Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1929, p. 3

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btlt 3krtm3xttrttm iiiuiuidav mallch h wjo ltfj you vt ii ray un v rl i looks ulonmy iivjiklcn urn urim arid irri y riw nlulil i dm world ii what yini make 11 tlin nky in urcy or blim junt nn yur soul may paint it it inn t tlir world t u you clear up the clouded vlnl hi clran out thn ctuity mint the rtoutls an alwuyi nasi inc and rarh in i liver lined thn word it ulml you make it ilirn ninki it hrlulit and urn and when you ray ils gloomy it ln t uw world 11 n you i 3 n v a tfi h ltffi ol i han b pfflfrf- a mu vfunon s vaccrnxtion tlin tumorous aspect of vaccination always lmnrecw persona wlio arc not in oculatcd much morn keenly and ittfree- ably uian it docs those wlio are in a ease uiat actually occurred one cprlnjf in environs of a urcat city in which a smallpox scare won procecdlnir uie via tlm of the operation was auk before all wan done to nee the humoroui nidi of it it wan a very peculiar case so peculiar that undoubtedly it never hap prned ucforo and ncvetr will happen again ur vernon wlio uvea in a suburb a few mllca out of the city u a thrifty thouah not a penurious man and likes to do wlui his own hands all lie con 1 re was sure that lie could vaccinate hlrruelf so 1u bouflht a small quantity of vaccine matter of the bent ninranleed quality tnolc it home and before lie re tired uiat night vaccinated himself on uie loft ami next morning he remarked casually in hu family at the breakfast table as he reached around uneasily toward hi leit arm i vaccinated myself last night on by o itsjtalclnir jno vaceliialtl yourself i certainly x did lurniuest unrig in uie world did it just exacuy as well as a doctor could do 1l ur vernon a family war all admira tion but before lie went away for the day mrs vernon happening to go to the batik room found upon uie shelf there a druggists envelope marked vaccine matter which was scaled and had evl dently never been opened site went to her husband horace oho said what did you have your vaccine matter in 7 why in an envelope i got it at the drug store in town and brought it out opened uie envelope and used what needed but uils envelope has not been open ed at juxl why aald tut i tfrtnlnmjf at this juncture mrs vernon burst into hfarty laughter and produced another little envelope which had been opened from tlie near vicinity cr tlie otlier on the shelf horace vemonl alie ex claimed ril tell you what youve done youve been and vaccinated yourself wlui my petunia seeds i it was true mr vemon hod token uie wrong envelope and had carefully and skillfully vaccinated himself wlui petunia scads and lie was sure that it was working lie saw the humor of the alluauon and laughed as heartily as any member of uie family penunoro marun to develop a oqaciovs manneu borne years ago i liad among ray atu dent a young woman wlio proved to be a striking example of uie extent to which one can develop the very trait in which one is most lacking says doctor werrett wallace charters today alie is known for her gracious and tactful manner and for uie friendly cooperation she gets among all kinds of people yet these are uie very traits in which ahe was once deficient as a student this young woman was exceptionally bright and keen ohe was go efficient herself that alio seemed to have only contempt for uiose wlio were not her equals in this respect while pursuing postgraduate studies she was already working in a department store but her lock of tact and especially her severe criticism of anyone she did not like was ruining her chance of success i was able to allow her that uie people wjio did not like her and from whom she could not get cooperation were thoce wlio lacked her mental quickness and de cisiveness and uiat they were the people sh was most given to criticising here you are i cald just storting your career and you are fastening upon yourself a habit that u bound to offset to a great degree all uia hard work you da it you don t develop friendliness jcu are no better uian a failure now these were uie specific rules i gave lior v 1 impress upon yourself uie idea that you are not going to moke critical statements about anyono during the next two weeks 2 ou are to stop having crlucal uioughur jm a to try to feel friendliness study the people you meel for every bad point you nolle about uiem try to nnd two good ones notice uie little courtesies of people on a street car or ui a crowd anywhere make a list of the people whom you have crluclsod moat study their good points unui you sea how unfair you have been to them remember if there is a person in whom you cannot find half a dosca aood points thr fault is probably due to your narrow vision 3 regardless of your hkca and dia liken you work hard for some one you don t like there la a splendid chance to be crlucal not of the person you dls like but of yourself for not being dc ncndnble hoffman to tiif farmers to corn growers in ha i ton county tlie situation wlui reference to corn dorer in ha ton county la one which sliould bo given consideration by every corn grower at the present umc tlie re arc some fields unplowcd allowing stub blc and much loose com and stalks left scattered on the fields all tills lung lwose fodder sliould be gauiercd in uie spring and burned previous to plowing in order to make plowing of gtubble possible in the sarins ami to facilitate covering a good practice is go over the hslus and break stubble wlui a cult packer where available an ordinary drag harrow turned upside down a log drag on a day when ground and stalks are frown they will then break readily and may be plowed under com p ctely in uie spring it is most important uiat all corn corn stalks ears and stubble be covered and kept covered until danger of insects emerging has passed at least unui july ins true uo no arc to be rigidly enforced in all parts of uie county during uie coming season and uie cooperation of all corn growers la requested in carry lng out jjuiasurcs to keep this pest in control c if turner com ilamr in cpector halum county gelisst menu hints umiijm fw new and nanl ftkhrtf uouil4u mean abd huximltwuf lcllcis to the ediloi ochool dayfl in orandpah 11ajrn h n jolly old place was grandpa a bam jvhere the doom stood open uiroughout uie duy and uie cooing dovei lew in nnj ou and the air won weet with fragrant hay slippery looking where uie jrraln lay over tin floor and the hens were busily around and the umbeams nickered now here now there and uie breeic blew through viui n merry sound the c wallows twittered and chirped nil dny vu nulterlnhwirijta in uie old born caves and the robino sang in uie trees which icon to bru h the roof with their ruaulng leaves oh the dear old ham no cool so wide i it may open again ere lung to the summer ounnhlne the new mown hay and uie merry ring of vacation song tlie editor of the fpke pa am received the following letter from winnipeg tew days ago and as it refers to the old man he handed 1l to me when i was making a call uie other morning winnipeg man- uaniu- y bunfv matlcilay hi w i1kk1 hah1i 1 tnip raw carrots diced 1 eup raw potatoes diced 3 cups leftover beef cliopped 1 cups wuter j onion lleason to toi te mix nil ingrrdjenta together add wati r luitt cm k one half linur or unllj vegetables are tender how mawjo j1akpd ham i thick s of ham 3 uplc5 a cup nectara ralrlns cup brown sugar a cup water i lace ham in baking dish cover wlui ralclii then wlui apples cut in slices fjprlnkls sugar on top add water cover and pake in moderate oven ii minutes or until liam la tender winter marmalade 0 oranges 1 lemon ii cups cold water 7 cups sugar peel oranges removing all white kin and slice thin qllce lemon wlui rli d on cover oranges and lemon with cld water let stand twentyfour hours then boll three hours add sugar and lt hol one hour pour into g losses cool and this recipe makes nine glasses of marmalade mock ducic norwegian 3 pork tenderloins 3 tablespoons butter 1 cup nwect cream or very rich milk 5 boiled prunes rcup uilcfc sour cream 3 apples fig it ond pepper cut tenderloins half uirough lengui- wlsc open and pound flat cut apples in udn slices cover uu tendarloln he- move stones from prunes and pull over apples add seasonings and cover all with second tenderloin hnll and ue securely drown in butter pour on a lltue brouu the sweet and sour cream and cook slow ly tor one hour mnffltumfrllrhrr i had a very pleasant surprise on monday when hev t albert moore d d of toronto on old acton boy called at my office or moore and i had a delightful vtlt together among otlier things we were dls- cunslng uie work of uie old man of uie dig clock toner and his be loved mary and a number of ouicrs whom we remember well from our school days the suggestion was made that if the old man could se cure uie school register ucd when mr robert ljtuo was uie teacher and publish a list of uie old time scholars still known to be alive give uietr addresses and uieir present bu tness ond other acuvlues it would be uie means of renewing numbara of old friendships ol uie days gone by i was much interested in uie letter of young mcphco a week or toago in which he told or uie teacher truslpb him with hut necktie about his legs to keep him ulcl i often uilnk of uls mcdonald who was one or uie first teachers i went to school to in uie old log school on john mciclnnon s farm in nas- sogawcya later called dloomsbury school i uilnk i can nuu locate ten or tuelvc of the scholars who attended these about seventy yearn ago our c id schoolmate are pacing one by one and we soon may be call ed to meet the loved ones gone be fore to uie bright nonii where part ing will be jio more wishing you the cuccess which your valuable paper deserves i re main yours truly d d campbell it is quite a coincidence and very credltalc to the prom pi hide of corres pondence by an old acton school boys that the following mall brought a letter to uio office from uie pen of rev dr moore which he took the pains to wrlu on the train when en route home from a five weeks trip to uie pacific coast and numerous points to and from his ibjccuve pnifil dr moore wrilcn a follows yes tcrday while in winnipeg i called on mr d d campbell at his office in tlio grain exchange uulldh g he is an old acton boy son of uie uw archibald campbell and was most cordial in hi- welcome y spent a very delightful hour to beuicr wc talked of uu days when we were both young and laughed together over incidents or our boy hood mr campbell though ilka uie ret of ut getung up in years is wonderfully robust in health ex cccdlnrly alert in mind deeply in t rested in everything canadian and is coming n a most ucrul busl hess in connection with the grain trade wl dlocued the personnel of rh old man of the nig clock tower and concluded that both- thc old man and his esteemed mary mull b i composite of a number tf clttiepa whose lhf3 bo back to acton s beginning und who together ax through tunw mutual ar uk oldeuy confuction tlu greater part of black licorice is de rtved from spain where it is mode from the juice of a plant and mixed with starch to prevent it from melting in lmt weauirr the licorice plant u a shrub uiat attains a height of uircc feet and it grows wild where its roots reach the water it nourishes eupec hilly on uie banks of the ngrls and uuphrans rivers jlnce the valley of the fiplirateu etui tahui i nc uf hi earliest civilisations hi the world lie probability in thut llrorlcu u aliout the ol iaat conhxlluti of all and uw uute which tlie boyd and girls uf to day like so wtll wa tnjoyed by children a uou yum agcl ment provide- the exceedingly inter esung and informlnr weekly con trlbutlon in th old man columi in rur par partes we agreed uiat th c temliilsc nc have been of un usual tilue and interest n t only hi dlvll i bin that intcrett in uie old town ahlrh mans so much to its prtjjiljtijuoiiu an well as gratl fylng to tin unya of th- old brl bdi and ihc gltb who iif work calhd ua luwhcn but all of whom still hav unqu nchabe love for uio homo of ourehildren and concern inu t ur yuuuiful school mates we wi nderod wheuitr it might in poulbll for the ojd man to secure uie old school regtrter of robert utuc and till ua what has b come of our school companions of no many years ago wc know many have gone to their ngluunc but many others arc widely scat tered some occupy most important iku itlona could the old man tell us about uiem it would be almost as good as a re union and would make us fiel young again hlncerely r albert moore ihcc venerated old school frl nils have illlned rather a wide bill of fare for their frlind uie old man but i u do my host lo secure the old r utr oi mn part of it and will 4 con tribute what i am able to do for their cdlflcatli u and lierhups to uie intercut uf t lhr readers lamd otew 3 pounds iamb breast 1 tablespoon butter 3 cups canned peas or diced celery 3 cups finely diced carrots i 1 7eurte rmtwawlrair till oniatuo oi aov pknhion ac1 or mi u to the kllur of the kuuc irkss ar sir knowing the interest ynu take in the betterment of mankind i will i xpn as my uioughtn on old age l nslons a i our province now has uw op- 1 irtunlty to obtain two dollars in r turn for every one pent uw pen itn art must certainly r wall worth r n idering ontario a half iihare of tlio cost doea not mean all new expenditure as uie present very lieovy cort of i to linen of refuge will have to iw deducted in fact the anticipated trouble may turn out to lie lifer many another bridge of i uble dial looms big in uio dls lance but never has to be crossed one thing in certain uiat all kind hearted people will gain in other ways what they lose financially there arc many crowns of glory who wtll be able to share uielr ac cumulated intelligence ripe experl- enca and rich faith with the public wlio under uie present system ore exiled from society people will gain by uiowlng mercy and by contribut ing to a woruiy cause pure r llglon is to visit lh widows etc moreover our lord said our entrance into heaven dependii on our kindness or lack of kindness the least of these my breuiren tlie present system is extremely hard on aged widows who have had no experience in earning a living and who in very many cases liavc had from no fault or their own no opportunity to sava money the main objections to uie act ore as viewed by opponents as fol lows 1 the bill will encourage idle ness waste extravagance and lack of thrift i do not think so because uiere will be itll many uilngs to provide for before uie age of 70 arrives vis iii health ever increasing risks of accidents want of employment par tial employment and reduced earn ing power also in case of deaui to provide for dependents not old enough to benefit by uie pension bill want of employment long be fore 70 is very common in fact uiere are a large number of em ployers and i fear a constantly in creasing number wlio nnl em 1 toblespoonmlnced green pepper 1 cup nectars raisins coup stock salt and pepper cut lamb in small pieces remove fell pink membrane and simmer in slightly salted water unui tender place wlui culer ingredients in baking dish add soup stock to cover and salt and pepper to uxste cover and bake slowly unui vegetables arc tender sur frequently and add more coup stock as needed serve very liot pineapple jelly 1 tablespoon gelatine 4 cup cold water a cup boiling water u cup canned pineapple syrup 3 tablespoons lemon juice 3 3 cup sugar 3 tablespoons pineapple cubes 3 tablespoons marchinp cherries 3 tablespoons cut walnut meats 3 tablespoons cubes of orange qoak gelatine in cold water dissolve boiling water and add pineapple syrup lemon juice and sugar when gelatine la beginning to get sufr stir in uie fruit and nuts of which uiere should be in all three fourths of cup turn into a mold and ehlu uoodx- the nkw blhtelt ikik carefully aald 11 mi kind nurse turning down a corner of uw flannel blaiikt t don t u ueh her drars but just look f the rhllilreu atnod on uptoe and peep ed into ute uny rd face they were frightened at rirut the baby was so very miuill but johnny took courage in a moment ilasn t she got any eyes lie askedf or la sli like kittens yes she luta eyes and very wight ines hut alie bj fast aslep now iook at tier little hands whkpernd lily arcn t uiy lovely oh 1 do wish z could give her a hug i not yntl aald nunu she u too tender to be hitggod but mamma sends word that you may slve her something a name ohe wants you and johnny in choose uie habys name only it must not lie ciuier jemima kexlah or keren ilppuch tluii nurse went back into mammas room and left johnny and lily staring at each otlier too proud and happy to speak at first lets sit right down on uie floor and think j aald john bo down uiey sat i uilnk clarlhel is a lovely name said lilly after a pause don t you no replied johnny its too glrlyl but baby is a ctrl i don t carol uhe needn t have such a very glrly name how do you like kllen 0 johnpy 1 why everybody a named ellen 1 we don t want tier to be just like everybody i now oeraphina is not common 1 sliould hope not i sliould need a mouui a yard wide to say it what do you uilnk of bessie oh bessie la very well only well i sliould be always uilnklng of bessie jonon and you know tlie lsn t very nice 111 tell you what johnny i cuppose we call her vesta geneva after uiat girl papa told us about yesterday lily you are a perfect alllyl why i wouldn t be seen wlui a sister called that iuilnkrthilljrui anlcejanyklnd of a name well i dontl well said nurse coming in again what la uia name to be dears mamma h anxious to know two lieads hung very low and two pairs of eyes sought uie floor and stay ed there flhall i tell you uie good nurse went on taking no nduce what i uiought would be a very good name for baby oh ytm ya do tell us cause we can t get uie tight one i well i uiought your mouiers name mary would be the very best name in uie world what do you uilnk why of course it would i we never uiought of uiatl htankyou m otlani m vlrkt woman minihtut li thi unnj d nuiu i they h ive ircoiu unite see ia tot hi d to having u mi n nil tlu pulpit and mrve as pa tor i ujilimd ij has kevirtl to men ulit an mini urn leurly in octnlier 1031 it wur uu nnunced that in ml vira 1lndlny hud fallen uie dlutlnctlon of ixiiik tlu fir t woman milliliter in ilrolland in fact the pupers did not hi ilate lo fiive ii r age and rtated that nlw wan tvrnty four mkjj klndlay an only child a nutive of aiamfow icollund received tlu- il grec of muster of arts in 1030 with hi n nra in classics a cull came tun year lati r to thn parloratc of patrick 0 urr gutlonut church it was accrplid and or rniigemenls were made for an early r d i nation blending red role tea it art art to obtain the fine flavor and fdllbodicd richness requjred years of experi ence every packifcc guaranteed si red rose tea red rose orange pekoe is extra good keplils to tilt galteuy ir rh uu political orators on public platforms ore cxpocd to interruption from uveir audiences and their cuccccs sometimes depends upon the coolness and readiness wlui which they parry unexpected thrusts among english statesmen mr chamberlain has a remarkable facility for silencing opponents who open fire upon him from the galleries one of his quickest and best retorts was made when home rule agitation was at lb height and lie was charged with treach cry to his party hi deserting mr glad stone he was epeaking one night at birm ingham before an audience which showed many signs of resentment and unfriend llncss when he was in uie middle of one onus sentences he was interrupted wlui i slirlll harpy accentuated outcry judasi judas judas mr chamberlain did not pause to finish his sentence he smiled glanced up at uie galleries and replied without on instants hesltouon not judas but joseph betrayed by his brethren tlie aplnefis of uictcpiy 6nctth rjlilcknoes ultli which the point was turned de lighted the audience there was an en uiuslastlc outburst of applause and he was not again duturbed during the course or his speech lcrd palmentoii had equal talent for d lr concerting his cries when they sought to entrap him when he was or dressing an audience at tiverton lie was interrupted by a loud voiced opponent ho demanded with intense earnestness will my lord give a plain answer to a plain question certainly with great pleasure was the courteous reply will my lord tell us wheuier lie will will not vote for a radical reform measure tlie audience smiled there was a popular agitation in favor of a new re rmfalir and-the- tiirirjaimbtltnn shown a disposition to evade uie issue ond not to commit himself on one side or uie uicr his reply came without a trace uf cmbaraasjnent but slowly one uord at a time i will ih llbcinli begun to cheer wildly nl wnn th- next word and uie ctnci rvutlwa uvrk up the applause wlui a countercheer tell you concluded uie orator with in innocent smile cm his face then every cne laughed and there was hearty hrerlnrr ovcr thetviy nld atatemim ingenuity hi r curing recognition and applause from each party and in uie end saying nouilng itosucll o horr was making a strong protection speech in providence one night when uiere was a hoarse cry from a free trader in uie gallery where docs uie wool coma from out wct whirr i was brought up replied mr horr we gel it mosuy by h aring uie sheep b back hie audience laughed for nearly uiree minutes and tlia orator liad no further attack from uiat quarter abraham lin colu had a genius for dealing with oh jcctoru wlio attempted to put posem to him it reminds me of a story lie would cay and uien would follow come homely and quaint way uf turning uie laugh upon his opponent at such times sarcasms increase discontent while good humor commands general approval 3 tlie unfortunate proposal to tax the municipalities 35 per cent of uie cost or uie bill tlie tanners already pay in taxes on an average uie equivalent of a good half rent and i uilnk to unfairly add to their burdens is like hoboing peter to pay paul of course however uie money milt be raised from come sources but it should be raised main ly from luxuries non neccesslues and from the wealthy gu11 as the munlcipallues stand to gain from reduction or elimination of poor house expenditure muni cipalities should contribute some thing to uie old age pension bill thanking you for your valuable space i am yours truly j liurllngliam crewsons comer eastett observers eojt- have always been uie subject of strange legends and bupersutlons tlie ancient finns believed uiat a bird laid en egg in the lap of the god valmalnou who let it fall the egg broke and the lower portion of uio shell formed the carui the upper part uie sky uie liquid white became the sun and uie yolk the moon and the broken fragments of the shell became uie stars the giving of eggs on easter is un dcubtedly of heathen origin but early became on emblematic custom of this most sacred of all christian fesuvals during the fourth century the church prohibited uie use of eggs during lent but owing to uia fact that io hens continued laying regardless of uie em bargo the result was o large accumula tion of eggs at easter time diear a re given to the children usually dyed in various colors and gaudily omament- an early easter custom was to knock two eggs together the one uiat broke b coming the property of uie person wlio held uie sound ecb 6o many eggi were lost in this way uiat it was found ex pdlent to boil uiem hard before juicing in uie snort during the tnltfdlc ages the lien roosts of prance were looted of their largest eggs and brought a tribute to the king at the conclusion of the easter observ ances servants brought in huge pyramids of eggs which were distributed among th courtiers the plan of making imitation eggs out of pasteboard and sugar is of rather ccent origin easter gun day has been observed by appropriate ceremonies and today it is customary with nearly all denominations to hold special religious services and to adorn lavishly uie intcitlor of the churches with flowers regarding uie custom some one has said in one re spect flowers are like music they both speak a language of the heart uiat ti once personal and universal this chnracterlsuc of flowers fits them ex press ly for uie use of religion they say alt uia uie heart wishes to c ft i any obstruction of personal reel ing the beauty uiat speaks for uie worshipper speaks also for all and each rose or illy is like one or thoe old litanies that have come down to ua from time immemorial kahily caught timer of its own tlrlo oil hu- a iubll i all uli hav ued it ku iw uiu and ltep it hy them ua uie mt alu uiiliu nl uvullubu it usih are in nunu ruble and for many y ara it has lucii ruad as the hailing llnluietit firljnt currhul lilni into uist drug slira oil man and beast u hultar wiui tears on her checks little winnie ran up to uie policeman 1 lease sir the sobbed will you come and lock up a nasty man what u lit been douig asked uio uian in blue quleuy oh wallid the child liea broken up my lump wlui hu naty blcycla has he said the cojutaule wtll uhrrc- li he oh ynillt liuiuy catch liuu ex nluiiied wluiib- triumpluuiuy tlicyvo stop distress after eating if you buffer from sour acid stomach gas heartburn bloating dyspepsia or liidtgxstii u after meals you can prevent it instantly in future by taking a lit lie bluurau d magnesia immediately after trtiiig rtils filnipli old tune preparation is nally wonderful for safely and quickly correcting over acidity und relieving gas buuuiig belching dlealmss nausea and the afur eating palm if indlgt stloii it is perfectly huriuleui und plea ant to take an i lis ucllm not uuly neutralises acid stomach but ttnds 1 1 soqthe heal and pr tert tin inllaiiud btouiuch lining thus pn moling a healthy normal dlgutlun hold by druggists tverywheru in eltlicr talll r in uiier f nn and u d dally by lllouihujd1 awt nurse nodded and went away smiling lily and jolin looked slieeplahly at each other i i will play with you if you like johnny dear all right liu come along valuable taffy on a dark night in a country village a man was noticed striking matches on uie roadside evldenuy in search for something he liad lost on being aied whot he was looking for it seemed that lie had only lost a piece of taffy ills friends reminded him that lie could get five cents worth of taffy at uie vil lage and uiat he sliould not waste so many matches over it ah you don t understand said uie man my teeth are stuck in uie taffy is mortgaged to the hilt goodjbusiness of course its not and that is why all the new money needed for expansion of the telephone system cannot be raised by bond issues part of the money will come from bond issues a new issue has just been an nounced but a large part must con tinue to come from new issues of stock if a handicap is placed on telephone ex pansion the only ultimate sufferers will biiiaahnffiiiyrhtor in ontario and quebec by 1934 ontana and qutbto wjll rtf a million uuphan thy cannot bm provbltl without now tnonty to mxttntl thm mytm the bell telephone company or canada dominion of canada income tax information reports are due march 31 1929 this advertisement is directed to- trustees employers corporations for employers do not incur the penalties which the law imposes for delay w is required of persons acting as trustees all trustees executors ndmintatro ton assignees recewera or persons acting in a fiduciary capacity arc re quired to make a detailed return of the income of the estate or trust which they represent tills return should be made on form t3 what is required of employers each employer in canada must make a return giving particulars of salaries wages commissions fees bonuses and other remuneration of all direc iocafaonsaihtaromctax offices inspcctora of don nion income to are located in convenient places throili ho t cunu a they will con ply i romplly wi ii written requests for inforii utitui t ey will supply you with the proper for in utxin winch to malf rttaim cnn rnir tax oliicc nearest to you ad lress inspect of dominion income tax tlie oliicca urc ut iltllfm nov unaim imu t j jin qatlotly ourhpc quebec ot taiui ottawa klnam ui otluio lbllfvdl tunilo loojiui vut wiiusju uu i ha pit v aluit uiistooo ctlary allien dsvtoa yulun tfiilury tprs n n employees pro- feaniannl men or other persons who received 1 000 or more during the calendar year 1928 nnd who were paid nt a rate of wage or salary in eluding bonus equal to 1 500 or more per annum during the come period employers should ask for form t4 what is required of corporations every corporation in canada ia re quired to file o return of its dividends or shareholders bonuses puid or credited during the eulendur ycur 1928 this return should be made on form t5 qet your forms at once blank forms may be obtained by writing your nearest inspector of dominion income tax or postmaster or the income tax division department of nutionul revenue ottawa the addresses of inspectors are given herewith full instructions oppear on each form do not delay because of the abnence of officials who generally sign such reports any responsible member of a firm or corporation or nny pcrwm acting as agent for uie trustee may sign these returns and so avoid tlie penalty march 31 u the last day for making information reports required under the income war tax act the income tax division respect fully asks for tlio fullest co operation of taxpayers required by law to make these returns the department f national revenue honourable w d euler xllnljtr uf natlmal hevtiluc income tat division c s walters commluk ncr t f i

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