Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 15, 1928, p. 6

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tllrll- tl rr i r i lukkman novi mlicr b 1 vc i wl t 11 irlliiuum lrlday lojf muruutpt mtttlirkon nt a i wmmi lrmnun ii iwimt 3fiti llrmi ihoiuidav nov1 mp it lit 103h christ mas will b tho next holiday not much appearance of winter yet oend in in tlui wattle your news items as early in possible in jinn d nnmnr has surely been do ilahtful and prolonged thin fall tho snow iliovelllng activities have remained off fairly well uila fall tim holiday weather made the moot popular pastime of tlic day staying nt home many from acton nhd vicinity are unjoylnu a four weeks hunting in north m ontario just now tarmorrow is tax day and your op portunlty to help with the tank of keep ins acton uhlpahnpe the merchant who advertises alwnyn muit have a mensajte for liu customers it u worth while to read them tlioee brief but frequent hydro power interruptions thu morning were rather aggravating on press day will christmas ins uian six weeks away it in time to order your chrut mas greeting cards from tine pspsfciui if this weather continues it will hard ly be neeeisary to envy our friends wlio liaye the luxury of spending the winter month in die south for the prompt renewals of fame psksa subscribers we an very grateful tlie response to the regular accounts tent out makes un believe tux psits pauu la an appreciated visitor at tlie momlns service of tlus pros bytertan church at georgetown last sunday mr roe cameron- prcawud- to uui church a baptismal font in memory of his father and mother rev and mrs cameron yflrtethsfct tractor xuweustratlati there will be a tractor demonstration on tlie farm or mr it darvell just oast of acton on friday tomorrow after noon november 10 at which all w 10 are interested are invited to attend kxplalnhuj the fnuphom co commencing in this weeks usue of tnc fiu psras and continuing for several weeks the uelj telephone co will in a series of advertisements explain and acquaint the general public with tlie workings or tlie telephone system tlus first or uiu series is headed he work with magic and will be found on page three tliey will be found interesting alike to telephone users and th general public a luptfy fatally tt union last sunday miss mamie masales en tertained all tlie remaining members of liar immediate family resident in canada at iter homo liens tlus luppy occasion kvj tins members an opportunity of saying farewell h mr and mrs sander son of toronto who are leaving in a uw days to make uielr luuna in log angele california- frlonds were pre sent from toronto ou cstliarlnas and llwood and a very enjoyable family party took place 3t l o ii l has pruuhuat oiluu tlie lakeside chapter of uia l o d e at the meeting last night at tlia home of uuj marguerite uymon luul on of tho banner programma of the year which was featured by two address es from national and provincial oftloora lira o k burden vlcehegent of the provincial cliapter of the j o d ku of toronto gave a splendid addres on tlie duties or members of uio l o d dialing particularly with uie work uiat thj daughters of tins empire carry on in thu province mis mccartney kduca- tional beenatary or tlie national- -cliap- lr ol uu l o d e- in lier addreas dealt particularly with tlie work being carried on in northern ontario along qdumtlon- al nn mua froncea hurst contrihuud a roadlntf and uus jaala anderson a vocal solo a contest on tiilnga our grandmothers did wltliout was won by lib vera hurst following tl pro- ffraimne n dellshtful lunch was served and a social hour spent a iluday shsaila aeeueat on thanksgiving day while on a hunting expedition on tlie form of mr joel leslie jr john qprone a boy vuitor from toronto had tha mlsfor- tunfl to accidentally shoot himself the boy wltli his parents was visiting with ur and mrs aylea wlio u employed on tlie farm of mr leslie three tads jolin mackle john ayles and john sprone on uie aiumooi of the liollday took a j3 rfde and went to the fields to hunt for small game in- some manner young oprone discharged tlie rifle while in his own hands and uio bullet went through his abdomen he was brought by tlie boys to tlie liouse and dr nelson was called from acton wlio odvud ills removal to toronto to allow an x ray examination to bo made he was re moved by ambulance to ol michael s hospital turonto where an exomlnatlon allowed that the bullet had lodged in the wall or uie chest iteporu from uie hospital indicate uiat he is making an aaturactory proutcsj as con ba expected baniovliig t naw vuid ffiv and lira j r drown wlio have usen stationed at illmbay alta lor several years have received a call from consort alto and have accepted tlie following item from tlie edmonton journal will be read wltli interest by y puasa readers tin p f lacombe mot in llio united churdi lon ciuldulns ah hocikty anitutil morilur kld ut mlliuil kxit wu 4mud kueuj tat lhu vfttr tv annual mcrtlmi of the children i aid fioclcty wu hrlil in thr qi ni n liomr mllti ii i u monday i veiling no vnnher r the inuiluit j m denyen ij a in hi rhulr ihi mrrthig v an o nrd with pruytr led by itnv caiinn huflrl hir mlimtr of tin nrovloun in in if win nnd by thnllrcrelary mm v j ilnjuiiiiini adtlptrd j ho pre id ill in bin uddrci rjmiko liliihiy or tho efficiency mid activity of the c flcrrn frrllnb i that everything in the in term t of dependent and neu 1 ictt d chlldn n won movlnu along very tallrfartorlly hi nliu culled attention i the excellent nhelti r and the splendid way in which it won ielng managed iluurot von rvpr ad that we are losing mr c u fltuart who in moving from milton and who han brrn a painstaking trnoiiurer of the unclcty for many years hcferetlco uaa made to the fact uiat mrs peltcock a valuable and regular attendant bt tlie nice tin un wbihes leave of a wu n co for a time as rlic will be living in toronto for a purl of the year upon which wo have entered mrg oorham convenrr of tho houce committee in her report ctated that tlita year thero had been no epidemic in tho sluiltcr but tliere were a number of opfrallnnn she aald that uie fiwliigii i lldea and ouier meann of amuxement placed upon uie grouncln thttt dir have rlvcri the children much pleaouro a room in uie oheltcr in wheh to hold a clinic has been offered to uie health nunc mim roblncon mr w 1 btcwart local superin tendent gave a comprehensive report of the work done durlnc the year this allowed ail increase over uie previous year in some reipecui lively dkcusslon took placa regarding the organising of a social oervlce coun cil to be composed of a representathw from each of tlie different organisations for this purpose a committee coiuilsung of e f karl canon naffel and mrs oorham was elected to present uia cose to tlie town council sollclune uielr coope ration officers for uio year 10383d were olected as fallows honorary president judge elliot president j m dcnyca d a treasurer e 1 earl secretary mrs t j brown honorary qollcltor crown attorney w l dick after uio losing of a icnguiy and very intcrcsung annual tuoeung rerresh- mento were served by the ladles on tuesday evcnlns november 0 uie board of management met in uio oor- uon home t w dugron in uie chair tiotjwuj mr c h rjluort prc- uie financial nuttcmont but not htt yms i f r let r buied by mr a f karl the ute- ment allowed a substanual balance for uie year 102fl30 tha following officero for uie year 1021 3ff were elected president t w duggai 1st vicepresident o ii btuart 2nd vloa president urn dorham 3rd vlccprcsldentj f utue 4th viceprcldentrj u dtnyos treasurer k p earl geeretarj mrs t j drown housa commltteo mrs t j bvown mrs aorliom and mrs homsliaw property committee tim wardena and ono other mombor from each county auditors w d clements- and mr mockiidge neighborhood newt ttai 1 inaf alt met david mothm of ivnmu vtnlt- rd frl mis in ihr- vicinity luit wrk mks jlfijilc mniilr if toronto trocli inu ctulf cjmnt tlie liollday ut uie liome of her pun tits mr and mrs nuik llhinl then an qulta a numlwr of peopli laid up ullli bad colds mr jark fin iw in confined to bed with thi tin lr in undf r the doctors care mr wm lilmrtlll held nn auction mlc of hln fa vn stock apd implements and intends mnvluu to aeorutown in tlie near future quite a number from lien attended the fowl supper in the united church jrln on monday uluht mifffuin school wtout ihc following is uie standing of uie pupils of dufferln ucliool 1 o no eiimlng for the monui of octolier in order of merit jr iv grace lllntou vcma joe pimento tonplll uito tonelll jr iii uahfl page ella oakley vn- gclo tonelli dr ii billy merrltt jr ii churlm miiu melville llonus laura llonus amelia tonelli jimmy mountain i lun llonus fir i john drake joan wall ileatrlr mcrrltt itllly mounuln gr pr qulnta tonelli jr ir carney llonus clarence bonus denotca examinations missed n k hall teacher uockwood tlie communion of the lords dapper uaa observed at uie united church on cunday morning a large number of com- munlcantn being present preparatory services were held on friday evening uev mr marsh of lden mills addressing uie congregation at uie momlng service in uie chu reives liere the two minute silence was ob served and thanksgiving semons were much in evidence in connection wlui armlsuce day special music was an other pleasing feature which lielpod to make uie services mare impressive dome of uie liollday visitors wlio were here miss m ullroy mr fred pasmore mr john xi watson and con toronto mr leonard love and mr jamea hanson of osliawa mr johnstmhewat of clmeoe mr and mrs il b lucliardsan and family of vlneland mus marion mcnabb of guelph town ship jjw jj uku u- mus four ulcluudiian her of typewritten coplfttot mr clarhnoe lynch uv leonard ardlianrtfrtaunljw ioscbbninrtsicvftaipaggw letters to tlie editor oelf baciuficina loyalty editor fssi pbexs dear glr at uie armistice day memorial oervloe on monday at the town hall one of the ipeakor mentioned uiat it luul been juggested by same tliat uils annual com m unity service at uie hall t uie sol dicrs monument and uie decoration of uie graves in uie cemetery here be licld on ounday instead of on monday as at present discussion of uie question was invited uicrelore offer my view in relation uie re to tlie reasons given were that a larger sttendance might be secured on gunday and uiat monday would be uien left free as ft liollday for ten years in succession uils lm presslve memorial service has been held wlui uie manifestation of u keenly loyal spirit by uils community on armistice day which lias always been observed on a weekday what more seemly and fitting function could be suggested for the observation or uils great historic event the proclamation of uie prime minister of canada requests all good cltleens to commemorate armlsuco day on uio day proclaimed on each succeeding year acton towji hall has been crowded to capacity by veterans clusens and visitors excepting ast monday und the large attendance then was highly creditable considering the downpour of ram prevailing some other towns and cities have tried the sunday plan and found it far from satisfactory t-he- services at uie sol dicrs monuments and at uie cemeteries have invariably been held on sunday artemoon this has had uie effect of demoralising the sunday schools and in some places there has been a lack of that spirit of reverence which should characterize uie day and uie event i am stronflly impressed wlui the fact which lifts been the result of ten years experience and observauon that the two hours devoted to uils very fitting mem orlal and decoration service on armls tele day morning manifests a higher mint of loyalty and reverence than if it had been lield on sunday tlie sacrifice nocessary for uic man dny morning srrlce if it be a sacrifice is well worui while when uic object ii view is thoughtfully wnsldored ii p mooiie acton november 13 1030 line erin and ermmoaa the itah of uie conunuation and public schools were away to uielr homes for uie liollday miss loveiia richardson who has been teaching in a summer school during uie past six monuis at usgnetawnn return ed home recenuy her many friends here in uie village will be pleased to see her tlie many friends and acquaintances of mrs wm torrance will regret to learn uiat she is not at all well and on gunday was in a critical condition glhe la at uio home or her daughter mrs d darrle of mlmloo miss jean torrance of slmcoc has been summoned to her mouicrs bedside rev l e oosselln was down saturday evening to be wlui uie family wlio are together iirs w j qulld of rockwoad is also uiere employees of uie hydro- electric corr- mlsslon are busy stringing up wiru in uic vicinity of uie village for uie ncnefl of farmers wlio are having electric powu- installcd on uielr farms mr v t omiui u busy fixing over come parts of ida premises lor living quarters and on saturday bout lie and mrs qmlui moved into their new home he also lias uie radio installed ur and mrs arthur rudd and family wlio liave bean oeeupyhig owe of uie brick dwellings of harris co ltd for some time are now in uie liouse just vacated by ur and urs amuh ur oeorge laverty is making consider able lieadway wlui his new garage wlilch wlisn completed will be an improvement to uils property op uie site of ids former residence owing to uie inclement weauier uie liollday was rauier quiet here and a few were out of town for uie day kkamoa wowmfcnfl as sociation mr id twrily lilait tortutuil ut furii tif jlin aiuh bit yhurwuy tmkl rmp tlllon in fu various ewnbi at tl r iw nly nliiui minimi 1 i iwlng mulch if ihc i ranva a lliwnifiiu association hi i on tin fumi if jhl allon cnneen nb ii 0 lart thursday was keen the rompatltlonii bring followed with interent by a large crowd nf siertalors the rrrulln were as follows open cuissn o mclend oalt jos oaken hock wood ionurd ord pus inrh william coll inn mitchell llent n wn n o mclrod bet flnlsh- xlclod class ii open to uiase wlio had never taken jlnt prise at any previous natch weston flherk aiinlph albert itnyce rackwood c c robertson on rlngc howltt csrtvr arkell alex ord ouclph bent crown w qherk ileit inish allw rt roycc clans iii open to boys under 31 yearn in raid r c brown oalt alex austin hockwood barclay foray the rockwoad henry leuchman puslinch riftftt crown r a brown best finish alex austin class iv boys under ib stubble austin nulm munro it r no 1 clark grant arkell c austin rockwoad litis dlckleson orion best crown- nalm best finish clark orunt class v boys under 10 in stubble albert alton jlockwaod bert robinson r it no i ouelph best finish bert robinson best work of boy wlio luul never plowed in match a alton neatest land krtd for classes iv and v clark grant charles ausun oweepstakes in stubble for d to ton cup albert alton class vi men over co oeorge jef feroon moffat william oray ouelph joseph harper rockwoad best work by hoy under 31 for w k hamilton cup r o brown sweepstakea in sod n o mcleod ciall save soc to 1 00 on the new rail lines of shoea farm factory school and fine footwear just in also full unci of newjjujiibcrs fit tho very lowestoffices h li harrison iialton ureral associa tion cimu officers at ut annual melbig at uului last thursday faol vuh of burlington u frcsldeat the annual meeting of the liberal association of hal ion county was held at milton loot thursday evening dr h mccotl of milton president of uie association was chairman officers were elected as follows pre aldent paul fisher biwllngtan vice president a a aalbralth palermo 2nd vice president mrs u e oowland milton secretary treauirer j r pea cock milton the speaker of uie evening harry slfton of toronto aald uie ontario hydro- electric commission had agreed to export 50 000 iiorccpowor to uu american trust company at buffalo he also discussed uic invasion of uie american power interests in uie bruce peninsula hon nebcin parliament liberal orgar lzer for ontario was also present and addressed the meeting on organisation resolution was passed hearuly endure inc the leadership of premier iclng and pledging loyal support to his policies and rgislatlon a resolution of confidence in uie leadership of w e n sinclair was also passed k tarjlfcllh teacher h guide 1020 ok tliursday evening november l with r ilsv w it cantelon presiding among other matter was a rail from tho can gregatlon of consort to the rev j iimwn of itlmucy this call had been received by the presbytery of utettlcr and was forwarded by uiem to uio rev tt b layton to present to the presby tery of lacainbc it was received as a regujar gospel call and placed in the liaujbi of mr brown wlio accepted it jsy r l bnwavui was appointed wtook after the interests of uio uhnbey diarge during the vacancy which will brain after the middle of november d u layton of lockliart spoke of uie aplcndld work done by mr brown during hju mhilslry in ulmuiiy and said uiat tiurg would be much rngrel at his leav ing ouutr uinmbers of uie prebyury volood uuilr regret and it was placed on uia rvkmirtls that uie irribytry rxpreud uilr apprcclutliiii of his work and their sorrow ut his duprture sir brown was very activi in joung iwo li it move bienu and has curruid an succcastui vacation school tarbells tcacliera guide uie tielpful volume for the sunday sclioal leaclier lu out for the year 1030 it gives uio usual interesting digest of uio lessons far uu coming year in a manner wlilch affords uio sunday school teoclicr ample information for ilie successful teaching of tniuis of uio lessons to their scholars i li rxplatmtjnna niidcani from orli ntal life its historical and icugruphlcal backgrouiid la camprehen alvn and very helpful it li a volume of pagia and sells at nil book stores at s00 tiu 1ait1ihjl sutvant lu the comer of un old urglccted lnglhh churchyard the following epitaph was foun 1 on a moss covered weather beaten old grave stone tiaorod to the memory of ebeii harvey vi ho dt parted uils life suddenly and un rxpoctedly by a cow kicking him an uic isui af september 1033 well done tliou good and faluiful utvant fact number 26 all imperial policies which pro vide for distribution of surplus at uie end of each five years furtlier provide for payment to uie beneficiary bf an interim dividend sliould uie assured die at any in termed bite date after the hrst policy year no method of dlfttrl- buung surplus in more equitable than uiat employed by lhi im perial frederick l wright acton ttefufsentativk imperial life assurance co 0 of canada dance we are announcing uic eonumi atlon or our old and new dances at uie new terrace gardens rockwood replacing uic saturday dances at eden mills and we arc inviting ail our edgcwood friends of ute past summer to attend owrloadrd stunning board ium of aldoni on ut nduy two young indlrti wrt huv illng wnt in the highway tmar uki fifth llim when uu y imum miollu r lit m tint troiii de ritnttwn u dug in tin nun direction rim ruluiig in hu tor hil tin running lumrd landed with 1 ig- imi an 1 just aftrr pasalilg u largo purer 1 hopped into tin roudway to tho motor i t u llowlng the 1 uiulln locked uki a h imun i wing fulled from tlie cur and lu orler to avoid striking thn object the a org town motorist oak the only other alternative af going into the ditch ills car was overturned and considerably bimaged although he euaped wltliout rerlous injury dance a i nn wvi ryanauditdrum tiiuii livi ity saiuu iviininr i llotlh rplcec orehchlrn cmrt yltli your ruriy quality andprice when yoii buy a lrtlontninc fur you ore assured of retting the lowest pricl consistent with firt class qunliiy tvcry jnrmcnt that leaves our work shop ii punruntccd to hi perfect in workmanship lafontaines fur store pkacjical mtg furuie11s 95 quel a sl enst enuibllilicd lb98 guemu ontphone 122 announcement we wish to announce that wc areopcning our stort on mdm street acton on friday november 1g with a stock of gents furnishing ladies and chdudrens readytoweak good values and satkfislon guaranlcod or your money refunded h lei ofsk y main street- acton ontario specials at mclean co mm k dikhuss siik i till ii inclici wide all pure silk with nth sulin dm li ciood vnlue nl the rcj uliir j rite 1 s this lilt week nf per yard 135 flolkikooi iiosi one hundred pniri in ilk nnd h k all h ulei hrt i ktru fffod value at jjt special this week ouc mnin towiiijn sinpc crash and plain linen willi red nnd blue ldj e oc at per ynrd iflitlc mux lnds mnin towkmjnf i nds i men towcllinj at 20 1c than regular pnee r mim enik or cinmiams very tu tabic for aprons- and house dresses at 25 e s than rcf ulnr price specials in grocery hap oc- i apkicors ft dc per it li c 25c 2 new datfs t i apkicots lbs for valencia raisins per lb new figs per lb 15c 10c 3 sago lbs for 6 guest ivory soap rih caktb for zdc lcjhon and ohangc pei l 1 r mined y lb for ijc mclean co mill street acton ont pre christmas clearance v wc must make room for our christmas stock now due to rnvl iud the best means we know of to clear the shelves 1j giving our customers the opportunity of taking advantage of leal savings our store space is limited wc must have tho room yours will be the bargains wc quote just a few of the values offered mens strong work shirts double stitched double yoke breast pocket good fitting and made of a good quality of aq linnnclette sizes 14 to 1 regular 1 25 value tor 70c men s guaranteed moleskin pants made or the best material 295 tivc pockets belt loops cuff bottoms stzcs 32 to 44 4 00 value for mcns leather mitts wool lined special at per pair men s leather caps with fur ear lugs just the nght cap for winter all sizes at each boys heavy bloomers sizes 25 to 34 per pair boys caps all sizes in ihe special at each bqys all wool bwi atcks pullover style colo navj and sand special ar eaeh lxtra special children s coats fully lined just i few left 49c 145 98c 49c 98c ladle ritinntjette niht gowns with innr or short fq illvls all i7es at lnch oc many mori itarfalns in tiil storl come in and make us prove it the maple leaf economy store 1iii i street acton ontario auction sale high cla1s jersey cattfce purk uui d and ooadeh also iiorheh hi1ukp pigs rtc llir- uudrrsuincd has been instructed liy it j kebuh uht ov haltl aluxanj r clark will luild a clrarllitf auklloii bala nt mock and lnpluuejits at lot w 4 lii lue nasuufawiya on wuuy novtiulj r 10 at two oelock it j kerr uuelioiidtir lrl luy nuvi liber 1 0 mr alexander clurl vtil 34 4th line nauuiaueya clrurlnj lale at panu hloca and imtilt- incuts llastlay novtmlur 30 1ronk day lit j cunelukin ifraiiiuul ckarliis kttlt ut mack and luniliiiiiiita cow jun 11 oitaiiau mcnaiet to sell by public auction at lot 1 con cession b cqurslns xtase line on wpiweroay novemiuu 21 ib2b nc o clock sharp tlus following cows itenutercd jersey cow bred in march 3 jersey cows fresh calvad iff h a irpd feb 13 jcraaj torlcnl and fibruary 10 jersey cow brad april 0 jersey iklicr bred april 0 jeisly ilclflr bred april 0 jersey cow br d april 7 jirscy ciw brod may 13 j justy heifers bred may 3j opotted brrd muy 33 jersey cow bred i jersey co a brud juno is jersey i ml juno 34 jlrsey cow bred fl jersey cow bred august 11 jut y c vi brld tlcitembrr ij jersey ihlfcr biul octolier 4 jersey hcwor bud october 11 iteglsterod jersey hckli 1 year 3 jersey ha iters 1 year 3 ftpilnn calves ltcffutcrcd jersey uull uoitael qrcy horse 10 years l 300 ibn dark drey 4 yaars 1 00 lbs ilaik grey 3 years 1 300 lbs drey lh ctierun cult 1 year rigj iirood tuiw with io pia uiood im with 0 pica 30 i las srtiantluj flulll 0 osford llreedllia ews 4 kwi lambs 3 wet lie r lambs luguterrd oxford 1 la m pounily 3 qrrsc l dander lmli iufnth iiluriiatlonal olsi djiii uood a nrw llljll dlc huujy whit arh and hickory waoon ixlllbuc no urvo as tlia priuulu is galnjt out at llu hairy ituam4 j- r wralher u iiulavfauo iuj inu wul up hoj utulr cvr w ilnraiuy november jb william j kuu htuui of uh 00 and uiwlir criiiiis crimsons conwrn ouartiiu fcald ovcr blumill n if hanii buwk and iiiyilrmeiila udlt oi bankahu imp r widuiumy rkconir tl provincial i hfcw pktii auatuir winur hair auuui htu uud jtoou litkx itollwuon clrk hills mill kl phaim 117acujii wlmt intbdumtlur irdj acton cooperative store j mill stiuir acion 1hofjl jc

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