ojbe atian mtet jlrrhh v uiumiday maiicn jh 11130 tm htont uoiuo awav it wan early in the morning on h well mucin lured olay 7 hut juit before tlin dawning the stone was rolled away my lirart wan flllml with sadness lor all i hrld nifwit dear lrom out my life uriui d taken and nought wan irtttui cliecr like mary in hi r sorrow who 1 roll iho shine i said lpakc mine and marys master i in rlmn from the dnad all power in given to mo in heaven and on earth and thin n miming angel proclaimed his matchless worth that all r hrld the dearest ltd look lu tender love tliat i mlfitit have my treasure hid tn his homo above qtralghtway my heart grew lighter and darknrss turned to day por tho angel of hlo presence had rolled the atone away gjln jrrr jiriush lturt btnty hilaj rlttinonf s iastlr he wan a crarji old fellow at least evcryone enoke of him in that way and uid children looked wonderlngly at uio big white linuse almost hid frqm sight by the mass of cvergrecvta bloomy and forbidding mr olios petubone wan a hardheart ed man and if ttiero was a bit of brightness tn his loul he was very care ut to keep it hidden from hie reit of the world everybody said this and uiey ought to know for he had lived in mtdovule over forty yearn die juniors were in a quandary tauter wan almost hero and thejr plana were not completed easter won such a happy time at leant it should 1m lul as mies adams said ncrlians there were noma people who could not for cct their troubles even on easter mom- ins the master had said to do into the highways and uie byways and com pel uiece people to come to uie feast or good tilings tills was meant for the juniors as wcu as for the people of bible ttmis and so mks adams sug gested that caah member of the junior league should try to mako someone glad on easter day and she wondered if it would- not be better to do it quietly and cccrcuy and tajttothlnp about it to anyone until afterwards when they could have a real old fashioned metho dist experience meeting and tell of the blessings they had received rosamond dterung could hardly go to tliuin lhat highly fc itoiiuh mumma or amiljtate they would surely know something lor iter ut do then die remembered that slie could trust ood to leajl her lie knew all about the lonely hearts in medevllle and perhaps lie would send tier to just the right ono fjhe went to almp sinn ing tofuy to herself he icadetli me ho lcadeth me the sun shone brlgbuy in at the bed room window and rosamond eat up with a start asmanuna raid comcthtriff about an easter greeting there she stood with a rreat bunch of flowers in her hand and when rncamond saw them she cried out wltti joy really truly white lilacs her very most favorite flower where did they come from then mamma told her that uncle jack had sent them from the city green house and they were for rosamonds easter day when rosamond was dressed church and everyone else was busy get ting ready she stood looking at the great bunch of lilacs as she burled her face lrr the fragrant blossoms she seemed to see a picture a cross looking old man standing in the door of a gloomy white house almost hidden by the tree rosa mond was amazed yea it was old mr petubone how lonely and sorrowful he looked i her heart was filled with pity for him olie fairly trembled at the thoughts crowded into her mind tills was her mission i olie knew it she felt it and not waiting to get her bonnet she took uie bowers in tier dress and hurried around the comer and up uie path which led to mr petubone s house ohc pulled the old braes knocker as lidrd as slie could and was surprised when uie door open ed so quickly there stood mr petu bone himself looking at her over uie top of hla spectaclea weill wliat can i do for you little girl lie said ills voice wasn t lialf as cross as slie thought it would be please mr fetubon uiu u easier and co ua so tls lie said sofuy i uiought you might like these flowers uncle jack sent uiem to me but uiought perhaps you were lonely and uiey would help to make a happy easter for you rosamond sold more uian slie liad planned to say and the felt afraid but mr petubone took the flowers and said omething about little lucy and how slie loved uie lilacs then lie asked rosamond to come jn and told her lie would enjoy uie flowers very much in deed olie heard uie church belu ring ing and slie must be going the old bcnueman patted her on uie head and slie suddenly threw her little arms around hla neck and kissed him- a tear rolled down his cheek and dropped upon her dross mr petubone took his silk hat arid goldheaded cane from the rack in uie hall and fastening a sprig of lilac in his coat and anouier hi ros mond s lialr he said genuy will you let me go to church with yau rosamonds mouicr could not find her anywhere and was wondering what could have become of her when mr sterling called from uie library w11i you look tlicrc dear if it ian t rosamond and old mr petubone the lord be praised there was a sur tn the cangragauon wlicn uie two came into church and sat in uie oterllng pew but in no ncart was there such glad easter joy as in iho tout of silas puubonc and the pastor said in his heart a little child shall lead them junior herald rejoice ii y cauiur q nottwoham r wa a 1 dutiful i milrr morn- wi n too young to remi mher him and i liiff and the church doom rtood they km w of no living relative jl ajar wo enn hear uio music j what iocs it all mpaii kate asked if w rlt llirri nnd maybe some tnnjjiiy bewildered jf thp rcrmin to i it wan katie that it tlicnna dear remarked kaue raid thl i with a glance at nhahby tommy thoughtfully that thin in to lie our horn it hr ride nnd then at her own poor nnd we iiliall have two muthern one in j rem hint hud gotten far part her iklll j lu hvlii ft r us to see again noniu day anil in mendlnn mid had holm and nuts in one on rurth to love and take care of many jilnrei fnou icntle mild tummy im glad sighed uie tired uttlr fell and no am i said the m in inter and then kissing icatln n wise little fre he i believe that with such a brave little woman in the house to make sun rhinc for mc i shall practice what preach and alwnyu rejoice iaitfr in many labis i in to uga in never mind dear lay your hi nil in lnp awhile nnld katie tenderly t draw ing him near nnd nmotherlnir a it i rry thnt nlmoiit cccnpcd her i vlnh he would talk to the children an lie mliililer uil to where mother look un to church but tommy n eyelldn dropiwd uie lonn loahen lay upon his chcclu and ho tarred nothinirftr an ror uireemian many bpllefu ithd cualomaliavoti onut or the niunlc or ult beautiful mirushliic n iroclnted with lanier some of uicm n- or even for dear icaue herself or tom- tcrcstlng and others only odd and micr- my uan fast asleep stluoun in rame parta of europe inicr olie wbi only two years older uian ntca ar willed n the hills uc nc of tommy but now thnt uielr ewect mother thp country folk who know no betur wan gone icutie felt thai nhe munt take ucllcvc that nn far as the ll reaches her place wlui never n thought for l1 n wl11 m- fruitful and the houses her own forlorn lltuc life but a ull ata firj nnd tlin people free irom heart of pity for tommy she called some times the cattle artf hlm dear and darling aa his mother driven uirough the dying embers in uie had kissed his bumps and brulsce and p of iwplnir them from disease even tried to prove wutchful and cam- in houmanta it is the cratom oheaekp sunday to pay a visit to prisons the vlmtoni go from cell to cell giving the the prisoners easter buns and cakes marked with crosses like uie hot crass buna which are eaten in almost every part of england the mghung or candles in jerusalem on easter sunday has a beautiful slgnin but the minister was speaking can far uio light uiat posses from one cnndle to another represents uie light fortlng my text to day conn us in of just ono word the minister began it la found all uirough uie dlblo and uils ocoson given us more reason uian any othr for obeying the command rejoice i i wonder what rejoice means mused katie again e children know what rejoice j of chrlauafuty spreading over the world they ought to for they do tht lord la ribn is the greeung given more rejoicing uian grown people da one person with a glowing taper lights oh he is going to talk to us uiounht tho candle of his nelglibor he is the heart hungry child on uie doorstep j risen indeed i earhen bsck the answer and now continued uio good man oj uie neighbor aoea forth to spread the i will explain it tn words uiat i am light from his candle among his uro you all can understand rejoice neighbors means be glad and yau all know what i on eaclcr day in jerusalem one can a vtxvl tahtku tim chrliitluu kaiiur hall alwuyu tteeii u movubli hunt ut much io thut thern i a inrliw of thirty llvit duyn during which it inny occur i hat it owing u an nrly attempt to roniurt it wiui uin jiwlih puuaivi r which was truilltlonal- y di lennlned by the phaui of tho inoon for the flriit chrlnuuiin who wire nf rourwj jwh tieuun by identifying chrlnt ulth the palatial lamb which wan sacrl flced at urn iuhaover hi ineiiiory of oodi prntectlon nf uie children nf the israel m win n ute angel of death slow the rtt ixini of th ifgyptlnns the complicated method of reckoning i ai ur it falls uikti the ii rut aunday nftrr the first full moon following uie inhig equinox hnn puiutlcd a good many vouhy ohrlntlnnn and uftn inconven ienced thtm there has itemed to be no lod reanoii why easter which cele to ten a d finite hlrtorlcut event uhoutd iint fall regularly upon a fixed day an r i llmas doen of counw since it must id nn a sunday it cannot lie het oi ii prcclre date but it can at least i rj for thu same sunday in each r and there arc many excellent r cc ia for u doing hitherto there imn been no agency cnmbln of bringing the various nations and churches of the world into agree ment cm thli point but now uie league of naltoni has taken a hand its com mhslou on the reform of uie calendar imn recommended that the second sun day in april be settled upon an easter day nnd uicra appears to be a very gondrhn nccth atuialrccammcndaunn ulll uctuahy be adopted by the otirls- tlan world tho movement in favor of the change has not come from uie churches thcmnelvcn so much as from members of uie laity wlio for business nnd personal reasons dislike the extreme ly riiovnblc celebration of tho feast at present but uierc is a strong party wluiln the churches uiemselves uiat sup ports the plan and though uie inertia of tradition la against it uie probability that the change will eventually be made the roman cauiolic church uould be the most likely of all to hold t against it but it is said at geneva that til ere in good reason to believe uiat th vatican la not irreconcilable on uie quciuon iionm itffiibtd to uoah a nulurullnt hud conn to afrlra to eolloct ijurlmenj and ho wnil unarmed one day whll tnkklng through ihi jimglu ho eneountend u very fi melons looking lion mc kawil ut it steadily murmured a few words und urn iteunt lownd iu tall und slunk away five mhiuteu later he epcounli red another brute und with uie utmost suecfwm re- jwuted his procedure on his return liome he repeated this story in a circle of frlemls it wan received rceptlcally hut tell mo anked one of hu auditors what were the words you spoke that made thane llonn run nwuyl oh raid the naturalist i simply murmured to thrm yoii ii lie expected to say u few uordn nfter dinner corns dliiappear when trealeil with hollnway a com remover without leaving a cur uaumjusatbe i and j wewtrlad all the umo when country people cauicljtfgcraunibere of rtlfuajter n cggii for several weeks before easter at this reason of uie jeear jibovcall glvo as prcsenta uiers we should rejoice in switzerland on uie last school day how can we remonrtrated kate before easter uio children are allowed tliero slinuld bo and is great rejole- u bring hardboiled colored eggs tng at obristmas time the season when school the mothers in their loving christ was bom among men but uicrc mother sympathy vie wui one anouier jhould be more rejoicing now at easter in coloring the eggs when too poor to because he lives again and forever buy dyes uie eggs arc boiled with bits then he told anew uio wonderful story of pretty flowered gowns x- tho rosurroouon and its recurrent 11 ustmtlon in uie coming of uie spring and its flowers he told it in lansuagc that his youngest listener could under stand ills hearer on uie doorstep eager ly grasped each word and treasured it in her dscolate little heart death is not death he exclaimed but rauier a long sleep with glorious awakening the flowers ore not dead when we miss them in uie winter time but only sleeping and when uio spring again uie flowers come wiui it brlghuy awakening when we uiought uiem deaav- to us who havo lost dear ones uio spring umo should bring es pecial comfort por as we ceo tho winter that passed so may we know that wo shall have our dear friends back more bcauuful lovelier far for uio scp- arauon and for having passed uirough uie gates of death then spoke a few words about flowers as tributes to the memory of the dead and of uiclr appropriateness in uie church at easter kau s lace was radiant see her dear mouicr again she was not depressed by uie possible years of waiting not appalled by her own sure journey uirough uioso gates of dcaul before uio subricious ciiaoacteiis gladys read from uio local paper in an excited voice suspicious char actors were teen lurking about uio poat office last evening but they disap peared into uie darkness before their idcnuty could be discovered suspicious characters repeated aunt louie i caw a suspicious character last oladys started for uie library door in breathless alarm o auntie slie cried hat umo was it i must tell father this minute 1 your fauicr hoa gone to his offltc said aunt loubic calmly sit down and let me think just when i saw my sus plclous character as i remember it appeared at seven and left just beor nine and you ntfvcr tald us a uorui cried gladys her blue eyes widening was he lurking i should say rather uiat she was lounnlng she i echoed oladys seven to nine why uiat was when nina was licre aunt louise glanced from tho handker- thl bpiung miraclk easter is uie fact of which the annual miracle or spring tn uie type the com- na back into renewed life of what hod lain concealed in uie coll to escape uie desolating blasts of winter marked the mlinculous art of uio creative energy uiat produced trgctauon lpcricjicc has taught us uiat a tlml lar plan runs throuah uie whola o creation its various elementary eonsutu 3aibrfbflirfrrii rnrnrairjiir tffflflply al- lnfftfnrihw frrtenrjsi wn for improvementiuunaidfl a peri cct model next- sunday easter day crowns all with tho assurance uiat man creations hghest cfort shares in uils renewal revivified life now wo know for men have seen it exemplified m one supreme instance uiat uils world is to experience a grand spring when back lnti a new better ex istence arc to cprlnar counuess millions onrlcn women and children dissolved into dust or into other elements they were not dead after allt tho germ of lift was preserved as it was- in the seed bulb or root m uie soil pre served in uie carerul keeping of uie creator in uie case of every one of uicm every bud every leaflet that springs out of uie noli at this season is a preacher of uie tact of a resurrection of the body and whlrpcrs since i am here doubt not lie rose and keep with mo uils easter day uniuhi it vi i auction sale in ritamooa township tho undersigned linn received instruc- lonn from uortfltt johnhton to sell by public auction at his farm lot 4 concemlon 6 lrnmosa adjoining rockwood just off provincial highway no ton tobsijay ariul 1020 at two o clock sharp the following fll head of stackers and short keep s 10 short keep steers 10 two-year- old oteers 36 steers rising 3 years the abevtf utmk ii in godd cantltuan and will positively be field without kterv iv weatheu it unkuitailff flalp can hk ltelxi undhl covptt tlrmfj 10 moriuis credit on approv ed jalnt notes approved by royal uank rockwood 6 off for cash short keepers 3 monuis credit or 114 on for ennh ie j kfttr auctioneer phone 3d acton ontario unttpberved auction sale in eflquefjrno township high class dual ruuposp daiiiy cows oxfolld siifep voldk hogs houses sped potatoes too tihii a utile riy jlw thru tin line whriill tin fuinily it ul ih flu she lly lew thru tin flui y ulr and took a clu w from mill om hi all hud the flu he nitjiht it lo prom uijelit ivu aunt iu und flu and mire uifnln ulw thru the ilm to pau it on an all flics do i not so conki icuoim a i i hul j ail tin iimi i j ii ililnk v i hi i iii ij in hut f 1 i 1 king d iibtfully ut li r lilu hunt flirt u ii t u ihluk iluir v hud ii u i i it tiiilll wi it lutn i wii tin fi i inliiirnir d rtply itli ivlihiilly m nil flriii luuilil n umllil mil hiul dudldtriln r r rl ni h r l hl mlt i nily rnllid in i i 1 i and in iikimi hliu i j mm it lo a mon uifl i lllc whin u uid y ii llki in to put ii i i hi huildi r uiuli r tin jn i lump ik replli d ii n ui hull hi ablf lo reo thn time li n it i hull my ntttiui u mr dalatwlc and taking to economist to ltfip a mora retraining collar hound raeh eluitva nintble dollar t find tlitpl rul tnfflcst jutl buy at carrolls louicut prietal i carrolls lowcot j prices u 5iiiim jiih ndi w s fto cl i u ladlud sli n silo pclib cllu cisi pui pminto plid lftc u jm cum uu w ul tty lb 2c carrows specials for thursday and saturday dtosed friday usavs meatwich z tin zse acadia hjfi tunlss co tlbcarton 1 fillets as z5c 2 puugrf 37c vium rsum suil 1 afi 2 ii 2 cwmlian iltan r-n- ibi 4te rthk dhy cilices ai a lunut xsc it bim pl fancy sliced bacon jsrsass asc fancv jumbo sweet peas package aylmei nstb pinui rk lint ond guu 1 iw jlulfc dcj curolt aylmr 2 h sfiwtck aylmai fancy ayluehsuced hbh glad reunion she only uiouaht of once i cnlef fihc wafl embroidering lo uie glrrt acaln being enfolded by a mother s t j flushed face and uniled don t you and feeling uie shelter of a mothers conaldcr a oiwplcious character love sho aked i can hardly help ciatsl i wish you would woke up so uiat 1 1 r j irlends since you allow me to could tell you about it we ought to lloar your enlightening conversations i have had come flowera in uie church oauiercd last night that nina was not today for mother wc didnt uiink abgoll 8u it the new freshman about it but never mind we con getl ul sevens uiat was expelled from tomo for to night oh tommy dear ulc kingham high school for cheating just uilnk of it gomcumo well cce bho w she uiought he must bo thr hut tommy still slept for she i uie initials ic ii 8 mouicr again unheeding ln dnc llls notebooks oladya replied the closing hymn wakened uie utile hu mflt te ju6t bflik of i i fellow and after hearing part of uie kcnt nking uils morning uiat he was copylnc my algebra over my shoulder of course you can t help being sun plclous of him now her aunt agreed out granted utat he is uie stevens he may be trylnc to turn over o new leaf i was uurprlced to hear uiat inter csunn bit of news about your new music teacher i wonder how our school board came to hire a young woman with on un controllable temper oh miss morgan is a splendid teach- crl cried gladys nina wasn t positive whether it was uie music or uio drawing m v teacher ln camdem uiat struck the boy he will know how to get them bito the w d to aing or draw whichever it was she explained it all out at recess hut ou arc suspicious of miss morg an now oladys looked uioughtfujly out of uie v indow for a minute i suppose it tuui made unjasusplcloiu characters she ad uiers inltlc nt iasl rvlccs conbtantcy fmotional training prom time immemorial uio children of uie world have been fatuifully train ed intellectually and morally yet parents of uie jborld have overlooked tho childs greatest need uu need of emotional training from birth tills declaration was maju by doctor cmlley a ulanton ifetior of child study at cornell and vasaar universities in a recent address in such training mental hjglcne plays a great part but according to or ulanton this does not mean mental defectiveness or its treat ment but uie expansion of sound minds uirough emotional training lie declared that aluiough trained to use its intel lect a child may be so emotional as to have grave personality defects the average child might be morbidly timid fearful or anxious poslbly moody wiui no ability to make friends it may be cancelled or selfish or have an uncon trullabui temper which may ruin partially at least it later adult life such emotional training may mean illrfeivnce between mediocrity and brll luuioc or success and failure yet it is only recently uiat steps have urcn taktn to remedy this crave lack of tralnlng diclared dr ulanton 1 lie speaker declared uiat from un uttu a child hi ib monuis old h uptll it is ivc years old iu training u uie background upon which iu future will grow b it good or bad wonderful story he gladly accompanied icatie ln uio search for wild flowers to place in uie church at uie evening service a tribute to uie memory of uielr beloved dead was a long and weary vay the children went but they wen richly re warded and came back laden with all uiey could carry of uio beautiful symbols of uie resurrection up uio church steps they climbed only to find uiat tho door was locked we must take them to uie ministers house said katie nouium daunted 1 know bow to hurch wlui folded hands and bowed lie ad the minister nt in the afternoon sun- ight ills appearance was dejected and stranutly out of plact in him who had preached rejoice in the morning looked as if he who above a jhould have b in cheered by the had failed to do so your sermon to day was very beautiful his wife said gently it has been a great comfort glms of thought while it is illuminating to sec how vtronment moulds men it is absolutely iscuual uiat men regard uiemselves as moulders of uicir environment walter uppinoji our repentance la not so much regret for the 111 we havo done as fetr of the iii uiat may happen to us in conse quence la raclicfoucauld in uie adversity of our best friend wc often find omcuilng that is not cxacuy displeasing la rochefoucauld the first point of wisdom is to discern uint which la false the second to know that which is true lactontlus believe tn what is best believe uiat it is possible believe ln ood and bellovo uiat thli is i u a simons some books are to be tasted others to be swallowed and come few to be cliewed and digested francis bacon the things uiat we do to day mound our uvea to morrpw we cannot escape the effects of our deeds lot 33 third um uiueinr at churchill two mlleo natuac acton just oil provincial highway no 7 on monday aprix 1 1dsd at two o clock sharp uie following iiordeal pair colts 1 year old filly and 1 gelding cattle 1 roan cow d yearn old freshened in december bred january 0 1 roan cow 5 yearn old freshened in january bred in january 1 red cow years old milking well bred january 20 itlcd caw 7 years old freshened last of february 1 red caw 0 years old fresh ened in january bred march 14 i hoi stein cow g years old milking well bred january 10 l roan cow 3 years old due umo of sale 1 rod cow 0 years old bred- hut of october jersey heifer 3jrcorn bred i steer 1 year old i calf 3 monthn old 1 calf 3 weeks old sheep 4 oxford ewes having a lambs each oxford ewes in lamb 1 dorset homed run pio 8 pat pigs 1 yorkshire sow with o pigs 1 month old day of sole ready to wean a real nice utter podltry 50 white rock hens 1 bet renfrew truck scales now 3 000 lbs capacity potatoes 50 nags of early sunrise potatoes 10 bags of cobbler potatoen 25 bags of dooley potatoes grown from ccrufled coed by aruiur swackiiajnef posluvely no reserve as uie proprietor is golnr out or tlio milk nuslnfcu terms 10 00 and under cash oyer uiat amount 10 monuis credit given on fumvdilng approved joint notes- 5 off for cash fowl and hogs cash r j kerb auctioneer phone 30 acton ontario plank clerk thl turkfy tiulh have cliangeo aunll when i waa your age i never ment aiiywlicro wiui a boy dor cuu aunuo youre just wlmt tke clieaji tdcateu uro looking for lligllsh writer upon mountains l mid mlii quotes in prnlol of the life thank you my diar suld uie mln rf inoun taint era liter stroking her hand but hla tone thi mountain cheer the frosty skies was half hearted jjre d purer wiu inventive eyes the wife was silent a few minutes and then the moral of the place then she ventured auiuy hint i summits of heroic grace anil jet you ucm little depressed i hf truth of the last couplet is made now dear oo 1 by many ii story devouon of the i am he replied reluctantly not liichlandera of scotland to uiolr hercdl only a iltue but very much depressed ury chief one of uicm is told of tht ills wife looked durcsscd and he went faithful followers of charles edward n the truth la i want our children btuaft uie pretender who was defeated it is nqt enough fur mu to know that m cullodcn lu uie iiexcartcr wo shall mool i wantf rtie chler or tho macphrruu liavhig tu feel their arms around my neck and bem d eply engaged in uiat insurrccuon uielr warm kltes on my sheckt hi life became of course forfeited to his voice trembled and on his checks th uiwj but neither uie hope of re longed for loving i ward nor the fear of danger could induce uerore his wife could sneak any one of his people to betray htm doorbell rang and hastily wiping i pur nine year he llvod concealed in hb eyes uie minister himself answered i a cave a iihort distance from 111 own the cummuns there wiui uielr oims i house it was situated hi uie front of ull of blossoms uir loveliest uiat the a woody precipice of which the trees ond woodj afforded stood uie two little i a iclvlng rocks concealed the uitrance thcrlcss children looking wlslfully up i i he cuve l been dug by his own hla face p who workcd bt nitlt earr it you please said kaue wc want tin atoms and rubbish into a noighbor- we heard ng lake in order uiat no vestige a uielr li bor might appear und lend to uie dlcovry of uio retreat in uils concealment uio chief couunu d to livt cccuru receiving by night tho reonlunul vlua of his friends and tonic- tlmea by day when tlio soldiers had be uun to ulickcn uie vigor of their pur suit mon uuui one thousand persons kniw of lila tt ncealmcnt and a reward of one uiuuuiiid ikiunds was offered to any pcmim who slwuld give information wu my as ho lield out his hands in rigurd to tho chief yet not a man for uie flowers but his wife caps lit u as base enough to betray him and so boui rhlldrnn iii her arms and icilsod dexlcroua were uiey in convoying to uielr uiem again uhd agahi i chief uio necuisarlis ho requlral in his oh you iioor darlings i sho exclulmod i long cbnflneinrnt uiat not a trocu of idl me about it and holding uoem j him could u dbcovered tluw to lur slie drew forth uu pluful i story a glmico ut her husband showed i a touuon svpi uuit uiey reud oach others uioughta mine wo ii keep hum taid hi has your huihand got the flu unk- if thry will u lay and no one w hi tidier as uie gnt wiui the whence enmc uie original north amcrl can turkey is a much debated quesuon pltc the wellcstabllnhed fact uiat the turkey la a nauvc to uie western hero lapherc and was carried by uio spaniards from mexico to europe the claim u re- neatcdly made uiat it is of aslauc origin jiys an orucle in the new york times by way of proof it u pointed out dint in sixteenth century english it was called hen of turkey or sometimes even asia the french word dlndoa cornea from paulc d indc whereas ln norui germany and parts of holland it was known as uie hen of calcutta in view of the fascination which asia held over the minds of europeans four hundred yearn ago it la not surprising thut uils jewel of uie table was assigned an asiatic origin aluiough people were not part of uie indies tho name indian as uppllcd to uie american aborigines became as firmly fixed as tho word turkey this linn not aflected uie euinulogy of our red men any more uian the various european names for tho great american bird havo changed ita place of origin to uio spaniards be lone j tho crcdif of havlnn introduced he d mcstlcatcd spcclcn which after uslvc breeding wan brought back to his country and now outrivals the wild turkey in taste and drllcacy uieao flowers in uie church your sermon this muni lag wu couldn t conic in wiui a glance at her rugged drcaa but we sat on uie u pa and i lleurd every word we never could rc- j lie since muuitr died it has been no li nely but now we will we under stand it better wo know she had to bu and we shall havt her again and wc want uio flowers in church please in memory i uilnk yuu called 1l my deur child i was all uie mlnlster uath roijow- their noses ipcrmcnt bhows why they turn rifht or left a rat follows his none bctldca ills natural bent wlicn rumiuig over a now und unaccustomed paui this fact lias been shown to be literally as well as fluurauvcly by work recenuy completed by joseph s yushloka dr yiuililnka found in running uilrty five rats uirough a muac several tlpij unit a few sliuwed teudenclis always to turn to uie right when opiwrtuulty offer ed und a few others showed u tendency alwuya to turn to uie left tie eking un cxplnnuubn of thu he examined uie of tlicic few rats with a mieclal bent for the right or for the hft tunis he dheovered uiat uiey all had a cuivuturc in uu mcclan suture of the nasal botu a alight curve to uw right in uiln lionc makes the right nual pun suge larger und raiivn uu up of uie nunc to point a iltue to uio left the op- lioulte ci udltlon in uir hone causeji the u sfijjll a tufll ui rlghl the ninii lerords of the rati revealed that thej ttiro hi uir habit of turning must luenuyln the- dlreiuon which uielr at polutud clearing auction sale township op esquesiho oi fjuuu utock and implements he undersigned has received his true uons from j d nnown to sell by public auction at lot 38 1st line ecquclng just outside of acton wednesday apkil s 101 d at one o clock sharp the following horses i bay horse heavy draught 15 ycurn old l bay clyde horse heavy di aught g yearn old 1 bay ocncral purpocc horse 5 years old 1 bay more 4 years old this la a nice mare would make a nice- wagon more sound and clean two of a kind heartily rise has claims mam uiuu fgrourh ull uw room closer uulidjonljig iihiiwed uiat uie j no slglied uie patient wlfi uilldruis fullier hud dlnd wluin uiey jut hla natural dljpoiiluo that s h m wilt re are jou iff to uent jun iii goln to occ the doctor i deint like um limk of my wife uun 111 tunw wl yi i dint like ui look o mine eluicr cows niack and white cow calved february l a years old roan durham cow calved january 5 years old blue cow duo june 3 0 years old brtndle cow calved december 5 5 years old black and white cow bred january 1 7 yearn old red durham cow due may 3 8 years old brlndle cow calved janu ary i 5 years old part pcrsey cow calvetf march 30 0 years old jersey heifer calved march 6 3 years old part jersey heifer calved march 7 3 years old jersey heifer due in may spotted ilclfcr bred december 15 3 years old durham heifer rising 2 years durham heifer bred march 3 rising 3 years l pair or heifer calvcn b mon 11 is old 1 bull durham 3 years old thin is a good herd of cows uhekf 4 well bred oxford down ewes supposed to be tn lamb i ewi lsunb ilofa 1 york sow bred january l pen of chunks iilns about 00 ruck hens u pullets j roosters harnesb set long tug team har ness 1 set short tug plow humans set hlnglc harness 3 surcingles 3 ilorlc blankets 0 long straw collars om 18 to 33 inches pair brass mount ed team bridles imkuajentb wide lire half truck wagon wagon box and stock rack lop buggy road cart 1 sloop sleigh und platform 3 cutters cliauuun fan ning mid frost st wood hinder 0 foot cut io ter hamilton mower 5 foot cut deering hay rake turnip sower dccr- ing hoy ladder b fork frost ju wood u dlso drill peter hamilton cultivator ij tooui deering culuvator 13 tooui frost at wood 4sccuon harrow 3 drum steel roller no 31 floury ludlng plow no il fie ury walking plow stubble walking plow wiui wheel 3furrow walking plow peter hamilton scufflcr i 3 000 lbs renfrew scale wheelbarrow imtiia size road scrajwr barrel clmm viking cream separator 050 lbs 1x- tenlnn laddir 3d feet milk palls curuicy ullklnu machine hand sprayer for mitatoea day hie block and hopes maxwell iulper rones chains forks shovels flora oulcr arttclcn too num erous to mention some houc doors 3 inch pine these are good doorn nil ehur stuff some 3x4 hemlock iconic 10 fret long some 14 feet lung uinio 13 feet long i efd and orain qiuinuty of hor- top s lvrrum bmn qunjiuty of wlwat chop quanuty or oats a quanuty of hoy no reserve as the prop rl tor u giving up tarrohir and the farm will miner im hall or uented itorre tit sal terms iis 00 and under cash over thut um unt io mouths credit on fur ul hlng uppruved j tint notes b j r milium olf for lojii poultry tlrulu feed und dewru cajh evcryuilng uiuit tie ui tiled lor before leaving farm u j ueuu aucuanwr iluiin 3d acton ontario u o plank clirk 38 3 pi th x avuherpuke i peach jam 3xc soap 4 k e -funywfryiyrry- 5ud i0z- jar 29 tj crrll own p pound goe cju lc mala 2 tins 23c pfb uul bni libby laurt lllr rnn3 xobstehtrmc bread f j wax beans r ge i west0ns blscunssie h siluubmiucus where quality is as migh tts prices arm law sttrprtw sop 10 birt 49c 3fer2 awhuiut uo ilrnd j pkgt 13c often thiirjdjy evening till 10 oclcck umsiammm iioiiiiairiixnr n no lqt did you ever stop think y cdson it waitd slinwnw oklahoma thai without th aid ol ad ertisiiu n iiiiiiiihictnrin inimiicbs can succeed ih matlei the ijiiality oi price 1 iccall a concern wlio knowing the i ifiistant aiil cmtincrcabinj dcmanil for a eeiiun pioduct ilanncd to market a iodut that would lead the field in qualit id seivicc ro t n mv vas sjmicii to reach hal slaiulanl the imcst materials procurahlc ueie used men wlio were specialists eie t in dmed with eery modern mechanical ml ai ll ii seni e tliey made a product ill i eh ii ij u i omparison i w- ii ai coniplished tact thc had iiiidi ill i si they filled tlieii ware- iioiim i i niauiitactiircd pioducts then ui ii i niimher ol good salenien t i i hand ihi dealers answeii t the -ales- i c hcaid ot mui piodiiils in l nand is for those advcrtisetl and we i 1 i onlt piodiicls that lie aihcrlisi d tl took this fiim one v ai to uik up id tli t that oiiiaift sdl a piotlucl w lihout adci lisin uid when ihcv did it xis loo late the were in the hands of then i ii ditois li win have something worth selling n is woi th advertising it takes ad vei i is- ni oi tpialilv to put you on the load to sin i tss quality advertising is the free press kind mlippfllijpiaw ulll l ii ii ill lllllljjvllihj if i