Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1929, p. 3

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gjljr axf mi 3frw jlw tlluiuiday luluuauy 7 41131 virion hern did he indian nnvnii roam uiirhallriihii ivery forest gludc and hb whit muiii era dawn and hi own trlliul dory fade i rrn cnrllrr imllid hln mount loyal ami dn tuned of elites yet uuluirn to i- through yearn of ldll and itrifc out of prliiu ial itljiru1 lorn ji n- early trader rngrrcycd met ri uiircr uud death idled feu and tree utahllrhrd their quartern looking lovnrd an tine of commerce yet to twi tlmitlini thpirtl ion hem fullhlctk 1 hut ln e their early dreams come true today lhln regal building mtandfl on that old trull which once they knew car tier a mount iloyul nobly reigns over a nations cities fair and jolno thn commcrcn of tho world on land on sa and in uw air ours la thn heritage uiey wrought o may we hold la sacredly and with a vlilon clear us thoiro olrlve to achieve our destiny holthch gaining gkound in park pack animals remain mans greatest prleiitl where travel in ttoclty mountains is concerned willie the automobile may be gain ing round on uie liorse in uie cities wliere demand for rapid trans port u on is shunting old dobbin off the streets that nl iiiatlon does not apply in the great national parks in uie canadian iockien wher the horse hi not only holdulgnipown in the matter of num bers but increasing each year at jasper national park which is canada area tent national play ground there arc 4400 umnro miles of territory most of which is traversed only by caddie trolls where tio surest footed mountain pony is the only means of transporting uie campers equipment automobile high ways have been built through uiose tec- liana of ujc park which ore contiguous v to jasper pork lodge uie canadian na tional hallways summer chalet in the luart of uila mountain playground but beyond the end of uiese highways arc some of the famed spots of the terri tory it la when visltlns these that the visitor to jasper pork realises the im portance of the pock horse to the travel ler the mountain ponies are famed for their surefootcdncbs and their steadiness of salt which takes them over many miles tn the course of the day as there are neither wagon nor automobile roads in the outlaying sections of the park all transportation must be done jhcjjrctjiorgc- whicllcarricjlba r and downhnj mr rnyls 4 a tin a oii man stjs or the iavsfbi tm ipssia 5 oj mu booauaeaf the nverlncrcj oirtouruts from all porta of canada as well as from oilier countries wlio visit jasper national park each year the number of pack horses and saddle ponies must constantly be increased to meet the demands far this class of transportation facility major prod brewster u c who is in charge of outfitting oil troll i parties which leave jasper park lodge i maintains a large number of horses and employs each season a large force of cowboys horsewranglers and guides who conduct parties of visitors to those parts of the park which are off the beaten track many of these ore men who liave spent their whole llletlmc in uie mountains and to whom the mountain trolls ore as an open book to journey under their guidance through the passes and over uie trails is an education in outdoor ufa in itself one of the transportation feats of the season at jasper national pork is the handling by uie outfitter of the on nuol camp of tho trail riders of the canadian rockies a body of liorse lovers who hold uielr annual camp within uie notional park formed for the dual purpose of encouraging uie love of uie mountains and also to encourage the breeding of suitable strains of horses for use on uie mountain trails this organi sation is growing rapidly the jasper squadron of uie trail riders was form ed during uie visit to the park of field maraliall olr douglas ilalg and its an nual pawwow draw visitors reprosonto- uve or many countries of uie world the organisation u without limits as to age color sex or creed but membership in it entails uie traversing wlui saddle horse or back pony of a certain mileage over charted mountain trolls lapel buttons end brooches dcsumatlruj uie mileage covered by the wearer ore issued at each annual camp and few visitors to jasper leave without having attempted to qualify for it least uie 50mile bronze button brooch whctt uie annual camp of uie trail riders is being held perhaps sixty miles or so from jasper pork lodge a large force of horses and horsemenis re quired for the transportation of members and camp equipment and when at uie same time climbing and exploring parties may be on uie trail each using any- wliere from ten to fifty horses it can be seen uiat the equine population of j jasper national park must increase each year despite the gradual extension of motor highways through the more settled portions of this great mountain play ground the itouin ukdllukast ulrd from uir wilderness nlluirsomc find cumbcrlccn hwcct bo thy mu tin oer mountain and scat emblem of happiness hlcst is they dwolllngplacc o to abldr in the fornt with thee wild is uiey lay and loud pbtntitrtiawnytiimra love given it energy love gave it birth where on thy dewy wing where art thou joumeylng7 thy lay in in heaven thy love h on earth oer fell and fountain rjiccn oer moor and mountain green oer the red streamer that herald uie day oer the cloudlet dim oer the ralnbown rim mimical cherub soar dinging away i tlien when the gloaming comu low in the meadow bloom uwcct will thy welcome- if love be emblem of happiness hirst in that dwelling place o to abide in the foroit with thee tiic oloi1eb itouin i observe uiat uie editor of tin fuss fncwi in commenting on the statement of bystander of the olobc that uie o lobe itobln was a native of aton wonders it the old man of tjie dig clock tower can give uny particular respecting the personnel of uio aclon c u bsc rll i h r wh rej rto dt he n tjhr r well 1 liave no history whatever in lvlng uicstj litntup particulars concern ing actons connection wlui the olobc robin and i give them authentically auny back in the winter of 1070 about uie middle of january jamca matthews postmaster took a walk from uie poet office between malls down to his orch ard which stood at the comer of church and willow streets while looking through uie fruit trees there mr mat thews ecplcd a comely bird with a red breast which surprised him he was quite pojuvc it was a robin but wan muicr nonplucd at its arrival in thene northerly climes so early 3 january tlie weather had been moderate how ever unusually so for uie first month in the year and uils fact strenguienad his conclusions uiat the bird really was a robin i the uotoq cab suokeb a big fat man m a motor cor uiought- lessly smoking a fat cigar tossed uie butt which was burning suu into uie bush on a dry side hill on he rolled hi his careless way and left behind u devil to pay just a spark scarce war pi uie name but look uie spark bmonus a flame i a spark a flame a furious fire up the wind rose higher and higher fanning uia flames which rose and roared up and away uie wild sparks soared i on through the forest it cut its path seething raging m its wroth plres uiat ood took years to build caught in its grip were scorched and killed feeding uie greedy hungry flame oh uie senseless blundering idiame on and on it gnawed iu way and come to whore a homestead lay an cxpcrlmtnt has bnn in progrcu in i certain clths tn scotland and ireland th wretched eetuero facod wlui deotli j tu determine whither or not milk as mr matuicui aas iull at uie orchard fence mr thomas t moore the new principal of acton gcholas came along and mr matthew a called his at tcnuon to uie winged visitor mr moore was quite a naturalist aud a lover of uio open reaches and the wild birds animals and fishes to be seen there and was quite able to speak with con siderable auuiorlty he had spent his ilfcumc mosuy in york county and knew the bird lire there well he sold ik had never before seen a rdbln in janu ary but had frequently seen uio gros beak n rosebreasted bird a native of north america almost as large as uie robin but hardier it is common in canada he said in january and 1v ruary before uio robin usually artivoo mr moore was quite sure uie bird in question was a grosbeak and not o robin mat uie a was hard to convince hi was poaluve uie bird was a rob la at the time he was acton agent fo uio a lobe practically the only dally then coming to acton uie malj having been established but a short while be fore and rarely heard of in this then liberal constituency excepting at uia unic of an election he was also agent for the dominion telegraph company that night before he got his supper lit uaxuisawuuegtaphcd to the a lobe the particulars respecting the robin he hod seen in acton in january 1070 and claimed uie record had been broken through the appearance of uie robin in january the report of uie robin being seen in january in acton induced ouier resi dents of ontario to report the first robin seen in their rcspccuvc localities and each succeeding spring for these intervening fifty years uie first robin reported no matter from what quarter i was announced in the olobc as uie olobc robin for uiat year the two bird lovers mentioned were each nonltlvc as to uie real pcclcj of un bird they saw on uiat january afternoon so lone ago i have heard both of uiern mention uie matter over and over again but up to the time these worthies were called home neither of them ever ad mitted that he might have been mistaken and uie globe robin still holds the centre of the stage 1 iiowkon imikm yt takk to n it in not imumial to iuur una iay unit hi luiir imn dreaming about juimu- ihinic nil tiifclyt whn poudhiy bin drmtii ur upled only ft ihurt time many ut- u miili have been made lo iiwajiire thn time nrruplfri in u drelttn and records npm nr from line to time lu the paptrn fihowliig unit ofti n rlaboruu ones oc- rupy but n few ircondn the following lucid nt in told by a en tie man who vaiiclun for it- accurary hi wui i winced one nfttmnon u th n rli rk in verifying iome lung column- of fllllirei uijil had been copied from oir hook to nnotln r 1 lie huinbem rep-r- jriiiinjijnounblildullaraandccnt2 were cnmjmii d of lx or seven figure i lhc clerk would rend for instance lour- tem one fortytwo twelve making tlu nmnunt of 14143 12 and the gen tleman would aniwnr check to ln- dlcale that he copy wan correct page after page hnd been read rapidly au the wordi could lie ultcrrd each number receiving the check the work uiu drowny and it was with difficulty he could keep ills eyea open plunlly sleep overcame him and lie dreamed dreamed of an old home he had been accustomed to drive twenty- five or thirty yearn ago ifo could not recall any incclal incldrnt connected with the dream except uie locality ani the dlrjinct tlghi af the horse and at the buggy to which he had driven him he awoke fudclenly and as a number viin ended called checlrf he was can- ncloui of having slept and of having dreamed and said to the clerk charlie i have been asleep how many of those numbers have i missed none he replied you have checked every one cloce questioning developed uie fact of uie flrti ret jtmswrnnrteatortlnrl fourteen and uie twelve but liad slept and dreamed during the ume occupied in rnpldry uttering the words one forty- two jin tried by reading ouier num- bcro to measure uie ume and thinks it could not have been more ulan half a mcond another story is told of a man who int before the fire in a drowsy con dition a draft blowing across uie roam rct a large photograph on uie mantel to swaying a slender vase was in front of it nnd the man remembers wander ing in a mood of whlmlscal indifference whcuier uie picture would blow forward and send the vase to uie floor finally a auat at wind did topple uie picture and it struck uio vase the man remembers having been curiously relieved in hla state of drowsiness uiai at last uio old uilng was going to fall and be done wlui it presently ho was in uio midst of a complicated buslncis transaction tn a weitern city miles away all uie de tails or a new and unheardof ccheme re coming forth from hla lips and menu lliiils lloelimm fur now mill novel iuhf lhuiahid1 iuvk and fillfcermttotlll nhtmtinf hlitnrniwi llttiuhim tlui i ifi nf h w a and glimpses of the fine bouse he boulbt came before ills vision a crash wotcfc him the vase struck the floor he had dreamed an unlived life covering years and all tn uio ume it took for uie voce which he had seen toppling before he fell asleep to fall five feet and break punctuality milk and school cliildrln from uie horrors scorching breath 1 an essential part lu the diet of school wopt nd tefl behind ik o atapdccn cdlnbunih jteuut whlu uu wind multlcd with itawfjl m ul a ciu out roar the thit 7 7 i i 1 mhuoli iho children zjstlgsxs r jnto group wlui ages mad with fear till it aonk down dead i mu lt t uur saur where uie forest glimmered grten now f h occ aud a cliamelhouse u seen blackened l rccrlvcd one nlnt of wlloic tump on rocks and stones 11 j uno plni of monstrous halfcharred bone ami this m anolllcr vl a burult all thats left to-day- just iz n l va ul culorlc vallw of 7 7 ul paratcd milk ration and the fourth group acted as controls reculvlng and rooks all black and grey that man could only know uie lass he caused and uie bitter woe z wonder what uie fool would feel uiat btg fat man in an automobile t faults and all ihr children in the group from aix i yearn of age received only uircc quartern of a pint of milk lnutead of uie i pint which won furnished to the ouier j children the experiment was carried out tn 1s37 and rcxnud in 1d2d and the mul l arc rauier riiuurkuolc tak ing into account all tin children under observation 1157 uie mllkfcd ones our cliomrd u gain over the nonmllkfcd of 33 a per rent tn height and 40 37 per crnt lu weight the benefits to keep our respect and liking people wtrc pnuj ttlld buauinrd and they must be perfect wo are going to find ttcrl 1kt inrrtly pl but mental life a solitary plrlmage while one th children wlio received the milk wen of uie offices of friendship is to help i uiun uir frllows more alert ouier to become uielr best selves we nn vigorous more difficult of control must toko people into our hearts faults morc olu trope rouazand could b picked and all or go friendless beyond qucsuon punctuality has its wasteful and vexatious elements punc tual people arc likely to bo avcrpunc- tual they cpend a lajge port of uielr lives in arriving too early for meals or trains or appointments and in rcsuess fret over the dllatorlncss of others they arc too milch inclined to demand of everyone a fuuic and petty promptness which robs leisure of its dignified cose and mars uie sweet of life nevertheless the importance of punc tuality can hardly be overrated especial ly wlui all the hurry and scheduled ex actness of modem life in the broad aud forgetful tranquillity of a mediaeval village where ume flowed unregarded and it really made no difference whether you did a thing this week or next a precise observance of uie clock was sup- i crfluous especially as the clock probably did not exist out when your neighbors all cat and brcauic by uie umetabli you too must do it or suffer yet it is astonishing how punctuality is neglected the world is divided into punctual and unpuiictual people and uie latter hvc on uio former the habit of perpetual looking at clocks and watches la lnstlncuvc in some minds others never sec a dial even when it is staring them in uie face it la probable uiat punctuality can be taught after desperate and repeated ef forts some of us are tempted to believe uio task impossible you can catch the delinquent young and impress him or her by constant and repeated monition and injuncuon and even uien uio re sult is not always satisfactory tlio worst uilng about unpunctunllty is its utter selfishness procrasunauon is the uilef of time but uie procrustlnator generally steals other peoples time and saves his own washington hod occasion to reprimand an officer for being late at a council of war but general i lost only five mlnutcfl urged uie culprit there ore twelve of us here answered i washington we have each lost flve minutes you have wasted on hour perhaps the most trying offender are those who can be and are nicely prompt in large matters uiat concern themselves and uielr own interests but who are trannparcnuy indifferent when all that in at stake is the small occasions of ouiers- thcro arc many such people are you one of thcm7 in conclusion it may be said uiat uiere are some very able and efficient men and women who arc habitually unpunctual but we believe uiat in large and small matters uie most useful and uie greatest men pracucc not an overscrupulous but an ansenually precise exactitude iiy illtty a ucla v rariin polenta 1 cup eorniileul 3 cupn boiling wnti r 1 j teaiikwm ealt 1 tub 1 rn poo n fat 1 small cjippd grirn pi pper j pound chopped round nlcnk jcup puffed ra is inn 2 cnpi tomnto nnuce add corumeal nlowly to boiling water stirring constantly to prevent lumping add j teaspoon salt and cook 10 mln- utci melt fat in email frying pan ridd chopped pcppjr and nlmincr a few minutes wlui pan covered removi covor and add chopped meat and teaspoon salt cook stirring constantly until red color of mnatjiaii disappeared heat food chopper in boiling water and put rain inn through using medium c tcr add raisins and tomato sauce to mrat mixture in a greased baking dish put half of the cooked commeal then pour in the meat and tomato and put tho rent of the comment- on top rake in a moderate oven 350 degrees p 30 to 4d mlnutea an excellent inexpensive meat ex tender dish lcmon cocoanut pillino 1 cup grated cocoanut teaspoon call beupfi water 13 cup lemon juice 3 cups sugar 7 tablespoons cornstarch cook all ingredient together in double bolter for 4dmlnutcn rice and balmon 8alad take equal parts or salmon and cold boiled rice stir with a fork unul uie fish and rice aro thoroughly mixed pour into a salad dish and cover uia whole with mayonnaise or bolted dressing canned tuna flnli leftover chicken meats ham or vegetables can be used in uio same manner alwayii use equal quanuty of rice tho addition of celery and hardboiled eggs make a morc elab orate dish tomatoes stupfd with rice large smooth tomatoes cup bolkd rice l cup cold chicken chopped very fine 1 tablespoon of onion fried in a tca- mlx uie rice chicken onion and pars ley bind jwiui uie egg season with salt and pepper and bake in an oven 30 minutes cut out of the stem end of each tomato a piece as large an a dollar scoop out the inside wlui a spoon not too deep ojidnll this cavity with uie stuffing broil park chops nicely place on a hot platter and arrange the stuff- id tomatoci on the outside pour over the gravy from both dishes aiyd serve ut once oranoe bread 1 yeast cake cup lukewarm water fashions for the sansari woman 4000 the smakt liolkro the oero in addition to iti flat tering lines is one of llic smartest of llie seasons many inpdes an mler estlng innovation it shown here the blouse being made up in j figured iilu or vchel while the lirt m a plain color ot tlic same material it is made in onepiece however the txitrro fronts are ait in one with the collar and arc faced and rolled to form re vers pleats in the attached lower front sections are stitched down part way the applied liaclc is attached tp the front of the girdle at the underarm scams the swathed hipltne is achieved by the girdle which may lie finished with ajmprt buckle the other fellows motive the study of motives our own and other peoples is one af uie most im portant things in life it is no vacant curiosity uiat leadi us to consider and to discuss why our neighbor did such and such a uilng took uie step uiat brought him fortune and success made uio mistake that has ruined his lire almost irretrievably our own actions arc so bound up with tho actions of others uiat it is of the utmost conse- it iiii it unilfthiflnrli anil- 1 lbb r 1 tablespoon melted butter 1 tablespoon melted lard 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoons sugar orated rind 3 orange cup orange juice 3 cups flour dissolve yeast in warm water add egg ill beaten butter lard salt sugar grat ed orange rind orange juice and flour beat unul smooth addbig more flour ccsary knead unul smooth and elastic let rise ull double its bulk nhapc double loar put in bread pan let rise again to double its bulk and bake one hour in a moderate oven this bread is delicious with orange marma lade for afternoon tea cinnamon apples supreme l package vanilla junket 1 pint milk 0 apples 1 cup sugar 13 cup water 3 iablcspoona red cinnamon candles 1 tablespoon lemon juice peel and core apples and place in baking pan make a syrup by boiling the sugar water and cinnamon candles together for fi minutes add lemon juice pour syrup over apples and bake unul tender basung several umes place ap ples in individual dlshea adding a little syrup when cooled and uio syrup lias jellied prepare vanilla junket according to directions on package and fill dlshcj let stand in a warm place unul firm then chill in devonshire the importance of strong colonies ask so much cons tan uy are some of u friends that we cons tan uy arc being disappointed if we insist that in ardei rvspoct and liking people must be perfect we are going to find perhaps we should find it easier overlook uio faults of ouicrs if we w hums conscious of our own wo may not have o quick temper uut poudbly we are fiiven to censorious judgment we may nut be boastful but perlions we arc unfair to bcojuc- differ from us intury sclioobi it might twt the people who demand perfection from i rub bllt lt luluht wortn thjlt friends might ha surprised if uiey kjiw how uppatviit uielr own unpcr- ftictiom urn to uiu majority uf tltetr or- all greut men arc lu tl quaijiuncva ltuplrvd cloeru out at a glance the skimmed milk group showed up nearly a v til as the ro whole milk group but the b lieu 11 group were u poor uitrd the results are lu striking thut uie dally telegraph wondns just what it would cost to try tho dut on ull children n utteiuluuce ut the fie- i all through uie year uie beekeeper striven lo keep his bees in uie best of condition in order that uiey may har- vct the gnalcst amount of honey pos sible lie realises the importance of tiling colonic and it is to hln strong colonlii that be looks for uio greater part of his crop for ho knows that in cklracthoncypruductlon at least uie strong colonics harvit much more pro portionately than do the weaker ones who umietlmes do little more uuui build up on the flow again in combhoney production it often liappcn uiat strong colonle i will give a good crop w lie re as the maker ouia may not even enter uie mi pen a iitrong colony may be defined as one that li boiling over with bees one that early in the ueason fills all uie pace i between the romb- and must be glvi n a tucond brood chamber the in ngth of such u colony is attributed to two thing u vigorous queen and lots of young bici even if uie queen is all that could be desired she will be un- ir todo her bet unless backed up by a large force of bees lnr tliumi wliom colonics have fallen short of the murk now is uie ume though a little late to remedy this con dition every colony towards the cloio or uie main honey flow about the lost week in july oi ilrnt hi august should be head- id by u vigorous queen one whicli by lur p roll neuron will fill uio hive with young bees before uir cold wcauier sets tn bhoiild there be little fall honey coining in to induce uie maximum egg laying stimulative feeding may have to be lesorte 1 to llcforr making the final prcparauom for whiter ull weak colonics covering 4 nbs should be united to strong- it tn said uiat the dialect of devon shire is so dear to persons bom wiudn uio sound of it uiat whatever uielr after training uiey drop into its fam iliar phrases when under uio nrosure or strong excitement anecdotes couched in its rough and some times uncouth ex pressions have a charm all uielr own a colonel of uio north devon mllltla was one day reviewing his regiment and seeing a hare jump out in uie midst of uio men he shouted wtjdly there goui a lashing great shaver i then forge tung uie exact paint at which he had ceased giving uie word of command he turned about and asked where wor i drummerboy present arms sir responded the youth and the inspection went on at anouior ume a yeomanry regiment was enacting a sham fight when a captain prcttyjohn was ordered to re treat before a cliarge of tho enemy retrain what doth uiat mane in quired tho captain llclrolt mcanth rui ning away i zlm then it shall never be told up to doubrook market that capu prldgcn and tils brave men rlimed owny accordingly as uie memy came on bearing down upon him at rapid trot he shouted ut hb troop charge my bravo boys charge t un balnt voxes and uiey bulnl hounds i face em like mint the collision ou one might guess awful men homes and accoutrements strewed the ground on every side and llvlral troops were more or less injured oeutlemrti iald one worthy noble man who luvid to uie the devonshire dlulect i wluli to propose a toast hnd that thire is this here tuxhuntlngl if such analysis were so absolutely cssen tlal few would pursue it for the dif ficulty of it is enormous and uie in- sunct uiat leads us to investigate uu mouvca of others is only less imperious than uiat which im pells us to conceal our own it la odd although not inexplicable that wo arc loo quick to assume uie lcot mouve for our own actions and uie worst for uie actions of others that we should desire to regard ourselves in a favorable light it is pcrfccuy natural and throwing a less favorable light on othcrn helps us to do lt then most of us have on abnormal fear or being duped wc unconsciously conclude uiat in imputing tho worst possible motive we at any rate escape being duped yet perhaps not it is wise and right to fight against that habit always when you are gues sing at a mans motives at least do him kindness of putting yourself in bis place if various causes might have led lo his actions consider which one of them would have influenced you wonld it necessarily have been the worst and if not you why him do you not see uiat in judging him yau arc judging yourself if you declare that such an action of his could spring only from such a mouve others will be convinced uiat any similar action of yours must nave o similar mouve if we need uils charity hi judging private persons wc need it sull more judging public men a man con cerned tn great matters seems far re moved from the wholesale check uiat comes from putting ourselves in his place he is not he may decide with more intelligence but speaking broadly hi decides wlui the same mixture af self- interest and human sympathy uiat gov- us in everyday affairs olvc him uie benefit af uiat truth and do not judge him without trying to think what motive would actuate you if you sat where he sits that kind of forebear once widely pracucod would help our pollucal life far more than a good many hotly urged nostrums or reform will it help business to mark time by 1934 ontario and quebec will need a million telephones and the bell tele phone company wants new money to provide them the company docs not want any money from parliament it only wants permission to try to sell new shares to investors the investors will supply the money if they are allowed to if they are not allowed to the telephone system must mark time in 48 yara tho taujtfion oantpany haa nvvjr aujlgtmlmt n motived a havtrmnont grant it only aatta jravlam to takafurthmr part in canada m progratm the bell telephone company op canada you cam imn g to 10 na fan day s lurn and eun jnw nrt tlm n jj i motor koch- antra uatury woldlng vulcanuina nd ilousa wiring aha ilricltuylbg and llatiorlns ilartuu- iof and ilmuly culture work be prosperous nj happy good nnaltlona nov open wnti or call f rm inttrueuva book dominion chartered schools iikln wnt toronio ytv kmploymrnt llrrvircoasl to coast what is a bargain no hanger con- rr aftir which feeding takes place j at it ufit 41 pouiut or the best luuicy or a miliar yrup miould be given then the loloulii ihould tw parked fin ugly in thlr degree ulnur csuuu und a gpod wludbnak pro vided experimental frvrtti note thwul is a intllllct dlnnls inquir ed mrs herllhy of her atolltfaced hus band hhurc an how can oi tell yes rtipondrd mr herllhy there nlvcr was thim amongst to lierllhyn thatlvcr oi heard of an olm wan that kupes to his i paple the pros to was ufttier tellln mo uiat fuythcr dolan has great inulllcl pur- iuaded- mrs herllhy hhure an its sonicsoort av a ayvver thin i4i id her iiixiune with dtalulan u that thut killed the poor man wlui- out u doubt an la it go in the round inquired mrs ucrlluiy anxiously its only a wake since luythrr dolan doled an theres our johnny likbi nlvcr you fret about johnny con- uucd mr herllhy hes a chip av tho culd block un if he gits an lnulllct it 11 im brcaiiac nomebody ha1 give it to him on the lhthrutr lcuc htm to home wld yemllf nora un lie 11 be all rolght no one need iiidun the ugopy of corns with holluwoyu corn lumover at hand to itooiovo uiun trouble signs for those past 40 itladdrr weakness nervousness head aches frequent ialnfal scanty urination oettlnsupnlxhts ilii embarrassing annoyance nnd gen uine misery nt uladder weakness often brlngi dlmmimarte of old age to tjioii who really ought to be in the very prime of life counties thousands iicrhaps seven out of ttii uf folks near middle life are plu- ful vlcumi of headaches nervousness lulii- in buck and down through groins tiifiurnt but scanty and painful urina tion icttlngupnlghta whuo wrlouu if neglected it ls-ordlil- arily a simple matter to relieve these troubles hy the pleasant home use of dr uouuiwuruis uilata11u which have been lctorjuu in thousands of coses after other treatments have failed no matter how serious or or liow lung standing your condition may be you can quickly prove uie value uf u1latauu without rink of cost for any good drug- glut will supply you on an abuilute guar- uulte uf ratufuclliu or money back v ultatallil bring you qultk and certain coinlurt you will be greuuy pleased if thry do not fully satisfy their use will tost you nothing try ultatauil today and llrti wliat a difference uuy make in this rommuiiity arc hundreds of individuals and families on tlie watch for an advertisement which will offer them what they want at an advantageous price all them hargainhunters if you will hut thrifty shoppers would he the better designation thrift is a commendable trait and merchants should eater to it ne family wants a new rug the need is not urgent another family is looking forward to buying diningroom furniture it may not he for a twelve month one man is thinking of buying him self a natch ne woman a shopping bag another an umbrella st au can be made to buy earlier by ulverlisiiig advertising can make the desire so keen that the bargain is forgotten in the lever for immediate possession ote to merchants stimulate ihlsinuss b uie offer of kome hlowmoving lines ul sical itncei itrttfliton up ijuhuhhh by advcrtlsini tomc dcii ruble komls ut reduced prices make aiivertlsinjj bartujh dull biidntks often yu can tempt the buyer wlio ih biding hw oi iut time to buv from you at n time of our ruunmj- shop where your are invited to shop wiif pimminiit mini ritnin i i min mil i v iir vm iiiiiiiiinwiif iiiiyiiiiiuiiiiiiimiii a

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