Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1929, p. 3

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if r aitmi arc jlmm lltuiuiljay uuuualty jl iuju oni a lai only u dud with u tired face d mlng hnuii from tin dully rum bringing ihtll of ild or fumo 1 1 i imw how wt ll 1m hun played the that iiln own ifimu dut ifluri in 111 i n jolrr lowi him mine mitt hear his voice only a dad with it brood of four our of tin million or morn plodding along in the dully strife hearing tin whip unit worrm or life willi never ii whimper at pain or hate lnr the- sake of those who at home await only find neither rich uor proud merely out of tlio surging crowd lolling striving from day to day facing whatevi r may come his way ullent whenever tlio hamli condemn and bearing it all for the love of them only a tlaa but he given his nil lo rmooth the way for his children email doing with courage item and grim thn deeds ihot hbr father did for him tliln in thr line that for him i pen only a dad but the beet of men general interest news at the lower fntl or the couuty advance in the bathing season wan nxperiencod when at burlington on monday miss jacqucttapdllard and her brother wallace pollard took a dip in lake ontario although it was a sprlng- llkr day with nong blrda muh in rvldenci the temperature of the water had a wintry cast the bathers how ever were not deterred in uielr venture and rccmed none the worse charted with coal thfu tor some unit rast william ilullard r zd building contractor of nelson township lias been mitring largo quan tities- df cqoi from hli stonecrushing plant on the mountain two mile west of milton sunday night oeorgo huson victoria avenue milton aged 37 and married woi arrested by chief constablo chapman while bringing quantity of cool into town on a hand sleigh illlson and the coal were taken to die county jail tlicrc carlo vivian of iclng btreet milton aged 35 yeam and married wan alto arrested and lodged in the county jnll iloui prisoners are chained with stealing cool from mr dullard a ntonc- crushlng plant death of itev it d hamilton ilev richard d hamilton for several years minister of the methodist church at burlington died at his liome near aylmcr last dun day evening rev mr hamilton retired from the ministry from burlington after p fo years he wan barn qtrniiim ot cjgpc itamjjh hfl- won companion of johno coleman jar- rwildlniratetevens point wla ieev mr hamilton contracted a cold when the unveiling of the soldiers monument at aylmcr was taking place and from uils he never recovered- he enjoyed the esteem of all wlio knew him and he spent a life of great usefulneca rn rti hn f or ate t thceon k bstluttirt r narrowly escaped cremation forcing entrance to prank corrlgano barber shop on cork street ouelph at on early hour last friday morning when smoke was noticed issuing from the premises police and firemen caved the uvea of archie mcdougall of that city itawi richard lynch peel township tho two men who were lying asleep in the nliop liad neglected to turn off the lur- nacc drafts and when the officers and firefighters entered one register on the floor wan red hot lynch wo lying clou by wrapped in a sheet which was badly scorched after being dragged to safety both men were placed under arrest pleading guilty in police court to infrac tions of the liquor control act lynch was fined 1100 and costs for having liquor in an illegal place while mcdougall was assessed 10 and costs for drunken the burlington postsiaiurahlp the postmastergeneral of canada is having difficulty in ailing the vacancy caused by the dcatil or postmaster audrey c peart of burlington over a year ago since then his son vlckers peart lias been acting postmaster coming 14 days too late the notice of the ap pointment of harold kearse as post master of the burlington post office has been received by ills relatival mr kearse died february j of scar hit fever some time ago thomas m wamslcy was notified of his appointment as post master but as ho had just purchased a book store business lis notified the de partment three and a half months ago of bis lnabtlty to accept yu position since that time no intimation of an other appointment had been received mr icearw it is understood was among the first applicants far the position in each of the two instances the appoint ment was given to a orcot war veteran tin iilackomitha nona clang cling clang cling bcjlows you munt roar nnd anvil you munt ring hammer you and i munt works for ding dong dlngt munt dresn my icale and baby nnd bread for un munt bring go dong ding long ding i anvil to my hammer make music while i sing clnug cling clnng cllngt ding dong ding dang i dear to kate u car my old immmrr in your song for while my anvil rtngn and clings he known there a nothing wrong she knows were biny earning what will be hlrn ere long so ding dong ding dong i clnng cling clang cling oh well i love my smithy when the birds in npring time nlng and tin pleasant nun comes streaming in the nun that laves ta bring its gladness to me working and to hear my anvil ring dong ding dong dlngl and w ccc my iron glowing and lhc sparks in showtro spring clang cling clang cling i blow blow blow blow bellows you mut v ark till the furnace li aglow snuit tn my old smithy iwiun without comco down the lnow when soaty wull and rafter in ttu blaze arc all aglow blow blow blow blow i clang cling clang cling 1 mcrrilyow tiounr fly that hear my auvll klkping hlim in wintett most people exercise more in summer than in winter most people cat more heavy food in winter than in summer the sum of these two is the fatnecs that creeps upon us during cold weather wo need more heavy food in winter in order to kcip the body fires going but we do not need as much as most of ua procure although few give such a thing a thought it is very probable that tlio ice n the refrigerator or tho lack of it has considerable to da with cur avoirdupois when warm weather during hot wcatlier we see to it that tho jcc box is well filled with ice dur ing winter we may get a trifle lax assuring ourselves that it is cold enough anyway dut lettuce in a cold pantry or in an otherwise empty refrigerator ulll never appeal like a head of lettuce that haa been wrapped in a- wot- cloth mid placed ujxin a large cake of ice to chill when wo allow our supply of ice lo get low wo unthinkingly rob many of our most valuable balancing food of much of thrlr lure fruit should be cool orcens when eaten raw should lie rool and in many cases even brought to tli table in dishos of brushed ice the man or woman who would not taste a ruddtnh in a dry radduui dish will ofton cot several if they may bo plucked from a moss of crushed ice and this applies u many other foods that we nerd in winter even more than in sum tlitn while ifatc work- beside me i m happy as a king clang cling clang cling i ood will give me always health and ntrcngtli to make my anvil ring clang cling clang cling ithli old wing wa3 written in the days fifty or sixty years ago when acton had four busy blacksmith shops and there were dozens of tennu hauling lumber from the big sawmills or esqucs ingspeysldc st helena and smith s mills to acton o t it station for ship ent acton councils laws half a ccntuiiv ago while rummaging through the papers in an old desk of mine the othur day i carm acros an old pamphlet bearing the title permanent dy laws or the municipality or acton from 1073 to 1003 i bclltvc thli li the only volume con taining the dy law of acton cvt r print the clerk ond the successive cpun ells and the magistrates must i should think have had an interesting and ilierous time sorting out bylaws in thctr irlginal form during the thirty five years and more since the publication of that first collection of by laws it is interesting to note that in tills utile book of tucnty pages containing plrmanent by laws of the first twenty years of acton s incorporation that all the by laws were paased during the tenure of office of only two reeves and of only three municipal clerks the reeves who were in oftlcc were the bite w h storey and j b pcaran and lh clerks were james o hill now of cleveland ohio and for many years a resident or that city and the late j c mcqarvln and the late thomas t moore the first by law in this book is entitled bylaw no a snow obstructions etc it provides that every occupant and in case there is no occupant the owner of every house shop building lot or parcel of land and every person having charge of any church chapel or public building fronting or abutting on any public street or streets or sidewalk shall by ten o clock a m after every fall of snow cause the same to bo entirely removed off the sidewalks opposite each house church chapel shop or other building lot or parcel of land aforesaid this clause contlnuw in force until his day it looks came limes after a snow storm as if some of our present tlmi cltixens arc unaware of this local enact ment ubocqucnt clause says in cose ow is not removed or the sidewalks made safe and convenient by ten sundays excepted it nhull be the duty or any member of thi council or of any person appointed by the oouncll for thts purpocl to cause such snow to be rcmov ed at the expense of the corporation and then to prosecute buch pc twins who iilgiecud to runovt thi snow the fine and co la to cover at liait the expense o incurred one of the follow lng tin clauses of he by law provide lliat no person hull throw or pile cordwood or coal up n any sldiwulk n r bhall any person mm gravel or litlmr lurth from luniii f thn vltlmje without tmdr- ixnully not v xrei ding t jo ho ihiiuii cofbi a by law whlui i nniinilior cuituid a mood b al of opmj ltlon at tlm tlmu and whs hi cm i ii of tlu origin of thr popular rilognn spurn tin poor man n cow wan no 13 rnllllt d anlnmln at large and wait pureed march 10 1174 uirtloii i is tin follow no pernor in lug tho ounir or kocrwr of any cov rnlf lion colt filly hull steer ok heifer rum nhcep pig goat goose o duck or any blrechy animal shall allow nny inch animal to run at inrge within the village or acton during any porlod of the year and any p nnn contravening thin bylaw tihall be habit to a penulty or fifty edits xclu live of coats pound keejht n fees and rosin for each and every nuch animal found running ot larwe the bydaw inntructn the poundkeeper to in merciful to all animals impounded and to feed and walcr all during tho period in which they arc impounded for tills rervlec in addition to such fin en and contn an may be imponed he u tntltlcd lo colli ct further monlc the following rchodule for each home cnlf filly bull cow nicer hllfer or goat 2f cents for each sheep pig goori or duck 0 cents for keeping n hortr cow colt filly bull ox nicer heifer or goat for 34 liours on hoy or grass 20 cents for each sheep goose or duck fed on hay grass or grain fur twenty four hours 8 cento for every hog allowing a half gallon of grain for 24 hours 15 aanln and tlu 34 hours aforcnnld shall in all canen be computed nix of tho clock in the evening of the day on which nuch animal is impounded there i have no doubt you will fay this in quite an unique bylaw milts provisions seem to be comcwhqft ancient and obsolete but let inc tell you that old by law has never been ropeated but in ntlll in forcp in ract a root note nays by law no no or thin munlclplalty reaffirms this bylaw when this by law came into force fifty five yearn ago the average cltljccn owned a cow a pig nnd a hock of hens and chickens numbers of tho owners of the cows allowed their cows to forage on the streets and lanes for pasture rencca and well fastened gates were necessary at every village garden when uic by law was passed there was a great cry that the poor man s cow would bo ntarved investigation nhowed however that it was not tho poor mono cow but uic improvident and careless mens cows which suffered tho fact was how ever tbnt when these roaming cown were necessarily placed tn pasture fields they thrived better gave mora milk and the owners and their families were better off even if they found it necessary to scrape up 75c or fl 00 a month pasture fees shortly after the by law got into smooth worktnc nrilauut ettdyrwtfln befoh to come down and uic vlliagt wall i vo just nklmmed over a few of these old by laws and my columns full perhnps 1 11 have another crack at some of the others in a future issue menu hints a for new and novel household ideas and suggestions to obstruct the kelp up your supply of fresh trulls nd gr rn vi gctables during the cold itathi mid y hi will nnd thut a wcll- hlrd i i box will help wonderfully iittl hoiisblloli hints adding a mice or tuo of lemon to a cup or tt a is a russian ranhlon often followed in this country of course no milk or cream is served lough tntats can bo made tender by adding a uaspoonful of lemon juice to the water in which they are boiled icerp enough ice in the rrfrlgcrator a saving of five cents in lec may mean a loss of a dollar in food serve a salad or a fruit cup at least tnce a day twice h even belter lltln or three duhra helps to balance the meal whm anyone is exposed to a con tagloui disease use a gargjn of equal parts or lemon juice i and water and drink strong lemonade frtqucntly tiio morning breakfast orange habit la something that sliould be started early in lift riu tiny tot trudges off lo srliool rach morning with an orange in tiralh his belt and anntlier one in his school hag for rrcess u not likely to lie aim iiu tin undcrnourlrdud children of hb data uhul municipality ee nit thereof the members of the c uncll in iho- e rly days lviuliitly had commcndlblc ncihlllc taite nnd a de ire to have acton s ntre ti prts nt u udy nnd ul tractive uppeuranci two ouier clau la of thl by law are interesting and still applicable no p rwin shall defuco or disfigure uuy public or private building wull fence ill ii railing monument tomb tone or other property in this municipality by rutting iiiiiblng with pilnt or othi jubituiui nor in any othi r way injurt- the nam i the uuthorltlts evldmuy hud troubl willi iperdern fifty y un ugo ds they hav to day and- the villus contublc iiu a verltubli ipeed cop and he nuil irutl wun uuthorlzd by ihli by law to flni tlu ii uuy tpcid rt up to iso 00 un 1 coil1 u1 eluuii 10 liuicts no jirjin driving uny carrlugi carl gt n ih d sit igh or othi r vehicle or riding upon uny liori mare or glldlng hull ixrmlt or aufftr tlu b at or beasts he nliall ride or drlvt u ijo at a gallop itlier inunodcrutt pae ii hlglmuy irulfie act of o duy li no mirt dnutlc thnn thii old by luw i mry in mine cuii h ut least it is the gruniithlidrrn of the citizens wluvi rprcd iii rmt d dmlruble to mrb in 1874 now running up ugulml the t tin llighwuy traffic act by ditty barclay 1rizzllq bclp supreme melt butler in hot frying pan add dried beer and stir until it browns and curls add more butter for cream naucc add flour and stir until well blended add milk gradually until desired con sistency is obtained stir to avoid lumps use lhc proportion of 2 tablespoons of flour to 1 cup of milk if the dried beef l too salty sodk for 10 or 15 minutes tn cold water drain thoroughly and dry by patting between folds of clean dry cloth have dry beforo add ing to melted butter serve on toast if you wiih golden olow 1 puckngc lemon junket i pint milk 1 cup stewed apricots 1 tgg white 1 tablespoon sugar prepare hair uic lemon junket with half the milk according to directions on package pour into five individual des sert glassca uic otcwed dried aprl cots through a sieve and sweeten to taste when the junket is jlrm add layer of apricots caver with the other half of tlio lemon junket prepared first when firm set away to chill at time of serving top with apri cot whip made by beating the egg white until stiff then adding sugar and two tablespoons of uprlcot pulp frun fritters 2 orunges 1 tgg teaspoon salt t cup milk cup flour j uibtt spoon cook lnu oil 1 3 tiiupoon baking powdur t leuspooii sugar jjcat egg until light add milk flour sifted with baking powder sugar and talt i ud oil or melted butter beat until mooth pare oranges removing mem brano will peel cut in slices and sprln lie with sugar and a few drops lemon juice have deep fat hot enough to brown a piece of bread while counting to sixty dip orange sections in batter mixture and fry in deep fat until puffed nil brown do not fry too many at fhsliadm for tfie smart woman modish points tlie trtmminir pieces on tlm frock point lie way to fuhfon for never were pom led lines f i popular willi the crealnri of our stj i i trwhy the pointed neckline ind the pointed unit at ulnch tlie skirt pleated in front joins llir ltraiglitlihe bloune alio show this iiillueiice tliu mode is one of the imart daytime creations which you may mike in a variety of falirjn and fabric cnml initiolis lepending on tlie use to which you intend to put it tlie tailored simplicity of its lines nuke it equally suitable for inorts or street as well as infnrittai afternoon wear plam and printed silk or the dull nnj iliuiy sides of crepe satin for the latter use ami two tones of jersey for the former are smartly appropriate cltoices enter t ii jtttn 2feist mils marv sco it a nrldint of cunlmrd township for ninny yeum mrn mary scott died at her home on lmiruary 4 tho late mm scott wan iwim in piuillnrh tomntrrfy f3 yranf ago being thofrufnt daughter or the lute william and catherine mc- icrintlf in 111113 nho wan married to david scott of arkell who predeceased her about one year ago after farming for somn years in nancagawcya town ship they bought a farm on the talbot road and moved there 33 years ago while in nusnagaweya mrs scott was a memlicr of the church in ktlen mills and since going to canboro has been a loyal member of the church at atter- clirrc one daughter margaret died in 1010 children surviving arc mrs irwin cawi uwj roliert uaycn w k itcolt mrn judson neville and mrs arthur neville also four nlotera and two brothers mm cathie jones ouelph d mclcensle toronto mrn isabella hay montana mrs w j drown sault sle marie hon w a mciccnxie minister or mines in british columbia government and miss jean mciccnzir toronto archibald sinclair a highly respected citizen of crln township panned peacefully away in hb sleep in the early hours of saturday momlng february 0 in thp person of archibald sinclair in his 73nd year deceased wan or a reserved disposition but enjoyed a wide circle of friends and was well known on a skilled carpenter reformer in politics and a member of bums presbyterian church erin al though not in his usual health during the post few rnonuis he was about the home as usual and hln sudden demise wan qui to a sliock to uic family and im mediate friends a son or the late mr and mm donald sinclair ho spent his liro in that community he in nurvlved by olio sister mrs near rockwood and two brothers john sinclair bth line erin and donald at liome a brother alexander predeceased him on october 3 last tlie funeral took place from tlie family residence on mondoy february 1 1 when a large concourse o friends and neighbors assembled to pay their lost respects to the departed and his pastor rev edward leo conducted the services at tlio honse and graveside at erin cemetery tlio many and beautiful floral tributes were but mute evidence of the high esteem in which deceased was held tlie pall bearers were messrs peter dlnnle john jjodowetl george john sinclair duncan sinclair nnd william sinclair erin advocate tor the strelt a smar street frock is irulispciis able its services arc multifold tor a modish frock of this type series with distinction for motoring wilkiug chopping and general allday wear ks illustrated above herringbone woolen makes a particular chic interpretation of this mode the white vestee may be made of wide pique pipinf it add- a tailored smartness to the otlierwisc more or less plain appearance of the frock the dngonal lines arc very flattering pleats arc inserted in lhc left side giung moemciit ami width to the skirt 1 he sleeves ire long and one piece inverted tucks arc on tl c sh iilileri iiku couracje iu-of- -ono-tlinur- drain brown paper nprln oplid claui ot to day bylaw no u was i nuetcd lo govt rn bhiws and 1 xhlblui lis in aeton it p quins thut u lkui e bt lakm out for wux figures wild animal bh iws luiiwt uhmii win und 1u u duucing c ireui riding tilth luw and minilrel littipui mugle ijint rni and punorumos ihr litem- h t s tu b graded up to t j0 10 d tin ei nduct of tin ptrfurnurn to be i til powdlrrd sugar und nerve with ornngi sauce ihou3and inland saivd dress in o j cup olive oil julc j liiuon juice j orungu 1 tiutpoon gruted oilon 1 tablisihxm chopied parsley fl sliced olives 0 eookid clieitnuts t teuipoon iall t tcusnoon puprlkn 1 teusimhin worcestershire eaucc teubpoon nuutard rcmovo shells from chestnuts und rook in boiling tultcd water u oit th i cool und cut in thin slices put hi liijredli uts tn a pint glass jr t i nnd nhuke until smooth and slight ly lh rk n d serve on southern lettuce cut in ijuurter carefully washed and drulmd spinach wiih bacon spinach salt pepper and a dash of sugar cup mild vinegar breakful la con 11 ill the spinach as usual cut bacon into small culkn und punfiy when the spinach u done drain it and add it to add vln gur und other scasonmgs utlr well and let boll about two minutes in a missionary school in tho moun tains or tlie southern states there haa been for several yearn a girl who when sho came into the class had a patient teacher put it few pecra for uncouth ncss of maimer and density or mind year after year the place at the bottom of the class has remained hers yet uixe is the one girl whom the principal or tho school and also the teachers are anxious to keep she is a cripple and is halting in speech she aamc trom a home of ig norance and poverty her handicap was ao heavy that at first it seemed impos sible for her to overcome it yet under its terrible weight she stirred a living atrugglo will that was the interest tho dramatic conflict that made all the lookerson want to help the crippled girl forward she herself knew her limitations but she had ambition and she pressed to il ard it dally forgetting bclf sho was not discouraged she had a living faith in god though she could only stammer slowly oho determined to start family worship n her name when she went back in the vacation never had a paper been heard in the poor little hut my knees shook she said to her teacher uttcrward und so did my voice but i wasn t ashamed every day she per severed and when site left homo for school again her mother promised to continue reading tho ulblc dally the poverty of the cripple has always b en extreme during her years in tlie achool hc jw3 been able to earn little money yli by patient effort she lias turned enough to give a small weekly offering at thanksgiving ono year when all united in a lhank offering oho brought ii ciji ur and a half earned ftnd oav- rd though no one knous what toll and taehflcc but given with a very grateful heart for she is happy in her school in her teachers and in her opportunities her blind may stay at tlie foot of her class but her soul is at tlio head of it and is always advancing is it any wonder tht even with her dull in hid und tier hulling speech she has still u lower beyond eloquence upon oil about her worth a yeae in colleqe a pmmtrtilzhstialat has said that the habft of looking iljn tctpflfnatl wo wyenr in college some of you young people are lamenting tlie fact that you havo been deprived of tlie chance to go to college you feel at a disadvantage com pared with those friends of yours wlio tome day will have tho right to append the letters a b or b s to their names here la n chance to even up matters there are only four yearn in a college course and this distinguished educator declares that the equivalent of one of those years is the habit or looking up every word whose meaning you do not know dictionaries are cheap considering all they give us some humorist said or 0 dictionary that tho story was discon nected but the material was interesting not until you arc on really intimate terms with the dictionary do you find how interesting it 13 practically every book you read practically every maga zinc has some word or words that you do not understand if you have a dic tionary handy stop to look up- the familiar word immediately you young people who grumble over your lack of educational advantages and yet will not take this simple method or educating loursclvcs aro not quite sincere how muck money a year- makes a melon t the average shareholder in the bell telephone company owns 27 shares has paid full par value or more for every share and gets 216 a year in dividends the man who bought his shares on the market 15 years ago and has since taken advantage of every offering to- day is getting less than 7 per cent on the money he has paid this man is typical the holders of 84 per cent of the companys total stock subscribe again to newshares as they are offered 77io tataphono company ham nvr mpjitum ttack nor exploited th pttbho thauglt it ham grown to ana of ihm largamt inmlttuttattit in canada the bell telephone company of canatm prosperous and dry e h blair superintendent or state controlled banks or ohio reports that these batiks have on d posit more than two billion dollars and that resources and deposits have reached xhc highest point in the banking history of tlie atatc this is interesting nows when it is re called that ten years ago when oljo voted out of existence her 5 coo saloons tho wets predicted dire economic dis aster as a result of closing the breweries distilleries and saloons remember these are statecontrolled banks and the national banks arc not considered in the figures here are the figures total resources an october 2 1030 ware 3 03 130 173 total deposits were f3 007 714 120 indi vidual deposits on october 3 1030 were t555 cfl3 755 savings deposits totaled 070 105 030 clipped end piles at once thousand of mrn and women afflicted with piles liave foil n 1 quick onii permanent relief frtminatijmisl ilk pjiukuy a hi no less vcortatiu treatment wliich luu provtn uccejullnovpr07 of tlie tanal stubborn cmesfofsl year gels at die internal cauu ttarblfuj ayitem to normal build you up get a box today at ny good diujolu kat relict or moocy back natures pile remedy nona gmiulna without nam a w mairlll a t brown dnirffist tret by luw no 11 forbade tlm removal ham with pineappuc luki a slitl of hum one inch thick npilnklc with flour melt a little fat in a baking pan preferably a plecu cut iioni hum and brown meat in it pour one eup of crunhi d pineapple and one half cup water over the liam and l iko slowly until t mlt r remove ijam to h t platttr und rve ultli piilfappli f around it mioittfcnh trahic routfch tin orond canyon of the colorado itlvtr la one of the uconlc wonders of til ttorld coloi ul in nlxe the great cliusm stretches 31b nilis varying in lilth from ten to forty miles iu tarm it might be gatd lo resemble a mountain range j ressed down several thousands of fed below the surface or tun earth rather than olevutid above it at the upper end scvoral smaller canyons con verge to firm the beginning of thin per haps greatest of nature s wonders in america stretching across cliffs 4bfl feet in height and spanning ono or these lesser chasms in nortlitni arlsona is a newly completed web of nt rl dwdgncd ta carry vi hteulur traffic nineteen feet in width and 01 fl fid in length the bridge makeft possible u short cul between arizona utah cilifurniu and ni vadu it anally shortens tin dlstann ntceosary lo reach h sci uic uondtrs an zion purk brycc canyon and klabub lurcst it is no longir in injury to drivi hundreds of iniles through tin pulnttd deioru the bridge rcqulrid two years for construe udi an i but ono life wai loot in the prxrwt titeil weighing 1 j00 tofu wuj trucked ha miles ik l plenum stop indigestion before it begins don t wall for sourness gas and lhc gnawing griping pains of indigestion to attack you before you seek relief stop these tilings beforo they start kvcn tho worst stomach sufferers avoid indigestion by forming tho safe and pleasant prac tice of taking a little blsuratcd magnesia either tablets or powder immediately after every meal thts instantly neutral izes exceed acid tn tlie stomach prevents lis further formation and really makes indigestion impossible pood digests naturally healthfully just as nature in tended giving the body tho full benefit of its nourishing qualities riiut is why blsuratcd magnesia is used every day the world over by many tliuuands of former suffers who now cat what they uant with no more fear of indigestion druggt ui everywhere sell and reconi- mendtd blsuratcd magnesia and a good tlmu lo start its use would be today notice to creditors lhc creditors or john munn late or the township of icrln 1 armer wlio died on or about the twcntyflftl day of december 1030 and all other purlins having claims against his eqtate are required to tend to the undermentioned solicitor their full names addresses and dcscrlptons full paruculani of tlicir claims und tlio nature of the securities ir any held by them and this notice being given in pursu ance or uectlon fit or uw trustees ac so 103f chanter 160 notice is lby given that oh and after tho lihlcenlh duy of march a d 10 jo tlie lcxecuuirs will proceed to distribute the ussels of the said john mann deceas uin nig the parties lcgully entitled eui and uiey will not be responsible for any claims of which uiey have not thin received notice dtttrit at aeton ont this fourteenth lay of pebruury a d 1030 jauuill iiar1 and hi nlty pliii ip mooite lxicutoru by 11 n nirmer acton out tliclr news an alert newsboy on a day when news was dull and sales were few turned to the advertising pages for inspiration read about the big department store sale he shouted fine quality suit at 122 heauliful furniture on sale ifis stock of papers was sold out very ipiieklv this jsc is of course exceptional but il points to the fact that advertising is news and important news it is the new s of daih life the news that conies closest to vou and those about you it is news of the fuinituie you sit in the books you iea1 the bonds you buy the automobile you use the flashlight talking machine food prokids that give you satisfaction news that coik rns you more vitally than anything else you read news that is es sential to you because whether vou pur chase a piano oi a pin you want the best money can buy and ion can always be sure vou aie gelling the newest and best when ou read the advertisements the advertisements contain pocketbook news and thats important wihipinii miim pli iin iiiji mil nijii i iiiiniii iiiiiiiiiiiinimiiiiiii

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