xiii iioiif op lj acton 3ffm ijjtttjsa rruiji nrwipapcr c w n a till acion i hi t 1 111 ss cla i jo 11 c m i put ii advrittisinc fcl a ivrrt ir ralr will ic aim i at i ml a iml ism i iioni s hrtsi ami hit thlft should lie pic yir a citilii who hti been a re idcnt df acton foi ninny nuiiiy more yenr- thitn wi linvc uny recollection of n kul tin 1 4ii i iki mil other day wjmt could i l done to euiire perpetual cure jor i mrvicw cenie tery and if vjl would brmj the mutter to public nttention ii nn if we yeniemttrttijhtly nt the la t tunc he nhject wo di eu ed it wu thought advi nhle hy the council to wait a year or r until the l nuter could he put into hotter condition heforc n move v uild he undertaken to placing j on a per i ctunl care hni the year or o has cloprcd the ttineiery i in pretty food condition and it would tiiii tlnu year that tho timo wai ntlititul for the fulfilment of the perpetunl care r the council has in cnrs past committed itself to it form of per retunl cure in it nction of acccptinp amounti and cannf for plot taf jiviral years in tairvibw emctery the fornimp of n schdmc and the pivinp rf its detail to the plot owners in tairvicw would be a move that would find instant respdnsc and be n ootircc of much satisfaction to many citizen the council has ninny dutic3 to attend to hut if some s nri oould he made nlonp tin- proposal this year it uould be a source df much ntisfaction to many who me jcttinj on in years and desire to provide fcj proper care of their plot in tairview a liability unprovided for at the ilnlton county council meeting last week lively discussion is reported to have occurred oyer neighborhood news runs uij myrtle mutliimy hpeilt um wck- nul with lonnli frltiitl ml ji mary wrltlnnoy u vulumr with li r hi i r kirn q 1 wcijwi of lirmito mr 1 mcdouifall r rnnuitn vulte 1 ultli hi i roller mr ic mcdoueall uu vek mr oram clrundy of ourtpli sptnl rmwluy with bin pan tits mr and mm lloy arunily ml job mildred unit dorothy muloy of 1 rnnlo were week end gursts of mr uild mrr o r ucott and called on many ild frlrndn onwrdnrr ny evening of lafll vccl tlir rhlmury nt the liome of ur mid daughter claire or calgary vluud wlui time it wtui daubuul if uie iuhxib could ik- raved from flrr mm croahy was atone nnd phoned tor help meantime mr crocby returned and wltii the aid at neighbors imtnagod to extlngulh uu blase advocate okougutown ror thursday cvening tebruary 7 1029 ensuring continued proeperily in its inst issue colliers magazine gives some ex ccllent advice for the continuance of the prosperity uqw prevailing on the north american continent the underlying economic principles are healthy but ik u 1 1 si i he ttnutfb s di eiv i j pfu mtn b u g b if uy r infi tunt i i ti i r hh aco nniy m tf eoimlcnancc oljver wendell i am bound to say tlr i should no trtuckir ns you utrttrbtry ur m trtvnobilc or a suit of clothes or a peck of potatoes measure the price by the value you ore offered the only permanent rise in security prices is made by increas ci productiveness of the managers and workers cm ployed work done ib the magic which makes pros penty if you want to see prosperity continue help to make it safe work save spend invest but don t gamble the growth has doubled the btatistics published last week in connection vi tit the waterworks department make one who vividly remembered the time when this convenience was installed and the voting thereon took place just reflect a little there was the usual strenuous op position and the council at that time in making their estimates of the probable number of services in view or this apparently strong opposition instructed their engineers that there would likely be about two hun drcd patrons in five or ten years but in the seven vears since installation there arc double the estimate of consumers if the waterworks system was now found inadequate to meet these demands at whose door would the blame be laid and who would really be to blame for this lack of provision fortunately acton has with careful administration been able to meet all demands on the system that have been called upon and the equipment has to date proved adequate to take care of this double the estimated load but one sometimes wonders when viewing the past move ments if this opposition for the sake of opposition only is not to blame in many cases for the outlay of considerable added expenditure at future dates and is rot really the causes of higher taxes and not that pro gicssive movement which builds with an eye to the ft ture and is most frequently blamed for higher tatcs opposition well founded and looking to the future or of a constructive nature is always a real asset but opposition that has the narrowed view cf the present day only in sight is liable to be felt as n detriment for many years the question of who should support the dependents of those imprisoned for violation of the liquor con tiol act nnd it was felt that the government that cenved a large revenue from the sale of liquor should be responsible rather than the county a resolution was unanimously passed to this effect evidently the provincial liquor law is balancing the budget with their iquor act at the expense of someone else and the first pinch to be hollered about comes from the county council and why should the province no pay for the support of these dependents the budget has been wrongly balanced it the support of these and many other items have not been taken into con sidcrntion every man who spends bis monc in government booze to the detriment of his dependents and the profit of the government should be charged up on th liability side of the governments books if the profits are checked up us assets these de nnd until they have been udicovcnimentiiastoodando at the opening oi uw ontario shown its liabilities in balancing with its assets the budget lias only been staggered the county council resolution is among the other rumblings that will gradually grow into a roar that if unheard by the government and its policy unchanged will moke the storm of public opinion that will get a solution of the prohlcm in a balance sheet liabilities have to be considered as well as assets smaller comraunitiefl the hcajuticat considerable interest has been aroused in the j ultra violet ray form of treatment of certain types of i diseases by the success which it has proven in til case of king george this form of treatment rough 1 amounts to using rays which arc found in ordinary sunlight but using them in such concentrated form that they producevcry rapid results it has been found in recent years that sunlight not only has curative properties but that it also builds up and protects health this being so it is interesting to note the results of experiments which have recently been made by the baltimore department of health because these experiments have proven that the rural communities and smaller centres arc more healthy in winch to live thun tho large industrial cities these experiments were based on the value of ihe ultra violet rays of the sun and it was found that these were greatly diminished by an atmosphere polluted ty dust and smoke it was found that in the centre cf the city the pollution of the air was six times as great as in the country surrounding it and that the effect of the ultra violet rays was reduced in the city in proportion to the extent of the air pollution this discovery having been made it is easy to undc stand why people living in the country and in the smaller cities where there is less pollution of the nir should be healthier than those living and working in large cities perhaps that explains why people living in the large cities seldom have the same healthy blooming complexions as those who live in less densely settled industrial areas surely this is a strong argument in favor of the small town as com pared with the large city as a place for the enjoy ment of good health dr campbell laldlaw of ottawa coent the week end with itev dr uccoll mls mary vannatter xptnt uie week end with mijuj delia tluunpcon in tar unto mm o 1j dayfaot left todmy to eiijoy u lhi rt liollday at 11 aeldc lodge prc- o ii united church choir enjoyed fixating party at uio arena la l wednes day nlflht hfur which all ucre enter tained at tho iwune of ur and line harold cleave it was a mai enjoyable evening uirouchoul mr ii r ulmnu was in toronto lost week attending the annual couvju- tlan of uuunluditotidco lid mr nlven u- jackson and little mrs euucno crosby look are and for a mr and mrs jolin mcdermld during i he week mr u williamson returned liom o qaturday lout from a moat enjoyable trip id chicago bl louis fort worth oanltonla natalia texas and new mexico mr acorge dcaumont and cons ftrock and robert and mr arthur errlngum of toronto attended the funeral of the late howard m beaumont on qaturdav last herald fashions for tlic smart woman atnwaluv iv the smart miss every if irl m iter teens want to luve tier frocks fashioned along- the sjutie lines as her mothers and every ihotlief wants lier uuri ler to look just as sweet and rlrhtli as noi attje tlte frock shown tolay effect an admirable compromue and will de light both tlte tnotlier and her datigh ttr for it follows the prevailing pans tttoderprdothtirmiesyrtupt it to skillfully to the girlish figure that the wearer will lose none of her youthful charm the simulated left aide closing meelhuf a group of in vtrfedficat empliailfces the pojmlar one side treatment worn sleeveless ond nude of pique linen or tliantunjj it is attractive for sports wear it may however he made wiih lonff sleeves for school and street wear suqduvu3 fiffl rrsey isjffrctivr oakvhxe after on obenco of over forty years alexander wucon la vlaltinff ids bister- in law mrs street and renewing early associations mr and mrs w davis and master edward left on thursday for a trip to ban dlcgo caljvherc ptcy will spend the balance or the whiter the detour was reopened on friday alter tho repairs were completed which legislature yesterday mm rev dupexiclcr wright of kcmpvuie is visiting her mother ura tyrwhitt watson avenue n crateau formerly manager of the record was honored at prexcott by being elected peoploa warden of the anglican church hi that town si p initials well known in lorg or canadian centres and uiroughout tho united stoics meaning atlantic and pacific an organisation with a chain of grocery and provbdon stores in the unit ed autcu and who comctlnu ago in vaded canada have decided upon oak vllle as a location for another link in their chain record nukxxngton mr and mrs harvey davis have re turned liome from florlda pnul puhcr has returned home from a butlncjj trip to ifniifny tile conditions of customs officer j luchardiion who is confined in the hospital rematna unchanged miss esther hopkins who has been vllung friends hi detroit windsor and london for uie past two weeks is re turning home tills midweek mhua florence peart and marjorle harris upcnt uie weekend at mrs donald ilall duelph the guests of mufl helen pcttlt who u taking uie associate course at the institution lost night mr and mrs r nawklnx who are icavlns for new zealand on thursday were tendered a farewell party at the liome of ur and mrs u m rob- huon maple avenue cards were en joyed after which dainty refreshment were served mr and ura hawkins ore former residents of qurlinston urav hawkins noa uis land fllllnjr tha pojuon of victorian order nurse here for several months an lmportailt business deal was put through on monday morning wuen mr u o thompson disposed of his general drygooda and grocery builneu on water btreet to mr p w tcmplln of luurdlum ur thompson luu accepted a position in one or the important departments of the hudson s bay oompanyls new store at winnipeg and will leave to take over his now duties the latter part of next week q osteite gems of thought the dlble is a treasure it contains enough to make us rich far time and eternity jt contains the necrct of happy living it contalnes the key of heaven it contains uie uue deeds of an inner tonce incorruptible and that fodeui not away james hamilton there arc not a few who even b uiis life seem to be preparing them selves for that smlleless eternity to which to morrow a fate tliough uiou be wise tfiou canst not tell nor yet surmise pass uierefore not today in vain for it will never came again omar khayyam tlie lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer my god my strength in whom i will trust my buckler and uie ham of my salvation and my high lawct 16 3 experience keeps a dear school but fools will learn in no ouier and scarce in uiat for it la true we may give advice but wc cannot give conduct benjamin franklin miloumhtantml eviih nt j i llh ihitll hi lilt book f u l rnutlt 1 in j t uild liitnuil till an inu r tlnu ihry of m if tin mruuui hupmiiligj ut ih llrltl h mil m iim a i nine who won vl lib u ut wind or cunt w nt i n fltty in til m imiuiii t mi h fniiuim roln tin nly m of iu kind known to ih in xl t nee rhr ki jw r tew k hlni into u prlvatt room and with much sowmilly dr w u rth the pr el u rellr the prints examined it with the hvolirrtrhttrrrtt aid mil prciumd rx cltimrnt uhlcli indlr itnl that he uio wna n r 11 rlnr i coin ihr krrjmt turned it v ay for an in uuml nil h ord t inrthlmr fall i hnv impp d 111 exclaimed lli prlnro 1 he keeper joined ii in tnhlinwurclr hut nowhere c uld the roln 1 f njnd tfii tw nty thirty inlnuun i anitd j he i rlnc intktd ut ida watch i ant vrry sorry raid lie hut i liavr an appointment i munt lo the keeper walked to th door lacked it put the key in his porket and said looking the prince straight in thn rye not unul you re a lire the coin i saw last in ynur hand you cannot leave uils room until you give it back what one would think from your manner uiat not at all interrupted the keeper come let un find it the prince bit his lip turned pale and resumed hln search at the endfu an hour he declared hln dr termination to leave the place if you insliit said the keener it ulll be my painful duty to call an officer and have you searched the prince lenned agalnrt the walls overwhelmed do you mean that he gasped i do then we must continue uie search bvryniolctmd c cd after a while the prince sat down tho picture of despair when suddenly he raw uie coin packed away against the skirting of uil room and laying as if rlued to uie wood oh cried uin keeper here it la thank oodl exclaimed the prince my dear sir said uie keeper con jou forgive me yen certainly was the reply i was never more frightened i assure you i never realized until now how clrcum otanunl evidence might hang a man for a crime of which he might be perfecuy innocent 6 land a little away from me please and i will show you why i wajt so anxious to be gone you say uiat coin in your hand is the only one in existence the prince put his hand in his pocket and drew out its fellow i came into possession of this a year ago ever nincc i have had a burning desire to see uie british mueum coin but had i been searched what would you have thought of my explanation that thcr were two such coins wwl business directory bxkdicax whats the use nu vine cheap medicines get mr fjylllii upahrrt 1 n uttl ur hrad colds catarrh whooping cough cough croup nrt nrlihln fnlnrgrd and diseased ton nils and ail throat troubles absolutely guaranteed e j howard maricevenygrave j nouilng ia m re la- ung or more appropriate t j commemorate the memory of loved ones wlio have gone before than beautiful rranlu well carved with our prernl equipment and facluucs no plant is better pre nor ed to offer better values or a better stock to choose from uian con be iccured at our plant you owe it to yourself to ere our stock and get quotations on monuments markers or corner stones before placinj nr order anywhere hpccul quotations prevail on all orders placed before april is acton moniimcnt works j nicol phone lit what should you have done i should have been guided by uie police of course and i have missed my engagement but 1 am no longer afraid to look you in the face try magnesia for indigestion people w ho suffer from indlffcauon usually tisve tried pepsin charcoal drugs and various digestive olds and got little more uian slight temporary relief come umes not even uiat but before glvum up to chronic dys pepsla just try uie effect of a little uliiurated magnesia not uie ordinary commercial carbonate citrate or milk but pure disunited magnesia which you can obtain from practically any druggist either powder or tablet form take a teaspoonful of uie powder or four tablets with a little water after your next moal and sea what a differ ence uils makes it will instanuy ncu trallxc uie dangerous harmful acid in uie stomach which now causes your food to fikmcnt and sour making gas wind flatulency heartburn and uu bloated or heavy lumpy feeling uiat scorns to follow most cveryuilng you eat you can enjoy your meals without feai of indlgefcuon tfsted rastu l my bawui warm yesah the walme t ah was cvah in vtry similar a young man who had to go abroad was saying good bye to his sweetheart darling he said when i am far away will you gaze an uiat star every night and think of me dearest i will she answered that star u so full of your nature uiat it will always remind mc of you why is uiat bccauc its out so late at night and looks so pale in the morning doot be too easy an yolir bens make them produce ban a ttiry wux if yea ibfu a doily uot tj 4t pmtltit rj-fftuloi- luhaj lota at cujutam i lj7ymi oe prowj r uhaalxc your txnybfoatnkl lot kill hy d tvldot acton ontario red rose orange pekoe tea is truly economical a half pound makes almost as many cups as a full pound of cheap tea costing 50c to 60c es redrose red rose orange pekoe i extra good i the transient traders bill that contentious transient traders bill is likely to be up again in the legislature this year tiil transient traders by laws and regulations have been i source of considerable trouble to municipalities for some time and now the matter seems to have been passed on to the legislature and is bound of settlement before it will be dont it uppears again this year as a private bill and is bneked by flic retail merchants association it is proposed that license fees shall be not less than 250 in u city or town s200 in a village in unorganized territory and 100 tu other vdlagcs and township it is also understood ihat there will be provisions for the crediting of fees tu tuxes und that the penalty tor trading without a license will be equal to the license fee which should lave been paid plus u 10 to 200 fine if the bill passes jt would appear thiil some relief were going ti be given to the merchant who pays the shot in taxes continual and his transient competitor would have to pay a fee that would make hun on some sort of equal foot in with the merchants who stay in town nnd pay their taxes and other assessments repu laily and contribute to the improvement of the mun icipahty it io up to the legislatures to give the municipalities power to pass by laws for the protcc lion of its shareholders r m whom it derives its revenue it is understood that the initial section will 1 i ovide for the passing of by i iws to license regulate and j transient traders by substituting a new iction in tlil municipal act for section 422 tins i section is likely to provide that by laws may be assed by the councils of counties and towns i uoruiued territory huvtiij a population of not less thun 2 000 und of sepurated towns and cities having i pupulution of less hun 100 000 and by the board of commis loners of police in cities having a pojiu litioii ot not less than 100 000 for lieeiijing regulat mi and povepmng transient traders mid for requir mg fliciif to pay u license fee before commencing 1 uil ue ji editorial notes the bus driver must be flie subject of envy or many men lc has from ten to thirty back seat drivers but not one of them dare issue instructions at the end of l28 livings deposits in t chart ered banks of canada stood at 1300 002 201 which icpreseiits i per capita deposit for the dominion of iibout 1 10 that condition reflects great credit on canada s buoyant financial position lu meaford the agricultural society opened the year with seventy cents on hand und closed it with a debt of eighty six cents in between u id fair had been held and everul thousand dollars had been leceived and expended and the deficit of sixteen cents is not u very serious matter to anyone 11 newmarket i ru last week commenced its 7th year of publication and during all but four months of that time lias been conducted by futhc and son und has never missed but one issue surcv this is u record to be proud of and in its 77th year under the guidance of mr l g jackson is occupies u prominent place among the best weeklies of th province milton mus crala of uus qlabe ataft toronto toimcrly of uie mil ton high school teach big start spent hunday with friends la town johnson neelands ol hornby s punu at the milton lllfih bcliool has been entered by principal hepburn as con testant in uio canadian and internauan- al oratorical contasta between twelve and one o clock noon last friday uie fire alarm was sounded smoke havlrup been seen issuing from flemliitf a aonstronsa butcher shop on main street tho ore truck was toon its way uierc but there was nouilnje to do when it reached uie scene as when tlir shop was entered there being no one there at uie time it was discovered uiat the emote was caused by a coat hanging behind a stove in a room at uie back of the shop having become lcorchcd by uie heat therefrom it was quickly removed and uie danger uao over hclormcr ittv j a jcwott or trafalgar is ill ills many friends hope for a spejtdv re covery lluuh mycra and dert jcmpcon o tiaua tpent uie weekend at uu home of uie latter a parents here isla acarglna agnow who holds an important pocluon in a chicago hospital having been given leave of ahaancc will spend tlirct- months lure wlui her par en to ur and mrs wm agnew com i atrecl the hell tclcplinne companys fine new building next to the champion of flee u finished and will be occupied by uie stair of operators on monday i ho transfer from uie old to uie new building wilt be mad wltllout uie alight wst intcmrutlon in uie cervlce cham plon hal ton newspaper men are canting into their t wu this year e a hums of the burlington gazette has been elected president of the burling ton and nelson agricultural society a s forster ot the star has been elected chairman of the oakvillc hoard of education and j m moore of the herald hus been eluded chairman of the georgetown board of rducution all pood men and true milton he former paut of your education a young fellow wlio ldul been an out standing tennis player gave up uie game for an unusual reason im afraid u 1 keep on playing tennis tut explained to an cider man uiat i alian t have any friends left vou see i want ter ribly to win and if i lose i teal like committing murikr i m batting uie re putulon of being a poor loser i think i m wise to glva up uu game i his young man failed to consider however uiat his eagerness to win la not limited to tennis as lie goes ihrougli life he will coiitantiy be eager for sue ces vasuy in tra important uuui uiosc uu uie tennis courts it lie cannot lnse a game wluiout alienating frunds iu will not tje able to faoe ouur mou urloiut uitea with courage and slfcnii trol this young man aliuld not ilve up unnu lly altould make uiat same u purl of his iducauun ducipiing klax self u bucuuia a good idsar at new lower prices the plymouth dollar buys far more infull sizejneconomy in original style and beauty cttttthi savings up to u0 on tlte most popular w body styles plymouth now looms up more sliarply titan ever the greatest dollar value in the lowest priced field qualnty and luxury of equipment aw unchanged all the bigcar size and roomineu which set plymouth apart in its price cusj all tlie ragged construcuonandtnlierenteconorny of plymouths highcoinpressfoii engine all its unique chry cler style and beauty come to you intact but at substantially lower cost we could quote cndles videncc of plymouths greater value readily seen in suxli features as cstavsqb uonmi muuc k0 akto wwajjw coupa s20 raadacr 2 door saltan 850 80 touruiq 870 dj lux coupa vtjs riuttsx tw 4 doarsdan 1170 8 jo all pnen fob wudfor ontario wcliid ug ildntj arj factory qutpwut frtgkt itttd ttixtt extra weatlierproof hydraulic 4 wheel brakes full pressure lubncauon uwly impulse neutrolizrr and impressive chrysler power and smoothness but we must ask you to drive the new plymouth for a complete revelation of the overflowing measure it provides in luxurious low cost transportation only in this way can you real lie what the un paralleled engineering and nianufactunng re sources of chrysler have achieved in produc mg a anal ty car for tlie greatest of all motor car markets joi h a coxe ir j a mcnivlin sbylilvi and ftvrgtt ottirft und laldriice cortxtt uowm aveiuin and lei in fluoet lvga1l ii nn no 22 v o uox si iiakoi d nash taitmcr m a llarrtkui hlleluf nfrury raula j kte i 1 ilityman mxicv acyon ohat iaouyy lent oh uoiltoaoicd houn d 30 a m to 5 06 p hi uaturdays 13 00 o clock r j sparham turrlflur halulur nury rvuu opfick mili kyekfr acyon next co naptut tjlmrcii liours 0 00 a m to 5 00 p m wlnyah dk j m bell dos l d s deutaj burcm ofllcb ulll and frederick btreeu phohb 20 dr j h johnson ddld office ulll olreel in uie cooper block tlxepiioni 45 mlflckixankouh francis nunan nktlaar account books of all kinds uuls ia order periodicals of every ueaerlpum carefully bound ruling neatly au4 prompuy done wyhdliam otreet ouelpb oo over williams otore r j kerr auctioneer and real ejjuui twenty years experience lidt voun pttopeivty wrrn ux card co cleaners and djw guelph ontario if you have money to invut standard royalties offers one of uie aafaat and best dividend paying invctmttu dividends are paid regularly every month it you want to know about it enquire of h w dawson p o box it csamriton district representauva or uu contlaeat band csepaeaumi underwriters i have openings for few local agents gbhingamdkbeping gat var aeeauat rsu kep year castaacr our service dees thu kelly aiken diplouatic colleotord oraagwiiu 0aa sauoj gtilajt life insurance we deal only in lite insurance and arc pleased to explain the various policies best suited to your roqulrctnen ta it wiu uirpiice you uie varied forms of policies uiat can be writ ten to cover your present business needs a request for information docs not obligate you in any way frederick l wright imperial mm aaoirasss ca si canada phone lou main su aeua it pays to advertise since the appearance of our last advertisement considerable business has been placod with us thank you very much t g ramshaw amtton and aoton j as itamsilaw aaaktant cluryuler mid wy mouth sidi olid service ihtuue g acton ontairla optometry itt value to the public nv a d e1avage gaslnh oataiia much ib now known about tint sjyes that farmery was unknown the more uie function of ming is studied uio more it is recog nised as havuig an important natation to health and success wrung eyes and perfect effi ciency is an impossible oouibiua uon hut fortunately wroag eys can bnrauy be made rihl or to function normally uaybe you ure ona of uu so pe onol wlio nead our service vo ue cauiiual heki wwck r mmtmmmtgkm ront9k9i