jvifcm i ifty finn tli ynr no 11 thursday rvi ning rrbruary 21 1020 acton ontario canada thursday rvtnlng rmtiuany 21 1020 r sim homoprint paged five cent ejjiurrlj ftaruixra llnuth flliuriii of flmuiiiu acton mlnuter rev c l idol it 1 parw nage willow street lion a m rim mjnbtcr bubjicl the home nt nnyjirnth 3 jo p m c inday behoal lesson christian arovui 7 00 p m thn mini t r lbjrct mtmirlnl r ilwd by o ir urd m nday 0 00 p m y ing icoplo league 111 rary in linn in 1 arte f lie av r an up tluimday 7 30 p in pruiie and prnycr service t 4ttnbijtrriuu knox church acton muiibut iuv a c stewart m man e willow street ttitrur m thr m ilntc alt in i for u lesson subject mini trr doii 3 00 p in fa ill day school chrl uiui ormth 7 00 p rre- a strip n hi md women a monday boo p m young people a guild vkha georgetown prnycr meeung thursday evening nt 7 30 p m etrnngern leaving addrcji with uie tslicrn will bo called upon by uio pastor tlio mini u r llvci of outstanding mu f the bible artau aptint flliurrlt pastor a fonsyni frederick street 00 u m subject chrluant 3 lern or jesus chrirt 10 p m bible school 7 00 i m subject fuui 2 what u it is monday 7 00 p m junior b 8 00 p m senior b y i u thurday 7 30 p m prayer meeting eptrue or james chnpur 3 0 30 p m choir practice unclassified small advertisements horses for hale team good brood marcs and colt or particulars phone 05r31 george town d vannatter ballmafad dressmaking all kinds of drcsrmaklng chen prompt and skilful prices reasonable mrs a a u custom hatching hoto installed four now incubatora and am prepared to do custom hatching at 5c per egg ior further partlculam and ctllng elates apply willowdall poetclry tarm bex 177 acton larl ii vincent dairy farm for rlnt form ibj acres brick houc bank bam silo water bawb milk house school across road radial stop within 7 yards of bam pleasant place to live churches sunday school 1 mile brampton 6 miles act quick if you want uib farm for a term of yearn apply to hbrb burns on provlnclnl highway 32 2 mount pleasant tlndlrs vvantld tenders will be received by undersign ed tor a hair to three quarters ton truck express body present ford model 1 oneton truck to be considered in tender alt tendcrn moot bo received before monday february 25 tho lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted bertha ii speiairr secretary treasurer public utilities coin q3 3 bargains in used farm equipment 1 ifl dbe oockhiiott drill 213 hoe mailfley harjlia drill 310 inch pleury plato cliopper i fltt lncli mas3ly harris plate chopper niflco manuru spreader 0 cocicshutt manure spreader 7 dekrino manure spreader b tudhopl anderson manure spreader 0 no u delaval cream scparat or 600 lba capacity 10 no 1j deuaval cream separat- or 70 iba capacity u no 17 dclaval cream bopa a or 1 000 lba capacity 133 ir p international engine 13 h p witre knglnc on lund truck u 6 ii p john drere kn 150 h p ij07cr canuclw tnaino pioneer equipment company telephone 1030 id woolwich suct gueliili ontario save 25 per cent on tabling towelling and bed supplies o a discount ofleicd to us by the domin ion linen mills in a recent re- organization sale and pubsed on to our customers a chnnjc of muniif cment jit the bominipn linen mills inrj cr i iolics left on hand by tin old managers tlinn suited the business methods of the new rmuiiif oft and immcdintc decision by the new officinls to decrense the surplus stocks totinttoir inrmrniinr rodirihtiriirtreriottcstp stinrp price cutting used to bring about this quick stock reductions tlicsc art the circumstances that led up to tins immense purchase made hy macdonald s offering to homes oe thr vicinity such unusual savings unusual wc claim because it is not often that n straiplit discount ot twenty five per cent enn be obtained on such staple goods as tahlinj towelling and bcddmji supplies when however such an offer is made shrewd home mnkers should make it n point to slcure as bi a supply as they can profit by for many months in the future these are the i ijrurch in tho twenty five per cent- savings while special purcluwe quantities last towelling at 15c 19c 25cnnd 20c yard huck towels at 05c 89c 59c 19c ajid 25c cachand 5 for 1 00 tla towels lit 22c 2sc 15c each and 35c yard bath towels at isc and 85c each and 5 for 1 10 bath mats at 59c and 1 59 each fancy towels at 22c and 25c each table cloths at l9 4 49 and s5 09 each and 49c and 98c yard u lunch cloths at 19c 75c 89c and 1 19 each wmw half prices in the fined winterclearance of wo- menb and misses coats and dresses all coats included and many or the smart est silk and cloth dresses d e macdonald bros ltd guelph ontario iraasbsfegcflcai w i m wgnnris the school board in monthly session supplier accounts muflic con duct utu attciulaneo aw amontr utu luchllonij lxalt wiui atktlin monthly ueaioil of la ucliool board lost ovenlntf truntde mm a v havlll mm b m wllwut a r aanow and k ileawlck were present and clutlr- man atoru hall prruldfid the rcoond report of the finance com mlttee racominended tliat the lollowlntc accounla be paid john r kennedy inuurance premium 54 00 r m mcdonald liuurfcncc premium 54 00 actcn publl- utllltlca commlanlon ill 0 00 w u ii but aupplleo tiie oeo ii hendry co ltd library and supplies ifl 00 tho aeo ii hendry co li- mapa and apparatut c j haaard uuppllco f aomllifeco ltd library m dent to bonn ltd library 14 45 k atkinson livery 5 00 buraeui photographs ooo 375 7 an invitation from the ontario edu catlonal association requeited umt uie board appoint a deleuate to tho annual eonvcnuqn tho letter wan ordered to be filed the secretary read communlcitiorw re the purchase of cupplleo etc whlcn had been nttonded to fauppllcn for uao on tlie buckboarui that had been recommended by the in ipector on lib lout vbdt to the hioh school were ordered to ho secured tlie secretary had an account photoffrapliji for the board and request ed advice on what was to be done me woo instructed to pay the account uio board membero to pay their own pcnes to quclph mm m r moore thanked the board for arronnlna for licr to attend the mcctuib in mlluin for the halten musical pcfluval sho nave a detailed report of uio mooting and tho comnethjorw that crc being arranged for uib evonf neighborhood newa uallimafao tnjr -bxt- rficolvad uiaucauadja-oilara- arnold presented uio auditors ioport- mr and mm peter fcruludt upent sunday with friends at ashicrove mr joseph uotir of otielph kptnt couple at dayn buit wck vulune with lib brotlicr mr a- ttoper mr harry hitchcock wlu luu imtii workinft in toronto for homo hiontlu ro turned to bin liomft lierd last week mrs c a wrluht of toronto b rpendlnu lhbwek t uio lunntpt her coiinln mm a boper mrii prank blnnle b upendlna uio week vlrlllnr with frlentb m toronto youna folkn of uio dbtrlct heli a jjiatlnix party to georgetown on catui day niclit all report imvlnir a good time ihc funeral of the late mm jaaepli allen sr wan held on tuesday after noon service wan hold in ujo united church interment was hmdu to the family plot at churchill ceinbly much sympathy b extended to the bereaved oncn the young people of uia united church held n debate on wednesday night of better opportunluen to young peopl than the united ota ten tlie ntgauve aide was taken by mba bmlui and mr fred shorull whfle mlu christian and mr mclcay upheld uio afflnnauve side tho judges decided in favor of uie nega tive side t tlie autofl hove had a good deal of trouble getting uirough uio seventh line the post week groceries afless than wholesale prices see our special amalgamation sale advertisement on page 6 for details cw- red white stores 3 w jones phono 2c acton ont j wonderland friday h nituary 2i tfic myuteriouu ijuly boned n thr n vcl war in uu dork bturrlng arltu oarbo and courud nagll a uiriluiiu runancu uoviu lnui tin rii ilng drari ct null i i uurrli u wlln tbc lol u- uuutkadiy il oi i piiuu and lntrlgu come iy only fc ilahl it cartoub c u uk wudi vlollnbt satl ita lnilumty 3 what n niirjit c ii dy druma with tht t 1 i ulir b bi dnnlcl su ry iiil i bird cx ii jlunn i tlirsbay hiiittauv 20 i arum unt 1 icturt n 5 of thr myury rider com dy boy llritiid 1 tli coming patent leather kid k i crefioia ai son gain spartonj amazes thc radio world a hmw spaktousr equisonne couplbtk wojrl 030 vui dynamic pcilw btlto mcond iino within a yar snonoa vmrwfirte wojy lint n ji the introduction of tli tmjtt aoaary kquaionni circuit the moil umakl pocict kuttumom for reception the world lu yvt tini ww it if vith the bcjutihil cor iplcic eight tub rn- aouuojfll 950 at a pneo within the rxi cli of fuilltoa wbcjlo tl dt to he tho gnutett vol it i all rmlt fs it duai with any radio at anywhere near judcu sparton radio tbipasljiiulofttiasr eliool work and uu u mualc held in the life of uio child she rcqucated uio eooperauon of uio board in uio entries uiat liad been made rrom acton in the peotival she aaked if tome arrangeinent could bo made for a musical instrument in the puulifi bchool tor her work wiui uio puplb mr j p bcarrow complained to lne board uiat hb can had been denied the privilege of eating hb lunch in uie echool during tho absence of hb mother trom home and himself at work miss bennett principal of uie bcliool splatncd uie rule uiat was followed regarding children bringing their lunch to echool she explained the dlfllculuca uiat had been encountered and uio mb conduct that had followed violation of uib rule in the beet interwui of the school it had proven advisable to not allow uib practise oho expblned to uie board the detalb in connection with thb particular case miss orr the teach r of norman ocarrow wui also present to enplaln tho board upon resolution loft uie matter in uie hand of uio principal to use hr dbcrotian in uib and ouior such matters the committee uiat had investigated uie co3cfc of pupib attending ouolph collegiate who fcould take uio name subjects here reported to uio board in the two caaea lnveaugntod uia parents would not consent to them returning to uie acton schoob moved by e bcswlck seconded by mrs a p havlll that the secretary bo and b hereby instructed to write uie prln clpal of tho ouclpti collegiate noufylng him uiat the municipality of uie village of acton would not bo rcsponalblo for tuition faas of ixb atkinson and lorcen lashbrook und also asking what sub jocte are being taken by clarence hen derson obo of acton carrled imji1un the united farm women or ontario actondalc branch held their january meeting at mrs j p robertson a on wednesday february 13 at 2 30 tus president mm j mcoregor occupied the chair after tho usual bualncu and arrangejnents were made for relief uie following programme was given a reading by mrs storey on uie work in uie north violin selection by mabel mcgregor reading by mrs r john ston then mrs bishop read uio follow ing address and mrs r p rowteon presented mrs ocorgo elliott with a china tea set the private bill for the rink bylaw waii tho fimt hill poiuted hy the committee of uus lekihlatarc on tuesday no op- ihwitloll at the council session on tuesday evening councillors l t tliotford o ilftuseu and dr kj neuon were pre sent oud reave moion presided tlie fourth report of uie finance committee recommended uiat uio lowing accounts lie paid w r k blair repaint and supplied 0 cfl or j a mcnlvcn medical oklcr of healuv j r kennedy lnsurniwe premium l k atkinson tranrporung in- dlgent pauents ltot ii n farmer regbterlng blruis nuurrlages and dcauu 10 7j general intccest news jujflitjf hj grain l d hanklnson of tlin ceedu de partment ottawa will ba at ho town hull acton on monday alttrnix n feb niary 35 to make tho final analyalr of uie nainplcn la tho cnmblned standing field crop and seed drain compeutlon in connection wiui acton fail pair new car afiiey la optt here tiuu announcement in made ui ueek tho ukenliig of a new ford agency and service stauan in aclon for uib town and uie district including georgetown rock wood and korval thr new garago la being opened by mr w a norton of toronto and will be known as norton motors tlio premises formerly occupied an kentners oarago will for the present bo tlie headquarters of uiu new company jbhtt caffo died on meuday one of tlie befit generally known italian rcstdenui of acton died on monday wlien john caffo passed away in hb mut year he had been alck onlj live days and pneumonia had followed an attack oi uio flu john caffo had lived in aclnn alnre 1014 and been cwployixl ttie council waa very much pleased during uiat j ume by beardmoro it co with uie report presented and uie neat- te funeral won lield on wednesday morning wiui service at st josephs ohurch acton itev vauier mcreavy conducted uui service at uie church and uie graveside in dublin cemetery resides lib widow one daughter mrs prlglonc- of quelph rurvlvcn 1dm tlio report was adopted auditors o il icnapp and c1i3 75 wc your frjerub biidfellaw-nieffl- bcrs of uip united farm women of ontario appreciate your wllung- ncs to lielp in any way and at any time during uie ume or your mem bership wiui uu wo have always found you cheery and willing to tlrvc we wbh to take uib op portunity to bind our friendship and unity of purpose by asking you to accept uib china tea set as you uso uib gift may it bring again to your mind uie pleasant and happy hours spent together wiui your fellow members of our organisa tion wishing you and your husband ycaro of happlncan and prosperity signed on behalf of uie club mrs j mcoregor president mrs d mcdougoli secretary mm elliott replied in a few wellchos en words and gave all on invitation to come to sec lun in lior new home tlie deigning b very goad just now in uib district mr t p mchugh formerly or hornby attended uie annual county meeting of pact county loyal orange ixidge held in uie new orange hall at brampton quite d number of uie farmers of uib dbtrlct are buoy hauling cord wood to dolly vardcn lime kilns mr lawrence brldger of toronto vbited nt the home of mr john mc donald and mba margaret mcdonald ncss and efficiency of uio auditors moved by k t tlie word seconded by dr e j nelson uiat uio auditor report submitted bo accepted and that uio clerk be instructed to have uio usual number of copies of came printed and uiat uie salary or 7f 00 bo nakrttteaicli auditor c r knapp and h il arnold and uiat n vote of uiankn and apprecia tion be forwarded to uu cold auditors for uiolr excellent work carried tlio assessor wan instructed to levy a business lax on wm evann who wan an ice dealer tlie reevo reported uie result of tho court proceedings in uio cane of mrs phil porbon and family whrn nhn wan removed to uie hospital and the cht- drcn made wards of uie children a aid society the reeve aba reported the result or uie delegation to uie private bllb com mittec reovc mason clerk farmer dr ii a coxe had attended from acton they luul been jointed in toronto by col a o t beardmoro and were mot rock wood a t brown acion oniaiuo young people go visiting tho youug fmpios lasftia ef uu united cliureb iler vlslta geertewti toelety monday kveubur thc young peoples society of the united church to uio number of about 100 journeyed to georgetown on mon day ovcnlng for a fraternal visit to uio society or uio church uioro in a few words of wucomo uio president mrs cleave voiced uio pleasure uio george town league felt at having uio visit of i neighboring organisation tho pro gramme was provided by uio members of uie acton league and was presided ovlr by mr elvin oamble tho orchestra of eleven pieces accompanied them and uiclr well rendered numbers wore very much appreciated in the devotional period mr arthur oambb read ythe scripture lesson and tho topic orowing togouicr in chrbt was taken by ubs giendtnning mr will ramsden gave a paper on the ilbtory and origin of st valentines day and other valen tine readings were given thirty valcn tlnen by miss marjorb swltser the valenune in literature by miss kitty savage and tlie children s hospital by mrs a outrander tub section or uie programme was in charge of ubs b if speight on uie musical port or uio drognunme which was in cliaiya of mba lottie muson uia following numbers were givui mr and mrs ray agnew and mbg lntue mn gave ah instrumental number mbu ruui oihcon a soprano solo mr a r en villa mojtabs a tenor solo miss lotuo mason a french horn solo and chorusrti by a group of uie young people a social hour of gome etc was con ducted by mr mclaren of georgetown and enjoyed by guests and liocl alike refreshments bountiful and aputuung were servtd by uio georgetown society to tho vbllori s in a vote 6t thanks niovd tiy rev l pth it and seconded by miss b ii 1 eight th appreciation of tho acton duigatlm was expressed for the lion pllality of uie georgetown society an attempted hou up an amateur hold up was attempted li u friday evening on ur prank bcrlvcn ulun be was returning rrom nassaga weya after making hb delivery of broad tl t for m ldwards co as mr srilven was coming along uio road near ihi diblln cemetery ho heard sonll0 holirr whiat and on turning around iaw man running toward uia sleigh tlio utrnngcr had a black cloth fora mask covering part of ids face and clumbi n t on the back part gf tlyi sir tii h and pointing a gun fashioned out i r woo f and painted for a good lint tali n ull rncipt uo point 1 dohuuuled jlir mo money or me shoot mr scrlven replied with empuula uvat he w uld do nothing ofuio kind and start- rd cvlr the olrlgb to jet rid of uio unwanted burden the ban rollad off uu ululi and tlio stranger uioroughly ftltbtiild by uib time himself ran wiui ill ikwible urutd up uie roadway mr titrlvni snys uie man was eluier a for- tlyn r r si mn t no wlosu dialect was a tl r il g hhi linllutl n hut he jokingly attempt at a holdup oil wuineii very umataubu last week rev alexander donaldson announced hb resignation to tho con grcgatlon of uio united church which will take cflcct on march 33 pending the acceptance of same by uu quclph pre bytery which convenes in guelph on march as mr donaldson intends to return to iris nauvo bind and expects to tall for scotland on uia 30o1 of neat month during utelr stay of uia post uirec or four years they liava made many irlcntb who will regret to sea uiem leave but uio best wbhes are uuilrs ere uiey toko uiolr departure from our midst a well attended and interesting meet ing of tho horticultural society was held in uie town hall monday evening wlien uio report of uio ontario horticultural association convention was given by mrs stewart royco and mrs clarence i lor top who gave a lengury and detailed account of uio convention a few brief remarks were also given by ur wm harrb who was aba prcient at tho beginning of uie meeting the newly- elected president mr arthur k thomas gave an address miss marlon mcoul- lough gave a recitation tho mustard plaster and a mouth organ contest by kuth sammon and her abler winnie and george harrison who stood in order of merit as follows george ilarruan first winnie sammon second and ruth sammon uilrd mrs a k rudd ubs agnes walker and mr aoorgo il pesxin acted an judges mr pearen afterwards presented uie winners each with potted plants during uio meeting dr t y mccullough mr fred bmlui and ur j a llttl were appointed a committee to organise a mouth organ band at the close or uio meeting mrs j a lltue s class of glrb oi the united church sunday school gae a play en titled the haunted rouse which was well performed tho meeting closed wiui uie singing of uie national anthem last woek on tuesday evening uu y p b of the united church held a successful skaung party on uut at herb dyers dam and a toboggan slide on barry n hill adjaovitl after uiorough ly enjoying utcmselvca uie yotmg people went to the hospitable home of mr annie harrb wlure dainty refreslinuats were partakrn of before dbpenung for their homes miss margaret locker of peter boro who his been liume owing to lllneu b ilr to ba about again ml is chrbtlna scott of preston was heme 011 acct unt or illness but b uble to bt about again mr robert simpson of iuglna sask a 1 a rccrnt vbit r at the home of mr samuel scott mli kathleen ocnnb and mbi ethiyn johuston spent uie week end wiui ue t 11mru sbt r mrs marshall at mal rtlslu margaret lasmore and dorothy coitci rp nt sunday in ooortotewrl mr rlchurd harrb nwnt sunday to fluelplv mr and mm- jullnier or toronto warti horn at tho home of mr and mrs august young during uie weekend m r i xhjiiard lo vi u or oshawa was ll mr fur the week end mr fred garsido and mba rita bolton i an hb abu mr and mrs nail oor- d n f gutlph were in uie village on bllllllay mr rolicrt oarolanu of ouelplt b lieudlng name time in and around the village while v rklng in tho vicinity of uie 11 u n lib n mi nday evening ur 11 haid harrb m tlced a wild duck flying mailer jack i ynch also saw widen was slate gray in color lhe nn lar monthly meetmg of the institute will be held uib week flntbthlf actons bill waa number one pn uie lut or private bub before tho cession und was uie first one called at uib first session of uia private bllb committee there wan no opposition to uio bill valld- aung uie by law for bulng debentures for a skaung and curling rink to be erected by the municipality and it was passed in abort order by uio private bllb committee tlie council can now pro cced with the erection or tho rink wluiout any further legal entanglements and when completed issuo uio debentures therefore undoubtedly uio detalb in connccuon with uib will have the atten tion of uie council immediately so na to assure uie completion of uie work cary in uio year uoved by k j nelson seconded by c hansen uiat mr john nlcol be asked to engrave pte joseph j kennedy s name on uie soldlera monument car rbd moved by e thetford cccanded by e j nebon uiat j b chalmers dog tax for 1d3s amounting to uho be written off uio ibt of arrears of taxes owing to uio dog in quesuon having boon des troyed in uay 1020 and that uie balance or dog tax charged to augustus clifford 1511 bo written off hb dog liavlng boon destroyed in march 1028 carrbd mr a o deforest asked for a license and monopoly on uie sanitary work in uie town council advbed him uiat thoy had no power to grant lib requests iiilercsunc travebgue to masons a feature or lntercrt at uio monully meeting of walker lodge a p jit a m on monday evening wan uie address by mr geo gordon in which he gave an interesting account of lib trip to europe lal year wiui intermingled humor and intercsung travel dcccrlpuon ot ineld cnts and points of note mr gordon made hb travelogue very interesting and enjoyable to uie members refyeslunents were served following uie lodge meeung and a splendid evening spent by uie masons and uiclr guests in the lodge holt coperauve store claaed after operaung for about nine years aclnn coopcrauvc store decided aluus parliament nuudtao by mr a cct to cteo nassagaweya council andlters report received by law for roads and rridtra lxpendltare passed council met on monday last but as two members were unavoidably absent some matters or business were laid over tl a full council was present on motion uio following accounts were passed toronto hospital for consmnp- uves care or kauiloen young 40 60 municipal world supplies 4473 road superintendents voucher 17110 a by law was passed approprlaung on estimated expenditure on roads and bridges of si3 000 00 the auditors report for 1030 was carefuly examined and tho treasurer ordered to pay each 91750 for 3s days work tlie reeve and road superintendent were appointed delegates to uie oood roads convenuon toronto john marshall clerk churchill tho congrcgauonal meeting of uu churchill united church wan held an tuesday evening at the homo of ur and mrs arthur bwackhamer wiui a good attendance tho reports submitted allow ed a year of spiritual and financial prosperity and uio outlook for uio future was bright indeed the following mom bers of uie session were reelected for uio year j w leslie albert smith o b uwockhamer arthur bwackhamer tlio stewards elected were john omlui e a riff in t a swackhamer robert kerr and john graff ur joseph allan and family have uie sympauiy of uio frlonds in uiu dbtrlct in uie loss ot uio wife and mother of uia liome bbtghlng b uie boat of ute year with all roads good in uib vicinity na8saoawbya j ut uu liomo uf lira u tiipr natagaweya lost onouior of its pion eers in uie person of mr anuudah kings bury who pand away on wednesday isui but it hb residence lot 37 con cession 3 nassagawcya ho hod an attack of uie flu which was fojlowad by pneumonia the runoral was held on friday rrom hb home to eden ullb cemetery rar intermrnu rev m oos- sclln af ruckwood conducted uie eer- vlce the pall btareni were messrs goo lamb donald clark robert w wlbou a cor go wilton ed ward tliomas and william wlbon deceased leaves to mourn lib loss hb wife and four sons and three daughters robert of knateh- bull gilbert of dayton ohio cliarlu and archie at home airs donald camp bell corwhln mrs- crbt dayton ohio und agnes at home llie wreaiwd family have uio aympauo or uio com munity in their sorrow mr kingsbury b tho last member of that family to pass away on monday cvrnlng tlie many frlenda and neighbors of mr and mrs cameron scott or nassagawuyu gauiored at their home and presented uielr sun robert cud hb bride wiui a miscellaneous shower ubu mary darby nurse in training at uie general hospital guelph waa luune wiui her parents mr and mrs o a darby uf knatchbul over uie wtukend tho heather mbsitn bond of ibiibsr united church held uielr uu nuily memt ing but saturday at uie home of rev and mm marsh lden mlllfl mlwus runa and rajv rbe uf guelpli vblud at ui h mc ur mr and mrs g 1 wuum loiatehbuil oiv sunday uio benefit or cooperauve buying in large quantities during these yearn it ban had a good patronage and served the community well the entire stock of uie store hon been purchased by mr w jones of uie red and white store and pbeed ill slock in hb store ilie detalb of the bale he b conducting at hb store arc given in a special advertise ment in thb issue by hb purchase of thb stock mr jones has joined two or the largcct grocery stocks in town honoring- the sabbath day- tlie lords day alliance or canada nan ably represented here on sunday by rev a r sanderson uio genera secre tary ot toronto mr sanderson occupied the pulpit at tho united church in uie morning and at knox church in uie evening he pleaded for a quiet chrb- uan sabbath and uie obervancc of uie provisions of the lords day act gener ally he gave concrete examples or what had been accomplished uiroughout uie country in having work which was being performed on the lord s day unlawfully discontinued and ensuring sunday as a rent day for employees the n cssagea ot roy mr sanderson were full of in terest and were calculated to awaken public uiouht on uie important uicme which a as presented tlie road to uie city a comedy drama in four acts by ltluan mortimer will be presented in uio town hall acton on wednesday february 27 by highclass talent uuder the personal direction of mr a e mulon of milton who staged uio local play last year here tlio bashful mr bobba in uib play jet finds it dlffbult to decide between her two suitors she fears uie road to uio city on which ambition beckons and temptation cries cornel m lead you to my loiubst hopes and dreams but alio follows uie rood nevertheless with results which in quick succession liold uie audience breauiless wiui suspense and helpless with bughter tlie playwrights skill lias devised a most amazing yet satisfying outcome high and dramatic values rich in splendid comedy scenes reserve your teats at browns drug store and see one of uio best plays ever staged in uie towu of acton tlie popular prices of 5c and 25c prevail fire in a trunk threatening lost thursday evening about gcvon o clock uie fire brigade received a coll to a ore at uio home of mrs wm bayers mill street the fire was fortunately discovered before it hod gained much headway and very utuc damage resulted mrs bayers had during the afternoon been in search in one of tho clothes closets for material for a quilt- the storage room was dark and sho had used a match to sec in her search for uie material the match lutd been carefully cxungubhcd however and ute burnt end taken downstairs and deposited in uie clove a bliort ume afterward mrs bayers believed she smellcd smoke and went over uio houso to investigate in enter big one of uio back rooms upstairs she was nearly overcome wiui uio smoke but made her way out again and called neighbors wlio turned in tho alarm the fire was found to nave originated in a trunk in uie roam and vji cxun gulfihcd with a chemical exuiiguuher tlie dense smoke uiat filled uio room made uie nre difficult to discover but outside of uie burned trunk and uio damage by smoke and uiat caused by a couple of palb of water uud prior to uio arrival of uie rrlgade little damage resulted young people a club meals on friday february 1 5 uie regular meeung of uia u f y p o wan held in uio i arbli hall acton tlio pre sulcnt took uie chair and uie meeting opened by singing tlio maple leaf ponvcr alitor tho business part or uie meeting uie following programme was put on by uie members of tho group under uio leadership of ur william mcdonald mr arthur mckcown acted oj chairman uie first item won a mouui ergon and ukclele selection by ubs flor enco fobter and mr fred anuiany mr william mcdonald uirn favored uio meeting wiui a speech fallowed by a reading by mbs gladys llnluun a dc hate resolved that it b for financial rotnms rather uian for pleasure or social reasons uiat uio young people leave the farm for uio city jlw affirmative- was upb id by uun jean uay era and ubs vema murray uio urguuve by mbs jean croo and ur holland uceacheni ur ctiarbs park ted as juilge and uie decision was given in avt r of uie negauvc cur tu events were uu n given by ubs flu i e net johnston followed by a reel tatluu rrom ubs nillo uccullougti- ur arehi kerr lavortd uie audience wiui a violin election ur william aruhui ndercd a sola whlrh was followed by 1 lug uig 1 1n inciting closed by fill glng uu national anuu ui lunch waa u rved and was followed by a social hour tlie communitys social side of life vki flora to und from town during ute pant week an cleaned by the frtst vrtitit mbs fern brown spent uie weekend wltli relauvea in toronto mis- flla lane of toronto vbited acton friends over uio weekend 1 messrs charles and jack symon were home from toronto over sunday ur it e darvln of toronto vbited lib mntlicr and sbter liere on saturday ulna tlielma crauf b a of toronto spent a day or so uib week wiui acton friends ur and urs j given and children of auelph visited at uie parental liottui 011 sunday mbs lena buck luu returned to acton iftcr spending a month at her luune in owen sound r 0r h w h jveek wiui mr and urs elmore john- iton hamilton uun loraa wllker of baden spent uie weekend at uie howa of isr and mrs august anderson ur and unt melvln coper and master acorge of guelph spent sunday wiui mr and mrs oeo coper urn john mcdlarmld or georgetown was uio guest of urs o c speight and ubs speight on saturday ur telford kenney and hb rrend mr iiurd of hamilton spent uie week end at uio formera lionio liere uun clarice livingstone of toronto ipent uie weekend wiui her grand parents mr and urs george coper urn wm clarke and son of barrie visiting uie formera mother mra wm plonk broadacrcs crewaona corners mrs wm megbughun and daughter wlldo of ouelph spent sunday with her mother and sbter mrs cook and mbs alice mr and mrs q r ume of uidhurtt and mrs margaret lane of guelph vtrfcjttnelioai rtr 1 jgr mrs j p fieorrow who lias been spending a week vblung lier daughter mm w kelly in hamilton returned home on saturday mrs charlotte mocdonald and ull carbine ilr and urs wyso and ur gordon johnston of hamilton spent sunday with acton friends ur richard uarsludt and daughter miss olive of lhnehoute left hut wed nesday for california where uuy will visit wiui ur robert marshall mr and mrs angus carter ur and mrs herbert dyer and ubs annie jolliffe if roekwood made a brief call at the home of ur and urs earl il vincent uib week mrs masters was brought by ambul ance from uio general hospital toronto 11 saturday to uie home of liar daugh- er urs e jones church street where he b convalescing after a long illness mr and urs j o lindsay attended he annual gauiorlng banquet and enter udnment of uio managers and their wives of superior and empire blor at uio prince george hotel in toronto en wednesday there were about 700 present at uib gauierlng father and son banquet jtu gibson tuxb beys rmr pramier was the prhielpal speaker of uia eveuutg tho father and bon banquet given by uie u kum class of tuxls boys of uio united church hut friday evening provided a splendid geotogeuier of uie men and boy of uie congregation the banquet which was provided by the jea aid waa indeed a spread at which every man and boy did ampb justice and it proved uie culinary skill of uie mouiers and daughters of uia church llie orchestra provided musical number during uio banquet that added greatly lj uio pleasure or uia evening the banquet waa followed by a half- liour of singing the familiar song ud by ur grenvlllo uasaies with ur cluu lanusborouah at uie piano tlien fol lowed uie toasts of uio evening with will wlbon pre tor of the class ably fulfilling uie rob or toastmaster the toast to uie king was proposed and responded to with uia singing of uio national anthem the churchy the next toast on uie lut la able anooebea won proposed by ur earl il vincent mentor and responded to by rev c iv poole b d elvin oamble the mem ber or uuj tuxb boys parliament for hal ton proposed uia toast to our guest and jim aibsoa the tuxb boys parliament premier in a characterlsuo young mans stralghuorward speech made able reply lie told of uia pleasure ll gave hun to address such maeu us these lie endeavored and suooaedud in giving uio boys side of lhe relation ship between fauier and son every boy has a quest it was termed the otemol question of youth youth was anxious far uie guidance and advtee of age and wanted uie companionship of uie fathers by example and word ha lold of uie boys work at uia tuxb square and uia functions of boys parlliintaa lib address was indeed enjoyed by all und should aid much in fostering better relationship between father and son tlie toast to our fauiers was very fittingly proposed by will ramsdeo scrlrjujr of uia class and ur chas wlbou ably gave uie reply tlia toast to tho ijuiios was liandled wiui graea by oaorga uason and the hjen joined 11 singing uia chorus of uia song uouier tlio uianks of all was ex tended to uiosa wlio had helped to make uie affair so successful in a vote of uianka tendered by j elvbi gamble and seconded by ii p moore police uagutrate ilia play enuued tlie paui across uio hill will be given under th aus pices of uie balllnaf ad ladles aid society on february 33 in balllnafad admis sion ac roy ihndleys sale dates february 32 herb quarrle uarden llvo stork and implements february 33 leach farm town hall erin february 35 win mccartney auelph live slock february 37 we arahsm erin clearing form sale february sb dan uctavbh cwprbujp aiearlng paxui bale uoxch 1 hector plnknoy erin clear ing farm goie march 3 harold clunman bower avenue acton sab of household fur niture march ur plewclling mimosa clearing farm bale march 7 mrs herb kirkwood oa- i rlnge clearing farm sale march 8 roy woodi eramasa clear ing farm sale march 1j w brcen auelph clear- lug farm ualo