shjtf artmt 3ktrim 3imw iliuitmijay mauoii 10211 iiom1 it ni i t in r ly hi iih with plltun i tin 1 iv li n iltc c tr kiiimi with ihilu ihiiiiiki ii urn i i j vnlrh th faithful iltivr nuilliii n nth th in ii mc i wh i th n i humr in whin tin it in t quart unlln himic mid iflkli i i rullii i hi hrnrt hath nbo ir to love oiip to invo un ilnmri not mi n ly room nnd room nrrdji it n miililnii to endear it homo in whrro tho heart can bloom wheiv thee n nome kind lip to clicor it wlinl in iwrnf with none to itieot none to weleome none to byck un hume in nwei t and only nvpct win ro tin il n on wo love to meet u charlca w ounlli tlir iiousi of donth jimmy 1 dint touch that book i mary don i makr no much noted haven t i told you n hundrtd tlmcn not to ninm that door uillyl dan l you know any better ihnn to come into the parlor with your dirty nliocfll sarnh-f- v how often will i have to trll yoiiil jo yell and elioutl oh dear i tlute children nearly drive me crusy and ro it cocn hour after hour the whole 1 day ions and go it goes day after day month after month and year after year until little jimmy and mary and ililly and sarah havo left the home and dirty han do and ftet ooll no more linen or car petn and nhrlll chlldbih voiccji no lonacr fill tin homo with their clamor nnd father nnd mother ihlnltlnff quietly over the pout wonder if they wore just wine in bringing up their boyn and girls one thins nccmn pretty clear in thla matter and that in that tho house that in plastered with dan t from cellar to attic in no placo for a mvo boy or nlrl wo do not menn that children nhould be allowed to do an they lllto we do not mean ihul there la to be no parental tnntructlon no wlso and nteady hand at the helm wo do not mean that parents should look on and lautfh while the children carry on a carnival or destine tlon but we do mean that tho cliu drcn ahould come before the carpeto the linen the china or the furniture we do mean that the home ahould be a homo and not n prlcon we do mean that tho children have a oacrcd right to live out their childlives freely naturally without undue restraint and with moat sympathetic supervision wc have no use whatever for the home that jo too cood for tho children if nccen- sary wo would tear up tho carpetfl cell tho chippendale pull down all the don u -wo- have pu up rant toll tjih children that ihc homo- was for uunn a tin tun a or mc ft iie ministiiiq ordination p bid thee welcome hi tht nama of jcnun our cxnlte d head come an a rcrvant ho he rnme and we receive tint in hli rlead come ns a watchman take thy stand ujkjn tile tower qralnnt the nlty and whrn the award cairns on the land cnll ui to flnht or warn to fly came as the nnfte1 inner to gulde a baml of pllurlmn uu tlielrway i hat ruflly walking at thy mac wo fulnt not fall nut turn nor ntray comettti a teacher ncnl from qod cham d iil wh il council to declare lift o cr our nuilti the prophets rod while w uphold thy liandt with prayer montgomery too in tin iii 1 1 lion i lullive lomti of them thiuuht the honoml ellvlmt hud lake 11 li uvi or llli i hi i hilt ho huelll t iin wn jiint in ln lmy iilialn in tlin eilil linnie town an a friend of lioyhijod dnyii i cul- n in el clnirllp for lit many manly quail tie i nnd hf rue to life principles hut le i e w tlilni i prrlnlly my admiration hn i n vi r v ii vi rid when chnrllo wan n i y t irlumil clmrlii wan alwayn will ein i innni mallhrwn the rldnit dm ik hie r of oorue mnltheun tlin main mire it hulrher when clmrlii left linme ami wint to rorento 1 mma continued in tio the lmncnt airl ilr icnew and every llm he rente homo on a holiday tho flrnt place he visited wan up at matthew i when he hnd chnwm the mlnlitry no his lift work and had de cided to go to opiirieonn college london luirland to takr ills courre weekly icttern enmc back to lnmia nnd when the cmirw wan completed and charlie came back to hln native land and hln home town thin dearest rjlrl of all was die first to be favored with a visit from the ovcrnrnn student when charlie beff pardon thr rev c a cook wan calld to the pastorate of ills first church in toronto nnd he accepted ho hied him home to acton and entered into another covenant and cliorlrn nnd kmnrn wore united in th bonds of holy matrimony i think hln father the rev it xu cook bclnor the officiating mlnlnter through all thenr fifty yenm mm cook han been n real helpmeet an ideal ministers wife dhe han helped hlm in his work and helped many of tlie people on his various pastorate- and charlie han never for a moment regretted that ho wan loyal to hh rrhoolboy a choice of a partner for life i nm cure thla golden anniversary nt seattle on the 21nt inst will be an aus picious and happy affair and many kind tlilngn will be said and many kind deeds done by officials ant parish ion eern nnd frlendn there in recognition of firty years of successful ministry but i think i can cay with confidence that there will be no more cordial good wishes than those which emanate from the sincere hearts of tho fri untie hi tho old luime town nt acton canada moii midicii lor their laughter and their song to live na ood intended tlienr joy nnd gladness in freedom anj com fort all their days we remember long ngo a kind but mistaken mother who whipped iilt little girl if chc dirtied her dress we met her successor the other day and wo wonder ed when tho clvllhted world would ever grow wise enough to allow a child the blessed privilege of getting dirty sometimes we ceo an immaculately dress ed little child carrying himself or her self like a piece of dresden china and we always feel sorry for them and wc never sec a barefooted little urchin run ning hilnrlously through the mud pud dies and taking not a little of them with them without feeling tliankrul that there are still fathers and mothers wise enough to appreciate the value of mud most of un have cense enough to bo airly scnilble ir othero would leave un alone but after we have token a course with mrs orundy wc como to see that tlie things which are natural are taboo and the things wc like arc tho tilings we ought not to do and do wc try to train up our children to bo utue lord fauntleroya and wo are sore perplexed when they tum out plain little joneses and bmltlis with a distinct liking for the common people and their ways parents make a great deal of unneces sary trouble and worry for themselves by trying to turn little children into old men nnd women it can t bo done and it wouldn t be worth doing if it could bo done ood meant children to be children nnd wo shall only face failure and disappointment if we attempt to make uiem anything else the homo should be built for lh children furnished for the children run for the children not wholly of course yet null with the clear recognition that the children are the most sacred and valuable treasures that are in tlie bestow al of the most high it u possible to acommodate the home to tlie children but it is scarcely possible and it in certainly most inadvisable to seek to accommodate the children to the furni ture and tho furnishings and it is also a blunder to seek to make the children fit in to father and mothers scheme of things there arc homes where fathers will nnd mother a pleasure are law und the child s rights arc ignored or forgotten wo are not arguing that fathers and mouieni have no rights but wc maintain most firmly that when the child enters the home he brings his tights with him and fathers rights and mothers rights must b made to coordinate with those of their child it is true the child has no right to ignore father or mother but it is equally true that father nnd mother- arc in duty bound to recognuo the claims of the child we have the power physically to insist that the child accommodate himself to all our ways but morally wo are bound to recognise that aur right to have or do certain things must be limited by tho child a light to do or have certain other tilings and a training which is unduly punctu ated with don ts is not the training which child life needs nor the training which will make home the pleasantcst spot in the world which ood intended it to be lirty ycajia an oudainld pdxachcr an important epoch in his life a i ccr glvei me the rughestlon for a story respecting one of ur acton boys tins mnde good und wliusr record will bo signally amphaslzcd thli month a pacific coast city i urn very glad limcod i am real thankful that in thin menu hints wwii- nkhru i fr now ami nuvd ifnubfliolil lileuu and hijkjrrfcllaiiu os pruning to makfc sthonl mtuit tulfs tht lo nitntlld each year by t brtuklng down of fruit trees is in lurgi niluauru avoidable if proper care h uikm in tiie early ytars of the tret a gieut diul if tlil damage is a result e f ioor crotches or a poorly sliapcd i cjid judutd by the standards aliliigth unforlunuuly when judged by the nlandaids if sanitation the opeii l ntre trie la perhaps a trifle butter lliun tti modified leader type which thi type w art going lo talk about tho modifier it uder system consist in all mlng thr central leader to grov to u height or four ar five feet er even more if a high headed tree is desired along this central leader branches nro selected to form the main fmmework of the tree probably u t more than six will be kept and uieue will be well spaced around tho leader to get n well balanced head as soon as tho uppermost branch has been sc kctcd the leader is cut off ut this ikiint 1hu gives a tree with a central jixln lor about five foot with brandies radiating from ft which is a much utronger trie than the old open centre or vajw shaped tree which u frequently a word about selecting branches for the framework flomu brunclica und to grow upwurdji m a very sliarp angle to tlie main stem llils sharp angle makes a weak crotch and such branches should not be elected try lo get brandies which are f irmtnii more of a right angle to thr main stem this con better be nrcompllshed when pie sclcuton is made fieini brunches vo yiars eld very ye ung branches hav not udopted their n al angle of grouth and it l difficult to preijier m u t lion central iix- note i arlei of a boyhoods friend i read with some amazement in my copy of the pace putun last week that 4ic fiftieth anniversary of the ordination of rev charles a cook d d would take place at the wut side ilnptlst church at portyfourth avenue bent uc washington of which he in the pastor and would be celebrated on tlie evening of the twenty flrat of march it was only after a re reading of the item that i began to realize that this was our own charlie cook who ran bare foot on the streets of acton away back there sixty yearn ago who attended the jld public school nnd was a pupil of the late robert little and made nhocpn yea at emma matthews across the alslo when mr little wasn t lookin who clerked in one or two of acton fl j to re j in his teens and went to toronto to take a bigger job before he was twenty yes this rev dr cook who has onent fifty years in preaching the gopel since the church gave him hln parchment fifty years it is difficult to realize li why when i look back and see charlie carry lug water from the main street spring up over the hills to the family residence on palrvlcw avenue tho home of tits father and mother rev r d nnd mrs cook it really docsn t recm that more than half that time has passed but when i begin to cast my thoughts over the- interesting icrlod nnd recoil vents in which charlie was concerned i gucs1 the lustorlnus arc right nnd it really is half a century since tsiey be gan u refer to my former schoolmate as tlie ilev mr cook as 1 sit here and pander over the events of the early days i can see charlie in many tilings which transpired when we were boyji together with the other boya and the girls of our boyhood youth with great distinctiveness i can sec charlie at acton school he was a bright icholar btudlous when studies wcrecrpcctcd and full of funat inter mission time and before and after school hours while good naturcd charlie had a will of hut own and he was very positive in gome of his arguments with other boys or groups of acliolars when n tlie playground i remember am spring day charlie and punch farmer had an argument which they seriously dlflored they dldn t come to blows nor cnll each oilier bad names but they made a rush for n catch as catch can wrcstli each other in the meele chnrlie punch with considerable force to the ground punch unfortunately had his left arm under htm when he fell and the impact fractured the member then there was a hullabalu ai soon ns it was renllzd how serlam the injury was chnrlie sprinted across hit i orblddcn fields of smith n to get down to dr mcoajvin s in the quickest possible time th- di fl gig stood at the drug store h re harold wiles confectionery store is t v lie tolj cliarlte to jump in with him nn1 they were nt the school al mlbt hooner than you could cay jack roblnion ni tin y uitd lo remark 35 other reoplt h ttteasuilfs some of you young people can re member tin bitterness nnd the resent ment that filled your childish hearts when you were told that the bright colored pebbles nnd shells you hod col lected at the seashore were trash nnd thnt the lovoly green moss you rud brought h irani the woods could not allowed indoors it was not tlie loss al uui moss and the pcliblcs that nurt eaurobiuahaft u eoutmp4- hmrt mt t mnti pr thj scncltlvcnesn pcrutn all of you have come tiling you treasure although to other people it may cecm worth little a budding friendship between two girls was nipped because when one of them asked the other up to her bedroom one fateful afternoon tlie visitor chose to laugh at one of the pictures on the wall of course sho did not know the assoctatloni that made it the mast prec lous object tn the room but her tact leanness ended the friendship then and there the things that seem to you old fnsh loned queer uninteresting and worthless may be another s treasures 1iv 111 riv lmuci al al mon mjiiii with lipanioii i mauc1 1 ran salmon i teaspoon calt u teaspoon paprika 3 trnponnt lemon juice j cup soft brend crm ibn j cup milk yalki 3 rggn whiten 3 egnn thoroughly rhino rnlmou remove bancr inel skin repnrnta into flakes nnd add i nonlugn cook brend crumbs in milk mlnulen aeld nnlmon nnd the egg yolkn i ili n until thick and lemon colored hen rut nnd fold in whites of t hpi ben n until stiff nnel dry tum fiilo bu red dtnh wt in n pan of hot water and bake in a moderate oven until firm uerve with qpnnlih sauce made ns follows 3 tibknpoonn butter 3 tablespoons flour 1 cup milk l cup pimento puree j cup creniji 1 teaspoon salt ii teaspoon pepper melt butter add hour and stir until wall blended then pour on gradually wliil- rtlrrlng constantly milk and cream drlng to the boiling paint and add seasonings nnd pimento puree to ob tain pimento puree drain canned pi mentos nnd farce through a puree strain er oltanoe fresh pruit deosrrt 1 package orange junket 1 pint milk 2 ornngen peel ornngen round and round remov ing all the whlto inembruiie nnd wllli a nhnrji knife remove the pulp in sec tions eccdlcis arangas are beat ar range 3 or 4 orange rcctlans in each desjert glass warm the milk until luke warm not hat add the junket and stir for ono mlnutt pour into glosses lei stand in a warm place until cet then chill before nerving piazza punch l cups orangcjulcc l cup white grape juice i pint ginger ale mix ingredients iwur into a large glass pitcher over pieces of lee and serve in claries makes y flasca 13 punch glasses james symon leases the cooperative store wcxxadu wwii lbuon n icwrrel oneiwipc first on flesh what your dislikfs bhow some one has asked the very pcrtln ent question as to whether or not jilt tng a per- on is no me tiling ngalnst him or homethlnic against the one who dislikes htm if you are honest you must ad mlt that it ts as likely to be tlie latter the former you must own that sometimes you dislike people because they arc more popular than you are because they make a success of the la lea at uhlch you fall sometimes your dislike is due to some little man nerism which really is unimportant but which blinds you to many fine qualities ioiir dislikes arc likely to be due to xnggcrntcd self love or to stupid pre judice as to a recoil from that which ignoble and unlovely those of you ho dislike somebody heartily would do well to ak yourselves whether this dis like is something against the other per son or n gainst yourself a chance to bigin again failure has been designated as only a chance to begin again and to begin more intelligently while that is ap plicable to everyone it is especially true in tho case of young pcpl a college girl failed to pass her examinations at tlie close of her sophomore year and it took the persuasive powers of all her family and friends to prevent iter from leaving school for good instead she attended summer school passed her ex ami nations in the fall and during her junior year put her school work first with eoclnl pleasures as n side line the result was that the following spring she stood well toward the head of clasa her failure did not mean giving up but starting again more intelligently never accept failure as final whethrr jou arc younger or aider look on it rather ui a i lomjii far a new and better utart wihn t1ily uppittepup you with chrrsrcloth ride and then on the skin aide over a bed of hot coals or under the gas flame make six triangular slices toast and npreevd wluvjemon butter out fish and arrange pieces on the toast oamlsh with slices of lemon and woter- aloitlpted rice add e cup rlc to 3 quarts boiling inter with 1 teaspoon salt cook 30 minutes or until tender and preserve shape of rice drain rinse with 1 quart cold uatcr and put in a cold placo until rendy to cerve add 3 cups crushed plne- nppli 10 marsh mallows cut in fourths 2 3 cup chopped nuts va cu powdered sugar and a few grains of salt paid in ptnt cream beaten stiff and serve bi glujls garnished wjth cherries ld purine u culli a him physically but miiitul u ny i une h h iik i plaining t that it it h mid i d punch ies moat of wbj prettly badly hurt chnrlie cook buflercd ii ii iped u take in i wu1 wry j unctllle uj hi jalh r and mother k hi r un iircldtnt hint were n t tn j el and lint w if it hadn i hipilllled il very da j 1 1 eh 1 i i in fil in to 1 n tum l i it ft r lo il m able lo u perlmeuial 1 un ruard and hi n tint th iv iitlbiy lighten r t i i j th it v charle a to 1 do i n ur f th weht bide t i t churth siatlli waihtngt n und e j ilwlli 1 urni r d d prliillple el in tlngj culltgi hiitlngi nebiuka ii has jut come touie that they were it he j mi cluhd in bunduy sehool when h y were ijjij at tn nn charlie cook woo a mil boy he d in rully ruihcr go fishing or playing ill up on tile od chiiiii n than cut i et or wee i uil garden ut h me ip liking ef flihlng i recall uiat charlie s far trout fl htng always ileiod with him tope dully wh n lit wie vl itlug the ild h une with it boyhixkl haunts and iivlroniui ntn one time about thirty e ura iilu win n charlie una home from ii dun 11 in new jenny mar new york i got up fblilng party to gi fishing up to tin clrund rlvi r 1 litre were ur fti tin pirly ihuy hid ouce in hooking speckled treiut beauties but had fisherman a luck fi r a nunimci thundrriu nil tnmt up und before they e uld ii t mult r cover every one eif the quaitette was ftouked to the skin in thl condition tiny drove into town ilily were a j illy bunch in tin ir soakid at lire i in party comprlj ret ld mrourvln iiuchcr moore it p m re and charlie i can net the rirenclu d compnnj now leuehtr mix re was driving john wll hams until and the thne othci i were milking the be t tf their pndkament of bt 1 iu1hiij c uitng tlawn main t churlb middrnly mood up in the ent uli i mi titid tn nrtiiid x jlli v tile i re h lh all alive six i tut of flw ulth it nsteriiation lio tltlzeiu wh wero lookeru on many a pompouj papa dignified data- i and arrogant auntie finds such de lltht in corrcctbig the mis pronounced dn of their friends und relatives that latter meet them in fear and tremb ling i lie amusing thing about this ts that in must ciiito the nompuun dignified and nrrogant ones mispronounce many s e words themelves quito frequently jou will hear the v rd salmon pronounced sail moti il ruy he i it un ilent an the p in ii irsu rudl h our friend the die lionury tell ut that sam on is the i l prtmuuiirlullem itrh r elully the clironlc corrector el mlip cqouneed words and you can 1 1 ly 1 1 1 tt u w error oj glaring as h corrcrtlitg th corridor is th mir it method of curing him and rid ii the neighborhood of an insufferable glms of thought in thojc vcmnl seasons of the yenr when the air ts calm and pleasant it were nn injury and sullcnncss against nature not to go out and sec her rlclies and partake in he rejoic milton die ed the man who when he faccq backward 01 all must do sooner or later llndn no specter in thcuc depart ed years to fright htm in his dreams the human soul to hospitable and will entertain conflicting sentiments and impartiality george clllot truth justice and reason lose all their force and all their lustre when they orenat accompanied with agreeable man tiers thompson when death tho great reconciler has come it is never our tenderness wc re pent of but our severity george hliot lxample to more forcible than pre ceptpeople look at my six days in the eek to aec what i mean an the seventh cecil if all the year were playing holidays port would be as tedious as to work shakespeare the clay when soft to moulded by its surroundings so are wo hi youth there li a marvellous want of savor in our piety it li a flower or autumn colored an highly as it need to be to tlie eye but destitute of fragrance horace sushncll one to uurncd by nature herself not sjt down by the side of sad thoughts ci my friend oliver hns it and dwell vt luntary with what la sorrowful and painful vet at the samo umo one hns to say for nnoclf at least i have uiat nil tlie goad i ever got came o me rather in the shape of sorrow carlylc electric irons 98c genuine hotpoint irons regular 0 50 for 550 jilh symon iili iciuscd he cooperative store i tin i i i up and will remove i mi ilnrdwnrc stock to uiese inrjjr premised on ami after marcli 1h hard ware in a bulky commodity lo move licncc thla itc moval sale we dont want to move one more article limn nxccsisary and to do tlii4 we arc offennrf sweeping keduchuiih in ijvcry line in our hip hard ware stock tlie price cutting li not confined to pny one line hut pwch right through te entire stock spring m jiut n round the corner stock up your ilardwnrc needs at tliji nale wc cant iwt every article make out a ilst of your hardware nceda and come in and get our quntntioiih if you do not hcc the article advertised you want sale from friday march 8 to saturday march 16 inclusive niche prices anil reductions arc good for lhotc dayn only were mining and oull have to move if you want to hike advantage of the benefits of tliifl sale just a little over a week for you to act j2s8 v hound cihculatok queiilc iieatlks at rcruiar 2s 00 dq t tor plizj lio ii hiateiti roller gratls rt o h rtgular i 0 00 vxoij household needs screen doors pin in stylt at 31 7 tuncy trimmed ncflt door nt 2 85 and thl extrn trimmed door to move lit i1 s3 lianil indow scrccns in nil the wanted sizes at from 18c to glc in this removal sale galvanized tin and granite pails galvanized pails size no 14 sale price galvanized pails size no 10 removal sle priee tin pails in this removal sale lit grey granite pails tize no 14 to move ut coal oil stoves nesco perfection stoves nt the moving price ot perfection oil sieves during this sale at coleman gas burners rcgulnr 40 to move out our stock electric stoves moore electric four burner with hieh oven nnd warming closet rcgulnr price 115 00 rcmovnl sole price bench electric stove with four hot plates mid high wnrinnil elect and low oven regular 120 00 tflfl ca removal sale price 7ij tq clear the ualance of our stock of eloctnc rixturen a reduction of go on the regular price lawn mowers lawn mowers taylor forbes j blades 12 inch for 71l lawn mowers taylor horbes blades 1 inch 11 70 all prices are good only for thli week 13c 68c 21c 53c si1 1 2g 75 folding ironing bonrds reg 3 22 ironing boardb thnt sold regularly nt 5 00 for jjup ladders with mm- 149 3250 nnd warming 11000 5t6ot step ladders in the sale 2j15 clothes horses only few nt this price cocoanut mats size 14x24 inches 9c cocounut mats larger size aq 18k30 removal snle price oc clothes baskets reg 35 for 8dc cistern pumps that sold djo oq regularly tor 4 50 at epfo f ilvamred boilers tn this sale at copper bottomed tin boilers at removal price solid copper boilers to move out at kirsh mltal curtain rods at onetimid oft regular prices i wo and three quart sauce pans at 37c and 47c 1 trunitcwnre at a reduction of 20- during this sale i only beautiful china tea set of i pieees for 98c brooms nil grades and sizes from 30c to 08c i o d choppers in this removal sale at 139 and 169 dais lea kettles removal sale price 24c ai l mr siock or aluaunum warp at 25 regular pr1cts all the cutlery in removal sall at 20 t large size rolls of toilet paper for coal oil cans one gallon coal oil cuns for i ivt gallon size of oil cans ut oft orr 25c c9c 98c wagons willi rubber tires disc wheels and ball one size at sm25 bearings roller coasters no 3 size rxg 4 50 375 roller coasters no rfp fh 2 sue reg 0 50 udj hardware for the farm l uliidis i oil tlluucii ml iviitl it this is your luck ii you treat tiort ttininta bronchi ua cn un culill ilrunclilal attima head colds cutunti unj luui uu wltti mn yblllji spatuirn lunallllt 0km1 re aulta or mun y back b j haawird rluiikl lliiiu ua i ijli taul li tlir con t ulna prayer i mn wlrni watcli ltpa 11 an busluru time man wliotc calendar ictlnir nlflht liliiuud li liil man wlio la faithful n u roinnilttrc liluv d in un man who will not olmln it u drtulu and awalluw on u duwniwur 11 ti 1 la uil mun who loves the hurui with hta ihmiciiu ao well as hla una itttilcil u the man who iravls uk itlcul spirit on tht nldlwallt uliikcd la ukr man who li not afraid uf bpolllnu tlu nitnlur by a wort of pruljj ilirit li tlu mun uhi haa latlenci i uili in will ua piety iilrmd l tht mun who haa jmcc qui h to ulvt up uic end neat guves and mitts wool lined mitttt per pair from jc to si ii lined gauntlets in this removal sulc ut per pair 59c to 12 stable brooms it inch at 78c lanterns high and low style at 1 1 lantern glasses at the removal sale price of 1 ioi 25c sap pails in this removal sule at each 2jc sweat pads of good quality at each g9c crosscut saws 5 foot a removal sule special m f barrel churn bcutty make in the moving bale at si i 75 1000 gravity washer a real bargain nt i9 7 horse collars all sizei removal sale price 2 dr hrss stock tonic 2s lb pails nt 00 dr htss poultry panac1 a 9 formaldehyde for trcatinf gram reg hsc bottle ioi ioe sulphur in this sule ut 7 lbs for epsom salts h lbs for r grit ut is lbs for 25c or per cwt mk oystlr shfll 12 lbs for 25c or per ewt s1 75 oiipvhs ami mrks all sizi and kinds at 15 oi r itl quiui mfcnts iou sucfyh uii 1 1 not nnd money fur iuccraa uu it uf thi out tandinu nun of the wulil bcuun lift a pur boya you do not ntmtt tntclltrtunl brllllajlcy the 11 hunt p oplr urr ilw und urn porcciiuil of ilhitiu uuionu them u rather urte u it not nnd pull to eiiabln you to it n ui mark indrid t li a iurn n uh th r i i an uilvunumr or dl iilviiitiii you tl mnl wllllntf i i wi rk hint und bulldm ilrurmlnu- u ullun hluuyn mrmn ihut you art- luoktru on i d i nt in will ixjwtr a safe way to end indigestion acid iiullu atlun nunnurh soitnn a liua tic are midi lominin ulur catlna i in ni now u diiya that many people takr ttu tu u1 u matter of caurnc or nick nllrf ullh the ilrat uitnk uiat a handy i hry fi uincikly ji notnlnif but ordl nary blrarboiuu of stxla nevir rcnlla- lrk that thmiuli thla oun buu uic i lulu it may bi dulnir btrluun harm to iho btimitdi llntuu imdlntf rvi u u dan uj iiouutcti ulura a nalr rvlhitile tituuiunt for arid utouiueh tr nlblen til the dully u i after incula of n lltuc 111 uuiteti muunr lu tlthir ubkla or poal r ihln initunlly iirutralltea i i li ckl in thr auinuirh prcvcnu 1u fniuiutliil and mi ntoju i toiuuch trouble ut il m urct it t ndi uluo ui mmtllc hill und ntiilirt tlie ttoiuuch llnlutf m ib ihin dtn it mjly iiuturully und wlthuut puln wturjh or uuji uttacka nn two tit uuul t kniuii about iluur- u d muuiimlu und u hi u i t of it a k luiu ubout it uj duy 15 off on all pmntf and varniflhcrt during lliw remoal sale clqsh and putty all cumc under uw 20 reduction clara during thw removal ale builders supplies ilvnl saws ncrj iiu ridurtd for ilils sulc s up to ini r wilt i hull lows it is1iii hi on al 1 llli iiuiililts tools iiihin i his movin1 timi- now is ouit i iml io sronc vi itoolui iliuliln ianr uiul iur vapct all included in i inn uuuovai sail james symon hardware