Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 7, 1929, p. 2

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gtyr jvrhm j tyre m tiiu1uiday maitoir 7 0j0 jikjn of iliuno wow ictn im joyful onre njiiln j jin rnrrry iprtrilt in hero vou knaw it by the now or rain hint fills tin- ntmrwphere you know it hi tlir mibllo chill that tliriitiuh the raiemuiit crecpii and by tliut lui ntydnllar hill your coal purveyor keepi ynu know it by the r la i wort sneeju- that reborn through thr huli7 and by thr ihivi rlnitn whirl re iw mankind iwith in ut anr small the robin in ir pair renins llltvfiln iillunpln to nlnn ii y thru- mid vnrloui other r lien is you know that it li sprlntf wonhlnaton dur mv iffrir lnhn iuirt gtnry haguonei co 1y okuiuudi liiikniii thi vauki iomi hnkurvu mar winter in thn nnimin wlirii plans nhoiild i in miuln for ilununk 11 i heller belt about mir fuini hnniii for lit that thni hiniflhi of hliilki iitrunily when h ctmamna imin ipc hi fill lllllll j he rlnuilim of ii ed main should l onn if tin moil liuftrlinit oieruuoiti on thn farm und i in farmer who re- ppeal to un iiinul j tnlim rlinn land mid proiluidi rliaii inyn of iprlnu ll w nr atlt r ymr must follow the come and tin- work of plant- pmrtlri of ihoroimhly rli anliui nil uraln n for nhrltir should bo done wo in fore nrrdllih he howlliut iinowiiomin thn dayn l in irhlni ry iiicenary for eli nnliiil p yisua iiaoiwjn oil 111 ihr- di x i rid let hi- ins wiiidi r iilonj l the winding trail tint hd towun ii tiik votfks he irffkiuencei an kastrrn man who a fnw yearn pro inovnl hla btinlncrfi and family to tho went recently told an n muni us ntory agnlnnt hlmnelf to a visiting friend lie in of a decidedly conservative tem perament and before inna found him self c n coed actively in politico especially in opposition to woman suffrage which liowcver much to his disgust his new tt ate adopted ifs wife and duuahtero wlio linil always accepted hln views also lalnrnted their new privilege which in deference to the feeling and convlctlonn of the head of the family they did not at first intend to exercise it was he who finally timed them to do so pocketing his prejudices at the crisis of a close election wjien five pos sible votes for hl9 candidate eeemcd too valuable to lace a aaln hla womenfolk meekly acnulenccd only you must explain thlnsa john and tell us all about principles and plat forms and candidates and all the rest of it his wife stipulated with a alflh when wo could simply say we took no interest in politics that was enouflh but if were actually to be in politico we musnt seem stupid when people talk about them of course of course 1 john assented easily he proceeded to explain and round his audience so flatteringly at tentive that he coon fell into the way of pourlns out hbj political news views and emotions at home with fervor and frequency when- election day arrived hie women were ready o it and proudly shepherded hs timorous flock to the polls ills candidate was badly defeated auyiclnff up suddenly from the mora- lnopapcr the next day as he wan read ing aloud the melanclioly details he vas startled to encounter four pairs of eyes gleaming with triumph while the mirror opposite showed hla youngest daughter dancing a victorious pas ceul be hack and surreptitiously wav lntf- aloft her napkin- like ufaftiner in rfrirr w ucofhdlltouicrtjieotriiir wayl if youd only given me an inkling you imd doubts im sure i could have convinced you protested the dosed poli tician you did convince us dear explained ills wife and we hadnt any doubta only you convinced us against your man i could have brought you literature as if anyone elses arguments could make u want to vote for mr blank if yours couldntl slie cried indignant ly bit at least why didnt you tell me how you were going to vote he de manded why you always cold when you ob jected to womens voting that their votes wouldnt mean anything if they echoed their men and would make ri i am ond disaster in the family if they dldn t w didnt really think so but it seemed just faintly very remotely pocalble you might be right and of course we dlftnt wont trouble now we know you werent right xhe concluded sweetly well out vote you nest time quite frankly five to one there was nothing to do but surrender gracefully and he did tl the next time we are qn opposite side of the question margaret lis tald you and i wont vote at all well pair and sit cosily at home by the fireside i with my newspaper and you with joui sewing and urn girls will have to go out and do all the voting for the family door would not hivr done ihh muaglnn uiu limit not thr dog to nli al o nuincl of meat ic climbed down and called muggll dim hoiun our the inflii dent canv- up wagging hln tall uzra ii h lay u clij of nudgrr villi twk up a pli ce of mhnglo und plnccd iw thirr him no rlgn of any travejlrr along the diiuo feet upon it tho imprlnta l alkali trail an far nn lh cnilltl w- v ry plain ho carried these to h und riotlntf thh ira buik n rt the wngon and compnred them with uie l rude bnich just imitiildr the door miri on the fjpring neat tlipy wero mi lii luly the unnii but ho would not il bi fully convinced ull he had mcaaurld a i in and luhjccted them to other t nui there won nn doubt left in hln n ind iiaiiit ii turned to the hmne and called mug- miin ii y h ttl mcttt did y il iafd looking hard at the dog muggins uly wu lined hti tail and looked innoccnt- i reckon thar aint gniii to be any more trade thli cvriihv he munmin d wtln at ihnrn no travellern in ilght 11 tniked the hrod of a large dog that lay by the door i guevi made very rnueh today have glni he added nddrrjilint the dog lra ii igdon was a man of middle jy m y tr i dont want nge lie kept o little waynlilc nloro near n don mc tn i cant trust the hid military troll on the arkanran tt j j cnn b allers watchln ftlvcr going with bin tram and wagon y p i n inlf ixr give yo away once a irioiilh to sunset city to lay in ua madu tl curu survey of the premls- a now supply if goodfl which conrlnted hm col nnd no tracc of ua mul3 mostly ir bacon flour rice sugar and meal iio dld not lhlnlt umt n colee w hove ealen it all but i ven me bad taken a claim there two years m that caio there must have been i mn before and an the drought had deprived 1ar d the wrapping paper lei if him of a crop he hit upon the idea there wore however he failed to find of turning hli shanty into a store that i qnt could only conclude uiat the be might mm something to carry him dog had eaten what he wonted and burled through the winter there won much uie rest paper and all land open to settlement farther went i dm relumed to the kltchon cooked and a constant movement of home neeli- on ate hln breakfast after which ho era along the trail romlshcd him with wu iio the garden back of the houte steady customers and dug come potatoes as ho was re- when he had hln little establishment turning with a banket of potatoes he ready for biislnecn he painted rude caw a wagon and recognised flamuel sign and hung it over die door wbcn mayflcm the zvctucr he had- melln town the day before mayfleld stopped his wagon in front of the store and greeted lira cordially you ceo i am on the road early thin morning ho cold have to git bnck lu look after my stock well here comes my dog he added with a laugh as muuuhia approached i guess it would nt be any use for mc tcr trade ye out travellers i1aodon co oroceuies si pitovibions ihcy sometimes wondered wlio the co was and such were told that it was mug- ginn the dog yci hes my pard ilagdon would say i reckon tharn bin a lot worse pardncrn than muggins hes bin with mc ever since he was a pup u hlmt it ho added sn i didnt feel like gain inter any- g nc3 he felt reluctant d thing without lakin him in with me jj whnt mutt8lna had done u was muggins was part shepherd and port almost like accusing a member of ones jliit dog a hagdon would nay a big rmlly i aint nhare youd want him fellow with sploshes nf whjie and block i jc answered presently on his wft silken coat and with the why inquired mayfleld strength of a panther i guess he stole my fresh meat out as the sun went down and the sha l uv the wagon teat l nigh an of nlg1itrtr descend unohlhe piaurpe up hard btra a trine weakly nagdnnroce7 and calling muggins to never knowcilhjm trr art wluu the ulnrl blew a utile fmn n iihwit and tlir tlieriiiiinnttt drop- i p i in low item we forget loo tile dnyn lulu n we danhed through the drlfui to i i tn the stiiliteii and during those dnyn hie stork rerelvod insuiflclrilt water 1 nn tbry rould not hn ludlired to stay at tin uni trough long enough to drink in ivinhr tn many illi romfrirhi due to ik of slielur upiear vr ry real to un know ihut it b he hluii cold wlndn v l make our winter climate no dln- nltle nnd hint thh can he aver conic l our hotneu at ennt by shelter we know also that good shelter 1 nivc hiel would niftterlnlly add ir own domfort mid to the comfort uflfuro of nir live nlock and that j wiling ol a good shelter bell in ii iijng propoilllon lint in iprlng and iiliimr we force therefore lei un plan now to nlnrt planting a windbreak thu bomlng m aoii wllllu a single row of trecn will give considerable uhrlter the ideal shelter belt judging from exicrlcnce al tho dominion experimental otallou at chnrlnttetown phi should be at least oiil hundred tect wide should be situ ated about one hundred yards from the buildings and tihouhl protect them on the ulsl north and eoit in making the flrnt planting it li advisable to use native spruce mt in two rows about eight feet apart placing the trees six fcot nparl in tho row arranging them no that each trco in llic back row la in line with the space between each two trees of tlio front row qmni trees abdut six inchon or one foot in height are most tanlly- transplanted and should be dug up with a square of sod attached if two furrows are opened wjth the plough whore the lines are to be set out the trees may be placed in tho furrows and planted with utile trouble tipruco stand transplanting bestin an rub t fptember or october but the work may be done in early spring or in late fall after the first planting has been made its width may be increased from year lo year by additional planting a few no- tlvc olinrdwood trees tet out with later planting of spruce add much lo the appearance of the shelter bcit form a good background for the buildings all plantings should be protected from live stock the present head of the household mny feel that no benefit will be derived from a young shelter bolt in his day but trees grow rapidly and so on afford conslderablo shelter he ahould remem- bc too the f nil is of his efforts may j of hlylenee lirrurtpum tal farm tyolc genuine jiospitauty bhs waa a cheerful little wisp of a woman though pitifully bent and pre maturely aged by constant illness and childbcartng nut the had the friend liest spirit imaginable and such a wel coming attitude that to visit their house won a rare pleasure my fattier used to say that he would rather go there than anywhere else comfortable and preten tious tiinugh other places might be lie claimed it was oil in her friendly wel come that she dispensed a brand of hos pitality indisputably genuine one was nevof too tired nor too busy to meet you at the door clasp your hand with a warmth of affection that cnt thrills or pleasure running up your arm and invite you to stay to dinner che had ten children too mostly boys with the ravanous appetites of growing country children so that no matter how often her jiantry shelves was filled they could never be made to stay that way i can see thoce boys yet with great slabs of homemade bread and butter heaped high with brown sugar piecing between meals dut no matter if the supply of food could not be depended upon you were very welcome anyway and made to feel it too i have heard rather say that ho stayed to dinner at her invitation when the meal consuied of driedapple sauce bread without butter and tea he was ready for it however and in the sunny warmth of her wholehearted hos pitality uie simple- food became a feast olie offend the best she had without kcusa or apology if you were a real lady or gentleman you accepted it a such with a thankful heart too often our proffered hospitality con sists of something in the form of a vain show given to gratify our own inward sense of pride havent you heard liouse- wives say yes it was dlnnerumc all riflht but i didnt- asjt lhasa paopleto suy because i hadnt things nice enough not nice enough luierc it is enough to satisfy hunger or thirst plenty tor real refreshment nut not enough to natlsfy the personal pride of uie one wlio offers it too cften we ore bound liand and foot by ftar fear of what the other person may feel or think or say hut it la truly onuulnff how qulokly all really worthwhile people rcipond to a friendly greeting how often in after yeara they will remember and remind you of thol special meal you served the day they dropped in so unexpectedly and how refreshed they felt for the rest of lie journey t dont be afraid to offer to the hungry and the thirsty the soloce of a gcnubie hospitality in time of need flemembcr that the cup of cold water given hi the right spirit has become uie symbol of jjie smallest tervico glorified far all lime jamp hir next drew forth a uooicdoeii i aint trcaun mc right mo from a pine desk behind the counter i thats raised him from a pup i reckon and began figuring ill let you have him if hell suit you we have took in jlst nine dollar hc oult mo nl1 r uay on sixty cents he sold to muggins i ftcld beriy i need him to help me who stood near by watching uie pro- 1 ttlul mv glock a good dog saves a feller cess of canting up uie accounts for the many o step on a form day that aint very much but an while mayfleld wan talking he was we don t have any rent tcr pay nor u betting a rope from his wagon and taxes i reckon it will keep us from stnrvln i alms tcr i cent an that would el profit uv a dollar on ninetytwo cents w moment hc wn3 out and was fonten- ck twenty per i lng tllu fopc m collar then fer the day i nc toolc tllu dd ln nrma ncl nlm 1 1- ii nnon and fastened the rope i lo the bnck of uie spring scat im colli ter lei him ride he nald i you youll b- good ur him foltcr- i ed uzra i i will nodded mayfleld with energy i a in t uie man ter be mean ter a dog what do you think of that muggins llic dog wagged hla uul in mute ap proval it una evident that hc hod gone through the uunt experience before baa don opened a box took out some crackers and then cut a chunk of i n plenty uv good grub cheese from a hoop on the counter he u that i lhankyc a thousand umcn ploccd a liberal slice from uie chee tct nlm j n be o lot of company out with the crackers you wont mind im my much he climbed up to his if the cheese is a trifle old will you s in uie wagon and took up uie linen mugglnn7 dagdon asked holding uie n reached into hla pocket and drew cheese up for the dogn inspection qut umc money hc took a twenty- thts ume muggins barked his acqukn- dollar bill and held it out to ezra i cence and for this he received uie dont want uie dog fer nothln he said tempting food in a wide shallow pon lake this it will help you git another which his master took from under uie i dog if ye want one counter ezra drew back no uo he pro- hagdon watched him wlui nounfacuon tested j i wouldnt sell muggins i we have got to cconymlxc haint we couldnt do il i wouldnt part wlui him muggins hc said you hove got good stomach muggins on if uiat cheese b n lltuc mouly it wont make any difference not a bit- i aint so lucky an you my stomach cant stand anything an i has lo sort of pick my ilagdon sat down by uie door unul it was quite dark then he went into room back of uie store which served on kitchen living room and bedroom mug gins did not follow him but lay down by uie open door so an to keep watch that no one should enter unobserved during his masters absence from the store ezra kindled a fire in a small stove and prepared his supper it was near nine oclock when hc had nn lulled eat ing and returned to the store he found muggins lying asleep at uie door but not so soundly asleep uiat hc would not have been roused instanuy had anyone tried to enter there was no sound save the soft soughing of the nluht wind through uie grass and on occasional plaintive cry of uie prairie owl so call ing muggins and closing the front door t all if i didnt think it wan my dooty tcr punish him fer daln what he did besides i let you hove him with the undcrstandln uiat tf i i want him back i can have him bortenly cortcnly mr ilagdon as sented mayfleld alter mayfleld had driven on ezra took a scat by the door turning his gaze frequently toward uie nolilory wagon thol won moving southward along uie while trail already he had begun to feel a vague senuc of loncllncsn it had been o long ume blncc he was without a dog i wonder if hell keep a pan uv water fer him ho mused lots uv dogs die fer the want uv water it wan an hour before ho entered the store he had almost forgotten the goods hc hod brought from town and he now went to work to open the packages and place the contents on uie shelves aa he stooped to take up a box of crackers his gaze fell on a package done up in brown paper he picked it up it was the package of meat he had missed from tho wagon scot the beef roast he had suspected muggins of stealing ezra unwrapped it and stood looking at it for some time in a dazed nort way no i didnt bring it in ho said positively muggins did ill hc seed i liad forgot it i reckon an he brought ii in an laid it wlui uie other goodsl sat down on uie atool by uie counto and fell to looking vacantly about uie room i reckon i m gcttln old on hlldlsh ho sold i ort tcr knowed muggins wouldnt do il lie never had done a uilng like that an i went an gave him awayl ezra could not get muggins out of his i mind he must go after him to bring tuminys mteny censos turkey under fin new republican gov ernment has just completed tho first census ever token in uiat country this marks a big ntep forward ln the adop tion of western customs by thin once backward nauon americans arc accus tomed lo a uciieru census every ten yearn but it in different hi anla minor ihla li due not only to the backward lolrnn rl thnt controlled uie moslem ctiuntrii i fur no long tout alno to the interne pnjudlce thnt many cnaum jroplc tmvl iialiiit blnit numbered or undii uch ctridltloni careful plan ning win necessary to make nurc uiat the llrit r iius would be a succcn 8uf- lic n a umeratorr were appointed in i och ol ulty to complete uio count in o single day the govirnment uien in- sued a poclamatlon commanding every one to stay at home on uie appointed day and not to leave uielr houses unul jic clniiiis takers had completed uielr work ln hat district the order won obeyed it won a day of nllence for the cluca of turkey the shop- markeli ond placet of amusement weic all cloned the usual crowds hod dljuppiarcd and the streets were empty and nllent the only ones to be seen oul ttre uie cencus offlclola ulemselvcs arid mimctlmen a doctor visiting o paucnl or a tire engine answering an alarm in till puellufj are you the groom sjued uie be- wlularod old gentleman at a very elab orate wedding no sir was uie reply of uie em barrassed young man i was ellmln- otsd in uie preliminary tryout and locking it ezra went to the back roam and rcurcd tlio next day ezra drove to qadgcr- vlllo lo replenish his stock of goods muggins accompanied him while ezra won bartering for hla stock of goods and having uicm put into his igon hc run onto a man by the name of sam mayfleld who alno was buying provlsbmn hc had taken a claim nouui of ezras and intended to raise stock id like powerful well to have uiat deg of yutirn hc cold to ezra as the two stood by uie latter a wagon after the load won complete hes shore fine feller want to sell him bell him said ezra why hen my j him home suddenly it occurred lo him pardncx and you wouldnt expect me that hc might not be able to recover to sell my pardncr j the dog who won una stranger to whom mayfleld laughed no i cant soy he had given him might not he have uiat i would hc rip led but i reckon deceived him as to vhat hc wanted some feller haa done wuu than that with muggins he might cell the dog tcr their pardncrn you con alien trust j to ttonie one else i those thoughts wor- a dog rlcd ezra and uie picture of muggins thais rluht nortded ezra muggins tied in the nlritngcrs wagon and looking is more tnutwaruiy than moat men h ik longingly haunted him i can well believe that he looks well ill go an bring him home ijood if yuu and lie ever dissolve pard- tomomr cri taid over and over in tiitbhlp an you want tcr tell him jlnt un ifhut to coiuule himself an whrn kl me knuw an iii com arunln ter i gll him back ill not let anyone taki git htm queas ill not git off from him away again lawn before lermorrrr or the next day i mevtral movers panned during the day but i paiu your way an i go buck und ezre had quite a good trade when then slop an nee mc nluht nine he lighted the lamps in i fchorc will ooodbyc lii tir and went into the back room u fore ltalng town ezra btopped ill j to prepare hu uupicr leaving uie psr- i butcher shop and bought a hunk oftlilm ur ujar so to obtcrvc any one fuui meatu big href pot roast which win might inter the store laid on the nut bealdo him reckon tharu be enough tcr give mug- jln a good taste hc niuncd we jlji t git a taste uv fresh beef any loo fttn it win quite dark when ezra reached hmc and he made itantc to carry the goods he had bought into the hounc whrrc he piled them behind llic counter intending to put them on the nhclvea he next day when he kindled a fire in his kitchen ilove the next morning hc discovered uiat he had left uie pot roost of beef on tho seat ln the wagon what was lis surprko however to discover that he meat had disappeared during uie night what could have become of it it was not probable that any sneak uilcf whii ut lanl hln supper was cooked and di tin table tic sat down but an he did no out uf custom he wan about to ruich for a portion of meat to place in muggtnn dish when the recollection in hed n urn him that the dog was gone a kwirt feeling of lonellneu and remorse iwpt over him i u lih i hud him back no i could give him wimi uv tills meat he suld and cvin ui ik npokc there came a short itharp bark at the door a wellkno bark und with a thrill at liln heart ecru hurried to open the door there wan muggins trembling all over wlui ugrniiflv to gal in i he moment the iimr wui opened hc sprunu into uio room to llnd hti master a anus clusped about d of the rope that dangled iiuy hiuit calti fully i here arc many lltuc savings posijblc mhui purchasing fruit and vegetables if one but knows the tricks of uie trade for instance this year brings us a havy crop of small sized oranges wbcrc- us uie large oranges may not be overly pllntlfu as a result uie large orange will eell at a high price and uie small orange is likely to sell at far less than lh real value gome women have such a desire for size uiat they insist upon largo fruit without realizing the small fruit merely comes from tices uiat did not have a great deal of molsturo and may be just as delicious on uie large fruit further more these aeckcro after size are very ulsly to get a nmollcr amount of fruit foi their dollar ulan uie wiser shoppers duy fifty cents worth of large oranges itnie ume and alao fifty cents worth of small onen weigh them with without uie sklnn and see where your money has been spent most wisely with mall oranges plentiful and largo onui more or lens scarce there in almost ol- uys sure to be a gain in purchasing smaller fruit tiihi the way of fining it gov rued by uie liipurltlii lo be n brokrn sir hln work muni and olhrr impurltlm ml weak riidn which differ mnrlodly in nlxe and filiupe from un iiruln brliielenin d can n ndlly cleaned nut by morl fanning mil i properly niwtlited thh wrctl mcils wlih h are of miirh the nnmn nlze an die grain beltie cl am d n the main dllflciilty and where such ieparaunnn are to ho hindi- special muchlni n ant necen- n try ond in npielal coim an separating mild oat i from oaln uie only thorough in ih id ot clianlng in by hand picking 1 lii dialling out of inert matter ond i d nidn of widely different size from liiiln need nofte dlnciitncd extensively hi uili article mi noiiily any moke nf ii in nil purpoie rlniiier propurly opera t- il ulll do good work in nuch rnnrn care hi it h i taken to opernte al the right peed and jo fi ed within itn caparily in when the nlevi i are overloaded no rnechlne enn do good work th dialling of cm in where uie im purltlm ore similar in shape preeentn greater difficulty and in many casrs npeclnl cleanrrn am rcqulnd u do a good job in nny dlitrlrl where n cen tral cleaning plant in available the farm- r in ndvlied to have hln grain cleaned nt mich a plant unless ho ralnen sufficient need to warrant installing a plant of hln awn a fairly mitlnfactorily mnall clean ing plant can be fixed up by a farmer by combining a funning mill and on in dent or dink machine in line the fan ning mill will blow off or separate tho inert matter and widely different sized seed and the special machine far the purpoie will make the finer reparations game fnmicrn use a combination of three mnchlnen the last two being oul ted for special purponen to determine whether the machine bi doing the workyou wish uprcad oub a quanuty of uie cleaned seed on a table where weed seeds can be moro readily seen a sample may also bo cent to a need labrutory where an annlysln of the impurities will be made all need should he cleaned before seed ing and cleaning should ho done early enough in tho nprtng fo uiat the work docs not have to be hurried experi mental farm note enjoy lahning a living anybody wlui uie average allotment of brains and with reasonable health can moke a success nt fiamcuitng so there la no reason for any of you young people to riji tlil decldlqg on your occupauon in life your tastes and liking should be considered of course but do not confuse your en joyment or uie rewards of micccco with your liking of uie work ltnclf many a girl thinks she wants to be a writer who will not even take uie troubli to learn to spell many a boy thin ice he wantn to be un engineer becaunc uie out door work appeals to him yet he in a perfect dunce where mathematics are concerned every year crluun brand new occupa tions think how many people today arc mrklug a living out of the radio i u rlandn to rcnion that everybody ex cept th- incorrigibly laay who arc mis erable if uicy have ua do any kind of work should be able to enjoy the bail ncsn of earning a living issaiiuitee ijevrmmniaiulftutsauifud i poultay reguluym vhtrkwfuxm pooltry dooer jhrmtf orf ctimpaif afcvnu umlttd for sole by w d talbot acton ontario dont suffer from cruel piles a fvli dressing for wauiuu in soma factories and worksluiis carbolic aculji kept for use in cautcrbdna wounds und cuts sustained by uu workmen vur bet lp r to keep on hand a bailie of ihojtia kclectrlt oil ii is juijt aa quick lu axunn and doea not scar the skin or bum the fluh hod passed that way he reinmberrd fiim the dogs collar sluiwrd where hln ry clearly of having left uie meat liiluelh had effected hli liberation and uie spring teat and that he had not i the hot breath und palpitating tongue taken it out lie was posluve i that carrsnod hln musters face wero proof as he ran uie matter over in his mind that he had not loitered after escaping he climbed up in tlie wagon again and from ills bondage onked among some loose hay hi tho clood old muuglus murmured ezra bed suspecuiig uiat uui moat might have happily ill never treat ye umt way dropped into it as lie glanced about ogiln old hoy neverl his tyia ftll on some telllalcmorks that i it won a huppy reunion and that gave him a shock of surprl on uie night mugulnn nlrpt on a noft mat right hiring aeat were tlw priulu of a dogs by it li nwittiri bpd nnd early mi the hit muddy foolprlntu now ulnuwt dry i following mmiilnu luzru put u new ilgn a nwlft thought came to kjsu a mojt ov r the dixir which read unwelcoine suspicion thai uie footprints llaoixn a muogintl 4ud iwcii uladi by muggins uuruly he ultoceiueu it pltovluiono what the watchmaker founi once upon u tlniu the ntory gcen a one cathedral clock in a great euro pean city ceased lo sound out its chimes it wun uie pride of uie place and every one wan aitonlnhed und disturbed some said it wan n warning of impelling ill- fort u lie some uiought it uie work of i nrmlen the caretaker of the cathedral climbed into the tower and carefully examined the great works- of uie clock they btenild junt as usual the wheels and ffprlugs had not been tampered wlui yet the clock which had given out its chimes for years was silent a crowd gathend below but tic cotlld n give ttltl i ny rcasan for uie stoppage of i luchlncry lien un old watchmaker climbed up was familiar with all the usual re-o- sont for nuch stoppage hut he could unci nothing wrong for a while finally in oiis of the moot delicate springs of the old timepiece he nptcd o uny bit omethlng und examining itnilnutejy mnd the crushed body of a lltuc ltittcrfly had lodged there all the splen did ptallng uf uie chimes had been stop- pi d by thli insignificant trifle he moved it and ul once the music chimed forth again tiuch a little uilng how could u stop big piece of machinery like uiat tho answer is uiat ii did no matter how small un obstruction ll wun it could and did obstruct bonic thing large and im portant the more exquisite the lurch- luilsm the mure- danger from the small- tnt thing hint thus lodged itself in 11 in th- i ume way tiny things can slop giettt things from being done in life the girl who lias a fault wlijrhhe docs not riinove will find it puta an end to all the nitiilc that her life might make it may lurdty be noticeable but it ob- ntnieiu juit an surely a wcrct sin can amlyre the springs of what might be a splendid career illtldtn unseen it does lln fatal work no evil lu too small to be deadly olds world ha nuiur what reuirdlm you luv trted or wlst btiyoiut lias told you pilu can b cllmlaattil witlioii tan opera lianwennl ircolment natuiui t imilt ultillldy liaa liralfd tlioutanilb of stubborn auca far overm year byrimfwat ik taut of tkt dti4jit get a box from your tlrujaut today nod wotcliltwcakiumogtc upon you- money back u not mccmiul natures pile remedy noocguiulna wlilwut nam a a w mutllt a t brown drurriht ul s afln id years of aithma dr j d kfllogga anlhmu kemrdy proved tho only relief for one grateful user and thin 1 but one cane among many lltuc wonder that ll turn now become uie one ri iounli d rt mi tty on the market it hai uriii tl ltd faun by iu never fulling rlfnthuii- it i laming it to- duj an it haa done fur yiuru it is greiih m iijlhiiiu iqieclfu u ithlu uio h of oulfcrltig huiuunlly jeasfem steel fkoducfe preston ont kfobtl toxthuo for sale sajoo will buy a cony comfort able home in rock wood adjacent to highway cotivinlcnt lo railway ihiat office public and continua tion tkhooli churchen etc oimmi garden laud well built brick houte in veil roumn large cellar and cbtern well sltuutrd 13750 will purchase a full two- ntorey brick house with flnlsied atur nine rooms equally con venient a above these are dislruble properties uud worthy of coiisldurutlon come und 6i e william harris uotkwood ontauio save ai groceries cekkal0 rail j olni4 rl nllud u it 33c com vuit o oil own 3 tltg4 ik muffuiir paclag i2e 0m nult p plu i be pufl ml ptt pl 1tfe kim cupl 2 pt 2tfe 1taoh yovk polish aullr colli s w xc raisins srictr 3 lbs zic bak1no mud catluft usulb macaroni iii 3 lb z4e canned ooodfi im1 mj btu ubliyi or aylvr 2 2 li 23 p lynn vlly li isok 3luf 20c st cp tliull lrnl 2 2lu23o cduim tukikoi cow ayl- mr fancy lln ide cnco4nut shrlff lb 10 wsluou in lt 47 coljn dt 3 11m 20c lud pl krvon haeil pfau lie 4ly riou slirf lrn llsulnu iowjw carroll pur i m in 23c sugar to lbs 55c caekitpruul baklus powdef flpa1 xoc salmon victory fhtnl rrtl raj c0i104 i lb tin wo pw f rfl piaa 5ju pouflor i9c 49c pbuiv8 pihmi ppb a y im ai 2a im pi aylmmi ii 1 cuolrm 2 1m tte r di 24c asparagus rulmnncjrimm 3ud ponlj vry tuou p j4 i lb tin hui 4pkgt 2s no 2 1 wukuat a 2 plgi 13c rsipbrrut aylm f4u 2 tillkt i3e clic mo 2 im cold ldu1 2 tlai 13c aptuau aylmr swpim3ai 1oui40c n 2 nn 21 r ri 3 toilet soap si cfo citj tou tu ffrfb 9jim buy them at rolls where quality is as high as prie tans law ew n alert newsboy on a lav when new wa dull and sales were few turned to the advertihiiijr pajres for inspiration heid about th- hig department store cale lie shouted fine quality suits at 22 meant i ful furniture on sale ui stoel ol jfiiprs was sold out vei nieklx this eae is of course exceptional mut it points k jie fact that advertising is news and iriportanl news it is the news ol dailr lile the news that comes closest to 011 iii 1 1 lose about you it is news ul the tiirni i1c en sit in the hooks vou read lli itonds you buy the automobile you use the flashlight talking machine food products thatgive you satisfaction i s thai cone rns you more vitally flian anythirf 1p- viu riad news that is es- niial lo ou because whether vou pur chase a piano or a pin vou want the best nionev cm huv r and 011 can always he sure vou are clliii tlu new est and best when vou read the ad eit isemcrits the advertisements contain pocket book newsand thats important ibilbittlliillb illblllljaibblliulllllllliiiii if you expect to sell you must advertise jy

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