Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 21, 1929, p. 5

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ffbi a flti jiim- ijjmui tiruaiidav iinuiiay ai nuit mv f ltm lor lill lib tub sunday school lesson lfu nunikav hhuuauy hi mustier mad j u thing more di null duy my work an bi it 1 i live in liiirriumy vllh und mid in l to uphold tin- right niij vrtni tin ilrn nil my lidnr villi h nrm tu jyinputhia- with tl ur u tin clip and full itimi inhering we urn human one and nil tu live myuhh whalevir that mny to ullinpw through thin brief life uirnlly thlh li my crci d oh niny i rvir rlvi 111- bjnt i have to thire with vhoni i live myrtle- corcoran wat la alth service of the canadian medleal association influenza during an rpldemle nioit peopli nnxloun to ticcure information aa to to protect thermelvci from the particular dtreaic which hapiwni to be ipldrmlc nt that umr tllcri- on- fur opldumlcl now than there uid to be because we havp learned to prevent eertaln dlseasci which not m many yearn into were the earne of rplilcmleii the early icttlr in thli country hud the nil experience of repeated epidemic- of cholera and tvphui fever of mi the latter wan called nhlp n fever of immigrant fever until recent jciir epidemic of typhoid fcvdr were common these dlaeareti rarely cause epidemic now bccauio our public health organization wagcii a tiuccefuiful war agatnit them providing tho nccc-i- rary equipment with which lo light is available wo arc not bucccsaful in the name measure in preventing epidemics of nuch dbiertfiea as influenza bccnum oi yd the cauro of thin disease in not definitely known nor have we a mcam of making ournclvcn immune or rcnbitnnt to influ enza in the way we can tlyough vaccina tion render oursclvca immune to -mall- pox j all the advice given in regard to influenza may be put in a few mortis live a liytcnlc life and it you become 111 go to bed and call in your family doctor this advice li perfectly itound our reason for referring to it li that it la important that it be undintood that tf we are to protect ourselves at the umi of an influenza epidemic we muit establish and live a hygienic life at all einmplc always wash our handi before eating ve should never put our hands tc our faces excepting lo use a hand kerchief wo should not put anythlnii into our moutlui excepting food and diinl cr a toothbrush the reason for these habitu is to ecp disease germ- iut of th mouth the common mode of mliance euch habits cannot be sud- dliily established during an epidemic i ractfee them at all times and you will do them unconsciously and so prouct iuunelf during and between epidemic from icm of the dangers of infection queslioni concerning health address ed to the canadian medical association uh college street toronto will be all- si red personally by letter twlnty vcaus ago from hid ikmic of the ire i rets of thursday iebruary 25 1d0d the furmers arc putting in large quan tities of ice the crown have appeared again looking for spring mr acorge btovel spent a day or so last week in the city buying the latest things in footwear for the spiing tudi the elm logo teamed to the dtk station durlnst the winter arc now being shipped to the oakvlllc and durllnuton basket factories mr it j kerr lot 10 1st line erin will hold lila fourth dispersion sale of famous moplo ilurnt berk and yorkshire hogs choice heavy horses and registered cown on friday march 3th ingrim iccrr aucuaneerfl formers growing sugar bccu tjr david williamson has been appointed agent for the wallaccburg ougar com pany and has contracted tor considerable acreage among the farmers of this ecc- uon mr e a nobertcon has purchased the drug buitlncs of his former em ployer mr e a ilea stratford where lie wau head clerk for three yearn mr hoberlson has spent a year and a half in acton and has done a very satis factory business mr robertson has dis posed of the palace drug store here tu mr harvey nixon mr nixon has been with o a ramhaw georgetown for borne time and has come into possession of a good buslnccs mr wm brawn drove a jolly sleigh load of young people down to the home cf mr devcrcaux noar btewartoun on monday night they spent a delightful time mr and mrs alfred boner left on monday for their new home at uoue- valn manitoba the first carnival of the season was held on monday night and although the weather wan mild and the lec poor the attendance was good the coalumprfc were icso numerous than usual but there was a pleasure for all sunday was observed oa young peopled day at icnox church and hud much of lnt rest to the congrrgatlon jlrv mr wilson was the preacher for the day maitlllhl mcqawmooile at the mctluidit church acton on friday february li by hev o w barker mr robert mcoaw of o ult lo laura alma eldcit daughter of itobert moore mill street acton allunmccaciiern in deuolt on january 7 at the residence of the brides niece mr william ii allen of toronto to miss catharine mccuch- crn of arton oiku lowry at the homo of her son dr w h uiwry ouelph iilzaleth purdy tldest daughter of william purdy county down ireland and relict of joseph ijowry aged ih years clluktian orowlif flnldfn ti xt hut grow in i he gruie i nd knnutdri of nur uid and uavlour mi- chi 1st 3 id t ma uurjin john 1 4ma malt id 15- 1 john 21 irll iuke li 40 r2 ph 4 1 1 10 phil i o oll i ljlfi ct 1 i 1111 heb fl 13 sunday indjmlnary head first the iiaagei relallng to ideri gruath clojlng wilh uu- axtrucl from merond iviit i lend next i in pas- niiic recording chrlnts growth ihtn read the five exlnirln from paur letters mill hrev noting the principle of growth thrre iet down monday ivlrr the pupil john 1 40 41 andrews greatest uork vn the finding of pol or and bring ing him to christ for it was the itart of one of the greatest christian ikei i vir livid v hj no one can be n pupil of jcir christ without growing we enn trace the growth of peter clearly through the new testament v 411 cephos h aramaic the form of- hibrew fpnkeii by christ and peter ii from both oreck and latin both woidi n leaning a rock v 42 peter by nature wan vacillat ing strong and weak by tumn under christ lie learned lo be constant and firm tuckilay pelrr the cttnfpscor milttllpi5chrlilirqulalionis hie niot important that can be asked of any man v 10 peters answer in the only true one to say that christ is a great teacher a great philosopher a great kader of men li so hfar below the truth as to amount to n falsehood v 17 if wu put ourselves under the influence of the holy spirit he will reveal to us the truth about chrlit and convince us of it v in the invincible foundation of the church 1 tin truth that christ 1- the son of god the confession which peter made a church built anything lens than lhli will fall wednesday ietcr patter and wltnron john 2115 the risen christ wan testing peter to see whether lie had ilseli above his denials did he still boast that though all others should for sake christ he would not v 10 the proof of love lo christ is the willingness to servo him by mln- isu ring lo hbi children this proof letrr gladly gave v 17 peter had denied his lord thrice he must declare his love thrice vn id id peter was crucified at 2 pet 3 10a peter himself dercrlbes how he grew splrltunlly il was growth tp christian grace and in the knowledge of christ all his growth was in and from his buvlour thursday christs growth lukl 2 40 the child chrlit grcw hvslcallj waxed strong he glow nintally iu1 d with wisdom he grew plrltually the grace of ood wos upon him lit ui see to it that all thnc luids of growth are ours luke 2 52 tlie three klntb of growth er here again uscrlbed ui jesus stature wisdom and favor with jid there is added favor with men nd the honor and love of others arc i ure lo come to one who grown the way cjuu grew irlday thr chris i urns growth lph 4 1113 there are different lines oi growth for dlfflrent people but the aim of growth should alwas be the ie to obtain ciirlstllkcneiis to be full of christ eph 4 1410 the principle of giowth ilow from christ he is more than our model of growth he la uie jower by which we grow phil 1 ti if wc begin with chrlu he will curry us through to the perfect end phil 1 011 we are not lo be con tent with anything less than to be flll- d with the fruits of righteousness not half full phil 3 121c the goal of chruudh progress is never reached halfheartedly uc must press on toward it with all our might saturday the christians growth col 1 010 paul was not satisfied lth the coloaslon church if it merely held lto own it must increase in the knowledge or aod indeed if wo are not mating progress in the christian life ie arc rctrogtcfisunj col 1 11 the christian may be strengthened with all powur if he only ists the strength he lias new wisdom comes from acting wisely and new ttength from acting strongly heb 0 12 first principles ore nec- iiory but after vc have mastered them it li disgraceful not to go on to higher pilnciplcs many christians are content lo remain in thu primary school all their days heb 0- 3 there is a limit of growth for each of ua only the pauls can become as great as paul but let none of us be content 11 we liavc reached the measure of growth which god de signs for us and who of us has done that yet attacked by asthma tlju first fearful nsu uon li of su locution which hour by hour becomes more desperate uud hopeless to mich a case the relief uffoidid by dr j d icelloggu asthma ui imdy sei ins nothing icvi than miracu lous i la help is tjulrkly apparent and noon the dreadful attack is maitercd i iil- asthmatic who 1ms found the de pendability of this sterling remedy will never be without it it is sold every where just what a ci1iii homo sav little mary who had faluu ill beg- gitl for a kitten it was found that an t peiatlon was wet isury and that she niu it gor to the huspltul the motlur prombd that if she would be very brave during thu tlmi of trial r lie eould have oie lliujit kitten to be found as mary wai coming out from thr influinci of hie anenuietlc tho nurie heurd her inutfcrlng and stooping heard t bene wonts itll n bum way to gel u eat i c nu rrlpple hie talking a torture yi h in- of llolliuays althtn reach of all ft t uu con and ihr kuno make n du el 1 ci1iu1ukss iiomlk many years ago a woman in very mod- rate circumstances the wife of a car- oitir had two beautiful daughters who were to her ua the apple of her eye but deulh look both of them within a brief space of time for a while it seemed as if the mother would lo- her mind but religion and un inherent rlchneis of nuture brought her in time to a calmer nnd therefore a more reasonable condition she went to an orphun asylum selected two little girl- about the age of those she had lost and adopted them in u little while they were us her own flesh ttll blood and the- bond of affection grew stronger us tin years passed both of the glrla grew to a happy womanhood and bath married well once more the house waa desolate uud once more the mother nought thi orphan asylum and adopted two mure children and began a third life of motherhood which la not yet finished in the meantime her success in healing the grief of bereavement and in regain ing her happlnesu attracted tho attention of others und she herself urged tier ft lends to follow her example as a i suit more than twenty xhlldrrn have found good homes and moie than twenty families are the happier why la it that so many ehildlev peopli give freely of their matcial wealth to found und maintain orpliauugis mid so few give ut all of the maternal or patern al iiehni that would make many of the orphan asylum unuceaairy ivttr is probably the main reason yiu know nothing t tin- purenlage of tie adopted ihlld or at inut nothing of its limul disposition it in jut u- great u the risk with children of our bwji no gii titer thu itatmles of adoptions ure umoiig tlu imist heartening in the world hi uldel fear the feeling doubtless enters this li not my own child i eould never eel gulte the same toward i it us i should toward my ou n blood ihose who have adopted children iuy ithi-rwl- und they should know parenthood li v should be somthlng more than love for the child of your body fur more truly ls h the divine wi h lo mould the mint and moral of iinotlur human being lo all that oti have iiuimd of vht is the highest ami bejt to have un inulliilual ami spiritual lulr uud that is pojiljle without being u parent quebi e suyi sara hamilton blrchall hi country life goes munhcr mad it it no every year and ihln oiw nlore than over on to quebec betwceirifeb- nmry 21t and 23rd all you wilt- hear in dog dngi huskies muihrrn bt ood- dard jolan chevrlr geppala i- of other mi inn yoit will took nt tho big board in the chateau lobby whrrc- on the odds ure shown nnd you will wonder what it is ah about and then perhaps an enthusiastic soul will get in a corner nnd tell you how on tliethlrddnyof the intderby lhe man who v an considered in tho running only for second place un held up by a fn ight trnin so long his dogi shivered und began to stiffen but won the 120 mile three day grind by n short minute or fo and how he won rlirered and cheered nnd how they come these munhers from all parts of the north country with their dogn and hounds and huskies you will pick your dogn siberians alaskans or just plain dogs and before the last entrant has started on the first lap on the flnl day the fever will have caught you you will iec the jlrrt team drive panting home the j next und the next the heroes of nome the trail dogi from le pas ftusry anl- mnli who know the quebec woods trails ml lenniit of dogs bred reared and trained for l his one great derby dogs j on wouldnt want worth hundreds tms jou could love but who only know it trainers hand and will give allcgl- unc- but to him dogu in fours and fives and nlxe straining eager panting dogs itli forty miles behind them and eighty btfuie thin you uio arc musher mad nnd the rough nhnggy individual in fur und wool whose moccasin cd feet 4 not jet fitted into your own tdcan of things hi coming li invested in the aura i f a lliro and a knight you scream hi name as he mushes post you hold juu etii u1 me minuten tick before the next arrival a team f ttlmuffa j groyhoundii or mongreli awlnf round rorncr into night their time u clow they have one minute in which to reach the nonl and win the flrat lap yhu too ifre musher mad you wauh the bulletin lioards wltli excitement and i wordily tyching- the gossip of uio ratc ing stables then when the great tx- hlbltlon or strength and endurance t over you can perhapn cettle down to njoy quetiec herself and whose win tec sports in which you are permitted- in take a personal if not more ntrenuoub put protect your health and your pocket boolc shredded iljnl gives cold weaklier health ui low cost full size biscuits of warmth and energy crisp in oven and serve with warm milk mode hty the catindian shredded wheat company ltd highest prices paid for butter fat give us a tiuauph0ne 53 halton cream butter co miiatonandacton chas thompson manager aeton branch time tables at acton iltinday only dally exrept dully except dully except dully oxoept dally except riunday only dally except dully except dally except dally except dally except coin wot honday fluiulay tltinday tlunday oinidav galtijf vmmi sunday fjundav sunday cunday sunday 10unnl tltt am kmasixi 3 30 pmu 6 00tal kltpm 7m xia 704 sun 11117suu 347 pjm 017 pjt 8131 p4h 1 steel cars now for freight service steel uireplaclnff wood hi freight cer- le- und seventyfive hundred bf the new freight ears now on order for the cinadkui pacific will set a new standard in grain and general freight service e cuvii are not in replacement but in uddttlon to the woodj cars already in uje and will furnish a greater mam in of safety more cpecd and longer service lille eliminating leakage they will have a capacity of 2000 bushels of wheat and will considerably peed up the movement of grain rlvcl- llng of all joints and connections wu reduce to a minimum possibility of lass of grain and the car itself will be more solid und will possess greater rigidity 1 he i oof of the car will be steel as will also the whole structure bill sides will be wood imldj additional safety will be provided by a new tjpe of truck having a cast steel frame these truck clde frames which represent a new standard of canadian lucille equipmenl arc one integral cast ing elimination of parts hi the cur proper is another noteworthy feature dimensions of the car ure 4q feet 0 inches in length b feet 1 inches high and b feet fu inches wide they will have- 5 foot side doom and a capacity of 120000 pounds the new earn represent an important advnnce- in railway freight transnarta- tltn on this continent and they have ben developed more directly to keep par- with the development of the vul in recent yearn crop acreage luu in creased car loadings havo increased in like measure improved lwvfltlni machinery has beeq speeded up delivery to the rails and ticocacltated still more efficient handling a uie part of thr railway companies delivery of the newowi will be tnde in ample time for the harvest of 1030 and the canadian pacific may be ex pected to again break tlie record crop handling a cowiioys funilttal a little adobe- choolhouse fenced in from the surrounding ranges with barbed wire u wide expanse of semlarld land with small ureas under cultivation and large herdi of cuttle roumlng over ex tended tracts of nearly sterile country this wus the picture ouujdc within was u little massachusetts schoolteacher not bigger than a pint of elder as her udmltera in uie neighborhood said beginning a missionary rchool with half a duzen pupils there was need or the work there was no place of worship und there had been no school until the opening of the little mlsslun und tho coming of tho little- woman from massachusetts slowly lite school grew und gradually oilier pupils entered than the very little ones who had constituted the first liolf- diiztu bui there was a wide disparity between uie- ags of even the oldest pupil and that of one who arrived one morning alter the school had been in up ration about a month he wus u tall young man with spurs lariat and tiombcio und he sat on his indian puny us if he had been a centaur fasten ing hi horse lo the barbcdwlrc fence he rauie inside without knocking and took his wat without removing his hat l would jou like to become a member ht the chool asked miss selby wed i dont know said he ifl see how i like- it his investigation continued that day und the next he took no part in the school beyond the occasional throwing of paper watts i his disconcerted the school a little at first but inter at true ted no attention for the readier herseir dbirc- gurded it und found means to suggest quietly to the younger ehlldrin that tliey show their visitor a model school when j the school wus dlsmbiscd at the close j of til second day he uppruuehed the uucher with his sombrero in hand audi said i i know i haint behovid decent i haint bien to school since i una a i irtli- shaver and dont know how to net but i know bettern ive done und if youll forgive uie ill wllle down lo study i d like to come and learn the teacher had been waiting for tllui capitulation uud she improved tlic op portunity by telling him what obliga tion he must assume in the way of ccndutl if lie b came u member or the mhimil and by this time he woo ready to promt e anything with great diligence he applied 1dm- elf lo his books and with even greuter ardor to the- reading of the papers and magazine- which friends in the east wi re heiidlng to the teacher i he little chool teacher also had a uninduy ticlxxil and although ut first the nwbo pupil thought little of this insti- tutum he utundfd that he might us- ll uio uuehrr in the ai rangemi nt of in- n l lb- simiii lmunie u most ul- mtui iibpil and b imu long an larmsl aur uller a utter life buy d kcrby general manager dnr unt motors of canada limited who has been eleclcd a director of durant matorn lnc mr kcrby ban been the directing head of the canadian company during the past three years in which period the canadian dealer organisation has ln- i reused 215 iter cent domestic bales 2b it jm r cent export business 43 per cent with every substantial increase hi hit truck division production of dur ant cars in canada has almost doubled hue j idj5 i tie cash position of uie computmy has also materially increased in conjunction with the general advancc- iiii ut of the company the cash posi tion in december 1025 was j2jj0ooo wlillc in december lu2il 11 was over duo 000 evidence tin- doctor s servant was returning home after his days labor and his master instructed him to bring a bttle of mdlclnc for his ncxtdoarnelghbor who was a patient next morning the doctor inquired did you deliver the mrdlcine last night tom tom yes sir doctor do you know if tie took any or it7 tom oil he must have because i raw crepe on the door uils morning iooi ueabon i kiep miller my body said st paul and expresd in one form or un- other tin i is the motto of every wise iiiuu if iiiiu ure to make the most of thimselvii uu nobler part musl bring in lowi i purl into subjection lhe hiirgiiui of stonewall jackson de- hiittxt hi- habits of life a- very simple- he pufers lalu simple fmnl und gen erally alt right heartily of it corn- breutl and butter und milk always nat- litltd him he used no tobacco and rarely drank whlskey or wine one bitter i old hlght on the 1-oto- mac rlvtr wlun no ires could be llglil- cd beckum- of the pro vim i ty of uie en emy the mirgron gave qenerul juckson u drink of whtskey lie drunk it with a wary face vviiais the matter asked thu surg eon isnt the whiskey good yes vtry answered jackson i like it und hints uu- ieuvin i dont drink it pllhcisely lli u wiiuld jou elusilfy a t li phone girl ij lu rs u bu due- oi a pinfes- nelllur its u calilnul people who prize the finer things of life usually demand red rose orange pekoe tea a moneyback guarantee with every package ao redrose te jk tea red rose orange pekoe is extra good c- rftafs j cadesky of torot4to eyesifillt specialist will iti at a t ilkownd iinn stoiu acton monday marcttuli anjiiic ufterlnif from kyc- utrulii tifeetlve vision or lien i i u ikmiiij lint rnlna the npiiorl inlii if iiif1ltlni this pi nielli ftelitllfit arnolnt- nieiit- in i 5 miln with mr a t fi n driibulnl tonsl itation klink officb hour 0 a m till 4 p m internal and external pains aro promptly raliovod by b thomas eclectricoil thatit mas bcth bold fot ncatllv rfty vcam j li todjiv a ancatcn ccllcii than cvpl b its a tubrluonial that detakd fofi its nuucnoua cuiiativc oual1tiu the natural herbal goodness of gallaghers clears up eczema stop indigestion tones entire my m tern thcro aro no minnral dnupi in gal lagher a tonia and system ouiluw it ii entirely hertui natural amo-un- ljr healing lly purifying tho ijimmi ami gently stimulating bowcla kinoya intf liver ttnu riliahlo old remedy clars jipukiu truuhliiu lttrfectfor imligoation runtlown eonditioiia nervouunrvafl oouh pr coli la keuiyou on your foot andlcwip you tlu-n- hold na oilier gojlaftuar herbal household luraodum ora hy a t itrqwn acton bladder troubles bother many past 40 si vi n out ut ten am vhitlms rat wrur iciu haw uratabs luinf hwllt amaalnx iuilef with benewd vital varre no one known belter than i uie hoiiow of joyless duyn and leeplea nlthts there have been lime wlien i fell hopelew and hrlplesa and wlun my weakm an caused me uie moa ui- tnse hiimlllutloh only uiow who have gone through such uirturca can pocjilbly nulla- my great witlifacllon when dr ioutiiwtrtha uuata1iu bnmflht n milek relief uiiataiuj are truly van- duful and i give ihem full prsue tiuch amazing evidence nervca oa convincing proof of uie power of uiiata11b to relieve those dlslreoohiballmenta to olten u hundleap lo tliole in middle life ov rworkell sluguud kidney itladdei weakneus uild irtmlrule ouuid trouou bring on so many dltf ewlrtg allmrnt which mi olteu lead to eertou llwisc that every sullerer from lamenatl ialiu hi buik und down uiruugh arolna scatj but frequent urination gclunb-up- nights ncruiw irritability and latk of niii nhould try tlic amauib value uf ui imulliworlirn ultatalul at once any tihl diiiggtsi ulu supply you on u guuiunue of eailluctlun or uiouey hock w b browne co millers and grain merchants norval ontario national npkval for fmtry kinos choice canadian wonder for bread bran siiorts middlings cliopped wlicnt karley and chicken feed at ut m1u accnla for wheat pool bring your wheat oats baiiley here talie feed hack wc will truck if preferred consult our nearest dmmkit foadren vyfof castoria mother chcr castoria is es pecially preiiared to re lieve infants nns t and children all ages of constipation flatu lency wind colic and diarrhea allaying fcvcrishncbs arising therefrom and by regulating the stomach and rowels aids the assimilation of food giving healthy and natural sleep to avoid imitations always look tor the iignaturc of cdzzmsxvctuljtjai absolutely harmless- no opiates iliyaciaus everywhere recommend it canadian national kurctuto uaiiavayh wtluij dally except dunday 1115 suia dally tbraad dally utajd daily y 1 jib pii dally sitkutl dally tiutvia daily 758 pm dally l ojibpjsi dally 13jiussu eutbtatid dally except dunday bu pjh dally 07svtat dally llslaan dally lsipju daily 357 tu dally bj7pw dally ywiua dally da7 pa tmly r 7rirsbpjtt taruilo ttmaliial ku btrt and sl cuir avuu irelght delivered by apaelsd xjptm rrelght freight plclud up at any ad- dreu in toronto c travel if as- leave acton for uie wfttt 10 10 a m 410 p m 7 00 p m and on oaturdaya oundaya and ilolldayo ll 00 p m leave acton far georgetown norval brampton toronto ijo a m uj5 a m us p m and on saturdays oundaya and iioll- daya 1033 p r frlgry painting and house decoration graining a speciality lyuupt attettuan sjttufoun giuwiuttl caliautcn gla yelemionb vx richard h blanch box sbo acton the door of opportunity these small ads will open the door lo whatever you are seeldnjr mark every grave nothing la more luting or mole appropriate to commernorate the memory or loved ones who have gone before tlian beautiful granite well carved with our present equipment and facilities no plant la better prepar ed to offer better values or a bttar etocfc to choose from than can be ucurcdal our plant vou owe it to yourself to ace our stock and irt quotations on monuments uarkera or corner btonea before placing an order anywlierc tipeclal qnotatlaiu prvrall en ail ordsra placed bcfora april 1 acton monument works estabuhed 1m j nicol phone 1u why a merchant tn writi- an advcrllhtincnt luu to have hoinc- tlilng to tell uihiul tltut in why it pah to htudy thie iniksag which contain iunis of ilnaiiclal inttriht to you savage company jeweixeky watciies fjil- verwahe cinnawake silver tableware noted for quality muurauly mail rnquhukb iiece1ve imtomit attemtion lower wyiulluira sl rluine 571 guelph sulirirriplionh for all majfazliua taken at the pre vraa office

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