Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 14, 1929, p. 5

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ulilktvtl3xwtyivv9b jhuiwdav march 4 1030 nit man in tiii ciiimniy rei n fellow in the cltlmnry in thin while tirluiit weather wild mtikii mhii funny noliei in the lln hn tin nil like ihlill when i mk him urr vou hr- junt puckrrr mid whlillcii for he lirlrtlcii pollelly wlio wlii i3ow fht a whcwt ii i could culrh ihli fellow who to hld- inir in this chimney i rout exactly rtiy what i ihould do iiui i think n proper ucntlnn would re ward him tor niwallnn tiiom tttiicy words up there within the hue ivrhniw hod be more civil in liln urvct- lntf than a whcwl whcw whcwl clinton ucollard health rervtae of 11 le canadian medical amutlan what to do in nn emergency tlio person who drain with an emerg ency la the one who hni thouifiil om previously whnt uf do mill wlio when the emergency rfecuro kixpi culm noes ahead nnd docn thlnui according to the plan when there is midden 111 nuti or when tmhcclrtcnt- nccun someone muni take charge unless there la samo person present who h more capable than your self tlito fulls upon you plmt of ull wind one prruin to call a physician do not delay in doing thlo because uic life of the individual who in 111 or injured may depend upon prompt ucalmcnt by n phyiilclnn no matter how well trained you are to handle em ergencies it la advisable to place ro- tpqnoiblllty upon ft physician who in tlie one recognised u deal with sickness and accidents there in no doubt but that many uvea aro saved ooch year by trained emergency workers thanks to the ser vices tlicy give and the example they ut many difficult situations are met it la tho untrained pcrum who in lib desire to do came jung doca harm the trained worker known lib own limita tions and docs not do harm because lie knows what not to do us well as what to do in these emergency caeca ii you arc the sunday school lesson toil huniay mauou 11 the-fohowlng-mikefcttow-tnay-be-faelphib- in bcncral it la well to loosen any tight clothing the patient may have on do not bo in a hurry to move the patient any movement may cause dam- oco to an injured part keep the pa tient lying down with the head if a part in injured and clothing must be removed cut off the clothing in pre ference to moving the injured part after an injury there is usually a con dition of what la called shack shock should be treated by keeping the patient warm blankets or overcoats arc plac ed under over and around the patient if possible hot water bottlca should be placed under uic arm-pita- and around the body care being taken not to bum tlie patient if the patient is conscious give him a hot drink questions concerning health address ed to the canadian- medical association 104 college struct toronto will be an swered personally by letter till ciiuiutian uaiujatii aoldiii text for the bon of man h lord of the liuhbath- mall lit u iesson oun 3 3 3 ex 20 1111 malt lj 114 211 110 john 20 10 acts 30 7 llom h 40 lev 1 10 hunday preliminary ilmd the eight llllilo iiclcctloiut con sidering the hearing of cltcrioi the hebrew unbbulh and tlio christian uuil- day underncoro in your illble the moit tilgnlflcniit words and sentences monday gods ileal iay ocn 3 3 tho ccvciith creative day mucked tlie completion of clods work in forming tlie he twain and earth including all plant nnd animal jiil whatever changes have occurrnd iulicu liavo been modifications not new creations v 3 in saying that qod rested an the nevmth day the ujbln docs not as- crlbo wcarlncui to the almighty but com pletion the work was done and qod w that it was all ftoad v j tho proportion of ono days at to six dayn work 1a written in the ry crmntltutlon of man and departur- from it though often attempted al ways result disastrously now living in thu sab- bulh of the creative week in which thu creator nianlfcntn hla wisdom und power by standing sustaining and guiding what ho has created tueuday siblalli law ex 2d a porgctfulncsaor this sab bath lends to ltu desecration we arc to bear it in mind getting ready for it all through the week v 0 tho gabbath law includes n law of labor for six days and unices we do our lix dayn wort wll tho il- ven lh day or rest anovworslilp will be u failure v 10 our rest day is a babbath unto jehovah to be pent in ouch a way an will please him thus nluul we best please ourselves v 10 some oabbatli work work of necccslty in permitted though only what is strictly and not fancifully necessary other oabbath work work of mercy la commanded mlnlstratlona tp need cmergnclca but how htuo of mans babbath labor come under two heads v 10 many who themselves observe the oabbatli fairly well aro perfectly will ing to force others to break it for them the babbath is blessed to our roiuiengorn on board tlio lady nelson and tho otlior unitii of that fino llcot of now iitonniftrn junt put lntdthirwntrindlortiibrviabythn piim capatilo ot accurately notacbitlngf do-uot- iowffwrof tg ttinf rt i kim tii tumk i twenty years ago from jus ieuo of uie vrtti prea of thurtdy march 18 1000 tho robins have come again tlie cqulnoxlal gales arrived early maple syrup la coming to market the roads are in very fair condition it p johnstones window rcprccepto a maple sugar camp tills week and is very attractive pour cars of potatoes were shipped from acton last week fifty cents was tho prevailing price complaint is made again that freight trains arc permitted to ctand over mill gtreet crossing longer than tho law al lows ij robert moore has purchased he brick residence of mrs harry jeans park avenue and will sliortly move thrcio mrs il jeans will sell her houscliold goods by auction at her residence tlio residue of logs and wood cut in fairvicw cemetery by the special trce- dcstroylng committee was teamed to the town hall on tuesday an interesting debate was held in the baptist church jast friday evening by tlie young peoples union thcjtfllrma- tlvc was tmken by miss qrlndcll and mr nalsh and the negative by miss chap man and mr dlack the former were victorious elghtyslx members of tho epworth league visited uic b i loam and crcwsans comers league at uic brick church an tuesday evening the evening was much enjoyed tj fill the vacancy cnusod by the leave of absence grunted mlss kate krn- ncdy teacher of the primary department of acton public school the hoard of education has been very fortunate in securing uic scrvuk or miss edith nlck- iln miss nlcklln taught a number or years and then entered uic normal bcliool toronto from which the gradu ated last year with honors being gold medalist of uic school mr william patterson nho went up to oow oanda the flnt of the month returned home last wcrk to arrange to go- 1 to- u u- trans porta uonuusln can m r- patterson has purchased uic outfit for a twentyfour foot launch which he will put on oow oanda lake a body of muter ten miles long makuhd bnydeltmcphkilson in actoq on march 4 by licv j c wilson u a mr william e hnyd jumes u hi ly tier to edna youngest daughur of archibald mclherum all of ac ion wretuhrj from asthma strength of body and vigor ut mind ar- inevitably impaired by tho vlil lul inns of ujiudiia who can live under uic cloud of re curring attacks and keep body una mind at uiclr full clllcltucy dr j d kel- loggs aajjima iteimdy dissipates the cloud by rrmnvlnit tin cause it docs relieve it dixi restore the aulferer lo normal bodily trim and mental huppl- 11 1 a3 matl 13 tpubllc pauia led uirough ilu gralnflelds it was lawful to pluck grain for eating as the disciples were doing dcut 33 30 the plmrlsccs hod decreed uiat plucking grain was reaping and rubbing out uic kernels was threshing and uierej fore unlawful v 3 christ refers to davids visit to abimelecl tho priest at nob whero uic tabernacle was 1 sam 31 17 david was fleeing from saul v 4 welve loaves of showbread were kept on a table in uie holy place one for each tribe v 5 thus also uie babbath is uie busiest day of uic week for ministers and many other christian workers v 7 christ quotes has 00 v b the sabbath was made for man christ also sold at tills time mark 2 37 vo 014 the cure of the withered hand is an abject lesson showing now deeds of mercy are appropriate to uic sabbath thursday the first way matt 20- 110 this account of uli resurrection uie first easter is placed here because it is the beginning of the observance of uic christian qabbnth the first day of uic week in place of uie jewish babbath the lost day of the week our saturday tho new testament shown ui the change gradually taking place as the church came to celebrate uie glad day when christ rose from uie dead lather than uic sad day when lie lay in uie grave par many years both days were observed friday early sundays john 30 10 tills is another appear- uncc of uie risen lord on the resurrec tion day our sunday it was the chief apptraiica all uic aposues being pres ent except thomas acts 30 7 the assembly at troaa in uie course of pauls journey to jer usalem was for a celebration of tlio lord s supper and nliows how uic trans fcr of uie weekly day of rest and worship from saturday to sunday was gradually made saturday the spirit of the day rom 14 4 5 tho material aspects of jic lords day must be regulated by the law as they concern uic great majority of the people but the spiritual aspects aro personal and must be regulated by the individual conscience v 0 the lords day la primarily for communion with uic lord in church and at home if it is not a day of wor ship it will not be a day of rest rev 1 10 john round uic lords day a day for uie feeding of hla soul for communion with christ for the rc- ccpuon of uic holy spirit if ve are not in- tile spirit on the lords day we arc not in receipt of lords day bless- ui gs canadian national kailwayn an thoy utoam down tlio lilghwayn of tho atlantic ocoatt and ungor on tlio alilmmnrino moonlit wntorn nrnong tho troantiro jnlandn to tlia south will now ho rogalod by nntortalnmsnt brought to them by radio from distant or near by ntn- ttoh kfllllntrttitirthcy liflodhot bo without music at thoir moaln or for dancjnc nlnco tliono now floating pnlacoo havo boon equip ped with tho i at oat dovolopmorita of radio science tho iullic address and munic reproducer syotomi thia jit a nyutonvof amfloni with controla in tho wirolnnn cabin and extra high qualh loud reproducing tho mont dolicnto uli mien of municnl tono or voice inflection thin equipment inntallcd by tlio northern electric company for tho fivn vernfftti of thin now loot cnnhstn bf piworfirf itnipll ficrn to which nro ennnontotf for twituntf line a nmuiitfvd mtcrophona for picking up a concert from tiiu lpungq a radio uroadcaht rocfiivitu bot nnd n muldc ropro- dtjicr re luring available rocordod inlinlc any dnc of tbenn gyrtpms may bo cut in nt a mnmontb notice i a npoclally dcnlgnod loud speaker in placed in thn lou n no salonsend lilgb quality trotio npealtom aro locatodln tho dining and iimolcing nalon two largo horrtn nuch nn shown in tho aceomt panylnft plcturo arc huut in on tho after roat dock wlioro dancing may bo indulged in flip wlrolena o hi cr who 1 nob on watxhr liao oliargofiho apparnttm and operates it for tho lnneflt of tho pdhaongoni ot pclio dulod tlrifjf tnrotibhout tlio day and lattf jhlo tho night tho volume in controllable from a mere- whinper to thu fanfare of a whole orchestra and teas from finest gardens make the blend u all all fl a jb a freh from the gardetw highest prices pair for butter fat give us a tkiaiphone 53 halton cream butter co m iiyronandacrok clias thonipson manager acton branch time tables lawn sunday only 1041 nra- dully cxrept sunday 7biti uullyrpt uunday 1043itjn onlly encept sunday 220 pm dally iikrept sunday ti0tfphi oilly txcept sunday 017 pjtl aolnjf ljt sunday only 708 pm sally except sunday 70am ally rxcept sunday 1181 oiu dillly rxcept sunday s47 pd- dally excopt sunday fli7 pml dally eiicopt sunday hllpju canaoian national kmcotlbmo ttailwavh webctwj dally except sunday 7m aaa dally bg ua dally hssuh dally ibb pj dally dally dally dally dally kttlbtfhhjs except sunday 365 pm 58 p m 751 pjkl 0b5 pju 133 oj itadio may aid man in study of wild life eauly rcofilb if tbouhle kmhityetts you i a traveller in texas once spent tlie bocalled mlsforlunos never really harm ptght with his chum at tho house of us unices they make us bitter home n farmer a hospitable man wlio up- people have lait fortunes but havo kept pnrcntly kapt early hours atnee everyone so much of courage and hope that their wn3xj in hfl nt e inn jjardjlt-ruffled- tijrir happlaau gome rn he speaks from tho i traveller that ho had been only a fewlnens to tlio invisible world uuh all their cxpcrlcce of a life- minutes asleep ho suddenly awoke and future llfj is richer and deeper for that time spent in tho realised that he and his friend wero which they have endured all of us narry allin woodu which flank ntycl g h t mile lease of uie olalns river within certain narrow limits he insists um lan- gaugc of tho wild can be counterfeit ed by man wiui ouch nklll uiat it deceives uic animals themselves thus the call of the aw moose in uic mntlng ccason la more often than not a successful lure in bringing the bull to uic hunter the cry of uio hunting wolf and uio honk of uie migrating goose are cosily unltalcd by uic initiate and are easy of interpre tation there is however nouilng par ticularly new in this what bi now is mr allens claim that animals com municate with one another by sounds inaudible to uie human car that they do converse and communicate one wlui the other is demonstrated in a thousand wnyc each day what our wellknown guide suggests is that radio will eventual ly solve the question und be tho means of interpretation of tho animal communi cation that the human ear is scnsluvc to but a very narrow and limited range of vlbrauons b in fact certain what mr allen hopes to prove shortly is that all animals are sensitive to and make use of wave lengths outside tho range uf mankind it is a common occurrence in uie woods to ace a cow moose leave her calf or a deer her fawn says mr allen by the way of example i have seen them hundreds of times every lime uie mother animal has instructed her young a language inaudible to human cars not to stray that langungo wan quite intelligible to the young but aluiough i have sometimes been wiuiln touching distance i have never heard uio faint est sound beyond at mast uio blowing out o air from ue ncrlta which imd dlr obout m ppnt alsnincncc tho youn ot h v mnil but z alone he uiought it must be late and however have seen peopl embittered judging from uie cloui cupo and eauo- by uicse experiences resentful toward ufa cm and broken food an uie table took and toward ood we know what a sorry it for orontcd uiat uio good people must thing this bitterness makes of human have breakfasted and gone out jo work nature so ho also orate trouble cornea to everyone but re- my sleeping uniform had been full tncmtwr hat nne of these mlsfortunco dress so i shook myself like a newfound- j cn really harm us unless wo let uiem land dog and was at once ready for any makes us bitter emergency opening uic cabin door i peeped out samples to see if i could discover uie morning star but it was not in- view then i tul dcrk jll3t alaacci at tiio scrap cat down before uio fire to think and c mb uie customers hand- oh presently my haateu appeared carrying 1 wc ntvcr prain you uiat wouldnt a mllkpall tade nc dald not wool you having set down her burden and wish- sec it has a mixture of cotton tlio cd meguod morning she informed me piece of material on which he passed that she and her good man had break- judgment was hardly bigger than a pait- funt over an hour ago and that she age stamp but it was enough to secure had milked two cows which her hus- a final verdict band wan now feeding some young people would be surprised mc and my husband were raised in ir they knew how lltuc it took to enabli uic old state of tennessee oho said the discerning tq classify them one wc have only been here a month or catches a phrase from the conversation go wc alnt quite got into tcxaa ways ot a passing pedestrian and its rcvela- vet we air purty airly folks away t- are really astonishing it may re- north wc had to be up and doin ye vcal ignorance or coarseness it may know i dpnt know quite wat time it show uiat uie sijcaker is of foreign birth might be but uic momin is a bit young cvcn reveal hla nauonnllty the way im uiinkln yen sir mr tlbb ond a young man says aoodmomlng i be right smart airly folk i tell you proclaims him a souuicmcr or a west- she raised her voice to a somewhat cinl tumw between the brows may higher key as she uttered the last few an chro bad um words and at uie same time began to not njt y that pp examine the fire with a pair of tongs i lo know maty l order to dts- i became very nervous because i have c y ttkneaca a thousand a natural antlpauiy to nrcironn in the um a day lnc trblta you arc for sale the easton estate st acton onl cletar title qood house horn latge lot well situated very steady been on the property for about ten years i klhli property to give it proper attention and- her busincan intefflljii and for a ill able tenant situated loo far away from i need ttie money for quick sale l am sacrificing this property for 900 cash more than i ask for it property over t3 aotlcn and turn uic property oyer to you immediately papers are executed i mean bujiness and you are getting a bargain it you want 11 act qdicic before tome real estate agent snaps it up and denim up five or six hundred dollars on uie deal tbli ad will have two liwrtlnna only a g easton write or wire karndcn apls fort william ont dally except sunday flmpjn dally 047a4a dally 1117 ara dally i3i pia dally j j7 pjm dally 5 j p4m dally nipja dally- m t jhijtt- dally 111s pib yrant trlnal kfsb street and fit cuir avuu freight delivered by special txprea freight prclsht picked up at any ad dress hi toronto r yr travel gyj lcavo acton for uut wit 1010 a m 410 p m 700 p w and on saturdays sunday and holidays 1100 p m leave acton for oeorsdlowt marvel brampton toronto s 30 m ins a m 733 p m and on saturdays sundays end holi days 1013 p m hands of a lunauc then lunauc mini two in tho sliape of uio farmer hlmscir appeared on uic scone lie also wished me good morritng and sold as he seated himself wo air purty airly folks mad an march lures both of them thought i wc alnt got no clock continued uic farmer so 1 dont tacitly know what bit out as im not quite up to uie ctoi flxins in uiin locality this remark seemed rational and i was some wlut rcauurcd j replied that i i also was uncertain as to the umc but uiat the morning star wan visible lea it n to disuegard dis tinctions learn as curly as possible to concen trate on the matter in hand in spite t i di somo yuu u- poo pi a can- do no itudylng in school every rustic every stir distract uiclr attcnuon from thulr work so aftar wasting icvcral hours in school they hit up lute at night studying and their parents com plain that uic course it too still for growing boys and girls inch people are always at it tremen flous dluvalnuuiett0iriiavolo wait no eilis noit cays until conditions ore perfect before doing ilertlvc work considerable time will go o vvautc leum to du regard distrac tions to erase from your mind the thought ofall that is going nn about you street cries the noise of your neighbors radio uie chatter in your room there are sonic people who con 1 cud or study in uio confusion of a rall- wuy stauon wlui an absolute concentra tion uu though uiuy wero alone in uiclr roams with nothing to distract uielr attention those jeuple get ahead of hi m- who have to watt for ideal con- tiuionti practically they live longer since 110 lime u wasted lms qv thought ilijudlic surpasses all the other sins uf 111111 it litis made history on orgy 01 carnage and makes civilization today a brief interval between two catastrophes luv harry emerson lndick i stamp lhc following rllpptd from the rocky luuntiiln cyclone nliows how complclcly the english languuge is adupti it nud- 1 11 ami unforihcii cmcrgcncleit wr begin the iubllcatiou of uio ltoccuy mountain cyclune wlui some i plyw diphpnlculllcs the tyix- phound- j u u no good ling goid unless you ilphrom whom ui- gut our oulphll phur re giod for uuncthlng the tragedy ihs printing ophphice pliolld ui supply j iu in not knowing but in not know- us with anyjrplu or cays and it will what you dont know sir joslah lii jihour or phlvr wivx biphure we cai 1 i uuy tlin intjuiiul wu not phoum t ul uu u duy or two auo we have liderid the mlving leturti and will have 11 g ulong wl tilt jul ihiin till ihry roiue wc dont llque tin itkix ov uiis variety v spelling any btttir than uyr readers tut uujiiuiiuis will hupptn in thi- bit itgulaud phaiiilll- and tph uie rplu and cuyu and xs und jaluild nut we ihvll cetp 4mhuu1 the c hardl tin cj- liiue whirling uphur u phaslou till the uutu arrive it is no jnque to us it is 1 a wtlous uplililiulr tu choose time l lo save time uacoi hi who ualna time gains everything eurl of llraconsllrld time h c ictii lv the he ovltl tlhli 0 my irh ud ii nn vlton tim h the wlue it rthiiibctl the moose or deer will remain cxacuy as its tnouicr left it even uiough she bo gone half an hour at a stretch mare than that in case of extreme need it radio its mother wiuiout apparent sound have experimented on uio problem faur o d many umes in each case it han been ju nppearancc u 7c ma the same i have waited until the m chmn nad mother has gone some distance then q to htfl comcr cndcayorcd to dra have approached and stroked the young u trom hia k duturblnb animal beyond a slight twitehlng o hlm ilc however and sat up the skin it has not moved but tt must on jifl i i have sent out a call for almost tan- wf lhe mftttcr w 01 he uak mediately i would hear uio crashing re- l m nro r trying to hide a very small 1 sufficient far judging uic piece nplc in as a vermicide an excellent prepara tion is mouier graves worm extermin ator it has saved the lives af counucu children turn of the mauicr through the undc growth at such moments i would not purnuc my invest lgauons further mr allen has cited many other monstrutlons to members of the tourltft department of uio canadian pacific rail way who are encouraging him to develop lib uieory still further as ha engages in the role of guide philosopher and frltnd to uic fisherman and the hunter young pluple are given to worrying over some physical peculiarity which they would like to change muny a young fellow makes hiuiclf irusxrublc over htn shltt tututc wiillc many u girl is un- 1 flippy because- fihe in vrrytnh a inrge- noi a receding chin hair of a certain color make innumerable young men und women thu prey of gloomy thoughts jesus unci nald which of you by taking thought can add one cubit lttio hla ittuluiv the question shows the fully of worrying about that which can not be hilpcd to brood over the fast that you are nhorler or taller ulan you prefer lo be la a nllly waste of time and enrrgy you rimnit add an inch ui your hi ighl however hard you try but you can rid youiulf of ignorance which is a far mure serious handicap you can not change the color of your hair but j uu can conquer irritability and hnpu- llcnce and make your personality at- liaethr the sooner you utop thinking ulxnit thi matters that cannot be help- the better for you put all your rgy into changing matters that can uc altind for the belter antumolttlri one morning at breakfast maria askrd her mlttrism if lir might gel oil next siuuliiy ui attend the funeral of her brttht r of course uven ii special com pany had been invlud brothers funer als had to be attended und permission win 11 luetuutly granted alii r maria i mistress got uiistalrs however ihe ie me in be red that it was tmsdny uiiilwimdeied what martu was trying to put ovev on tin so she went down tn the kitchen u llnd out see heri- maria bhe iiuld you ay uur brolher lnt going to lw burled until iiiiihlayi todays iueduyl yensni said maria mournfully but dry uint gwlnc luuu hlm iuiui friday oh no old man its getting late ihe f armor and his wife have been up these two hours breakfasted milked uie cows and fed the hogs the allimport ant question now is what tunc of uic night or morning la it the watch was produced and oven i at learning uiat uio correct time was exactly 1345 a m this little episode ird to a warm dis cussion unreserved credit auction sale in erin town0utp farm stock implements etc thu undersigned haa received instruc tions from wm harding to sell by auction on uic premises lot 4 seventh line erin township on tuesday march 10 1020 nt one oclock sharp uie following horses bay horse aged brown hoist aged bay marc aged bay colt rising 3 years percheron kluy by lucy rising 2 years team of orey colts rising 3 and 3 yearn tr not- previously sold cattle ayrshire cow 4 years calf ut foot ayrshire cow r years duo about time of sale durham cow 5 yearn old fresh black cow 0 yearn old rrcsh holsteln cow 3 years old fresh with calf ut foot holsteln cow 3 years old ume of sale holsteln cow due umc j cadesky of toronto eyesight specialist monday april 1st a j one nufforiim from eyo- ntrolu ihfoctlvo vision or llimkluche ntiould not mini tho upoortunlt of consulting thla cyiiiliclit hpcclallal appolnt- iiknti may bo mada with mr a t llrown drugglat consultation frjgej office hour 0 a m till 4 p m painting and house decoratioa graining a speciality prupt atunliah satlafaeueh quanuiuad fidlrrtatfta given telemone 170 richard h blanch box 350 acton our host was not more astonished than erjcrsetcowtyears idv due apru i t inmlnn ih jctoy ueitwi due abolt anru 1 jersey heifer rising 3 yearn pic1i3 york sow due april 1 york rftc wntchen npd ntpm i gor ntl vgrf thtu- 43 vorh lusslon lasting for about an hour when sleep once more overtook us and it was proposed and carried unanimous ly that we should again retire to rest whon i awoke uic second time uio sun was fur up in tho heavens and uie fanner und his wire were partaking of s it illllnliap tiln breuktust number two ilgfl about io0 pounds implements itirdson tractor 1 year old and 3furrow cockshult tlow mocseyharrls fertilizer drill 13 hoc used 1 season musseyiiarrls hinder a foot cut mosneyiiurris mower b foqt masseyharrls corn ocufller 3 row liot of harrowa toltoti no 31 ially and liunially ii la cood owning property of dr thoman j irk cur lork 130 fi plownimlnu mill 3000 pound weigh scult mosseydforrla i3looui cultl- vauir hay rack liuggy cutter pig ciaut large licfrtgcrator london hay rope wlioel- eclertric oh b that it can be used hl- utiiiullyior tnanycomplaintsaa well as exlenially for uire uiroat croup wliooplui cough pains in uie cheat colic und many kindred ailments it has quall- 11m that arc uniurpasscd a botuc af it guituliuli and uic re is no loss in always having it at hand the story of iiiiick the name 11knoun dulck automobile won oped by mr david llulck whose ll bears but when the machine had been perfected mr uulcks health failed und he was forced to sell his large holdings for a small sum now hi liven hi tho city of detroit and sup ports himself at 74 yrars or age by teaching in the school of trades and hi is not obit to own even one of uie machines which bears his name yet ho 1j not a pessimist and la neither dls- rnumgid nor unhappy he lias lost much but he faces life undefeated and infill- with a cheerfulness uiat his loss- is haw not been able to dim or eclipse this story is well worui knowing urn are not made by uiclr auxecu nor uiar- ii d by their failure the man is more than itu wurk barrow lt0 feet of v inch cable for hay rurk set uicavy llorara jorka rakes shovels crow hots picks icviral pieces of uelung numerous ouier articles positively no reurvc aa tho farm will bo rented or sold by day of kale termtj- sums of 1000 and under cash over that amount 6 monuis credit on npproved joint notis 3 straight oli for cash uiin iktch auctioneer w 1 mclineuy clerk heavlnly peace dot mr win u you take your wifon tmperuturc she must place uie uixry iioitieter under her tongue and keep her niuth closed for two minutes mr jonrn havent you one that u ki u ulf uu hour entirely herbal wo iks wonders on peevish stomachs and lazy bowels the old reliable gallaghers tonic and sywtem builder in pmkluuui und heuluir virturn of niiluifa own iiitiliiii all the jiiiui natuifh own intilii urn aro in thin tome no inuiitiil dniji hct every oruan uorliiur km hrtiiga lia l the old joy of lu iiir xl for tlui 7 liu iii llitm llit cilliikhrr luiiutlum nn liy 11 i inlli- yn up 11 a t i1uown acton w b browne co millcru nnd grain nicrchonti norval ontario national noitval for rslx7 kings choice canadian wonder for brood bran shorts middlings ciiopncd whont uorley orul cliicken feed at tlie mill agientfl for wheat pool brlrur your wneat oats barley here take feed back wc will track if ircf erred consult our nearest dealer castoria mothfr fletclicrs castoria is a pleasant liamiless substi tute for caslor oil paregoric teething drops ami soothing syrups prepared for lufants in arms and oiildren all acs to avoid imiutic proven direct inn always look for the siffnature of n each i ihysiciani cverywlicrc rccotuntfiul tt free press ads will sell your goods let us convince you for sale 3200 will buy a coaj comfort able home hi itockwood adjacent to highway convenient to railway post office public and contlnua- uon schools churchcir etc oood harden land well built brick liouna soven roomn ionic cellar and clfltern well nituatd 37110 will purchoiwi a full two- otorey brick houno with flnlahcd atuc hlno rooms equally con venient uj above these arc denlrablo properuea and worthy of consideration come and sac william harris hockwood ontario mark every grave nouilnrj u mora uutlns or more appropriate to commemorate uia memory of loved anna who have eonc before than beautiful franlte well carved with our present equipment and facilities no plant is better prepar ed to oiler better value or a iwtur stock tocliooao from thin can be secured at our plant you owe it to yourself to see our stock and act quotations on monuments markers or corner stones before pliclnj nn order anywhere special quotations prevail a all orders placed before april 15 acton monument works estauuhed 101 j rmicol phone hi savage company jewioxery watches sil- veilwatte chinawarb silver tableware noted for quality modsrauly priced mail inquntlea itkckivk phompt attention flower wyrujiuibj st phone 571 guelpu sukucriptloiw for all muiraxiu tukcu at tlio ireo 1ivcui ofilco

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