Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1929, p. 2

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bhjrjutmi jfrrifo ililjimdat january 24 103d i wo hoaiw lit wlnhr mint its slnijght und hard i in r uul to ipiowli due uind lly fcitiuly i uni and ijclioolbook plactf willi puirll in your ham i vour i yi n niuil ic your rum nun i li 1 jir things tlirrr nrn to irani am iifvrr in tin right or h r vmir llltli ft rt limit turn whin th mitmm r llmi in lirrn 111 tlici you ii find hi on infield way and woodiy path and oimwt illll will itud ynn day by day if yon will look nnil on ten well and rrnd on ivery hand hi- oprn biiokii dnma nature leave i io that rnnic knowledge land neighborhood news 1i 01101 town mr ami mrn ii p moore tif acton vlsittd in itiwn hut week mr c li ooodwln dominion aplar- int ottawa unn the guest of mr pettlt inst wrrk j mm ii c uchrelter of ittlctfener rpent onturdny at the home of tjfr and mrn j m moore mr arnrgo t fc mind era of edmonton in spending n few weeks with friends in georgetown and vicinity mm u m wilson of calgary uan called home lant week owing to death of her mother the late mrs mary clnrldgc amontt thore from out of town who attended tlio funeral of the late mr mary clarldac on uunday were mn harry elliot mr hugh graham mm a bunker mr and mr ii v mclccr rlhen toronto misses pickering csuelph mr and mm duncan campbell moffat mr a o clarldac acton herald burlington lib honor judge elliot held division court in the town hall hero on monday when a number of cases were beard and dealt with mr and mm a b cofeman and daughter scmlna and mrn 111 c lies left on saturday by motor for florida where hey will upend the winter mr louis jeffries has received from his home in england telling- him of the death of hlo brother charlie who was accident ly killed while out shooting mr stanley coo ten of orlllla wm in town last wednesday to attend the plrc mens annual meeting and renew old acquaintance the young people s society numbering over one hundred enjoyed a slutting party at the rink on monday evening folic lng whlch thry met i ihff n 3 on prlday evening n pure milk dollv- rry truck overturned on the vljppery road at the corner of tha ouelph line and water street and it required service truck to get the milkman out of the ditch tlie truck was only slightly damaged and the driver escaped with a cut hand qaxette erin mm p grant of toronto ts visiting with her daughter mr and mrs d olaosford mrs h theobald attended tho funeral of the late mrs a w ledger at ingle- wood lost week mm poarcy of tropto in visiting with her brother and ulster mr matthew and mla m overland mr and sirs j ii olieeceman left for toronto on tuesday where mr cheese man has taken a position dr ana mrs hutchinson and little daughter and mr carter of brampton spent wednesday with mr and mm w hull mrs ii prankhom and llttlo daughter of harrlstan ore visiting with her par- cntn mr and mrs w hull miss margaret bingham ha returned to georgetown ajtev spending a month with her parents mr and mr w n bingham mha nellie miller ii n ha return cd to wollaeeburg after spending two weeks holidayn with her brother and father mr john miller prom funds raised at varioua enter tainments tho teachers and pupils of erin school recently purchased o piano which is now in the school advocate mc 3free jlrrhtf iifurt gturjj a doubtful rescuer by hop i iikndricic m m it wadi wni neiit mid inrthodl- ihr rlo el from nlmvc the door frame ril almnnt to thn point of whim- i inn lie trmcmbcred that olmve ideality an hi mood in the door wan a narrow transom placed thrr doorway of the store with his more for an ornamrnt than for un overcoat half x n in pained even in nppnn ully for he had never known it hla hurried departure for a final injunc- i to be opened i tlon hurriedly throwing several bundle of don l forget to nwtrp the last thing palter and gopds on the floor he stepped to night hen he called and nee upon the pile and fumbled for the catch that dickie han plenty of seed and water of the tranrain the iran wo so rust- before you leave my goodncnsl i ve cd that hr could not move it wlpi his got just seven minutes tn which to catch hint train i good by ill be back on the 3 14 monday sure oood bye ben gaodby nrn orlswold shouted from behind the grocery counter wherr he uas weighing half a pound of tea for a farmer b wife it crcmod to ben that trade never had ben so brisk as it was tie t ween half past eight and eleven o clock that night with only one pair of hands to wait on both villager and country people but finally the last customer departed and ben switching off the light from the front windows prepared to elate the store always sweep the last thing at night was mr wades ntandlng order and one that a clerk in hi omploy was not likely to forget for ho repeated it a mont dally when you do that mr wade would explain the dust settle during tlie night and the next morning you can take a cloth and have every thing clean and bright as a now pin in fifteen minute nothing dlrgusts me more than to go into a chop in the morning and see a broom stirring dust that settles over everything in tlie place i don t care haw much of slovenly proprietor sweep atnlght and dust in the morning is the ruurof clean 1 in ecu ben sighed for he was very tired and still had a four mile walk before him for he was going home to remain until sun day night he had told mrs wade hi boarded at hi employers house tn uia village not to expect him and had plan ncd to surprise hi parents i can get steve up to let me in by rattling his bedroom window he aald to himself if we re quiet father and mother wont know im there till i come oakviixe mis mau do la roclie wellknown authoress in till locality sailed from new york last thursday and will spend the next three month in olclly and italy mr and urn a melvlllo munro will occupy the splendid ham of ifrs c p chlsholm in oakvllle during tlie lat ter absence for several months in cali fornia dr w e gallic wellknown io many oakvllloltcn ha been appointed consult ing surgeon to the department of tens ion and national health in toronto district to succeed the late dr c l starr tile heavy iron ham w lengthen the torontohamilton highway bridge at oakvllle have all been placed in position and the big crane wai placed on a low specially constructed truck on tue day moming and removed there ho been a big force of men at work all winter and quite employed record putting away tlie money and locking the safe busied htmceir in caring for the canary then he hurried to the cellar chock down tlie furnace threw on more coal and leaving the draft temporarily wide open in order to clear oft the gas ran up the otalro and seized the broom in spite of hut weariness he swept vig orously and in half an hour had finish cd hi work almost midnight he muttered but i m through drawing on hi overcoat and cap he turned off the rent of the lights and started for the door then he stopped ibruptly that furnace he exclaimed i ve forgotten to close the drafts its lucky remembered or there wouldn t have baen any fire by to morrow night or parhapa the building would have burned down in the meantime the chain that operated the front damper of the furnace and the check draft camo up through the floor at the rear or the drygoods counter a he hurried toward thorn ben tripped over something that leaned against tho count er and nearly fell headlong recover ing himself he reached down and grasp ed the broom that hl had placed there a minute or two before 111 forget my head next he cried in vexation if mr wade knew i d left that broom outsldi hi d give me a lecture 4 chuckling at the thought he forgot hands but a few blown with the tack hammer loosened it then ben turned the little rash at right angle in tlie frame now he no longer felt hi danger of suffocating but he wan no nearer get ting out of hid prison jian before tlie opening of the transom was to narrow that even if he could get the sash out uhlch wan doubtful he could not force his body through it thrusting his face against the silt he filled his lung with tlie outside air pof some reason it seemed singularly un- re fresh lng again he drew in hi breath and then raising his hand held it be fore the opening the air wan almost r warm as if it were coming through n register he reflected that at the height only two feet below the celling the air would be much wanner than the floor and then another reason for tlie unnatural warmth flashed into hla mind tlie fur nace plied with coal wan drawing a full head and must already be getting red inside tlie asbestos ailing what if it set fire to the building while he was a helpless prisoner and when probably every member of the volunteer fire pany was in bed and asleep ben felt hln scalp prickle he was sure that hi hair una beginning to stand on end at that moment the single atreet lamp within hi range of vision through tile store windows showed a hurrying figure probably that of some belated vfllagi on his way home ben shouted wildly and uic walls of the l to re room reverberated but evidently the passer by did not hear him he disappeared without eevn turning hi liead the store was so long and thlckl have been heard in the stroet there wa no longer a night watch man in uie village for ttia trustee liad abandoned that means of protection as too expensive a luxury ben could only depend on clioncc way farers bringing him relief and he doubted that another person would pas tlie store before morn ing for ft must be after one o clock now however he determined to watch and to do ills best to give on alarm if anyone should cqme near he had the tack hammer and he decided that if anyone passed he would hurl it at the front window if he succeeded in throwing it that far even it it did not break the glass a per son outside could hardly fall to hear it strike suddenly dickie began to twitter plaintively and to flutter about in his cage he was evidently getting restless in the heat ben thought the tempera ture would raise for an hour or two long er then if the old furnace held out the store would slowly cool off poor dickie ben said to himself it s smother or frecio for you rm afraid and i guess im not much better alt what was that far a second ben thought he heard the crackling of name in the cellar and he hold hla reath to listen no uie sound came from outalde and probably it was only the wind or the footsteps of a stray dog or cat prowl- storeroom in about the building then tho boy saw some one standing the corner of tho front steps how he the delight of our childhood is soon passed away and our glorious youth it departs and ylt dead and burrlcd they blos soms of may ore theyr medderland graven in our harts so friends of my barefooted days on the farm whether truant in city or not god prorpcr you same as hon prosper- in me whllcc your past haln t despised or forgot i oh i they a nothln at mam that a as srand unto me e glory n of nachurc no fare with the spring in the breeze and tlie bloom in the trees and the hum of the been evrywhcrel the green in the woods and tho bird in tho bouglis and the dew spangled over the field and tlie bah of tlie sheep and the bawl of the caws and the coll from the house to your meals thun ho for your brckfast and hoi for the toll that waltcth alike man and beast oh its noon with my tram iii be turn in up soil whilc uie east ore the tops ol and oakn to smile his godspeed n shoulders up in uifr the cllumn and beech en 7mnrcrie jlofly hla momentary irritation tlie store- had got there ben did not know foi room was in the comer towvrd which i uie second before the sidewalk had seem- he had headed and he quickly made cd utterly empty his way to 1l reaching inside he toss- lhi b aliouted hit cd the broom behind the door and heard tllc futurc disappeared and ben in it topple over and fall desperation hurled the hammer toward again he chuckled thato not up the window but the light missile travel to hie wado level of orderliness ho said l cd scarcely half tho distance atriking to himself and he stepped inside to a plc of drosn good it dropped almost pick up uie broom he had just touch- nolsleesly on the counter ed the handle with hi extended angers although he felt almost sick with dl- tthen his foot struck the brush end appointment ben continued to stare and he stumbled forward and bumped i intently at the window five minutes hln head against a aholl tlie blow hurt j passad and then he suddenly saw a face- and as he straightened up dosed for j necring in of- uie lower comer of uie the second his arm came in contact p in tho front doc- how long the earlc and misses earle left hurt week for florida where they will spend uie winter councillor and mrs jarvls have token an apartment in toronto or uic bal ancc of the winter alex mcdonald a boy of nine years slipped on the ice at uie brantood school on wednesday afternoon and fall ing on hi face two upper teeth were knocked out peter thompson hurt his knee whilo tobogganing at uie central school and mu hilda bmlth foil while returning home from uie high school star milton miss gcmmell of the public school teaching staff u down wiui an attack of the prevailing epidemic cf colds and tlie flu mr john henderson of winnipeg an old milton boy son of the late mr and mrs tho henderson has boon spend ing a fow days looking up old friends in town the old town is always glad to welcome back her son who luwc gout out and made good in ouicr fields pirn distroyed a large bam tho year crop of grain and oo tons of hay on the furm of joseph p brocche milton on thursday night saved with uic back of the door and uie impact slammed it shut still nibbing hi head ben set up the broom properly brushed tho knees of his trousers aridv then reached for uie door to open it ib hand owept nothing except tlie bare wood and then ho remembered that uicrc was ncluicr knob nor latch on uus door it fasten cd from uic outside with a snap lock he wan a prisoner by hi own careless action and moreover he did not at the present moment dec how the prison er was going to get out the store room wa a mere closet not number ore cuil mare than seven feet square and shelves along two sides sull further reduced uie face had been there bfore ha saw it ho could not tell but he recognized uie feature ins tan uy tlie ray from uie street lamp streaming acrou them allow ed uic broken nose uie low forehead and uie thick up of jim bum jim was the local bad man and had been released- from jail lass ulan s fortnight before indeed bums had passed much of his time in jail for various offense uveryonc in the village uiought him ut terly abandoned and worthies ben waa rtmembers that he wo elected assistant uncertain how to regard uie appearance i recording scribe in september 1d10 of thla rescuer he almost preferred to i v nln oia ofricer uc alex h brown toy in hi prison and to take o chance ns recording bcrlbc and hij brother flycirdie iwet of tiln brow james whltcambo jfliley major laciilan orant appreci ates the old man tnr pncc press editor handed me uic following note the ouicr day from my esteemed friend of uic early days lachle grant now of georgetown lachlo spent some of his very happiest days in acton tell the old man of the big clock tower that i very much appreciate hi resume or the life of my old and very dear friend the late alexander waldfe i wo- well acquainted with him since 1bu4 the biography calls to mind many old friends of over sixty years ago nearly all or them are gone but there still linger fopd memories of uie evening after a bam raising or a logging bee oi the quilting and paring bees or uic old fashioned raffle for turkey geese duck and chickens it was quite evident in those day uiat the irish liked the scotch and the scotch liked themselves at least to far an liquid refreshments represented them was quite interested also in tlie old man a notes respecting uic old sons of temperance and their activities wender if you know uiat those old stal warljohn speight john warren and ethers advocated hist about what we have now in the liquor control act so far a personal privileges are concerned then proposal to be exact that uiat every man who u on ted a drink should have license and wear a button to shew where thry stood in uie matter of liquor for a beverage those opposed to them said this would never do for all who wanted drinks under these condi tions would cither go to dune stewarts bar at qpeysldc or to uic teapot inn at uic corner of uie second and check lines but i must bring this rambling note to a close when i begin to uilnk about old umcn and tell what i know about uiem youll be calling mc an old fellow but i am only s3 look at some of uie ouier really old fellows alex waldle blllle edge john walters and others john walters still goes about slowly it is true but sure i waa talking to my camp cook blllle edge the ouier day i said how old are you blljic ninety- four i think he said how do you ac count for thl great tgc i asked him well he said i ham an hlngllshman a ha ran ho man hand a torrid why should not live a long time speaking about uic old acton sons of temperance i wonder if major form in front lunhlun promptly tut to work and roiupli ti d tin job oiudgnori him mid at tint im mt nit ting on tin jjtiil luut it wlni iiiovmi mid unmdiil unit urn i grunt iu lv from tin fundi thn mini of 14 jo for bunking tlu hull uid fixing flu platform and i ur hi ii ii wmi io paid i ho mnj ir wim ivltluilly intrrnj led in thr youiju folkn nwuy iturk them in 11170 an lift h nyw at lint innli mn ling it was moved by i aehlnii grunt uicomlid by john up ight that a publh tn llnu under the fiuflplrrn of thin dlvlnlon held nrxt monday i voting for tin purpono of organising n sicttoti of in cadet of li mpcrnnci ixiyn of fourum jcnrn nnd over thl junior order was instlluu d and numbers of present day nuilwarlx nniouu the i anks of prohlbltlonlht ofthln com niunlty became member of tie oadnfi which wprit under thr supervision of tin eld division of the linns of t inprrunrn rf acton in those narly days tho bonn of tern pnrancc list two annual public functions v hlcli npprnllrd to the countryside one was thn strawberry jvtstlva held an dominion day july i and the other a flottvo 1iaul some time during christina week on december fl 1070 the follow ing rctnlutlon was carried moved by bro l grant seconded by bro b w nloklln nnd resolved that this division hold a arand odlree on the evening of monday deceijibcr 30 11170 and that speeches singing and such other entertainment as will bo profitable to the ihtcrmu of temperance bo secur ed for the occnalan onu that committees bo appointed forthwith to carry on the same the bolree wa held on the date fixed the admission fee wa 35c for the supper tho speeches the singing and all uic other entertainment and tlie total re cclpui of tho evening were 91 d3i the cost of tha- provlnlonn the literary und musical entertainment and s3 03 paid to jamea innlfl of tile ouolph mcrcyry for bill totalled 130 09 leaving a not financial gain of 22 34j but there wero other entertainments in addition to the two fixed event referred to and dro lachlan orant necmn have had his anger in these as well the others on january 17 1071 it wa moved by bro l orant seconded by bro edward nlcklln that we hold an anniversary gauierlng on february commemorate the organisation of the sons of temperance and that tho di1 alon supply- the provisions the motion wa carried but n rider stipulated that the provisions for function consist of sandwiches bread and butter one kind of cake nnd tea wa also provided that the members of uic ne wly organ izcfl gadeui of temper ancc be admitted for ten cent and that children not cadets be admitted foi 15c the anniversary gathering was held rj w muccmflfhli uu tuncuoii and the christmas soiree au revolr for anouier week zi rlrikt praises this asthma remedy a grate ful user of dr j d kellogg asthma remedy finds it tho only remedy that will give relief though for thirteen years he had sought other help years of endless suffering may be prevented by using this wonderful remedy at the antt warning of trouble its use is simple it cost li slight and it can be purchu cd almost anywhere no doubt aooul tflifc idnous cereal shredded eat business directory mi w k j a mcnivrn i hyi irian ami f urj rm offln nnd henldcnce corner jlowl uuim unil lain ulrctt 1 1 ml i i ho high value ni low cost ideal lor whiter with hot milk proved by34yeirsofgrowhn popularity made iw the cunkllon shredded wlwrut company ud conhtant daily tenting and blending of the worlds choicest teait give jred rooo tea its inimitable flavor and nevervarying goodness every packagoguaranteed 44 redr0se tstejsl gd tea red rose orange pekoe i extra good 1 o iioh 333 hmi i nash i ahyltu m a harrier xlltor notary iumic cmwyancrr i lc i i lutymav hijck acton oni moni y i 1 n i on montoaoefl ll lin j 30 a in u 5 00 p m uaturdaya 12 00 clock t j siarham iltrrlfiur hollfltor notary lullle offitivmhl nrmvr acton next in ilaptlrt church ifourifd 00 a m to g 00 p m dental dr j m bull d d s l d s i flrnlaj surgtvin otlicelmltl and frederick otrcets 1 l 9 np j h johnson dos lds denial 8urga office mi z rcct in uie coopr iilock telkiniome 45 m ikcf lia veou9 j cadesky of toronto lyefgght specialist w u i ii at a t imowva dkiig 4toiiu aotoj monday febuary 4 n ix huftcrlnit from i ye nlr in i r rtlve vlalon or li lc iihoukl not nilnn tho mi nli iitry br mudtj wtot mr v 1 ilruwn drum lt oonsultatiov pree office hour dam till 4 p m francis nunan account books of all kind made to ordr periodicals or every cutcerlptlao carefully bound rutins neatly and promptly done wyndham street ouelph oct over william qtore bladder weakness getting- up- nights quickly relieved pleaunt home treatment worlca fine lined by dm lor for many years what a wonderful comfort it la to nlccp all nlaht and rmfet up once from blad dor weakncan and irritation the daily annoyance rcatlcaa nlflhta of misery backaches and nervous lrrltabll ity uiat result from bladder trouble arc wrccklnfl tho uvea of thousands who mlcht otherwlce be in the best of health to be at your best you must have peaceful health giving aloep and free dom from dally irritation that a why dr southworthn uratabs plvo such won d e r f ul sa till ac tlon made from a special formula and used in tlie doctor cucccufui private prac tlcc far nearly 50 ycani uratabs now obtainable from your druaalit for inex pensive homo use have brought quick help and comfort to many thousands no matter what your age may be or how many medicines you have used without tucccs if you want to forget you have a bladder and enjoy the rest of peaceful unbroken sleep try uratabs today vour druatflst will refund uie cost of very first box if you arc not well pleased w b browne co miller and firain merchants norval ontario national nokval tor pastry kings choicl canadian wonder tor bread bran shorts middlings chopped wheat ttarlcy and chicken tccd at the mill apentji for wheat pool rrinjr your wheat oats barley here take feed back we will truck ir preferred consiii t our nearest dlalek r j kerr auctioneer and real estate r improeerzty with he actov ovy npacc in it on thaie shelves were rnnctd rolla of wrapping paper plica or piper aclui a box of toou and a quan tity of unmarked cooda very ualdom was the door closed during the day but upon leaving the stare mr wade ir he inri u last to go invariably pulled it shut ben was not so particular hl could not remember ever having clo cd it before and certainly no one hod ever chut it from the inside the young clerk paused and tried to think out the situation clearly mrs wadi certainly would not expect him before sunday night and would not begin clrlously to wonder at hln absence before breakfast time on monday even then unksa some one- happened to noti fy her that the store was not open sho might not become sufficiently alarm lth the nrc lie watched the man in hence for several minutes burns had evidently heard something nnd wai suspicious but he had not iden tified the source or nature or the sound at last he produced a chisel or come klmllnr tool and began to work at thi uood about the pane of glass to steady the door the man presently clutched uie handle with his other hand ills grasp released the latch and the door swung in ben had decided what course of action he should adopt and as uie man stale into the roam he ahnutcd o jim i m so glad you heard me i i dldn t think anyone ever would heart sot down the cage first please the can nrys smothering whnlu the matter you afire in i here the man tuiked but ho quickly unhooked tho bird cage and placed it on the floor where the cool air was rush but and near neighbors ntock and farm implements but tho loss occasioned by tho destrur tlon is estimated at f 5 000 tie former miss lillian white visited friends in toronto and acton this week miss margaret tllson of toronto spent the week end with her friend miss alii llckner mrs j illnu has returned to her homo at wiatovur after spending a few days with htr daughter mro fred uarklu robert strut hero a gray coach or the toronto traru portatlon co brought an orchestra and thirty people hero on monday evening when tlw to ronton ions surprised mr and mrs qih ejhtcr ut whose home they held an enjoyable party on account or the snow drifts the merry makers did not return home until early tuesday morn ing dr it ic anderson m p lejt thli morning for baltic creek mich when he will take a rest and undergo special truatmenu at the sanitarium to raln his hialth which has bwn very poor sinew the time lit ouffirod from the flu about two montlia ugo uia numcroiui frtindii will hope fur a speedy and com pit tn rimovery ho oxjkcis to be away diupuli for two or tjin0 wuju cluuilplwi bir il john orant us financial scribe at uic tame meeting does he remember uiat nt the iilxi mccung he preferred a charge dbaln juntos wordn h or violating article 2 of the constitution or in other wordi with gctupg light while he wo3 a son of timperancc ell snyder ldwurd moore charles ix an benjamin nlcklln and alex brown were appointed an investigating cum mlttic and at the next meeting brought in n report to the effect that uie charge was sustained and ths delinquent brother was ejipcllld in october of the some year this rcoo lutlon uas moved and carried moved by charles simon seconded by lachlan grunt thai vl purchase the lot next to wuilcyan methodist church on church strci t us u site to which to mov ll temperance hall for 35 00 and l hat uil3 division pny lor the con i yuuclng our friend the mujnr wiu evidently a young ntun ready tu work when work vw needed to oc done on november 15 the cold weuthcr huvlng set in and the tin 11 not yrt having b en moved to hi new 1 cutlun it wus moved by john warn ii seconded by charles dean that uro l q runt bl u committee to bank up the hall nun dull in und fix uil plat free press ads will sell your goods let us convince you ed to start an invrsugaunn before noon his parents know nothing of the visit lng in that he had planned very likely when 1 tiotf for sure they wait to church uie next day they i afraid to come would drive directly past the place where pmli back this catch h was imprisoned ho had nameumri you lucked in pnsscd sundays at the liomc of one of here tn uic slorrroom hurry his irkiids who lived u row miles out jlr eo tllol wc ct see to uiat fire i from the village and so his family would i thought i heard it crackling once i not b surprted if they did not nro him burns run to uio storeroom felt for ut church therefore unless same one tlc catch and quickly nhoved it bock rtcd tho unlocked door and walked in i b drat act when ho got out was j very unlikely proceeding on sunday to lur l lights as he did so tut saw no chance of his gctung out 1 t- minis slip comcuilng hastily into kfore monday t pocket but he pretended to notice of course u person could survive with- nothing mt food or water for much more than c o down cellar the boy said that lcnijui of lime but would the air when hi- hud ngutatcd uic draft by i did out fresh in such confined quarters mt nnlt of the chains as the thoughts flashed into bens mtnd with all the siemlng unconcern that it soaniod u him that olniudy he waa llr rnuld master lu led the way dowii- ikglniilng to breathe wlui difficulty a lulra he curried himself bravely enough niinnnta reflection convinced him that but as a matter or fact ho lialf ex- that was merely a trick of lla imaglna p ctcd uny moment to receive blow hon but he roallted uiat in several from behind i he bad man ho ever hours he should be facing real peril wus so surprised by the situation in was uui lock of uic door as strong which he unexpectedly found himself hi it setnird lien clutched at the d d i ply interested hi the possible 1i or with his finger nails but ho could nr tliat i lmtl ni ltlra f injuring r nd nothing to grasp then lie hurled anyone 1 meir against it two or three times i hey found uio dnor of thr fun race i ut the stout door which opened in rt i lie first leiigui of the smoke pipe turd scarcely quivered under his attacks cherry rid but when iten had given turning to the box of tools he grop- fire another shaking and luul bonk i it hoping to nnd a hatchet but l h with fine coal all danger was in only too he found uiat could be lnt j f li sllghtist ilex to him was a light una mi rcy that you heard me jim i ck h immi r thr hnavler tools ben hii rejwated i now r uium be red wire in uie back room i guisa ymrvould mhrn he hud opemd u box uiat even if i hadn t the man diclarcd i of him than i i vrrdld b fore that tug thought i heard somebody a yelling and golur 1 1 putty up that front tush and aj the boy swung about almost in yelling but i rouldn t tell where for slain ii in fuw mr wadi who was in trouble i expected to have to break in the dour nut knowing it wus unlocked in fact i guciis i did start to well yuu got uie out 1 ii never for get that jim when all wus in urd r bin put up n banket of groecrhu laid u ham on top charged uie goods ui lib own ac- cuiint und thin prriwed tin in upon his uscucr who accipud the 1ft wlui slngu- i ir irluituuce although with many uinuks when they parted it was at u ihihit more than halfway to the oris wold plac wherr llurtu turned off to go to his own shanty among the hills llr was walking with unwonted enctness when ui n lust miw him and with a lprluhtly step quite in w to lilm ilrti told tin story to hli parr n la the next mornlii what jim burns hln molhur erled oh i in su glud i dldn t know auuut it ut he time i i should huvu expected him to murder yuu i jim has hla mwl polnta luu re been burned up pile 1 smiling i tldhk u much b lt urj fw li rendered 3 hi cruto 1 ll t n carroll a wrapped bread card co cleanen and dyera guelph ontario t remember a debtor is a knacker kelly aiken collectoub persistent successful ornnetviiie owen sound gushjoi established 1100 if you have money to invest standard royalties offers one of uic safest and best dividend paying iiwratmenu dividends arc paid regularly every month if you want to know about ll enquire of h w dawson p o box is dilaufton district representauve of mid conunent bond corparauan underwriters i have oiienlngs for few local agents life insurance exclusively member life undcrwntcra akhocmtion rcpkuslntativl implkiai ui c or anada frederick l wright residence main street iliunc 10zj cbrjf lmttucm 3 for 25c spamah oiiohi j tin 3jc msbei uutlrti nd i utter 1 nj y tl better hslrd u 24 oi loaf 9c freih millet s tba gmto uul tiesn whrl s lb com mul yell w l 1u pol usruy ben iu- 5 iu 21 schgppu fancy medium shrtd cocoanutz9 sisduf grcfp fruit 4 for 25c navil orang doxmn 27c zsc glunci fell upon a feeble lie 1 ngust time i was jiut going home to look it llkht unit tvemod to penutrato but i hung round to try and hud out cluluiis und druw hti nance sprlnjibank club dry ginger ale special ay t mar catsup sbattlmat j x9 mi uttu free ijoio tetr chlllren snil k a rnc ur jc durham corn starch package oc skmuta fig altmx tin 17c lubhub jmthi 3 packages 22c stewing ftgt fancy 2 lb jsc 25c cora syrup llcelnvc 2 lb in gouta syrup i k 1 mrtc i 2 ii tin i urc mejil syrup uiltle paacak flwir au u jcmimi j u spct al choice valencia raisins zz3 loganbtrriif no 3 tin 25c grapefruit no t tin tsc ir your pujjinm sunmaid nectars tic del com k e like icrltei raum 2 pkga27c special comfort somme or n p soap io- 44 cqdflzlt 17 grapes honey iv 5 r f acijut linuu i to ruikj twtoii to c i oic 1 1 id idertisc tile il j e iniiice ol our jabf uilvei iibcnicn t i mihulciabto bumiit s li is heon placed with ui i hunk ypu very much t g ramshaw nllllon and acton jas ramshaw abafctanc oitometky hh alut in the public n a d savag1 durltih ontario iiou t ommon is i i stklin it 1 it tnui i i i hi tin iblle 1- uliulnr luiigliie u lit in iinuiy cair3 where u i imi lul no mria n ii nittl in uiullrgolng llllliltlm f the eyis thiy nm tu nnd 11 and if un uhiu luctid irnr of vlltn in riviakd its m i linn uiuld b ur ureal ihintlt t th i kt nt our wr- we might hilp uu unuuy to tlo continued ne wek

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