Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 28, 1929, p. 1

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t i iiilimt1i year- n to thuiisday fvfning march 28 09 acton ontario canada thursday fvfnino march 2 1021 six homeprint pnpcs five cctiu eljitrrlj gwruixtw luxiltb csiiurrlf of fiuuuhu acton minister uev c i- poole 11 d parsonage willow direct 11 00 it m tin- mlnllt subject milking ichown mi tier re 1 1 2 10 p m bundny school icnon hi future life 7 00 p m thii mlnlur subject h- uirthlv hu mill ii- llol made with liiniii lpi inl miilc by tin- cbrilr led hy mi i edgar bell morning anthem chtlil thr lord is risen todny evening anllum now i christ risen monday ho l young peoples limine withdrawn thurduy 1 20 p praise and priucr service jlrrnliytcriui knox chuucii acton minister iuv a c stewart m a manse willow street 1100 a m the minister subject i am the resurrection nnd the life 3 00 p m sundny school lesson the future life 1 00 p m the minister subject lust in the scries of outstanding men and women of the hlble tho divine man monday 0 00 p m young peoples oulld no meeting prayer mccuiib thursday evening at 7 30pm strangcri leaving nvklrcss wlui tho ushers will be called upon by the pastor artati suptlol filiurrlj ra9tott a- fobsimi frederick street 7 oa- jx mcuuidcer cazrynacx story illustrated by lantemtmdca thursday 730 p m prayer meeunff the epistle of judc 0 30 p m choir practice monday too p m junior n y p u i 00 p m senior n y p u topic why i am a baptist thursday april annual business mnoung cupper 0111 be served at 0ta uncua00ificd small advertisements j haitnlkon cunwnlcr lupaira promptly attended to phone 171 port sali ford sedan o k shape no use for mime now 100 00 tom mouton i- or sale ou kent new modern home in excellent rcsi- dmitlal section of acton apply to ii j icerr he knows for bale ivory need waby carriage in vooa condition to sell reasonable apply mrs f e holmes for hall two tun hro truck and buslnci5 for ule apply p o box s3 acton ontario additional salfc items hubert wnrnr will offer tor sale at the aucuim of mm m s wauon on april 1 1 hay horse rising yearn old carriage more rising fa years old this is a good young team notice take notice that no more undrwear garments w 111 be sold to the public nt our factory we sell to wholesale dealers only mason icnittinq co for hale mcdougall house on frederick stict fa rooms and bath furnace and i rl water heater apply n ii oarden 39lf acton tanning co ltd fob hale ok kent good comfortable 0 roomed house only ric ntly built wlui all modem conven iences and in excellent condition for ile or rent for particular- apply by it tier only to bex n pree press foil bale 10yearold buy gelding moo tbs bhurthnni lit her due in april 0 york shire bhimls mid 10 squared ilarn timbers apply jno j tone it it nu iloclcuood iluiie g2tt ituckwtd 302 card of thanks i it 11 wansbniugh take thin means ni ixprrulng my heartfelt uratltudc u the kind irlendj and neiilhbum loi so many tmuitt fxpreviunt of tender sympathy for niediirlmi the lime ul my sicknevi and especially ui my brothit muvn for furnhblni such beautiful iloweri whtrh haw chtt rt d i my ilclneas cnntlnued on page six wonderland iooi htlday maltcii 0 tlie strtet anll with juiul ciuynur und charlis parrrll of the 7tli lliuvtn fame cuiufdy biiiurl bttpptls pliix curlikni of tiritcuiwu orthenlra matlute j u cluck irleti uatliue 15c and in- night j5c and 3bc hatukiay march 30 the nijht bird ctmutly drama of a prlie flghler and hli privatf lire tarring ittulnald denny comrdy ncwly- wttli unwiliiimt lnx niwn lastkit monday aim 1 forbidden hours orunui w itli ramon ntivarnt mid ilrijiv adorrt the ln rhupttr if tlif mjittry itldt r conn ily creation tclsdav april 2 stci a lliilllbi of nt luul y liu drk coin- nl tnitiou li i luillolor bit nli it u kkuikv son easter abundances for those- who need new clothes at guelphs big store frocks in the lead and numbered in the hundreds in the mac- donald showing more than one hundred for instance nt 795 tirbt figure in the scute and mes for everybody irom 11 to 41 nl thnt every raslnnncolor included other groups with broad selection nnd notnble values rniikc thus 1095 1295 1 195 s1750 1975 2495 aiul in exclusive frenchieoom ocntionh rirht up to 7500 a host of printed crepe frocks at 1975 and oil sizes in the choosing hats of the new ivrle visea straws 395 to 650 oncof the fine new strnws flint ore ns plinblo as a fabric and easily manipulated into the new piquuntly quirked bhapea of the sprint mode every 3innrt color nnd both inrgc and small head mzcs felt tfiilrt with straw triiuniings 149 the eiirlicm of spring models to be hurried away at this much reduced figure all colors and nil head sizes gy fi twecd3tuntred in ntulimh skyle or fashioned with novcr collars nnvy blue twill cord tailored double breasted three pockct3 but everybodys 1iiicb at a good value in tiie coat range 795 1095 1295 m95- 1750 1975 2195 3975 up u 58950 mtnh boys and childrens depart ments iy splendid easter readiness too 1 d e macdonald bros ltd guelph ontario this week specials 2 millionaire sauce 0 bottles for zdc peerless catbtip jo quarts for ulic heinz catsup for 25c funcy mixed biscuits oa per lb lijl pure plum jam 10 ol for 29c smiths orange qef marmalade 40 oz 00 c gran sugar 10 lbs s7c campbells tomato oo soup 2 for lajk suuer kraut for cross fish sardines 2 tins for 15c 29c 9 eas oc la tins for 6tft heinz pork and qo lieu ns medium 2 tins ojc 2 pumpkin 9c- 1 ins for ujc princess n 1 f 07 soap flakes pkls olc itockuood matches 3 j boxc for cream candy per lb 2 green peas lbs for 24c 18c 20c delux jelly powders 5 for 18c r 30c 1 1 ys cocoa 25c 30c 23c buy your eggs here chin red white store j w jones phone 20 acton ont boy scout i news w r e blair plumbing heating tinsmithing electric work of kveky dkhcitlltion how and when you want it repairs of all kinds promptly done kifkigikaioks 1lictric washing machines 111 1 point elfetric ranges and appliances illrnacls insj alied and repaired just phone 144 and s ee ome ervice m acton iiuujlwg tkqop 7 t lu- lii confcrmcc li over and uie hullilindi arr certainly jiifltiricd in rlnlinlntc lor it complete rucccft- the jiroijrnmmi woo one of luitnictlun and liiplrnllon it ijrouglit together for tho ilriit time n rrnrcccntatlve hrouji ol the junior iradcmhlp of ccoatlnu livour dis trict nnd cave to all concerned a lilaacr and iwttcr undcrttantllntt of uic ideaia hnt kovem our movement ti conference ojwnd prulay nlnht hi r iwld in the ccout ilall at wch troopn of quclim cramp ton giontctown norval acton perriin nnd oukvlllc wrru reprecentcd patrr leader arthur lawnnn wan chairman of uic vuiuia and tilled hli ponltl r very creditably ilcevo uaaon made an ad dress of welcome to the vlaltlmr dcoutn and eicprenrcd his appreciation on behalf nf the town tor tho honor dona acton in havlna the conference held here mr u j moore of toronto woo the npeaker or the evening and in lib unique ntylc of delivery eve uic boyn come rplcndld ldijui to take home with them and uilnlc over ilia subject woo leaderbhlp then followed a little pitton n a few bcoutlntf problcmfl whlcli wltll uic ntiirlne of the nauonal anthdn closed the irldny nesslon saturday momtns waa act aside for ule vlsltinu of varloujj industrlea in the town nnd many of our rucats were quite cur- prlud nt the amount of buslncua carried on in acton considering 1u ponulauon nnd size the afternoon aculon was nlven en tirely to the discussion of ocoutlna problems the ideas and cumicsuons of uic varloun troops were brought together carefully considered and freely dlccucucd on saturday nlnht a second supper was rved tn the scout ilall as uic closlno event of tho conference did the boyn xntojntri tjirt tvmi nfflmimhflijwtf an illustratedr lciuiv on ooouttna and plre protection was tho feature of uie evening nnd was ably given by troop leader harris of toronto a council arc around uie biff flroplacp closed uie conference and uic much looked for ward to event waa over the ijuudoffa arc to be conjrrntu- laud upon uie cplcndld nay each fellow cld bin bit to put uie conference across hoacvcr e pedal mention should be made of pulrol icndera william wilson and arthur lnuxon whose efforts not only made uie conference possible but played by far uic blqhcst parts in making it the gucccss it certainly proved to be in cpncludlnff this review of uie iloy scout conference held in acton on march 23nd and 23rd uie local scouts wish to express uiclr sincere thanks to uic acton citizens who offered uiclr hospitality to uic vlsluna scouta to the supporters who supplied coolc- lng far uie cuppers to mr e j moore of toronto who came bjicctnlly to act as our speaker friday night to troop leader harris of toronto for hli kclurc on fire protection to honorary scoutmaster rev a c slcanrt for his services in securing bil lets for our guests to uic high school girls t miss hurst who iavc iy pracucal and valued akuithc in preparing ule suppers to mr a t drown who took pictures of uie group and whose radio supplied dinner music for uie conference friday nljlhl to mnt wllwm mid mm laiilx who helped clean up uic room saturday night to acton industries who granted us permission to go uirough uiclr factories to uie 3rd ouclph troop who washed up the dishes for uic liulldogs saturday mumltig to provincial headquarters for uiclr valued nalitnncc and constant encourage ment and finally to our benefactors the beardmore co the beardmorc co makers of uic well known dull dog sale lcauier arc uic dormers of our scout hall every delegate at uic conference invlcd the local troop its club rooms the bcardmoro co provided us lui tables for our conference and wo sin cerely appreciate uic way uiey have al ways extended to us uic friendly help ing hand lhoc a ho attended uie conference were as follows 1st brampton ocorgc lltue carman kcllmon ttucscll robinson norman little william mulless aordon robin son juck sutton ted ross alf sutton mil mulless a shepherd v ronton u drlnkwatcr mr chanucr and mr bates 1st peruun mack uulr lloyd osborne itoy mclntyrc lranlc deacon tbaa jack- un jack talt ocrald pamell leslie dick lloyd anderson ray mulr simp son perkins ranells ibbotson 1st georgetown charlie stockiord oordon marun dave saaer jocv saund ers william brooks newman and scout master staccy 1st ouclph raymond brother jack kroner prank randall fred hlndle 3rd ouclph irwin zlcman allan wu- win wilfred lavolc acorgc carter allan cotton ltank scwell cecil brothers and scoutmaster weber 1st norval bob couplan ted louui atomc hlgnall ilcv mr boyd ibt and 2nd oakville roljl brodlc cecil saundcn alvln duncan icenncui inglehart james stead and ucuutmastcr rhilliui acton bulldog william wilson arthur iaiuum mac stewart ding ramsdcn urnc1 uroughton stuart lontx jim uc- ji ictilc jack mcqeuclilc carney uynic birt illntoii oeorge tyler oordnn han- i n murruy hmllh cubaiastcr a mills und scoutiiiaster w o mason i lleudiuurteni assistant itovtnolal i cumnils loner ltank c irwin field jrc rctary ldgar t jones troop leader hurrt- i vlslloi uerve a mason acton ilnil- iiury scoutmaster ltev a o stewart i aclon mr l j moore toronto mr u a dills aclon mr a t brown aluhi ucoulmustcr a ulshop torontu ma edstcrs greatest blessings rest on you and those you love bringing you close to things civine the gifts of heaven above the communitys social side of life viuituru u and iyom town duritifv lie inht week n cleaned by the free prehh mr alfred n to for bishop r wvrkt from rev nt mik t general interest news if h v o euchre and dance the acton u p w o will hold k euchre and dance in uic parish hall on tuesday april 3 admission 35c every body welcome iroccedn for the sick childrens hospital toronto neighborhood news limlhoukt on friday evening last a urll attend ed meeting wiu held at the pamonage to consider the feasibility of bringing hydro power to litnrhouse after dln- istug uic question fur some tlmi the prlnca ol llfn and uacred concert uplnc organ selections and vocal rqim on good friday night march 30 at eight oclock dn knox church admission 25c children 15c on a motor trip mr morgan crewton and hlu son brandon took a bulncss trip to tor onto and oihawa port hope npd on la belleville calling aa his brouicr joseph tliey had n fine motor trip over the cement highways but uic back roads were impassable they visited at mary- viljc- and viewed a roman cauiollc church built nearly 100 yearn ago of fine stone ulth a large bell on a stone tower beside uic church secures ajency for new car the latest addition to uie car agency in acton has been cecurcd by dr h a coxc he last week secured uie agency tor acton and district far the de soto six whlcli will make a splendid addiuon to the line of can he handles tile first ot uic new models waa secured lost week and has been placed on exhibition other models of this lino of sixes will be shown as boon as cam arc available from uic factory new choir leader the ac ton unltud church has engaged mrs e urll of ouclph to conduct uic church choir mrs bell was ccnior loprano nololst in knox church ouclph and hiis now assumed her duucs as leader uf the choir in uie united church here dhe bus had charge of the rehearsals or several weeks and will commence in xl sunday to have charge at the church slrylcis boui morning and even- i lug whn the special easter music will be presented i lee lure movlni pictures and dance i mr i e atlclnson uic durant car i dealer lor acton and district has ar ranged for ruprcactilauvca of the head office of the company to give a lecture and lllutratcd talk on uic duron i cars in uic town hall here on wednesday i evening next april 3 the lecture will be illustrated with moving pictures and ll hrid lhcr iuinuul t all parts of lhc car will be explained by l rlda evening marlh 23 at the uicsc cxjicrts from uic durant plant a hoillu ui mr nnd mrs j ulaclc tlle lucky prlxo drawing contest wul be 0 1 dublin literary society waa usked to feature uiat everyone who attends can hhi put on the programme which open participate in immediately tallowing ui lecture a dance will be held the ecptatlvc or uie hydro electric commls tlon would be pront and give full in formation of terms on which it could be secured newspaper reports of early farm opera uona have missed limiliousc and ua early climate mr murk given began plowing on march la and hiiii finished i large held of stubbliground in net class shape mri arthur hill und lilldrru ularud on their way tu the old home in eng land block hen th nn saturday morn ing with bel wlshci of nil iilt friends for a pleasant voyage mid safr return mrs elizabeth kltchlng or navmga- acya lius been illtlng at ihr pnrsonagc far a few weeks the united church ijidle aid met this week at the parsonage and did come planning for a coming social evening mrs gawdy and mrs calducll were atlendnntu at a w c t u meeung in acton last wick and assisted in uie programme mr and mrs john arrow smith of toronto were visitors at uie liume- of mrs david svwcklumii r over the week- dublin dublin brain li of uie women i insti tute held their february meeting at the honil or mm win prank the president mrs stewart in the cluilr aflcr uie usual business und irrunyenieiiln made for the aunuul social evening the follow log luugnimmi- was glvtn a iiuimt by i mrs j mcgieuor entliled st patrick i follow id by an instrumental number by beriitece bruckgn a debate han uiat n cranky lldy woman is better than u uoodnutuii d unlldy one prov ed very intcreming the ufllimuuveaas upheld by mr bracken and mrs rud- dlck uie negative by mrs o somervlue and miss e barber the negituvl ide won this wai followed by some com munity singing uiui the meeung closing by singing the national anuicm lunch was served and a social lime spent the dublin brunch of the womtni by the smiling or ule muplo leaf forever followed by on instrumental number by margaret waldle wh h was very inuch enjoyed monu mroeacllle then ruvored the audience with some dancing a chunii by the young glrb en u tied it t a long way to tippcrary which uas heartily applauded and mona mcgeuchle gave more dancing numbers duett by margaret waldle and annie programme will commence at 0 15 p m great lti1 of entries for dominion day meet president a t beardmore and secre tary j it mccomb of uic acton amuleur athlcuc club attended tho great inter national indoor meet at hamilton last wednesday night nnd were successful entitled doing home again vi lli uiclr quest for enulcs for uie great vry much c by all and a mouth dominion day meet to be lield nt aclon ni duett by wilfrid waldle and reg uils year the following clubs were inler- l heartily encored tie m vlcwcd toronto ladles canadian ladles i ll cl by singing uie national an- pnrkdale ladles hamlltonr ladles homll- ulcni l us served wnd it social ton olympic club toronto y m c a i limc a monarch spartan and oladstoic and i itatl- buuudrra of sw tries have been pro in tec d from all thcbc clubs ruimcrs of note wvo wu be here arc johnny ptrjialrcu ray louts leigh miller cliff ilrirltor johnny miles myrtle cook florence hell ethel smiui hogorui leaching staff visited at the bo mi her friend miss muriel oruvunan oi uic weekend miss jessie job viillrd nl thr lioj of her slur mn willlurd urltlon u the weekend large acton athletic club oft teem vbttl kotlthooil hamilton moet the rcadcra of uie simirtlng items hi the toronto dallies no doubt noticed ncvtrul arudes commenuug upon uic ability of miss ouch nye of the hamil ton ijjciils club winner of uie open races for ladlci go yards both at the indoor morning and u inut at toronlo as well as at hamilton iorunto tefore 11all1nafad mr und mrn will allan of drainptou tmuit sunday at ihr home of uic fanner a father mr jueph allan sr who passed away on monday mr dttvlil uussell has been on the slk ii i for mime lime past hcv mr und mrs uaudler smnt u day hi iorunto last week mlvi annie shorttll went to toronto j lhipllal on tyiduy lost for medical treat- i mint there are a number of hemes hi the ttlitrlet quarantined for scarlctccna tiiiwlug been have been uie order of hi- dij for home lime poiil mr bert it dm pi li the buiy man with hlu circular mr hi mm nil mr t trunk ulnulti ore smii da j v lilting with friends mr james allan or detroit arrived kimr on sunday spiing mlllhury ut ulss murray ikfllduil lleauluiore und secretary mc comb tin arum clubu rcpresentatlvefl ul the iluinllton meet lust wrk hud a lengthy interview with this young lady ultli the result thut she assured ulcni vl- thal she as well as the ouirr members ol hei club would be in acton on or dominion day lo take jiart lu the great m ithletlc imcl to be held here leigh i miller who won uie mens own 100 yards here last y or and wiio has been making leicy williams equal worlds records to blut him will uuo be an hand while intri viewing johnny fitziatrlck uic iluinllton oljmplc runner who was also one of cuiwidau olympic teum and iliiullsl in he j0 yanls at amsterdam last ieur percy wlllluma also joined in the conversation and was quite interested in knowing what this grrat iiilli at acton un v all ubout and it lie hapiened to be uu tuit ut that ume would certainly conic i nu our ol uic fruturr of the indoor meet av at hamilton uus the purude immediately u before uie starling of the various events 1 he uthletes comprising about 300 of 111 difterent rlubs llmd up behind the pipe baud of the llltl highlanders andlvii dun h tu r hid around the urmorlcu pririillug wati r vt u u wry iu tureiqur lghl a parade of tin t i tht di erlpllou ulll ul o take place in eli niton fin the lli ling of the vurloui events at j on im day un gn l uthletli- met l lieu oil dominion utte cornmi iiy mr m m robin on munagrr ol m ci jliu hi cliniidlini oljmpll irurk ami fli id ii i i ind i i mum and who was obliged to vilu the gtiunini 1 iit et fiiiiii an invalid rhalr due to a mul tin url inoken in i lie uui uui interviewed and pel formunt e tiir u prruuitatlvr were assured of iut mi niln i i nly his supimrt but nli of uiu whole ilmu b i n lumllton olympic club of which lu- la bu nuut h 1leudillt tll- ul loi the united church lutt sunday ronitn gallons were prt ut to hear alexander donald on dellur ills lurewcll mrniiins lit und mrs itev dcnaldson and son hubert left monduy ipend u few days in dcirtllug lo halifax where they tukt country tlihr mnnv frlmdi wlh ihrni iv miff journey to thulr deillnalliin mr j am i ilunilltiin of orllllii was a v 111 tor over the weekend mr and mri muido and little daughter ion eiil the wciki ml with mr and mrs anno curler and family mr jnluisuin iiiwal or blmioe was liume for the wickend mr uonurd oiinitmr of the o a c ouilpb li holidaying ut hit home iiltl mr cliiylon whit of cli vilund ohio lt vlallliu wltli mrs 1 lynch and ouier relative for a week or m nihility brother- if uinktr suk brought u car load til hnrirs here last wetlt i hey ere slabli 1 hi the agrl- ullunil hull ut the lxlilbltluu purk until monduy when tiny dlskitd tif by uuclltm roy hludliy wleldid tin- hum- iiler and hie luirst i wen- mild at all f ji0 null lhen wire about inl un tidal mile run over albert moore miidn a brief irecroft last week llwi icolle ivliy of walkerton ripeut weekend with her sister mn john i ailibem mlv may turner and little miss betty turner are vlnltliig with mr and mrs john smith nt orlllla mr and mri w r e blulr and mr und mn john icenney vliltcd w 1th fr lends in llnmlltnn on sunday mm mhuts who has been iii for oine time is till critically 111 and her condition doe i not improve- much mr and mn w r e blair attended tile funeral of ihu laltrrs uncle mr joseph allnn uulllnafad on tuesday mn f s snlwood of calgary left on tuesday for new york to spend a muplc of weeks with relatives there miiji kathleen icelly nursr- in training ut st juniphtj hospital ouclph spent the weekend ot the parental homr here mr oeorge s leille und mlj elva johnston spent the weekend nt the home of mr und mrs fred o john ston mr align kennedy or mcrrttton wan hume for the weekend nli friend mr ewarl accompanied him and siciit th ekend here mlvi jean kennedy ii a was home from toronto for the weekend miss licy itoss of toronto university oc- tn pun led her mn itcv w j mclcod of tor- uo und mrs duftlcld or eramoia have n visiting the last week at the home and mrs r j kerr crettmin mclaughlin who lias pending the winter monuis at uie ht nu of his slnut mr and mrs aully iironto has relumed homi ntmirn tihetla vlolted at mr and mm frank days rockwootrrn mantloy their 20th wedding anniversary r and mn a icannawin were in cleveland inst week attending uic funeral of the laturs brother mr t a tor- jiicc who had been a resident of uiat ly for fortytwo yearn f mr ei0 nd me w sword of ogcma iik wh lircompanled the remains of n smiuii nmuier lien- for interment lit ti few diiy nt offirn bound prior uielr ret inn to the wesl mm f s set wood of calgary spent couple or days lost week in kitchener hi mrs herbert schrietor also vtsllcd durbig the iul week with her brouicr mr and mrs h s nlcklln of guclph a pleasant evening was spent by n numlxr of friendi at the blruiday porty i misc- noriiec johniton and mar garet islle on tiaturdny evening at the home nt mr und mrs fred o john ston jiimei allan of itoyal oak detroit cilu hume on sunday op ac- lf the rlrloua ilncss of his fauicr i f m ura with his cousin mrs uliir before rrtuntlng to his fn wetin sday mr lb j hu imuitt i i 1 v utclltlon j a mowat returned i their trip to california nit two winter monuis in dr hnruld mowat ry much uiclr wlnlcr so uthern climate to uinsc mentioned last i uie loiniwliij friends from acton nil attended the funeral of uie he wllllum e snyder ut toronto last hmllh grinen mr george aruiur arlflcn miss ella ridley and mrs robert hpruwl mr arthur swockhamcr mrs j bpro w 1 w ho w as mcnuoned as nt- nihling did not olteiid mr and mrs it juiui niagara palla mr stewart of lliiiilitiin and mr and mrs e r jthniton of hamilton rugo attended grlticti snyder telkphone growth in acton 1 lit urum conccrnine the develop- nrnt of thu utility ourlag the post two yean in conversation with mr j j arlnin of kitchener district manager of the blu tekphone co for this district we suugested that if uiu figures were avail able tor acton showing the growui of the sysu ni tut kbce pntss believed they v iii id be interesung to our readers in view of the work uiat the acton chain inr or commerce has conducted co-opcra- tlvily wlui the bell company officials the culmination of the combined efforts is liiuristing u the members and uic public generally during thr pt to years lo miles of new rural pole lead and 22 miles uf new rural circuits have been added to the acton branch which provided for 10 new rural subscribers added during uie wmr p rlod h new rural subscrib ers hiiv bctn added in uic past three inonl tu i here u 3000 id ihr till ago out tulltly no damage from huh a littles tilrls in mr play mtltkd ihru liii tnliih tin ulln trrl qtiar d of mi rs llm i huh i i a i lltli hid ofoiifi in is u1 lid hi tin uh- i lulmcll uu wu stugeil t d t tve tridll for their pi chu li teilun md luiliitlug the it i him i durluu 3j1 telipbones on uie acton xrluihjjr mude up us follows buslncis 101 risldence 101 and rural u0 the laigest yearly inrease in telephones here in he past years wuj in 1125 when 40 new lelephonta were udded in the tu i02t and 102u then- were 41 uddl- ilimil uliphimcs killed ijv train arrh illaeu uf nuusuffawcja struck down by train when carrying mall htrurk ij a c p it freight train as hi slippni buk to uvold another truvel- luii in the opimuilte direction arch hun it j of christie station iwo miles run cumpbellvllle on the main hi tin c i it rullwuy was instantly kllleu nb nit tight oclock tuesday munilng mr black part or whose dlltlei to huiidli the nuil was currying 11 from uu million to u mull ost a short distance dm n the track a freight was travelling act on he double line mid us he neuied 111- destination lu- suw it coming and trpped buck on to the other track to ivold being strmk by it apparently in full 1 to nolki die oljur truln which vi pioiiedlnii east on the hue op whitli in tti pjhd for he walked almot directly into il puui und was cut down before he luul uny opportunity to get out of its flirlui tjtullon is two mtle east of cnuipbi llvllte on the miitn ibie of the c 1 it ami 11m- uillea went of mllloil vh limk wu tliiitoyrd by ui chrlatlc- h mli r on compaiy tn uic village and luul iind their fur udrty yenrs during w hk h time h had been conunuuusly t niployi d by i he sjliue llrm hi wciu k ilnii iiom oriihgrilllr murvlvtug arc wile and m vin ehlldrrn twu sons ilk of iamiltin isk and prorgr home fin- mauled daughter in i iiiervllliv und luur nt liomc two ol i in school uuthert lie wai widely low u und highly nspcoud in uie ills- i und wind of his sudden und violent alh nunc u- u icvrre ihork tu th uimunlty etuvrru jittn swt jofluph allan junt a month nftrr uin deaui of his wife joseph allan passed away at liu home near balllnnfad on monday jta hnd been 111 ajttli over a week wlui pneumonia but was thought to bt im proving a chunge for uic worse was i xprrirnccd on thursday of lost wcaic nnd lie passed peacefully away oil monday morning ills wlfo pre deceased him mi february 17 last he wan in hu 71st yenr tim funeral was ha id on tuesday afternoon and was largely l- tenckd by friends and nelghborn inur- ment was made in churchill cemetery mrs p nlxon dundallc a few weeks ago mrs fred nixon a pioneer of dundulk waa stricken wlui pnralyaln from which she failed to regain strength and she passed peacefully away early thursday morning at uin rirui of 00 yearn the deceased wlitfcaialden name wns mary ann wllllarrorwa9 bam in nassagawcya township i inl ton coun ty following her marriage to uic lata frederick nixon they resided in fergus for a while beforn moving to dundallc ibout fifty years ago uielr home belntf one of uic earlier ones in uiat plaea when dundnlk wns a mere hamlet of a few houses mrs nixon was an acuve worker and consistent member of uio old mouiodlst cangrcgnuon for a great many learn nnd she wns esteemed very highly as a neighbor and friend mr nixon prcdeccascd her juflt two years ajro til one who arc left of uic family art one and two daughters namely auxun nixon electrician of uie provincial men tal hospital whitby mrs j c duna- toronto mm a- c ucoonell dundalk also three slaters and one brouicr miss llxxlc williams dundallc mrs prances morrow toronto mr el tawse florida and joseph william jackson michigan the funeral wu held on saturday afternoon a short service being held at the house and a public service in uie unlbd church conducted by rev il a spencer uie iimum ttwrnunlrw wciu lain martuary vaulujn dundalk cemetery the pallbcorera were ii o moody j d mcdowell dr mcallstr oordon pear son w howes a d harrison dundallc herald john mcmimchy brampton brampton was deeply shocked on wed nesday to hear of uic death of tnouifr outstanding business and industrial furure ui uic parson of jolm uemurchy who niccurabcd to uic effects of a heart attack thoruy after twelve oclock noon mr mcmurchy was born in norval oa yeora ago and served his apprenticeship as a woollen manufacturer and dyer wlui ben williams of aienwullamn the first undertaking of his own was a woollen mill at arkoll he later moved to hut- ton vlllc and started a mill which lie carried on unul a few years ago when be sold out to his brother ajchle pre- inis to this he was at campbellford w here he stayed for six months and j mch a as uie only ume during his whole life that ho was in business outside f peel county when uie williams ohoe company limited failed come years ugo he and some other brampton men f oi nied a new company known ex uie williams bhoe limited and carried on the business with mr uemurcuy as prtsldeut which position he held unul his death in 1010 he began the heat kiit l limited hi an u factoring sweater oats whlcli conunucd until a few years igo mr mcmurchy has always shown great interest in the real estate acuvity of the town and he did much to open up the souuiwcsieni port of brampton ti an industrial section perse verence and courage were mr mcmurchy out- ilnndlng characteristics and lias often been said to have achieved more success and received more setbacks than any man in uic dlatxlcl quiet and affable mr mcmurchy had a great many friends and his loss will be keenly felt in uie town besides his widow who waa fonn rly miss ellen b heard he leaves to mourn his loss one daughter oladys and two sons harry and cllvc all of bramp- um two sisters mrs m mcphee and mrs l ostrandcr of toronto and one i other archibald of huttonvllle siumpeon conservator dannockdurn the monthly meeung of uie womens institute was held at uic homo of ur and mrs li anuiony last wednesday veiling in apjtc of bad weather and orv roads a large number of the members and uiclr friends attended after the usual business uic folio wing programme wus given music by the mccullough brothers instrumental and solo by miss jean orr recitations and readings by laura wiley alice n clor- rldgc und stanley morrison solos by edith russell and betty lowrlc urs n mceachcrn gave a splendid paper on making the best or things just where we are at uie end of uie programme everyone joined in u sing song after which lunch was served the remainder it the cviutng was spent lu a social time lb en mills on tuesday uie loui uic ladles or- gaulrauon of uic presbyterian church gave an afumoon tea in uic town hail muny ladles of the vicinity were invited nnd a pleasant social function was enjoy- d by ull present a good programme was given nt music readings and a comic hat display uie chief interest surround- ng uie buyer who was hard to pleasa mid who regaled the company wlui sharp mid witty crlucism her choice finally bululuu on uio moat elaborate and ex pensive one on uio table alter tha ptogntmme the ladles were invited to ik u patricks ua when praties dlfitfulcsdi und lemptlng with many other rt-freahr- lug delicacies were served and enjoyed to the full the hall and tobies were lieuutlfully decorated which added picx to the liuclal event on wednesday tho 20ui uio women it institute met at mrs w boles home with a full attendance and ule tuua traiicucutui of business the roll calk in many cases was answered by an irlshi joke the subject far the month was the huuuewlfcs prayer taken by urs marshall who impressed her lie are rs with he need of efficiency courage patience nd many oilier quallucs including pray- r in the every day round uf uie mulu- pllclty of housewifes duties concluding wlui some good ixwiiia on uie subject at uie close of the programme tho con vener und her helpers served a jolty mystic teu which was enjoyed by ail pre sent mr a alllmin is making a number of improvements lu his property mrs mcdougall sr is allghtly improv ed lu healui mm robert turk is also kulnlng physically mr kuuiilr who has been absent for i few k is home again mminvi uie prevalent in the village hume of our young ladles attended dublin strirt choir concert on monday night mi wm harold walton and tarry liaideii un couslrucung a motor boat fin pkusure ulps on uio fiver

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