Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1929, p. 3

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ili arfmt jrw irisa tiir acton i hi i i 11 s ii rlay rvr i jl ilr i r mill strrrl at ur mil inli tra tl e advfhtimnf exati a nnis ii l r on 1 lr j ttl i 1 honrs i it rial an i j ontario sliinl 7h00go00un roiulu in tlit pmt tiirtt ytiirf 7fi 000 000 liui been puit on tlit muiiitenuiiee und improvement of roue in the riowiilt of ontiino by the provineml govern incut n tnicnt of highway inchidinj contnhn inm froin tlit vii i tou niunicipulitic nnecrntil in l2h ji liitil of 10 010000 wii pent 20 500000 in t 7 uul 521 s00o0p m i 2u lor 1020 nn exten ive i roj i mime of i uid mi lavement nnd often iinn i i i nned fr ontiirio aiikunnbilc licence lee nnd llie fnx on f n oiiiil netted n totn in l2b of j i i r 00 for ilit ontjino government immiprnlion locmuuia i inni ij rntmn to cnnndii from april 1 to deccnibc 1 l2fi totalled i ib ion compnrcd with 124 302 tor the eorre pnndiiif period in 1027 nn increase of i j 21h or ii per cent of the totnl of 138 508 british numbered ihii united stntc 21 320 nortlicnjtern i nrope 23 013 nnd other countries 42 187 it will be noted with especial fivtcrt tlint in the cipht months under review 25 801 cailnduur returned to the do minion from ttie united stntcs where they went in tending to rcmnin permanently nnd now intend to re mil in permanently in canndn the sunday school lesson i ou minlkav janijauy 20 iii iiy w rl of jfu filli tlltt lr niury 3 1 r uuiutny if krcui to ltibi and man nnd u 011 ronilntf ii thursday afternoon january 17 1029 canndnn growing mining industry the mincrnl production of canndn in 1928 renched ft new high record with a total value estimated at 271 000 000 u gam of nearly 10 per cent or 23 itfw n imnncggumrtferr coun bei siirpj iripupllf il nly hy thn great basic industries of agriculture and forestry brinps to the nntion a prestige far beyond tho monc tary measure of the minecnl output first in nickel first in asbestos second in cobalt third in gold third in silver fourth in lend nnd sixth in zinc among iiq world producers canada presently enjoys on enviable position in the mining world in the light of the progress that has been made canada s future in mining seems brighter than ever before sujar production in alberto over 10000 000 pounds of sugar have been manu facturcd during the 1028 season at the plnnt of the canadian sugnr tnctoncs limited nt raymond it i estimated that the yearly expenditure in this in dustry avernges over 050 000 the factory employing during its penk of production from 250 to 300 men approximately 37 goo tons of beets were harvested n 1028 in southern alberto and growers received an inilinl payment of 7 per ton which it is expected u ill bl supplemented by further payments during the winter months a total price of 8 ig per ton was paid for beets delivered to the factory in 1927 imrmj the pnst season tbc dvcrage yield of beets was 7jt tons per acre with an average sugnr content of 17 2 per tent i or the cliairtyan of the cemetery committee a few years ago when tbc frost got deep in the ground in the mftdlc of winter and big wnge bills tonsrovtsbltrupitatioii for n mo infflirvicw tnwhiciv a procperoua year for canada in no report of the annual general meeting of the hank of montreal n summnry of the past year in canada appears under the heading a prosperous year for canada this report snys canada as a uhole has enjoyed more prosperity than ever before at the commencement of 1928 a succession of good harvests had already placed the country on u prosperous footing and the position has been further improved this year by tood average yields of the staple crops in all the older provinces while the prairie provinces hnve far surpassed their previous records in industrial activity nn xtraordiftnry en largcmcnt has shown itself in construction works many being of a most impressive character these include the further exploitation of those great natural assets water powers mincruls and forests also we have seen a further increase in revenue from tho tourist trade now ranking high artiong canada s tusincss activities these factors have put largo sums of money into general circulation they have increased the demands upon many of our industries end hove created the highest scale of employment snce the vor particularly in the two chief indus rial provinces quebec nnd ontario manufacturing has been on nn unprecedented scale despite exeep lions in a few lines owing to outside competition less autocratic rule under the caption of what is the matter with hydro the pnlmcrston spectator says editorially in riora there appears to be a lenernl dissatisfuc tion with the hydro and this feeling is spilt two way the local commission receives some of the criticijm but a good bit of it is directed to the ontario com mission the fergus situation has been explained semcwhnt in another article but there is also a feeling of resentment m that town of treatment received by the ontario commission recently in these columns we voiciid our criticism of that very august body and also voiced the opinion that locnl hydro affairs should be published in the local paper it may be co incidence that in these three places palmerston i crgus and flora there is dissatisfnc tion expressed against the ontario hydro cammis ion mid then again it may be that this criticism is entirely justified and we are inclined to believe that the hitter is correet public opinion is against i utoeratic rule and the sooner the ontario com mission rtcoliiut this fuel the better it will be in ierus inure has bttn quite a lot of dissatisfaction because the proeeediuts of the commission were rot open to the public and published no municipal body can long bold suth an attitude and as a rosult r the election in that town it is highly probable that the commission b meetings will be open to the j ubhe and press hut even where the lueal com irisstii is functioning with the eonlldence of its municipality tlil domineering und autocratic rule of the ontario commission hm at tunes beeoine almost inheirnble it is tastlv teilued that the parent i ody must xtreisu a liriu hand in governing the municipal bmlius and advisinj them but the ontario i oimuiss on would ik well advised to temper then jim diet on with inort reason and a lc3i iron hand ii these mmhlinj will glow into a storm that wjll capsize the boat in spite of their seamanship in the ucaf inmmipahtiti t uveinml the local bodies i rt men who ludy local lunditious in relation to the hydio and their opinions are not to he side- r acked the ontario c oininission must realize that til the knowledje nnd wisdom are not bundled up linn it tnd sunt i f the limn of this bue pro vincul uideitrtkinj me statttitl about in the rural tuuuielpjiltieb remains of those who died in winter would be interred until the frost come out of the ground and burial n the ground is possible gut of intc years the project hasnt been mentioned perhaps the winters have not been as severe n3 formerly and the need for such a mortuary in fair v few has not been forced upon the attention of public and councillors but to be in keeping with ether communities the day is not far distant when such a building must be erected the time is not too early to secure data preparatory to the erection of a mortuary m fairview cemetery and such building should be so designed that the service at the gruve side nny be conducted in it in inclement weather such a buildinj has been erected in dundalk ccmc t ry and the same year the cemetery commission udopted the permanent upkeep system for the cemetery h prohibition effective m the united states commissioners admiral ballard and james doran of the united states who came over to ottawa last week to confer with our canadian cus toms officers relative to the control of rum running nr the canadian and united states borders were quite out spoken as to the great value of prohibition in their country mr doran who i a high authority in nn interview declared wt a steadily gaining ground the larger eiticb give us great trouble but over the whole land we ore hitting the liquor traffic fiom pilljir to post if you listen to smoking car gossip you would think the whole united states was one big blind pig but the fact is that the drinking indulgences of americans are steoddy on the decline tin result of the presidential election in november meant that even the fellows who like a drink finally chose between the full dinner pail ind the full beer enn thl industrial monday morning in our country is a new creation work is steadier jobs arc longer held homes are happier that is why america is rrospenjig so we are the l mercantile country in the world our workers need keenness of rye and deftness of hand and clear co ordinating brains we art getting them now when asked us re his view of ontario s chonjc to government con trol mr doran said it was a backward step no i ution e in drink itself into prosperity editorial notes there enn surely be no doubt in the minds of the average individual hereabouts that we will have some real winter weather this year during january at least i hobt merchants who yeur in and year out main lain u thunder of silonce are gradually being oowdtd out on the basis if you don t tell you won t sell colliuj wood bulletin cups nnd medals urfe given for nil kinds of i thlttie prowess but why not a prize for the best snow shoveller who shows his prowess on the walks surrounding bis abode snow shovelling is both u eful und ood extreme the editor of the palmerston spectator is no fi i d to tell u joko on himself somebody proposed ins ami it the nomination but there was no second i be teek ihat he must be one of the most upopulur men in town fditors usually are but mi anderson tan console himself with the thought th it it is probable thutjie is just better known than in my of thoso who were nominated fergus news 1 ee o d initi inter i otitis of cimi ii nn iaviouu g u ii text anil iii ii ahull call bin iiuiik jr i f r it h mp that nhnll mva lit j il trim tliclr i inn molt 1 1 1 1 n liil li 30 1 is 11 j lm j 14 17 10 u 11 14 in j7 j i art i j 1 11 ilijivf 111 i 111 3 0 11 llm 1 4 in sunday i rrllmlnary 1u id nil mjfht of the pan nice which ci nnlltuttt our 1 iuan d clde on she central tlmi lit of each paitfiitf nn rflatiml to our u pic con idrr wliy uiln themo in nlvcn in imitk illntt ly iiftrr that of lit t uiuulny i rny that tlit c nnldcrntlun or oil munt imixirlant f all tojilcn m iy bo ri 1 ci illy blrnt n your roul monday i uk likl j 11 horn to yi i to your iwclnl nnd for your rnpcclal lilcnuing your bnvlnur from nln your anointed prkrt your lord nntl lcudi luke 2 30 33 chrliit la not only for you individually but he in for all i oplrn whrcoovcr will may come to him and find licacr and pardon power und plerty la i 3 4 ch int coca not nruinu the i j ant nine in fitilnff after tho oiil lost indrod uioim couln that are not lant am with christ earnc ly seeking the onr men are more than nheep luke 15 5 chrlat hero p area what he ib connuxntly doing carrying homo those who have woodercd a ty and nro too weak and morn to and their waj home by themnctvea luke 1g 0 if clirlat rejolcen bo mucl ovef onr sinner recovered howeftvm3tly slutuld all bin churcb rejoice in all cue cerjful evonifcllum 1 luue 15 7 in not god good to un in giving ii u chance to contribute to the joy of heaven by helping one ooul nearer to christ tuesday john john 3 14 is tho brazen ocrjrt which mojcn made to heal tho plaue of arrpenta num 31 0 waa a glorious forcglimpw of the cncrlflco of chxlt upon uil craw john 3 10 thin in the central verne the dlble the heart of all theology john 3 17 christ to coming again to judge the world only ho can prepare ua far hla coming john 10 0 clirlut in tho door to all cood things and any one may enter john 10 10 clirlut jh ma alver of iwfrntv ytxlttt aoo llm m r a diy jllw truly whi tt hr iiutht 03r to 04r on tho mark rt in re yrnl rd ty mr ih nip n of irlnlty collcgi tor- nt rouduclr i ii rvlem in ct alban n church lull riuiulay 111 extni iv iniprovimrntn u vj w 11 inltnorr n n idrnrn nn oliurch dtrrol an ti arliir cninpletluu o ilng to illiirni of itrv mr dolt ih ulplt of thr ilnptli t church wan ccuid lant qunday by mr j p fjcar- r iv a r rvlc wltli the hymns will be jtcld in tin mrthidlnt cliurnh next holiday v iin ihn dun day tlchaol orchmtra will a int the choir at a meeting of the mrn held last wtdnrnday night it wan decided to or- l iinbi a branch of tha antl trratlng 1 ngiif here aliout twenty algnatureii lo the plldgo wrfo glvrn at tho moot lug and more am being rocurcd dally at the nn ttlnu for organization the fact that the treating nyntrm in a bane u many a workmun wnn rmphaulkcd om of uic npeakcrn dialed that it had coit him from thirty to nwanty five ecnut to a t into n bar to get a glurji of beer for h lime if becauui tho trcntlng syilem expected him to buy tlrlnka for the other feltoun in tho bar at tho tlmo no better winferbreakfast than shredded mi warms- iiitfli in calories and carbohydrates heahlifu i easy io ditiesrf a safe regulator delicious- heat in ovensetvewfrhhot milk miuh l tlit- c mind ion slim deled wlunt cotnpuny l4l acton antl treating league idealizing that tho treating yu tem in one of tho main causen of intemperance i hereby pledge my coif neither to treat nor to be treat td to intoxicating llnjiora in any place where they are nold namn abundance a moavwmftystxlclccn lift la not a chrlnuan llfw- h 10 j dffll lif r jiltffle hlr iwopk nlw nliould be one johhioft h otnoalvaaon tn permanent one when we have once given oureelveo into chrlnto iiaiida we arc in the keeping of omnipotence jvednetday acts 3 1 is v 0 not only did christ nave but ho gave to hla followers power to envo in his name and by liln ntrcngth v 13 the glory of jcnua la the jlury of ood v 15 th resurrection wui and l chrlnt a chosen proor of hla dcll it in nlao the only but jhc all aufflclcnl proof of our immortality v 10 the life death and rcuurrce tion of jcius christ were all in accord ancc ft 1th prophecy and no ohl can well undcnitoitd tlio saviour wltlirut undcrauindlng the old tcfltament pr i phcolca of tho saviour tltursjay uom- is 1 11 va 1 5 the nlnncr la at war vulh ood and munt ever be the caved noul and he alone in at peace with ood v g no one can begin to compie hend what chrlat did for him until h- begins to learn how powcricna he in with out chrlnt v 7 we give no lean honor to liun c and sacrificial men because wo dive nuprmc honor to tho unique and un approachable sacrifice which chrlnt wrought for mm v a how christ with hln perfect purity must hate our slits and how grateful we arc tttat nevertheless he loves us i v d the best we can do each day la no more than our duty for that daj leaving tho sins of the past as a vast debt for which wc could liave no pav merit unless chrlnt paid it vn 10 u wliy do wc need recon dilation to a ood who in perfect lovt uccaiuc ood lias no rcconcllli k 1 r the sins which arc bound to un until christ nmoven them i he men who arc joining the antl treating league propose to wear button hotting thnt tbey have pledged them helves to do no treating r tlil rotitlnn of bunlnenn of the ilrothei hood meeting of bt alban a church an tuesday evening a debate took place upon the subject itcnolved that the church members arc not as cnthu lastlc now as they were formerly affirm a uvc was taken by j a c trnhan and ii b ifarwood and tho negative by walter wood and sidney barnes the afflrmatlvo won by one point me urn pugnlcy nutley and dur ston were the judges the ladles aid of the methodist church entertained the choir and their friends at a banquet that was very cn- jnvahlnimflnmtlinwmay fnlnar inui rtriayjuiim 33io pljw pf ikwor w irblay pbll 2 s 11 5 what wc need above all thinip the mind of chrlnt for without that mind wc can nuvcr do tho deeds of chrlt v g ci it 1st wan and la on an equality with aod eternally but while he woiftn- tho flenh he limited nd circumscribed himself v 7 curlt emptied him of ood that is th- bce account we have of the incarnation v 0 if wc place christ a name above evtry other name wc shall begin to understand not only christ but every other nami as well christ is the inter pretcr of all life vu io ll the triumph of chrlt u uil triumph of ood and the triumph ulo t all chrlitu followers eqfr wllll rfefllu lucciidir imd jwhtwiiu nny uluiiiyi oxmnnr ixaiir of lucgh0lr imd jwhe und if r and mr a t drown maritfld holmes littlis in nassagoweyo on january 20 by itov a blair d a duncan son of marshall holmes to margaret daughter of jos little cx- necve all of nasnagnwoya crtlpps ixjraytir at st andrew presbyterian church vancouver to c by ilcv j d aillan john lewla cripp lynn valley to itobcna helen daughter of the late itobert foropth of cclth scotland mclamoarvin at the residence of the bride i mother peel street acton en january 14 by rev j c wluon b a charlre t wclam of jo lino town n y son of the late jamen mclam to martha garvin acton ripton ebbaol at tho residence of the brides sister olovernvlllc n y n january 14 by rov charles lin coin hall j c clarence rtipton of johnstown n y to charlotte august fbbage acton optarlo the bure way the surest way on earth to make a great and glorious nation it for each boy and girl to got a thorough cducauore herbs to heal those sore sick bronchial tubes gallagher w indian lung remedy comes right from the heart of nature don tbenuosrabloall winter if you re uiibjoot to brooclutu or umilar illi npt to pick up a ruwty clinging cold or rough bo nennibls ntart now taking gallagher a indian lung itnmftdy it is oomponed nolflly of healing hwhs a natural rcmfxly pcrfoct for killing ofl n nivity cougn or cold or broncbul njlmrnt a gonuina blood ennchor and body builder tlim and oilier reliable gallagher uorbal ilouachold itcmediaa now for aala by jo a t brown acton saturday 3 tim 1 0 10 0 ood ttan called uj tu truly ui called peter and john and paul have itcard the call and heeded it 0 tho clary of tho saviour goca far back of bethlehem ho is tho lamb alaln from the foundation or the world his grace takes hold of the endless years v 10 thero is only one rtal death tho death of the soul and christ has abolhhcd ttiat for tho man of faith v 10 the resurrection of jesus i u toronw christ lias this meaning tor you that it is yi ur nsurixcuon ho brings your immortality to light thereby forget the learn 1 iifliionrlnfi at to ui irtln icxrort houib wlrlnir urloklnylno- and 1 lutorlnv wlo i hftttmirlnf tail iailki iikit drftulni earn jo to j10 per dy paw wonka nvmlrod to uarn icviurt inslnirtiir 1 rutlcat 7 ralnuib hlr uamni i j tart now lor nor py anl 1 rltht f unra wrlln or mil for upoolol otter an 1 viaa uoaki dominion trad school a itral asthma keller dr j d iccl leigg aatlima itcmcdy han never been advertlsed by extravagant statement iu claims are conservative indeed when judlid by the bcnelltn uhlch it performs lxpect rt tl relief and permanrjjt b tuflta when you buy litu remedy nni j u will not have caiuo or duflppolnuncu it gives pennancut re iter in many lusts te tth r so cullid iun dl i have utterly f tiled onvl1ld his vltws a j idge thri utencd u fine u burrlsti r 1 1 tiding u hfore hlul fu r c intcnipt i c urt i have xpr ewed no coi tcmit f r- thr court ould the barrlaur on thr lontrtry i have trl d very hard u eon- e tl my ferllnua tit llltn gas in stomach hurts the heart il bulfer from dangerous gas press 1 il around yo ir heart from sourncu bl illi g r i tin f ucld indigestion stop u i r 1 tg our ntomuch simply needs i ilkullitc ii r sufe opcedy certain 11 f take a llttli ub iruud magneala p uetr r t ili u it tmlrkly hrenka up til gt ilelltrullce tie acid stotn ttc p iln ui d ke pu the ntouucli sweet and strong und dlgenllon perfect it ih doing utljcviry day lor tl usandit it must in th iiumr f r you or motley ro funded by n ijudle dr igglku the world over i lie lollownil item from the toronto btur ii intertotnie i be slur hub reeeivetl severul bit ih iiuiri mj cs nnd deaths during the i im tuo veeks whieh proved to be fictitious when the were eheekej biiek by telephone to the persona i upposexl to have sent thuii 1 ronsmisaion of uch niessaj ls to u new puper eonstitu te a criminal me net punfih iblt tiniler the eriminul eoee mid the pnhe lire eude i ormi to find the identity ot the ei- lis if u- ii m ikiilj btieb eiimmuilieutionb so tlu they may be proiecuted 1 every package of red rose tea is prepared with the same care sisif our reputation were to stand or fall upon that single package redr0se ties jk good tea red rose orange pekoe extra good the bell telephone company and the northern electric t he relationship between the dell telephone company nnd tho noruiorn electric company in direct and definite it eonalntn of 1 ownership tho tolopjiono company controln tlio nortliani electric by owning gl per cent of northern electric oharen 2 contract tho telephone cornpnny linn a contract with the northern llectric by which the latter nclbi equipment to tlie telephone company at favorablo prices the telephone company thun ban direct control of itn rource of rupplioii without control thoro would ho constant rink of bcinj force j to pay hlfh priccn for apparatun or of being unable to cccuru consistent otandard of equipment if cither of uieao condiuons prevailed tho result would be higher rates or poor ceriee for telephone uaenj apart from uifj protection tliere ore two deflnita i aiviacndi fibtntnarttierti electric nphl northern electric ban developed from o umall beginning to an outstanding canndian cuccein in 1928 its total bucine n wnn more than 25 000 000 which is four timej itn butnc i in 1011 48 per cent of thla total wits with tlio del tclephono company 11 per cent wnii with other telephone com pun ic and 11 per cent wai in etl icral electrical bunine a in canada and abroad in all thii total pf ucce i tlie bell telephone com pany participatcj aa majority hureholdcr ci per cent of all dividends pal i by the niithcrn lie trie have come buck to tho telephone ci i tnj a revenues in tho fifteen yoars nice the northern i lectric wai incorporated the tel phono coi i mj ha receicl from it in dividend i over two un f i 1 ilf inithon dol loro these hov contributed to ojcrit the iy tem in place of equal hums uubrcribera u ul i othorwi e bo colled on to pay tlie dmdondd paid by northern i iccluc rcpreecnt nn overuuo annual return of nnl 6 7 jcr cent on the capital stock surplu oamine hiimnr been deotel conistcntly to extend plunt at i c xui ic t 2 low prices from northern electric ttrlh contract between thco two companlc itip ulatei that the price which the bell ickjhono company pay for einiipinent hhall ito aa low ai or lower than tho lowe t j rice i ail to northern lice trie by its other custon erj tho other customers of northern i lectric include very tclephono oyatem of nnportahec in cnnnda an i bujjincfu from them ha i been secure i in open com petition with briludi and amoncan manufacturers it i3 thus tho lowest price iccl of this competitive buninesa which ffoverna tho price i pal i b the bell telephone company tho board of railway commi iioners in 1920 made a detailed inquiry into tliere pncc3 and thoir ju ire ment woa tliat the npecnient an i lupplcmentsry abreoni which govern their relation i are distinct ly advantageous to the bell telcphono company proof of this in lecn in comparing cost of building tho tolophono system and ratea pil i ijj subbcnberu witli thone of otlier syitems the aerajrft cost of buildlnp other nystemi hi can ada england brazil and the unite 1 states haa been 227 per tclephono tho cot in ontan and quebec haa been 189 per tolophono or 17 i cr cent lea than tlio average and the ratea which telephone u icru i ay in ontario and quebec aro tlie lowest in tho worl i for compar able oorvico a largo factor in obtaining thci low cofila and low rutca hn been tlie arrangement und relationship botwean the bell telephone com pany and the northern 1 loctric company cry tor castoria mqt cliers castoria is es pecnlly prepared to rc- licvc infints in arms ind children ill ic of constipition riatu lency wind colic md dnrrhca illayinrj i evemhncss arising thercfrtmi mil ly nfulitintf tin stimuli md bowels aids the assumhuon of i ood t healthy and natural sleep to avl i mutations always i h l d r the signature of wilyljutt at mllilely ham hni n o utfi physiciana cvcrywucrc recooiuuaj it time tables at acton uimduy only dully except dally except dally rxeept dally except dally rxeept j ii ml ay only dally except dally except dally except dally except dally except o kink wwt flnfiday flunday cunday qunday tlunday going kaibt ijunday qunday uuhday sunday tlunday 75pan 10 41 pan 30 pan 6 mpbl 0 17 pm 7 os pan 7 0iem- llyitlxa sitpan fl 17 pan sis pan canadian national kkoxctojlo uaik ways weiilbsutul dally except ounday dally dally dally daily dully dally dally pally 7bshou sassaaii isspad sssnan b 85 part 7 8spbl oka pan laulbound dolly except dunday dally sjiipast 037 ltd dally lljlurt dally 1s7pj dally s7pju dally bj7pan- dally t 7j7pjat dally fils7 pat daily n35 pa yiroata yerfcalaml kmi blrt hnd st cuu awuu prlcht delivered by kpeeinl expra4 freight prelht picked up at any til drth hi toronto leave acton for tlie wet 10 10 a m 4 10 p m 700 p m and an oaturdaya gimdaya and holidays 11 00 p m leave acten for a60rtftown norval brampton toronto 8j0 mj 1135 a m 735 p m and on saturdayo sundays and holi days 1035 p m painting and house decoration graining a speciality itniapt attuitlmi salufaetiaa gaarebuj eauoialm glva telephone lift richard h blanch box 350 acton just in time to save tlie tonsils because urs qybllul gpahra tonsluus was applied far counh croup wltoopma couch bron chi tla caurrh and ail bore throu h uorks wonders tlood results or money back e j iloacard tlie door of opportunity tlicse small ada will open the door to whatever you arc seeking savage csl company jewellers china silverware imxm wyndham se phone 571 gueijn a tlie old and reliable granite and marwa worioa wo- aro manufacturers and ur6cl jju imirtcrn ol all kinds of monumental uul ueadjitono work we iiell direct to our customers at whotcalc prices thus uvlas our cuiiuimero 40 ier cnt we liav tha best appllancca and tlie only nuwlulnlaa in uic dominion wlw can operate ptuu motic tools properly we can give rfr- eiicca from hundreds or our ciutoman a toronto and otlier placea wlura othrfi have to have uula in order to oolucl wn liave tlw larjfest and best stock ot granite in tlio dominion or rnor thjol any tlireo dealura in un woit w ia irnitlmate dealcni and employ no ajftnu and io n t annoy or peat custom by aiiicillhi out ignorant asents olllunt order wo employ only meclumlc aad defy coinpatttlon hamilton sons ouelp1i ont

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