i axtuu 5trn3jlrjpwii thuumhaj jliiiilljaily ill hum nu mullet no multi a fillui 111 th tlna ith up to voi hcil llll lie nlt li through hi in- ih how huid lulluie li i how of i mi in- tiro nil he i n lu i 1 ltc i id tniiy liuiiii him und in it mill ml and butler hi- frame llll hes hut hi- iiivit can fny unit hci whii- jnbi up miiulv for a fellows not dead till he llr nor bent till hi no lonipi lrii ilralth service or tlio cai medical assoc in lion thk use ol imiujs respondents liuvi- writ tin iid vice in rtkiird pin uuilurly lone some particular drug tin- illness of which many of our cm un to iri asking lo treatment and big tlii vuliu- of us a ninrdy for umy irc victims we refer to this because it nhotfi that there in a lack of understanding concerning tlii uk of drugs in the first pliico tin proper iroauiunt of dlscusc depends upon u dliiiiiuil bonn trcatntrnt may be given in relieve the qjimptom of which uir patient complains but tlm real treatment of disease i dl- itcted ail far an possible towuids the re- movrtl of the caue of the diieaie if for example a patient suffers from headache dun to faulty eyenight tlii proper treatment of such a cane in pot lo give same druu to deaden the headnche but lo remove the cause by prescribing prop- cr gluusrs which will end eye -strain- the cause of the hcaduchci all cases arc not as simple and direct an thin however in many cases it calln for all the skill which uie phy sician acquired from yearn of training and cxpcrlcnco to search out uie cauca nnd to prcecrlbc proper and adequate trenlijicnt it la just because it does reciulrc thin oncclal induing and expert ence which the layman lack which mukca it dangerous for people to at tempt to treat themielveu not only muy canoldcruble imrm be done by the tnr proper use of drugs but in addition time li being lost in obtalnlna killed medical treatment for the real causi the trouble there la no question but that the best chance for successful treat ment hen in early treatment the land er treatment la delayed the lesa chance there in for it to be succccssful par these reasons it seems evident that it li in the interest of the patli to secure proper adequate treatment from hi physician rather thjiu-jto- af- temj t blmjicifs- 7 innnnrtiliu ijnnuumj8- 3lj the sunday school lhsson foii kiiniiav niaiiru 1 letters lo the editor fblk festival for- cheat west zzzxcdszic canadlansjjjtilcalaijjkjinuoii 1b4 college street toronto will be an ew ercd personally by letter twenty years ago from the issue of the free press or thursday march 4 1000 march came in very lamb-like- indeed drhare is erecting a new burn and drlvjnu tibuac on the rear of hla lot on willow street st albans congregation has not yet been favored with the definite appoint ment of a new rector burlington is very wisely putting their new waterworks system hi the hands of three commissioners one of whom sliall bu the reeve put everything down in writing when you lease a farm memory bannot be relied on it is remarkable how differ ent men will remember different things mr w ii denny has disposed of lot no 1 con 4 erin for mr john russell to arthur c swackhumcr the relatives and friends of mrs geo martin met on monday at the home her son mr t p martin church street and celebrated her clghtellh birthday the cities arc evidently getting rid a the tramps within their borders for th country is being visited by therri in large numbers hardy a night passes with the cells in the town hal unoccupied one night last week officer cumuhan had seven of them under lock and key seven weeks ago today mr george dllla was seriously injured in the rail way accident at ouclph after careful nursing at st josephs hospital he was able to return home on friday mi dills is still tar from well but able v be about misses annie l hudson minnie den nctt laura gray m thompson and jessie mcgregor went to toronto last thursday evening to hear padercwski the great pianist tenders calling for an expenditure of 760000 weru accepted by the hydro electric power commission last week for the equipment of the different distribut ing and transformer stations in con nection jvlth the provincial niagara power scheme the municipalities be supplied with electric energy within a year it is estimated married cumderland- williams at the rlsidencc of the brides parents tor onto on february 24 by rev t albert moore john t cumberland of southern alberta to violet daughter of darius williams formerly of george town died jenneit in glovcrvlue n y on feb ruary 21 emily widow of the late henry jenner sr formerly of acton aged 72 yean till christian church gulden text ho we who are many ire one body in chrlt rom 12 r lcvun mntl 11 1320 mark 4 2h- i rom 12 4n eph 1 lfi23 2 13- l2 40 llifi 2227 1 tim j 1 k nil day rrrllmlnnry head tha scripture ila- noting uhtit point rilatlnit to the church is edited by each try to ruiniuiirle each pamaie in a dingle word or title monday church iauinhitloii mall hi 13 14 john the ilaptlt julcj hern tluln by herod antlpai and uinir iliiiiiglit that lie had returned again in ciirii1 v 1 the church of chrlnt in liullt mi liullvldiial faitli in christ v hi to iay thn1 jciui wan the chrll wa- etpilvalentto rayinic tlmt he was ihr meilah foretold bj all the propluls v 17 there h no greater btenslng than lo apjireliend jemui chrlnt vln the itrongcrt bulwark ngalnol lan is a llrm belief in the dclly of jimi chrlnt v 10 christs true followera have authority to declare christs will and to iiunounci- hie hravenly decrees tuesday church growlli mark 4 2fl 27 tile growth of the church in wiuiaui obftervatton hlddrn unudvortlficd v 20 there is orderly progress in all christian growlli wc are not to expect the fuq ear before the first blade v 3d every church should expect gular and gencroun harveabi of souls v 31 the church should be content with small beginnings our uird began with n church or only twelve why should wo expect a greater otnrt ihnn he lintl v 33 though the church should be content with small beginnings it must not be content with them long into all the world the whole creation all men those are the goals set before us by uie head of the church i wednesday church work rom 12 a 5 every church worker j hull id consider himself a part of the body of christ set to do something which christ wants done and wants to use him to do v 0 to be jealous of another be cause he has christian gifts which lack in to charge ood with error in hlfl distribution v 7 whatever toblllty far church work god has uiven us the quly way to succeed in jl is tajijto7umjcheo com pie hlv umt iv v vilncllyjjic is achurchrtrlm r a prime drrsilnj- for wounds in iome factories and worksliops carbolic acid is kept for use in cauterizing uoundu and cuts u3uinled by the workmen far better jo keep on hahd a bottle of dr thomas eclectric oil it in juut ns quick in action and does not scar the skin or burn the flcnli kefuslp by at-i- the little acts which yo lo the making of a great example of hcrobin or sacrifice are evvr tntereliug in 10uu when all day loug lh- virshlpa confined within llr narrow uinlu of the ullle harbor of apia samoa had been ut the very mercy of the hurricane and the coral reefs uirro cjme an hour on uie trenton never to- b forgotun a writer in the cosmo politan magazine thin describes the bcene and tin- incident uhlch makes it memor able lh every uperfluoi iirteuauc tituod foreciuttle no mi ne had dhud hlmsilf of lolhliii und with tuch ap- i for nafily as could bo tecur- uwaltlng the lout plunge on hurriedly t seciilaroecotatlonb 1h drjerto church work is in luieir u christian rvlce thursday the mead of the church eph 1 22 23 all church work is to referred to christ who is its directing head and is to be done in the strength ir christ since the church b his body eph 2 2022 christ is the comer- atone of the temple all the church is sntred in him rests upon him is latcd to him eph 5 2227 christ is the sanctlflcr of uie church it cannot be pure and holy except as he dwells in it and keeps it from evil in all its parts friday church unity eph 4 4 as every province has its n idnntlty while all arc part of the dominion so the separate denominations in christ the different churches have their varying forms of worship and dlf- t organizations and creeds and yot they are one in the great essential christian loctrlnes and differ only in n o n ensen tla is v 0 the closer the churches get to ood the closer they will get to each other there is no unifier like earnest christian work saturday goal and glory eph 4 11 christ has some distinctive church work for all have you found jo urn and are you busy in it more than that arc you ambitious to maki progrci3 in it v 12 the church has a triple goal lo perfect lis own members so that they can do better work to m in liter to all the needy to build itself up so us to be ever more and more efficient v 13 the churchs triple goal really only one goal far 1l is summed up in this to attain the full stature christ v 14 it la a foolish foihlon decry doctrine for in sturdy teaching and llrm belief lies tho power of uie church v 15 it la never harmful to opcaji the truth ir it is spoken in love v 10 christ is the heart of the church and from hun tho vitalizing fluid flown into all parts of uie church unifying it building it up and giving it ever new strength and vigor 1 tim 3 5 the glory of the church 1 that it is the church of the living god his agency for doing lib wort and that it is eslublbhcd bn lib eternal trulh nothing can overthrow an in- it hut ion with buch a foundation as that i tin idllor of tlii putt pukwi home uirk if not mnnttui ik fore niwniber 1 the attitude of the iwo raiutiilatri wan freely and fully dbfumed all knew ulieio air hoover nlood n almj ihi- taud taken by mr smith re prohibition of the latter ihr prewi ralrl covernor omllh hoc two ilbtlnct iimel- as a candidate lib likeable pet- ronallly whlih has made him known to tin- country an al and hh apposition to roiiiitltullonal prohlbllon he may make of thb recond qualification vjhit he pleiue but the election wilt turn on 11 he proclaimed that if h- was elected lu would show the country thai in- ould do mimcthlng about changing prohibition 111- campaign managrr de clared that he accepted the position in order to help in ridding the country of the damnable uflllcllon of prohibition the nashville advocate sanely obscrvi i if they hul carried the election a long long rlmgglj to preserve prohibition ould havn hccil before us as the caio stands now the ntmnsphcrc u clear the atlon lnndnto keep prohibition laws id to strengthen them as occa don qulrcr h desires the enforcement of le temperance lawn and has expressed this attitude with poclltvc cmpluieb nothing but this zeal could have broken into the political linen of the south this question has doubtless been banished freni future campaigns the church element has had a large part in bring c the country to its decblon ho apology u offered for its activity prohibition has been a cause deep in the heart of the christian people of the united gtatcu for many decades and they wral1 not abandon it they shall now hope it will never again be made a political issue wet provinces and even countries across uie ua were eagerly awaiting the result hoping thab liquor would win out but the lenl people everywhere rejoice over ihc victory before november fl an earnest worker in the temperance cause discerned- the danger of modification and stated that r being rightly viewed an a lure hlch would involve the return of ihc legalized sale of drink saloons barroomi reeling drunkards of the streets poverty and suffering in tho homes of the workers and general degradation and closed with the following call lo service let us work and pray that our struggle for natlonaj purification may have not only the support of all good citizen but that unseen heavenly forces mo be our allies thus with divine help wc nuy be chosen us an inspiring example to the whole world which b closely watch- inie the conflict norse handicraft will he aue feature of he festival- lfft poul ra famous danish latrltanr who will rentier viking somrs itlglit a colorful national costume nlilch will be one of several hundred is the folk song dance and handicraft festival developing into a permanent feature of life in the prairie provinces of western canuda it would seem so ihc remarkable success of last years festival at the royal alexandra hotel winnipeg nibed the hope that it would become an annual event and tho an nouncement of this years festival to lake place at reglna march 20 to 23 lui been g welcomed as an in- llcallcn of the establishing of thitrcs- tlval in llu artistic life of the prairies those who witnessed lose yearn fen tl vol wlll ivajjut torgjilll national costumes wo trust- that ontario may profit oi luamtil rfov of wrought during uie past few monuis by a legalized traffic in poisonous drink a reader february 25 1030 muscular rheumatism subdued when one b a sufferer from muscular luumatlmn he cannot do better than to lave the region rubbed with dr thomas eclectric ohr let the rubbing be brisk and continue until case b secured there i- more virtue in a botue of it than can be fully estimated building a raft on ome empty barreb on which they ifnped lo float uuhore others had lashed themselves to spurs and empty casks und a few were pro vided wltli lifeprcmtvurs 1 iuit ly secured from below there was one lifepreserver however for which no one seemed to have any u a faithful follower and friend of the executive officer passed 1 to him on the ride hoping it might lie the in i i iv of his preservation but instead of maklnif iw of it he offered it to llu- udmlral who refused it and llun to the captain with u like result it wus then thrown carelessly o e rail surrounding the bridge und their it hung a glowing tribute to uinse brave i tlicerii and a titluiulu- to the drooptit i pi r i is of the fagnedout crew a turkey gobheer turkey rablng was an important tn- try up on the old hilltop form the birds always brought good prices at thanksgiving and chrbtmos and hi the spring every turkeys egg was carefully fiery hen turkey was encour aged to incubate a barrel laid uiuu ilde with one head knocked out aken an ideal place for u turkeys uit one spring it hapjiened that eviry hen turkey of the flock was thus quur- d in a barrel and the old gobbler tted around lonely and dbcousoi ite lut nevertheless proud and quarrelsome inally houcver he lost heart and eoii- 1 tided to follow the prevulllug ruihloii iiul so he sought for u nejit and went to itting he ehoje a siot among tome wild parsnips near an old quarry and tlure li rit with a patience and devotion to tiuiy that was woruiy of the other ocx iiok at him said uie fanners wite adducing her husband do give mm gg and see how he will make playing possum he doings of a possum arc chronicled by the new york sun a farmer named john welch living near uie town of chester so it appeam had lately taken niyearold boy from a city charit- institution naturally the boy knew little ubout the country matters and one day toward evening he came ruimini into the house to ray o mr welch lhircs u monkey in uie chicken cotjp ttln right by the side of our big farmer welch went out to see hat the boy had- dbcovertd and reached the coop in urn i to see a big possum mokng wlui tin- rooster he made a rush for the thief which on seeing uuu it couldnt escape dropped uie rooster and tumbled over pretending after uie well- known manner of its kind to be dead former welch picked the animal up by its tail carried it into uie house and threw it by nu means gcnuy on tin- kitchen floor the poaum never gave a gn that it had life enough to know hut wus going on it was tossed and pushed and tumbled about by different iiembers of the family for some ume but t stayed dead farmer welch knew of course chut 11 wasnt deud and by and by he tossed it into a box und by way of experiment threw a piece of raw meat near its snout it was evident from uie fact that uie possum hud come lo the farmyard in cold weather and befure dark ulal 11 must be very hungry but with uie templing morsel lying against its very nustrlb it never moved a muscle after u while uio big family cal came into uie kitchen she got scent of the meat und strode up to uio box tho sight of uie possum caused her to stop and snitl for a moment she cvldenuy was foaled into thinking uie possum vmi dead for she jumped into the box and grabbed the meat she had no sooner done so though than uie possum came lo hte wiui a suddenness and velocity uiat starucd the family if a buzzsaw had run against the cat the fur could hardly have been scattered in a more lively manner than that possum scattered it the tumbling und caterwauling lasted but uio brier space for the cat escaped and clrcuscd around uie kitchen so wild- eyed and bigtailed that somebody opened uie door and let her out she hasnl been seen since having put the jcat to flight and seeing uie excited family grouped about the possum promptly tumbled over and died ugaln after a while fin ding that no one made a move toward doing it injury it came to life got into uicbox and ute uie meat as coolly as if 11 had bicn dining at home in the hollow of a perfect ii lifcrfii il slili blnns roumanians sweden iceland er pol- danes nnrweglann dutch and germans while from older canada there wlllbe french canadian and tho de partment of indian affairs is arranging an exhibit of the handicrafts of the imllruii of the prairies the fcsuval will be held un6r the aiiiplecn of tho canadian pacific railway and lh musical features have been organised in cooperallon wlui uie con- tirvutory of music of reglna college it ha- the supportof the government of gasknlch wan whose premier hon j gardiner suggested uiat thb year it be hsliljnnekina in uib connection w m guiiam indian commissioner dc- aitmml or indian affairs oahkat- licwun is arranging to provide an indian eetlnn where womenfl work demorv- i tinting native industry will be lent for the fenllvol from the saskatchewan gov ernment coliccuon further uie can adian handicrafts guild through lb reglna committee b arranging a general exhibition of handicraft worli collected from nil over canada but emphasizing the handicrafts of uie people of uio went special guest artbta from uie cast of canada will include poul hal danbh baritone whose rendering of viking conga ut the recent vancouver sea fesuvoj will be remembered and charles march- and frenchcanadian folk singer and leader of uie bytown troubadouro an aggregauon known nil over ctnad and j the unlld states the itcglna college of music will give englbh folkdancing while mbs jean gauld of reglna and her puplla will present the scotch and welsh varieties irish dances will be by two irbh champions jn this ihc brltbh isles will bo covered ihc scrhbmtjauowal l fmh of tltoiittirr tim force of his own merit hitiken lib way a gift thai heaven glvci for him- llhakeipeure riches exclude only one liuonvinleiire und thal lu poverty jnhuion the heart has reasons hint reason does not understand homiici the loud laugh tlm ant mind onhumlth ho that liven forever ing ienn never fears ily- ioio v imrt motor murli miki luttry wmiiic viilrmlxluu nml llmiiu wlirc nil i i atr rlruf murltt r lmoni itrsiiiyculiurc wiirk lie proipnroti- nml hippy il iillini ntw opiii wiln tall lmlnt dominion clinrtcrcd schools lirlktn wl tmntn i crrvlncuml 1 col tor any wtftathcrfbr evciry day shredded time tables a acton dian natiowagrallways cuts down bad weather colds- helps prevent constipation safely good for all wonderful for children mado iv titc canadian sliraddcd wlwa company ltd uauccwummadiim afucaliui and a otmnn mlxft -4- jjotli vocal orrd- lrtstrumentalr wn3 aich a standard as to set a high mark for future festivals the programme already armnged for the reglna festival will be uio roughly lepresentativc of the varloua races that make up canadas west eighteen racial i iroup will contribute their national sung- iiuj dances and handicrafts and uie dbpluy of many colored national coslumfi will form u wrles of brilliant picture all fmir countries of the drltbh isles illl iiiith ipate and european races that iiimiiilv ihse new canadians will in clude iuiiiarlans czechs ukrainians raniifihit also orrcgii and women representative of uie ouier laclal groups will perform nauonal folk dunces and show handicraft work either in i hi- unlhcd state or in process of being mnde a great field of varied endeavor and ihr fruit of a score of different cultures will thus be paid before the people of hi west duilnii the iesuvul und uie nay canada in tiding enriched by her new canadian ritlzens from overseas 111 b- dinioiistnited conccrli in con- rclln with the irsllval will be given i ih hotel saskatchewan and in the durl- uic hall if hi- reglna college i or ttegina men rrnr- m11 fnmh nnnr virtr thk last dollar i the poniiim has remained in tht family ever since and has developed i particular fondness for the boy who db coiered tl und oak it for u monkey fhiillli iaughter out hut the furme hud nu rest with asthma asthma usually ittucks at night the one time when rest ii needed most hence the insa of ilrenglh the nervous debility the iomi of flesh anil other evlli ulilih mut tic tpileil uillexi icllef b iecured for tunately relief li polblr ir j d icelloggii astlunu remedy lias proved us in illi through years of service a trial will surely convince yuu turkey egt lu wusui on uucli a doubtful experiment ludicd ull the turkey eggs were already under the hen turkeys a ncatful of urdlnury in nn eggs was therefore fur nished tin- old fellow uud uie trial wus ixgun the loniiome gobbler like some folks evidently thought he might us well be out of the wotld us out or uie fashion and so hi accepted the situation und uctiiully pcrsbted in uie muter for uiree long weeks it is true that lib uwkwurd li ga broke some of the eggs but some iscuped und were liutchcdund uie little chicks were ftutercd and cured for by ihiir odd incubator und two or uiree of hem llvtd to grow up it was u curioui sight to see them fol- loulnn tiie iobbter ubout the 11 lib uud uie hen turkeys were no doubt somewhat mii pi bed thut 1 if they hud uny lime to be surprbrd for they had their own lirooitt of turkey children to care for mid raise this k a queci gobbler story but it b true then are perhaps a few people in llll world who laugh too much und they may occasionally be someuitng of a triul to those who have to ibten to them but ttieir certainly are u great many people who do not laugh enough uud they constitute one of the worlds greul- aflllettolia here b no hurer murk of uie coming of old uge hint old uge that menus liutrdiiiltik of the urterleo of ule ihan unit slow losing of the jwiwer to laugh and there is uouilng uiat wtl j awuy that tragedy of growing old stiffly and uncomfortably und before s lime more effectually uian uie plug up of the habit of wholesome healthy laughing tlowfks in japan nature in japan b beautiful every where the narrow blunds are crowd ed wlui mountains or more uian uveiage juight- whose saft contours cuusedby croilnn and volcanic force are rcsjkuislble for u lundscupe tliut b uji uuunuul us it li lovely the beauty of the gnarled and twisted old pines picturesque maples and great musses uf wild flowers in prlug and summer helps to explain the urtbllc temtierumcnt which even the most ignorant jupuuese pojaasica i-rub- ubly hi no other pari of ihr world arc flowers so greatly appreciated as in ja pan the oorest liounc holder always has a garden and flowers enter largely into public febtivafk jlviun the wild cherry tnvii ure in bloom is the ijiectal fcut of mowers but plum bloijuims uie uuuirin trb und ehrysuutheiniim ure ull celebrated in their seasons surgical operation lug corns if ihlloi bu used a pmsperous new yorker wlio ul i ie coitru of twentyfive yean luu at- lued tilgh db unction hi hislirofession irlbules lib success in large measure lib fathers good sense in appealing hb manliness und pride ik had been an indolent student al ilkil- and liad made a poor use of lib kunmtlis and us soon as he wus a dilute j he hud asked hb father lo allow him to go to new york and to ludy law the fuuiers reply was brusque und forcible so fur us i con make it out you have wasted your time ul college he said and there b no ground for faith lu your success ul uie bar su1i you may you like i shall give you one 1 dollars but remember that when jou have spent your last dollar n wlil be useless to ask me for money i lib reuds like an unkind uiisym- pulheuc secch but uie son treasures it to uib day as a rich legacy from a wise father it helped to develop in him a spirit of manly independence it made him set hb leeui togcuicr and resolve uiqt under no clrcums lances would h- usk hb father for another dollar a strange glow of excitement brightens the veterans face whenever he telb the story of hb last dollar when he reached new york uie letters of introduction upon which he hud dpeuded fulled lo secure an opening or him und he found himself wluiout a friend in the ffrcal city week after week he walked uie streets in scurch of employment in stores factories und of fices und lie received no encouragement hb lodgings become poorer and poorer his luncheon was dropped and at last in- had only one meal a day there catnc a day when he had only one dollar hrt in hb pocket ii wus lute 111 uie uftcmoon and he liad eaten nothing since the previous night wlui this last dollar unbroken lie secured a clcrksiilp in a drygoods store and he crbls of hla fortunes was passed six montlia afterword uicrc was an opening for him in a law office and nlually he became a successful lawyer a metropolitan bunker recently remark- that hb bank was an asylum for uilllunalrci gruiidsoiin i have six- of training as clerks he said und not one of them lias uie energy ired for earning lib living unaided if they were poor men without having prospect of luhcrlung great wealth i ould find it for their benefit to i mumthing in my bank nnd to lit iinelvra for useful careers ml wii u cynical remurk at uie n a- of rich mens sons but it b true i hard und puinful esperleiieea like i lining collegians seurch tor employ- t u llli hb lust dollar lu hb pocket inn he fibre of ones manhood und lop force of character uud with povi vliui of good uieutui iplulitles lllllltt to slllcevi in life a military klchuits courage of mr moodys life illustrations concerns a young man who cnlbted in the army and went into carrm wlui fifteen new comrades the first night ut bedumc he knelt by hb bunk and prayed the oilier men who had spent time between drill and tops smoking und playing cards jeered at him and iinuily pelted him wlui every loose thing they could find to throw lie persevered and uie some scene was reenacted for several nights till uie persecuuon grew so violent uiat he ask ed the chaplain what ho had better do well said the chaplain after hearing the slory you are not at home now and the other men have just as much right lo do what they please in uie barracks- room us you have since it malei them angry to sec you pray and uie lord will hear you just as well if you nay your prayers in bed perhaps it would be as well to do so and not provoke them some ume passed before it occurred to the c imp lain to inquire if hu advice liad been followed the answer was i followed it for two nights and felt meaner uian a whipped hound the uilrd night i got up said prayed on my knees just as i was brought up lo do and wliat was uiccffcctt why uircc of uie fellows have joined me now and i am sure there are several more who would like to in fact there b a pray crmee ting in our mess every evening questions of duty und expediency re ceive different answers from different persons as they did from uie young soldier and hb chap bin men may be alike stuunch in principle who ore un like in uielr ways of dcmonstraung il mr gladstone in london and daniel in babylon were boui praying men but did not pray through open windows euch uud uie conscience of hb educa tion and felt uie obllgauun of hb place the point of mr moodys anecdote seems lo be uiat the young recruit was true to the conscience lie liad ho pray ed as he was brought up to do and not to have done so would have been to film not to pruy at all tho result showed that hb course was uio right oih hi 11 rertulnly won the brave one highest prices paid for butter fat cive us a triaupiione 53 halton cream butter co milton and acton chas thompson manager acton branch jw wm daily except sunday dally except sunday dully except sunday i 1043 aan 320 pan t 00 pan gain fast dallyexceptsunday fl17 pan canadian national uailwayfj electric wefltbsund daily except sunday dally dally dally dally dally dally daily 7siuh1 1165 aart 1 63 pm 36s pan jjspjtt 7jsb pjtt 0ss pan 1334 ajo east bound dally except sunday dolly daily dally dally daily daily dally dally tm pja 0 j7 aau 1137 uh 1j7 pjh 3 37 jil s 37 p ja 7 j7 pan 0 j7 pjm 1135 pjm to roil to terminal kmio street ami ttl cuir avanus freight delivered by pecul cxpr freight- freight picked up at any ad- drejut in toronto r bljs ttwrprri tfrtfftrth iarantctf me whatitsaj the grocer will refund your radney mlllei s wot i iowders will purge the intesilimh of worms so tllj and so easily and pulnleuily the most delicate stomach will not any inconvenience from their action recommend themselves to mothers preparation that will restore strength iigu lo their children and protect i fiitti the debllluitliiic effects which 1 frbui uie depreciations of worms leaky the leuky employee b at a discount ii tmiiim nobody wants him al uny irlie ilvr if he worked wluiout u alary he would be too cxiunsive for veil tin- rich it cororatlnn to afford llu leaky friend b ulso way below mr no mutter how oympathrjic und kindly one may seem if he betrays your onllilence if he pusses on someullng he hus discovered through his lutlmflcy with ou or something you have confided to him under stress of emo tion he does nut descry the name of frln win- nine i ollllhlll it down tl id one iu- laiyn to you pruba- tell you thb but ie b u good person to tells the ronndenccs i uiiliue to tluvi- who veity mild language i tie manager of uie telcplionc com- lnm wus ihr recipient uf a message from a lucul society woman complaining of the blasphemous foul language used by two of hli employees while school children were passing the pole on which ihr were working accordingly the two men suspected appeared on the official carpet each hi wiver denied stoutly any infraction of moral code jh i remember thut ume suddenly i vilihiud the burley one of the duo 11 was tlii- way i was just behind lull while he wus climbing uie pole the bdle full of molten lead hb foot sllppid and he spilled the lead down the buck of my neck so i looked up and said pardon uie hill but ou must be more can ful in future that was all head off colds coughs broitchitis with this fine old herbal remedy rightirom the heart of natar ward off all tho cold weathur lili cot younulf it hottlo of ul uglier u indian lung iteuiedy it will mako and keep you healthy heal up inflamed tiuiaiea nnd rivo your tilood and body now virour kp tliia tood d lierlwl remedy au uiint hi tho liouu tuko it after pi- ihuiuro t mint ruin dull and crowded k mi liulrti ilaieu you can get lliirt- iiiki nt lu r uuaitlur herluu nhineliold luunciluji now ftom ao a t ilkown acton redrose is good tea red rose orange pekoe i extra good j cadesky of toronto hilmuir specialist will in at a t urown 3 ultljc stoiti acton monday march 4th isyr one ourterine dfietlvu eiie should not mlua tho unity of consul tine this fit hpeeialiul appoint may bo tnado with mr brown irug jnhiiitation kltuls hours 0 a m- till 4 p m leave acton for uio went 1010 a m 410 p m 700 p m and on saturdays sundays and holidays 1100 p m leave acton for aeorftlown norval brampton toronto 8j0 a m 1136 o m 733 p m and on qaturdays sundays and holi days hub p m painting and house decoration graintnc a speciality prompt attention satisfaction guaranteed estimate given telephone 170 richard ii blanch box 350 acton w b browne co millera und drain merchanbi norval ontario national norval for pulxy kings choicli canadian wonder for bread i1ran shorts middlings chopped wheat rorlcy and chicken keed at lh mill agents for wheat iool krinjr your wheat oats barley here take feed hack wc will truck if preferred consult our nearest dealer children cry for vj otjtkft gastoria is especially prepared to relieve infants in anm and children all ages of constipation wind colic to sweeten stomach flatulency diarrhea regulate howcls aidain the assimilation of rood promutiruj cheerfulness rest and natunil sleep wihiout opiates j to avoid imititioun always look for the snputurc of irycjuxt inivrii ilinclinns mi i imi nu k-je-e- imiy iciuis everywhere rccuiiunend it for sale hiixcrest a comfortable suburban home con taining 10 rooms hot water heated electric lights waterworks and tele phone three acres of uie finest of garden and fruit growing call an orchard of apple pear cherry and plum trees barrel slxe spraying out fit complete with spray material for tile season quarter acre of straw berry vines poultry house for 600 birds incu bators brooders trap nests and colony houses dam and drive shed wlui ou necessary implements greenhouse 325 square feet of glass filled with spring stock hundreds of pots three bench hot water heated for furuicr particulars apply to g l martin owner removing from town mark every grave nothing u more lasting or maze appropriate to commemorato the memory of loved ones who have gone before than beautiful granite well carved with our present equipment and foclliucs no plant is better prepar ed to offer better values or a batter stock to choose from uian can be secured at our plant vou owe it to yourself to see our stock and get quqlauons on monuments lfarker or corner stones before placing an order anywhere special quotations prevail oa ab orders pued before april ib acton monument works efitsblsued 1010 j nicol phone 15i savage company jewellettv watches b1l- vlixwaiu- ciiinawaoe silver tableware noted for quality hoduauiy priced mail inquiiino3 heceivk pitoupt attention lower wyrulham sl phone 571 guelph t sulitjcriptloiui for all majfazlnai taken at tha proa vtvmt oibco