tiii home or li atton 3ffm juvua distinction itulwih inwllion and job how iiiiiny of yon- expect positions after you was the question put by it prominent unior commercial st u ilen tii in n siilt luke school nearly all rnited their hands pepper lidded now lets cc the hands nn acion 1 id t i ilir ailthtion1 slme ihr lair pnll li fmlicattil a ijiii s iiiiiioi txixiuonkk- imilorlal on i imnluiltr banket lo city nijji then the of those who expect a job only one signified this intention obviously there in n difference between i position mi i n joh snyi the christian science monitor the former you ncccpt the latter you hunt the one permits white collars the other calls for sleeves rolled up here in generally an office with one mid perhaps a rose on the typists desk there in work any old place with thd other nnd perhaps trace of perspiration perhaps n position is more permanent a joh at best is only temporary a stepping stone perhaps hut to jo back to the story only one wns interested in a job von come nnd see mc nftcr you jradnnte was the blinkers only comment if there is any moral in this no doubt it will he apparent to the tens of thousands of enthusiastic younj folks when they inish school and are wondennp whnt the world has to offer neighborhood news kuin mr wallare young of 1vrgua iipeiit din wekcnl with mr unci mm arrhui oamiilmll mr harvey iluttin of icitcliei vlnltml mr and mm ir ii ihuacrrt i iln mint mrn clnw mr nnd mrn jlny morlnll nntl two children of clierrywood were unclav vijillnrn with mr nnd mm 0 itldlrr mrs mary wilson lutq returned home after visiting for noma umo with mr nnd mm u w nadger nt awuth sas katchewan mm ifi nreclfen of oajikatelmwaii arrived horn a taw clays ago with her laughter grace hoger nnd lit at ui parental home with mr and mra n o overlnnd mr it a clear returned from the nnniinl deer hunt lout thursday lie reports a good holiday nnd wan among the lucky nun tern having brought down a nlcii fnwn advocate oak vim thursday evening december 6 192b ft3g a ilcjiuhy financial condi lion if the manner in which citizens pay their tnxes is any indication of the general prosperity of a mun icipality it must be that acton is in a fairly propcr- ous condition when the final returns on the lost due date were compiled this week it is found that only n small amount just over 1000 remains out standing and on which the penalty for nonpayment chrihtimwtfde reflections at this period of the year christmas thoughts have a place in the reflections of nearly every one thoughts are cordially invited by most people the htfanvgrnrtty u ti m of this claifse without fqnr or fnvor by the officers omhc municipality like any other law that becomes a law in name only when ratepayers realize that en forcement is meant the desired result is invariably obtqined acton citizens are keeping their town in a healthy condition by their prompt attention to their tax dues as- well as saving themselves considerable money tthe financinl standing of their town should be a matter of pride to every citizen and judging from the tax payment is a matter of pride the ladies win this municipal election of 1928 will be noted ns unique in the matter of the school board election it is the first time in the history ot acton that the ladies have been candidates us trustees on the board of education why this- circumstance should not have occurred previously has often been wondered at as it is some few years since women have had the privilege of occupying scats ns school trustees that their choice for the positions is favorable with the ratepayers of acton is evidenced by the fact of the large vote both lady candidates received on monday mrs havill secured more votes than any other can didate in the whole fleldof school board council or reeve mrs wilson came second in the ratepayers choice of trustees over all the men opponents both ladies will undoubtedly qualify themselves ns able members of the school board and after the vote on monday it is up to us mere men with all the chivalry we can muster to take our hats off and say the ladies win in some they arc impressed by the seasons environ ments the preparations for the christmas festival being in evidence on all sides what docs christmas mean to you and to me a persons measure is very definitely secured by asking this question one will say it is the day when wc all get n lot o presents another tfttit it is n big nationnl holiday a third will say that its a chance to stop work and have a good rest christmas is surely all of these things but it is far more it is the pivotal date of all human history for every event that has ever happen- d is dated by the number of years before or nftcr christs birth and if we remember that christmas a birthdny nnd if we try to form a reverent picture of him whose birthdny it is christmas will mean more to us tiny it evor did before what a happy thought the saviour inspired when he said it is more blessed to give than to receive these nine words overthrew the cruel spirit of his times and brought real sunlight to carfh as each new christ mas approaches this spirit is revived with greater in tensity nnd by exercising the principle wcnaturally pay increasing honor to the founder of our modern oij llkinav vkurkh wlumvor liuu htul ontum to nxahiluo a tlln t utteliut hewfljilknt llwiws uy of u rtdtury ugo or kjimtiwhut lu will pretty rairily have ericoimumd rhyineij marriage notleru nnd verm i upon wfddliiuu whleli nt umt time worn to pojmlur a vehicle for tlm wit nni fancy of nt friend find occasionally of tho enwulrn of bridal couples many urn niiirtly flowery expressions of good wishes ciuit in rhyme and full of rosea ixjweni nymuhfl doves nnd love tuitl tin usual extravagant similes then appovod by pubic insle hut otllrm are less claxtlc and more prriumul par example wlun ofudn lanu and john jhort ate wed- rd uuf local paper comments though jhort wed long tlm nucli u tit and thatn the lonijc and nliort of it a morn nlalmratfl pun records uin union t owen lrlde and mini liny now owen pride hath took a bride tim fulr almlru liny that bridfin expeiln liotli nfluriu uld mncc tin hln hence for tli to pay a navlna youth but yet in truth i mnlcen a rmrry ahowtnif jorevcr still pay ns hn will tho fair almlraa owen i howm ttiulrirut7 tiwiiilrrd the nl liiuinifniiltimr ilrklim up llllle uiui oie ntlwr y ot ur men ot u 5wh inter yemlerduy cl way i i dont itellfve that- llonetit he did ml blutw you rstirelluluin icr seasons but at christmas tliey buy abundance of things to give nwny is this a real miracle it takes place only because morit of us believe christs words it is more blessed to give than to receive let us remember these words as christmas draws nearer let us spend our money freely and cheer fully on gifts for those we love nnd for those who otherwise would receive little muj ilnrdy of the hnmlllon bclioojn tmchlnit ntafr wan a weekend auejit of mm tc v narber mr and mrn a p liatm and ran cameron were in kitchener laat week endliit the funeral of tho wlto i brother to mm horn crl nica qulnn of toronto nt tlu homo of hln nlntor minn hannah qulnn onj libi many frlcndi will re- hrct to lenm that a in snrlour iii prof nnd mm glrnham cr pbell or toronto old anit intimate flenda of tho into mian marcarct icrrah were prenent on sunday laat to pay their laflt nntl and rcupfects to her memory the blcklo pin engine co of wood- ntoclc delivered tiioakvlllo yeaterday the nro enklne that ban been built for this town during tlin pnnt two montlw tliln new machine la variously termed a pumrmtr or boonur tlio contract i price for this cnalno wna 7000 it i you we foralve but as i live will be kept in 0e fire hall oni church i wo p otophen drownl otreet itceord the infnnt con dourum of mr and mm jon lnwrence allan ot tued laat wednesday mra d a powlcy who imd been tn the imspluil in ottawa waa well cnouoh on uslurday to no to a friends homo nnd ts dolnff real nicely oho ncctfcd homo before lonn john otone of cobourc addrwiced jo rotary club on monday evening tellinu of the various good works undertaken by their cobourir club and how thejw were acccompllnhed star gcohgetown tlie new qrcffory theatre wul open tn gcoruetown about december idtli master chester colo had the mufor- timo while playlnp to run a noil through hts ankle last baturday tlie wound to qulw painful but cheater is improving editorial notes moving in the night direction after several years existence and the censure of the public and press a move seems to bo under way to stop the rumrunning activities along the border the moving factor in getting action started may have been the inability under the conditions exist ing to enforce our own liquor laws but whatever the motive it is a great satisfaction to know that some move is under way to s this lawlessness tjicciostngrthirty1iquor docks at windsorvill force the liquor business to seek other means to nde the inw it is estimated it will crush a 50000- 000 a year industry but if it will save the livesof innocent victims being taken by enforcement olllcers nnd lessen the expenditure of enforcement nlong the border the loss of dollars and cents in industry will have been more than compensated for the enforcement of our own laws and the extending of common decent courtesy to a neighbor will take all the strategy of the government to frame nonevasive laws for the liquor business for its own life and the survival of the country no government can concede to the liquor interests privileges and allow its laws lo be evaded nnd winked at two to one the municipal elections on monday provided quite an exciting and keen contest and many surprises and lots of i told you sos but the feature- that was the most pleasing in the whole affair was the number of men and women who offered themselves ns can didates on the council board there were five offices to fill and eleven candidate names appeared en the bqllot paper there were over two to one puniei for nil tie votes to be given that citizens urre puzlcd on how to divide their vote was evidenc ed in the fact of the nutr r of spoiled ballots that were placed in the boxes with more candidates voted for thnn the required four it is many years since such n list of candidates have been willing to accept public office they could not all be elected to office while wc offer our congratulations to the successful candidates let us not forget to show our appreciation of- the men who were willing to allow their names to go into the contest nnd worked and sacrificed to secure the opportunity of serving actuii it speaks vell for the seventeen candidates for the council and school bourd of their sense of citizenship duties perform and willingness to assume thuir share the inteiest speaks well for the present and future of acton the fuss and turmoil of the elections are over the christmas season can now be enjoyed without distraction by the municipal affairs these early election dates certainly work fine it is estimated that 20000 will be collected in hunters fees this year now if the game holds out this is goingto be a very profitable source of revenue we wonder just how much per head of game this would figure out at another week of general anxiety throughout the empire has been had this week for the health of his majesty king george loyal subjects in all parts ol the kingdom are hoping for his complete restora tion to health again the clean contest generally conducted by the can didates with the absence of personalities being alluded to impressed us as very pleasing indeed we were indeed surprised to hear after the election of some that bad been injected into it it was very hardto explain the delay to a post office full of those anxious to hear the results that rrnde them an hour later in being announced than those from the town hall it was a very impatient throng that received the returns shortly after eight oclock for the seven months ending october 31 canadi ans to the number of 23543 who had gone to the unitld stntes intending to remain permanently re turned to canada declaring their intention of now remaining in this country in october the number of such returning canadians was 2001 in spito of the reduction of taxation by the last budget the revenue nf canada for the first half of the current fiscal year ended september 30 1028 has i cached 2357927l2as compared with 221703042 in the same period of last year an increase of over ho0000o mates the canadian government bureau of statistics the total numbers of farm live stock in canada us hn june 1928 are estimated as follows horses 3370304 milch cows 3702522 other cattle 5000750 total cattle 8703272 sheep 3415788 swine 44071307 hens and chickens 40502855 turkeys 2005707 geese 1125047 ducks 005840 total poultry 5377030 m nitobn government liquor control commis sion reports that during the pust fiscal year it took 4000000 cash from the people of the prairie pro vince for sales of liquor to secure a net profit of 134511725 in other words the liquor sales by the government gained 13451 17 for the treasury b the ependitmc of 4000000 of the peoples money making moneyfast isnt it the laiosttabulation of registrations at the 23 universities of cunadu shows a total ot 42540 students 20500 men and 15077 women the highest registration is at the university of montreal with 0740 followed by lnvnl at quebec with 5044 augill at montreal 2722 toronto 5020 and queens ut kingston ontario 3442 a good quota of can adas young people are evidently anxious to become educationally qualified jui lifes activities irututmnir of uie new alren flro alarm nynttin besides tlie alarm button at the hall one han been installed on the hydro pole in front of aibbons barber shop on main street mr and mrs a c lawrence of tor onto opent tho weekend at mrs k bcseeyn mr james rancy who has been con fined to his room for come days is now lmprovlns nicely county crown attorney w i dick ttoo in town on tuesday and made the herald a pleasant call miss marie plcclt left last week to new york where she will continue he musical course in voice nnd piano mm l e plcck who hjui been taldnff treatment at ouelph general hospital for tome weeks was able to return home on saturday and ts now lmprovlns nicely mr charles burnsido returned home from his hunting trip in tho north cowv try inst week charlie had the good fortune to capture a nno buck that dress cd 100 pounds among those who attended the fun eral service of tho late dr marcellun at hamilton were mr and mrs ii it minima mr and mra d mcwhirtcr mrs d livingstone mr c burmjde mr a j oneill mr ii doldhani mr j l thompson herald lern pardonable but name whnt amu- liiff li the poetic outburst wrung one must think from a discarded admirer on the nccnnlon of tho wedding of polly whltf if tho young woman lad really behaved no hi perhaps she deserved it bn one has to allow a good deal for tile malice of the writer despite his assur ance of forglvcncks the lines read bwrot polly white was our delight we youngsters of tlie town qhaa left tlio kit and crowd of us to marry steplien ilrown thounh she was white she was not fair and to we all agree oho smiled here she smiled there oho jilted two or three o polly polly polly white although on us you frown cootttesy lock votju a my wife rioml in my now edtrti willi a travelling nnbiiman uhi night you poor nut why dont you lack the car and krcptlu key alway luudy aiij tuiulu practical ly all palnn arlttng from inflammation can ba removed with dr tliomaa ttc- icctrlc oil dimply rub it on uie oore spot and it in quickly absorbed by the skin iu lutlng power u conveyed to thn inflamed tlimur which in quickly sootlied tills nne old remedy u also a specific for all manner of cuts scratch es hruloea and sprains keep a bottle hnndy always tiik uk a hon i liave been married tor thirty yrarn and i njwnd every evrnlna at luimr with my wire ah that u love no it is goutt the best thing out mm llyblllii hptihrh toumiiuiu llrourhlllri coi tlrourhlul ant hi whooping coiiu caturrh all florr ihroltt uml tomtit tfotiliia ci mid hiiki or money buck k j lluruiurd optometry utf value o the public nv a havaflk luili ontario aunoumal kykh caufu abnormal vision the ryes cannot iw attend but tho vision can causing abnormal eym to sjmi normally is our principal duly placlna il f lensi- 1 lefore ahnornial cyen hns in countless enjru done more than rnuw the patient to see well u ban iwnrflttrd mrn tally and physically on well as vuually wr prnlnlw the iwit pniudhln resului 1 to lid contbluh next wk business directory hit j a mcnivkn lliyalrlati ad uutgra office and iuslririicft comer llawf avenue and klgtn tltreet ijoal rhonr ho 33 i o box ms iiakoli nasi paumbr m a ilsrrulfr hiieltm nlary fuule j couvryanrrr iktc 1kwuyman iilocu actpn oh monky lkht oh moutoaqlca hours 0 30 o m to b 00 p m oalurdoys- 3 on iclnck a young man visited a western city to secure an important position for which he had been recommended by in fluential friends arriving after busi ness hours he determined to ceo come of the suburbs to get points as to uie beat place to locate when the position which lie thought as good as secured was actually his tlie car in which he ftrand a scat was coon crowded with people going home from business most of them women from stores and offices immediately in front of him stood a woman old enough to be his grand mother wjio could not reach uie straps and so had difficulty in keeping her balance oho bumped against him once or twice to hu evident annoyance tlien an old gentleman old enough to be get your christmas toys at bailey furniture co lli j m bell i d s l d s ilinor graduate of toronto university the latet anesthetic used if desired olflcc at residence cornw of mill and prrderlck olrrets hu j i johnson ddslds dental htttffm office mill gtreet in the cooper block telephone 5 gtielpir directly opposite the city hull ontamo buklmnqton mrs hsyes wlio has been confined to her home through illness is gradual ly improving miss kathleen donkln accompanied by like- evelyn king of lowbanks visit ed tho formers home here this week end mrn jack llarrlwm and daughter qcrty were visitors with mro harrisons parents mr nnd mrs thomas hanni bal junction street the condition of mka henderson who wnn taken suddenly 111 on bunday shows improvement today chris klalnka br was taken to tho liospltal on monday and ills friends will bo pleased to learn that his con dition shows come improvement word has been received from mr and mrs j o liyckhom and mr and mrs r caldwell that they have arrived aofe- ly in florida and have settled in or lando i on bunday the burlington clthtcns band excelled itself when it gave one of uie roost brilliant concerts oyer heard over uie radio by an amateur band from ciiwl hamilton tho inevitable ts happening step by step this band under the direction of wed jobcon is steadily improving and it was a delight lo listen to it on sunday from eno to two oclock rcccpuon was very good tlie prin cess of india tlie cowboy wedding nnd melody of peace gave uu band plenty of opportunity to show its ability and it was equal to uie occasion tho brilliant programmo was brought to a closo with uie number abide with me tho boys have been invited to give another concert next monui which hould prove anouier big advertisement on the ulr for uic town gazette milton chris ton bu teller has given up business in town and is succeeded by howard hume late farmer of kjwiuoslng mr and mrs r white were favorod on bunday afternoon wlui a pleasant cnll from mr ii d gregory of oakvulo who lias just recently returned from a trjp to the old country mrs bert wood wlio was recently operated upon in uie quolph hospital tor some internal trouble is making good progress towards recovery and expects to return homo in a day or so last saturday ovoning a number of friends from town and vicinity ovor nfty in all including a number from toronto met at uie home of mr and mrs charles e hill and tendered uieir enly daughter euicl jean a popular bridetobe a mucellaneous shower the third of the kind on uie eve of her approaching marriage a few hours were very pleasantly spent together reformer- mrs hill of toronto formerly of milton npentthe woftfcend wlui friend in town mlta marion walker public nchool teacher here is conhnod to linr home by uuibtn duhnjf bar absence her pupils will be taught by mrs j f mc- callum cold wet pavements saved two rob bers from capture tn milton about uirce oclock yesterday morning for the second umo in six weoks they had enter ed tho clouijng store of j w coxo to co throuuh uie front door col cocl- bum was sleeping in uie store he woko the burglars uw him and fled clad only in his nightgown and in barefoot tho colonel raced to the store door a few ifrot behind uie uuves but uio aild wot pavements halted the cliuse col cookbuni t tales uiat if ho liad ida revolver lundy he could havu shot both ddsperadotfl nothing was auilen cluuiipluii first chapter tlio next morning uie young man called at his liopcdfor new place business the president of uie company turned to meet him wltji a smile when his name was announced but tlio smile faded and uie face which greeted him stem ye they had hod letters they had thought favorably of him but and the interview ended one of his friends called on uie presi dent for an explanation and was told the story ot uie old lady in uu car but he said i do not see uiat this firm has the right to dictate to its employees uiat uicy must glvo uielr seats to women in public conveyances it docs not dictate cold uio president but the man for uiu place must be courteous and considerate and helpful and patient and cheerful a young inun ot twentyfive who can let a woman of seventy stand or let a man of my years give her his neat and stand while ho sits has not the disposition necessary to fill uus position courteousncss not the form but uie spirit is a valuable business asset ma caitnvina voice i never have known just why re marked mr aiken medltauvely but i do seem to have a faculty of making father hear what i say without sliout- lng you exclaimed his wife in honest surprise yea i often uilnk of it when you lift your voice in the shrill way you did just now i never have to do uiat it must be i have what uicy call uic carrying voice whats uiat youre saying con in quired uie serene old gonucman at tho side of tho breakfast table i was telllpg helen fauier repeated mr aiken complacenuy uiat even with your hearing u it u now you al ways understand mo easily father aiken looked nvysufted then he reached hts hand toward uie salt hand you what he asked oh nothing mr aiken raised hts voice only a trifle but made on evident effort to aruculotc i wax just speak ing of uio fact uiat i can always make you hear so well i told helen i be lieved i must have uie carrylruj volcel pauier aiken slowly shook his head i dont quite get it my boy lie said genuy tho young man felt his wifes amused cyeanonjiiniftntljililcolorjielahtened it wns nouilng at all fauior he pro tested speaking louder nluiough sull in repressed tones i was only saying uiat you seem to hear mc better uian you do helen oven when i talk low i sold enunclaung very dlsunctly it was because i have a carrying voice you have whnt demanded father aiken a carrying voice roared his son in desperation benlnnlng to look absolutely foallflh helen appealed uie gentle old man turning to his daughter- in- law for mercys sake speak up and tell mi wliat tho boy u talking about 1 not in iiif1 utflt ft a distinguished musician wisf waited upon one day in hts study b a rathar kcodylooklng stranger who said lo lun with what seemed to be genuine motion may u humble brother musician claim our sympathy- for one moment i tlcnt ask you to glvo mq anyt hut will you lend mo a dollar or two you can command ten dollars a lasson or as much as you choose to ask whll i ih ink myself fortunate if i can uct a pupil now and than at a halfdollnr a itting my flrnd said uio oulcr todchod by uila appeal perhaps i can help you hater than by lending you money what la lour branch ot music i give leuons on the violin well we will see what you can do hero is violin i will sit down to uie piano and wo will play a duett a whipped a fine violin out of its case handed it to the stranger seated liiiuujlf at the piano and placed a sheet of music before him tho caller rasped tlie bow across uie airings leaned forward looked at uio imposition and rdiook his head tlharps bo said sharps i never play in sluirpsl i he distinguished musician took the violin from him replaced it ui its case and coldly remarked my friend what you need u a job as nightwatchman in a snap- factory will you net it for me eagerly asked uic culler the pumlly herald and weekly liar or montreal is not only u money saver to the farmers family circle in the ulccompanyliui mauaxlnr gets wliat is admitted to ba uia biist of all christmas baking and christmas candy the store and bakery of m edwards si co offers many christmas supplies for uio busy jyiusewlfe and a full line of seasonable goods chrifltnuid pudtiinr a11 kindfl of fancy cakes groceries for christmas raking all new and fresh stock almond paste for christmas cakes aireney for hunts candiek fancy boxes nnd many novel ttca m edwards go rakers of real homemade acton bread mihckxlancous francis nunan tukhltuur account books of all kind made o order periodicals of every dmerlpuot carefully bound ruling neauy and promptly done wyndham otreet ouelph out over williams store r j kerr auctioneer and real estate twenty years experience liot yoim property with me acton ontabio card co imrolffiulio remember a debtor is a knocker t kelly aiken collectors persistent successful i ornnceviuc owen sound gh1b established 1q0o the gift thafs sure to please -a- lafontaine fur coat lafontainesfur store practical mfg furriers 95 quebec sl east established 1898 guelph ont phone 122 this is only one of uie- 1g flavors of invinelhle jelly powder ifhet manufactured by mclarens- limited hamilton and winnipeg standaiid royalties is a safe investment paying dividends of one per cent per monui checks issued every mdnui on its preferred shares for information write phone or call on h w dawson p o box u wumfton district iteprcscntauvc of mid continent bend corporation underwriters a live local agent wanted life insurance also auto accident sleluusa and ftf insurance in these days of numerous car accidents auto insurance has be come a neceaolty do not leave yourself liable by neglecting to have one ot these policies for particulars bee a e nicklin bower avenue acton oat- money to loon on uortgagas rugged catcb our slqckis now complete and ready for showing und it ih one of the mast varied lines wc have ever presented the prices in all cases include the pnntinr of your name and address on the cards nnd they arc complete with envelopes in mnny enses beautifully lined the prices arc from 123 to 250 per dozen iiwcr comimrativc price on lnrcer onlcni we defy any moil order house or concern to offer you better vnlucs than wc are prepared to show you and you can sec exactly what you arc securing the prices arc even lower than ukim noted last year shaws business schools toronto twelve of them train joune people for office p through day and evening ssuns and home study courses through a special employment doparuauittt definite assulanee is afforded bth employer aud graduate write for calendar he or bay the acton free press acton ontario insurance it pays to advertise since the appearance of our last advertisement considerable business has been placed with us thank you very much j t g ramshaw milton and acton jaa immsiiaw asalatanl nwiftww