m ptt i i fty fourth vtiir no 11 niuksday ivtnino sfpttmrcr 27 i02fl acton ontario canada thursday ltvtning septizmbck 27 1028 si homo print pdicb five out blutrrjy rmtv hittb qjijurrli of gamin a acxkm mlnutirliev c 1 foal ft i pul-nonaa- willow btrwt 1100 u m riif mini ter subject invoking lowardi the imperial city 2 jo p m runday srluuit rally day loplc thy ohrli t t ihr amlrr rally day ptrumi r 7 go p m tin mini u r rnllj xt pro parity in not alu ty contntnin rhurrday 730 prnjrr and pralw service f trull ti man knox church acton mfrtuttr liv a c stewart m a manse willow street 1100 a m rally daj cnlcc ciill dren n choir subject things that abik 7 00 p m young pxoplca rally wall a young women a choir and speokfcr miss ldlui sinclair olrl lecrlary for the church strangers leaving addrefji wlui uie lhem will bo called upon by um llor fiupilat qjliurrtj acton fw wmtj ktaxto- farconage frederick bftvrl 1100 a- m the pastor 2 30 p m sunday school 7 00 p m the pastor monday 8 00 p m young peoples me ling thursday 8 00 p m praynr meeting ikimtatgat announcing that this store will be- wwieayafternoons ihiitlnc twk months ov octorcu novcmhut and 11 cemhlr all i rshirin ikiurlmcit a hound in smnrf ami aiyordiiblc ntw lltinjh lo wear no skating kink for tjiib srast coats rich with pars nrliion u furs invuhly on the lovict of autumn c at the loni hit red bnilpcr nnt the exquiiitc tox pnw are new favorite thi r uhih blended opossum i just ns mtich in evidence as it lins been tor several seasons pn popular for ik becominjiicss and its pood wearing qualities wolf chui chilla tox skunk caracul ull represented too tailored touctulft arc favorite choices now whether funrcd or unf urnnl navy blue cihnc1lla topplrs start on the pnee cnle with a notable special at 1295 bluc chinchilla coats with colored sucdeiic m ing showing on collar and in slot seams- 1975 tur trimmed tuilorcd and dress coats in fiood value groups ranrinr through n broad calc s2133 29 75 531 93 s39 75 4500 4950 up lo sc950 unclassified all anwtisemehts xlvrrtufccmcnlt in this coiumti reals ward lhalwuw cl sra 30c imi uihrlu fott sam an elht roomed brick house wlui urn and stable on lake avenue easy term apply 13lf p q pox uff cakattles fob sale i yorlodilr tlncine canaries for cale guaranteed 1 2 mrs oko inotiij crewns comers acton il it- ho 1 ipott balk bet tunal drlvliur harnets 12 00 hve gtrtntf banjo co0 violin bow and cam complete t do box 30 acton ontattlo pob rale a ynuns 0ow due octolwr 1 alo two goata both doea apply t p ounmibl creasons comcro oh sale happy tjvouglit cooldnff ranfic fcood condition witli water front and water tank clp for qulekaola ulpply to c a conwav church street fob 8alk twj pure bred ilelfirc one jersey and oam ilabilii lta two oci nuaj com aiply c1ia3 a danvcll third line 4iualnf vouno wotrh found owner may recover by pro vine property and paying for adver tisement apply 1 a swackhaukil 13 3 it il no 3 acton fob sall three burner perfection oil stove practically new l quebec heater open rate front for sale reasonable if taken at once j w piteciooa john gtreit council and butrdmoro co advtacd not to proceed ile- fonrvullilittlunof fly law at tit tu uluii of the council on ruci- day uviiilnir councillor i llidford nlcol llanun and atkln a n were preci tit and itirvr maion pre lud th l inwici commute in their nine letnth report noommendid that tlip nllowlnif uctfuunljj lw puld t j fjpiluhl npalrn t o n ninin tniclclnif ami yravtl connillnn i urety co bond for tnx culllclor ocenn accident fwnd f r inxtol- cor rim i u iion lauir provincial jrcorurer blnklnr fund actqm ivkb pnh4i ndvlrtlrlni ftc marritil for half ccnlury tin acton schools athletic meet 0 00 13 do 30 00 14qd1 hosu of charming felt hats in three spcfcialvaluc ground 2i 395 4sa vutttn ftri grg vnaivdnulded after the new fall manner and in matrons sizes and styles too velvet hats speeialat 395 and 450 mens womens and childrens new pall apparel in bountiful selection xnd at so many different figures that everyone can easily find the pnecfi lie or she think hts or her clothes should co i d macdonald bros ltd guelph ontario dally clobluc ul p- tu- i vc saturjjy at 9 jo p fat 14 co 0 334 go rho report v a adopted mtsfin oord n cxipir and ilert hln ton were prci nt lo rouert una of the park for tin tlthi dajn or tlu local illuh flchool and uio pleld day and ptrmlslon to din il for jutnplna per- inlulim wil f runtld provided the boa irvel tin iiruund unci rtplacc uic nodi on the plui ufttr tho miiu were over iiil ullvc reported tiic rtrult of lib lotervlow with mcnnru lons j daly curding tliu ifcallly uf the bulldlno of llio rink wforo the valldatlnc of tlie by law two letltnt uero rcoil the one from mojuti lona daly and uie other fiom ileardmoro ss co lu uila icttlr written beardmoro co theke lecal advltcrn atatcd wc do not foci that an agreement in thli form would aord you tho dcardmorc co mtfflclent protection or security for the repayment af uie money to lie advanced and for uili reason cannot advise you that it aould be in order for you to enter into- it in our opinion uie bast and most satisfactory method far the village to follow in com true tin h uila rink would be lo wall until ijylnw nirmuer 010 la nt1lnt i l the communitys social sidcf of life j lnurehiiur protrrnmme of athletic vbilors o and from town during ivt held in the park ycft- llw ismt wlriciind by ult and ullfl anaham lawflon who celebrated their qolden weddlun nnnlvenuiry at ouelpli recently mr and mm lawnn were reulents of acton for a number of yrarn and liave n idptl wlui uielr dmtjjhlrr mra dan mcklntmn tin quolph rlncc 1011 an iiccoiinl of uie golden weddlnc event waa publlnhcit loi t wtck in the puke pukui hwt lokhrrtir ffwtofwfw w ffii wj wa notice notice u hereby olven uiat unlets ute parties wlio liave twvn spreading false rumors in regard to the conduct of hal moral inn and ciiieclaliy over the recent court ce of clarence habcock and vcneil crawford prosecution of lh parties spreadliui such faue nunors will be nrooxded wltli mho agnc3 jocqde noticf ur alax crawford 49 duilurcet guclplu formerly of acton visliea to an nounco for uie benefit of oeonra balber txjlaeva ol acton and- ilavld joe- of ijqucilnff and oliver street corner bos- slpa hut only daughter annie was not at acton sliow or dance on beptember 10 1038 ellffned alkx cilawhord fcob sale ob bfnt tlu lot and two tfinpa on the sin clair property are fojf eav or rent in wliote or part mill width is equipped with woodworking maddnery can he operated eluier wltli water tr cuclrlc power financial aiiltaucc mlfiht be blvcn if required to operate mill apply p a sum 8 if ualri fitrt acton t continued on page slk wonder l vnd fbkoay elftluitu sb j attar midnight k mystery thriller with lou chancy coinrdy imafllive xiv icmuarrasiunen u un hida km itohblt car puiwboy the million dollar mystery uy harold ucgraui starruin janida kirk wood and llla l catmtly twa lcbi rix newa tusay oitoiuks a dor of the keuocnt utarrlinr itlutln tin no 7 or 1 lie bcarlct arrow comedy creation coming shame with john qllbirt frkcoiv specials for this week corn meal lbs for 25c 2 2 1 shoe polish of tins for zjdc 3 lifebuoy soap bars for potatoes per peck 19c 17c granulated sugar 10 lbs for i cwt for cash 625 65c 1ft p g soap jl iv bfirs for 4jc planut butter toy pud for 19c corn syrup 5s for oac brookheld cheese per lb 35c chain red white s i w jones phone 2c acton ont this weekscandy specials frutl hock rctrular 30c per lb for 25 a clear sucar candy in p torted fruit navors ncilona chocolate llota huda rcpulor cue lb for per lb 40e maraschino cliocolato chcrrlrn regular goc lb for per lb 4de atorted cliocolateii regular 40a and 50c lb far par lb ste dink at wiles our 50 ernt dlnnor or bupper will always ho found appetudntf and satlsfylnb wc serve ijol drinks and llaht lunches as well as ice cream and umlas harold wiles acton autumn is stove time with the bcjiiuiiiii of the iall blason stove time is here again onr line comprises the best makes in either cookmit nances or heaters quebec cook stoves mctlfrvh happy tbuiikbl food clier and uinuir priced from l 75 00 quebec heaters and circulators mcuarvh happy tiuujjht tlir in kat from si ida o saoo accordiiik lo slje aiul lypc w d talbot haunvvaitk mlllslukkrf acton ulnlster and otliers and tflen to cell debenturcfl undir tlibi by law tho pro- ceedtf of wlilch would ba used for the conbtructlon ofthh tlnk tlio council felt tlat the matter niuut aeeordlniily be left over or uic pretcnt aa everything possible had now been done to secure uio rtnlc uila year and it was not feasible the clerk wan inntructed to take the ncceflsarjr btepn toward applying for vail datlan of uio by law by the lefpjilaturi municipal officer mochfrcan wai ro- qucated to arrange his work in order that ho mlaht be present at tho cessions of uie equalization court at muton to attend to acton irttcreflla mr wm kelly asked leniency payment of the taxes od his property on main btrcat he also complained of the ascment on his property at arrangement was made whereby pay ments of kq evtry lftcen days were to be mndo an tho amount owlns until uie wholu amount is paid the pnal uca on all back taxes must bo paid on the amount- a letter from mr j ii mccomb 01 behalf or uie ladles softball club ask ed exemption- of uie town hall rentill fee for the dance held the nlehl of the ladle softball tournament this 1 1 fair had not lxcn a financial nucc the fee wan fixed at fl 00 for this occa sion f councillor autlnaii brouoht up llio mutter of water in the culars of mr c a conway and mr h w hlnton caun ell accepted no responsibility for drabi hid water from ocllan but was artunrjhur to see if thi church street drain was blocked r hoberi shaw requested uirough commlsaloncr atkinjon utat victoria avenue be cmded and gravelled it could not however be included in uic programme ulu year mr mason requested from tho council nermlxlon to erect a catch basin for water from his mill on un narrow strip of land between uie creek edao and his proper ty council wym unanimous in srantlna mr mason uils privilege as uie land was only a narrow strip of waste property it was decided to leave over unul wv next meotlns the construction of uic main up the cliool lanif finances liad to be looked into before the expendl turn could be dcnnltcly decided upon commtcloncr hansen was requested to order fuel for uie town hajl and pump house mr haivcn was also asked report on uio hxitallauon of uic ueataui plant from uic old smith property id tho are pumploh station the firadlns of uie roadway to uu spring proporty ann dlccucewlbut w over unul uio public uultucs commis slon considered uia advisability of in stalllns an automauc pump at un sprint that can be rjovcrned from the fire pumping station and uius do away with un necessity of uvclllne to the spruifl every day various news items chamber of cumnteree to nlfbt tho monutly nieetlns of uie chamber of commerce will lt lield to nlfilit at elpht o clock in tho town holt the officers request that every member make a special effort to attend the meetlny to ntaht a yaunjf people s sirvlce at uie evcnlnp service of icnox churcir next sunday evening uio young women a auxiliary of uie church will have charce of the ccrvlee a choir of younsc wolflefl jliu annual tuallicks con vention intercstlns programme prrparetl for srtilonn at auuon next tbunt- jyjiuil lruay llio annual convention of uie teach ers institute of huluui and wnt worth jnspectoratt will bo hild thld year at milton on thurcday and friday of next wei k an interluuiig proaruituii for the lw duys huj ben jirepariul with morning aftiruoou and oven in u aaulons rim oiientnu exercises will be conduct td by llev n a hurlbut ond canon i naflcl iuoldcnt a q orccn of hurlingu n will conduct the wisionu and dilliur un adclrcjfl subj ctu un uic pronramrtio include ihc ilural rtachc o problem and opportunlul ii a lyickctt m a hamilton school music mm e j hui11 u llbruturu lesson ulth a claiji qllmtulsjii our own and other laikij mim m e i re ton mlm m itanium mrj i it mcakell and mrs a macleod polk panclns reports r o l a ddlibutea ml l uu wart und mlt u i mclellun and a period by in pector donyofl oradrd nup c nrrcncia for dlcus lui of ti irhtib problims in iiethndit or interpretation of couru of study will have for kud t 1orm i mm m it miwn actio 1orm ii mijio yount atorudtiun lunn iii ml n n o ivu cock kjqut 1i1111 vami iv j a lock hart luirllnulon jillciwiiiif tho lluirwiay aflenioon oca lion in u ctnr und mra j m ixnyca will rtctlu the uuchrm at uulr homu in milton from fup lo lcven p m on ihuruloy ivuilnil mll llimueth hjrrl in lost prcuuluu of the lorouti wo mi n n ajtrlatlon will addnsa uia in htll iti on llutiuuu ld icauun lhli uddn u 111 in llhi truud und a imihlcui pruurumiiil 1 htlnu urranutd by the miiu11 iuth r- qnimilui hnytu dy luui u b luld in kmi iviiiliitf qllulwr lb u thi lul t ippi r hurch u m niduy kvlu list carreetinm in uia list of prix- winners published hi lost weeks px pakss uie following corrccmons have been made by uio ccclcty plret prixc for uie best apple pie and layer coke special no 75 should have been awarded mrs thos scotl for uic exhibit of qladloll prlmulnub mr mae mcdonald was awarded first prize and mm t scott secured second a talented vounf preacher mr john waldle con of mr and mrs dcnald waldle and srandson of alex waldle jztaj who lias occupied a mission field in uic west during uia summer occupied uic pulpit of knox church on sunday morning his sermon was a forceful gospel dlscourui and was much appreciated by the coniprcaauon mr wnldle is a son in uie baspel of knox church flack from motor catplut trip the boy scout neva on the circle of young canada page of the olobc lust saturday eavc a picture of uie camping ouult of prank o irwin as- zl unit provincial commissioner of on tarlo who spent his holidays on a motor trip to his home in saskatchewan tlie pliotofrrnph was tent from laporto in diana and thows george mason son of rteeve mason seated jn uic cor ocorcc ur ilvcd home lart week and reports a pkndld holiday ouuna on this motor trip to the west re cnltwl in old home town during uie weeknd the home of mr and mrs c w mason willow gtrwt war uic eauiertna place of a family re union of uio parents and brothers and nuters and uielr families of mrs mason the first when all the family were present in wjr- sixteen years mr and mrs jos uoyd were hero from new zealand mr and mrs hubert smith and beatrice of toronto mr and mrs adam stewart of kitchener mr and mm harold stewart douslaa and nina of kitchener and mlsa helen uoyd and mr ralph marklc of toroqto were all prcrcn t at tills rauierlntf and a real happy re union was spent by uio family death of mrs a c elliott on saturday afternoon uio lallowlnp meaflc waa received by h p moore p m maidstone oask september 31 1030 libburdledusttiltffit tell ale oordon a o llott this refers to mrs elliott uus wlfa of a c elliott of maidstone saskat chewan slie waa uie youngest daughter or the late john gordon who lived for many years on uie farm uicn known as oordon hall on tlie acton crossroad it it now uic farm home of mr a o clarrldec and family mr elliott tauffht for several yearn at dannackburn school and won a brouier of uie late dr elliott and ton of uio late john t elliott the sad nowo was sent to mr alex gordon mm llllotls brouier in toronto acton and district women iiuululs meetlnj tlie monuily meetlnn or acton womena insutute will be held on thurs day october 4 at three 0 clock at uio home of mtr e hawthorne crecenl lode meetlnr the monuuy meounff of the duke of devonshire chapter of uic i will be held next tuesday october 2 at uie home of mrs p iv mcclcary church street al 7 30 ociock tlie prowita- uon of tbc prutes to uio en trance olass iwnllawhi tnvr piir iiljhln wmuwff kmtui lii united cbtlreh rey- o ji knighton of wotordown occupied the pulpit of the united churen acton on sunday excellent icrmoru were preactied atuic morning and even ing service they contained forceful gospel messagea apt illustrations and were logical and convincing rev mr poole preached anniversary services at water- down hplendu fair at cwrgatown he annual pall fair of lwjucslng township agricultural society held at ocargrtuwn lost friday and saturday added anouir fcuccouful event lo tlie yearn this organisation has been conduct new air mall stamps tlk new olr mall special stamps wcut on sale at uic acton post office last prlday morning mr a t drown waa uio first purchaser and used it in mail ing a letter to california the stamp will carry uie mall on uie air routes of the united states as well as canada mr brown was anxiously awaiting a reply via air mall from his distant corrcu pondent but up to uic time of going to presu it had not been received- post master matthews also tried out uic njw service by sending a letter to colorado by this route tlie role on air mall has been reduced and uila new stamp sells at five cents plowlne match at lou jon the internauonal plowing match to bo held on the cartnlchacl farm near uie city of london on october 0 10 11 and 13 will be a gathering place of unusual interest to uioc interested in agricul tural puxculw and will undoubtedly be at tended by many from this district the contests provide a large variety of priors tor uic various kinds of plowing lor all entrant- all types of machinery ucd in canadian homes and in canadian farms will bo shown in opratlan and this will give an excellent opportunity for studying the various machinery in actual operauon and making of com parlhonx this annual agricultural event has come to be ono of uie big events la agricultural circles and is eagerly looked forward to each year safe after florida llurrlcana word was recolvad uils week from mrs o a oano nee mlsa vida folsur by her mother and sltcr mls daisy here ot the escape of herself and husband from serious accident in uio florida hurricane of last week my and mra oane were motoring from jackson vule florida lo their homo at wej t palm hooch when the storm started they reached home safely and managed to get into uie house before the full fury of uie stotm broke the roof of uielr garage was taken off and uie french doom on uielr residence were only saved from being torn off by putng uic furniture against uutm the house adjoining theirs wiiacmollduiil anil ilia lady wlvo oc cupied it managed to crawl on her nanus and knees lo uic home of mr and mrs oane for shelter georgetown old tloyv from toronto the annual visit of georgetown old ijoyu now residing in toronto has been a feature of georgetown fall fair for a number of ycara that of saturday afternoon and evening last was a very nttjng and highly enjoyable climax to tlicc happy occasions the parade fron ihc high school to uu exhibition park headed by uie police pipe majors hand of toronto won like a triumphal pageant and wus viewed by clusens and vullors wlui lnlcrct and delight the welcome home was hearty and uic afternoon at uie fab was enjoyed by all tlie annual banquet at tlie arena was a very flna function president george guuirle inspector of delecuves presided imd hfxitluy attxriiimiii llio annual held day of acton men und public schools held at uie park yeterday nftrmonn wan inl grace j with the flnr t of weather for uielr pro gramme of athletic eventr hut it taken more than cool weather to spoil the iba1 of rnt inn lactic youngs tern and uic racci and sports were entered into with rra vim the prorrammo comprurd a long 1l t of events tin winners in uic fsiblle school competitions were as follows olrlfi race 5 and 0 yean kathleen aiblienn donald jlcuiune isabel crew j on koyn race 6 and fl yiara harry bav age illlllo ecclcshall stanley kvanx girls race 7 and 8 yean icauileen chapman teresa campbell helen wlui a iloyr race 7 and 8 years charlie tyler olrn aarden oeorge dayllss girls race 0 and 10 years uuuiclie smith frances jennings maule nlcol hoys race 0 and 10 yean gerrard lava lice oeorgfl foottlt hector lam bert girls race j i and 13 years doris hollo way ldna hlnton lorraine wilon hoys race ii and 13 yean kilo warm harold mooney hob mondial olru race 13 and 14 years doris hollo way margaret chalmers laura hall boys race 13 and 14 years gordon titus victor elliott oordon cook olrls rjice any age margaret chal mers doris ilolloway laura hall hoys race any age gordon titus victor elliott gordon cook- relay race girls 6 0 and 7 years team under teresa campbell relay race boys 5 0 and 7 years team under lloyd allan potato race clrla mono mcgeclite laura h may watcrhoue wheelbarrow race boys tony laval- lee and kilo marxo gordon cook and oeorc tyla hector lambert andnprr wamtacocpttc sack race boys oordon tilua vic tor white norman ucarrow a running broad jump erb margaret chalmers may drue laura hall running broad jump boy victor el liott tony lavalee ello marxo standing broad jump girls marjorte near margaret chalmers doris nollo- way standing broad jump boys tony lavallec john barber euo marxo tlie long list of events for the con- unuauon school pupils was unable to bo completed yesterday afternoon and complete list of tlie winners will be published in the next issue of tils faxs pmeon after oil uic events have been completed and the points summed up the- olllccrs of the day who assisted in running tho events here as follows announcer rev p a sawyer starters conunuauon school dr k nelon public scliool george mann judges conunuauon school e j hassard fauir mcreavy prank e holmes c r knapp rev a c stewart j p scarrow w m cooper j c matthews public scliool c h harrison rev c l poole george hall g r agnw r j kerr k bewick c k browne clerks or uie course boys miss hum girl mlsa nephew publlo school mr moore a booth operated by the girls of uie lucb scliool did a lively trade in pur veying hot dogs home made candy etc to the bevy or youngrtrrs and grown ups who lined its counters uiroughoit the afternoon the principals miss m j macdonald and miss m z bennett ha j a busy afternoon wlui uie assistance of uielr fellow teachers in keeping- uie events tuning along smoothly rrpara tlon is now under way for the county meet next week on prlday afternoon the wee ftcwh mr angus kennedy was limn from merrltm sunday miss clara lanls waa liome iron oalt for a few days uiu week mr john scott of toronto ulbd acton rclfitlven over s mday mr hjoold kennedy or df troll t hollilaylnii at his home her mr 1 e barr of wlngliatoi visited die parental home this w6k mlsi jrude morton of london spent the weekend at hir home liew mlrs phemle lalng of toronto vldted acton friends during uie week mra mcmurchy of drculeri spntt a few days wlui mrs robert betuuitt but week mrs dr kannswln and daughter of toronto visited acton friends over lhev v eekend mrs john brown crewcons comers luoi heci ill wiui uie flu for uut past ueek or so mr wm auld of toronto has re turned after spending two wks in actoa and vicinity mr james dobble ur mi jattwa wilds francis and frtnldij spent th wekend in hanovor mrs tu j irwin and baba of ouelph spent sunday at uu hom of her parctitl rr and mrs jolin barr mr wm moearthur ur gilbert smith and family visited mr smith broth- near orongeviile on sunday city enguimr il q ntcklln mrs nicklbi and mary of ouelph visited mrs a k nlcklln durintf um wek mrs w b johnstone and uislroae 0 new llikeard are visiting at uui hotn of tier parents vr and mrs jno barr ur and sine ttioa ratauhaw ur and mrs tho cajrtwrtght dorn and fr4 of toronto vbdted at mr aid urn harry qlbbatur lug fall exhibitions spundld extilblts batwn 300 and 4h guests sat down at in the hill flnd field wre bi evidonoo lbo tabic where on exct uent menu wks myuhft horso races fiddlers con- provided mr guthrie proved himself a te u public speaking contests a ladles skilful and acceptable clialrman and made eflbjl tournament horso shoe pitching all present feel quite at home his cent nls and a lively mldtay wore address or welcome and happy rcmlnls- fenturr which added to the attracuon cciicts wai the speech or the evening a f tt exhibits of farm home and fan very fine programme uf entertainment t ry tlu musical selections by george uas provided by mls smith miss simp u urn citizens band and the toronto ten mr jlinmlc mains a talented or- pollc uid enlivened uie afternoon chestra and uic kilty band a carefully ihioughoul i he gmrgotown old uoyt j arranged toot list comprlicd tlie follow ictutnrd in goodly numbers and attended ing speakrrs who gave brief and appro ih 1 air renewing acquaintanced riie clullvc addrc es sfayor dale c autun weither en saturday afternoon was ideal tubby major grant it d warren e- t r 11 n utdour funcuon and a splendid mayor ii 11 la j u lindsay j m moore croud alteiidrd tcrzui opens new iiuli bcliaal h olllclal opening of uic now floouoo lirgiui high scliool was held liut iliurulay aftcnioon although uic bull ling has bneti in uw since uie lie uliiulug of the- trmi attendant james and ii p moorr i m j a wllloughby was dieted president and mr j miller lrcntlvi rontlnueji the wurjc of ugrfltary i ml lit ion u the blocerrst hattfry a young lady from acton who lu cm pliytd in gall and lu quite proud of her there was a urge liome town and its iapt r exhibited uie dick chairman fair edltain or tiik 1il phuji to tier 1 c lit lis hoard of education pre employer who llappens to be uecrotary idud and uev canon cody of toronto or oult fair ihc result was uiat he p ned the school with a silver key he asked pennltslon tu huvo the copy to coi jriiuilatrcf the school hoard and uie lake to the ullrectom meeting of uie cillj tin i n thulr eplt ndld new building i nlr ikmnt uud lm t tiuturduy u full page ildl d naud oy geo p maude a m read with many slmllariut to tux mbcriir the hoard was presented and fits pmsa pair pagu apiwared in the 1111t il d bv hun hugh duuuif and oalt itfx rtor it la indeed nattering ad hwh uwl w re ulvt11 by hon lincoln i that any- ffort of ouni th uld liave a groves or fergus warden found fuvur wlui the dincton of this if tl vi if wi llliigtnu county and thelumi fair uut what we uppriclute mask ti the utarby inuulc ijialltles a it tn loyally of the hunit town filks wlio portiuu if inur issrry fir many years un pit ated cumuli ulth ur tlfortu tu the i rluclpul of uie firgus high llehoo ruulhlt tlir h nu touu pupjr to uielr uu pre 1 ntid it was palnleet by ii j f limb mid who kindly funilhed ui tf toronto and thd money waa ulth u i y r the pigi f tlu oalt tawd by toiuuu putius i reporter acton gluts win at georgetown a summary of tlio aclmuea of lbs acton girls ball turn this year the girls closed uielr seasons work wlui a grand finale when uiey accepted uic invitation of uie georgetown pall fair directors to participate in uie tour nament which waa held in connection with uie annual fall fair and ramped home easy winners in both uie prelim inary and final games in uic first gome uioy met tlie cooks- vllle warn whom uiey had met in the final on dominion day but uiu time there was unfortunately not tlie same opposition as before for uje rtril won wlui u score of 2s to 7 in uie final uiey mot a brampton all star team who seemingly came with the intention to reverse tlie dominion day result and carry home uie honors to brampton but this was actons day and the girls gave uielr very best and when tlie anal gong was rung uie score uilllcd 15 for ac ton and 0 for bramp tan judging by uic support uic girls re eclved from uie acton people who wit needed the ganu the victory waa a very popular one as uic cheering at times was very vociferous and there were many sore throats in acton on sunday tlie girls gave a great exhibition of ball and uie manager could not give us the name of any player who figured more promln ently than another oluiough m touma menus uio battery always lias to work a utuo harder than uie rest of uie team provided uie contests are ckw but on saturday tlie whole team was rlht be hind mary chalmers pltclilng and all received uie best support boui in tilt- ting and fielding tlie lias had uiu year llio girls this year liave fuddiut a team hlch has kept acton on uie audeuc map and it la said uiay intend to came buck stranger than ever next year and bring homo bigger victories i his yar the girls liavd playad 10 games of ulssc they liave won 13 3 were draws and last 4 ihey liave scorwd 350 runs and had 153 scored against them being an average lv runs per gaie scored against them riils ts a record to be proud of as uie girls have nut picked teams whom they could dupao uf cofclly and in tact many were opposed td bringing up teams like uic nationals but eucn uielr work oguliiot uila big teuui was vary creditable considering uiat there wore two cauuul- lb j on the team tliat day t may he possible uiat the glru vlil niter a train in the murcury cup games count c tiun wlui ui guelph winur fair which la 1 clng held in december nnormr7 john xl kennedy ovr th week end mr and mrs a j murray uks ruby and vcma and master harry visit ed t the liome of ur scd unrwy kitchener ur and mrs a o brown ui margaret brown and ulu dorothy moore of toronto visited acton friends on sunday ur d mcdonald aovernor of th jail at braeebrldge was in town last week renewing acquaintancefl m the old liome town mrs stanley matthews and babe of toronto spent a few days last wk at uie liome of her parents ur and urs clarrtdge and mrs russell robinson fred and kcntuui and ur fred auld of toronto visited at ur and urs harry gibbons last week mr and mrs j k doble urs lappla mrs t marshall and urs wilds attcud- d the funeral or little uarirt alder- son of toronto on saturday ur and mra l snyder and ehildrtit ur and urs v fish and babe of london spent sunday with urs snydtrd parents ur and urs jno barr mrs james pirstbrook mrs eua walk er and daujtliter irene of toronto h gueats of urs a k nlcklln for the fair remaining for a fow- days vtsll dr and urs arthur keriny mid daughter left on mooday for trwlr lioma xt maple creek basic after a peasant ix weeks visit wltli friends ui ontario mr richard n brown who surfercd intensely from a carbuncle all through harvest and was confined to bed uueit of uie time is now able to be about strain mr and urs s rowell and son td buffalo n y and ur and urs tt rowell of preston wer sunday vbdt ors at the heme of ur and urs w a mitchell and urs il b davlas 0 lh advocate mitchell visited acton ru- tlvea on friday tneidentally they wre calebraung uielr twentyfirst wddlos anniversary uia a kerr of uie wtnnlp teach ing staff has been vuitlnj har nloe mrs j u frank tlie school thw liave been closed owuig to on ouibrdok tot infantile paralysis ur harry legge of richmond ifllt director of tlie fairs and exhibitions of ontario for uils district was toa kufct of president kerr of uw fall fair ddr- bvt his visit liere urs dryden of new vorlf ur and mrs artliur dryden of flint ulehlsjall vtd ulssbrue bmlth and urs adm of toronto wre bre for the fair and vis lad at ur and urs ii 0 hobiii seven ars postorata cataplud itov a c suwurt m a uie pastor cf knox church announwd on sunday uiat he was that day celebrating tlie completion of neven years as uie inuiular r that ciuigretiitlon he lias luul wven nillful ymn und oil liilirslcd can look 1 k over a suluutnl paitorau many rr j uia of euimrutulattuii were nuula and tho h iu waa ciprfwkt by many ur su wart that lui would hriid at t aiuith r eveu yoars wlui kuax churcli interscliool field meet here this year teachers and hoard dlwrusa hold ing of event here accounts passed by board at the monuity session of tlie public school board last thursday evenwj trustees holmes beswlclc scarrow and browne were present and cluunaan agnew presided tlie teachers of uie school met with uio board to ducusa uie lioldlnff of the annual field day tlid matter of the contract tat the scliool painting waa dueuied kpttr patnung on uia caihas was an added item or 13 the contract had bewt changed from uie original as tlie board had purcliasad uia paint instead of the contractor ten gallons of paint had ben saved on the work over uia amount estimated- moved by j p scarrow saoondad by e bcswlck uiat c ruddy be granted a rebate of 135 on paint used at tlu sehool carried the nlnui report of the finanaa oobl- mlttoe rocoinmended uiat the following accounts be paid j oage i co ltd music t 3dj0 hippo products co oil 17 16 public utluues commbislon ilglit 37 w d talbot paint etc 103 43 e ruddy palnung ui0 is6469 tlie report was adopted uovd by p e houtiea ucoiided by k browne uut a grant of sa b given for field day and uiat uia expeuu of inter county field day be paid to the extent not exceaduuj t carried the secretary read his reply lo the letter from uia acortelown lumber on hoarding uie niiulilng or work at th scliool and uie payment of a dihureiio of uia accounts uf uic board and tha company complaints were made uiat uia grau was not properly trimmed around uw wiiojii property tlut clialruwn of uw i oierty committee was buuucud tt have uie caretaker attend to thbl uialtst and have uie grass properly trihied hut iiieitiblra of uie hoard ww ucli tupt lud with keys for both uw liqrtl and uw public schoul buildlvu-