tllk irouk ov 11 actoit jfaw wrrllf ncwipihr tilt acton fllek frkss u nultimiru ctj til inula- cvritmi at the 1icr lrci lliilllltlff 1111 slrrei arlin ontario tin- iiliarrlplion pnrr i ioo icr rear ilancr votant u auvlktlhint on tl- aililrcu hatis lor i r a dim ciu telephones iihofial anl 11 jtctidrncc juutuuriciiywuuid lwp tlit mikuiicc tliut souie wouldbe hunter iiuikc of tlitimclvc lo the turning in lie uioiiiity in over running their fiirum dntiiuifinj fencer und endiuiijer- inj liver ir getting to he piitc n criou fuctor to flic fnrmcr in mui1 curen where the hunter in cour teous nnd u sic pcrmuiion to jo htm tine on nc properly it i readily jrnn ted 01 i narrow ijjcnpc fanner at work in the hush have had from cnrelei sports is inakinp it so that to protect his life and that of his family and stock many farmers have had to forbid all trcpnssing and hunting on nmghbmtawjd tlun their property the flippant and lliscourteou suern some of these hunters jivc to the farmers when requested to leave the property is making it so that he fellow who docs try to behave decently is distrusted nnd all urc placed in the sumo category by the farmer and for his own protection all are forbidden the privileges of hunting on the premises the no trespassing mjns are on the incrensc and these hippant chaps often city chaps with a new gun and a do of uncertain breeding are the ones to blame for the curtailment of privileges r mliif ilniui oiirrla it tf nflw ilnvoil nicnlly iijwiiit ji rnw layii wlui imr mint ni puvrt mnnmlllull mitui murjttirtit mark of ootluuimtltmi wan uir nut of bur couuln mru dave mcmillan liuit wrclc mr nnd mm lley grundy were cull- rl lo aunlph on fiunday owing to the i hi if ui of lliclr ton oram wlio was atihvrliuffrom an attack of luflumim mi and mru archla arnott umt mr monford itldler of uutfttlo n v twnt rjtinday with their nartnts mr tuid mm wo iim wiiriwul intwtliwi iikhiiijil link much of ufa but hut utculcr dutiifur hi tliut wc ulinll nuk too little if wo wit our hiiirtfl on uclnir rlrh nnd livlntf i luxury wc nltinri u uckki oluinco to be dkuitpotntcd hut if w do not uhic for wiirm frlamluhlp liluh mnuli thn rciijwct of our nclii hlwim und iwuco in our liearui wo nro unking too little it aoufl without nnylntr tlint wn shall not receive hiont of life thnn wo afik an- jainuel illdlcr mm ir ii aiiblin relumed homo on tiierday evrnliur after npendhib a week villi iwr win 1 lurry at fjlielburne wlu haji been quit 111 mr and airs joseph dotlfli btli line entertained thalr f honda and neighbor nt a untica and euchre on monday even lujf whan a pleasant limn wan spent by advocate thursday evening february 28 1029 edprial privoc competition cannot meet hydro it wns in no uncertain terms that premier fjgu- aon made his declaration in the house on monday regarding the future of hydro his guarding of on tarios greatest asset vill be commended by all regardless of party affiliation o public man would hardly do oijejrwsev ili- nexfmove is to give the samq service 4ptcn6n ly duo toutherncemmumties alipartsoflhcpr6 ince should have an opportunity of sharing in this great public asset when this is achieved and the municipalities taste of the advantages of hydro out side competition from any privately owned companies will hove been eliminated ontario hydro dividends belong to the people of ontario and where they have been receiving them competition is a thing of the past farm land valuer the following figures published by the dominion bureau of statistics gives interesting comparison of the value this year compared with last of farm land and the average farm wage comparison for the two years the average value of the occupied farm lands of canada as a whole including both improv ed and unimproved land as well as dwelling houses barns stables and other farm buildings is returned as 38 per acre by provinces the averages are as follows with the previous years values given within brackets prince edward island 44 41 nova scotia 34 37 new brunswick 31 30 quebec m 57 ontario 02 65 manitoba 27 27 saskatchewan 27 20 alberta 28j28 british columbiu 00 b0 the average values in 1023 of orchard and fruit lands including buildings etc in the fruitgrowing districts are estimated to be as follows the figures for 1027 being given within brackets nova scotia 110 104 ontario 151 143 british columbia 315 32 for the whole ot canada the average wages per month of farm help during the summer season of 102fl were for men 40 as against 40 in 1027 and for women 54 as against 23 by provinces the average monthfy wafces fsf ineontljitfjmen rcsroiijy in flit s urn m er sasoii in thcvnjuc pf lpfltfl wpi r30ffs5ofw3wtlh tloverages for 1027givert within brackets prince edward island 4d 31 milton jacob johnum v are korry to bay haj boon 111 for two or tlir week ill frlrnda imrwi ha will noon recover mika ulllan nunli nutmlntralnlne at the city haipltnt buffalo n y la tintf n few holidays ot her homt tllu mm alex lcc commercial qtrmt hnd a paralytic etroko yestrday and in in a critical condition mrs uaunant u ecriously i at the liomn of her daughter mm viuton corner of queen and huflh glioeu mm wilson pox of windsor- vhdud mr and mm h w vox lwre recently do far thin year 1300 automobile llccnwn have hoan tailed in milton by j v umc imendii of mivond mr lleuben luth of olarkum presented uiem with a hand- aoiim ut of flreelde brajm rn tlie accn nlon of tlielr ihlrtlaui wedding awilvors- ary champion anno of our citizens have recently tweomp picatx at costlo mcolbbotii mr a j oloane of otrauord u spend ins a few dayo hero wlui lusr mother mrd r white mia maekterikle of toronto spent tlie weekend at out hotna of her brotlier r j m moclcerude mm v bwby or windsor formrrly of uhton spent a few days with friends and relatives in town- reformer this is your luck if you treat oorn throitu uronrlilufl croup couch nronchlnl asthma head colds catarrh and tnnnll ills with mrs flybllla 7upumra tonnllitl qood ro- biiiu or money hack m 3 ifasiiard oakviixe 4g 31 nova scotia 53 32 55 30 new brunswick 50 33 57 32 quebec 58 33 58 33 ontario 58 41 50 38 manitoba 61 41 60 40 saskatchewan 60 47 g7 45 alberta 72 40 70 40 british columbia 77 52 78 51 wooluoiui stores plan advrtifliag during this year the f w woolworth company conducting a great chain of retail stores throughout north america will spend 3000000 on newspaper rdvertising it is the first time in the history of tlie company that any such action has been taken the ordinary citizen if he thought of it at all doubt less concluded that the company was so wellknown that advertising on a national scale would simply be a waste of money the same men who have made millionsout of nickels and dimes are the ones who have decided on this expenditure they are astute business men careful not to expend money from which a good return cannot be expected they realize that it pays to advertise is something more than a catchy title for a stage comedy border cities star the ivtjinairutrirt are over the passing of the private bill validating the rink bylaw for acton wtmld seem to point that all the ratepayers a satisfied as long as the proposition was carried out in a legal way the proceedings have deprived acton of a rink for one season only and all vill feel better satisfied in knowing that the council ij preceding i the proper manner the passing of the bill so early in the year gives the council or whatever committee they may delegate ample time io get plans and have the building completed early in the season if it is to be erected in the park its completion in time for the fall fair would be a decided advantage to be a success any municipal enterprise must have the loyal support of all classes of citizens the rink bylaw has passed all the tests to make it valid this passing of the final stage without opposition would seem to indicate that the measure now had the support of all and its success was assured its erection and opening will be eagerly waited and udgiug by the interest the loyal fans have had in hockey in neighboring points the liberal patronage of the games and the support of the team m ill be sure unfair ducriraluation the closing of the burlingtou customs office i- not going through without protest a delegation will wait upon the minister of customs in an effort to have the order rescinded there are undoubtedly many ports where the returns do not warrant their continuance hiit if towns he size of burlington arc to be deprived of a custom port it is a serious handicap the small towns arc having quite suffi cient of a struggle to secure industries and promote tlicir growth in competition with the cities and if uiey are to be further handicapped by the forcing of necessary business of manufacturers to be taken to the city customs ports for transaction it is indeed in unfair discrimination with the sales tax collec tion being handled by the customs ports and the large amount ot customs clearance every manufac ture is compelled to make the manufacturing towns that now have u customs 3rt cannot afford to be deprived of this necessity if the customs depart ment can afford to appropriate huge sums for the construction of magnificent ofricos in the cities surely mc consideration ahtfstelp should be given the mimller municipalities in accommodating and induc ing manufactories to locate in these centres bur lington is justified in their request and the depart- t icnf will do well to heed the rumblings and grunt ihe smaller plio some consideration few of the tost ofijcth in the dominion show a profit but what department would dro cloie a fow l tilths naccs- miles- flufinlofi will have the backing of a hott of lunmiimiht in thor movement the uuineii outlook the monthly business summary issued by the bank of montreal is very optimistic in the present months number it says business broadens with the approach of spring and in some departments re newed activity is manifested notably in the distribu tion of dry goods balance sheets of commercial financial and industrial corporations show 1028 to hae enlarged operations and produced profits in excess of any preceding year and if the same volume of trade can be maintained in the next ten months o high degree of prosperity will be enjoyed that this consummation will be realized there is general confidence founded on many outward and visible signs a notable feature is the steady northward trend of settlement and development extending from quebec through ontario and the three prairie pro vinces to british columbia much the larger part of projected railway extensions for instance is in the northern sections of manitoba saskatchewan and alberta where in the next three years more than a thousand miles of new lines will be built and put into operation opening up new agricultural districts nnd providing better transportation facilities for existing settlements there is good prospect also cf large mineral developjnent in these northern artfas industrial operations are upon a large scale there s little unemployment of labor and commodity prices continue stable the foreign trade of canada con- tinues to expand in both imports and exports show ing an increase of 18 per cent in january over the like month last y the larger gain was in im ports 17453000 compared with 12378000 in exports as a result of which a favorable balance of 3000000 a year ao was converted into an adverse balance of 2000000 last month editorial notes the mayor of mount forest is the latest to be unseated from his office on a technicality this is surely a year of uncertainty in municipal position the announcement of a likelihood of reductions in the sales and income taxes by the new robb budget will be welcome news tamany and find general favor hon dr joseph d montieth provincial treasur er has accomplished another acrobatic act in the pro vincial legislature by staggering the budget to moke t balance it seems to be generally conceded that somcrvillc won the byelection in toronto all four of the loronto dailies have at last found a point of common understanding it is no mere coincidence that under the liquor coitrol act reports continue to multiply that the jnils arc overcrowded when a fctfr years ago under the ontario temperance act they were so little used that in many places their disposal was consid ered the past year without the operation of a rink of any description in acton has made anticipation for the new one to bo erected this year very eagerly looked forward lo thq hockey fans have had iota of travelling this year to satisfy their appetite for witnessing the game tlit collingwood bulletin thinks acton is in an unique and enviable position in its association with ontario hydro iuiiimiuch us the thirtccufli power lull brought a surplus o 1300 such a position is not unique for acton brother williams it is quite the annual mate of affairs here eight below xero on wednesday morn- ins p the lowest mark tor this wlntsr co far uieii kllmn colwdl who wa operated ypatrfat urn jemovar ot thn appemti rf lra i home imoln record georee coou m t for macleod alberta visited ills mother mrs coote last week tlie teachers and pupils or knox sun day ochool held their annual alekihrlde on saturday afternoon tlie y p s of bt johnfl church ware entertained at bronte united church y p a on monday evonlnc- they enjoyed the outlnir in tlie dominion estimate for 1039 oakvllle sets for repairs to pier 7000 after uilg amount is spent on tlie piers tlicy should be in excellent chape news mua lawrence of buffalo is the aueat of mrs el t tjjfhtbourne mrs w p eaton and miss horah eaton nro sailing early in march far uis mediterranean m allan of new york spent a day or to last week with mr and mm j b l arout while retumlna from a biudnrss trip to chicago hush a wuxon and ryland ii how are sailing on march 8tlu for ireland where they will purchase some hloh- closs hununtf liorses btox georgetown mr j mckay of creemore was a visitor in town last friday and made uie herald a pleasant call miss maude mcdonald and master allen mcdonald spent the weekend with friends in toronto ulsherl0 and edith squires are visit ing wlui their brother mr r il bqulres of klngsvllle mr and mrs r c cowles of tor onto spent die wekendwith mr and mrs dparue wrigglegwortli mus isabel ucdermtd attended the beausolill cmrjr heunion of the c l t a roup at toronto lost week the firemen were called out at 13 oclock today to a chlinnsy lire at mr pltchetts tlw phuu was cxtlnaulsbod with little dumaffd tlie united church choir held a val entine party at tht parsonage last thurs day night titers- was a good attend ance and the evening proved moat- en joyable througlimit dr r r nickall and mr john nlck- cll were at barnla on sunday attending the funeral of their brouisr tlie late wm nlclcetl who died in that city on priday last mrs r d ooutts of moose jaw soak calud on friends in town saturday she had been at kitchener attending the funeral or her mother leah ilallman widow of joseph bingcman and wife of rev george detwller who died at llar- ruburg pcnn onjfeuruary 0th on monday evening about sixty mem bers of acton lejurue visited the league df the united church here the visitors put on a splendid program after which refreshments were served by the local league all had a most enjoyable even ing and the visitors returned home on tho 13 oclock radial herald purling ton h t poster and w v w plslicr motored to alymcr today to atteitd tlie funeral of the rev r d hamilton mrs clios kcodwcll formerly of burl ington is spending three months with her cllcr and brouicr nt pasco wash ington ii t poster mm w a bodkin mrs angus and mlto laura dynes attended tho annual convention of the ontario horticultural society held at toronto last week m c umlui who waft injured in the t ii ac u railway wrockover a monui ago returned home from uie hocpl lal lau prtday and accompanied by uru onuui and his daughter maxine left on monday for plorida wlioro lio will recuperate for a few weeks a p macvannok j mcoormlck a w freeman and a- e harris attended ilia banquet of uie wentworth milk producers association held at uie royal cannaught on saturday lost mr free man was elected a member of thn ex- ocuuva to represent halton broken insulator on a tower this side of uie canal on tin roach caused an interruption in uie electrical pouor town uils wednesday morning which ucd up tho industries over two liours today on uaturday last a deputation from uie high uclinol hoard wunt to toronto wltji architect evans to place tlu plans lor uie addition to uie high school before uie education department we understand tlie department mode several good susgostions which wera not arbl- uary move is under way to ask uie government to continue uie customs of- rce ui uurluiguui which is scheduled u ckuw march 1st ttm closing of uie office will be a great detriment to uie town in uie way of attracting industries and taking carr or those ut present lo- dilrd ihtb it wlli aim be m ifteat l convenience to cuai dealers und all ur- uius ivcelvmg piuecu from outside can ada dajtolttj a baking expert tayit u ilglic ctiut tint lap taokt toe dy u 1 tsbu- spooa leu pecutt opurkyif yogis bed pa falls lot ordi tmxj pssuy ot softwficat floor m i stlu tt dt ttxf rrj sj30el iumfu far thifamsut jvo7 vusr cm lui no6nmxnrkim aii hvcceuh lomnlinillatloiui ciilinot w rhunund certain ymmif mzu would ulvn iiiurh if twy louiii mid live liirhin lo llirlr heluht niinrl a corn hjhindlug breiidth i their uhmld ru but if niilurc uavu then i f rittlmr liinlmiiilrunl phynloue thty llhvd ui put ilt wllh liraliin urr lint utl nt til fidimi rjliallly i loin yuuivu topl oiivy the t ln inn lit who run niuke perfect rrcllntlon wllh the lump amount of ntudy wlili h iruvti llirin imar- ly pruparud thorc ih no way yet du- covrrcd at npepdlnu up n slow plodding hratn and timklnu it iij k to mii un idea thctto are luimn of the rondltlom whleh innnt he lhunud but u fnauir hint countji rjillle un niurh in mcct can be ciilllvutrd kvcry ope run i rlrti whether pr not he will be court oun the yniing fellow wltli n flue pliyhlijiu- ttiu j ill to by that iulviuitiiu after hlt nnruiclalea discover thnt he in u hor the ulrl who ifiadn hur clnnn in trhiua inny full hhort of sllccrns outelde in i mint nhn de lights in nihlclnir people urn fimforuhle with that iiharp tonuiin of hem pew qualities count mon in 1 1 thnn the good mannern that re tlie rxprra- nlon of kltiiiin tlr courteny which u tho flower of the do men rule is something everyone can uiunn how fowtuko the palnn ut utijulru it it makiih a fllppekknck edward j hglllslcr llvrs in rock ford illinois writing to a currant muaalne at douton mr hall inter telln uttont 130 fitenm railroad conductors to whom lift propounded thin nuentlon what has been your oxpcrlcnec irr thr train work nliicu prohibition came compared with tho days before prohibition tho replies ho received make julte a different ntory from uie wet propa ganda and reads in many nowupaixp only seven conductors repllid that pro hibition had not made much difference while 120 said thnt it in rare now lo have to cope with intoxicated persons selected i roberts for coughs colds 3 z and bronchitis g most men past 40 break down easy ilwru out t 1m ar vutt udd tr ffttrmtf wmvum ttlm uuw he haulfwmifah oftuw llrlng tuuu arnulmg tuiut ovfrwr dutftfjah tcuifja tuaai vruktirrs fifd flotruu- itttd tffaiya bflfitf on ts many rilktrfuui id rtufi at rldiji ttllrnzntr that viy ttrftf from tumuif- ihlfts in ititsv snd urmn ihkniuh groins ivaniy lit tftunt irjl burning urination fvtuotfupkjhlw tlrrwtm irrltabllli t vkna4 orwf ijirk of vjtnj yuxc tvm tt ii jt proven value of mf ftrhhailhs uua- tallu at onre ainmlng- titlmin f iii7sieuiu kta iuth glvs cnvlnrinar vt t tm ri- markablr pwrt- of ukataii- iaul prescription rueciufolj iivrt ut wrie than 40 years in thx private pcsvu i dr if c ximjth worth afur xj a uv days use a starulng lnrprrvrrtnt l often notlrrd as a multitude of alarm intf syviiptms lgln u duappr through special arranarrunu m to benrnt tlui4 vjw eannt personally call un th doctor vttataltit eart rsfit b obtalnrd from an7 grwd lytal drulat cr a polllvf guaranue of money bek rn flrfil bos rjiirchajwd if not fuliy ausfd tu if you need a mxlieln of oils und try urataiui today whatchanttagawst gws ou swuptccp and appearance soundu tliodcathkzioll of wooden roods tho drmffcw of ilro to tlio building itself to otlicr builclinjjo and to human life is rapidly being baniahod by metal roofe of high quality 0aafd ilk this wrjulyfcmlor uilnjrt tit it pae piwroaf fnit llib ull rwa mmh btwar 1bm1tjw hu banub amclsukfljjbi wlwutlt tbis mt ctstujiit thst itb qu1 lovlul iwmws fct tlutpo awy llltialmumi jwn uu r ami at- troeuv paum wblcii la statapad bito uia bkaau on buoa pva of m t6a cpclly hks of substluilm thm is only cuas reroof with rib roll tho appooronco of this roognjf alono hns cold thousands whonovor a roof of this material to laid in any district it immediately oocurcfl a prcforonoo and others who aro roofing any kind of building whothor it bo bora houso oroeo shod or warehouse insist on rib roll it is mado to famous council standard specifications easy to lay on new roofs or over old roofs thfl cost of laying rib roll ia lower than that of noarly all other types of roofing anjrman who io handy with nnammer can put it on its handsomo nppearnnco adds many dollars to tho valuo of your property send ridffo and rafter measurements of roof or roofaln question fox free estimnto of cost get particulars about our special spring offer eastern steel produds jjntiteds montreal preston ont toronto win wkiah txtrj imtmijui tujlivria no other performance comes even close to chrysler performance the very name of chrysler spell a new and finer icuid of performance a spark- ling dashing vivid road behavior tlut has eluded lie best efforts of a whole in dustry to excel 4 no small part of the evergrowing popularity of chrysler cam u due to tli at singular and significant leadership in performanoau people recognized in the first chrysler some thing entirely new obsolelino tlie sluggish heavy bulky and cumbcr- a chrysler m some vehicles of its day q and tlaey have coa tinued to recognize tiiat cliiyslet ei- neering has not only brilliantly mai diat lead bt has actually widened its fii gin of iuperiority 4 addodiissupioriiy of performance tlut original siyle ttul beauty all cliryslera owa at pioc hundreds of dollars under elites cm whicli are compared with cksyje then you will find it easy to tuajcntaj die univeraul demand for oiryilcs otors product naw qiryaur 75 ni tjy tyl 1m to 3030 nsw quytur 65 su jjy ttyll 1321 u 1460 nw chiyibr imparls ftv cuili uojy ttytet j3u3 la 4403 all fim f o b ivuliiar orfjrw iuclujmg itaujjrj factory quiputt frtlglt aj lswj kh h am coxe business directory mkuloali w dr j k mqniven iltyaleuu vto tiawfoti offjco and ilosldcnc cornr llowh avenue and lilflin qtrel lokqav vliotie no 33 i o jlit 335 fiaold nash farmer m a harvltur ulhlftr natary itubud cttvysiur fct mluuymah illock acton on uomkv ucnt oh liortoaow itfsur fijoa in to 500 p m p j sparham omevmu ut uxxrr acto wt t baptul chtidfa kii ft 64 m m t t6 p m tu i mkkll t b 9lv d sl tmus st mimm- onrtcxuiil aut titick strm uu j h johnson ddldjt artiss um ftut ed- out nls3fow u i swanaa ttesa utzfttjlanlac francis nun an aceaamt hanla at all kwrf tumdd t cirtixi hia kuhntf ttail imd clirjnler and imymoutli salm mul servko pliouc g jcluii onlurio r j kerr auction and bmi vmimm card co cumn aa dr gueljph ontario ii ou have money to invest standard royalties offers one of tlie aafl and but dlrldcaj paying inwalaacau rjiviaefids are paid retularlv every monui if yoirwant to know about it enquire of ix w- dawson p o box u bbamwon district repreaenuuve of mucantlnent dnj corparmtun tjnderwritera i have openings for few local affento gettingandkeeping get your awwunt pali keep vmf cusufaur our rrvlm doea tbu kelly aiken diplomatic oollsctohb ormnawuk 0i sajl ltatlli life insurance w deal only in life insurant and are pleuwd to explain the various policies best suited to your requirement lb will surprise you the varied forms of policies that can be writ ten to cover your preaeot btulnasa nedfi a request for information do not obligate you in any way frederick l wright kapresenuuv eaprlai ut aasunuu co oi canada pbana lfizj mala st actn notice to creditors tlu credltoni of albert edward ulck- lln late of acum oammrclal traveller and insurance agent wlio dlad on or about um tlurtynrst day of january a d 1030 and all ouier partlas havuitf claims aflaintt ilia eatate ar required to send to uio under manuaned sfthrtluvr their nil names addreaua and ilaacrltm tlons full particulars of tlulr oukdj and uio nature of uu aaourlua u luiy lield by uiem and uils notice bolnjr given in pursu ance of faction 1 of the truatmia adt it o o 1037 chapter 1s4 twjufi u ticrvby atven that on and altar tha kihu tccnui day of march a d 1039 uu uu cutors will proceed lo dlitrtbuu 1kb esmu of the said albert udword nlclclhi juoodtf the parties legally fciiuusd uiaroto ajid they will not be respoiuuble for any claims of which uiey hava not thu received notice dated at acton ont uua pouruntb day of peliruary a d 1030 ulnhtva dora hldtun and i1aiiold utojutv hioiojh utfcutais by ii n panncr acton ont uistr tlollcitor 133 optometry ha value to uie public dy a d ravage gaeldli oauru too many autsa about t1ikih eyes wo believe mct fouut do that it topma uury try to make uudi- aelves believe uiey liave normal abjht rauicr than submit to an eiauitnatkm to larn uuj true condition of uielr tyaa that is unwise wliy not ulye your yas uie coiialdermuon uiey drva7 cllad u be of urvlca to you t km ooouxilwj ncst wmi ml a