Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1929, p. 5

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oflftg axf tm 3m irani thuiuiday fkihluaiiy 7 1ui0 titi imi hiix now it lnl niounh to ii it jn our luurti hint uv like it nuin fur hi umn it jint nouiili luil ur ill our inlnili ullh jwmr of illinl pruijj- nor i- it i nouiih tliitl wo honor innn us our iiiiifldcni i- ujiuunt innimj if irolnir tiff lit up tn llir ninn hltmrlf mid ti llluif 10 iliit ictiuil it ii innn diwn a work nu rrnlly lulniin- dmri idiir a kind nurd unuld jn inr that lo do u might nmlti- him vuln and cniim- him in lnj hli llfllu hut riurh out your hanil iipr tell him wr 1 done mid c how hlr rnu- tude twrllii u lnt the flnwcni we atrcw on uin iirnvi itn tlin work to uin livinc that tells iifa1tl krrvlo at the canadian aifodleal association what does it mean tjib sunday school uisson i ph kunlfty lllmuauv 10 hiijntanoj and paiiii doldui text llcpcnt ye and hellcv ii tin iniipcl murk 1 li uiimin itii 1 1020 djik in 20- 3 j7u3 murk 2 113 iukc 3 1m lii 1124 art- 2- 3331 lhb 11 110 kumuy preliminary ilinil the fcvin nilili jmikmibi tlin article 1- written lwcnui or uir numerous rnntilrlci rccrtvrd hy tin health nervier ufiulnn the inrnnlnn and nlunlflcance of certain ul our cor respondents ask the minnlnii of a high blood pressure n pojth v or ncfrntivc wasnermnn tent or cnnccrnlnij one or other of tho numcronn toitr which arc made durlna tin- piuit year w a result of research in mrdlclne and in science certain ttru lime been made available for phyirtcinn ttitsx lfmrnrtrmiwt valuable oldi in deciding the nature of dti4are hut they arc iiolhlnu mpre than aids they are u it u ere on cno symptom a physician ilori not rrukc a dlannoui on one nymplom only and for the rarae rcnwin he doca not make lila dlngnonln upon the remit of one tcrl it moras necckkary to point tills out as to many people teem to uilnlc that llie diagnosis of certain dlceawo la no made in u machinelike manner by subjection the coco to a scries of tcstfl which lahlc the individual an suffering or an free from certain dcacca we arc not mlrilmbdna in any nay uio value or these tcsli we merely point oui their llmltatlomi the results mi wt bo weighed olona with other symp- tomn by tlie physician i n charge of the case tlie significance of symptoms varies and each caso must be con sidered separately in using modem tents the physician brlngn all available means to hu old so- tliat he may make a correct diagnosis a correct diagnosis bclntt needed not aa- unuulnuu person cannot under stand the hlgulflcancc of these tents any more than ho can understand the mean in of the different sounds jhc phy sician heira thrmirh hls rtcthocope whin uj applies it to the client of the pel he la cramlnlnn it li not because tlicsc are secret or mymerloui but simply thr lliy require fur th lr interpre- tlln certain definite scientific knowl- i ti tralnuiu and experience cullns concenilnn health addrcas- cd to the canadian medical association 184 cjmccc street toronto will b an- iiercd pcrranally by letter twenty years ago- i rem th ismjc of the free irets of thurejay ielruary ii 1009 the wheels and tlie runners arc fnv aucntly intermittent tills winter yea the bear wan able to sec his sliadow lonaboata stock went up considerably here at midnight- last friday uhen the news of hla victory over ghrubb at new york readied town jjr jame uhu who hod the mis fortune to fracture the lame bono of the heel of hlfl right foot by jumping out of a rla on the frozen ground about new yeari has discarded his crutches and is now able to get about with the aid of a cane knox church choir was very liospl- lably entertained at the home of dr and mrs gray when uicy had been in vited to hold uieir weekly practice there on friday evening on monday afternoon while skating on andersons pond ulsa haiti mason in advertently skated on a thin coating of ice over one of the places where the lee cutters had been removing ice miss mason was skating alone but her muliap was noticed by several skalcrn wlio rulecd the alarm and in a few minutes willing hands rescuod her from her pcwiaitt plight at a brief session of tho board or education on monday evening a com mittee appointed to interview tlie council witli reference to the installing of elec tric lighting in uie halls and basement of the public school reported that the council had given the proposal favor able consideration and had instructed the electrician to report as to the prob able cost members of tlie womens institute to the number of twentyeight accepted the invitation of georgetown institute tost wednesday and attended the monthly meeting and provided the programme at the close the georgetown ladles serv ed dainty refreshments tjie flume at the chopping mill has been repaired and strengthened and was put into commission monday tim municipal legislators have had a buiy umo tlie past week when the auditors jleport was preccntcdlt was accompanied by a letter recommending a moriilatlsfactory plan for keeping the books of uie electric plant especially in connection with the revenues a special meeting was culled to consider the audi tors recommendation after consideration had been given to the duties of municipal officer and electrician it was moved and seconded tliat the clerk bo instructed to advertise for applications for the office of muni cipal officer at the salary of cmoo per year uie duties to be as follows municipal assessor collector of taxes collector of electric light revenue tlanltury inspector caretaker of town hall caretaker of public park caretaker of palrvluw cemetery commlsmuncr of utrvtut untl walks constable ihiundkecper truant officer ulld such other duticn as may be required in connection with the work of tin- muni cipality tlie regulation meeting una hi id on monday and application for the posi tion of municipal officer were presented by w d qmlui u m lai by william ultchie william o ijiwton 11 il wonliu and oeorge locker jvlo qifrlttl meeting on tuxmlfty dilng w d umlui was upotntd muni cipal olflcer ulrgerft sermons were pn cled t knox church anniversary lasl sunday by itev a e mitchell u a hamilton the muilc by the choir at both serviced v as exceptionally fine and tlie floral decorations very attractive on mon- 1 ly evening u tetitncctlng and cnlcr- t 1 tint ml iuovd u great bunccsn thnlloard or health met in tile council chamber last ltlday cvinlni members present ilcovc flwackhamrr a j mac- 1 union secretary jaa mciiiuulii o oamble and a- t ilniun after dlncuvslon of several iimttcrn it uas mnvid and irrouded and carried that uir munulihil olflcer he hlstrurtt d hi luvi tlgutc all kluhin sink onl ceu- 1 chli and win rn any urc found iuu con- ulctta with uu stre l udii to have them rut olf at onrc mr juinr- mc- inltiji uiu appointed lhulriuiu for uu year ttfart in each what you think to hj il- rentral vcrw conridir the relallnn liitween falul and rritentancc monday luilali and llxrkul ten 1 10 ojmiqiij and gomorrah uero cities iwlde the dead sea d itroyed by clod bcraiuc of their wlclrdnesn v 14 thr day of the new moon arh niontl wai a r llgloun festival vn hi 17 rtellulouji cerenioille do not count with ood but hearts of purity and loie vn 11120 no one need doflpnlr how- vrr terrible his suit ood can mnko them in if they had not ijeen iork in 20 the sad resulte of nln are transmitted from father to on -v- 23 gods great longing is for our freedom from sin for he known tliat that li our only happiness v aj only ne thing- can tree ua from sin itnrl that in getting a now heart and only christ can give it to u tuesday mark 2 ii2 v 5 palsy is a fearful disease but hmtimtmfftiiartijctiiraahnr an li far more fearful v 10 christ alone has authority to forgive mnn for it in against him tliat we have sinned v 12 the forgiveness of sin brings with it new strength and great joy it totally transforms our life wednesday luke 3 114 v 7 ood li love but god la also and necessarily wrath against sin v 0 no one repents and keeps on ifl lift evil ways ilcpcntance means a changed life vs 1014 the acts that prove re pentance are plain and simple no one need be in doubt about lhcm a minute thursday luke 15 1121 12 the younger brother would rc- llivc half what the elder brother would v 13 the sinner is always in a far country far from home and lave and peace v 14 there is always a great famine in the land of selfish pleasure v 15 to a jew nothing would be more tdiumcful than to tend those un- flnanlmauftiiu in the shadow of the bell memorial ufct4uacol ih farfth if beans of which woie umii for weights whence came cirral v 10 hauin always cheats his fol- iwrrs- he pays thtm no wages for all tlinlr work v 1 1 1 he humblest servant in the livlce of god farei better than the chief i f all the servants of satan v id the ilrst step back to god la he determination to return v 19 humility and confession mik iry true repentance v 20 god la always more eager for cur return to hhn than even the dis illusioned sinner li to return friday acts 2 3239 v 32 peters sermon at pentecost rhown uie wonderful transformation rouglii by christs resurrection from peter the denier to peter the bold prcaclier v 30 all sinners crucify the ban of ood afresh l v 37 awakened sinners arc filled with alarm thcyscc they arc on tlie brink of a terrible precipice v 30 three steps heart repentance outward confession of christ reception it the holy spirit to keep uie lieart clean v 3d gods call is to every one who will hear it and heed 1l he that will let him take the water of life freely saturday ifeb 11 110 v 1 faith is the power hack of re pentance it is not enough to turn from sin wc must tun to christ or wc shall certainly turn back to sin again v g if our repentance docs not lost it is because our belief in god is feeble id- transient v 7 faith is like an ark saving us in the flood of uorldllness and preserv ing us for a new life in a new world v 8 faith sets forth for an unknown land but it acts forth with christ and chrlsls knows v 10 the saddcsv thing in this me li its changes and losses tlie happiest thing in the life to come is its permanence fcmous for economy and healuiuilness shredded full size biscuits thoroughly baked with hot milk a bowlful of warming energy for cold days made itv rtic canulraii shredded wluuit company lid tim proiiontatlcm to lord willlnrctlon nt nrantford uio ouht ilay at a motlol of ncjlln flrnt tolophono lorcrtlior with uio intont cradle typo lnntrumont cm- iluint203 uio nroat contribution tlint dr doll mndfl to uio nrt of electrical communication it norvoo alno to remind ua tliat dr doll watt tho flmt to iwijectohntlw3vctrlrylmmpi773ni6tic tday socsio v n u 1 0 trananllnntlotilophonn carried i r ii v maxw m bnnllnlimon and experimentally verlrlod by hon a gorman opoodi trkyoln tlio broad expanno of tbo atlantic ocean in ouemmlelli r a ooeond tlio0 eloctrc wavon commonly known an radio uravcnworo knnn n nnilritond by rolatliroly tow jiclonunta in t87c wlon the telephone invented of colroe ll wave u known ulns thono unlit woven aloxandor graham dell won the flrnt to devlee a vlrol i ci rlcht an old dtcturo of boho experiment with llcht waven nolo at uio scotch lassies figure in fish wives dance leave acton far the wet 1010 a m 410 p m 7jm p nxj and on daturdayx oundsys uul holidays 1100 p nx leave aoton for oeorvetowa norvaj brampton toronto mo a m 1ij5 ft m 7js p m and on oaturdayg qundays and holi days 1033 p m millers worm powders not only ex terminate intestinal and oilier worms but they arc a remedy for many other ail ments of children they strengthen the young stomach against biliousness and urc tonical in their effects where the child suffers from loss of appetite in feverish conditions they will be found useful and they will serve to allay pain and griping in the stomach from which children so often suffer the penalty of miktii the first church of lyn ono of tho oldest organizations in the country has lately celebrated its one hundred and iityufth anniversary accounts of services houever interesting contain nothing of so exciting a nature as do these of a former celebration tlie oc currences marking the dedication of the old tunnel meeting house in 10b2 are recorded by an eyewitness and quot- in obadlah oldpaths lin after formal ceremony of dedication a hasl was held e dinner as tn ye grcato bume mr hood while uc were at table roobler flew to ye beam over our heads mr itlchurusan ye newbury min ister in u very loud voice and stately nicln proclaimed that tho ye house vjos a noble temple it yet was but a fit canlccl for ye godly jewel of lin where upon a most lusty crour won set up by ye old cock on ye beam and he flop ped hli wlngu sending ye dust down onto ye table yc companlc hurled apple at ye mls- bchaitng fowl but not being of good aim did not lilt and with a whirring nnlio flew to ye ground as if in disgust lr arrrbh was in a merrle mood not liavlng his hosts about him lie en deavored ye dangerous iierfomiance of gaping and laughing at ye uuue time in dolnu so he set hli juws open in such u wise that it was beyond his lower to bring lhemtifixlc uffttln his igonu- uai very great and hli joyful laugh was uxin turned to grlrvou groan liu we did our utmost to aay uie anguish ul mr otirljh but could make out but little till mr itogers who lnowctli some thing of uiiatomle did bid ye uihr to lt down on ye floor and taking hi head between hlt legs lumlul ye fiic- upward ui much as possible gave a lioucrful blow and sudden press uhlcn bmuitht ye jows ugaln into working order hut mr clerrlsh did not gajie our laugh much more nelthr did he tallc murh for that matter i- or kcalds or hunis dr thomas kc- jctric oil ii a standard remedy for tlw i prompt treatment of scalds and bums its healing pouer quickly soothes tlie paliv and aid a iikedy recovery from tlu- injurj it i ulto mi exrellent rem- idy lor all uiaiincr of cult bruhrs and pruliu as uill as for rcllcvuig the pain- art tng fnini liinamiiiatlou of vurloa klnctj a bottle ul the house and ttable tjivlt many u doctors und vet- crhmryu feu he honest a merchant required an additional clerk and advcrtld for a boy the flrnl boy that answered was ushered into a vacant room and told lo sit in a particular cliair and walu looking around he saw upon the floor just by the chair a dollar bill folded closely as though it had been occldently dropped he pick ed it up and satisfying his conscience that finding is having even though on anothers premises he put it into his pocket almost immediately the merchant came in and nftcr a few ques tions dlmiilssed the boy as not satisfac tory the next boy was seated in the same chair and he also saw a dollar bill lying in the same manner beside him he picked it up and laid it on tho table the merchant entered and after some questions pointed to the bill and asked where it conic from tlie hoy said he saw it on the floor and put it where it would be safe th mercliant said as it did not appear to belong to anyone why did you not keep it the boy replied because it did not belong to mc my boy said the merchant au have chosen uie ruud that inevitably leads to buslncss success the boy before you chose the urong one but how did you learn tliat this was the right path the boy answered my mother made me promise never under any circumstances to take what did not belong to me and i prom ised later in hie tills boy became secretary of the treasury whatever li found should bo restored if possible a stray cow or horse should be cored for and advertised the owner should be asked to provo the animal i and pay for feed and advertising things tound on school premises should be taken to the office articles found on the streets liould be taken to the ihiliee or advertised as found there is gain lo him who keeps what he llnds unless the oumr cannot be notuul u bldi pain begone when neuralgia racks tlie nervei or lumbago cripples uie back is the time to test the virtues of tluimas eclectrlc oil well rubbed in u ulll still the pain and produce cusatlon of ease und rest a liinl of it will establish faith in 1l easily satisflin a manufacturer of tombstones in a flourishing western town ono day re ceived a rail from u countryman who jnd to buy a iilniin for his mothers uravr after looking anxiously about for lome time and making numerous re marks uh to his mothers tastes tie final ly lined his gute upon a stone which the stonecutter had prtpurcd fur unolher jicrson i ule this one he said de cidedly ill udre thti but that belongs to another man i rtnnns trilled the blonec utter and it hus the name frunrut cut on it you we that wouldnt do for jour mother oh jtj h wouut responded tlio countryman mother couldnt read and b4iildi he added as he suw the stone cutters expresslon shed like 11 all the better if she could read for franclj was always a favorite name of hern anyhow tiiltmulk mistake a slightly liubrlated gentleman lurch- id into a cafe late ono night and sat down at one uf the tublrs holding tlie memf fird upside down lie gravely in- spertrd it for uveral moments blld- dtiily in aiiexritid manner he yelled wuitt r walter i cniere qulik send or the mining r tlunih burn u terrible uili- tnl- in ulf n trrlhlc mltakel wiiit i ii u- 1 tiruvily dcoiumltd uir- wilur ju look ut this huilud the duiuk wilding waving the iiuuu thosi darn fti pilitlin liuvc printed uiblj lhlhg upatdu downl alttiiicial precious stones de ceive exfeuts a little over a decade ago a french chemist and scientist startled tlio world with the announcement that he had dls- covered the lost art of uie alchemist ills announcement was supplemented with a display of artlflclallymadc sam phires which neluicr in appearance nor composition could be distinguished from uie same gems made by nature the raw material for uie manufacture of sapphires is ajumlnum every spadeful of clay contains a handful of sapphires but invisible and undeveloped because the magic touch required to make uicm appear is very rarely applied by nature the method employed by the french chemist to cause uie genua to spring forth was to take powdered aluminum j mixed wiui a htuc oxide of cobalt which gives a blue color and to put it in a furnace where it was heated to a tern- pcrature or 2002 degrees farhenheit thc powder was then placed in little vases ha vine funnels ftt tho bottom and these vases were put over oxyhydrogen and agitated in ouch n way that the ponder would fall upon the glowing i points of blowpipes j in the intense heat to which it was subjected the powder underwent a wond- eiful change where it fell upon tho i flame a molten drop formed transpar ent and of an exquisite blue this diop ls pure sapphire when it cools it 1 lraniiformed into a gem of the fhm water the sapphires uiu3 made mc as purer und hard as ulose made by nature the composition la the same i and uio color and brilliancy are ex act dupllcutes of muther natures pro- duct they can be cut and facetted by the jtiwellrr to suit his fancy or tlie funcy or uie wearer i itubles emerald amcuiysts and top- ni an- all eoe relatives each one in a rryuil whose base la aluminum with thli an a basil on which to work the chrmlm discovered the necessary materi al and mixtures tor the pioducuon ol gi nn that fivnl those produced by nature- itself tin foundauon of ul these la a tipeclu kind of glost called paste j harder than ordinary panto and more ritructlve it contains about fifty per cunt of oxide of lead an aruflclal snp- j phlrc li made by adding some oxide ot cobalt to tills juste to make an umelhyht the manufacturer of aruflclal gtnii puts u little oxide of manganese tngcuier with the cobalt hi ulc paste i oxide of copper togeuicr wuh oxide of chromium serves to turn out an imi tation enuruld a ruby requires more attention theic must be in uie paste j certain proportions of gold tin and anu- mony the same muterlab with a re duetlon of quiuitlty and a somewhat dlf- ferint trculineni serve for a topax could hardly live for asthma wjltes one man- who after yearn of nuffeting has fouud complete relief through dr j d kelloggii asthma iteuiedy now tm knowi how needless hus been his nitf- n ring 1 hli matrhlis remedy gives sure help to all ultllcted wlut asuimu in- huled iu hinokr or vaiwr it brings the help m longnecdid lvery dealer has it or ran ytl it for you from his whole- sukre conceited thin- is an old snd perhaps familiar storytif a man who was asked why he talked to himself so much wei suld he there are two rra- ioui in tlie llrst nloco i like to talk to u beunlble man and hi the second plan- 1 liked to hoar a sensible man talk inruhat nliittlar nmark lins witty xpnvlv r tiellug i leave it what prnbubly l ut t red by unouir o two thlngu that botlur 1 one is hjiwuie uorld e 1 eunir luto it and the it li going to gel on ufut ltan reeds bright face allowed signs of excitement as lie rushed into his uncles office one morning may i use your telephone uncle jim he asked breathlessly certainly replied mr dayton looking up from lis desk has anything hap pened you look a little disturbed well i am elton confessed tliat mercury reporter has printed a most out- rugeous account of our football game yesterday lie knew uiat it wasnt true and im not afraid to tell him what x think of him to his face well why dont you then asked mr drayton quietly thats just what im going to do replied elton reaching for the receiver wait a minute my boy said his uncle you dont call talking to a man over the telephone telling him anything to his face do you its far from that in this case about two miles i up- nosc i hope you arc too much of a gentleman to- tuke advantage of uia fact why what do you mean uncle jim asked elton flushing i mean just this i dont deny that on rare occasions it may be right and pruncr to say severe things to people but i do aay that the man who talks harshly to another over uie telephone 1jit a genucman lie may be at oilier limes and most of the time but lie isnt just then a genucman avoids ul appearance of cowardice and it is char ietcrlstlc of the coward to indulge him- elf in abusive talk at a safe distance i nni often reminded continued mr dayton smiling f a utuo incident that i wltncssed when i was a boy at a rnllwaybtallun in a country village a train had just come tn and a utuo rutichman standing on uie platform evidently recognized ono of the men on board ua a countryman of his against uhcni he had some grievance at any rtlr ns thu train started he began to niit- hit lists together and jump up and ilttun at the- same time pouring forth i n cpioslve torrent of words i couldnt umlt rotund them but they sounded very uiilhli apparently he was threatening the- departing passenger with dire pun ishment if he ever had an opportunity to administer it well the opportunity came sooner thun her expected the train went on for u few rods and then for some riuon 0 topped and moved slowly back to tlie station and a stalwart passenger wiui an- engcr look in his eye jumped oft jtu1 in time to catch one glimpse of tlie belligerent frenchman as he dlsap- piund nmnd the frelghtshcd i have in vcr rutu uie htuc man since but 1 h ivt- sometimes funded that i heard uu echo of hls voice over the telephone what urc you going elton why yes said the boy a little sheep ishly i gursn i wont telcpliono may be ill go ind tec that reporter or will i suppoiu llduosnt amount to much anyway ierhujis ill lot it drop herbs that heal when lungs and bronchial tubes seem all on fire fifty eors affo n quietgoing soul jumi iuiiuiiht cami to iyleriomuuh county 1 1 in miui nnrviloiia skill in coiniutuiulunj heiliul iikiltemo ono or hut many preiu rip lions fox fqlk iiilijrct to untnehilm or umilr illfl ami nsnty cdiiriiji unit culdu was liu iiiiliun uniit lumoiy full of tliu limit i- uiviiik ihivvit dntwn from mother niitiir liitwu womlerfully lieiunut to mil urn iuiiiiti a litulilit of rood ml iiiki1 matto 1lt iiiquaiiilaiiro of tlin liituhihli nmiilv kiip wwu inu hinli logelliir wiui tlio utlier lino uhrr llull llotwluilj luithilna imw ilitaiiiiihlo fmm u a t uttown acton highest prices paid for butter fat oive us a trial phone 53 halton cream butter co mlmonandactoni clias thompson manager acton branch time tables at aoton dian nationajtf ajiways fluiiday only dally except dully except dally except dally fxcept dalh7exorpt bundny only dally except dv i ly xcip t dally except dally except dally except oalnjf wci elutiday uuiuuty uuiulay uuiiday uuiidav gohtv kst elutiday hunday lunday t tiunthty uunduy 1041 mjat 7s6 pto 3m uju b bo pun- an v j- 701 pu 7 0 man siyktt niua- bilpja- j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist will be at a t ilrowwfl chopped wheat barley and chicken feed at uut mm agents for wheat pool bring your wheat oats barley here tains feed back we wu1 truck if preferred consult our nearest dealer if you have piles many auivr from pllaa iwiimns thatlkwhr particular caooauro citlvor hopoloaa or can only bo reliovod by an operation- lhoaa nooplo linvo novai triad natuittsfi pile ilemedv hiu old harbol pwparauon not only kttuovoathosudoror tba caumi of tho duuutao and oooctii a much moro lastinff rieldoooo than aay other form of treatment in tlio pafct 20 yoars liundroda and hno- drxdaof uuin woman and chfldrim hav4 miccaadad in doariotf tlianv imivm of ali with kato11es pile itemfdy afur kivhitf hopo with othor txoatmntb h van havo pilau no umttor how stubborn or hapaloaa thay may doom eivo thlo ronumly a triai it haoprovod auooooaful in 07 of caaoa to tlio sfrat bpraiuuda of tliousanda of uflaro qat a box trow your draffslot at onco tttko aooord- intf to diroctionfl if you em not nallufliid with tlio waultii aitxrr fair triol return tlio empty box and wo will refund your money fowit- field leumddla limited toronto a natures pile remedy none genuine without the name a w merrill a t bi10vvn dnirrist castoria motftfr flelchcrs castoria is a pleasant harmless substi tute for caslor oil rirconc teclhinc drops anil soolhinr syrups prepared for infants in arms uitl children all ages to avoid iitututii ptvrn dircttiin ok for the sijrnalure of ul ip riiyhiciam everywhere recommend it camavufan natlokak teailwayh wcummwj dally exonpt aunday dally dally daily dally dally dally dally dally 55w lljlstuc lsftpj 3jsixw isjslim 13j4aic iripjd mtajo 1spj 5j7p4fl tjvpjd 07 tun lljspjh toronto turmlaal 1 kaele srt audst cultr avuu prelflht delivered by fcptctal ftxpra freight freight picked up- at any ad- dreaa in toronto dolly except qunday dally dally dally dally dally dally dally xlauji travel s the creditors ot jesfle iuulla denny late of the township or krln widow and formerly of acton wlio dud on or about tho thlrtlth day of doembr 161a and all other parties havlns claim afcotait her cctate are required to aend lo th under mentioned solicitor lhalr full namcfl addreuea and deacrlptloni lull paruculara of their claims and the nature of the securities if any held by them and tills nolle being klvu in pursu ance of bacuan st of uie trustee act r a o 1037 chapter 160 ttouc u hereby riven that on and alter the twentynfth day of february a d 10a the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said jsftlo isabella denny among the partis lcuy fentluad thereto and lhsjrwih not be reaponslhla far any claims of which uiey navd not then received notice dated at acton onu this 3th day of january a d 1039 frederick noruah dkhnv wujliau kvknirrr dbmy alttliun owackliajjclt xxeeuton by ii h fanner acton onl thehr collcllor ms notice to creditors tlie creditors of jolin 1l allan late of lot beven concession thre of the township of erin pamur who died on or about uufklghuttiui day of novem ber a d 1038 and all other parties having claims against ids estate are re quired to send to the under mentioned solicitor their full names addresios und descriptions full particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities if any held by them and this notice being given in pursu ance of section si of uie trusteea act il o o 1037 chapter iso nouoa is hereby given that on and after the twentyrtith day of february a d 1630 tlie kxacutors will proceed to distribute uie assets of the said john il allan among uie parties legally enutled there to and they will not be responsible for any claims of wtilch uiey have not then received notice dated at acton ont this 91th day of january a d 1030 john allan and cilegtkh edwin allan cxecutors by ii n farmer acton ont lhelr eollcltor so3 savage company iewe1xeby watcnes sil- vehwabe cuinawabe silver tableware noted for quality moderately irrlosj uail inqudueij receivk prouft attention lower wynduflai sl phona 571 guelpn sulkcrlptlons for all majfazliie taken at ilia ive vt oflic

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