Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 28, 1929, p. 6

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hurler i y mm car yy wann iii inmnui on ijahmlay imiru- nry 33 10jo to mr uml mm mrlvln mtlnn u iliuitflitrr how at lllllrljurif tin wttlnnuliiy 1etiniuty a 1030 amilfl how dauuli- ur or tlm luen llwfcnl anil warfare t haw tkftlat thi cluitlnh general ilnajilui nn tiirfutay ji binary 3d 1030 alien ttlluuvth oardlncr widow qt uxe ul u ijjiiu iwir ehtnft jfntrhkrjfft i flbpfr jxytan 3to ipttflffig thuttflday 1uiinuauy 5 1030 fc march flrrt to morrow february cntla lo day- march walltn gnrinntlmo in in uie offing ncn now to prepare for it and alter today february onouier winter month will be over tlie mow atartcd to disappear rapidly in the brief thaw on tuesday there won t be much enow to tt away when gprlntf comes uiu year tim lenten season la poulnff one uilrd has gone dood friday in four weclcs tlin directors of the pall pair board will hold a meeting next wednesday afternoon quit a quota of acton anorta went to toronto baturday evening to aee uic but luckey match they say uie backbone of winter is broken now but so la the middle gone out af tile coo bins cutters are not in demand any more at on auction sale in cujuealnjr two ood cutters brouffht only 91 00 each acton merchants are wrlllna buy- athome editorials in their advertise ments every week that ore very convlnc- inc dr anderson i frqtn da t tie creek much improved in ouett blnfout i p haa returned mich sanitarium he a ul burlington j 3 very mneh th uwptlon accoiinta wiiiiam niolcifl lluniiii from the ijniilon fro prnui of feb ruary 11 we uloutiid uir followlim obit i- ary notlrn of william nlcki ii n fornmr rriildriit of jjiuoilnifi wlllittm nickel city tan collector irnldt nt of jam la for 35 ytnni ilkd friday ninnilna february 15 lifter an lllnrui of nine tnontlin flu was oued 71 ytaro and won one of ul imdt known rciuunuj of tlin city mr nlckell won born ut ijmehoiuie ontario and wenf to cam la in 16db for iwime yearn he wan in tlie clothing biulncks with tlin jarnu woollen mill on front otrret and up lo the lime of his death he lurid a financial intercut in tjic mens clouitnir hnn of wluum mlckell jit coiu operated by hl rnns jumttnanl robert u in the imperial ilulldinir mr nlckell was appointed city tax collector in opp- tember 1013 following the death of john w hamilton ho continued htn duties until june last when lllnraa over took him he was a popular civic t-er- vant and painstaking anil conrclentloua in ills duties in politics he was a conservative and nluiouifh in earlier years he was u 1rejbyterlan he had ions time attended nt 0orse anglican cliurch ua wda practically de voted to curling and bowling and was one of tlie oldest members of these clubs ho was also keenly interested in poultry breeding and was a past pjrcal dent and secretary or uie poultry mumxla- tlon ourvlvlng arc two daughters and uiree sons mrs a d a as ton of day ton tenm mrs norman mccrea ol dam la jamrs and robert o of garnla and john- newton of wlnckor varicly of news t xmknlitauou llauu ditu i for tlie drpurttildlltul lchool i kill 1 1 in at loan thli ywr are unuouueed by tint 1miiirtmcnt hf murutjnn is folloiii jlluh llchnol i ntruiirr june 31 lo ii model tntrann jinn j4 30 21 and 3 inwir uclionl juno 20 to 3fi mlddtu flrhonl june 17 to july 3 upwr ochool julie 17 to july 3 cars damacd in crash two liadly dsmaued cam were tlir reniilta of a mil in ion botwren auton driven by acorge ilalley and donald llimband both rnildcnu of oakvllllt i on uie night of fehniary 23 in oakvllle no serloui injurirn were rustalned by either partlen ii lt iwlleved that tlifl collision wiw cauitnl hy one car nklddlng when the brakes were applied many iiave found h profltablo to ute tlie wide variety of transportation faolu- tlejj provided to come to acton to do their shopping rtav g o plnnock represenuiuve of tlie bible society will be the special speaker at the evening service in ol alban s church next sunday at the camlvul at qsojgtown ut week mr alfred bishop snthnw first prizes for uie costumed gent in the potato race and in uie tialf mile race mrs acorgo chapman hod uu mis fortune to foil down uie cellar steps at uielr home on icnox avenue although no bones were broken she was painfull brulced and cut the old ubw suggestion when a man was counung his sura draflls on some luiaardous venture was don t count your chickens befora uiey ore listclud lias been modernised to don t count your profits before uiey are snatched this applies especially to dealing in stocks on margin magistrate moore was a delegate last friday to tlie convention called by chief draper at toronto to conslder methods by wlilch first offender may be reliabllltated wlien released from prison or reformatory tlui purpose is to help kudi men to recover uielr fornwr posi tions and commence afresh under help ful conditions the road to toe city spfendu catuojy drasia eugd here by a group ej mlltau young peapla tli comedy drama the road to uic city steed by a group of milton young pople under tlie direction of mr a k- mlllson was created wlui a splendid audience at ute town iioll iiere but evening rarely indeed is an acton audience treated to a better amateur performance of a play uuui that staged at uil concert all cluiracters were well portrayed and gave a splendid conception of uie story the play was well chosen uu ocung was good and the audience was apprcclauvc and uiase who failed to attend missed a treat indeed tlie cast of cliaracurs was as follows jet qandersoa at uie crossroads mu jean wilson toto loe lier cousin uiss helen uuls lilly morton a girl from uie city jjks k llenson ura bandar- aon jets widowed mother mrs i w lott robert darnell a country pliysi- clan mr aeorge elliott xucliard jamoa a man from uie city mr p w cooke jud junklns a young farmer mr j a mclennan john james richards invalid fauiar mr il b cos duke a man of mystery mr j a rose tlie milton high ochool orchestra provided musical numbers between uic acts and uiu group of young people are very creditable musicians indeed mr otanley wlkart contributed a vocal solo and messrs a e muison and ii b cox in their rube costumes put over a comic duett made up of takeoffs on local personages which was mirthful and enjoyable seed grain competition samples shown at aelan were amohx the best lit uie pro vine liberal awards glveo the judging at uie qeed a rain com petition conducted by acton fall pair was held at uu town hall iicre on monday there won a good entry from acton end district for this event and splendid samples of groin were shown mr q d hanlclncon of uie dominion 3ced department ottawa was uie judge lie stated that the samples shown here were among uie best in uie province this year much poor need grain wan grown in uie province and at many of uie seed fairs conducted uie camples were not considered worthy of a prise and no prizes were awarded tlie ger mination of uie grain shown hero wan described on exceptionally good the germination of samples shown here was pex eenu- whereas uic judging in other otdce luui ox yet only been p8 jubilee of ordination frlcnilii ip acton have received invito tlonn to be prase nt at the fiftteui annl vcraary the ordination of uie poster of the west tilde uaptist church at ocattla wanhlnifton of rev chorion a cooke d d on thursday cvrnlnff march 31 at 7 30 o clock rev br cook u a con of the late rev r u cook of acton and brother of uie late h it cook who died here so suddenly uiree months ago dr cook in his young manhood went from acton to toronto uitnce la london england u toko his theological courae at upurgeon college and returning to toronto wax called to parliament direct baptist church later served for seventeen years as uie beloved and succensful pastor of first baptist church bloomfleld n j prom uils pastorate ho was appointed duper- intcndimt of otewarduhlp for uie baptist church of uie united utatea reurlng ave years later ho was called to plra baptist church butte mon uience he went to htr present charge dr cook ha had a wonderful career in the min istry cucccm lias cliaracterued lib efforts all uirough uie half century of devoted service it in very fltung ulat the fiftieth anniversary of his ministry should thus bo emphasized in uie happy manner which uie congregation of ills oeatue pastorate lias arranged a hint toit ynunfj tolkk ktakrinfj mm run hn divided into thru rliuuih iuy htnry mlllir in uliltrf th lir- dilrntl uiillmiid aj hlntlon of lit lmibi 1 in t tin re in tin nine hlmi tyfkf nf work r rhl i iiinu wnrkij haul nouuh wit lil i luiihlrt but dntfl no work with hli bruin and iym with him u job lu a jb noiiiethlng to ho d ino over and over aln the i mm way at revinty you 11 flid him on a pcnchti roll with n rocord of fifty yearn of falthfulm rn luihlnd him vc t in ti rrnrp ho ucu nowhere the rocond lyiw in the man who lias rvrry thing that tin first onn incks hut la without ono juallty tho nrnt pojiejicr ha han ambition hratnn and v in inn but hr doenn t like work the firjt uilo if work dultu hln ambition ho luui idas about running tho company the nauon and uio houneholds af hu fellow 3 haugh he can t mn hlmctlf tho third man not only ceen and it nltn but io works however he nuu- dnatii th iheennlty- of work to ropiiih on i thinking von hear men iay work id- big factor in rusinckji it ian t tionip of um liardent workers i hovo known oro still in ovi rails you hear othem say brulnpowrr in tho big factor i know thinking mm who will novor get out of tho employee class but i know of no man wlui has combined woik and bralnn and virion who hasn t gotm up to leadcrshl i arthur qwackluuiicr xclon 3 robert tuck naisngaweya 3 hugh reld acton 4 rabertjcarr acton b j b leslie acton 0 leslie jit pearen acton 7 mann bros acton fhibstanual money prizes were awarded all those winners which are largely given by the dominion department in addi tion thocc who receive awards will have the opportunity or marketing their grain at prices much above uie average as the depuuid for uils good seed is always more than uie supply boy scout news acton bulldog f troop esquesing council eejtilar seaaua nld en february ii will ray uu tor shooting degs wwrybn- sheep tlie buiueslng council met on monday february 11 at btewarttown members were all present uie reeve in uie cliolr minutes of but meeting were read and confirmed communlcauono were read from highway department re road ex penditure ouelph oeneral hospital re indigents canadian legion re appoint ment of clerk board of railway com missioners re crossing at norval radial station accounts were upon mouan auuior- uuxl to be paid as follows j p rcld 3 100 watt lamps t 1 30 i john mcdonald coal to aclcroyd 10 00 municipal world 01 70 mountain sanatorium re edythe i prydc mrs elsie mlucr for j january 1030 03 00 hell telephone 4 80 waiter mooros account cemetery 0 00 brandford wood re e marcel- i les 3 50 h qmlui wood cupplled lor xuncli cliambcr 5 00 l double collector ward 3 od i vonce on calory for 1033 40 00 geo leslie for 10 sheep killed by j dogs 100 00 n otark sheep valuator floo ii currie coal for john kennedy 15 00 t w bmlui supplies for indigent 4 00 moved by w a appelbe seconded by w a wilson that uie rood sheets as presented be pasced and paid 3 077 b7 carried tbe sum of s3 per monui was allowed john kennedy until further notice tlie by uiw providing for uio expendi ture on roads for 1030 was given uie required readings and passed by uie council moved by w o appelbe seconded by w a wluon uut on and after uils date uiat uils council shall pay to persona wlio shoot a dog or dags found in uie t of worrying sheep when sheep arc enclosed on private property uie sum of 13 lor each dog destroyed upon takju a declaration uiat such dog or dogs hav been dectrojied and uiat the teal of the corporation be attached to this reolu tlon carried moved by george currie seconded by a wilson uiat uic roev and dc- putyrccvc be delegates to good roads convention carried moved by w o appelbe ccconded bj w a wluon uiat this council adjtuin to meet on monday march 11 100 carried rov iirndleys sajle dates march 1 hector plnkney erin clear ing farm colo march 3 harold chapman boner avonue acton gala of household fur niture march 4 mr flcwellliui mimosa clearing farm dale march 7 mm herb iclrkwood on prlnge clearing farm bale march 0 roy woodc erarnoaa clear- lngffrm sale mjuxh dow uieur ouelp march ji oueiph-l- ealo guelplu march 1i jotcph murray ouelph township clearing farm gale notice to creditors the creditors of cauiarbit mann mrs john mann late of uic township of erin widow who died on the 30ui day of december 1030 and all other parties having claims against her estat- are required to cend u uio untlermin uoned solicitor their full names ad dresses and descriptions full puruculars of uielr claims and tho nature of th securities if any held by them this noucc being giver pursuant to section 61 of uio trustees act r o o 1037 chapter 150 notice u licrcby given uiat on and after uie uilrtleui day of march 1d3d tlie administrator will pro ceed to distribute the assets of uie said cauiarlnc mann among the parties legally cnuued uicreto and lie will not ol rcspannlblc for any claims of whuh he has not uun received notice dated at acton ontario uils twenty- cichth day of february 1030 joseph hart administrator by ii n parmer acton ont hlr solicitor 35 3 iurgains in used fa fin equipment 1 no 13 di laval cream deparat- or 500 lbs capacity 2 no 15 delaval cream separat or 750 lbs capacity 3 no 17 dllaval cream separat or 1 000 lbs capacity with power drive 415 disc cocicohutt drill 513 hoe masskyharrio drill fl 10 inch pllory plate chopper 7 g inch maoseyharrio plato chopper 0 cockshutt manure spreader 0 delcrina manure spreader 10 masse yii arris manuro spreader ii nisco manuro spreader 13 tudhope anderson manure spreader 133 h p toternational englnp 14 4 ji p w1tte enrlno on hand truck 155 h p john dfcre tnglnc 10 fl h p jistlr canuoic en glnc pioneer equipment company telephone 1030 10 woolwich street ouelph ontarle highway grocer specials welk end shoals granulated surar ffif with order 10 ih for d i c 25c 23c lie 25c 18c at mclean co california i utiii bean 2 lbs for shredded wheat rcr 2 for 24c 2 for norte crown kipper snacks 2 tins for marvct brand pure apricot jam 10 oz jar taney bltio rosc rice 2 ll for 10iy 1 hi for r vz it for lt- oxydoi i iirjt acknc for 21c sinn ii packet for c hor lsiioc brnnd sockcyc snlinnii lib ranc lie roycrofl choice crt inn rj buttlr per lb lie 5 bars pearl whitt nap til a soap i 1 argf gold medal soap ttakrs 40c highway grocer young street w nesnrrr proprietor acton phono 189 hom piiooi sll k and wool hosl 107111 in tin inl sil h l 10 color are gun alctnl cedar chninpaliie i he regular priee of tin hoe i j i 00 special for per pair ioc uniiu iiosi am pure wool i icll liade the refillar pi lee doc fffk special tlui week per pair uc thc nlw corsklnnj with sir k lirassikit 111 sie 10 32 m 10 111 special tin week ii ht per pair tjl u 10 ihiam hrassilkis pink sizes 30 12 ii 30 18 lxtru ood vilue at flh pecial udc tai1ll damask and towelling lnds tins r the be lot of table dnma k and lowelluir endi we hive ever had ah pure linen towellinf as low a c rcr yard call and look this lot over mens heavy allwool work socks mun s heavy all wool work socks regular price 50c jtl special 10c per pair 2 pair for j idc new spring footwear ladles patent tan brown in tics oxfords and straps every ono a winner in style quality and comfort all priced bctwwn 3 35 and fl so a pair come in men s new invlctus oxfordflond soots in idd and calf leathers tlic suit ootid bhx ask uioc who have worn them 8 00 and to 00 new medium priced roods arc here 3 m 5 and tfl days and misses new lines will be here in a tow days qomo arc hare now work and ochool ghaes shortly come arc in stock bargain in heavy vlauf goods harrisons ideal incubators ii you nrc thinking of buying on incubator you will make no mistake in rcttlna a miller ideal in the first hatch of the ncasan off last saturday ulnu one of these machined wo hatch ed 83 d of all ha tenable pffffn remember wc abe prepared to do custom hatching in these reliable machines at 5c peb ego earl h vincent p o box 177 main trt acton free delivery at the reqycsr of numerous of our pntrons commcncine on snturtlny wc will mnunurntc n delivery on nil orders of alcnts extending our saturday delivery to every day in the week our usual low prices will prevail and will include delivery c n nny of the items quoted or other items on your order phone idcrs will receive prompt attention our number u 178 the specials this week these pricks good until march 7 i lb for pail sll lard lortcninc oc bricks shorten jnp for s shorten 1 7 ttc specials in grocery dept tomntoes or pen 2tomntoe tins for 25c large jnr marmalade oa heinz chili sauce for clark s chicken soup for 25c 10c 4 jell powders nt for zoc kapherry or straw for berry jnm for fldc bnuitl sweet ornnj tb per dolii 18c ifr 25c mclean co mill street acton ont beef and pork cuts shoulder roasts or pork per lb 21c 22c presh ham by the piece per lb 23c rib roast or beef per lb 21c and 22c shoulder roast of beer 20c thick rib roast or beer 18c and 20c porterhouse roast or beer 25c fish british columbia salmon by the pilce per lb llic wh1tefish per lb lfic tresh water herring 10c pattersons meat shop phone 178 mill street acton erearedwdmfect f many poople buy without investigation of facts and on snap or emotional judgment every ear it is estimated a million ar buyers change their ideas on thejr car after they hiive had l six months consider the following facts before purchasing jour next car and then decide for yourself which car offers the most value for the nioncy potted plants lcttuce and iihubaiib our greenhouses now have a splendid stock of potted plants cineraria at 40c each and primulias at 3oc splendid frlbii stock op leap lettuce and fresh rhubarb fair view nurseries plume 51 prompt delivery february 33nd wot tlu aventysccond birthday of olr robert uadjm poweu chief ocout tor uu world to mark um occasion biff conference dinner vu lild in lotiikm ontario and over 300 ttoout leaders from almost every part of uie p waro botliercd around tike liilaa blrtliday caka to pay tribute to uu chlaf elto 31 yean ago planted tlui teeiu from wlitdi grew uut ursst hoy niovcineallii e world durlnff uie evenlnir pnutk o iwlo aubiunt provlnou1 commublonert pfe- sentad hu annull report and ftiv tlie canfrenca a brief outluia of uu years imlxuia 1038 ontario deputing msuio uibauntul lurooreu llr irwui reported ucmuililp uurod oanaral octlv hy ws stroiiff larce increase were btadd in tli number of badges luued for iirafcloiicy lit uwt work diallet onckituatlona wc streuytliend and en- tended luadouarura facilltls for iwd work wt unprovej st a cot mt fraiil fiicrvad rvveiiuea uuuuiwr camtu ixi- er in uumbur and atlciulance uanx irfulers took training eourwa tlia uoy fieout trtuuuau of bervle was wull i nbitajuiml nuui u von lldiavbvg uwajrda ilwa atw mould of ui liliih lltu of uu fawbuxiiui yar of lb i provlucul oouncll fur ontario clearance of winter goods to make way for spring arrivals girls i leecc lined bloomers colors mauve navy and grey special at per pair children s all uool stockings colors black and tawn sizes ti to 10 kegulur soe pair special 2 pair for men s fleece lined shirts and iruwers sizes m to 1 special at per garment while riiinnclcttc 3h inches wide special nt icr yard crcy dunitcteltt extra heavy special at per yard all wool military i lunncl regular isc per yard speciul at per yard ginphams colors blue mauve black and white checks good value at 25c per yard special this week per yard 29c 75c 65c 16c 19c 29c 17c more bargains in the amalgamation sale hundreds took advantage of the special values we offered last week in our amnljjnmn tion sale tina week wc luive moved another conaijjriment of groceries over from the co operative store we iiavcnt the room to utorc utem and you fret the benefit of the deal in the prices wc quote to move uie firooda itta hurry wc cannot duplicate uuyc prices when uils stock m gone m if you want your shore of these bargains conic early and come often while uicy last the pncea tell the story best 1 do you know that no car under 2 000 00 oullde of pord b putt inn on houdauic double act inn hydraulic shock absarbcrc as ouuidurd equipment 2 that no car under tl 500 00 cxclpt rord haa triplex shatter proof vklndhtcld glos an jtandard equipment 3 that pord la the only car under 1500 00 with threequarter lion una axle i that pord la uio only car undlr tl 500 00 wim torque tube and iludlil- drive construction 5 rord la tho only car undir 1 500 oo wlui rive bearing tram mbalon f ihul th nw rrd has 35 dlkr and bill bearing ui its chn l 7 rord i uil only car under si 500 00 ultli three quarter lire enilble terrlnu y tcm a tliat i ord b uie of few cam buill u dij unit ha nve ucl nok fcln wlieel a standard equlplniitt 0 lint i rd l the only car undi r tilth i prlc d cam w 1th hint lx brike liiumul expandlun all liicio id j em 10 flint urlu pin in motor ir machin d to 000- and arc of lull hoauiik lypi lord hactn continued next week a1j tin- jvcw modelb now on display- order now for prompt spring delivery norton motors roitl salcs and si it 1cl lor cton corprclown noral and kocliuowl dwtrlct peaches 2s for pumpkin 2i tor cherries id lie 20c pur jam 10 at for hoknfcs jam 4b orang marmai ade i7l j jul superior stores clever shoppers always compare i hilts what every housewife should do uhen she purchases kioeenes check up nnd bee just wh u she ielctes in return for lei mune superior stores jive their customers sitisfaelory values not infrequent intervals hut eer d i of the er thai wh every uiember of tins real elm u kcltint an ctr in ins iif customer list we sell the best for lessand deliver o ivory soap flakes o pflcketb for 4p i pearlinr nckhb for classic cl1 ansrii 3classi 1 lllb for soap 1 1 akps ibb for 22c 25c 25c 22c 3 hard water soap cukcb for a castile soap washing soda 1lkktlb tor siar ammonia puiktts for 22c 25c 25c 24c oo cuhls i i u 10c luii i size- 21c special lice line coitn syrup kurton brand pi rs 2 2 lb bic for 27c r i i i kii st i i ol cji c 5 string broom 37c washboards 35c 2 standard corn op regular size fur lmjk incsi loaf cheese 0j j fi s k s m 1q per lb jjc u ike siniill size x l lujjci soil clean j er package 14c uptnor bjikinj owdn 10 size u9 slip i an id i i hindi i sliinh lbs fi icc 3 ammonia f i k ij ls fui 19c finest granulated sugar aq lbi 59c maple leaf economy store mill sntpbr acion ontakio ituy ul rhw slore and kac moity kicr i ibb for 25c m ldllss raisins 2 patkclo for 21c puei raisins hulk 2 ibb for 22c try s cocoa l for 22c irinciss soap tlakts 2 packets 3hc sirowi s mali syrup p mi 75c ritegood 9bc popping corn j puckus for ogilvit mlnutr oais por piitkcl matches 1 bouts tor red river ci real per packet ground coitli per lb gold1 n ban 1am corn 2 tins foi aylmer soup 3 tins for 2jc mi 2 if 21c li tic sale being held at main store clu red white stores j w jonls phone 28 acton ontakio ixhcioiib i nut cuke i lb block- glinci h snaps s ceial 2 ibb tor ruiiey mixed bibcuits ofj lb for ooc pule maple syrup lo oz bottle for 21c 25c 33c pastrj or lire id i lour ul siccml pricts our bulk tk s a i ol i ll pit isc iurtlculur people i mi fi lasses alctliuin he lur c i t o liilcin l ls i- j ion oi slion lo zc wh ahc oriudnl mn uma swim mills not iisti i iiiiiit piticcs i ok mini it n is piioni vouit oltdkit to t hdiud prtcr hills store friday saturday phone 1 17 acton i march 1 uml 2

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