iji arimt 3itn irwm mz thuiwdav rniirtuaitv dt ioau quit voim mkannihh put tin- humimr in the liwkrr lllilr llu- miiunllnir board llkrwln- miyonr can in u kiuickrr anyone run grltlclxi cultivate n manner winning thoiiuli it imrtji your tare to iliilli- and ru mi nwkward in bculnhliiff ilo n iwinlrr for a while istthr blncuimlth do uid poundhib thntn tlir way hr drawn htn pay i you donttit a cent lor hounding nalnt and inner night and day juit for solid satisfaction drop a kind word in the clot and i ii warrant youll net action on your effort on the apol uhjr jkrir riuut hurt story he nankin jar 1iy janet aumuthoncl throw on top inr uoml lurk jthn wild lmjhin und thin we iwilh orunl about hint hitndful of leaven cicely ann mlwi iaiwlcy nald luk inu mit id wi ftimlly have liinc you i an irn paruliln wrong cuanttk hill- hatrtaulta 1 jhn yuung man whnw ttutninnblle wait huhtly out of ordir kiifwkitl ut the door hiiiid in hi rs my of tlm long lw furmhomui which iuui1 great wrong llm only houu for two mllrfi at the iwit you u of crahhn hill t lint you linve forglvm tin by end- w nreil little help nnd n tool i 1 init your dayn mtilrr my roof rji my havn left iwhltirt by wnr ovrrnlghl j valued friend for you ami i are all that uilil the young man when iiln knock won arp lert now nf t hone old dayn ami wo minwerpi in there anybody in thin mul never he parted again tho ring r lop who lmn an autnmnhllr that han in en urn cause of wi much a lean man with a humorous face i or row iniiht belong to unity now for looked at him with n good deal of inttr- nho found it and i pray hint the joy i cut and then threw tho door whl open it linn hrouuht with it lliln day may re- youd bousr- lot tho young woman main with linr all linr llfol j coma in out nf alio jiiin while wc tinker ii n mia elizabeth langicy n beautl- 1 parlor the cancinrnt nuod wide open for it i wan june and the air wan frag- laut with nnni ml boneyniicklc oul- nlde in the gay oldfanllloncd flowrr- j gnidrn the late afternoon nun wan ling ering on ii re at maiuicn of ronen that lifted i their rchel lira tin above mom humble blouino and uttered the boxboidered i paths with their pink pctaln 1 hetty walllngford nlttlng in front of i her oreat aunt elizabeth who wan mak- lnn the afternoon tea thouuht that it wun quite worth whllo to have come all the way tram new york to portsmouth merely to nit in that room and look out on that garden bho leaned her head agatmil the back of tho lilffh enrv- cd chair and let her cyci wander from one object to another with lntcnno tn- i joyment everything nho could apprccl- ulu from the warm faded colors in the old turkey carpet to tho handnomo carv- thr new locomotive ileitis trlwl out m rhnln and toblcn covered ly hie curuaialtnatlfilial hallways j w old damablt on tin throueh acton fi lkcd t j tablci with i brann clawfeet the portralta by copley the now oklclectrlc locomotive which j timt hunn on the pnnclcd wallt the wan rcfemd to in last weeka pazt pbkch queer old mirror and tail nilver condlc- oji on trial runn on the c n ii line a on the high mantlcnhclf and the throuuh acton la described at lenijth in j nhlnins brais andirons in the fireplace the january lnsuo of tho canadian na- xhen her cyci came back to her orcat- tlonal rallwayo macozlne mr win n elizabeth in her fjoun of quccnn middlcton has kindly fumlnhed ua with brny an naun and cap of old lace a copy and from it the following in- i w hnd arranncd her delicate india tcrcatinu facta concominn tlir new lo- cilpn and nauccra and won puttlnn the comotlvc have been ulcamcd tta into a queen ann teapot with a at the very outcet it muiit be otatod queer little ancient npoon clanplnff her that 0000 represents an advance bo- hands together detty cried iclndnctji every time beatn ulcklno mirth la betuwllian a frown do not waste your tlmo in picking flavwfi wltli brothrrn who arc down and it ln t so dlatrcsulnb if you give the little boost to the man tho fate ore pressing when tlic chlclui come home to roost yes the old world wfajilrt be brighter if youd kindle frlcnhqhlps flame and thun make the lrout4 lighter of uie man agalnot the game oond your grouch on a vacation give your grumbling tones the shake and wltli grim determination throw tho hammer in tho lake no 0000 yond uio objectives of ta famous pro- o aunt elizabeth how beautiful decessarn in the canadian national everything in i i feci as if i had been family of giant locomotlvon such as eplrlted back into a bygone lime i c0o0 and 0100 and the nturdy and am quite sure that almost everything in powerful iioo ahd a yet further pro- thin room has some ntory connected with grocslon beyond iui real ancestor oilelectric car 1b20 because 0000 la the apothcoals of that famous unit which ran from montreal to vancouver in 07 hours and established a now and definite chapter in railway history 0000 its the application of the prin ciple of the oilelectric car to a lo comotive oil fuel being used to operate iiimlijvrotncruy to turn tnc propulsion motors this locomotive is the largest and mast powerful of its kind in tho world and has made its appearance ip just a little over three yearn after the introduction of the first oilelectric rail of a00 hoixe- power rating on the lines of tho national bystem the locomotive consisting of two units weighs 050 000 pounds when fully equipped of which 41101100 pounds arc carried on the driving wheels each unit consists essentially of an oil engine generator tot mounted on tho locomotive frame boiler equipment for steam heat ing of passenger coaches four traction motors for propelling the locomotive air brake and other auxiliary equipment tho power developed by the oil engine is converted into electrical energy by the generator transmitted to tho trac tion motors geared to tho driving axles where it is utilized in developing tractive effort and speed with the present gear ratio which was laid out for high speed passenger service uie locomotive will de velop a tractive effort of 100000 pounds during accelerating periods and 42000 pounds continuously tho electrical ays- tern of transmission utilizes full engine horse power over a wide range of speed and tractive effort the locomotive with out change of englno opeod or shifting of gears it also provides a quick and cosy method foi revcmliui the locomotive wltliout stopping or reversing the oil engine the operation of the locomotive and the speed of the oil engine are con trolled from either of two englncmans stations which are located in separate compartments at uie outer end of each unit means are provided for the con trol of both units jointly or either unit independently of the other unit fxoi these stations gauges are mounted at each cnglnemans station for indicating uio operation of each unit each unit contains a beardmore twclvo cylinder oil onglne of the solid injection type 13 inch bore and 12 inch stroke the nominal rating of tho engine is 1330 ii p at 800 it p u the engine is of the variable speed type and may bo run at any ipoed between idling speed at 300 it p u and full speed at 600 ii p ix the engine governor controlling the throttle to maintain the speed corresponding to the governor let ting a fractional ii p electric motor controlled from tlio englncmans station is used for changing tho speed setting of uie governor the engine develops it rated horso powr at a fuel rate of 0 43 pounds per d il p hour it will develop reduced power as may bo required lh looomouve ecrvlce with but a alight increase in the fuel rate per d ii p hour the engine is started from a standstill by power taken from a storage battery on the locomotive using did main ge no rotor to crank it over tlie oil engines were designed and supplied by the william bearvlmare co of olasgow scotland each unit carries approximately 0000 pounds of fuel oil 11000 pounds boiler water 3000- pounds of onglne jacket cooling water 3000 pounds o sand and 1000 pound of engine lubrl eating oil the supply of fuel oil will bo sufadent for operation of oil engine and oil fired boiler operating under average condi tions for twelve hours a motor driven pump is mounted on each unit for ail ing fuel oil tanks an oil filling pipe is installed on the locomotive for ailing either unit from a tank car at uio end of uio locomotive the supply of boiler water will be uf flclint for heating a train of averaga length for periods of from six to twclvo hours depending upon uio outside tem peratures tlie traction motors are geared for passenger service and will develop 10000 tractive effort with this gear ratio dur ing accelerating periods tho locomo tive will handle uie heaviest paaunger train at a high schedule speed wlui the present geatjitiuo in freight service uie tonngc which can be handled will depend upon uie ruling grada and limited by uie licatlng or uio electrical equipment assuming a ruling grade of 0 4 per cent it will liandle trains of 3800 tons made up at 45 ton cars under avcrago weather conditions at a speed of ap proximately 10 u p ii on ulu grade with a balancing speed of approximately 40 m v ii on level track assuming a freight gear ratio of 18 73 uie locomotive will be capable a developing a maximum tractive effort of 130000 during accelerating periods with momentary tractive efforts limited by adlialon it will handle a trolling load of 3700 tons malic up of 48 ton cam undr average weather conditions on a ruling grade of 0 4 per cent at approximately 15 m p ii and it will liavo a balancing speed of approximately 33 u i h on level track the oil englnen of both units are ar ranged for uie future application of a mjer charger one of which has been built and tented on both englnen the uuiwt cluirger will be installed on one of thr mills for trilce testa in opera tion on the canadian mauonul itallwuyj lined nnclcctrlc ren- ilaaz ro wo must wait unul lonlght it and i wont to hear the ntory of every thing mlis langicy wan pleased with deitys enthusiasm yen she said uicsc portraits on th wall are of your kindred a3 well ni mine hetty and you have a right ui know all about them but here enmo name of my nelffhborn to call on you must wait unul lonlgit o aunt elizabeth detty said laiigh- init and crying together i am so glad very glad hint i took the ntory of kntimihiahm wan brought bark and carefully empuod and every leaf and flower examined ihe nankin jar flrnt but the rlilg could not be found cicely ann wept plteously and said- that ube had never ieen it and did not even know that it wan on the table lut i think i was then the only on- who really believed in her innocence perhaps because than i she npoka lo me more n oilier means charm he said hospitably i dont knnw as theres nny automobiles owned round here but living alone in this spot at the foot o cramtn an i do and no many folks rifling over from uie town beyond ive found it wise to keep rome ron- sldable automobile gear on hand well step out to tfh shed and you can make the trail that makes youth altraeuvo yi selection tnthunlnsm when it continues into theres something else said the being only two years j nfe it in tho trait that more than younir man when uie outomoblle wan lack of en- i oncn mdr ady for action can you freely and naturally j thumaenv iff abnormal and repellent in your grandfather was a hightemp r- the young in older persons other quail ed man and he wna greatly annoyed tics may have replaced enthuolanni to at the low of the ring hcoldeo being j ft com pc nsa ting degree there liavo been valuable 11 wan ftn heirloom in his many great and good men washington family after going over the facts of the fln lincoln among them of whom in case cnrefully and examining boui the their maturity it could not lie said that room and cicely ann he wan a lawyer nthunlasm was a conspicuous trait you know he came to uio conclusion nut probably there have been few great that ihe girl wan guilty and that if she and good men who had not that quality had nol the ring it was because she i their youth had thrown it away when uie theft wan j very often youthful enthusiasm is dlicoycred and wan afraid to acknow- foolish and absurd both in itself and ledge having done so in lla expression girls liavc what arc my rlateriurrccd with him and van vulgarly called crus for other glrla much distressed bcituvii about the lolu boys trtquenuy abandon llicmlclveh co of the ring iq near her wedding day similar spells of devoted admiration for or she considered it an evil omen and other boys permanent friendship neldom ilvmh f tlloijdllt the min u ihitt we in nr with our i 1i only llw iini unit li i unit in lw nrlji oiiidn no slave in thwr lirnmli to lit 111 own handi hi hind him only tlny who call thftiii1 lw fre have unpilml llil areoinpllnhmi lit 1 junior order mentis light nnd puue inward liberty and frrc comniiiiul over oni i u if irder in tower ymf 1 there h nolhliifc in human i xpr rli nc that glorlflri god nirire than u eon hintcnt life john timothy btone outj hot take another from your grand- ripens from the enuiustasuc emotional father experiences the fact that uley are us- thbi house poor soul ually shortlived means uiat they have tell mo the nearest place for us to get a good dlnner7 is there any inn wluiln a few miles not uiat i know of said uie lean man stroking his jaw uioughtfully but living hero at uie foot o crabbs as i do and so many driving or riding by ive found it wise to keep a good supply of berries and fruit in uielr season eggs and milk and i can cook brooktrout as well as most if you want to try uie results my potatoes arent far behind the best at the end of a simple but excellent meal the young man rose hesitated look- tdntrthe young woman and then alep ped clone to his host theres one more thing ill ask you ho said in a low tone we want to find a minister were both of age wlui nobody to consider but ourselves but when your father wan onty two months ncvved a useful purpocc they do their nnt like the convenuonal wedding sc old and lay in her coffin in this room part in begetting uio knowledge of wo led ott uils morning ive got where she was married that li why human nature and the sense of discrlm- the potpourri has never been taken out inatlon that every one must sooner or of the jar aluiough it all happened more later in some degree acquire thuivjmir u century ago in the same way young pcrcona are poor clcejy ann never held up her likely to plunge enthusiastically into any head afterward although my mother pursuit undertaken by the objects of uielr years he said but i studied uiougnl and father refused on account of her npcclal admlrauon they are particular- j a ned and extreme youth to allow her to be or- ly apt to bo enthuslasuc if uie pursuit tiled over a parish before i found out rented they kept the ntory an nuiot requires come kind of equipment or op- i wmn l cut out for a puncher nut an they could but you know portsmouth paratus posjiesnlon of utlngn or of live is rriimull place and for a while people stock invariably cxolua- a temporary en- tulked of nothing else i uiuslasm in uie young parents who clcoiy ann had come from ityc hove been delighted to observo uielr centre shu had no one belonging to childrens early cagemena to busy ulcm- hcr in portnmouthhut an aunt a well- selves over electricity steamengines todo woman who had both brought motors gardening poultry are likely to her here and reebmmended her to us be correspondingly cant down when en- you would have thought uiat the poor uiuslosm wanca along with the novelty girl would have gone back to her home of uie purchase made to encourage it but she never did she saldthatahc would enthusiasm in the teens is not a trunt- ntay in portsmouui until tier innocence worthy guide to an abiding taste or was proved if it took her all her life interest it docs not often survive an utuf it it rritjt nrnq ratr uu- of her innocence gave her all tho sew- tin promptings in a variety ot directions and laundry work she could do i only to be turned back at uie very gate- used to go and sec her often but cicely wiy of adventure is having perhaps ann has nover entered uils house alnco good a preparation for life to spend three whole that day i will take you to licr house who has ncluicr eyes nor t quaint old town while tcmorrow and when you ceo her sad hobby but one hear it detty walllngford liad never been in portsmouth before although she had stn her aunt now and then in new york now she was months in uid her parents were in europe as she old face you will feel just as i have youth is the time for experiment laid her aunts guests thai aflomoon all thee yearn uiat you would be so for enthusiastic experiment the man the won io delighted wllh everything happy if you could only find uiat ring who holds a stubborn and undismayed that she knew the time would not be aunt elizabeth do you think it could interest in his work and its problems has a moment too long j have fallen out of uie window detty usually passed through a boyhood of that evening after the lamps were asked breathlessly varied and flickering enthusiasms lighted an detty glanced around the no dear there wna no question of wondering what obji the license wc- iils voice trailed off as uie lean man stepped to a small table and took from it a book havent had a church for fifteen living here ut the toot o crabbs as i do ive found il best to keep my hand in with some o my duties lie paused and a slow smile lighted his face i susplcloncd how twas from u first he said you see living at uie foot o crabbs as i do ive seen a good many of you millers worm powders will eradicate the worm evil uiat bears so heavily on rit5r8sy to children and con be fully relied upon to clear uie food channels thoroughly of these dcstrucuve parasites and restore the boy uio inflamed and painful cmfacis for any j heal tlifu mens they are an excellent remedy for these evils she would that the window roseleaves should not blow select for ita story she spied on the thai rhelf of an open corner cupboarti of away carved mahogany a large ronejar of old and the first jar that nankin china with bold handles and a aunt eliuibeth cauldn t tin cold dnyjon on the lid deity uiough yot in there somehow nly fifteen years old had a passion no detty for you closed 8llfcommand for id chlun and she had heard that ttcr did nol take the ring off unlll aklng that particular kind that first jar had boon carried back to was filled the biurt old major had listened at- f ring have untlvcly to the talei of his comrades and now it wjs lib turn the bravest nr uiat my man i ever met wai calf clubs develop stockmen the art of bluo mankln had been forgotten even tho parlor it was while cicely ann was for some montlis the command had in china bhe clappsd her hands with away that she did it umply been idling time away we were delight an she cried and did no one cine enter tho room all thoroughly tird of a life of routine aunt elizabeth x lake the roiejar at all aunt elizabeth all the time they military inactivity and finally a party first for it must be ever ao old were making uie potpourri of five of us secured a tworweeks leave her aunts serene old face clouded a no one detty tho theft lay between or absence to hunt for big game lltue and she hesitated a moment be- cicely ann and me and of course i was one of our number was a senior calf feeding compeuuons are doing a valuable work in training boys in the care of catue prom a start of ten clubs organized tn uie province or quebec sevtn years ago there arc now in op- li ut ion upwards of seventyfive clubs in which the young people arc gaining valu- nbc experience in uie proper feeding the field handling and cxhlblung of calves the i work is carried on jointly by the federal jf battle he bgaii we were compiuniing in india and i provincial departments of agrlcul fore she answered detty dear that jar was brought from china by your grcatgreatgrandf other captain elihu langicy bo of course it id very old dut i wish you had selected anything else for uie story of that rosejar is so nnd and painful to me that i would not tell it to you at all in cpltc of my promise if i did not know that you had a tender heart and a sensible tongue it la a very modern utory too al though perhaps you will not think so when i tell you uiat it happened sixty years ago uils june when i was only a utue girl dut it seems lo me like yesterday over uio sofa you will ceo uio por trait of your grandmother walllngford who was my sister martha langicy sh filled the jar with potpourri made after an old rocipe that had come down in our family from a certain miss langley who had been ladyinwaiting to queen anne my sister made it in order umt uils room might smell owect on her wedding day which was to be in ocloocr in tho ultlo room next to uie kitchen where uio ladles of our family have always attended to the fine arts of house wifery my sister made uie potpourri and cicely ann and i were with her i can sec her now as she stood be fore uio tabic under uie window where uie climbing rose and honeysuckle were reaching in wlui their long tendrils she was dressed in that shortwalsted gown of dull blue you sec in the portrait for she was expecting your grandfather iropi new york the full puffed sleeves came only to her dimpled elbows and a big apron entirely protected her gown on the table were piles of roeelcavcs and jessamine flowers lavender and sweet violets uiat had been collecting for weeks and there were little dlshcn of spices and orrisroot pimento and powder of sandalwood cicely ann iloe was a young maid of sixteen years who had only recenuy come into the family my mother was training her so uiat she could go to now york with my sinter and cicely ann was proud of her honor and anxious to please ad for me i was lo grcutly excited about uie coming wedding that i was only too glad to help in any way but out of the question poor cicely ann regimental officer who jmd been uirougb wo3 changed by that tragedy one to ten yours service in india ua hnd her at least from a gay laughing girl been the guiding spirit of our expedition to a brokenhearted woman dottya cyco woro fpjl oitcflra whenjaex aunt finished her story and all night she dreamed of cecily ann but always of cicely ann with her innocence proved and uie ring found after she had seen the cad old woman uvuift all alone in one roam she came home so much excited over her misfor tune uiat she quite frightened her aunt by bursting into a torrent of tears day after day she uiought over every possible way in which uie ring could have disappeared and somehow her mind always came back to uiat rosejar of old nankin her aunt had shown uiat there was no chance of the ring having got into it butaavatthslesa she felt that she must examine 1u cmo- liot afternoon when orcataunt elizabeth was renting in her room and the first story of uio house was quite deserted detty tiptoed down into the parlor climbed up on one of uie old mahogany chairs lifted down the nankin jar and with trembling hands took the lid a little dust and a faint scent rose in the air but all detty could see in side was a pllo of withered leaves uiat fell ipto dust as the air blew on them she got up and closed tho casement window which was a lltue open and spreading her apron on the carpet boldly emptied the contents of the jar on top of it she was much excited and her angers trembled so uiat she could hardly run tlilm through uiat brown pile and she had to do it carefully to keep the dust oil uie carpet juat then one of uio shutters blew u lltue open and through uie crack a long sunbeam entered the darkened room was detty dreaming or did she sec a star shining on uio floor no it was no dream it was her grandmother walling fords diamond ring found at lost i detty did what i suppose most girls would have dope oho covered her faco with her hands and cried bitterly over clcoiy anns mined life then she gathered up what had once beep rosc- kavui emptied uicm back into uc jar and put the jar in its qcuatoniod place seated a few feet from mm ono night at dinner was a young junior officer who had but recenuy joined the com mand we had been eating fruit which bears a very peculiar scent it is a tradition that this native fruit has a strong attraction for several varieties of venomous repulcs i at least am con vinced that there in something mora than tradluon in it as i have sold we were talking of adventures when in a moment of sil ence uio bluff old regiment officer look ing steadily at the young lieutenant to his left slowly said could you keep your presence of mind under uie most trying circum stance when your life depended upon your coolness and courage dead silence followed uie colonels question and uie young officer looking qulslcally at his interrogator replied yes i think i could then the time has come when you must be put to the test move not a muscle until 1 tell you or you arc a dead man the young officer sat motionless eyes fixed on his feet then the bronzed warrior slowly drew his pistol from his holster and taking deliberate aim ho fired a shot at the very feet at uie man to whom ho had addressed uils ominous question for uie space of a second wc all sat like statues then the colonel in a tone of relief exclaimed its all right now boyel ive killed it at his feet lay the colling squirming body of a huge corba the most veno mous reptile uiat huunes uie jungles of indlft tho snake had been colled uie re ready to spring when the colonel spake tlie young officer had seen the cobra at almost the came instant and real ising uie- danger he remained motion less i rauier think i wan most useful in run- next she stood before uio portrait at nlng the errands her young grandmother looking to tho bluo nankin jar was the flrat beautiful and no imperious and alio told that was filled and cicely ann carried her all about it it carefully back to its comer while when miss elizabeth langicy canu she was in uio parlor my sinter before dcwnatalra that afternoon sho nouoad she began to fill the second jar slipped unit deity was in a state of suppressed off a beautiful ring of diamonds uiat excitement and asked her what was uie your grandfather had given her and matter laid it on tho back part of the table j it la because i did something uiat because she was afraid it was gclung i am afraid you will uilnk was very culled wrong to do wluiout asking your por- she forgot to say anything to olccjy mission aunt elizabeth but i had to ann about the ring whui i came back do it und i am not one bit sorry from the shop whore martha had sent then she told her story and showed me for some more cloves i found boui the cluster of diamonds glittering op my sister and cicely ann hard at work her finger greataunt elizabeth cried uver yjltwiccond i which had to too then culd softly through her tears bo filled before dinner i rhjor cicely annl poor cicely annl when 11 was finished my slater told and mnruia always believed you took up clcejxn to carry it into the parlor aunt llizabeth how did tho ring net und then clear off the table while she hare jjulty cried tuic each providing fifty per cent uie prize money awarded and shoring the supervision of tho clubs during the year the youths start wlui young calves of good typ and breeding and feed and care for them conunuounly under supervision unul tlie following ytar when they are brought together as yearlings for competition some of uie clubs have as hjqh aa eighty members the bringing tofjoihcr of hi ntock of 50 many cnlhuauuitlcyflung people aropcr great interest and it is plated by uie hon w it motherwell minister of agrl culture at ottawa in hu report for the post fiscal year uiat an attendance of a thousand or morn at calf pair is not unusual tile influence of uui work in tho district is far reaching and clubs rapidly develop ipto community breeding centres far high clou cattji the minister auto points out the ad ditional value of this work in the train ing it affords the boys in al phases of live stock feeding and management and in uie keeping of record of feed costs and production and when millions like it better it must be sm salada tea fresh srom the gardens ran upstairn to wash her liands and pull on long whl to gloves which were tho fashion in those days for she heurd the brass knocker resounding uirough the houm and she knew her lovers impatient hand was on uie door as she came downstairs she remem bered her ring and called to cicely ann ho wuu clearing off the table to bring it to her but the ring could not bu found i remains of uie roseleaves had be gathered up into a little pile but thing fortunately hud been thrown oy so ulere won no chonr- of its having been otl that way w went floor nil our hondn jni km u cicely ann trembling like u ieaf and looking no while und frlghumj that mimttlmr i dont wonder that martha itiptrlid htr siil meinid lo look guilty bin my drur w u pi ea ran r en and i dont know dear the facts were lust os i told you cicely ann had car ried that jur back to the parlor beforo my sinter took uie ring off uut oh my diar i cannot tell you how glad 1 am thut you have found ui tim in xt day miss langloy went aloie to iec cicely ann and tejl her the uood iieui winn she retumett the old maid servant was wltli her and uiere was such o huppy look oh her face that she looked younger bhe laid hor old hands on deitys iiung head and blessed her while tears streamed down ht r withered cheeks how did the ring get there miss i toe 7 hetty natit hhcn uicy had all slopped crying jjear child your grandmother put it there lurself cliely ann answered i r mi lulu r it now ui if t wire yenter- 11111m never judge by 1 dny ullhimgh 1 hud forgotun it ull ittnlnly niut not nu- thiui yuli mlwi martha run into the couis 1 1 altd to cure coliln arc often hard u cure but they arc comparatively easy to prevent if you feel one coming on or if uie other members of your family are suf fering with colds and you arc quite euro tlit jtur turn is about due you owe it to yuumelf to adopt prcvenuvc measures this dots not necessarily coll for medi cines or at least wliat one usually looks upon as medicines if uie cold is actually upon you in full force yoar flhyalcian should of course bo called but quite often an ounce of prevention will be found worth uie rull pound of proverbial cure and prevention la roja lively inexpensive one of the simplest preventives l oldfushloned bicarbonate of soda and fnah lemon juice a lomblnauon which sccma to bo very oftccuve against thoe colds which begin in the stoniocl lake u tcasitoonful of ioda and tije j 4 tec qt 011s lcinop in a klaus of water thirty minuted later repeat uio daut ajd 1 an other hulf hour take ue third boda has always beau recognised as a decided alkaline ugtjit and of laic union und orungc juice have been pbiqud in the same class lrobably mote of us have acidosis to some extent umn not so a combination of two alkaline agents like bicarbonate of oda und- lemon juice takin urvwcetencit by all means plays havoc with any acid condluon hi the body its a simple remedy very easy to take and you will be aurprlscd at wliat it will do step the cough coughing u caused by irritation in the respiratory passages and is uie effort to dislodge obstnicuons that come from inflammation of uie mucous membrane treatment with dr thomas eclcctrlc oil will allay the ln- llnmmatlon and in consequence uie cough will usually stop try it and you will be satisfied ptlt from overuguiitlon in ucli ryuity tiuui uiu lust ruajur umt was filled parlor afur i i unic buik ut see if i hud pul the jur strulght und nh took a liuudful of roiuluavta wlui mr to quality sella it many thoiuund1 of clntlnue to use dr oh lipeoks volutin for the fact that mi inulllgcnt people thomas krlcctrlc i li healing cf- evcr nlncu it was llnt inlruduc ed ii has grown steadily in public favor owing ctilluly to it 1 manifold uufuhihi ill relieving und lnullim clikueii as a spelljlc tor 1ul1 burnt molds und url- oui inflammatory pulu its record li bi- iuntl lupruulh unreserved credit auction sale in the township of eiun farm stock implements etc the undersigned has received instruc tions from d s motavisu to sell by public auction on uio premises lot 13 concession 3 on the second line tn uie township of erin adjonl ng csprlngc on thursday february is 1dzd it ono oclock sharp the fallowing hordes drown gelding 0 years pcrchcron day adding aged clyde drown marc aged carriage good 111 all h cattle red cow 5 years bred in august dlack cow 5 ycurti bred in august i loan cow 8 years farrow red heifer rising 3 years lied cow fresh calf at foot roan cow due april 17 durham heifer and steer 2 years short keen feeders 3 dutcrs rising 3 years heifer rising 1 year piaa york bow bred injanuary york how not bred 16 chunks yorks poultry 60 rock hens rock cockerel 3 flock roosters i year old 3 occse and 1 oandsr harness dot dross mounted breech ing harness bet general purpuim liar ncb dot plow harness 3 uets single harness oct double carriage harness cellars lines dlatiketn 1 lobes grain em uushels deed ooose wheat 60 bushels barley tloubuholx evfetitu 3 wood heaters jloce burner lown mower churn organ happy thdugbt rahgc kitchen tabic doien chairs dcdruora bultc couch carpets mclotto tieparnt- ur toronto separator new implements makaeyharrtn hujdcr 6 foot cut lu good working order masney- ii arris mower fl foot cut steel rake 11 foot hay loader noxon culuvutor disc culuvatar pfuat ac wood 14 disc drill good as new floury seufflcr 13- foot harrows sleet roller drill plow mccormlclr manure spreader potato digger 3 floury walking plows pvirin 3furrow riding plow turnip sower 3 sets ulndcr truck wheels hand cut ting box panning mill toium ihiljwr and slice r copiblned cockshull ptlpcr nturlv new 3h0 id wagon scales lgoolb truck scales cyclone uaartat hlouon orbidcr sprayer dump luntlp box hay rack stock hack whrel- barrow uuggy poje cutter pole yorks hoea shovels chains truck wagon juckson wagon with box and sprtn uiat complete set of wagon springs iooo lbs capacity democrat uobslcigu light dobs steel- tired qpcn buggy puruaud cutter open buggy wire wlieel pncumauc tiros ivuluvely no kesurva as the proprietor is giving up fanuiuf terms urui poultry furniture and bums of lu up und under taji over uiat amount 13 niunuut credit on ap- cd jtilnt notes off for cash hoy u1ndlly auctknur il r no 3 acuiu lhunu ulc erin carrolls big carrolls mlljcurtj sliced bacon pouiut jjjc mftconochi scotch kippers 2 plr 25c acadia bantufm codfish j lb tartan 2 p 31c finmtt muttina lemons cart sixm n m doztn ik mishouscwifffj exceptional expects that y every dime will dolts puty 1 values in hioh io surprue comfort soap 10 ba 49c juicy navel oranges good sizm jiq finsmt icmbsra lettuce 3 hadt 25c nmvj txa cabbage jvund 7c zzy groceries specials for weekend feb 2123 beans f tomatoes 0 wlhrorl 2 w no 2i w spring vally yv aylmmr dicmj pumpkin 1 j carrots 1 f clocr 2 in w chclc 2 i v lynn vallty t y cltatcm french 4 r peas j m 0 ktna ilalm uorwtaian tin fw sujwuw i jofinna slicul j s joanna brand piutflx4tjj karaoan pltuj dates pvclragm 16 c smyini stewing figs 2 i 19c 0 lobster if joanna lit eta s joanna brand j v peaches i apricots i v 80 lin v n w catmllt afiir st lawrence macaroni i fc c starch 1 fl i ik wci v llk prelate llty lt1 choice skellej mcicanochiat pafrtortu peels 0 sauce garnsaeia j qc pimiektos pr clou vanilla bar biscuits pir pound 10 io r crm von ion castile 0 toutril i ftc 4c w iter v fined spring loery clstlufau 1 f snf fuku i fc aylmer orange marmalade 40 29c south afric l vatencia raisins 2 ib 25c for imniaculat floo tb poliflor 19c 49c korffe dutch cocoa tj- 19c carroll m wrapped bread cjrtuf rtw j- j il uuij 4q springbanl club ginger ale sutiurw j0 2 x 27c i sunmaid fsfa puffed jtuuw 2 27c qpaatsums fiom little savings in ii wtm piu tnij mjhui hi iiimi i ii n ji tun nuini m iini i ilfi iimiji mm uiiinnjimiiiiiiiiii i i n su iiniiiiiiaiiinuininuijiin 1 1 1 1 u imiimmidiimnmanimiuniiiiiiii nr jiriiir jniiliani i jmmjjljiilililllfflmaijil did you ever to think lly edkon r waite shawnee ofclnliomn that right now every merelianl hliould tay jiarlieular attention to his ad- rtiing uiat liiihinchh ih picking ii and mm is flu- lime lo le alter it il iat every wiihible merchant le- lievcs in newspaper advcrlihiiij ill t advertising catches the ce hriiifs cnstoiiicis to a store and causes sales tl aj ads are a simple means of el- tin the seller and the huyer togetlier tl i at ad ertising is conveying to the millic an idea as to what your product is whal il uill vlo uid how well it will lo it til t noii will find it alas cosls leasl lo liny the hest hccaiise it lasts longer and i s satislaction the best goods are always advertised arid sold by merchants who stand behind them ihjbish t i jut jinn