Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 24, 1929, p. 3

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till homp ol hr art mt 3ff ro flrtfjafl wreldx nrw bi i jfi i r till alton i hi i i hi ss tl i rilay cvr u al tl r i rc mill str rice ti c roc i tslti irtalcv tt advfutjsinf all ut i ii tr nil i s mlrm ti li ihoni s i in lal on j ii hw 1uii itleulione company itklainin in n crici i of udvciti tincnt iippuirnif in i in imi pin tini the pit throuihoiit tin country thi hell icllphotil 0 1 1 lxplmttin nuicli ot it a udirrtnn with thu northern i tctri co the a minimi compnny and jlvinf ixpliinntion trom hi i nk of it hill ihnt willfic njifin prt cntiil to i iirhamint hum iidvirtitmmit i will nnikc for n tcttir iinttlr tandmi by tin puhlic at the position ot ihi iiliphnni company when the bill is presented and the i m will he followed with n better under nndinj of both side of the que when it mnkei hi appeiiranee before parliament npnin tile public r f cour e i mo t mtintid in the rates for tele phone ervice to be charged and how the bill will effect the e nitij for iu public presentation of iti side of the que the company n to be commended and the public has the opportunity now to udnc on the matter thursday afternoon january 24 1929 tiik sunday school lesson ou hinav jawiiauv 27 ml haiulhiifr grain in western canada accommodations for handling western grain arc rapidly multiplying there arc now approximately 700 country gram elevators in western canada il of nrnromntclv isnnnnhoq fjrxbu h bushels- the- storage capacity of the terminal elevators- at port arthur and fort william at the head of the great lakes waincreased during 1p28 from 73 000 000 bushels to 86 000 000 bushels vey what are you sivmg time i or the inventions of our ac arc tnkinp the direction of tune savers how many hours n week doc- the telephone snve you when an wiirplanc recently travelled from lon angeles to new york in nineteen hours the feat at onci sugpeted an important aving n time for business men this sovmg of time means cutting down the hour of work a hundred year apo people expected to work fourteen or hours do not receive it in because n day cvcn ut the beginning of thir century the twelve hour day was regarded as necessary in some occupations we arc cutting down the length of the working day however in connection with nil tint talk of saving time an important question arises what are we saving it for probably we have all seen people who on a rainy holiday seemed unutter ably bored after they had blcpt all tliey could and enten all they could there still remained considerable mc for which tliey had no use whatever unless vc learn to obtain more real value out ot our leisure than we get out of our work what arc we sitving t me for the benefits of the workmens compensation act the summary of figures for the workmen s com pcnsation board ot ontario for the year 1928 shows that there has been awarded in benefits during the ear 7 0b7 91193 as compared with 0 084 054 87 paying for what they want township town county provincial and federal governments are blamed in turn for the increased taxation but i say it is the people who arc dictating the situation and have the remedy in their own hands if they want to use it but 1 do not think they do if we must ride in autos we must have roads and gasoline the situation i repeat is out of the control of innisfil or the county or the province it the people must have these things i repeat they must expect to pay for them and 1 say right here they will pay more before they pay less so spoke j a jamieson of thornton at innisfil township nominations in answer to critics of high taxes reports the barric examiner and which adds he was not a candidate nor even nominated hie had very little t say but what he did say made n splendid impression en his audience it was sound reasoning was the comment heard most people will be inclined to rigrcc that if people arc going to step on the gas they must buy gas to step on and gas costs money it is the new order of things and as mulli gen said what are you going to do about it driving in the wedce the following editorial comment is from the mail and empire the ontario executive of the trades and labor congress has again asked the government to legalize the sale of beer by the glass the idea is repugnant mainly to those who abhor the thought of beer being sold in any form but if it is to be contended that the bale of beer it altogether wrong the sale of n glass should be slightly less wrong than the sale of a bottle such arc the wiles ond demand of the liquor interests undoubtedly the trades and labor congress executive asked for the beer by the glass but that is a very small group of men and influences may have been brought to liar on them in making their request to the govern ment such things have been known to have been done with other organization and are not beneath the liquor interests but the point is that previous to the securing of the government control measure the return to the old barroqm was shunned with holy terror by the control advocate those days were never to return but now that the bottle trade has been established the cvlf grasping liquor interests arc after the glass business too chicago must stop water diversion a i last chicago hub been branded as a water thief and the supreme court of the united states has decided the chicago diversion against chicago it vas a sweeping victory for wisconsin and the other c miplaiiiiug states and a knock out blow for the windy city a perpetual injunction wtl be granted aaint he diversion of water from lake michigan to the mississippi river via the chicago drainage cpnil although the injunction muy not become effec t vl until chicago has had u reasonable timi to clean i p her muull situation the court in its opinion atcj hut unci o was entitled m less consideration ecause the chicago sanitary district had tor many ears been taking a lrcat volume of water from fake michigan in open defiance- of the 1 ederal gov anient ihelourt found that congress had never iullioii7ed any diversion of water from the great 1 kca t- tin gulf of mexico and that the present d vcrioii unlet the- permit uf the secretary of war n a diversion not in lie interest of navigation the purpose of sewage reduction the permit whs justified duly as in emergency measure necos iy i pre serve the port of chicago from unspeak mi pollution midto that extent utls in aid of i nwueue i nd invitation the diversion however 1 id been iiijumnis to navigation und had injuriously n ettd the linipliiniiij states which were entitled have the level of the hikes restored so far as they had btcn lowered by the diversion the court i timed to say whether concuss had or had not the i j cr to divcit witer from the basin of the st i ad h i it f kitthiuct would like to sec a memorial erected sn ailiuii beck at badei 1 ondon wants his home there pnichasid a a memorial and if memory serves correctly we believe toronto thought a memorial should be erected in that city sir adam beck him ilf ujeted a j reater memorial than any of these paltry memorials could be the ontuno hydro and 1 is association with it will be remembered by a lawmct to the bn in of the mississippi as uotlmigfj mrul pi vatc lm than any ot these and this t th kind lud been attempted memorial spread over the entire piovinct up olitouolwju ju cornpe 507 54 medical aid the accidents reported numbered 7308 as compared with 71 979 nccidcnts during 1927 the fatal accidents showed an increase from 429 during 1927 to 553 during 1028 the accident fund of the board received several heavy blows dur ing 1928 including the manassoo disaster and the folhnger fire records now available indicate an increase in 1928 over 1927 of eight per cent in cm ploy ment an increase of eleven per cent in total i umber of accidents reported to the workmen s com pensntion board and an increase of sixteen per cent in total awards by the board there are approximate ly twenty five thousand industries these being by payroll largely the manufacturing interests of the province in which there has been a remarkable in crease in employment over former years mi noiv npmii gulden ti xt i or tin many nn arc inl by llir uplrll or ood there arc raim of and horn fl u lesson joel 3 3a 30 i like 11 0 13 jphn 3 j r 1 4 11 17 30 is 2fl 37 10 7 id actr 3 1 31 33 33 i torn n 1 17 20 j7 1 cor 13 1 13 lpli 1 13 14 3- 14 31 4 1 c 30 nu inlay lrrtlmlnary i trad uir many passages chonrn for our iriwin orauji the paumboit accord i na to thnlr utrmcn form from tlicne pajianijen a lint of tlm clmrartcrlatlcn of uir holy aplrit determine the iwarjna of thin irimon i your pitronnl life muiitlny the bplrlt fore to w joel 3 311 jod hlvrn not hlfl flplrlt ly mcaaiirc all may have him and have him fully joel 2 30 the oplrlt in tllo ilrvcal he ainclaua out and olirlnt to i lnurprcln tlio bible unfold the futurr and clven men a vision of what liicy may become j t 2 20 the immblciit may be tflurt i ihp mlfiltllcnt in the thlnnr of the opirlu luke ll oil if wo do not and becaure wo do not do not oak there in no other noron lake ii id clod can jive bcttrr sirt than himself just an earthly latliern and mo them arc thcr own best blftn ta their children if warycelve the holy spirit we hove received clod j tuesday the coming of the spirit acta 3 1 we can help one another uj receive ue spirit crowded church m cc unas put christiana in uie exalted mind which reaches out and obtains bin presence v 4 the dplrlt does not in modern times bestow uie gift of tonaues or at least not often but he clvofl un pow er of sympauiy by wluch wo under stand ouicrn vn a n the holy oplrlt drawn men toceuier people of many landfl many rncen many forms of uioujjht he la the divine unifier v 33 our lord promised to ask uie pauier to send the comforter we should look upon the holy bplrll as his alft to us hta ever constant thou a lit for us wednesday the work at the spirit john 10 7 comforter comes from uie latin ward at fortln mennlni hfjilh htrvlrx of the ctuuiunr mdlettl aututlort aiti wi umali iniit the volume of canadian tialiery enterprise the total value of the canadian fishing industry for 1928 reached 54 000 000 the salmon pack of the pncihc coast was about 2 000 000 cases and the value over 14 000 000 the pack was the largest for f vc years the increase over 1927 being 750 000 cases the halibut fisheries on the pacific coast landings totalled 30 000 000 pounds an increase of more than 2 000 000 pounds over 1927 the total value of this fishery exceeded 3 000 000 on the atlantic coast while the fisheries of new brunswick prince edward island and the gaspe coast were well sustained nova scotia had one of the most prosperous years since the end of the war period only once since 1919 have the catch and the value been greater the catch was about 20 000 000 pounds in excess of 1027 and the tctal value will exceed 11 000 000 the total invest irent in the canadian fisheries is about 52 000 000 and about 85 000 persons are employed in the catching and processing of the product the value of the catch last year it will therefore be seen was greater than the total investment cditoiual notes brass in 1927 wi est value i d copper products produced in canada re valued at 21 051 c57 this is the high ever recorded for the canadian industry the former katser in a book my ancestors still adheres to the doctrine that plight is right had the allies adopted that motto wilhelm would long since have been gathered to his ancestors t he globe the canal systems of canada are an index of the lrowmj trade of the country during i 028 thte piuscd through these ai terics of trade qnd commerce 18 719 721 tons an increase of i 231 112 tons over the previous year i ditoi mel aren of the barne examiner com flams of the bioadcasting programmes of phono fiaph records but our biggest difliculty in listening in i to idust mi ingctsoh watch to exuetly fifteen and riircc tuarters seconds past two and a half minutes f ten i clock 1 astern standard time when the musical uoto sounds un bivesuafffeartitfoiikuf blortous power v b comforter translates a creole word which appears in enffllsh as par- accletc it means advocate or coun sellor who docs for us what a lawyer docs for a man summoned into court 0 rejccunn christ ta the fundn mental stn it involves of course dis obedience to christ a demands to pro cure canvlcuon of sins is the nrst work of the holy spirit in conversion v 10 after christ had ascended on hlah the holy spirit pointed to the lue lived on earth by the bon of god as uie model of righteousness v 11 the work of uie holy spirit in judgment is summed up in his can dcmnatlon of satan the evil one uie prince of the world vs 12 15 throubh uie holy bplrlt the gospel writers were enabled to give us their marvellous records and wc ob we receive him are led by him into the whole truth of chrba thursday the work of the- spirit i cor 13 13 one of uie priceless works or the spirit ts his brtnuwh home to mens minds uia dlsty of josus christ 1 cor 13 413 it is uie holy spirit who binds believers together whatever their abtuucs and cliaracterliiucs if you are out or touch with your christian brothers it is because you lock the spirits presence eph 3 14 31 ix you are ft weak christian paul tells you how to become strona receive uie holy spirit i john 14 10 17 3d the holy spirit in the spirit of truth the world to day is stumbllns uiroush quagmires of error just becauxe it has not received uils precloun truth rcvcallnff sptrtl john 15 30 27 wo get our witness to christ from uie bible but also from the holy spirit that is direct from qod friday ufe in um sptrit john 3 5 8 to bo bam af water is to receive thcxrlte of baptism to be bam of the spirit is- to enter into uie inner meaning of that rite eph 4 30 wo brieve the holy spirit when we depart from uie christian way act out of touch with christ eph 4 l a the spirit in one and so all christians who have uio spirit dwelling in them are one in spirit eph 1 13 14 the bplrlt lit called the holy spirit al promise bccrue all clod a promises arc assured to us in him saturday led by the spirit rom 0 4 5 all our life is to be a beauuful path in which wc are led by aods spirit vs 6 11 oodsapir4t leads us by bo- coinlnn us cntcrlna into our mind and imbudylna himself uicre vi 1- 13 there is no true life ex cept life hi uie spirit v h following the spirit ts the path to divine sanship a glorious path vs 15 17 if we arc led by the spirit wc arc led into peace for what or whom can wc fear and we arc led into plenty far all thlnga oxo ours vs 20 27 prayer leads us to uie spirit and uie spirit in turn leads us n prayer an ever ascending path of plrltual progress jc iiirmimi of the hndency tn ulorlfy the pfinl iiliiuic tin lucsmt and bewail tho future many nrnnn are quite nure that wr d i not c inpuro favorably with past u ii ruunnn in any way yet wn find n dl lliiriilnhrd kngllnh ncholur nlatlng in a revlrw nf rnmlltlonn in ijigland that above all there linn neon an umai inn tnuinfornmtlon in the health of the pioptr for whom lite in wider belter nnd 1 ngrr und death in more remote 4 i hi i conclinilon i imported by a com- pnrt on of condltlonn in tho year 1038 ultli tluwo in the year 1030 in england and wnlen in 1030 the general death rati won 33 0 in 1030 110 thin metnui that in 1030 there wrro more than un lrni ilea urn for every thousand of tie population than there were in 1030 in other wordfl in thin period of time the hi ncral death rate hns been cut in hulf diirlnit uir name period in london tne ilt nth rnte of children under five yearn has decreased to about one third rf what it wan tho reault of thin in uiat tho xpectancy of life at birth lias been incrrnned by over twelve yearn tills represents someuiing which u not generally appreciated and yet it has not hnppcntd by chance it has came about because of the interest of governments in thb wellbeing of tho people and bo- cnu c during these years wn have had alviutii tin tho nieann wherewith to con trol numr dlreasen and to promote uie health of the human race it lo a fact that we to day live longer buffer lens from disease and enjoy larger measure of health than ever be fore remarlcablc as thin progress has b en there remains much more ta be done becauso wc aro not by any means ucthlf all the power available to fight dlrcarc and promote health morfe year of health will be ours if wc will make tho necessary effort to gain them qucntlonn concerning health address ed to the canadian medical assoclauon 104 college street toronto will be an- nwerrd perronally by letter and the hilltop gardens yield this fragrant tea salada tea fresli from the garden internal and external pains aro promptly relieved by cm thomas eclectmc ol l way it had tlm hoi t f0tt hcahlv wity vm a ir iw tvx bail pli yljahj klmn time tables a aoton dun nationalihailways fiumluy only dully exempt dally euetipt dully except dally except dally rxoept sunday only dally except dally except dally except dallyexcept dally except ainx wt flumlay tliinday sunday uumhty sunday coin vjkmt sumuy juiituty sunday sunday sunday 10 41 jn 32011 tat mipu 7 0pbl hjitum 3 41 d iljyiri twfntv yearsaqo roni the issue of the free press thumlay january 2s 1000 was fairly easy on uie as flying on mill street on lost wei coal bin the dust monday mr harris coolt had his right jaw fractured with a hockey puck while en joying a game on andersons pond on tuesday t t of jhe disciples church 1 s hud on editfot the listowc bonner un tied for third pluce on the hoard ot lducution with iiik ther listowel citizen 1 he town clerk who is thi cditoi uf the 1 ibtowcl standard hud the casting vote hut didu t lelish the ideu of clcctinf or dcfe it nil a bro titer editor the two who were tied decided to let tin ivcevc of the town tos a coin and hudson on he toss i he candidate who lost hy the hip of the coin wui the first to congratulate the winner clicsley fnterpi ise frrsh supplies in demand where ever pr thomas eclcctric oil has been introduced increased supplies have been rdcrcd aliawlnu uiat wherever it goes thu lxccllcnt oh impresses its power on thl imupk x no matter in what lautude 11 may be found its potency is never impart fl it is put up in most portable thapc in bottles and can be carried with out fear ot breakage tkavi l thl comqitt way to winniifo thavfl till national route ih national ts the papular train to wlnnlirg and the west i he truvel mii in in lion found it so women mid w mini with children give it pre i mice and wtui good reason bix rtully utteutlve service is olf ered hour of departure and arrival is con veil lint l nil mi ut i n this train compart nn ut obirvutluiiilbrary uuffot curu uadtu standard sleepers tourist iiipdrf dim r und cuuclxa ipe natluiml leaves toronto every ev nlng ut 0 00 p m for winnipeg via titnibury arriving 10 00 a m sacund murnliig ln ii infi rmatlon from canadian nu tleual aiiiu 30 j itt rnirn watson nuiuinrm watson intends having tho building con verted into two dwellings and will im prove the property considerably on sunday afternoon about throe o clock councillor sell notloed uiat uie moke house at w j chapman a tan- mcry main street was on fire he sum moned the neighbors to his assistance and they succeeded in quenching uu are without calling out tho fire brigade the january thaw swept the snow nttny like a chinook wind from good sleighing on thursday to no snow at all on sunday and the temperature at 50 degrees on sunday afternoon the by election on monday to fill the vacancy in the council resulted hi a victory for john t easton by a three ntthi majority over thomas o brlen councillor castoii took his scat at uie meeting or the council on monday ev cnlng the halton farmers insutuu held afternoon and evening sessions in the town hall on monday addressed by mr john qardhousc hlghfleld and u anson qroh prcstan simultaneously with the men s mceung a meeung was held in hill s hau by the woman institute mrs john cameron occupied the chair and miss d duncan of emeiy gave an address on the use of pood to the body the evening meeting was addressed by mr aardhouse miss dun can and mr oroh evcry careful and observant mother knows when her child suffers from worms she also knows that if come remedy be not speedily applied much harm will result to uio infant an ex excellent preparation for this purpose ts millers worm powders tliey drive worms from the system and set up stimu lating and soothing effects so uiat uie child s prggrcs thereafter is painless and satisfying doctors do nt yell pompous phyoician to man plaster ing defccuvc wall the trowel cover up a lot of mistakes what workman yus rov nor and so do uie spade exchange no longer a failure fisunsd ukonulflm ii i wu buwp on viuuhii txuikam in 111 ohanileui without ft lob now 1u dlrnt ibi ishphllt miaul ad awuunl uuuu wlui ft tart ana you loo en b a tuoesu tun bhj dt nuttor uuehkiiia bfttury wemlaff vulauilkldkjumim vulau brlek wirlnr brteklftyla br- borln and bssatyeuluira work oaoapof- tuooi now ntwui valasbls book ti wriu luooi dominion ttmtls sctooli t tn 1bi etna oumt wst toioflto rheumatism no part of natures plan she offera her healing herb to atop buffering when america wan wihicrnens indians wcr b hcrlm i i miisfull from tlip itodnwn fio jarm ago jiunm gallagher learned hi rlial si rrota and cnmimjiinded oallaklitb herbal house hold ltcrndii llin famous kidney remedy has holwd many m ftubensr from itlioumal nun ihu fine tula provixl remedy drawn from tlm in art of notun hrou and ebanses indnyb q mkly at4j tuuik avohe dimness an i ollu r naaginjc kidney and bladder hdnicnu try it w ealoby a t iuiown acton i i for tilt location dl 1 i vrr show you uir lt hu rt my hip no lo ai rluht wi 11 drive over uici the i- rlrnil of all suffrrera dr i hniuus icuctrlc oil is u valunjjlc reini dy to all thou who stiller pulu it holds out lu pr ui everyiuie and rcalioai it by tttiuing uflerlng nvi rywlu n- it li u liniment that has the blessing of h iir u iiuuiuul jt l an tali uviry- fthcu und ran be found whcrcvtr uuirid for tells dyspeptics what to eat ml i dl t un iiu ii unnecessary in i toni ich li libit while u mo foods do litdull u hilly aiid many mi i uilln do liirate too much acid ciulnu uan w urnrs- bloating and aftcr- tullnif pulni thl trouble may be safely un i ijulrkly corrtthd by the use of a i d ulk iliiu lihuruted magnesia i ttd r i tublil ii idlal for uiu pur i jut u itttli after meals neuual- lu- all the uxiraa acid prevents sour- iiil br ik i up uas und ends lndlaestloii i n rll lo u nu 1 nilr upset ttonuch n 1 dli tion 1 i uy and palnlesa it i will d nil thb for you or money back i drugiiitj evi ryulnro llii ulsurated mag- 1 ncsu with uuj guarantee the beu telephone company and the american company the relationship batwn tb bell telephone company o canada and th hmaricnn teu- phone nnd telegraph company conninto of 1 stock the amarican company owns thirtyana par cont of dell tiaphtni company ohtni c contract the bell telephone company owna a contract hy which the american company mp- plleo research products and other berviees on a sliding ccale of payment the stock relationihip haa axurted alncw uio canadian company began in i860 one- third of uie 400000 needed to form uio company wtu not available until uie american company agreed to provide it the contract waa made in 1023 to pot dealings b tween the two companies on a dofinita bunincao barin it may be terminated at uifl end of 1d32 if uie canadian company so desires effect of stock relationship hltelppho contjivo in ganadaand own c2 percent ofth tola oh aren tlio largest individual holding is 1510 shares which u one juarter of ono pel cent of tho total tho uoruge inilividual holding ia 27 shares which yield an income of 216 a year tlio eel telephone company la thus a great enter prise wlucb hoa become thorouphl democratized and to thii tho american relauonfildp haa contributed two definite nd vantages tust it lion been a source of new money for devel- p nic it tho american company an a shareholder in never failed to respond in cnad tirnen or bad hen money nan needed to extend tho nystem to meet public demands upon it secondly it 1ms been a aaie guard nrmnst exploita tion attempts on uie part of promoters to secure control of the telephone system hate failed because the american holding of uie companys njiorej has be n in the hnndn of men who aro interested in the telephone business for the propre 1 1 of uio industry and not for its financial exploitation effect of the contract thp hell tolophono company has secured three clilcf advnntagmii by uie contract of 1923 rlr t it obtains all products of uio hell laboratories which nro tho larrost industrial research inborn to rici in tho world with a staff of flva uio us and no ninplo eomnany coul i liopo to support such an organization it in pn iiblo only by cooperation of many associated companion o ic exainplo of research work is tho loading coil hich has eliminated tlio need for heavy wires in crea nig in uize with distance this has saved mil lioni of dollars similar discoveries have saved other millions for uio telephone user and given him a better telephone the research clause of uie contract alone more than balances uie eentraet feo secondly uie canadian company has rights to the use of all invenuona the american company now owns more than 5 000 patents esxanual in every phaso of telephone operauon the contract given uie canadian company uce ot uiesa patents and places the american c niny under obligauon to take out canadian patcits on any new lavantions uie cana dian company wishes thirdly uio contract gives uie canadian company a steady supply of reports and statistics regarding now opcrnting methods under trial by tho associated ct mpnnica of uie american system dangerous experiments are thun avoided when tha canadian company makes a change in method it is to a well toted mcuiod and uio services of rj ccialiats from the american company are available by con tract to assist in making it an example of uds is the change from manual to dial system houi in the stock holding and in uie contract provisions canadian cana it an national fcjlucrtfo railways daily except ounday dally daily dally dally daily daily dally daily 13j4 buiwtittd daily except ounday dully 755 sun tts5am- 11 55tlbd lk3am jiipjta 7s5pw dally dally dally daily dally dally dally 8bidm luspjtu tereute terwlaal keele elueel awd st cuir avenue prelght delivered hy special eicpvew frelght weight picked up at any m- dress in toronto leave acton for uie west 10 10 a m 4 10 p m 1 66 p m- and on uaturdays sundays and holidays 11 00 p m leave acton for georgetown norval brampton toronto 20 a m 11 36 o m 7 35 p m and on qaturdays oundaya and holi days 10j5 p m painting and house decoration graining n speciality prompt attention sauiktuaa ofurafilmd eiuttltu glnd tftlkiuonk 1 richard h blanch vox 350 aeton savage company jewellers china silverware lower wyndluun st vham 571 guelph telt tofi o ujers are protected and i o hy the re auonship wiui f uio american co many cj0y mz lildren cry for castoria mqiherjffetciers castona is especially prepared to relieve infants in arnji and children all arjes of constipation wind colic to sweeten stomach flatulency diarrhea regulate bowels aid in the assimilation of lood promoting cheerfulness reit and natural sleep without opiates r to avoid imitations always look for the siujturi of cn li c imp- pliyicians cvcrywlire rcconjmxiid ft provii irerti fashions for the smart woman cflkjiillal 4634 dainty lingerie if you are not an experienced home drr quaker m widi t try ymir skill willi the nredle i dainty aunt i nation li an easy tiling it 1kkiii with you wdl enjt y iiuuiiik il and cen more will jou mjoy vkcarintt u un irr your lovely print frttflts the cumbiiu tltui ilmwn alu ve consnti of a skirt and pautici which are altaclied to the semi idtrtl itotlice nulilnii a practical and attractive three inone aarment the luirt may lie nmittnl if preferred tlm njriuent is nnecially diipiunl to lie i moot h and iu t btincti under your dresi it may l made nf rrpe tie clllne radium silk or jyoilc with bands f lace to inm mid rihlian trapn 1 r everday wear a tins cstminc lutiite or other cotton fabric with ui in lutaj rjractical suhricriptloiia for all ma4filrieri taken at tlm frca prtsw ofilce

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