mr j w ulaln and daufillur miss a blaln have gone to minneapolis u d to vblt mr blalnsj sister mra frank uem- ctrcct mrs d a andrew wife of the late agricultural represcntauva for hal ton had the misfortune recently to fall from a step ladder at her liome and break her right arm at the wrist it is now definite uie llow excclslor products start building in uuuw to the nest few days a factory site has been decided upon and construction will be under way on or before august j and it is believed the plant will be into produc tion by october 1 i ec former our fanners arc busy haying the crop is better man liad been rxnectrd mtsa huui aorhoin at phuadslplila l visiting lur mother mrs t a dur ham itohort htcwort court strict la en gaged tn sumnur camp uork he b now at north bay mr and mrs ilobt mcdowell of victoria harbor have been visiting his mother mrs ttios mcdowell milton iloy bcouts hi charge of jack mcarthur and hoy cannon arc camp ing at bronte fur two weeks the officers of trafalgar todje flons or ttnghuid had the pleasure recently of initiating tluis walsh president or the oorxugalsd cattle cuke and cotton becd oil co ltd as an honorary member champion nfruvl uuly uutikm man an t you itadt live sign mi that door means private cauvu- r- 1 know and im glad ha dure if there s any china i luitc it s bolng tnlcrruplvd wlun 1 in talking to a prodpacuvd clutauiar or j m bell d d s l d s niirit jlmor oraditnte of toronto university tlir lutrit nnrflthrtlc used if deiired office at rrrldenrc corner of mill and imdertrk nireets dr j ij johnson ddlds hintil hurgean orflcr mill fatrcct in tile cooper block telephone as mfhcl llanfoub i ranc1s nunan ilookblnder account btmilei or all kinds made to order prrlndlculs of rvrry description carefully bound killing neatly and promptly done wyndham direct ouclph ont over williams store essz wmmmmsmmmmcmma i representative of the law the terror of wrongdoers protector of the righteous vet cops sometimes make mistakes as do the rest of we poor humans for instance how often do people who arc upright and conscientious transgress unconsciously the laws take milk bottles for example the milk delivered in homes every day is paid or by the receiver but the bottle in which it comes is loaned with the distinct understanding that it is to be returned when empty it is the property of the milkman and yet in the pasl week bottles aggregating 25 have been kept by milk consumers in acton in many cases it is undoubtedly a slip of memory one of these un conscious transgressions of which we spoke yet to the milkman it is really serious financial setback so serious in fact has the nbusc become hat measures of correction which may be unpleasant to both consumer and seller will have lo be adopted unless the situation improves immediately so we appeal again o each of our customers who may have overlooked a few bottles to return them today last weeks appeal met with response from sources least expected but from the places where we know bottles to be here was little return so wc make a final appeal put out all the empty milk bottles around your house for the milkman to morrow morning your co operation will save your milkman and yourself money the jersey dairy g w masales proprietor the acton dairy s p watson proprietor umbwsmsmsbsssasasasawmwwwsbsbsm r j kerr auctioneer and iccnl efltnte twenty yean experience list vouit pnopkfltv 3aagmkirg jjmdiiiimj oiir stock of used cars contains many utiractivt values und it will pay y u to investigate among them this week are i overlund six coach 1920 model i buick coach 1020 model 1 essex coach 192ti model 2 ford sedans four daor 1025 models touring o from 50 00 up this weeks special a real trouble lump one that has plenty of cord und ean be used as rouble lamp emergency tail light oi fender lamp the most complete and compact little dj ff lamp you could desire sells for this week ut jj tjv phone gg h a coxe chrysler hudson and esbcx curs main street acton llllfflllum remember a dthlor la a ll4ktr kelly aiken coixectorta persistent bacceiifuh orarcvliu otrcn sound gulk established ibm life insurance also auto aeclunt sickness and vut insaraiua in these days of numerou car accidents auto insurance lias be come a necessity vkt not leave kurself liable by neslectlng to vc one of these policies par particulars see a e nicklin bower avenue at eare oat money to loan on plrst mortgajfea painting and house decoration graining- a speciality pranipl attention bausfaeuan claaranlmd esuouus given telephone 170 riciiairo nrrnancir box 3gp acton here is the jelly you have liven looking tor manufactured by mclajlens ijmited hamilton and winnipan if you desire a itrrular incota that you can depend bn invest your money in standaisd royalties it nays monthly dividends and then is no oafur imistmciit ony- wheru if you uuilru information alsn ano mull nit the coupon be low kindly ei iitl mi without obtura tion information rtuurdlnu tilond- urd lloyaltks nume addnsa ii w dawson p o box jb hltaupton district ruprcsintutlvc for mui- continent bond corborauon undirwrl tern insurance if there is any kind of insurance oti may require we will be plemed to quote you please give us u chance t g ramshaw milton aju acton jas ramshaw asabunt if you expect to sell you must advertise sulkuriiitimu for ah mujrozlncri tiikeii ut iho ivls lvtxtf oillce

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