illrtl o uurrlaun u t doll i r w wtfh i r t tlr ii wl tf rl tlrll y klarrlau iwll mr oral ftlfrkl hahvut- in hlllftl nry on wldsy jun tiary 11 luju martin kttrvmi in liln obth yer paiulr at llu den ral hospital qunlph on wfilnrr luy january hi 10j0 aux d iarr iibp 1 73 yearn hunthl at thn kltchnner wulnrloo hospital on tuesday january id 10j0 vrml iltmtfr fonmtrly of aolon mconka on monday january 14 10a ul hli laic rfsldmire a3 park awnim auel h junlrn alexander mccrea uuett 73 yesru kirkpathicic at liar uu liomo at unuihoiuu on uunday january 13 1030 t liodlm oobhle widow of the lata charlri klrkpatrlck in lur 04th year noninlusw ooddenly at dmuworth on turulay january 10 1020 minnie winona dearly beloved anil younifeiit daughter of charles henry awl janet robinson auc 34 years 0 morttlis clahidou at uio luimn ot her con in law j m moore kkfl kdltor of tim herald qrortown on thujriulay january 10 1020 mary arahain widow or tho late jeremiah clarldfln in hrr 17tli year t 2ittan 3irteg tm tiiuuflday january 171020 ttie days ajr bcalnnlng to lengtlien out now even the oalvatlon army has trouble wlui cloeuona to office the snow ntorma of tlie past week have made excellent nlelghlnff t fat riua plione number is 174 dend in your item of new dnow ahoelns and skiing parties aro now popular with uie young folk caledon pair announced tlmlr fair dates for this year ojj oeptember 13 and it seems a long way off but acton pair will this year be held on oeptomber 17 and id drlvcni t be kind to your hfea tlieso winter days blanket thoni whe jtwawattotiwifvlawttta i j bl i t m kirotioth out tor new livdusbries jar their town during lt20 iioronlo election apparently aren t all over yet and in auelph one of uit aldermen may be unseated- james if uccrea tor many years n prominent merchant in auelph died on monday after lisvlng a stroke welllnnton county expended approxl mately 374 030 00 on road uirauelutut tlie county during the past year reeve morden of trafalgar entered hi twenty fourth consecutive year u municipal work on hla reelection tills year be wary about taking united states j30 bills for change many counterfeit bills of uiu denomination ore in clr culatlon tlie number of inmates at present confined in the ontario reformatory li 031 which la a somewhat larger number uian usual mayor blolcelock of oakvtlle gave a luncheon at the murray house there to the council and town officials at the opening council aesalon willi motor allows in january and september and uio highways open tlie fcntlro year motoring con now be termed an all year round pleasure the lnfluenu epidemic seems to be abating and thosa confined to tlie liouse through sickness are gradually making their appearance again according to rumor from moto lit police court soma real good advisers on post office behaviour are rauior las mi tlie knowledge or fulfilment of duties on uie highway the domlulon of iudglown gives particulars of tlie election lu uiat town to uia xlvshlp of mr n r rossell a cousin of mr george rossell of acton mr roatell won out in a throecornered conteat by 03 vote over ids nearest op poiunl neighborhood news on mann tmnkul ftisraffauan hll lateu i1alton union insurance company ttw annual utptxt bu uuj tills web shwd aamht bueeasful vr the annual report of the ilalton union pmnatra mutual pire insurance co be tng issued uils week by tlie secretary uf thos moore ctunpoellvule allows another yu of successful operation for uils company tlie losses this yaar are a trifle lower uian uiote of 1037 and a gain is shown in nearly every respect on tlie year operations ttie amount of insurance in force ot the clou or ioaa was iiaeuooaoo amount insured in 1039 4 407 04b ot policies issued in 1038 1 1s4 policies in force rjecember 31 1038 3374 total amount of re insurance 1 346400 00 net amount of insurance carried by this company 11316 005 00 tlie assets of ui company given in this statement are 43313 47 and tlie llahllltlu 08 103 08 tlie annual meet ing of the company will be held in the town ihtll liere on monday february 4 the directors and officers are pro sldent duncan campbell moffat vice proaldent o il turner mutoa dlrc tors james klrkwood w a tasby n v ijndsay acton wm hume milton benj retell cheltenham c tt wood preciubji john wluon krln oecretary- trcosurer llios moore campuellvllle the halton wardensihp nw tinnia la be utwuu iuve msse ef acuhi oud sleeve lju of csjuumjimt from current rumor it would now ap pear that tlie waxdenahlp of jlnlton county would he decided fin ttnuv mojumi jj acl uid tluiive ijjtlw of esqueshig of course uiere will be con aid rod tlie admonition of the milton reformer of walt and see but in spite of uils most of the county proi are hasordlng guesses the mhuin champion lost wuk uild ruevcs uason of acton and jtslle of kvaueslng are candidates far the wardeiuhlp and from tlie aoorgetown lurald the following was garnered tims u leslie wlu lias ukn reelected reeve of ls fjuhuf for uie uilrd term will be a candidate fir warden of ilalton wiuji uie county council meeu uils monui we understand it is feluhl years since xbuuainjf was lionoted wlui uie wordsu- ahlj and u looks vry touch as if it wore utolr turn now theii uie oakvtlle bur at uie south- em part of uie county ttns very sure of the appulnliiiaiit when it says the wurduiuhlp ulll go to one of two aspirants uoovr ltudle and mmui i uuif t of uie two may h autxxwful and w it would wwoi that uie ap- tmuilmut 11 btwveri two tiolchbom in dm tuiuini and uf tlw oounty itlumr one uf uu two tneil will nil uut oniee wlui dignity and will rapreaeiit ulx oounty wall ihtld ilunlhl kllrluinor the dentil ccurrrd on tur day in the watrrloo kitchener llripltnl of mr prod hunter formnrly an r trnni d re id- nt of acton for many yearn prior to the romnvul f the family to kitchen r nbnut twelve yi am ago ihr family was comiirl xd of thrr mmlwrn und of th e mr prrd hunt r of loronui and mr henry huntnr of lcllclioner am trft with hla widow to mourn hla loos a daughter kthel mm ocorge hall paw nd nwuy in arton mivcral ycam ago the funeral wan held thin afternoon with iorvicf in uie irenbyutrlan church hew intprmt nt wnn made in tho family i lnt in palrvlew cemetery aicoroe hawicwo otreeuivhc ocorgp hawkins a prominent pioneer refllduit of dtreetnvlllc died daturday one day after ho had reached hln 04th birthday ills whole llfo had been iwnt in dtreetflvllle por many yearn road over eer and road engineer of the vlllace he hod aiko been a division court bailiff nnd wan one of the contractors who built reel county ntretclien f the cr dlt valley rallwny ourvlvlng are iivl dauahlern mm a wnldlo milton mia j k balloy qtreetsvllle mrs pred lladdon qtrcetsvlue mm a hcndercon winnipeg and mm c mcdonald of detroit mich two sonn ocorge and john both of eltreetavlllc aljio survive ills wire died five years ago ho waa a member or trinity anglican church and a conservative mr hawkins was the fauier or the lute mrs wm while who died in acton several yearn ago and whose remains are interred in pair view cemetery miio jeremiah olarxd01s a very dear mother in israel peacefully poixed to her reward at uie home of her conln law and daughter mr and mrs j m moore charles street georgetown hi tho pereon of mrc jeremiah olarldge last thurcday mm olarldge s illness was of sliort duration one was unusu ally well during uio chrlchnas and new yearn holidays and unul wluiln a few dnyn of her death qhc suffered a alight stroke at uie first of uie week but rallied from thla and was quite herself for a day or so early thursday morning liow ever alio ceemod to realize that her ume had come and requootcd uiat the mem hern of the family come to her bedside after saying farewell to all one coon fell asleep and passed away olncc her widowhood thirty five or forty yearn ago mrs clarldga was an esteemed resident trtmrfgwrrrf rr trp into useful womanhood- all were with lieofngffauoii excepting mrs- ft- m wilson who resides in calgary alberta but wlio reached acorgetowiwln ume for uie funeral on bunday mrs olarldge was fuio type of womanhood a mouier who gave lovlnj care and solicitude to her faintly oha wao a member of uie united church of canada and was interested in uie church a alms and activities tlie fun cral on sunday afternoon was conducted by her pastor rev dr dickie and she was laid at rest in uie family plat ut qreenwood cemetery georgetown minnie winona robinoon miss emma robinson was called home on tuesday by uie sad newa of uie serious lllnecn of her slater minnie at uie home of her father and mouier mr and mrs charles w robinson kenllworth bo- fore she reached home her sister had posced away tho circumstances sur rounding her rauier oudden deaui render uie event unusually pathetic a very happy new years homocoming was spent with all uie membern happily to gothcr two of uio slaters had been 111 wlui uio prevailing flu prior to uie holldoyi but were convalescing nicely a few days later mr robinson and miss minnie contracted uie ailment at uio beginning of the week uie daughter seemed to be doing nicely but a gland in uio throat became affected rendering breathing difficult- on tuesday an operauon was decided upon but before uils hod been accomplished uie sufferer passed away mlsa robinson was the youngest daughter of mr and mrs rob inson ohe was bom in york county near aurora twenty four years ago olio came to acton when her parents moved to uils community iwelvc or fifteen years ago uience wlui uicm to their present homo at kenllworui her parents and three slaters remain mlsa emma who has resided at moorccroft the post half desen years and olive and mabel at liomn miss robinson waa a fine type of young womanhood popular with uie young people a worker in uio united church of which the was a member and a true daughter of tne home tlie funeral service will- be held at uie liomo at kenllworth at eight o clock uils even lng interment at uie cemetery a aurora on prlday afternoon at uiroe o clock miis qkoroe rogers a life long resident or erin township passed peacefully away at uu family home lot 1 concession 10 erin township on saturday january 6 in uie person of rhoda melvlna bush beloved wife of george t rogers in her fjdui year de ceased was uie cldestr daughter of uie late mr and mrs tliomos bush and on new years day 1870 united in the- holy bonds of matrimony with gaorgo t rogers when they setued in uie home where she died bhc won a faluiful member of all saints anglican church erin and when a girl was organist for a number of years plans had been or ranged to celebrate uie nfueth anniver sary on new years day but uie whole family were taken down wlui uie ilu which disease proved fatal to mrs rogers who although for years lias not enjoyed uie best of health was about tho home as usual within a few days of her deaui she was a kind and loving wife and mother and will be sadly misted by her bereaved husband and family as wc l aa many friends and neighbors bciildca her bereaved husband alio is survived by sis sons bert at ualllnafad oeorgl and william at liomr john u jattle ernest and clayton etqucnlng lorn ship and two daughters vero vlre e brenner buffalo n y vtrna mrs whluiey toronto alu on sur mrs il hochten of lin wood calfirnla ihe funeral took place on tuesday after noon when her pastor rev a w down cr conducted uio service at uie home in uio presence of a large concourcr of friends and neighbors tlie interim m was made in erin cemetery the floral trlbuteu which were many and beautiful vere b it mute evlduiiae of the hlg fed teem in which deceased was held tile family four sons of whom are still 111 with tlie flu and lur hyed u mute ore deeply bereaved uils being the first break in uie family erin advocate uarjnociulimn mr und mr jlunliy matthew i and hulk of i nin to pent uumlay with mr umlmrii a a clurrldge we an glad to report that thn flu patlt nls in thi rnmmunlty are improv in if miji 1 va marrlmhi of t ronu luui liern at lit r i nine here during the past ueek muii aoncvleve clorrldgn returned to her tchoal at brampu n thin week dui1lin on prlday evening january 1 1 thr dublin literary uoeloty met at uie honu of mr and mrs j ii ruddlek the mooting opened with the singing of the maple leaf porevcr the flrut item on thn programme was a selection by the jan llailif toots llrownlow tlien gave a hinnnrnun recitation this was follow cd wlui a nelecuon by tlie orchestra the mehlng closed wlui uio ulnglun of the national anuiein i unch was n ve 1 and a ftoclal hour ipent chuiiciiii l the mort of ultra who were afflicted with uio grippe tlie post few wetkn are now convalescing nicely the repealed falls of mow have filled up uio road so that motoring is almost uut of the nuentlon mr clinton oviaek humor manages to motor to town every day yet ulelghlng is fairly good rev ii caldwell minister of tlie united church here was unable to con duct service here on sunday owing to being afflicted with uie flu ills two daughter with characteristic helpful ness camo from llmehouse and took uie service very acceptably the prlen of bread poronto is at present in uio throes of a bread war and the i rice- is down to un cants thougji uie soma toronto companies are selling uut 34ounce loaf in hamilton andther conuw at 11 cents kitchener bakers have raked uie price of broad to ten cents wlui uie exception of une concern which sull selli its product at nine uie lwl twuhtd durum uie price outuntf acuvlty of lost winter in ouolph 11 cuiibj for uie 34- cuncq loaf is still uie prwvalhuit figure and according tb a uwat btdtvr itlhas to remain uler in order to make a profll one toronto firm euluis a ljed of g 000 a wok as a ruult of uie one eut rvduc- lion and tmut make up uiat tfencu thumgh usuuuule bnuidies ouelph mercury in aolon uie prvatiiua lirlcw iwhms to nimit uios quoted ui all couinw varuiim tnkkts urw subl here at ec ilk and lie for uie 34u k th supply tiere u baked lically uid bi ajju unpoitcid fiurrt tnninto hatulluui luudoii oualph slid georgfllowu actonbuu are corthiu- ly well served with vaxlaly and price on uielr daiu braad edkn miixs on account of stormy weauier and sickness lhe attendance at uia churches waa rauier small last week mr r alton when motorlnc to the radial with his dally uhlpment of milk liad uie misfortune owing to uio ley condition of uio roads to atrlko uie bridge dolrg serloua damage to hla car mr and mm ii wright spent the weekend at ills maulers liome on sunday uie 13th rev a p marsh tendered his reslgnauon to uio boards of uio uirce congregauarui on monday evening uie united church held uiclr annual meeting with a good attendance reports of uie various organisations were food and finances up to date after tho meeung the ladles y ujinuoi iiieol wlui a good attendance reports and finances were lncouraglng at uie close oruif meeung uie usual cup at warm lea was enjoyed tlie women missionary society of uie presbyterian church lield uuiir annual meeung last week mrs wm lowrle wan elected president the reurlng president of uie pact uirce years waa presented wlui a gift of silverware tlie hydro have turned on uio lights in uie village which are most sausfac tory mr stanley pulton was liomc over uie weekend from uie vicinity of huntsville whoro ho is engaged as sawyer wlui uio murray crawford lumber co mrs robert jlalriff of calgary alto is visiting old acquaintances in uils com rounlty after an absence of 35 years eocrwood lnt prlday afternoon under uie aus pices of uie women s auxllary of st jolinn church a well attended meeting ol ladles of uie churches in uie village was addressed by mrs j waller of midjapan at meeting in uie basement of uie presbyterian church mrs waller spent 38 yearn in mission work among uut japanese people on sunday ovenlng uie annual meet lng of uie rockwoad and everlon branch bible society was held in the prcabylcr ion church rev mr pinnock of tor onto addressed uie congregation ser vices in the united church were with drawn to enable uie two churches to meet together he also spoke at evcrton in uie morning and osprlnge in the afternoon the annual meeung of uio rockwood horticultural society wan held monday evening in uie town hall officers elected for tho ensuing year were prcsl dent mr aruiur ic thomas 1st vice president mrs wm harris 2nd vice president mr geo bolton directors mrs than wlngrove mr joseph stove mrs pred s hamilton mr pred smith mrs j a little mrs clarence hortop delegates appointed to uie qanvenuon were mrs s b royce and mm c hortop tho sec treas mrs royce presented a favorable report and a bal ancc on hand of f40 40 mr geo parcn and mrs a s royce audited uie books of uie society mr jalm smith returned lionie last week after an extended visit in detroit michigan miss elds reeves returned last week after a weeks holiday at owen sound mr johnston howat of slmcoe was home far tho weekend mr and mrs howard osburn nod family of auelph were visitors in uie village on sunday mrs j a wyllo and son kenneth of ingersoll are vlslung at mr and mrs a k laings mr and mrs arthur bull of oolllng- wood were visitors in uie village last week mm bull before her marriage waa miss hilda pox who formerly lived here wlui her parents mr and mrs henry poi since their removal from here mr pas passed away in colllng- woad after a lenguiy illness their many friends and acquaintances winh mr and mm bull much happiness on uie occarlon of uielr now year s wadding the regular monuily mocuna of uie women s institute is being held tins tvcnlng in uio publln school mn john m pamoro who has been 111 for some time was very law on ounday tlie annual reports of tho united church were ijlvcn out at uie congrego tlonal niolllng in tht church lost vco ing tlie report shows a year or pro ansa in all departments tin rxunrnt nrrncr- vominc com ink io uoniihur ani onn of th w irld t lidu lit wi i mint utixnllug t w i tori h han r j ilr d tin if thr m u t ilulxrut eulugti i vi r built to tnuuf r it to tin itnin dili in the purudmc of flu stuilnnt i rlnr imetro o idwyil muyer huge hlmlvjill n of th fumouu nil i luy in v hlcli ramon novcirro and norma she ir ir ure dlrecud by lurnoi t lubllch and which cnmeh to woiid rlaud theatre on prlduy toinoqiow night with their lovo us the central themo a ra t of thirty five famouu players and r v ral thounand exlrus word necesnary to reproduce tho famoita old ntory im mortalised mi the uuge by richard mam held and recently revived in tiiuslc nl form cm the student prince whole towns wqre built great castlns in goniumy reproduced mid the unl- vrnlty of ilfil ithkrg recreated in wool and ijnnler for the huge production in no ccne ilinwlng uie welcome of the towiikpwiple to the young prince played by nivano two uiniihuiul villagers guardtimnn police and other charuotcm aiprar in a gigantic netting depleting a public imm and covering ten acrea din cant inch den many famous numoa jenn henhnll in the role of dr jutt- ncr the tutor lcdward connelly tui the prime mlnb ler llobby mack as keller- man oils i larlap an the innkeeper aunuuc von seyffertlui edythe chapman george 1c arthur lloitl illmare kent prelberg ldgor norton darcy corrlgan jamen mack and many others worms in children 11 they le not attended to cauno convulilons and often deaui mother araves wormjiterml natorwlll protect uie children from lltese dlntrecnlng affllotlonn auction sale in esquesing townliin i ltlr winning and uegirtkiupo york iiooh 20 fow in pauuow 30 jihad op noilhit houn hiicip and naiiiy cows rppntita and stockkus tlie undersigned han received inntruc- tlons from j f ttobeittson to sell by public auction on lot 30 second lino kqucnlng half mile couui of radial station adjoining acton on thursday january z4 1020 at i 30 o clock uie following dairv cattle part jersey cow due time of calc part jersey cow due january 10 holsteln cow due january lft llolnt dim january 34 nnl flmhlri n nnr cxiw april brlndle cow duo january 30 youno cattle steers short keepers 3 heifers two yearn 4 heifers ono year 4 nteerg one year 3 ilolsteln ilclfer calves 3 durham calves pias young sow duo pibniary u ypung sow duo february 8 young cow duo pcbruary 34 young sow duo febru ary 34 young sow duo pcbruary 38 young sow due march 1 young sow due march 3 young sow due march 13 bow second litter due march 10 sow second litter duo march 10 sow aged due march 31 young bow duo morch 31 young sow duo april 13 younb sow due april 13 young bow duo april 14 young sow duo april 35 young sow duo april 35 young bow due april 37 3 choice boars 8 months old 3 choice bonrn 4 months old 0 s6wa 4 monuw old t tho above sows are ntrcd by a moater- plkco hog tholr dums traii bock to noted blood ouch as orchard orovo pat maple avenue glory boumo bar nona imported sheep pure bred donets 30 one and two oil far rwen some wlui lambs at foot ouiem bred 10 ewe lambs 3 ram lambs 1 shrarllng lamb positive y no reserve every animal guaranteed as represented at bale dan t pall to attend this bale ef hoj if you want u procure the breed that ins made canadian lueen tameua and lie in the buuhv at the iseper time the stock u all in the best possible breed lijt condition terms 30 oo and under cash over that amount 10 manuui credit will be given on furnishing approved joint nots 0 off for cash it j kfru auctioneer plione 38 acton c o plank clerk 30 3 mens overcoats regularly sold for 15 00 clearing price men s blue melton and chinchilla overcoats regularly sold for 18 50 to 25 00 1i cii 0 t1 ki kt cleann price 14wu ploou men s strong overalls double stitched 0 pockets with bib colors black nnd blue sizes 34 to 44 good vnlue at dj it 200pnir special for this week pair ijlvj boys tleece lined shirts and drawers sizes 24 to y7 32 clearing price at per garment sit gir3 coats sizes 8 to 14 years regularly sold up to dh at 1000 clearing price dad 4h wcftc flatt rtelerte nrarcal savrnir smmfrytm clearing nrcomts turkey kino ygaus two yeuro after jesjte throasell arrived in british columbia from bedfordslilre kngluncr he was styled uie turkey klnff or uio prater valley a fertile farming country near vancouver in uie spring of 1037 a few months after hu arrival on uie farm he bought in uie proser valley mr throssell sent to ttnglond for tuo i urt bred hen turkeys and one torn turkey and wlui uils nucleus lie raised a llwk of uiventy birds uiat year in tho autumn of 103s lie had between 500 and 600 turkeys rady for uia inalkel exhibited at uie vanoouver winter fair in d3s w inn lng uia principal prlus in all uio classes which lie entered lu eluding gold medal and first prise for the boat turkoy and first prise and apeelal for bft pair he also wan in uio drossed tut key chases si dressed turkeys which weight d a total of 160 pounds wero put up at auction and sold to uiefjeu- tenantaovirtinr or british columbia for 1187 50 par tho bot bird tj uu lot uie llouutnantoovhiliar paid 1q0 it welgl ed twenty seven pounds mr rhrufsoll recoiiuy slilpped a nubiber or turkoya to autxi41a for breeding pur- poi ills birds now command uie hlgtmt prlcj he estimated his 10ju riock will return him about 5 000 mr throubllu suooom lias boon so miour- obii tliut lie lias iudutjod his broumr to 01 itie out frun kiiguuuf and fcttj on aii adjuluuitf roncli and uie two will work uitfotluir to deveuii and extend uie turluiy raulutf mltarprtm auction sale townqiin op guelph tarm stocks implements etc tho underelgnod has received lnatruc uons from r h dodds to sell by public auction at his farm commonly known as uie sam young farm situated on the toronto sarnla highway 3 muen east of auelph on friday january ss ldzd commencing promptly ot one o clock uil following horses 3 teams of black percheron oeldlngs aged black percheron add ing 13 years old these horses are lu good condition and aro good workers cattle orado durham cow freth about 3 months 1 pair or grade dur ham rising 3 ycam 1 pair grade dur- hams rising i year 1 pair or grade durham summer calves sheep 27 grade oxford ewes aup posed to be in lamb to an oxtord ram 5 ewo lambs poultry 70 barred rock puileu 40 barrel rock hens implements prost it wood blndr 7 foot cut dec ring mower a foot cut prost wood 13 foot rake prost a wood bldo dcllvrry rake and hay ltd der cojiijijncd john deero rake bar hay loader prost si wood corn bnid or- coclahutt corn cultivator cock chutt 13 disc pertlllmr drill climax 4 hoi so sub tooth cultivator front a wood 3 horse spring tooui cultivator profit xl wood 4 iion0 out throw dice prost si wood 10 foot harrow and ilai row cart blucll stool roller prost it wood 3 furrow riding plow with 4 horse evciur i rtut a wood slnglo puc- ruw riding plow pleury walking plow bnow drag vtrlty walking plow polatn ding r double mouldboard drill plow mo digger point for plow scufflor j cockshult manure spreaders i nlpcr kiort si wood rurnlp bower 3 corn planters potato 0 ittcr lumber wagon bos an 1 spring scat lumber wagon wltli box and high and low wheels wagon box stock und qraln rack com blnod o rove i box plat hoy rack com racks louden peed trurk 3 uets uoluil ight aumoboat 3 plat racks for uk iulis tihlngllu rubber llrtd top buggy 3 oil drums steel tired open buggy feed boxes democrat wagon portland cutter sheep dipping tank bone crusher roll of ptncing roll of barbed wire hand cutting box crass- out uawn chatham fanning mill viui bagger 3h0 f mr inch tiles 3 sets of slings porks horn shovels etc powfr machinery oiluon 0 horse power luigtne olluin blowing cutter box ail on ch i per with bagger cir cular saw distributor i ipes harnois 3 bets breaching harness blankets 1 hot plow harness odd colluro 1 uul slnglo harness dairy u1fn0ilb primrose cream separau r 600 lbs capacity wlui power attachment national cream separator milk i alls alreul milk coaler 4 milk cans 3 small milk cans 3 can jackets butter worker uarrtl churn i hay orain ioddkr fuel 6 toils rim thy and alfalfa mixed 100 bushcu banner oats lb poet corn en mlaue 3j cords fllovd wood soft wood 10 corus stove wood hard wood no reserve us the prourutar is glvhif up farming if you ntl goad imj lenwnts you ii i- bid tueui ur tlrms 115 00 an 1 imdar cash ovr that am uut 13 mtmuis credit will be ctwn til iiirnuihlng ui prove 1 jt lnt uous b olf for cuuh grain piml iuhler and fowl cosh roy 1hndl1y aucllaneer it n hi j acton i bono 160 kiln d olahk clerk weekend specials crubhcd pincnpple r nh i i nrpi tin fof 6jc pota rocs 1 peck for block tm rcpulnr ooo rt 1 ih for djc grnnulnlud sujnr 10 lbs for 15c 55 57c 7 pearl white soap otl bar- for cjoc 4 washing sodn pncklt tor cooking appk 1 ivck fur vanilla 1 i uri c bottk for cakts 1 lb for quaker corn flukes 1 pnckcis for 25c 50c 20c 19c 25c nelson co mill srkckt acton phonc 17 january clearing -specials- 975 maple leaf economy store wc sell for lcaa mill street m pallant proprietor acton ont january specials for this week 60c hoi i ijtool 11041 at itl ihjlli pkicls 00 pmr silk uml w h ii i iir ii l c ilor gun mclul mil sliiul i it l 1111 lllltll n tllkini i occi yft mine al jl 01 spctml prilt ih week luc t iindi it iiosi in 1ih llj o 014 nnd h i i li c i r l uli lor per puir chintz mil i i is 10 to 20 ynrdl will lit old in liny len tt on y ird ft wide a ood rnnic or pnllcrn spnnl ptryird zijc mlns swkank oats a jood tronr com with collnr will stand any jl jp ninnuni of hard wear special at blf j mlns i inl swlatlr coafs ithout cqllar all pure wool oxford i ouct sand fft good value nt 5 00 special nt pztu mfcns work socks men i work socki henvy all wool ucfular soc spec lal 40c per pair 2 pair- for 75c specials in grocery depl 2 puffed raisins h ibb for zjc 2 campbell s soups j cans for ltoc 1 clark s vefctabk soup for 10c 2u nshinc soda packet for 5comfoft soap rnri for y mnll chipso i bag salt 2 boxes salt for i ackcts for 25c 15c 25c 15c mclean co mill street vcton ont to get value for your money the thrifty buyer coefl whero overhend cxpcnrt nre lowest nnd uiat is orne lambti butcher shop just compare our pncea savings on iiousriold supplies classic clcanser per tin 5c handy ammonia i tor 25c dome stove blackening 2 cakes for 5c old dutch cleanser 3 for 25c corn starch per package 8c club blend cofree 2 ons for 30c meat prices tor this week round steak per lb 25c sirloin steak per th 28c rib roast of beef per lb 20c blade roast of beer per lb 20c choice meaty roasts or beef per lb 18c rib boil per lb l homemade sausage per lb 2jc lorne sausage pqr lb 2 shoulder of pork per tb 20 sliced bacon in packages per lb 30c choice milk ted chickena oysters and i illets or haddie in stock orrie lamb i hone 145 mill and main strlets 1 j marked down prices this week grnnulntcd sugar c7 i g laundry oq 10 lbs for 9fc soap 10 rare for ooc 3icinjj sugar lbs for 25c j oranges j q itdozen for llfc n peas l tins for cioz llbbys pork and 0 itcnnu 2 tins for zuc pccrlcsfl catsup jo 1 ltottll for llc moiaksea klsrs 1 lb for 19c 2seedlcas ratsins a lbs for uc sodas 1 lb for 15c acton cooperative store mill street acton pnone 40 20 reduction on fashion craft clothesmade to measure tirall oulcib plated during the montli of january suits and overcoats on ai0w suit this means a saving ok s00 full line of sampler and styles to select from w m cooper mill and ntain streets gents r jiujishings specials -for- friday saturday iwmitic shortening i pail fur 50c 5 lb i ml foi 8 i ok smjrday only 1 hi brick shortening for ue wllll every 1 50 ordei of meat hok l rib hoas1 per lb 21c nnd lie i hit k kill hoas1 per lb 20c i hick should r koafar per lb 20c ku1ind should1r koas1 pel lb u 20c una 21c rib boii pel lb lgc saturday delivery on all onlem given for saturday ue will make delivery pattersons cash and carry meat shop mill street acton in le1siiman block it l