ilvjxiini 3jm rim tiiijihjday march 7 ibm tin iawylh who plrfttk lit cum- gulnu ulrul and tide and suing- 111- robe from mr to side an proud mi any niw hindi bride the cniicqiiiuilul lawyer w1h loves lil rltent unil a brief yet who expounds beyond heller i ill all around gusp or relief the bright long- winded lawyer i who gathers evidence with care aiup knowii how best inslll u hiur thill mnkii he honest judge to stare tlir culi and cunnlnii lawyer who known the merits of each case defines the motive tlmn and place crov-questlmi- witness face to face the cool clearlmadrd lawyer who lookn just spoiling for a fight to right i wrong or wniim a rlht iicuuo he 1j iu legal light- lhe enterprising lawyer i j low find and happy dor he feel to win a cape after appeal and make defendant squirm and squeal at coots from philiitllfs lawyer to nay that justice must be blind in but n libel murt unkind uhe nwlngn a rword in front behind to scare both judge and lawyer lie helps ujj in our tlnio of need irom cruel wrong or faulty deed lets nat forget he lias to feed fee well your falthlul lawyer i john imrh t tiii niiav soiiiioi lesson 1 oil iliniav mauch id the knights of industry hapllmii lxnmplr the long journey ru lulllee to the ii to hi biptlrd by health krrvlce of the canadian medical association rukal health units up until uio present time the know ledge wc posscsn coiucrnlng uic preven tion of disease liaa been applied in cities much moro than it has been in tlio email town and rural ureas practically all cluco of any importance have organ ised healui dipartmifnui with trauied workers in charge of the various actlvl- tlcii carried on by uie department the email town and rural arcan us a result of the lack of health work ore in general not at healthy- as ore tlus cities in oilier words ihoco who llv in the cities arc moru free from pre ventable diseases because the cities liavc organized healui departments which pro tect uus citizens from preventable dis eases it has been uic hope of those who have given thought kpic problem of rural health that uimc scheme might iiaitium and jjii loudll ijuppku golden text hli dit in remrmber- unre of ine- 1 cor 11 24 irunn matt 3 1317 211 10 20 acta 2- ail 41 uoiu 0 1111 1 cur 11 333d hmnliiy preliminary head the live levnn puvugi i writing for rurh a ientence or two iunirunrllni iti teaching in- idlnit liupllm end hit- lirds suppoi mom matt 3 13 the long journey which chrlt took of the jord th- baptist he held that int llriirm of the mesiah and the revcinir our 1ord tell for the olenili rile f ljipllmil v 14 john lllrw jerll in tie the miulah the bon of clod and so teitl- led in regird liltn chrit lohu hud j a id would baptize in the holy tiplril and in pre and not merely in wuter ic john did v irchrlt onred to men a per fect nxiimpir he wan uie ideal man and he led th ideal ute we enn make mbitakc if we pattern our lives after bin v 10 tin jenun wtin to or him v 17 this in the find of uiree oc casions when ood thus spoke from heaven in trntlmony to the bon tursday napllsm command malt 3fl 10 the rlto of baptlwn iji iuroclittd in clirlsts farewell command nithcgnvcrclijn it li the token or con version the seal of conversion v id haptlnm is the great standing evidence of tins doctrine of uiu holy trinity it is christs testimony to tlio puther and the qplrlt v 20 the church is to teach men to observe all or christs commandments and promincntnnnong uicm is the com mand to be baptlicd v 20 with all his commands christ couples enablements and no greater strength for the keeping of his com mands could be given us than uic as- rnnce of christs presence with us wednesday hap lis mi obedience acts 2 30 the descent of the holy spirit at pentecost was a baptism of the church wiui power the rushing of uie mighty wind was uic swlftncri of ida coming the filling of the house wit t wind was the completeness of ndwclllng the fire betokened un descent of thn spirit on ncourage him and testify in uic cities the county or itural health unit eccmn to offer a practical means for ob taining uic moat desirable end the idea is to organize in a county or came similar area a health department which would be chined by fulltime trained workcro that is the county would be terved in u health wuy by a health organization similar to that which lias done w much good in uie cities by combining uic rural areas and the small toufcs there is a sufficient population to iltupart cuch a wrvtce the health workeu in such a unit must be trained und ntastmcvolc their whole time u this health work the plan is well started in some prov inccs it la becoming practical lor those living opujdc uio cities to secure organ ized health protection they must real ize what is means however and must be willing as have been uie city dwellers to nay the cost it costs money us keep well but it costs far less u keep well uian to be 111 questions concerning health address cd to uie canadian medical association ib college street toronto will bo an cwercd personally by letter twenty yeattsago from the issue of the free preu of thursday march 11 1009 the tcamcctlng at crcwsons comers on monday evening was a great succcsa the church was crowded and uic n- gramme enjoyable mm rtobcrt a ilrown hop purchased uic double house on church street west on main street from mrs helen d ooidon of ouolph mr nelson mclaughlin one of the officers of uic holton oh and a as co relumed home from uio tec no of new drilling operations at milton on satur day tlie drillers who ore experienced experts have gotten down about 700 feet and claim all uic indication to bc favor able capt gamble tuts secured a complete new outfit or new uniforms for no 0 company or uio 30ui regiment tlie outfit includes new coats trouccrs and cans tho lilshop has appointed ucv it v kcllcman of possarc n j to uio rec torship of qt albuiiu church he con ducted uie services here a week ago and uic congregation was much pleased with him meeflrg beardmorc si co have gener ously offered if a local company li form ed which will erect a covered rink ut a cost of 4000 to contribute j2500 to ward this amount if 1500 in stock oubrlbcd for by other citizens who may be interested in the wdicme the matter is being taken up amd aubscripuan lists arc being circulated the entertainment scenes in a union depot at the town hull on friday overl ing under uie management or miss luel- la z drake and uie auiplcea of the i o o- i- was a great success in point of attendance and in providing u jolly good hearty laugh for the audience about forty of uie young people ot uie town took part in 1l the cos tumes and fancy dresses were very iet- ty the grouping artistic and the jlng- ing good the soloists were miss iena hay ward and messrs leonard wordim ond thomas mcclure mtui drake 1 not only a clevef trainer and nuigc mau- agor butabtuccful and accrimiilished actrcwi und singer she has two voiceii her natural soprano and a round lull baritone she sanu duets in which she used both and hud she not been in view or her audience few uould hum believed uiat there were not two blngtb lust wedmhday evening mr t a umlui the suprume pmddinl of uie hciib of kngland lieuefll society visited acton for the purpose of organizing a lodge here the new wciely will meet fortnightly in hill- hall llltl dkyden at ouelpb uii tuesday march 0 mm aeorge prydrti of uta- niosa aged 113 years children suffering from wornui inm blixtw bymptoma and any mother can de lect uie presence of these parasites by tlie urluilngk and fretung of the child until exihlled ulul the nyum cleured or them the child cannot gain its huth mil- lus worm powders are promj nd ef ficient not only for uie graduation of worms but ajsn as a loner up for ehll- drtn lluil are tun down in consequence tactful qilhstlonult a ix autif ul ynung v i dim nat in her deck chair in the htem and near her tut n very handsome man the widows daughter a cute little girl id four or ave years crossed over to the man und oald whats your name herkimrr wukliibon was the reply is you married no im a bachelor ihe child tumid to her mother and uld- r what ilie did hun mama yoi i 11 me to v 41 the baptism of three uious- ond in a single day shows what can be dono when a few earnest splrltflllcd souls submit uicmsclvea entirely to ood a pentecost to possible to any church that really desires it or to any sunday school thortday ihiptlsm meaning horn fl 3 the deaui of jesus is uie cliilral puint of our religion linked close ly with the great central ordinance or baptism 1 whoever enter- with all his hart into the meaning of baptism shares with christ the experience of dy ing baptism la his deaui to qui that ho may have a reaurrecuon into eternal life v 5 baptism is a means of union with christ of oynipathy with christs dcciicit experiences what christian would not desire to have this blessed privilege va 011 it baptism means death it means ulso life if it means crucifixion it mrans also resurrection va 1214 baptism means purification the waters of baptism signify the nosh ing away of our sins in uic blood of jtaua wc ncre foul and black with sin we have become as wldle and pure as snow it is the crown of christian experiences friday tjie lords sapper 1 cor 11 23 paul an apostle born out of due tunc yet received from the lord all that was necessary to his anosucshtp and among uicsc uitnga was a full and authentic account t uie lords supper at which he was not present 33 christ was celebrating wiui his disciples uic paacovcr in which the lamb wad slain its blood meaning life to uie hebrew firstborn in egypt and the feoat for evermore typifying salvation v 24 thanksgiving is uic moving spirit of uie lords supper and for uiat reason it la called uie cucharut or thanksgiving peoct i bread 13 uie staff of life typlflca strcngui christs body broki uie crocs meant his assumption i behalf of all uic woe and wcaknesa or sin 5 the old covenant i e uic old testament was completed hi the blood of a lamb uie new and better covenant 1 e the new testament was completed in uic blood of the lamb of ood saturday the lords happer 1 cor ll 27 tint lords cupper is taken unworthily if wc take it carelessly still more if it in taken in a spirit of denial and mockery only uie deepest levcrence is woruiy of this rite v 2u for no act should a man so clear himself or any stain as for partuk ing of uie lards cupper v 2d to discern uic body is to sei back of the material communion cmb linis the spiritual rcalluca which they symbolize and w enter into uie true meaning of the ordinance uttlo harry nrid lit eliumii wr having a creat timo coasting on flotehorn hill planiilni down tlio nteop track hli uttlo tiled caught in tho root of n troo and ho wnn tlnahod ncrainnt a roclc tbrealiini htu 1cjj liolow tlio lenoo thingti looked bad for 1 lurry tho trnfllc noiicomnn on tlio nnarhy corner nmnlng an accident ntopped n boll telopbobo truclt whieh wan poiinint ho knew from cxpcrionco that tho crow would bo ttblo to rondor flrnt aid the three hell men in tho truck woro nil qualified flrnt altlorn nnd it uns nattmo until tlioy liml ths little fellown leg in nplintii when tho doctor nrrlvod bo said lis could do no moro thero an horrys homo vjom nearby tlio thrphono men plncod him on ono of their laddorn nnd carried lilm thoro harrys ambition now wo ho tullo hia mamma in to grow hip font and bo ono of tho 4000 and moro telephone men who nro qualified first aidow ono of tho knights of indmttry matlcu kw an pn featured in ihe marrir lilie of und and oiiu ami canndlan llllvi r 1ox uvvi tiro uveral splendid ilorli i nnd nrtelei dealing with nil kind of oiildior life in canutla amoni llie sire jjnr of hi- ever jkijiuhir i porta of aiillni and hunt ing duel and big name written by men of long ixperlrnr- the current urllrle in tin pages of thli mdloual iwirtlii magazine by kolicrt inniei thnl neluin lllver trail glvtn a nondorfully deierlp- tlvo pletiirn of the trail- nf parly of ntmitrui i nil break n on ntrlp by dog team in the fur north und and dun and cnnndlail flllver rox newn ii puli- llnhed monmily by w j taylor limited woclirk onuirlr forget the illues learn eul itialtlpii unit ry or wnlllnir kkpnrtil lloiiufi wlrhitf lifloldbyli mlil llattnrliiv ihn ltlurlaif ml fiulli hair- ilruulnif eim c lo 10 iv r d- vaw wiuili rivinlriil ro inmnt kk twirl futlnieliirt 1raellral tralnliitf jlir diiiiaiirl start ntw lor wimfer nay ami h brlulil fninrn wrltn or roll for ilrmiculorfur and krcui jlmiki dnmininti trade schint jim kfnar mront wnfttnrniitr twelve ounces of energy shredded a perfect food contains every needed element easily digested fortifies you to meet wintry weather made try the canadian shredded wheat company ltd ykarnin09 gonc the judges nueacii of tiil reacii an old ledger wiui entry dates ot the year 1013 has been discovered in n you couldnt excite him you couldnt hollow near the schoolhousc in icask- get him to talk much and you couldnt askla illinois the records evidently pilbly hurry him he wan the right man for police judge as medicine lodge kansas the a whom mfal salad holc those or uic village storekeeper tell interesting itory of uie cost of living in those good old days liome of the item- make one glad he in living in 1020 here are some of the entries i blue handkerchief 75 1 bear cldn 1 1 deer skin 3 00 ia ttnt mnrocnrtprjuri fi yards calico x paper of pins 1 flag handkerchief 1 common saddle 2 yurdii of lace 1 lb tea 2 00 4 00 1 bandanna handkerchief 2 00 2 cukes shaving soap 75 j down flints 50 1 pair ocl 2 00 1 pair bel shoes 3 00 bacon per lb 00 among other tntercillng items found in the book is one repealing that the f storekeeper had given mhiw money to another man ti put in the bank for hhn the entry reads cash that samuel morrison took to city live doubloons i 53g0 in bank bills 35 in silver the five doubloons were valued ut 76 the book ulso showed that the owner of urn store had charged himself up wiui travelling epenses one entry being for a trip to pittsburg and several items of 10 and 0 for trips to saint louis the old ledger is wonderfully preserved tha paper being in excellent condition and the wriung clear and dis tinct n it meal naiad uiat is to fre quently mentioned docs not mean uiat it is served an uic only food of uie meal but merely that it la te main hess dish luncheon ni utart wltj v little mr t a- consomme a dish of olpvcs and oolery ond mcneal in his book when kansas was a few crackers it may end with a small young gives thin amusing account of dh of dessert and a cup of tea or ttiiat happened when hess had cud- colfoc in between however uio main di nly lo deal with a hilarious cowboy dish is a whole meal salad such one day ujc judge was proceeding luncheon contains pracucajjy no heavy along thutftreet wlthtlls alow but c i j rating on his ample ohouldcrs that overloaded feeling tlie hard worlt- a cowboy from one or uic cattle ranges c may feel tho need or onouier duh happened to be in town on a vaca- j but nine out of ten wuj nnd it unneces- tlon and was feeling rathor top happy e ry end actually injurious tho salad as the judged passed him the cowboy may be elaborate or simple it may suddenly seized the end of uic ladder r nslst of something like the following and swung it violently round the judge cover a salad plate with leaf lettuce caught unawares spun round rapidly make a square of banana slicca cutting but niunugld to keep his feet under bananas in halves lengthwise and then him tin- df us who knew him were in quartern fill with grapefruit and obliged to admit that ne had never grunge slices and cubes of fresh or can- iem him move with such alacrity iili n d pineapple garnish with walnuut and counlenuiirt however remained as calm grapei kerve with french fruit dressing and nnmlflcd us a duck pond on u it cream mayonnaise or it may con- wlndlcs- day tuln niejt or llsh sec uie following as he had fully recovered his on half cup each of cooked dry nan muscular llheumatbun subdued when one li a sufferer from muscular rheumatism he cannot do belter tlmn to have the region nibbed with dr thomas uelictrlc oil let uio rubbing he brisk and continue until case la secured there ib more virtue in a bottle of it than can be fully estimated a lack in ouit education a ciuduer knowt u a glance that the bmk mite handed him li u counterfeit hi cause he is educated in the inuuir of bink notes the merchant who uc- ciptcd it without question did so bo- cuile there was u serloua lack in ids ducutlon luckily the public is protect- id mm cuuiitorfelu by u host of experts but there are many other cates v hei e e are left to distinguish for ourselves the genuine from tin- spurious luke such an obvious mutter ua humiu how many of us are luughlug at hap- l ningi or jokes that are vulgur or ir- iverent instead ut uiose uiat are funny iuke beauty the girl wiui reddened llpi und plucked eyebrows has been try ing hi make herself beautiful though she dot not know what beauty b ho uiouu- uiula of us go uirouiji jjf bluiulering failing iiecaiise our educauon la imper ii ct it hui not taught us u mma ut wdue too majjr f tin are uccepllng npurlous bank notes because no do not know enough ui see they ure counterfeit rilacticl- saving good mouning appa tly there la need of pruclla- in auiji u simple act us nuylng good inonilhg some people mumble it so you ure not sure whether uiey are greet ing ymi or reieaung the multiplication luble othem growl ll out so that for a momuit you have un uneasy feeling that you are being accused of oomething some people say good morning in a way uiat rxpreuea their certainty that life 1 a falluie othem worn to imply by heir greeting resentment or the fact hat you are on earth your good morning uiould express hi rr kindlier ami aikh w n j fulh to do that it might belter be left un aid ilonie of ou may net d to urt piutiiuuig raying goyd moriung properly cause of fall in lxpoflt of logs canadas egg exports have been gradu ally diminishing during recent years un til hi 1027 uiey amounted to only 44b- 200 dozen as compared with over 0500- 000 dozen in 1921 this tailing oil in tho export of eggastartcd with uie in auguration of standardized egg grades in this country as was pointed out in a rcccql suttement of the dominion live stock branch uila ullcy of classifying all eggs according to definite grades haa brought about a tremendous increase in the domestic consumpuon of uic product in fact the per capita consumpuon of egga in canada has incrcased from 10 d dozen in 1020 to nearly 300 dozen in 1027 during uicsc yearn there has bceo a steady increase in the producuon of eggs but us a matter of fact thl3 grow ing production has kept pace with the increased rale of consumption with the result that the decrease hi exports has taken place another cause of uie fall in uie ex port of eggs during 1027 was uie fuel that prices in canada were above those prevailing in world markets practical ly all egg ex par li from cunuda are a slaruge product and uie system of uni form grading and government certifica tion to which uiey have been subjected has enabled them to command a pre mium over all other eggs on uio british market during 1u27 however prices here were so much higher tlian in kile- lund that export quautity was impos sible as an example of cilia irish storage egga were selling in england in october and december for 30 to 30 cento u dozen while storage extras uie grade which ordinarily have been shipped to england illlbihim he lifted the ladder rrom hi juldem set it up carefully against the e of the building moved uie base rlfll o that there would be no dang er of its toppling over stepped back und looked at the ladder to see uiat 11 was standing to suit him and then turn- ed hl guze slowly toward the cowboy i who was watching him with great dc- j light the judge moved dcliburatcly over to ward the cowboy and suddenly his pow tiful right arm straightened his list caught the cowboy fairly under tho chin and lifted lilm clear olt the gruund the fellow landed out near the middle or the street and for some moments ou nothing interested blm jj the- race of the judge allowed no r1 excitement or anger or triumph he look the ladder calmly from the wall adjusted it to his shoulders wiui hla head between the rungs mid slowly wend ed his wuy toward hla store whcic he ulso kept hli office there without the slightest indication at nervousness he opened his docket and made an entry of the case city of medicine lodge vu l d hess charge disturbing the peace w in by lighting defendant fined 2 and costs fine and cooto paid by defendant case closed with jusuce fully sa untied ond the law vindicated judge hesa went wiui unruffled calm about hla buslncsa other cow boyn did not try to have fun wiui him id diced celery half tablespoon lemon ulce quarter cup mayonnaise half tublchpoan minced pimento mix cold linked fish with remaining ingredients and serve on crisp lettuce leaves what akf you iiaving time fob taiiglt ritactice when a man saw in a store whore he traded the sign wc aim to please he remarked that the force should luke some time oil for tarjict practice more than a joke is contained in that story to pleuse iieople requires more than good intentions h requrcs insight uiought und practice some young people make themselves obnoxious when uiey nrc trying lo be agreeable the trouble u uiey do not know how to please others thoy have not acquired tact they have nql learn ed thut what one person enjoys another abominates their failure however is no reason for discouragement if one were handed a gun and placed some dis tance from a target his chance to hit the bullseye would be negligible but if j ne were to take an hour a day target practice soon hla success re selling in montreal and wuuj evident we aim to please loronto ut 45 lo m eenl department a uood nqt on ior bualncsa ol agriculture ouawa ulu tor ytiuna people but somcllinea i the aim is good and somettmrs poor for tunately a poor aim can bo bettered to the aged do not be fretted because you ha to come lo spectacles while glasses look j premature on u young mans nosc they ure adornment un an octogenarians fucc- drhldpn thatr when your eyealghl li poor you miss seeing a great many unpleasant things that youngsters are obliged to look ul do nut bo worried because your ear is becoming dull in that way you es cape being bored with many of xhe fool ish thlngi that ure said if the- gales of sound keep some or the music they alio keep out much of the discord if the hair be getting thin it takes has time ui- comb it und ihen it la not til the time tailing down over your eyes or if it be netting white i think that color is quit u us ieipecuibtc us any other that is uie color or the snow and or the blossoms and the clouds und of ungellq liublllmeuts do not worry becuuse uie time omcit on when you must go into the next world it is only u better room with liner pictures brighter society uud uwctter music hubert mcchync and john knox and harriet newell and mrs ueiuaus und john milton and martin luther will be good enough company for the most of us the cornshocks standing in the ilelda in uutuiun do nut ulgh dli- muy when the husks leap over uic fence and tin owing their arms around the stuck swing it to the ground it la only to take the golden ear from thr huak death to the aged christian is only husklng- llme uud then the loud goes in from the frosts to the garner my enngrutu- latlona to those who are nearly dni with the nuisances of this world ofvcyour stall lo your little grandson ui ride horse on you are going to be young again und you will have no need of tchcii dr talmnge tin- inventions of your age are taking the direction of timesavers how many hoiirrr a wcek does uie telephone cave you when on airplane rcccnuy travel ld from los angclea to new york in nineteen hours the feat ot once oug an important saving in time for men slaving or time means cutting drtn the hours or work a hundred j i am ago tieople expected lo work four- urn hours n day kvan at the be- glnidnu or this century the twclvchnur day wus regarded as necessary- in come occupations we arc cutung down uic lingth of tlje working day however in connection with all this talk of raving time an important qucsuon ariaeo what ure we saving it for probably ii teen people who on a rainy holiday seemed unutterably bored after they had slept all they could and eaten ay they could there still remained con siderable time for which uiey had no use whatever unless wc icam to ob tain more real value out of our leisure than we act out of our work what are wc saving time for time tables a acton gobi wt sunday only 1041 te pally except uuilday 7b am dally except sunday 1043 am dally except bunday 3 20 pan dally exreptfiundoy x 00 pw dally except fjundav 817 pm going fact ouiiday only 70pia dally except sunday los tun dally except sunday 117aau daily except sunday 347 pjrt dally except bunday fl17 pan dally except bunday 813 pj canadian national electuic izailways 4m wrtdbauinl jally- excjjju sunday dally dally dally dally dally dally dally dally kjutbauiid ally except sunday dally ally sally 765 aju 005 aon 1159 aaa 156 pm 3e pan 5b5 pja 75 pm 0 jb part miaou x sstuu 0sm 1ijy 1h 137pm day 337 pm dally 5j7 pj 737 pm dally dally 0j7pjh hjspju torobto tmiubuil ttmle street and sl clilr avnu freight delivered by spachu exprcm freight freight picked up at any ad dress in toronto highest prices paid for butter fat jrvb us a tnialwhone s3 halton cream butter co milton and acton ghas thompson manager acto bra red rose tea comes direct to us from the finest tea gardens then straight to- your grocer brimful of flavor and freshness every package guaranteed jo is good tea red rose orange pekoe i extra good r leave acton for uie wtt 10 10 a m 410 p m 700 p ox and on naturdflynr sundays and holidays 1100 p m leave acton for georgetown norvol ilrampton toronto ijo a m 11j5 a m 73s p m and on saturdays sundays and iioll- dnvn 1035 p m painting and house decoration gpiinlng a speciality prompt attention satisfaction guaranteed f given telefnone 17t kiciland h- iilanch box 350 acton thought going to waste if w could sec a type written record of every uiought wc have had in uie course of u day some of us would be startled liven when our thoughts arc not bad uiey arc iroqucnuy worthless ajj lay long uicsc minds of ours are busy we may alt without moving but all the ume thoughts arc flashing through our minds wc may not ojicak for hours but there never la an blatant when uie mind is a blank if we have no tiling lo show for all that acuvlty if we are thinking all the time and thinking tiuihlnii worth while wc have reason to be asbumed id ourselves lo stop rather often ui analyse our thoughts would be u good practice what- un- we thinking about what are our thoughts worth i tr lfc our thought run to waste la a tragic rrdtke for we ueciimpllsh nothing in life if we do not mup out our course by thinking mm feed upon the vitality of ehll- i and eniliuniir their lives a simple illictive nmidy 1j mother graves worm liitcruiliiator tmi atii by hhakesllaiti a noted cugllh tdticuuir while vls- ng in tiouui africa hud u cull from a rountrjinuii who impressed lilm mi much llmt he rccurdfu 11 111 one of bin li uk the man who was still young had iiuie friuii icnglund to houlh alrlcu und hul ione down into the mines when he wis nine years old hla only edu cation in- had ftecured for himself from bhukepl uu- the idueutor who tells the hlory uud who wui fuinlljar with the iiiot dltrieult society in eurupc rrcoidi that his nelttuught tuun made a good iipiiiaruiue in every lespect ihlt may puulr some of us ut ilrst tluughl we know there in u 111 tie history in tihukespiure but uiat it is tut uhvu accurate we know that ills idtu id geography were vugue ills us- slliilng u macoasl to buhemla proves that wi lennw that for wealth of ihiiuc imiigluatlou uud beuuty of imagery lu ll unurpised but that hardly seems lo ui enough to educate u child who look up the grimmest sort ur work at nine t at- kducutlon however li learning 1 how to think rather than learning facts i when that boy begun ui read tihake- pi an- it muit almost huve bern like reading in an unknown tongue a lurge nieiutaie of the words must have been unlnt-lllltl- o htm but he stuck to il probably he did mure real thinking over a half htiura reading thun some so- lalled studiiiti do in a monttia wor whin there is an cagrniisa and determ ination to know anbody can obtain un education anywhere u nplte of obtaclea if 1 no polminous ingredient way a corn liemover and it c id without danger or injury silint night upttali my shoes in hand is the night took wing- aw my wife four feet ubovi the same darn uilng ihe soierflclal quulluea arc those we ucognlw llrst in the people we meet we may be lmprcscd by a beautiful kimplexloii without ever having a cluuice lu vnow whether or not the posse tutor is a dudliigulihed by a kindly spirit we knuw u per win is uoll dressed before we have a cllunee to find out whether or not he has good manners and wo can rlze up his manners much more uelly than his intelligence unfortunately many young people tliiiimi- their friends and ussoclatea by the outside good looks line clothes in uf pliraut muuners are all desirable but to choose u friend for such qualities 1 ua aburd us to buy a house because 11 in puli i led an attruetlvu color wlui- uul iiliktug inqulile fltt0 uie founda tion die uutr nupply und the heating a safe old herbal remedy for sick kidneys rich in those healing herba jndiatim used mile 1 inuliim they taken gidhurlier itopln no rinplei roiimut wilk 1 kliluey iutnrlv mill rot well wumlerhilk- in ding and elcaruurut lo kulurym otnt4 rumt fnim uio heart at nat urn w tliinhbiiik luii lacliia dtsiy simiio rlicu- n in i in iuiini and luujqpng hhuliler iltd ruii utntully riiuiud hy inllnimd kitlnrya r4ullittlir in rlil lumti riill thena llu it lit one of luii i cilli irii fiunotu hmi ii nild now hy u a t iirown acton j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist monday april 1st anyone- buffering from eye- ntroin defective vision or heartache should not mlsu ths opjiortunlty of consulting this oyunlirht apcclallat appoint ments may bo mado with mr a t brown druggist consultation free oftic hours 0 a m till 4 p m w b browne co millera and grsi ierciani norval ontnru national norval war rutry kings choick canadian wonder for oread itran shorts middlings chopped bnrley ml wheat unrley and chicken feed at the kiu1 agents tor wheat pool bring your wheat oats i1ariey here tale iiii ilaeb we will trucu if preferred consult ouit nearest dealer ildren imoxlulr- flc tellers rtbloria is ehjiccidlly prqurcd to relieve infants in inn ami children all apes of constipation wiml colic to sweeten stomach flatulency ubn lita reytilitc ilowcls aids in theassimilatum of fiml nroiiiotinjr cliccrfulnchb rest anil natnril sucji iioul opiates p c toawm nihlatii alvni lk lo the mitinc of f1 pioveii duet nun- n i i i ijijiulua cvuiwhcrc rccuiuiuuul it for sale hillcnesr- a comfortable suburban liome con taining 10 rooms hot water liestso electric lights waterworks and tsu phone tliree acres of ths finest of garden and fruit growing soli an orchard of apple par cherry and plum treejl barrel shw iprsytng out fit complete nlili spray material or uie season quarter acre of straw berry vines poultry house for 00 birds incu bators brooders trap ncju and colony hquica bom ond drive bhcd with all necessary implements oreenliouse 333 square feet of 1ssj filled with spring slock hundredi oi pots uiree bench lint water lutaud for further paruculars apply to g l martin owner removing from town mark every grave nothing is more lasting or more appropriate to commemorate uie memory of loved ones wlio have gone before than beautiful granite well carved with our present equipment and facilities no plant is better prepar ed to oner belter values or a- better clock to clioosc from than can ba secured at otir plant you ov it to yourself to sec our stock and get quotations on monuments workers or corner stones before placing ar order anywhere special qupuusna prvrvall en all orders placed defore april ib acton monument works esublslied 192 j nicol fnonk iu savage company jlwellfuy watch eh 81l- vehwabe ciiinawatte silver tableware noted for qosjhy modsrauly priced mail inquhuku hkceive iltomi- attention lower wyndhaai sl plione 571 guklph suliwrlplioiw for all mflgzlni tulen at tiw jrva ivs oloca