Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 7, 1929, p. 6

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mi 11 iamb at mllun on llnjiluy vumiury 3 1031 hiiih rt ijiiiiii in hln until ymr llfaioiii ii at tlin futility hnnii almu fitn rt iu rkwruml on 1rlday vbrimry 1 10jo rdlwrt timtchpr hi hln 71 ml yi ar hiiwaitl at urn rronto anirral ilnnpltnl ti mnndny ldirimryi id30 william iluiry uuwurt uuiul jjuiwr- lntrnilrnt clilldruin aid hoclnly 00 ycarr mrki own at tlin family homo lot 0 corcurlm j f rlo lowiiniilp on flalur- doy khnmry3 i03b allwrt mcicrhwn 1 lw lovotl tin burnt of jennie jurby in hln 4ilh year ntoiclih uuddrnly at the family nl- drncc liownr avenue acton on rhuralay january 31 id3d a is nlcklln j v uclovrd hunliand of minerva htorty in hln 73nd year aticinoon suddenly on wednrwuy janunry 30 10jd at her late reiildinctv 1434 dundan atrcct went prune cowant beloved wife of arorun emcsl atklnnon formerly or acton in mi moufam david in lovlna memory of my dear wife lydla davis who departed thu life february 11 1034 how often nlie comes before me nrr dear face fond and true imr dcaui can never take away owect memories dear lydla of you qhj irt 11iuiujday lililttfatltvnfi5o jg atidiffmt next tliumday will be at valentine it day tho ice men are harveotlns tlielr crop now tho ley pavements make the roada the course of safety theae days llcarta and darta will keep the mall clerks busy distributing trlcm next week the cantrnctoro have completed uie cement work on the new oakvllle bridge a good many soro falls hove been experienced on ule slippery walks durtna tho week there many savins items tucked away in the advertisements but lo find them you 11 have to read carefully ahoppent from a wide area arc flntl- ins uiat acton prices are in most coces iiu1 l our december subscription accounts wero just trifle late in bolng out but month but tlio prqmpt response of wib- juiibern was most sratlfylna mr and mrs charles thompson of orono removed to acton tills week mr thorn pton will iwve charae of the acton branch of the halton creamery here acoroctown ratepayers voted today on a bylaw for flxod asseument on the smith t atone factory and the supplying free of clmrce 100 000 gallons of water dally tlio news of the sudden death of superintendent g to wart of the children s aid society of ilalton and peel on monday was a great shock to this com munity the community nurse for milton and trafalttor township requested an increase of 500 in salary the boards decided they were unable to recommend the increase the pcrnus newsrecord was last week a special shopping edition of ton paaas with the local merchants ccttlns forth mldwlntcr sales in every lino of business duncan campbell of moffat is plac ing his sawmill in j isnumds bush the old cook place near nerval it u ui- lntentlon to convert most of tho trees on thla twentyrflve acre buiklnlinta lumbci milton champion tlte sole on tuesday of hufih clack was a very successful one the entire stock was disposed of without reserve and urouaht good prices horeea brought as hlfih as j337 50 a uc uoner r j kerr wlclddd tlio hammer tlie morning castbound bus yester day morning luul n wheel come off on main street beyond a silght shaking up however none of the passengers re ceived any injury and the vehicle jut careened over toward the side of the roadway the bear certainly had uie oppor tunity of seeing his aliadow on candlemas day last saturday if tradition runs true tlicre will be sis weeks more of winter weather but if the next su weeks are no worsef tlian the past won t be so bad tlie town flag flew at half mast on monday in honor of our late citizen a k nlcklln j p who was for a number of years a member of the municipal council and two years reeve of the municipality it is an interesting co incidence that mr nlcklln residence on bower avenue adjoins the town hall square lost friday alex mochrle mall car rier had a narrow escape from serious injury when his horse ran away and careened down mill street the animal made for the united church shed and mr mochrle was thrown from the cutter when ule cutter hit tin fk pa ess building as the turn was made portun ately lie was not injured and little or no damage was done to the vehicle or horse neighborhood news vount sfllool 1 ik promotions in january tit iorniv trhiuit ht an rollouu prom lir iii lo jr iv mtu flwuck hnimr iliwirii dountan cluthrti nun jr iii to lir iil ilolwrt itvr iltt honurr araci cluum iliclla album 1iiiik rt macplu rum 1- luood joharlnn lyl crlppj prom fir ii lo jr iii ruby mac- phiruin honono wllmrr davidson mary crlppn prom sr primer u jr i ocorglna i vans nillle utrrrll honon ward oraff iumotfl ihr anurltk rlunlfler that ihcj were promoted on trial vera m hurst xrachrr itaij inavaio mr and mm wm allen of brampton were visitors at the home or mr joseph allen on sunday mr lome wlk in visiting at lili liomi in kitchener mr ilcrt mcmrnnry who undcrwrnt mi oprrdtlon over nwcck ago in aiiclpli hospital b progressing nicety mr john coir has been on the sick llrt the last couple or weeks tlicre was a shover held on monday night in the former metliodlct churcli for mr tyid mrs ii allen mr alfred oopcr has been confined to bed for the post week with uio ftu mitji ftliel swlndlehurst of acton iinent the weekend at lier liome here wltli mr and mrs eph swlndlehurst couile or htlskntations jlw i o i v oki cock num in the following b uie january report of j s ho b qwmealng- or iv lawrence webster honors walter fryer lionora ilaxel woidie honors henry kelly wllmer pryer slgna webster rachael kelly stewart ruddlck annie black nilly mcphedran wilfred waldle br hl belitrtce icelly honors viola robertson sr u willie waldle elmer ruddlck jr ii alex waldle prances mullln mary robertson dorothy prank jr i cilftord webster sr pr ida fryer annie kelly jr pr willie ritchie billy robert c b younff teacher nabbaqaweta a pleasant surprise party and prescn tatlon was given to mr cameron kltch- tnr and his wife of nacsacaweya en thursday evening last when a number of their friends and neighbors gathered nf fjmr pnmfpnpneantflit chairs mr kltclung al thouih taken by urprlse made a very feeling reply uiank- ing them for tlielr girta miss amy fatt and mr r montgom cry of toronto visited at the home of mr e p fatt near knatchbuh on sun day mr and mrs cameron ramshaw of knatchbull and mr and mrs john mc a re ear of nassasaweya left on tuesday morning on a motor trip to visit rela tives in uarlctu michigan the ladles aid and women a mission ary society of ebenczer united church lie id their monthly mcetlns in the parlor of tlie church on tuesday of this week 0k to mr uuj mrw tibwrou ultu- tut a another to mr tiitd mrw irorfa elliott oil flmrifuy ivmihig isat ulkiut llxty of tlw nlihlhnj und friend i of mr und lutud ul annual mtlu tveitliii a vrar of sit work urptutrj i ik r liilur lurutlng of the ijikriilde of thf junior i o d 1 was mm cam roil kurhlnu kuthlrid u have hr id on llmwlny evi nlng piliniurytj at a orliil ivinliik at their home und pre- m nted mr and mrfl ldtchlng wltli a jlfl on th ocrulon of tlirlr n ci nt mar rlagc mr akx near wan chalnnau for ihn lvnilng tin followlnif addrcwi wan read by mr norman ilnrnn nndvtln prcintatioti of two chairs wiin made hj mrsi n rolirrt wiilin f and charlci lathy denr irltndf we your iiciiihbuni und frunilt mert with you thin evening to rpetf an lioiir of social good tellowrhlp amlto cxprrrj our appreciation of you v in luhtwin ulw our good ulrhcr for your happlnrrji and wel fare your consistent and exemplary conduct commend the influence of the homes you rrprc nt all of which li a rich heritage in community anil national ute phase accept this gift as a token of our good will and appreciation may you both have health with a uralth of ufcn beet in our since rest wishes for you surncd on behalf of the commun ity by mm robert watson robert parries drew pulton fl mrn chas lasby january 31 1030 in hln reply mr kuchlng said th re arc umcn when it l hard to rpcak and this is one of them words fall me to convry to you uie gratitude that viola mil i feel tuwuid yotrjirijiwmiumrns wlu tliece gifts every time we see these chairs we will remember those that gave them and we liope that you will all came and sec us and enjoy tlielr comfort again i uiank you tliat same evening at uie home of mr and mrs duncan mcdougall a similar gathering of the neighbors and friends of mr and mrs oeorge elliott who were also recently married won held at tills occasion mr jos flynu was uie chairman and tho presentation of a beauurul bronze coleman lamp was made by mrs jas olbbons and uie following address was read by mrs d mcdougall dear george and mrs elliott we your friends and neighbors have gauiered here tonight to ex tend to you an appreciation of your kindness and also to welcome into our community mrs elliott whom we have found to be always ready to assist in community affairs whenever help was needed in any uay we liave found in you oeorge a friend who could nil tills position eden mills a missionary evening on monday evening last uie missionary committee had charge of uie young peoples meeting at knox church miss p b hurst read ute scripture lei a reading was contributed by miss doris mcdonald the musical numbers lnclud ed a song by a race stewart margaret fimlth billy stewart and vernon agnew a solo by alex mann and a vocal duett by messrs p salt and a mann an interesting lecture on uie mission fields of uie presbyterian church was given by miss daisy po liter tho talk was illustrated wlui lantern slides and was most intereiung and instrucuve death of two church officials in a during the post week uie united church of canada acton lost two of its liunond officials by death mr a e nlcklln j p bower avenue died with great suddenness on thursday and mr albert mckeown at his homestead two miles norui of acton after a prolonged illness on saturday the tuncral service of mr nlcklln was held at uie church on monday ufunioon and that of mr mckenwn on tuesday afternoon early one morning last week residents in this vicinity nouced a fire at some short distance and on raising an alarm it was found that the large stone house lately vacated by mr geo mcforlane was on fire mr campbell smlui who had purchased the form had not moved lnas yet aa neighbors gathered palls nor ladders were available and as uie fire had reached the roof of uie large part of uie liouse nouilng could be done and the valuable home had to bum to ashen the insurance of f 3 000 only will not cover uie loss the orlln of uie fire ts a mystery one evening last weot as mrs o a mcphall was going about her work she slipped and fell hurting herself seriously and breaking several jibs the extent of her injuries are such she will be can i ncd to bed for some time con era tu lotions are extended to mr and mrs ellas husband on their recent jnarrlage mrs jas borden spent a few days at linwood mr and mrs robt simpson of region were guests of mr and mrs j marshall last week mrs cecil hardy and children of tor onto arc vljung at mr and mrs ii taylor a miss a argo was home from toronto over uie weekend a number of uie ladles of uie prcs bytcrlan church women s missionary society were delegates to a convention in knox church quel ph lost thursday you liave done wo ask you to accept uila lamp as a token of remembrance not for its intrinsic value but for the erteem in which we hold you and may you live a goodly number of yearn to enjoy uie biiflhtnecn of the same signed on behalf of uie neighbors and friends oeornc bomervlue duncan mcdougall in his reply mr elliott thanked uie neighbors and friends tor uie kindly fecllns that had prompted uils expression of their good will several of uie neigh bars also made brief bright addresses and welcomed mm elliott to uie com munlty a social evcnlns was spent following the presentation duffewn oocewood the communion of uie lord a supper was observed at uie united church lost sunday roorplng uie church being well filled for uw occasion preparatory ser vices ware held friday evening when rev c l poole b d of acton od dressed the congregation another of our residents passed away at his home lost friday in the person of mr rdbcrt thatcher alter some months illness mr thatcher devoted considerable of his time and cttort in the welfare of uie village being chair man of uie board of rockwood police village trustees for some years past he will be much missed in uie home and community where he was so welt known he leaves to mourn his loss his wife three sons and two daughters fred on the alxui line eramosa chas in the vllluffe in uie business of ttialclicr ae mcwlluams wilbert of heclna sarlt mrs llenry sunley of uclwood mrs chas mcdougal of fourui line eramosa the funeral on monday was held from his late residence was larsi attended rev a donaldson conducted the service floral wreaths were tokens of respect and sympauiy one wreaui being inun thr police village trustees and tucrc- tary the pallbearers wire mcr rs glo ii ivarcn fred smith j a llluc wm a kdwards ocar day of fergus and henry ilanbldgr of ouctph in terment waft made th woodlawn ceme tery ouelph mr john rlchardminn sale las wcd- cday was well attended mr frank farrls wlio bought uie place took pos session coon after and also takes over mall route mr richardson so faith fully carried out for several years post chan maltby took possession of his new butcher- shop business on mon day last friday night banie party or parties broke into the parker meat market and made off with some money and portions of meat also m p barrys warehouse broken into and a quauty of gaso lino takep away mr harwood oossclln lias joined uie staff of uie royal bank mr robert croft of toronto was a i cent weekend vliltor at his home on the townline mr stratum croft of ooderlch paid a short visit to his mouicr mrs j b croft lost week mr and mrs cvcar day of fergus were in uie vlllkge on sunday mr clarence lynch of ouelph was home for the week end mr leonard iph was home on uun- the fallowing is the standing of uie pupils or duffcrln school s s no 10 eumeclnn in order of merit for uie month of january jr iv jomce fllntoft vema joe ernesto tbnelu jr iil mabel page ella oakley nilly menitt annclo tonelll jr h laura bonus charles mills amelia tonelll sr x joan wall beatrice mcrritt john drake sr pr qutnta tonclu jr pr charles wait denotes examinations missed n e hall teacher hum of mrs lrl ii vincent iiiiiiual i rtlou of offlrt ni uon hrii and tin folio wlnir wire dieted for 1031 honorary lugeut mrs oco somcr- vllh riflint mrn jar admnson llr t vice rigcnt mm v ii rumlcy second vlccregrnt mlrn jc 1c an dt ruin xrrrtary mij- vera illirrt tn ai urcr misa pi arl wallace standard ih arcr mm jan dolile council lorn mm p wulson mm m c overboil mrs ooo musselle muu l robinson plonlrt mm w mlddleton ihn actlvltlen of the chapter durlnc the year were many right rfgular meetings and several special mrelln m were held a euchre and dance v oj helll in april which was a decided juc- coko donations urrc made to tho eng- llnh airls tour and mr burgnnldcr n memorial a new flauwas given to the town for uie park entrance the unp- tcr lion also flnapccd live flooring or the town flail stage which has juit been oompleud and is golnu into the mltter of supplying hooks for uie dressing room downstairs twelve i o d e calendars were supplied to tho school the chap ter decorated the graves on annlxueo day at uie november meeung mrs burden mm lumbers mrn dunbar and mm mccarthy were uie guests mrj burden rpako on uio general work of uie organltauon and mrn dunbar on the educational work of uie organization orrldecemher u baatrtvatieiawrilctrl proved very profitable and at christmas uie dlntrlbuung of christmas cheer won not forgotten weekend specials i lihitualty 7 h i iiciinrmr ks smi iiacon i jt incu rr 10 it gkanuiayln sugar tor hi suitana raisins for 1 pi ck iotatoi s for 2 iacktts lavolinj for i docn home packi d tgos for i caki s- airy soap for 1 jh bui k cocoa for cans pumpkin for 2 small tins pink salmon tor packets quakrii corn ti akes for 0c r 2ic 2ic 20c uic ibtx iull sut tlannelrttf iii anktts pair s2 10 hoys pullover swlatlrs at miwuxo iuk ls nelson co mill sthect acton pi10nc 17 footwear op winter footwear no old stock bargain prices come in we ruy and selj for cah good footwear at lowest poatqje various news items hoy ucout mmiioi tlicre was u gootl attendance at the open meeung of uie roy scouts on tues- duy cvrnlng it was decided to take in new members to form two patrols scoutmaster w a mason eiplalned that ceoutlng is not just for fun and play but to teach boys somcuitng woruiy the programme for uie meeting was one of games and a now wow was licld around uie camp arc scoutmaster maum pre sided ihr buys who were not admitted uila time have had their names recorded i qordiner of oi un a waiting list and will liave a cluuico day at untie ismr date to join uie troop mr robert pattcmon and mts myrtle a boy la not a scout merely because iil moorr n turned luinic lant week from has attinded or l atundlug bcout monlnal win re tiny ipriit about two hum tlngu a boy in not a stout unul hruceki has iioiukl ct rtaili tests studied uhd i hi aiumal he hurrt cummrnccd by mr liftmed uio m fining of ten scout laws uuji wtck while hot extra uilck it la of president uiui luu uuult a very salaiun prouiua fair quality a melxb ruinx party tlie scholars or knox church prcsby tcrtan sunday school were treated to uiclr annual sleigh riding party yester day afternoon and evening and a most hilarious and joyful outing was ex perienced following uio- ride a boun teous lunch wan served at uie church and wlui uie appcutca created by uie outing real justice was done features of the social ume at the church- were the presentation to rev mr stewart of a beauufui desk fountain pen set and to mrs stewart of a bouquet of spring flowers mm m r moore was also presented with a bouquet of tulips in appreciation of uie interest olio luu taken in training uie sunday school pupils united church vonng people leajue the clllzcnshlp meeting of the young people a league was held on monday evening the maple leaf group led by mr elvln oamblc supplied the pro- b ram me their subject was uie league of nations very irulrucuvc papers were given by mrs l o johnston miss bella stephenson and mrs j k oar- diner miss bennett gave a very inter cstlng map talk miss elhcl james gave a recitation misses marjorie and isabel bwltaer also contributed a piano duett ncv type of locomotive a new type of oil electric locomotive of the moo scries passed through acton on uie c n il monday morning on a trial run from toronto tlie new iron home is a much more powerful type than the battery car which was used occasionally being equipped to pull it heavier load only one of uie two units of which it is composed made uie initial trip pulling five coaches but ute entire locomouvc can cosily handle seventeen coaches and make as good time as the steam engines on uils run this new locomotive was again on uio run on tulsday morning lilcf deyobali a bpiendu entertainer tic mens club of uie united church have been very fortunate in securing must unique and lntcrcsung talent for tlielr various mcetlnas and moderately priced concerts and uie one last evening in which mr clias cook chief deyokati of tin iroquois indian tribe was uie special attraction was one of uie best of these chief dcyukali with his fund of know led lie of indian customs and traditions gave a most interesting resume if uils wonderful people chief deyo koh is an inrtalncr of much versatility he has a splendid bass voice has plenty of humor and clocuuonary ability and ran by himself supply a splendid even ing if entertainment after his first ap- pcaranc here he will always be a weir conic artist before any acton audlenoc ii la accompanist for uie evening was mm r it arnold to whom the chief paid high compliment for her asslstanca at uie piano assisting artists were the mliasca mason hi a french lioru solo with piano accompaniment miss puth gibson in soprano solos and uie orehss- wlu all contributed splendldly- rrndcml and appreciated numbers tlfi uppn cauiri of tin conn rt to uie artist was ixpniimd by a vote of uianks tend- rinl by lit v c u pooh and srcondid moon mr j it kriutedy uie men a cluli wan thalr- miixb ideal brooders the ideal brooder u a fit running mate to uie ideal incubator it too con be rjcuixd with coal cool oil or electric heaters economical soft and efficient will gladly explain the many features or ideal incuba tors and brood era no obligation of ourv carl h vincent local agent main st aeton jeeiwuaryspecialsj mcn s pcnmans all wool shirts for each mens strong work pants at per pair ladies silk and wool stockings at per pair ladies fleece lined bloomers at per pair 98c 125 65c 49c 100 bovs tleece lined shirts and drawers if nt pir gnrmeot t i c boys all wool stockings sizls 0 to 10 in per pmr 4ic a shipment of dressfs just arrived 3 girls flrccr lined bloomfjis pnirs for smat2edfeft for sale i pure bred register ed iiolstein cows ilortog maid snow a good lesi tng 1 0 000 lb cow shadclawn sweet echo a 15 000 lb cow good lest agnie laura dcicol a 13 000 lb cow as a 3yearold vcrbclle crcamclle dutcliland a 22 lb butter cow for 7 days a fine milker cow a arc right every way and arc sired by kins snow icomdyke tolltllla one of the innts bulla this herd consists of 22 head and are fully accredited chas rdarvel third line acton man of uie oven lugs procoedulfis clearing credit auction sale or paitm stock implfmfnts etc tho undcrslinicd has received lnstruc- uons rrom il nlakl hume to sell by public auction at lot 11 con cession 2 equclnn on thtlusday iluuuauv 14 1020 one o clock uie following iiorshb orey mare rulrm 4 years aurlcultural bay marc rising 4 years asrlcultuntl bay itorst 7 years orey marc aged cows llolstclii cow due time of sale holntcln cow due time of sale ilqlstcin cow dur time of sale black cow due time of sale holntcln cow due march 3 durliam cow due march 11 r ayrahlri cow du march 11 jersey cow due march 18 blue cow due april 10 du mm cow april 1 1 durham c laud dcclmbr is holntcln cow bicd december 10 jersey cow bred dcccmtur 3 jtrscy cow brd october 3 younq cartlx 5 young catue j calvin pios 1 york bow dul in april 0 luu pigs fowl- 00 plymouth itock llcna 3 ducks 2 drakes hauni3jii tju slnglt harm set duble llurtusj ntw txt double hor orain about 250 lliulicli mlxld 0 ruin impllmlnts ltix binder dccring mowir prot at wood llay rake profit wooti sce3 drill moiiy llarrtn sprlnic looth cultivator prol a wood dice 3 hoot inhrn tx i hurrowa 4 sections gockshutl 1 low no jl daln 1 lay loader lieu ii it r wuun j inch tire uearjy now wagon box nearly new wouoii lion whtcl wagon 3 inch tires lliiuuy rubbrr tin d himuy steel tired j cutten pleanurr aielgtu sloop ult lalu lninltr cr uin separator ca aclty 100 lbs i huckcy incubator 350 rug tiuur klrii l4ltgluu chain churn lluttt r howl ludu 1 lb print mull box oraln buua j ilcli drums j pig iiuughs plain i whinirtres neck yokes latrk ford cuul 10j5 model set seal s j 000 ibi numerous olhrr arucka s conlit dry ijardwtkwi a quantity of ioiauwa und punilpa furnliurk cok suv oloim cup board lamps it lichen chairs 2 if li chen tables coiich small standi rs 3 lints springs und mattreupus no lliuivr as lite tariu u kam uvry utluf must be hllkd far ttrtorff lea vine he prvtuuwr 1eumo jo 00 and under cash over that uni unt 0 in on t hi credit on ap proved joint notin per uutium olf fur ruh drain luinlpi iv uiumh and 1nirnllur io h lir oiu half eaiirand baluncc in four iuhiuli uin pltcu auctioneer m j caitlon cluk maple leaf economy store jviiix sthect m pajiant propnctor acton ontario highway grocer pastry flour 24 lbs for pastry flour 7 lbs for standard peas no 2 tin for standard tomatoes no 2 tin for standard corn no 2 tin for kellogg s corn flakes per packet specials for this week 87c 30c lie 10c 12c 10c aylmcr raspberry jam 10 oz jur for 3 pure lard lb pail for small oranges per dozen r grapes cf lbs for sunlight soap per bar economy tea per lb 36c 50c 18c 35c 6c 55c highway grocer w ncsnitt proprictor younfj street acton phone 189 superior stores best prices for butter and eggs quaker oats lnrjje size package 26c o uarb pearl white soap and 1 package 10c size ammonia all i or 4 jc 3 campbell s tomato soup op tins for ool 2cu pa ekages for 27c i incii 1 oa1 hffsl per ih i umlii queen olivi s 1 t z sizl for 35c 12c spixiai gingrii snaps lbs for christiirs soda wafers h size ai packages aoll- our buuv teas and coffee will pleaiie particular people 25c i uncy avixcd illbcul ts per ih tie jildcn hiiiiowi dai is 2 lhs j ill f prunes ooti size 2 lhs jc superior i loor wax the iin fftrfj est uiihty lurjc size jikc sunbriit javi l va ii i 2 tor 19c st luwrcnee or ilensun s 1 o corn starch per inkllkt 1zc cmwidu luundi sturth 2 lor lk- cnlif and i i nun tic luuicd i mil splendid abhortment to choose trmn peaches pears plums c lien ies pineapple etc all specially ptieed pancake tuiwlny tombinition stlt i puckujc aunt jeiniina pancake t lour i bottle puie maple syiup llonb voiju prdkr tq hills store pmonk 117 droctrlw nt itedticwl iticih friday saturday i ehniary kill atul hit acton dont lorget we delivi stock taking specials iilisic laninf iuaohu lmutln stock wt want to clean out odd and end on i riday mid sutur diy of tin wccl you will find t li lot of he c end nil measured up and marked in plain iijiuc it pecnil price all and look them over print omflumi white and gray cottons shirtings fottonades i lannel lowillinj and 1 ublc unmask i very one a bargain i ok juiltinc lied giound chintz in no i iiiaht t ineiie wuk xt ew patterns special at per yard jj 1 ky our ni w ami rican lia i j i tb for 4 vn ood yarns omr to this slonw kp tlir best yarn made specials in grocer t rregnt p i hnnipson seedless kiiisins i lb for shredded coconnut i ih for 10c 20c mrtuirour cloiiii b pins 3cloiii lbs for tox waslnim powdr 1 lbs for ouk regular black and gui e n ii a cc rtrular 05c plr lb for ijjc mclean co m1ii street afton ont syjitrrte t announcing granulntetl sufrar 10 lbs for 57c 2 ginger snuph op lhs for zidc tca 1 lb for p o i o seedlosh raisins oft- doc c lbs for zuc i a g laundry 0 soap 10 ttnr for uoc swifts quick naptlta soap 35c 1 pnckets for jam m 10 oz jar for hoc 2prunls 9q ihh for cioc try i lour 21 lbs for 90c harr hornett custard ponder 1 lb tin for zjdc acton cooperative store mill street acton piiomi ib peci for td m 5s friday saturday choice roasts of beef i hum kib roust i ti it 20c kuuild sikihilili ivoasl ici lb lkc mid itc i in l rlh roasl i ii ii imr und ljc pol u i h iiisl ro isis pel lb 25c i ia1i i i ndi 11 i laro per ih 17c i il ha on lj ull pjnl ki lh j0c h 111 ii til lmiiasal mon di ilnltlisli u ih lc mi i ullk iii rring ii ii ilk hi i i i ish ti ih r i saturday delivery on all orclem divtn fi suurdo will m ike dtliirv rtwrri tiiiitiamfcitrrtnitrtirfirii luef b the juarltr am hkw by the hk or half c an aihojh lie inmiitv supplied by us pattersons j cash and carry meat shop j mill sirllt cton in i kki1m n hiock

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