Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1928, p. 5

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isij attmi 3fim jlrwas niunnoxy ocioni it a iiol h itlfllis of hi n rl i i i i hi ill the sunday school lesson urn ijmiv otinmic an imik 1 think ik hoy li htirh rlilil a a n ill in in f jt n inn iki a h rc i f tin t iy iii il trie- j mr- li ni hard uiy li liny prl7 wi ii f r hi luil ui li unit m n i rlnltn 111 ihiiie in rliihlti llto tin j ju rliclil i land in ilm with thu who n itqurr honor rnnlld fori hit rlitht tlmuiutiuut the llvt loin yi ju kup tin- path r lintnr rim id 11 two ov a tlmr tin n i mi old iiivlhic that u of a 1 lu iy wh ii honor trjvii d hit klnu may nny hump in di tnnnd a nohli r rlfdit in nil lir imul or li i than nil for linnor dure and hoiuri uiiird or honor i ham irnnl wttlcott llutt h nrrul is j ii i ill i urnry to jrruuitrm jlrrlpttin m itrrialarl i 311 2 gui fl jn cloliltu irxt uin niber tin word ol 1 1 t iuird ji uj thai h hlmrrir raid it 1 imin lil j d to itlvi tliiin to rrcclve actn 20 31 wir rluir ijtvntltmal ih iidliur i xod ja 11 tint iiluili lirltiuln j 2 h o u jliuii iji t 17 21 health hervlrn of the canadian avbdlcal association clotiiin rim tempi mturt of th luimnn body rlmitnn nt practically tin i ami deftrt i nn ioiik an tin individual li well thl li called the normal umprratiirr any chance from this nnrmal it nipt rat mix lo ti tilurml that thin li ionu thlnii wroru with thi human machine tin temperature m rnnlrolkd by rlntrc in th brain wtu n the body becomes too v arm tin iirterlet of th nlcln arc diluted mon bl ul li qui broujjhl to tin nurfaci plrrjilratlon in- crparui and therefore follow a coollua of hil body if the body b loo tuol tho nrlcrlcj arc contracted perspiration to dt creitcd and the heat of tlie body convt ihc tood vc rat la partly uird to lxep up the heat of the body in canada il is ncccmary to wuar miftlclcnt clolh- of the year to convene our vniiuk luihd il to hlf ililir iui w wiped hu hind i vliiiruii ly on tin r lit r tout i tnrni d nn lutrn lid tyi to v aril lit r pn p trillion i for dinner in bud t ulilt iiu thai tljo old siyiiik i nn hr added i lioiw im move rarpenlent liuvc nt vrd bilo the villain rbi rnpoildnd i 1 it inlly it ifi inn to me or if there mi ti rarpintir to almnit rvt ry li in w 1 don l wi how they fet o llvlnfc ai it 11 i wanit vofflrrtni to rarpeiilerlna naltt oltttl tiiji l my trado lliali intirfrrtd will von know oh uncli kiln don l yon- well hen ijnt i th irxt 1 kpulnnl riot in 1 iihtiu body huil and to malntnln li u normal temperature of the body the problem of vhnt clolhlnc to wear in made difficult bccuiinc wc no from the hentcd indoorn to the cold outdoors when indoori we should not wiar thi clothlnu rcmilrcd to kcppl ua vann out doors under such cundltloli tho indl vldual plrplrta frlely the i kin and clottilnir become damp and ni n re ult he la chilled whin he cotf oul avoid over clothlnu uiilii indoo children should not to to ichool wlarr inn two ceta of underwear and acvlral owcatera when nchools and ofllcta nrc iwiially at cummer temperature tin warm etrn cloth inn should be kept lor outdoor roijlffslqwmijwllldjpuctouilp prevent coldn in winter questions conccmlnc health nddrcu- cd to tlie canadian medical arociatlon 104 collcijc street toronto will be an- ewered by letter que as to dlatj nonta and treatment will not be an swered tivfnty eaits ago i ram tlie issue of tlio tree prenj thursday october 2d 1d08 u ilt tlian uual october has ik tho coal bin saturday a rain broke a ionu contlnu d dry opcll the farmera appreciate the prlvintiej cf the chopping mill vtry mucli mr brown and hh help an klpt huptilna thcie doii mr stephen cordlncr has oonniliiced luklns contracts for painting and deeir atl ig in town he li nn rxpcrlctic d p inter there will be a nnlc of work on behalf of the nulldlnir jtund of st alban t church on december 10 and 10 the merchants have included wednes days in the early closing cvcnlnaa und on and after november 4 the ctortj will be closed every nlaht at 0 o clock ulli the exception of friday and saturday a vary flno ploco of wauir color uol uiuj on i exhibition in tiie pbcc reus mlndow inst week it wan executed by cecil swackhamcr of acton utah school and oftve evidence or commendable artistic ability ucv o w darker preached in the ilapuct church last sunday in the ob encc of itcv mr qolt who is attend- iiiq tlie annual convention at ottawa mr and mrs william ramay or glovcrsvllle n y arc cpcndlng a couple of weeks in the old home they left acton seventeen yeart ajo mr and mrs jamen anderson and master acorce returned from a two months visit in the north west but uitu mi samuel halsh lion purchased tli daio burlnctb from mr a o clarrldac ami uul take over thu route on novem ber 1 mr clarrldac will supply iht milk win n tlie re liinis were all in on monday cvcnlng mr david henderson w m elected by a majority of 12g as ripresentauve in the house of commons the cry or no outsider need apply seems to have been atjaln cucccssfua in this county tlie electors of acton however were not impressed vtttli it lor in tho tonttt on monday between mr henderson and dr haitlson the majority of 50 given mr hcndcnum at the last election was reduced to 1 married hodentsonitiaci in the conoreca- tlonal church stratford on wcdnen- day october 20 by itcv j p acrrle krnent a robertaon dnimilst acton to leila may itlcg of stratford oitn evans ii acton on buturday oc tober 24 charlej cvans aoed 07 ycara probably not much more than twenty- even nfonths sec acts 10 010 33 the word or his grace tills la a hebrew idiom mean in a his gracious word them lhat are ranctifled oodo people the christiana 34 paul had met hln own cipensen by laboring at hu trade or tentmakcr orttplwlclcrer tlie wordu of the lard jcrun thl laying or chrbst j la not found in any of 4hc gonnela paul had probably told il by one of our lords original hiurtri the ship probably the captain ot the ship look ndvantagc of the op portunity to provision hlo vessel and rent hb crew while he tarried in lhe harbor of miletus in order to oblige hla most important passenger an oil of merit dr rhomai cclec trie oil in not a jumble of medicinal substances thrown together and pushed by advertising but the rt juu of tho careful investigation of tlie healing qualities of certain oils as uppllcd to the human body ii in a rare combination and it won und kupt publlo favor troin the first a trial of it will carry convic tion to any who doubt its oiei to repair and heal ttr o reck rribed acti i j 11 paul terminated hli loiii i lay in that city and unit to muccdimu ulilre jal revisited the rhurrlii whirl i he hatl fuunded t ten t li llppl 1 ik milonica und hi n a und pt 1 ably nuxle u mltnlriary excur ion inl illrlcum rer horn 15 hi tin 11 n puwd on through qrctee o coiluth ulifn hi n muined for thru monttm niter uhlch he doubled on hln courie riiirrilni to- phllipjil from whleh iwirt hi milled to tronii then lie wt nt on font to annor whrri he caught the nlilp on which i ukr and olhrr memlwrs or ptuila pirtj wire already nalllnu thence h- nailed to muetun n ranort abeint twenty five in urn from kplienn 17 milntim an anclentprrck wn- ptrt on thriaebpan gea at one tlnn van of grelit importance cob nlxinc ci ntrc boontlug thn mother of reventydve cities it luid however been eclipsed by the srqwui of lptasus iui tlte l now a malnrlous twump id atla that li the roman province of aria which included moit of wentcm aria minor in31 tlie twentieth century new tcitnmcnt renders thin cperch of pauti or follows you know without my tcll- inir you the way in which i bore mymir towards you always trom the very first dft yili a tifie tf oo tl n4 inma hanla vou- know how i served the master in all humility amid the team and trials which fell to my lot through the plots of the jews there inn nothing of benefit to yen which i shrunk from telling you and i taught you in public and in private lmprr lug itmngly both upon jews and ororku the repentance due to god and the duty or fnllh in jiruo our master 20 blnhojis and overseers to feed in these vcrei paul repeatedly compare- the church to a flock of sheep 20 qrcvloun wolvc this rcrota to pericutora 30 speaking pervcrrc thlngr teach ing misleading heresies 31 three year paul is speaking with the orientals typicol disregard for nl rai ojliim th- pluffi7tfhptfihutra7 palack ok home palace planned for a millionaire young bride i oh imxir thing bo cried a happy woman ui a di ar lu mi ty llttlt ho unc an ulic nad thli lu a 1 llui lu a dully puper poor thing i uondcr if bin 11 cvrr lovi it it in pt rhapi not pre liming to nuy thut ion iby the mlllionulr n younu bride in vi r will not certainly ui th sin uki r lum i hi r home that hrr own tchi in lug t kill iuiayruuiti eeudetilal and unwrarled ixirelsi or u thoiiuud little oinanly arts have chutiled iroin a inert hrneuc to u h inn a honn thut grouu morn homiliki more winning more i vl duitly lmpregnau d v 1th beuuty and comfort year by yeur lir it ii almve iill things charat terbtlc of a home never to be quite compute but alviuvn to grow a houte or a palace may tu ul d and rimplited by the tact and thought only of piople who un paid f v d lug hum not rn u home pt rhups a paluei mny brinme a honn pirhipi 1 veil in a nulure life may ik lived well tay lha wtu und grrut imptror murcus auellu we eiu lly i eignle tin biauty thi artuitic vului if a private paluce but wu cannot help filling that fir iui purpn- luiwever i i tbturally lurfeet in ditailt may bi it is beauty i n umi nmjitlc a scab and intuit m opu can only admire it with ri urvatlonii the imtlnctlvi t ding of many thdlightful amtrltutu la pulurin for pub llr purtum p4iluu tu miignlhrant uj niujfjlle us ul rl u ly 1 mtlful ui vvtulth unit urt iui iri it but f r pilvutt fanilllu slmpllrity modiily lustt eli yancv und u true iwmc leuon tlicmeu the quality or paula labors paul s word about the ministry at ephenus help us to understand llr real quality und spirit wc feel how full or warmth and eager allectlon it had been wc realize how human it was ills work tiad bc donl in love his had been a faithful miilutry paul had told these nphciilans the whole of dodo truth so far aa he understood it und as it applied to them he had sought to help rather than to please them hence he had held m thing back they themselves are his linear are wi wtlllnc to rnenl the illolc ulh in love love would fall without truth arc c trying to unite tlvcm wc willing to hear the uhole truth in love are w willing to live it those who dare to hear all will have some hard icum to learn but they will be ilchly worlli tlie learning in nil tilings an example this life a christian is an open book what du mm read in our lives what is there hem worth imitating there arc grcuily wicked thlnga wo do not certainly not tlie law and common decency forbid some things we bo to church yea and obervc the outward formalities of religion go far co rood hut whntdo we do on monday in the counting room or workshop arc our conversation and our behaviour tovurd others exemplary will our life in tlie family circle or tho nclioolroom repro- und magnified in the uvea of children and pupils do us credit will it reflect honor on tho name christian iho answer depends upon the domln- atliff motive and motive power of our hvc1 the life of paul was not seir- centred it was unselfish ii had a high unwavering purpose through it he coiight constantly to exalt christ his was a christfilled life it shared tile purnocs of jesus christ for other uvea and for the world such a life could not be other than exemplary the world nocdt christian examples ft needs examples more uion it needs teaching our community needs them our lives are open books arc they in 11 thlngi an lxainplc tar further hlseuulan name the churches thus far establish ed by paul where had he met wl i greatest succew where had the perse cution been most livcrc where had he bpent tlie rnont time what evld- nces of chrlilan site wardship arj there in his choiee or places in ills methoda of work in what particular utlniin was he an example for christians to day what wus ills htcaunt aingle achk ve- inciit lit ineut lrtiiortant uttt ranee in wlint neiiie was lie all things to all win k tin 1 tier t like un uund hieru il l in tho middle of wuter whnt l thi dllturoncieuticen a thin in in c ild wj utlier und a t th tluit m been extracted f one x too thin tuutli in j and the in r i tooth out hv do rubblli like tu livi under big ninny rouu ii ru they ran nwita wli n b a win i iiu u lly whui it in a ilywlutl why ia on alnhlp like u rhoulmaaler a it luiiu tx ih make vou torv lout what had cmld the i un eiu lly lakt up lauubif why are bad fi inula ilkt tho loo r pj is of u book 11 rm4 thry uu ulvvay fulling out what trn it half u mu irul inmru mint und half u ray of light ho r obtain a rival why ohed uncle pronkllil hnrnt loin u tlayn work lor ten years and he i tutterii ro that hi couldn t make folks understand hlmlf ho wanted work her got u rival jm t the aami r piled obrd with a grin and tin rivals name 1 1 i racy he movi d into town lurt we k and lliir iriomlng he and uncle ranklln mrl fw the nnt time i hapiienid to ree the meeting and olied r hackled renilnlseently uriele pranklln 1 1 a friendly old fi how wnntii to have a plrarant word with rverylioily but rnmetlmrn its hard work tor htm to nny it so when tract lit managed to say q good morn- tngt and wlirn trucoy grinned und aid o good morning i uncle franklin dldn t mind but went on to ruy yyou n a i rem t tt to be a ctrorvger tttheie partn then trnccy looked rtrilght at uncle franklin and said nana itecm t tttto be thut wirt of btlrrcd uncle franklin up and he nhook his cane at trnccy and tried to tell him whnt lie tliought nf him mocking a man old enough to be hi fallier truccy climbed right over the fence and wnc going to pitch into uncle frank lin just an i got out of my wagon shouted atcm to quit and went over where llicy wdrc and they both begun stuttering ut me uncle franklin telling me how he wan being mocked and traccy eojiug an well an he could how that dim putable old man hod been making fun of his infirmity finally i made uncle franklin under- i tnnd that traccy won more afflicted thu n he war and then i told trnccy that i had known unele franklin since i iiu a boy and that hed never been able to get stendy work on account of iti inking all of his umr to stutter i pitched up the peace between cm and rode on und left cm a stuttering together as pleasant a- could be but i can t coy what would have happened if i lutein i comi along just when i dld menu hints uftwpe tat mw uttj novrl ultr4 lioumtltald i tin hiid zjlz focgot it iyisesii during president arthur a term ho with robert lincoln and other members or his cabinet took a trip through the south west abraham lincoln war born in larue county kentucky and a farmer living near hi i birth place known as uncle bob hays conceived tlie idea of cutting u cane on the old lincoln place now dcrcrtcd and growing up to timber and of presenting it to mr lincoln on ills arrival at loutivluc with great labor lie prepared a speech and practised it daily being very proud it and resolving it should be pre rved just before starting for louisville he vvrapped the manuscript around the cane and tied it with twine when the presidents party arrived uucc bob fillawcd them far hours but could not get near them but he kept u clone as he could till they returned to the hotel and for u moment were nlouc in the wash room seizing his opportunity he pushed through closed the door put his bock against to prevent interruption and be gun in a loud voice mr lincoln startled they looked up from their blutluns with dripping hands and faces mr lincoln dear sir i luvvc the honor aa on humble representative of larue county in the great common wealth of kentucky- the birthplace of jour illustrious father to present ui you tills canc not for its intrinsic worlli but as a memento of that great and good man whoce name is dear to oil mr i incoln in presenting this cane ah h mr lincoln in presenting tills enne i say mr lincoln in presenting thi cane in vnln lie tried to recall wliat come next then with a sudden return to his ordinary voice and in a tone indicative of the greatest kindness and considera tion mr lincoln i reckon your arc tired and the rest of uie spaoch in wrapped around twe head of that cane thl fcnd ol- a football game one day while the wholcshlp narwhal wie tied to on ice floo in bering sea and tlie lookouts were at uio masthead scanning the open water southward for thi appearance of whales a party of the forccasllcmcn made a football of rags and cord and went over the bow to kick the misshapen thing round on a smooth t retch or lec a short distance from the vessel tho fun was at its height and the men were just betting the kink out of their legs when thn harpooner in the crows nest called softly down to hie deck that a polar bear had scented the men on the ice and was excitedly making his way toward them no amlng was given to the football plajrs before long the bear apiieared close to the edge of the floe and ho seemed to be in a grtaat hurry he ahambbjd rapidly along in and out among tlie hummocks and every few feet lie would pull himself rreel to sniff tlie air and crane his head unxlotnly closer and closer he came and it was plain that lie grew more and more excited the men on board the ship got nut their rifles to moke sure that the beat did no harm to the men u the ice the gaunt ire bear came to the last hummock tliat wpnralcd him from the hi id of play one or tlie men was in the act or kicking tlu stuffing out of the ball whin the bear ouddmly emerged i clear view tlie bail fell to tlio ice the inuna leg came hurriedly down on tll ice and the man himself broke for tin ship like a dter there was a sue ee ion of frightened sliouu and the ler b ciinic ullve with running ftvon never was there a quicker change of tenie men stumbled and fell and yelled hud foiilht ft r a group of tlie rope hidtiei i hi men on dick were so convulsed with luugluxr that they ynade no effort to ihoot tlie bear arid after tlie first uhoop the bear became eo thoroughly nlurmi d at tin consternation he luul cuu id liuit hei turned tall and fled in a luui y yull ip down the ice floes heady made medic jur you need ik phy irlun fur ordinary ills when jou huvt ut hand a bottle of dr thomas 1 rltclric oil for cuugtis colds sort om it bronchial troubles it ui ul valuable r bc ilils burm bruise sprains it is un urpujd wlille for cuts sores and th liki it is an unquestionable licalcr u iittdi in testimonial other than the eue unit that will satisfy anyone ia to il illiclvinr j an acclsbouy luittnirtur to girl leurnini to drive u n uhi ii y u uuut in titi p jt u mutt put n th lnuke olrl ot why i thought tlui brake amr wllli the tar motor laud not a uai 1ijka lloilng young man lioultng forth to pr lly girl you knew i in funny like that alwuy throw myself into anyuilnr i undertake pnlty tllrl muntly how splendid why d nt you dig u well muaiuii outlaw lly imly kurcuy nchooi chllxmtn iiandwighlh mu thoroughly together i can salmon j iiound of cottage cheese and 1 small bit pimento peppcra season with suit and peiijn r and add enough thick cream or any good naiad tlrtiialntt to mako a imooth paste thin tnoiigh ui spread butter 1 thin rllei of brown or bran bread sprradllig tilling nn thin slice of while bread and put together toiito iucan roast 3 pounds round of beef i j mull liottlt htiihvd ollvnr i pound rait pork 1 onion 3 teorpootui suit 1 pint canned tomatoes 1 j- pint boiling water make rmnll ills or 1 voles in tlie meal ftlth a sharp knife on each ride of tlie roast cut the nalt pork tn rmall ctrips ah inch long and stuff the lwles al ternately with these and with stuffed vr- try out tiie salt pork in a lieavy cltl rlcc the onion fry it in this then b i of onirii and salt pork brwn the rrant on all aides and odd cud half pint boiling water and the tomatoes season when hair don sim mer ior three hours cardinal punch i pint cranbertlns 1 pint water j cup orange juice 1 h tablerpoons lemon julca 1 eup sugar syrup 1 pint soda water or aiwillinarls cook cranberries and water until ittiit 1s very soft then strain through a double thickness of cheesecloth wiieil coal idd fruit juices syrup and charged i nter pour over a block of ice or a mold rf troxen orange or lemon tee maktji sj glasses 10 punch classes quniled potatoko boll potatoes until tender drain and mh add enough milk and a pinch of baking powder to make them fluff and then for each cupful of mashed potato allow on tableinoonful butter 1 tea poouful honey and 1 teaspoon hi 1 lemon juice mix thoroughly spread in flat ffoatangular tin brush top with butter and oven toaal cut in two inch squares and serve at once oranoe hallo l frnrumiit uiree lay3 lncnld put tn hot water and boll until soft drain wipe dry with clieesecloui cliop fine and measure take nn equal r mount of sugar and for each onethird rf a cup ot mjrnr add two lableipaans each nf water and butter and boll until it will spin a thread then add uie chopped peel boil about five m in ten cool put on a board rprlnkle with granulated sugar and thane into small bill these may be rolled in coarse sugar and allowed to dry or they may be dipped in fondant flavored with vanilla they are delicious dipped in chocolate with a few grains of orange bugar sprinkled on the top of each cliocolui before it hardens olilddle cakes 2 cups flour 3 tablerpoons melted butter i teaspoon sail 3 tablecpoans sugar lj cups milk 1 egn 1 tablespoon baking powder orange marmalade mix and sift dry ingredients add heat i em and milk beat thoroughly and add butter drop by large spoonfuls a hot griddle that lues ben rubbed over with a piece at raw turnip which will prevent cakes from sticking without the use of butter or grouse when grlddlecakc is puffed full of bubbl and cooked on edges turn and cook on other side spread cakes with orange mar moladc roll up like jellyrolls sprinkle with sugar and serve at once sleep is the great nourlslver of infants and without peaceful sleep tlie child will not thrive tills cannot bo got if tlie infant be troubled with worms millers worm powders will destroy worms and drive tlvcm from tlie system and after words the child s rest will be undis turbed the powders cannot injure tlie most delicate baby and there is nothing so effective for restoring tile ileal 111 of a worm worn infant hlb last htlp they were talklruj or capl philander howe who had died u few days before the moetlnc of the ojd bolt club he was a good man as ever walked cold captain colgrovc but he was what i call too retiring in his disposition al ways stepping out o the way you re right there said captain sounders recollect how when mary latluun was all ready to say yes if hed give her the cluuice lie was too scalrt to ask her and so william james march ed right up and carried her orf under his very nose he stepplnjr out o live way certain i do answered captain lowe and i recall too how jane wlllet set her cap lor him and got him because when that old aunt that brought iter up said cnpn pldlandar youve betn litre three times runnln to supper and i understand from jane that youre baaued her name twice from mealing lie dldn t have the sprwwl to git up on bo but jest stayed there numb as a lorur till he stepped out on enasjred man i twas live tame with naming- the children said captain cosgtove plve boys nn not ona or cm named phil ondcr lor his father and htm but all rtir her folks and then when tho girl came tlie lost onehe did say that if k liad been a boy hed been moaning to ark her liow sho thought philander d do far a name and sho up an named tliat poor helpless little excetur phil andy an he jest stepped out stead or telling her he dldn t like it he hadn t any notion of dyln this last bronchial attack he had sold cap tain col la in sadly but wlien jane told hlin she tliought likely lied only last a wiek mid she knew he couldn t bc i pared through the month why hr the four old captains shook tlieir i loads he wa u t uie kind of man tliat could up un say lie cal lalcd to like a spell u nger when he knew what was expected of him said captain lowe mournfully he jtst stepped out same as he always had the rfht plnally we have learned tliat best la but a relative term the best of today is simply an improvement on what preceded it yesterday tomorrow we will find an entirely new best u new bent piocru a new best wage and for individuals a now best measure of performance llut u why wc don t consider very highly wliat we liave done in the past and why we think so ooiifld- cully of uie future tliat u why i say wl liavc only uigun to work and uvat this buunrb is but a tool henry ford a real c1ft i am afraid doctor said a woman to iver pliysiclan that my husband has some terrible mental affliction uoiiw- tlmrs i ulk to him tv hours and uuu dueover that he uterauy liasn t heard a word i sold that a iui t ap afillctkin was the reply tliat a a dlvlna gift a viijn vtctmc ucht dr norvlu qrrxrti tor many ymm preuldmt of llui wrntem union fhe- grupll coniliutiy onro said thut but for tin dullihmi of hlimlf and hlx mutuuuiu iluiiiluk a lcjllwitl hi lg lit llt- rr lluvd obtuliiitl tho oiilltlriici snd support of thn gnat corpornlloii vaunn had bent trying for niontha to induce the ntflcuilr to tuki up uiiiiti of hu tuvrntlons uiilll they iwgun to regurd hint an u bore he wmt to the main o tiled nue day und won greeted by dr norvln orwii unit the other officials with sneering sinlhn doctor green tld mr ktllson we am unable to get into communica tion with albany and a large amount of important buxlnrri in in peril i silipose thut slntyi you know more uliout tele graphy than alt or thr rest of un combin ed you can locate the difficulty whrllier kdlson noticed the sneering tour or not he quietly anrwered i can lorate it inside of two or three liotirs nlr doctor qreen and the otlurs uuglied outright onh of them saying kdlson you have now fully lemoruttrated tlujt 10u arc a crank ntllson never smiled nor addressed a wprd to the speaker but looked at doe tor green and said if x locate tills difficulty in two or three lvoure will you take up my inventions and give them ivrnrst consideration yes i will said doctor qreen and i will do it if you succeed in two days as a very simple thins uul yt i dlsnn wan tlie only one wlio had tlie comprehensive mind to think of it tn stantly he did pot tell tliem for many yearn afterward how lie accomplished the feat but- he did it inside of one hour edison went to uie main offices where lie was known as an expert oper ator and called up pittsburg he asked tor tho best operator there naming him and then told tlie pittsburg man to call up uie best man at albany and direct him to telegraph down uie line toward new york us far as he could and report back to kdlnn as coon as possible in- clqc of an liour edison luul uils tele gram i can telegraph all right down to within two mil of poughkeepale and tlvero is trouble with uie wire therr edlson went back to tlie office of tlio prrrldcnt und gravely announced uiat if a train slinuld bc sent to poughkeepale with materials for tlie work uvey would find a break in the line just two miles on the ouicr side of poughlccepsle and could repair it that afternoon- they begged him to tell lvow lie lud found itjiut and lie replied by knowing more about telegraphing uion all of you put together an doctor green has 13 id they located uie break repaired it and doctor green took up edison s lnven- r and that was edison a great start in life flrttcrop japan teas aro admittedly the finest that come out ot tho ian dot blossoms salada japan green tea is comprised only of firstcrop leaves salada time tabu apak ye nd rtat wlui asthma axuima usual ly attacks at night uie one time when rcl is needed most hence uie loss of strengui the nervous debility uie loss of flesh andother evils whlch must be xpected unlcui relief is secured for- tumtely eller t possible dr j d krllorns asthma remedy lias proved itn nirritn thmugll yearn of service a trial ih surely convince you undi sfrvfd reward a writer describn hin first nights camping out and th preparations tor epper which on account of uie late- its or uie hour was to consist only of a bread and butter and a mutton hop the five men who made up the party had marched all day and were inxlous for uie evening meal it devolv- u upon w to prepare il he placed n well filled tea kettle upon uie roaring lmi stove and followed by his constant arid faithful attendant prince sought i convenient spot to carve the mutton thl he soon discovered in a short g which he immediately bestrode first puung uie meat in front of him and he frying pan directly behind him his dog had made at least uilrty miles that day on a slim brrafast of bprattl olscult and nkimmllk and was in just uie condition to allow his feelings to get he better of his judgment bo when hts matter droppad a slice of meat into uie pan behind his back prince gulped t down immediately again and again was the poor dog tempted nd as often jld h- yield my companions and i caw all uils and hough very well aware uvat our supply f mutton was limited to uie piece our mend was carving wc enjoyed uie jake mo welt to spoil uie fun by warning- him let s sec boys said w wliose was toward us we are just five and i linve cut six pieces of mutton five wlll b enough for supper and if you have no objections i d like to give uie piece i liavc left to poor prince who scemn very ured and hungry wlui difficulty retainlntf our com- ikcurr we assured him tliat we luul no objections he called up uie dog in uie mast endearing manner and bave him uie bit of meat meanwhile assuring 1dm uvat lie was a good dog- yes lie was still unaware of his lou lie very j deliberately wiped uie blade of ills knife on uie brass turned and took up uie pan 1 a startled glance at uie empty utensil another at us now convulsed with laughter and a uilrd at prince who had swallowed uie lost piece and stood regarding hla kind master with a utank- lul look and w took tn uie situa tion torch enabled us to find the nan that pursued the dog wlven lie fled from hla maxtera natural indignation corns cripple the feet and make walk ing a torture yet sure relief in uie nhape of ii olio way s com remover la within reach of all village of acton notice or registration of bylaw notice la hereby given uiat a bylaw uaa passed by the municipal council of village or acton on uie nlntit day of oct bcr 1038 providing for uie issue nf debentures to uie amount of to 700 00 ft r the purpose nf defrmylruj u10 share nf the corporation of aoum of uia cost of uin laying of a concrete pavement on young and mill streets wltliln uie said village and eupcuses incidental uie re to and uiat such bylaw was registered tn tlie registry office of the county of hal ton on live teuui day nf october 1030 ai number- 33a bi uook for lly laws any motion to quash or net aside th ante or any part uierrof must be mode within uiree inoiitlu after uie first pub ucauon of this notice and cannot be 1 mdo uicrcalter dated the eleventh day of october 1qjb 11 n failmlit 153 clerk for stiff joints pliarmaclsls say that vluui all other tocalled remedies fall jouiticau will fcuccvtfd its for joint ailments only uiat u why you aro advised to use it for sore painful luflanind rliyutuauo joints joint kate limbers up uia joints in clean and stalnusii and quuk ivsults aro maired sixty cents a tuuu at k j hassard s and drugabu everywhere freib erom the garden write for free book send for linrul noftkf fre book walls that reflect good juutfnien t xtcv valuable nforniruon on oyproc and in te- vior decoruuoa csattla gynsuoi stw aislmum uaaud fireproofyoufbuildiiis with gyphoc bfireproof wallboartl to sale by jt b mckenzie acton ont for those who demand the utmqstjnueljecxejcadiq trajyrjrtinemrngarrtrvi rirfoa olnc vvnt stiifduy only 1d41m dally t xrept sunday 55pjrt dally except lluntuy 10 43 will 13 illy except sunday 3 id itjm dally exempt iiunday 6 00pm dully except sunday oifriw coll fcit f linday only 7 dlpw dally exrept ltiuday 70aiuit dully exrept furtdy ujw mrt djlly except hunt lay 3 47pw- nitry excpl i unday 11 17pjrt dilly except sunday 8 13 pm canadian national elfctbio stailwayl w tbobmd dallj exn pt sunday 7 55aji dally 0 jj5 ajri dally llmbt dally 1s5pnl daily sitiptot dally sspjtt dally 7 5pirt dally qz5 piil dally 13j4ail kasllbutij tally except sunday aapil dally 0j7jit dally 1u7ul dally 137 lud dally 3 37 pw dally 037uj3t dally 7374ii daily 037 p-w- tartuit tftakluj kclo steet auj ul clair avm prelght delivered by special rxpreof freight prcight picked up at any ad- drtxa in toronto 600 value price complete 395 terms if dchirctl nattlhylesd fourninety console to get the fincfit datierylesa rnilla that can hts conblructetl to hac it housed in mi otquiaite ivnlnut cabinet by malcolm to know that it ia not mi ex peri men tnl act hut a genuine rogers tlse original ilntterylraa radio with four years of proven performance behind hi with tubea that are folly guaranteed and yet get all thin at a total eout of 395 in almost unbelievable any other comparable radio would cost 3500 to 8600 the new fourninety hasi single dial tuning with brilliantly illuminated dial improved electro- dynamic speaker to give the meat tonal reproduc tion automatic voltage control itogera output rlltcr phonograph lmiiftm jack and other distinctive quality features we inile ou to call and inspect this de luxe rogers- rntterylcfis undlo only a limited number of which will be eold 111 thin community or if you would pre fer to see and teat it at home we will gladly arrange to install one without obligation terms if desired h a c0xe garage main striict acton ont children for castoriai mother gistona is especially prepared to relieve infint 111 arrtib ind children all drc of 1 conitipitjon wind ghc to swottcu stomich flatulency oiarrlici repxil ite bowels aids in the abiimilation of fotul promoting cheer f ulnesn rest and natural sleep without opt ltts j to avoid imitations alvvjys ilku ur he si nature of cyucxi proven direct ion a mi r li ju kir ihymciaiu cvcrywlicrc k it ixave aclon for uve west 835 l m 10 10 am 110 p m 4 id it m 8 10 p m and on satur days sundays holidays 1x10 p m xicavo acton for georgetown i korval iprampton toronto s30 a m 1133 a m 335 p ii- 735 j p nv 005 p m and on sauir- liays sundays holidays 1035 p m uale and female iltltf watiuj earn 25 to 50 per week positions open in city and country towns be an expert ham part time wlihe learning we guarantee teaehlns followlnjr trades iioase wuw industrial kuelrleuy garage work kallery wtulsr vhi- eauufeir rriekuybqr riafcuria usrberbtf attd half tiralnt employment service frorti coast to coast u1a demand write today lor fr eaulaeue to uie old reliable firm hemphill trade schools lid k now assocuied with dominion rrade gclvools ltd both dominion aovemnunt clvartered companies- iuldul yrsav sk4s umta mead obfea 163 lcldf sl w 1wi eastern dranclies london montreal hamilton ottawa if you liave any funds to in vest no matter if the amount be lame or small it will be to your decided advantage to invest to standard royalties a safe and sound investment pay- ins its dividends regularly every month information dimrfully given il w dawson p o b4x u uumtxon district representative of i want a tood live representa tive in your- locality you can earn a eood reuuhi and make friends by selluuj royal ilea h w daweon savage company jewellers china silverware lower wyndruua sl phone 571 guelpii free press ms will sell your goods let us convince you tlie old and reliable granite and marble works we are manufacturt rs and direct un- imirtrra or all kinds of monumental and hrwltuiiie vork we tell direct to our luahunira at whole tale prtccii uiussavliui iur riltomcra 40 tier canu w5 liave the ik l appliances and uu only mechanics in uu dominion wlio can okrate pneu malic tooli proiwrrly wc con give refer ences from hundreds of our customers hi inronto and olhsx places wlire ouiars liavc to liavc law suits hi ordar to collocl have lite larasst and best stock of granite in lha dominion or more than nny uiree dialers in uie watt wd are ultimate dealer and employ no fkcuiu and do not annoy or net custouurs by rnduiif out ltfnorant ajjenls luaicluuf tirdera we employ only uscluuuoa and defy conipetttloii ti amhton son oiikilrit ont

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