Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1929, p. 1

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i ifl fourth year- no 15 thuitsday tvi ning i cuuuaky 28 1020 acton ontario canada thursday rvfning rrbruary 28 1020 sue home print pages five co tit intrrlf bttuitw ihxiuh qhiurrl ni fluuuuu acton mlrtuur luv c u iaal it d parrnnago willow street 1100 a in rhi minister subject tho day ot thf lord 3 jo p m sunday school lesson 111 chrljtian churrh 7 00 p m the minister s ibjecl in thr young mini abnnleim bate tuxln llnyn ulll r induct hip rjrvee ritrppung the ttnnnn monday n 00 p m young people a i tninir an llliiitraled talk on car loons by j ic gardiner thursday 7 30 p m pralo and prayer service jlrenlnjicnmi knox ciioucii acton mlnkler ilev a c stewart m a mnnrn wp street 1100 a m tile minister subject truui und lift 3 00 p m sunday school lesson the christian church 7 00 p m tho minister subject a scries an the liven of outstanding men and women of ulc bible no 7 monday o 00 p m young people a guild meeting in charge of lookout and visiting committees prayer meeung thursday evening at 7 30 p m strangers leaving address with uie ishcra will be called upon by ui pastor artmi snpuat cliirrlf pastoo a forsyth frederick street 1 1 00 a m rev b a plnnock upper canada bible society tiil ordinance of tho lord i supper will be obtcrve i nt uir c1ol df tlie ervlce 3 30 p m bible school 7 00 p m subject faltll 3 an example illustrated by lantcm slides evcrylwwiy welcome mundayl- y r u tuunjaysjq p m prsytcrcctfuir add a bit of spring to your winler cos tume by choosing one of these charming new hats at one of thc three decidedly af fordable prices 179 198 395 new little teh hots that band back their brum or leave them oftaltoccther or slash them in the cleverest of new ways styled for both present and later wenr with deft touches of straw for trim mint all of sprmp favored shades in the choosing unclassified small advertisements toil blnt five roomed houc for rent 110 per month apply ft j kerr acton piano wanted gccd lccond hand piano wauled send full particulars to p o box 330 auction salt oco poote ousuc will hold an ex tensive sale of horses cattle and hogs en tuesday march 5 at one o clock r j icerr auctioneer wanted cutter for pine olives wanted at once steady work apply iialton olovl co acton onl wanted two or three held suitable for spring crop to rent or work on hnrca farmers plcace apply- to box 8 fuel press oppicix dressmaking ail linda ol drcmaklng orders l ken prompt and kllfui attention ivocs n amenable 3 tf mrs a auction sale w m button tw o miles north of osprlngt win laid an extensive auction sale of rctaured clyde horses 17 cows n young cattle 30 hogs 35 sheep r oxford and lcicc ten hay and barley on monday march 11 at one o clock 35 3 r j icerr auctioneer card oi- thanks mr joseph allan and family wish to uionk uie friends and neighbors for ui kindly expressions of sympauiy and kind deeds performed during uio illness aia passing away or the wife and mother of 111 home thee will always be grate fully remembered custov hatching have in tailed four mw incubator a and am prepared to d custom hatching at 5c per ecg lor further particular and fcctung date j upply w1llowdall loultry farm jjcx 177 acton earl ii vincent dairy farm iob kent farm 105 acrci brick houe bank barn alio water bowb milk house school aertuw road radial stop within 75 yards of barn pleasant place to live churchc sunday school 1 mile urampt n o mil i act quick if you mil ihbi farm f r u term of years ai i ty tn iiijulil uunu on provincial highway j j j mount pleasant wonderland iu1day maitch 1 the patent uutlter liitl adaptec rruni i ho iury by rupert ilugluu tturrllin richard bartllelmra ccnudy slnpbia through rabbit cartoon hen irull upcclalmu3lc prices 15c and 3oc saturday mar ii 2 jut mud flu- fctory or u yi ung lovo tliat furvivtd the jazz and pace of ut tn dim world eturrlntt ocoru lew in cm dy llruutles r re vi x newa tt isl maiu ii mun and uomnn druina wui j lui olluerc no fiif 111 my cry rid r c iwdy 1 v y in g bcream loming the jil sinjr wlui al jouon r i ilidolty son have you seen the ilalfprice coat and dresses if not you may be missing a big opportunity to affect a big snvinp on your wardrobe expenses every s1nglt fuk th1mmed coat has its rc price cut rifht in two choosing now with next october s needs in mind can cut down next winters coot appropriation exactly in half especially is this fore linndcd buying advantageous for the person with a liking for furs of a higher quality than comes within her regular coat allowance choose high grade furs and fabric now at only a half regular cost and count on your coot to retain an air of distinction even in seasons of later styles just by reason of its very quality halrprjcecqaxsat 14 w ulirr 2 so t175 27 50 m 34 75 42 50 4d 25 on up to 92 50 various news items women wutuu mfetlittf tiip regular monthly meeting of thn women n inrlhule will lie held at tho i liomn of mm cjro lanu main utrl on march 1 lit 3 o clock a valentine card party tlie true blue valentine kuchra which wan held in tlie i o p p hall was well attended a numbr of tlie true blues from georgetown were prea ent and the evening was a eplendld cue ewj and bil rrportid u good ume after the card games lunch won tcrved r wnly af trafiletit ouu tlie trojulent guects of uio municipal- lly liavo thb year been more numerous than ever rarely a night pacaca but chief t ins not come of the varuty c ira n known as tramps to glvfl fliolter to at the town hall o mctlnie three and four are provided with nhelter fur tlie evening won qratayfcal can or ttfrt3 prfes5b 19titi 24 7 5 ureases for all occasion- iiictutfed for parties and dances for afternoons for informal evenings and sunday best for business and the street everybodys size represented all the glorious new spring wall papers ready for inspection d e macdonald bros ltd guelpii ontario business change i have disposed of my butcher business in acton to parker bros of itoclcwopd who will take possession on monday march a for the patronage that has been accorded me during my term of business in acton i desire to express my appreciation and bespeak for my successors a continuance of this patron pl watch for the opening announcement of this new firm in next weeks paper j c milne milni7s muat market mill and main streets mtua qenevlevc clarrldge daughter of mr and mrs a q cuurdge brook- dale farm acton wlw is on uut teaching huh of the public oclioou in brampton waa uut winner or a public cpeaklng contest there on tuesday evening tiw center t was lield in uie baptist churcli there ontl mua clarrldgo wmm repreecnt- ing uin presbyterian church in tlie contest dlie took an iier subject abra liam lincoln winning the cup given by uie young peoples cocletles and a medal donated by dr o t walker petty thieving of ca three milton men coma before mag ifllrato moore at milton on oaturday aftamoon charged with the theft of stove and steam coal on one case the cool was taken from a stone crusher outfit located west of milton and the other from coal yards at the q public utilities commission meeting accounts potthcd nritl routine iiuhhittw trutuinclcd tcndcra for new truck received at the rxudon of uut public uulluu commit ion on tuesday nvenlng cvun- mlrjvlnner knrr and iteeve mason were prctent and chairman icing presided accounts were ordered to be paid u folio wr hydro- aetmmt canadian waiungtioua co re pairs remington typewriters ltd re pairs p mccutclieon exprcas j m aass liupclr f hydro flectrlc xowar conuuls ilon of ontario supplies ii ii wilson inspection fees jordan noberut bkib ltd sup plies j c mutt hewn postage hmployers liability assurance corporation bond premium f 63 00 1 10 mil 10 00 phccuuluon freight waterworks aeeuitil hydro dopt operations for jan uary neptune meter co supplies neighborhood news tluua cotta mr r j otrlngcr lai arrived homo after spending a month wltli friends hear milton -v- the steam shovel which lueu xteefi npeniung on uir town line hill lias stopped for a few days on account of uie aevere frolt but will resume opera uoiut slioruy again htr j davldron la now on uie meiid again mr h logan lion struck a fine vein of stone in ida uiarrle on tho loui line slid intends shipping from here slioruy wood cutting and lea cutting are still uie general order of tlie day muu norma hunter of alton ocliool spent cunday at her borne lure t mr ii haymond lias rented mr uecrgo townsend lumse on maple avehue luid will move uiere shortly vsletiune social was held in uie terra colta united church rccnuy good programme and tea was provided by uut ladles and ail report a good time uannockituitn mrs mcneil and mrs r j ramslimw spent tlie weekend with friends ml hon gtatlon the defendant were ail in over for further consideration poor financial circumstance they each pleaded guilty and having each spent five days in the county jail after being arrtsted they were let off after bebig shown uie serious nature of their offense jjjtuu mpgulrate on suspended sentence for one ysar v furniture keed and fibre chairs nl dressers at cedar chests al curtain rods 9 00 1200 and shoo 1275 1gjm ias0 1275 15c and upward hardware galvanized tubs axe and handle heavy mitts extra value at 85c and 100 135 100 c b swackhamer irnlrai dittrcror aribuivnce service 1urnirurl ano hardwarl willow struct acton ontario it was a great rclicr to those who travel by auto to be ablo to avoid the thrill of crohlng uie outtcon creek by way of the detour bridge with uie ac companylng hill on eluier side and crosn over by the high level brldtfe which was thrown open to the public on saturday tlie approaches however are hot yet completed and besides requiring consider able more material to fill them up tfl uie proposed level are somcwliat uneven tlie bartlero at cluierend were removed on tuesday arid the contractors have won uie race over uie elements which common prophesy said would carry the utue bridge away with uie spring froshel oakvllle record children s aid socuty iiueur at a special meeung or uve board of management of uie oordon home chil dren s shelter milton held friday to consider applications for uie position qf superintendent of cldldren s aid eocl- ucs of uie counties of halton and pool mode vacant by uie death of cuperin tendent w il stewart of milton uie board recommended john p mccallum of milton to fill the vacancy mr mc callum is a vi ell known returned soldier and well qualified for uie position ho was an applicant to succeed uie late sheriff webter of jlallon county which vacancy was fllled by uio appointment of colonel o o brown of stewart town a peeouar attack mr alex icannawln reported to tax lyri pniss a peculiar incident which h experienced on a friday evening nix ut two wlcks ago he was proceeding on uil cat sccuon of mill street from hl home down town when lie met a man wlia idcnuty at uie time he did not recognise and mr icannawln said oood evening the man accosted was ap- paicnuy angry at someone and dropped uie parcel he was carrying and shaking his flat in mr iconnawlnb lace pro ceeded to use very insulung language when he spoke uio stranger was recog nised by lus voice and mr icannawln was very much surprised at who hla osailant was katurally ho felt on apology wua due for his unwarranted attack but unul the present nono hu n forthcoming a criminal cases in wedingtsn coart no criminal cases were on uie calcn dnr for dlposal at uie wellington county spring assises which opened in ouolph monday before hon mr justice rose the only three jicuann were suits for duniagi3 arung out of motor accidents mm w o bond is asking 15 000 frum e collins and theresa eaundcra for injuricj sustained in a motor acdent hich occurred an uie ouelph hamilton highway on july 15 1030 when a motor car tn which mrs bond was a passenger met in collision with collins car miss baunden niu driving the machine in which mrs bond was riding in con iicctlon with the same accident m bond aaks ilo 000 boui cases will bt htard by a jury the only nan jury cac l an acuon for s10 000 by mluioant bealtkyobalnsb isoberrnd hugh walkr 8r mlj bcaltio alleges that alic was struck by a car driven bj mk walker on august 13 1037 ard s010 1338 the he we twin shoe co waterworks adjustment which lias been in abeyance for came time and which u now in detailed form won laid over to be dispos ed of at a subsequent meeting a letter from uie ontario commis sion stated uut uie local commission request regarding rebate of surplus to uie consumers would be consldrd at uie time when rates for 1030 were being considered tlie tenders for the purchase of a new truck were received by uie com mission and examined and were laid the commission instructed uielr offic ers to reduce the price of fuse plugji to retail at five etnta each halton landmark destroyed tlie women a insutute held a bustnet meeung at the liome of mrs d a russell on thursday afternoon february 14 it was decided to have a speaker from uie idepartment for uie juno meet ing five dollars ws votiwl to each of uie two sclioola bnnockbum and woodslde for uie purpose of providing liot lunches for uie pupils unul easter arrangements were also made for uut making of two quilts by uio members lost wednesday evening uie members ot uu insutute and their friends met at uie liome of mr and mrs alvln flslier wlien a most enjoyable social evening was spent- after a musical programme by uie young people dancing was indulg ed tn uie cedorvale orchestra providing uie music quite a number from this taction enjoyed uie excellent play presented by uie ladles aid of ballinafad churcli in uie hall there lost friday evening the communitys social side of liiy- vlauora to and from town during the pirnt wetb as dlcand by the fvm vtaw miss bertie bpclght vuiled friends at kitchener on ounday mr albert mills spent uie wrrkrnd with friends in jiamlllon mr otephen quest visltel at liln irme lie re for a few jays last week mr juibrey allan of detroit mlcii spent several days last welc at his home here mr wm forbes the weekend wlui forbes of toronto spent mr and mrs mr and mm w d prick ond family of toronto visited acton friends on sunday chief mcplicrcon spent uie weekend visiting wlui friends and relauves in toronto mr and mrs john l itennoy and uarbaro spent sunday wlui mr icenneys parents here miss l mcdonald c visiting mr and mrs frederick qtreel midland la i mainprise eden mills iflfcn weekend specials iiiistlr brand baking pom dfr i lb can for i ngixn home packed tggs for i lar bjttlc vanii la bars ilarl willti boap i lurt tin ci arm a pork and bians i peck potatoi s 1 hib bist ricr i lb apricots lbs prunes i iho in y win ri i lour packet- corn i 1 akrs i sago 10 lbs suj ai st lawrciilc i jb i ancy caki s lb sidi bacon l lb t i a rej ular de for i itesu vi i7tutles in stock ilk 25c 20c 23c 20c 15c 25c 19c 23c 00c 25c 9c 59c 18c 30c 50c nelson co mux mtilkia acton phone 37 vr just a lltue comparison fn m time to time uio statement li made uiat prices arc lower in uie city ate re and the argument is used as an lxcu- for a little journey we liavo conttnded uiot the careful shopper can in many iruuinrti save money in uie h in t market by u careful study of uie udvcrtlimcnu just for uie take ot comparison loot week we clipped two or thrro city ads from uie dallies and ncro art the mparatlvc prices hi uicsc ad- vt rtlimcnta and uiosc lntn iacx i iuui of inst week lub roasts of beer ucre he in the city and 10c and 10c lure lard was 17c and 18c lb compared with lgc in acton sugar was quoted in acton as low as 10 lbs far cc and in the city at io lbs for 50c icing sugar in acton wai j lbs for 23c and 3 lbs for 3jc in tho city campbells tomato soup was 2 f r 31c here and quoted 3 fur 3c in a city store honey was 55c herl and fie for uio borne sise uiu in uie city fruy bentos corned boot wail thr tunic price licrc oj in the city prune j mini u variable commodity llicy win 2 lb- for 33c in one ad and 3 for luc in unilhcr in acton they were ciunud 3 ibi for 37c the items are just picked at random wherever we could lln i comparisons to make on two like commodities talce your own paper some time and jiu t figure how much you aren t suvlng by uio excursion to uio city on slu i pltiu tour acton mnrcliaiils are n ring prlcrt that compare very favor bly an i wrltlnu buy at hanib nrgu ii u u in dillaru and cents to you many xupli an finding it profitable tn conic i in uil diinuuuduig districts to do alltltjihih pliig iwre uuvn4 suujuyaiimmatt a cuaastrouo fire on sunday afternoon completely destroyed uio property at hornby which for more than half century was the hotel and residence of uie late david lindsay a number cf 3 cars ago artcr the death of mr lindsay the dixmlses were converted into a general store building and operated by m- iiarry robertson the are broke out about two in uie afternoon when mr and mrs robertson were visiting at uie liome of her sister on a neighboring farm it was a flares fire and uireatened the resldenceu of james and stuart robertson and uie orange hu adjoining tlie old tem perance hall adjacent was used as a storclumre and it was also destroyed all uie buildings were ox frame construe tlon tlie milton georgetown and oalcvlllu fire brigades were summoned but owing to uie depth of snow on uia roads it was difficult for uiese willing workers o get through milton hrbjade anaiw succeeded in breaking through hie four and a half miles of deep snow and a few minutes afterword oakvllle had covered its sixteen miles of highway tlie adja cent buildings were saved through uie efforts of uiese organised fire fighters the loss to mr robertson is estimat ed at 18 000 to 30 000 tlie property was partially covered by insurance but uie stock in uie store is reported not to have been insured mr robertson was also postmaster of hornby tliere were few undelivered letters in uie office and no registered letters at uie time of the fire david lindsay who was far so many yours tle owner of this property was a mun of wide influence he was a leading coiiccrvauvc of the county and one of tlie llrst orangemen of halton to take on acuve interest in propagating uie order dave lindsays hotel was uie rallying point for boui poiluelans and orangemen and many a neighborhood campaign wnj inaugurated on uiese premlcs it is said that uie first orange lodge in haltoti was organised in this hotel and it is a fact that the first orange hall was built under mr und says supervision on land adjoining uie hotel property and it was this building which escaped the flames on ounday the history of orongelsm in nalton u centrcdat hornby and mr lindsay was for succeeding generations uie moving plrit of the order of the twentyseven taverns located m uie seventh line betweeu naninaf and oakvllle a twentyeight mils itretch uie county from uie northerly to the southerly limits fifty years ago david lindsay s was perhaps uie most important and popular this hotel was doing business when the famous plank road on the seven ui line thoroughfare una in its glory sixty years ago mr robertson will probably replace uie destroyed structure with a madam and less inflamable building on wednesday the women a insutute met at mrs n s marshall a home with a good attendance the president was uie chair tlie opening ekcrciuo minutes and toilcjui iiovlnguiaittti nihil hlilyi fatii ui i lunar d tii dominion champions hanquetted beardmare tt co tender elanauel aad prcntattiirurtiiirmesbefrer tnr tug of war team laji thursday evening bcardmore at co tendered a complimentary banquet tu uie members of uielr tug of war team who art industrial and dominion champions uils year the event was held n uio lunch room at uie old rink premises and was indeed a bumptuous repast and enjoyable oc caslon mr o t bcurdmore and the hupcrln ten dents of uie company a two plant mr n h oardcn and mr j m mcdonald and uie heads of uie vari ous departments were present at the function rjach member of uie team was pre sented by mr bcardmore wiui a silver cup and a group photograph of ut dominion champions uurmsclves tlie members of uie team arc w s eccle- shall trainer and manager a moloule frank olbbons john lambert ii riirmpun john scrlven oeorge laxen by garfield mchadden reserves j law- con and h irwin herbert ritchie ceacll tiil kvvnino meal uigktl u 11il juduc of the probate court was tiylng to dcteroilno the intelligence of mamie lcr a uilrteen yearold colored slrl who hud beep considered not quite bright pointing to uie woman who hud brought mamie into court the judge said mamie if mrs darrlck weighs 106 p undo dandtng on both feat how much dwi nhi weigh c landing on one foot mumlo eyed uie judge suspiciously and rrplllit does you uant me to us my common ta m or docs you want to see if i can dlvldr by twot putnam of the depairtmant asklng- further aid for the northern cuffcrcra also a communication from uie axcocla tlon of canadian bookmen offering literature and speakers suitable for iir- sutute work au of which was duly con sldered two inlcrcnung readings were given by members a good contest was enjoyed by all after which an impromptu debate was held by six members re solved uiat uie short person lias ad vantage over uie tail the offlrmauvc won lunch was served after uie debate tlie march meeting will bo held at mrs w boles a new furnace has been installed in no 5 school which is proving very satisfactory mrs ucalplne sr in somewhat lm proved a few days ago she suffered a slight stroke mrs jos moore has been confined to bed for some time her condluon is a little better mrs a mcphall is recovering from the serious accident oho hod about a month ago her friends hope she may soon be as well as usual we are sorry to report uie illness of mrs d ii wilson who underwent an operation in ouelph general hospital on friday especially at uie ume when tier mouier mrs mcdougall sr has been suffering for many weeks uisb annie burrows of dayton ohio visiting her parents mr and mrs w burrows mr gilbert kingsbury and urc crist of dayton ohio returned home from attending the funeral of their father tho late mr a kingsbury who was much respected in the community mrs re id or london and mrs w calvert of ouelph wcro gucl of their mother mrs oilbertson sr last week miss annie mcp hereon or hamilton visited last week at uie liome of mr and mrs o a dills mies dora lambert nuree in training at uie general hospital ouelph visited at her home lure but week mr b o arnold attended tlu orand chapter meeung of the royal arch mauins at kingston uus wccl mm m w mccaulay and mks mary of port maiuand visited at mrs e f colliers brock avenue but week wtwha acton and district faueake hatpr the ladles aid of uie united chureh churchill intend liavlng a pancake supper and programme at uie liome of mr john draff on wednesday evening march 6 yvll welcome y k o w k ktwuix tlie monuuy meeung of uie duke of devonshire chapter of uie l o d k will be held on tuesday evening next march at uie liome af mrs o a conway church street at eight o clock anlhftr ktuutum chatty the poixonnel of uie business places ou mill street seem to be changing very iulckly uiese days mr j c milne disponed or his butcher busuuau thu wek to parker brojc ol ilockwooel who will take posse salon on monday tieal mr milne purcliased tli buslne from mr peltier a little over a year ago and lias conducted it since early in january last year thtrj riwwf tuff ll ffthlrtl was- ulcrfn iurlouslylryestenhry mr earl cooper underwent an opera tlon on his throat at western hospital torono lost week he is progressing favorably following uie operation miu prances iccnncy who underwent an operation far appendicitis in ouelph general liopllal was so far recovered is to be able to return home on tuesday mr and mrs harlcy brlgnall and chil dren or toronto and mr e brlgnall of new york visited at uie home of mr and mrs j ti reed over uie weekend mrs jaa l warren mies barbara warren and miss helen warren of toronto visited acton friends uus week and attended uie birthday party of dora and warren wood on saturday mr and mm w smith arc now com fortably rtucd in their pretty now bungclow on peel and wellington streets an enjoyab 11 1 tic limits warming was held with a few special frumda on mon day evening fc and mm herbert caseley norval announce ui engagement of their eldest daughter ldilh maude to john murray mai hall norval youngest sn oi the late mr and mrs james marshall uie moniuuc to take place in march mm t k mccallujit of saskatoon who was called home by tho sudden posaing of her father mr a k nlcklln left monday afternoon on uie journey home by way of chicago making brui tops on the way vlsluhg friends and relauves in kitchener dutton and val t raise lnd bockwood commencing last week on uie loui postmaster prank day inaugurated uie new 73c stamp books at the poet office and on uie five rural moll routes start ing from rockwood pat office the new books contain 10 onecent 13 two- cent and 0 fivecent stamps and sell at face value an improvement on uie old 35c books which contained 34c worth of stamps with the advent of uio new books stamps of 1 cent 3 cent and 5 cent varieties may be purchased in any quanuty from the courier whereas the old books could only be purchased un broken the new regulations make it possible for a rural mall patron to make purchases at hb own gate from i cent stamp to a money order up to iloooo since his recent illness rev l gossclln lias been conducting sunday services in the mornings iu well as at eden mills in the afternoon he resumed evening services last sunday the musc1 margaret and beatrice plynn or ouelph were recent woe it c id visitors at the home of their altcr mrs prcd smith lfr wellington am lth returned sat unlay morning from lib two weeks trip down east in uio interests of the stoicy olovc co or acton mr wm torrance caretaker at the prasby tartan churoli is oonilnud u- his home uiroush illness mrs d barry of mlmlco was up again for a few days last week miss jean torrance of slmcoc woo home but mock on account of her fathers illness mr johnaton hcwat of slmcoc wv home for uio week end ur and sirs rutherford hcwat and son bruce of mlmlco wen up far the weekend mr r huuat relumed home sunday evening while mrs hcwat is remaining licro for u few days mlcis besiilc nrluun and isabel faun deron of toronto were up recently fur a weekend vull tlie conunuauon school students in company wlui their teacher mls pits gerald to uie number of about forty journeyed to guclph saturday evening by bus and automobile and enjoyed a skating party on their return they repaired to uie school room where re freshments were partaken of bejorc dli periling for uielr homus mr j a little was up at conn on sunday visiting hb parents itev john and mrs utile he reports lots of j tow up north uie tc pu only of rail fliiccs being sccn mr and mm angm carter und fumlly pent sunday at acton visiting mr and mm l ii vincent mrs utnwart ii royce who was an the sick list last wck wan someivi at bettor the beginning of the week sir douglas gloss ford win nold out his meat shop buliicsu lost summer lutd uie misfortune to iw burned cut at erin uils winter ii hoi bounht out o liar lea maltby who bought the parker meat market a shirt ume ago wo welcome douglo1 back to our mliit again ballinafad mica bessie binnle mlat rltter and miss bomervule of toronto spent uie weekend at uie home of the formers parents mr and mrs frank blnnie mrs e j wright returned homo lucday alter spending two weeks visit ing at the home of mr a sopcr friends from a distance attending the funeral of uio late mrs alum were mr and mrs jotcph banham mr and mrs elkjn campbell and mr thomas campbell of toronto ond mr and mrs wu1 allan of brampton the play under uie auspices of uio ladles aid of uie united church was a splendid success mr jack mcenery left on tuefiday for woppella saskatchewan after spend ing three months visiting at his home here william lamb of nelson township j as convicted before police magistrate moore at milton on saturday of hav ing been intoxicated ui a public place on february iiul tills being the third conviction under uj liquor control act uie minimum penalty of uiree month in uie county jail wiuiout the option of a fine was imposed caiilljrtnlj fw or4 erin agricultural society was compll merited by p m overhoit on uie excel lence of uie field crops entered in then field crop contest according to ur overholt uie erin socleu exhibits are superior to any in uie district of which he la uio judge tlie winners of the past years contest were e barbour it uonj burt bingham arthur a rutin jo uc- klttrlek a e artffln a bon o o pletclior e c bingham a c burt uandfaeturbtf ceil btcma su4 fr wuijsr the ontario memorial company wre unloading itcatof btatutead granite y- torcuiy for thac bontoact on supplylila wen ty- two cut stone steps- for uui nw mitffvtnii1nrritrniiimrf wtliij wludioreupermttuadtnt voxthy iact ting the plant well in siiape b handld the seasons orders that are- now using booked and stone cutters ar being now taken on to work as rapidly as they can t3 secured for uie positions john trouf htau seuteoeed far tw crfeaes john troughton of clungiiaoouey townslilp was sentenced to thrw monuis determinate and one yar i e day indeterminate on a eliarge of obtaining crfcdlt under false pretences und to three monuis determinate and two years less cne day indci terminate on charge of forging a name on a promis sory note by judge b v justin at brampton on monday troughton waj unfavorably known in came places in acton where he has had business deal- lugs nassagawlya the voung peopleii league or the ebcncser united church arc going u vljt uio young peoples society of the naaagawcya i rcbytcrion church this thunlayl evening the vlitlng league puts on the prootammc a meeting of all uio trustees and ratepayers of uie schools of tho town ship will bo held in the township hall brookvulo nest thursday 7th insl to discus educational problems of the public schools mr j m denyes i p s and mr a p macvannc agrt rfv cultuiaiucprotantauv willaddfrssihir biclianljl alvei t mo met ung the ladlca aid or tho ebeiietcr united church held a cafeteria lea lat wednes day evening a cry intcrciiung time was spent mrs herbert plctchcr of darbyvlile lio has been 111 for tome time is re ported to be improving in health wo hope she may continue to improve rhe weauier yettcrday nas quite mild which settled the snuw considerable ospbinoe woiiuiiu institute concert on wed nculay march jo 1mrthcr aunuuiicc- mmt later the monthly meeung of uie ladlca aid of uie ihcsbylcriaii church was held on wednesday afternoon at uut home mrs d g robcrtuin wlui about tuenty ladles present tho president ra u cooke occupied the chair it lj decided to have a a patricks social in uio church in uie near future mrs bapuu gave a reading of robert burns an old fashioned spelling match ri utccl mucli fun uie winner being mtu nellie altkcn a social lialf liour was then enjoyed about tevcnty five neighbors and file nb ir mrs a icirkwoud gathered at her liome on prlday evening to coy good bc to her and jean prior to uielr departure from ihe community mlsa m cooke read ulc address and at tho pr iiicr tunc mm bruce mcklnnon jire i eutcd mrs iclrkw kid with a leather rlub bag and miss eileen ttnney pro- keuted jean with an ivory mirror and comb mru klrkwood uiankcd uie il nora und all joined in singing par i hey are jolly good fellows tlie ixmalmbtr of uu evening was spent in duiiclug and euchre w rd lias iwen received of uie deaul of mr a smclalr erin fnuitr or mr a mnctatr first line mu gladys carter of ourtj h lt ji nellnu u few dijs with her ibter mm d o robertson bus cuub with track the tarontoguelph bus and a truck belonging to the ontario bakeries hap pened to ret into uie cams pair of ruts uie highway near here on monday morning and collided head on both vehicles were trying to stop at the hw so no serious damage was done tba driver of the truck diaries uarah es caped injury but ids assistant patrick moqarry received a bad bump on th race tlie truck had the bumper and rendero broken and the front bumper on the bus was smashed opposing clatiag ai custaau represantauves of industries are pro- tesung vigorously against uie proposed closing of uio customs office at burling ton nest friday and thereafter they maintain uut uia loss of uie office will be a serious detriment to business a deputation composed of mayor iiollby k a hani and w j ilampilure lib eral candidate in uie last federal ela tion is teeing uie minister of customs in an effort to liavc the order rescinusd the manufacturers and the fruit growers are united in uie protest it u aigued that under uie proposed nee arrange ment costly delay will be incurred tus town council forwarded an official promt to ottawa united choreb young pceaial league tlie beaver group of the united church young peoples lcagua had charge of a literary programme on mon day evening this meeting was divided tnto two parts during the first part ur bert mowat gave a talk on the value of biography mr earl il vincent read a biography of john grcenleaf whit- tier and mrs a t brown gave a paper on david qraytoh miss marguerite symon rendered a piano solo the second part of the programme was an old- fashioned district school about fifteen members took port in this after having a few lessons a short concert was given consisting of recitations by a number if uie pupils and coiign by the class and quartette the patent leather kid omosing performance of ids career tn riie patent leather kid first natlon- lo great story of the tank corps which will be shown on friday night at the wonderland theatre in tile patent leather kid this talented youth even excels this marvelous work hi the part for uie role of uie kid u uia best he has ever liad rupert hughes wrote tlie patent lcauicr kid soon after the uar the screen adaptation was by adrlc rogers oc john and the picture u an alfred san tell production under uie producuon management of al roc- kcll pretty molly otjay plays opposite uarthclmcsa and as the result of her work tn uils picture wins a personal triumph she ti easily uie screen find f uie year a large and excellent com pany b seen in support till is a i icturc uuit you must see toundllnx baby boy at oakviue get good horn rtic baby boy discovered on the door- up of mrs mcdufly an elderly widow at oakvllle on february 0 was brought to ulc juvenile court at oakvllle last thursday evidence was given respect ing uie discovery of uie babe and chlaf kerr tciuned uiat ho had coiumunlcated with uie leading detccuve and polio lusutuuons throughout uio province in the effort to ascertain uia pax-onta- of the child but without success there is not uie slightest clue as to who the tauicr or mouier la or how it came ui lui oakvllle destination jutlj moore mado uie utue chap a ward of the halton children a atd society he u between two and three months old a twauuful child and very lovable mr c h loviuan acting superintendent of tjw children u aid society la arranging lor 1 cal adoption of uie babe by a well to do oakvllle lady where ho will be proiierly cared for amid very favoralju conditions

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