if arttiti 3ff ttie hirer- rihutmhav maucii 2tl 1120 hi is notjrfkktf llh is utkkn h griet t lit u rtllj glad meage glad lldlnjjipiteljhen ml wmy imirli in- home mi line to open unlet r heawn iir lalth iii1 rrndi thy inintlr words i ii i ii irt unit mortal mnry diimifircd lentil and itil with glory rkh of ufa throb th through ciiiv ill ntilli ml lum ln now mruc mam nweep oil uiitiilk yean pnti l hi pledge of hoiw mil ircn through leaxt today in happy hearts nntl homes ilfrn myntrry wr adore wei join ihr angel i tnlnltrclay that death nliall be no more the voln that calls the nummer forth tlio illy from the grave oodh purpose ovcrrpannlng all maker hrnrt and courage brave wc read the mountain wo hear the llfcb cvci and lewion love rtlll wrlten by and by era nwcet tri urn phalli chlmo ilng mtnntrcljiy hi it inn oer our path when earthly liopra ore hrokrn o row radiant neath uie golden bow ol lovoo unending token a risen lord the angcb alinut let faith exult uie chorun till chrlnt our lnnl thin kanurday pour benedictions orr uji il loving hcartn prolong the wordb above ctirthn c easel cm ntrlfe for in uln life in perfect rest uid in ills dentil in lire lirth han no lonely cornrrn now bright rky and tinted flowers ilecomo llfcn coronation rare oodfl finger murks of power who aticdt afar oer wildest paui and loneliest pilgrimway thr light mi pern a 1 that glcama eternal thin resurrection day o awect glad wordo or triumph wltji life immortal fraught may all thy wondrous moaning into ur uvea be wrought until our dreams ion a burled in the wlntr of the pant bhall nee the gleam of morning and thr mimmrr alow at last i o christ our resurrection in th tangled uayn grow brighter thine arms beneath a weary ma ken all itn burdens lighter thy words npeak ntlll in hearts when overcast wltli iorrow and earthly n tin it own all ihall flee in thy swrrt lovc tomorruw i alonsa ii blur tlti uiuny iiua rnii now found growing on iiir iilrvrlji whlrh cull forth tnr re- tnurk from vliiuiniimd toiirlrtn general- ly i iwcliilly v in mitmmr limn whit i pretty plum acton irt i 6c letters to the editor mndiu bcfole h brilliant liclui owned of an oid lullaiiy 1nrijj yram ngo in cnniida i nan i a lullaby to juishniy lltuu uinclo fleep an evening nhadei drew nlffli i know not whence that little ulr that held mich potent ipell yet to its mkithlnir harmonies i he drnwiy lelidi fell the yearn parked on i ul alone upon a foreign rhorc whm from u window oveihead i heard that tunc once mure again i herd wn- fluttering handi to iltiitr them to ret a rain a little head to dear lay varm agaliuit my breast once i i had my little for that quaint lullaby had brought tin wide the dlnuuic tri a town oftiii3friwa 1 ionic- hay kan woji a lawn of shadow on saturday night owing to a defect in a cubic carrying current from canterbury the electricity nupply wafl cut oft and business in the town wan carried on by the light of candles and lumps belfast whig thin reads re markably like items which occasionally appear in ontario town papers rj un made devices will gang aft aglce occa sionally the world oven itcv father doyle now at mt- forest itev father doyle who was trans ferred from the pastorate of bt josephs church acton some ten yearn ago to the itoman catholic charge at kcnll- worlh has now been appointed in the church at mount forest during hla decade at iccnll worth he accomplished quite extensive improvements uicre in additions to the church the c parole school and residence there was a great farewell iinthcrlng with numerous valu able gifts tendered to father doyle n acton birds and bird ilaucea w bird houses arc being put thnl did bclweun ua lle ph illuc song of cunador though yearn may come and go ii ner forget hie thrill it nave in fur of mexico llllzubfih cameron i acton had itt elizabeth cameron jcv ral tlmcn over but in ither of the in an the autliorev of till ubo ve jkicm uu t acton had her reide it in iar off mi xlcd wliiiic helid lay uurn i ugulnst liti moth r- brcm ui id ingularly the i1u nof that one appear in ultrahni ral of hit byli u- ref rnd u below imclmkfli uuivtoipallty- frho ojt- up here and uicre in town by bird lovers acton is quite un attractive bird sanctu ary for the spring summer and autumn birds john burroughs tho great naturalist while on a visit to acton u year or so before lib death said that he found a larger variety of song birds in thli vicinity than in any other simi lar area in america the growing number of nlrd houses arc attracting them more nnd more illlh honor conferred among the recipients of kings honors just issued by ilia majesty king george through the prince af wales was a dbtlnctlvc recognition to lady brit lain wife of blr harry brittaln member of the ilrubli iiouco of commons for acton mlddleaex england lady brittaln was appointed a dame commander of the british empire tor iier political and public services she b chairman of the womenn section of the london mun icipal society and for throe years pre sided over the unlonbt womens parlia mentary council when the first aftlclal delegation of british women visited the devastated war inne in northern prance lady brittaln won iui chairman hho li high in the councils of the primrose league and l u brilliant harpist having won the championship of wales lady brittaln b ubo chairman of the council of the society or women journalists it in possible that sir horry and lady brlttuln may vbit acton ontario the coming summer while on a tour of canada his onl experience when mr gage was urged by an at tractive young woman to buy a set of liicyclupcdlua on the instalment plan lie turned round in his cliulr and surveyed her with a benevolent but firm no of thew me cxprro- ini he iald decidedly none ntlnued in our next books for i t 1 boardid to a place where they i lrr taking a net of encyclopedias just that uay i was keeping company wlih tha joung woman who afterward mar ried the man who kiu also keeping com pany with her and me she said one night when we wen- all three sitting out under the ktora and wishing one of us wasnt there that shed give a iood deal to know about jupiter how fi oft twos and every thing blie nuld nhed once known young man who hud poascoacd all knowl edge but he hud paused away bomehow 1 gathered from her lone that if he hmln i passed away he would hiive bi ii with her lhrn instead of us ami i n mi ml muubi t of uiu actonb pipty ycaits ago mtjwjt- ciealleaialation i find that many of m nuder ue much interested in the ipm of t bylaw of the village ir acton pou nfty years and more ago which i gave in thin column a few ueck nun credit b given to for the care and foresight of our early municipal legklator in their eiidcat or to administer th udiuf the community for the ijifety comfort pence and guldnnce o the early real dontn of the newly intlutrd municipal ity i prom bed that another butch of tlitse eurlyenucled s and here l tin fuinim il thereof of the curly bjuw paascd wus providing for the prohibition of slaughter housiui within the vlluge irior to incorporation uie local buttheri who by the way killed ull tin unlmnb inty ithm i it- v itn iron uie public street and in buildlntp ud- ll to uie miopi win re moil was ed for sale there wtii u slaughter e n main btreet in u building on prcwint high bchool grounds be- the sir earn there und the meat waa sold in u lltuc shop then iltuutj on the souui wrsi comer of what ln now electrical buperlnuiideiu wlbona lawn anouier wa- on icnox ainiuu oppuute to the preicnl horm liedn und uie minl shoji una in the front comer room of uie building now btundlng at the comer of main btreet und knox avenue then- whs a third on church street both ohop and sluughter houe being on sites oppislu- bt joseph a church within a year after ulcorjjornuon ir 1073 u byluw wan poised fur the pro liibltlon of all places used us slaughter houses wiunn the municipality of acton the name bylaw forbude uie deposit ing of filth or ouier substances dclri- mentul to uie public health and tills old bylaw is null in lurce and i nouce by the police court new uiat thb very year a case was tried and u penalty imposed lor infraction of its nflyflvc arld provblons under uie title nuliuiicci a bylaw is passed on the 13 april lim with the preamble whereon it b expedient to provide against nubances the first clauw sas ttiat it shull be unlawful for any person to engugt in churivarlea or to aid or ubel others ik engaged to ring belu bout or make any other dbturbuuci by ilrlng guiui putob flrccruckcra or viulbi or llrc- urinn or flreworki or in uny wuy annoy peaceable citizens by profane swearing or using blasphemous obici no or grossly lnsulthig language or commit any public nubunce by collectlnn loitering or standing u idlers on un public paui sidewalk or a tree t of llilv municipality o uj to olutruci the due ilsc ulereof another clause of till- bylaw li thli i hut no person shall buun in any open viuv ihtclnt i e di btiiel oermalue ncrkcr r marriage wan the precoclounly dun l i iter if jurquen nccker iiuls xviti fuinoun minister of i became one of the moot re- i omen writers und acquired inwniul pointful influrnce j nupolion it iircd in r und therefura cu lled her ineiulmlred his genius but dln- tiuntid bin ambitions and haled tyranny illliu in hr ardent youth with tho cn- thirliuin innplred by the dawn of tin young republic qir njioko no word no of tun an liberty but uie cquallty which no many of her countrymen equal ly valued wan to hrr mind quite anouier ulfuli kt col andrew c v haggard relatcn in hb recent luuik madame de tj ael ller trlub mid irlumplin nhe wan nutor- louly tucllami and frequenuy rudi and occunlonully ulic wan outrugcouily inno- 1 nt toward niipporcd inferlurn nor wan the innolcnle luu becaune it wan uncon- rclous once at chumbcry at a dinner party of tllrty persons her hustens wan the cnmtcsre de nalgnc whose memorlco have prclrved an instance of her be- jiyjr at her wors madame de blael wan by the cljj of the muster of the house uie comtense re cord d and the prefect of pollcj woa opiioslte her ut my nldc ohc ankc 1 him what had become of a man wham title had known an a tubprofcct he answered that the man wan now a prefect and wan much rcnpcctcd i am very glad lo hear it he wax u good fellow nald madame de btael in uny case nhe added careleaaly i have generally found that claim of nervunt very decent i saw the prefect turn red and pale und felt my heart in my mouui madame de blael did not seem to notice uiat nhe hud been rude nor hud she meant to be but monnlcur flnot uie excellent pub lic ncrvant no casually insulted bealdcn being a man of intellect and gentleman via- a man of magnanimity hb oppor tunity for revenge came even before the dinner was over an official letter wan brought lo him he excused hlnuclf read 11 and put it into lib pocket but as oon an the guests ruse from the tuble he nhuued it lo hli hostess it was an older from napoleon that madame de btael who an monsieur flnot had umlubty decllhett to nouce qtough ho must have known 1u- woa in chambcry itipgf i- idlior acton iubb pmcjh icrhupi your n ndern will be interrnt- ul in a brief deirrlpllou of a 000 mlli motor trip along what in known un the old fipnnlnh trail now a very fine nouth- imhlghway uiut i huvr juiit rompleted from imrr to anlventon and buck it run be made nnu way without difficulty in n tilngln day but we rented over night half way nt the thriving and protty city or ijikc charien junt thin nlde of the i in boundary the whnlr dlntnnrc inuiy be uald ut be n vunt jirulrlc without uniiiuinn but unlike ourn it in a piilile of nligur rlre cotton com iiiniic oil nnd flgn iniilend of one of lieu l und oats one hundred mllet or o of thin trip b through the charming iirho country otherwlmi known a i in lund or evangeline with the prod- pm looking city of fjow iberia for lb tntrn und with everything from the liouli themnelven to the nauci n und dlnh- ii lined outhelr tablon named after the heroine of the story just an we pann ed through a pullmnn car full of movie notorn and actnfircn including uie famous dolurcn del rio were there from hollywood to reproduce longfellow ntory over again in lljii original setting and great woo the excitement an well an the lack of hotel accommodation a cd by thin vblt but pathetic in uid otory now told by thin once happy and promislug lorld onddocola u indeed itn appearance mlleo and mllen of itn nugnr cane acren the former main arttcli of 1u commerce now stand in ruin and desuetude and sugar in louisiana sccmn a thing of uie pant the saddest bcenc of it all b the wreckage of uio many great nugar mlllrf along the way and the cuuntlenn hutn of the negro work cm now falling into decay the reason given for thli dcvantatlon may be nald to be four fold 1 continuous overflowing from excessive ralnn of the neighboring laki bayoib and rlvern 2 too short a season between fronts to enable uie cane fully mature 3 a dine one called mosaic in the cane nlmllar to uiat caused by our com borer and 4 and chiefly too much competition from the cheaper labor and holler countries furth menu hints ufelueii fur nnw and nevnl luilim household tittuu and kujfitloiiu liksc chateau- of coppet on the lake tlcncvu whlcli blicjmd been ordered hot toheave madame tie boignermuch por- lurbcd begged monsieur flnot to manage the disagreeable affair without causing a disturbance in uie house he assured her uiat everything should be done quiet ly and dbicrccuy and with all considera tion possible for madame de btael he added dryly i should be sorry if she changed her opinion concerning servants of my class going to rams uc within the limit- lpallty bftwecn the hour- fiuiisel very evidently bulhlug purui in that turly m tin very ni1 i linjiri v i t f llie of nix i irthy prt fatlii i prabi pretty and attruttlm felt that uiu uf tin aeronipllih this wa- tl on our k t and nd lilt suiar mupl itan i uiu lli d t tlllj inadi uiu hud liitrodued age itlni ia lilt licyilopidla was ery lust j lo ful muj jf wliltl ii uull uariuy fbc uil hese tree- haxe row through ull uu e yiarn inn it nthetu couin lllur- whlli n fair dilre of fun liiiit m ndnpt d a- uil attain- turn after truus- dretl uf beauti- ir iti l- many lng the halt per eplio tha foity elu nubli uie ll ho after tli- oth i aid tb was sorry that drug buiiucu uik up no much time he couldnt study uie ntura i buld that if she could just wait till i dipped ainisa the street and got my overcoat for i frit a iuuc chilly i could tell lur a few fucu about jupiter that 1 d impiieiiid to plrk up then i 111 out across uie aired and inui uie room where that encyclopedic was kept and opened uie j to l ir youll believe me but of course you know v hat i foiu id jupiter nee planetary byuin win i es win ir uu lehph trie compuiilen it in iu uie hi chilli f iima of hit t nmj the planting shade vld d a plan lor rl or lluiit nnd llm- in ull dl- niil tt i tin ii and lldro- i a mild iwti bylaw i lo plun und pn m colasse and phllomene his wife kept a bakeshop in uio litue breton town of lurlent when coloftse woa courung fhllomcne he promised lo take her on a wedding trip to ports not inunedlncly to bo sure but when they could ttlford 11 tor many yearn the couple studied thl details of uie journey it would take eight days to go uiu was about 101 j i ight more to see paru eight to return and two sundays must bo passed in rest mid attending church the cost of nil ihb travelling and slaying at inns was formidable but their courage was not daunted they took plenty of time consider every mile of the journey all uie village knew about lheir pli nd a neighbor passing the open window ould often uk phllomene where an you now al munles she would answer per halts we ure progrtsilllg llnully when colassc woo fortyflvi und lib wife forty ycura old they a tart not in uie stuge but in uielr ijuuted carrluge with colette the i hey left uie shop ln charge of u nephew 1 hln wuy of travelling would make it a six weeks journey but it uos uicupcr und more home- like uion the stage they rented a day or two at vannes itcunch montague and other towns it was a delightful journey they visited the public buildings and parucularly en joyed uie cuuicdrals phllomene woo delighted to learn uiat there were dozens of beautiful churches ln parts colasnu looked forward lo seeing uie emperor re view the troops on uie champa de mars ilul as tlicy ncarcd parb uioy were lesj happy the poor mare won very tiled they thought longingly of uie little shop and uielr little customeru the school children who would mbs uicm in fuel uicy were homesick they hud dropped uielr breton custom speukuig lo every one ihey met for the saluu- was not relumed thb had hurt their feelings the ruads were crowded with carriages and thb mode boui uicm and colille nervoun need wc stay ight daya ul parb ld colussc at they ncared the bonshommc3 iulo it was decided uiut uielr slay should be brier but here in uie crowd of currlugc- they were nearly run lntt uguiti and again und couch man tcolijld in for gelunk in the way at lost oltlccr came and put uicm hi uielr 1 1 t pluee in line to pass uirough gale and enter parb are there as many carrlogla as uibi 1urla phllomene asked a woman the next carrluge lwlre ai many rennlly colassc hulil after ull no uid pn vmi our going back to vcr- utll next come the great stretches of growing land wlui the buny looking town of crowley for their centre and here a much more successful ulr sccma to pre vail although the need or irrlgauon muken the rablng of uib article expen sive too cuttle seem abundant in ihln neigh borhood ted largely on great stackn of ilcc straw whose burning flames never illumine thcnky nt night being apparent ly put lo jiettcr use than with ua in wauw cawnda suing j boundary at orhpg wd foan nee the grcjuvjtjxgji nil wells rising everywhere ln evidence and the munh room like city of beau mont uilrty milcn further went grown ln only a few yearn to 7s0oo nopuluuon and ntlll growing shown the magic lil- flucncc of thb comparauvely modem and priceless dbscovery then comes a ntrctch of ninety mjlen variegated by laige fields of figs cotton citrun fruits corn and cattle ranch when houaton one of texan four really great cities now approaching three hundred thous and inhabitants li reached with few places or importance in between thb coming mclropolb now boosts or having control of much of uie coasl shipping by means of the recent completion af a fifty mile canal from galveston inland hich many of the great ocean ves- seu now roach thb once cntliely inter ior centre after lunch at houston a bcuitful iui of fifty miles south und bctxoa a long causeway forf galveston it on an inland brought us to our journeys end here four plcanunt and liiteicstlng days were spent i suppose the word puuictlc might cll be applied to galveston loo once the largest of texas cities her glory b now in the pust thro treat floods aneo 1075 have well nigh overwhelmed hir und rendered her future more or lens insecure even though she sull boosts a commanding place us the chief col lector nnd dbtrlbulor of cotton on uu continent but her insular position und uiuny hundsome buildings wlui their towers und domri and minarets recall vuiicc to ihc traveller without of course the canals und the gondolan ol her ita lian prototype nor must i forgcl oal- vljuhis glorious beach stretching nearly thirty miles above whose hard and rinootii surface uiousandn of motors npeed daily and ugalnst which mexico tun hurled her surgea since the begin ning of time in short there is ample of interest and beauty and wondnr to draw the vbltorto uib choice and unique spot jn epkc of its departed glory t d j iailmeit nlw orllann loulntuna march 21 1020 iiv lllti v bauciav i1hown rtlci mkatlhuil dinnpil menu boiled or nteutucd drown rice iiiiinhroomn in brown nonce buttered il ic ed enrrotn or flowerets of cauliflower llnve the foods very hot pile the rlre by rpthinfub to form a border a little vny from the rdgr of the puittcf in tho centre put the munhroonin peeled llm rupa left whole the ntfm chopped undhrnted in brown naune on the ends put the carrots or cauliflower garnlnh with parsley appli maitmaladi 1 orangen 3 lemonn 0 applrn 0 cups nugar 3 cupn water pure and itllce applcn and cover with lemnn juice wanh orangen and cut into thin slices bllce lemon rind add sugar nnd water and lei ntand one hour cook slowly to boiling- point boll one hour or until of tho connlstcncy of marmalade turn into nterllzcd glasses or jars nnd spal when cool ncallopkd diflhkn pour over laycrn of wcllncaronful meat fish or vegetablcn enough medium cream nauco to cover sprfnklo well with but tered crumbs and u ujitll brown when combined with ntarchy dbhen ruch as potato or macaroni use thin cream nnucc medium cream nance calln for 1 cup milk 2 tablenpoonn flour aid 2 tablcnpoann butter thin cream sauce calls for 1 cup milk 1 tablespoon flour and 1 tablespoon butter itabpbeimy junicet with itabp- brainy jam 1 package raspberry junket 1 pint milk raspberry jam prepare raspberry junket according to dlrccuons on package oambh ice cold ranpberry junket wlui raspberry jam opanoe btrawbeitribb 1 box dtrawberrlco juice 2 oranges 1 cup sugar cup heavy cream 3 tablespoons powdc teaspoon vanilla wash and hull strawberries cover wltli orange juice mixed with nno cup suga anlclujl thoroughly serve in add iwwdercctsitigar oiih vunllbi with uid pastrybog and tube olpc border around each jau ilie ulr in lk willi frail i the happy earth li and lnliil bulterlly ikjf a ut tlin iky tojee kllint r jiikt ak ikiiolttant huiihliiy iiglbli aviirlnit impri family on hi g iuh un ii- importunre of u ihr iloiiuh mtiitai chap i keeper npcuklng or in v ilrrivil anylum whuln uu mult r willi i rtlow fluperlntimleut he iuyi the ulr free and noes arnuuilriuoiliin it fn peoples- automobile tin k exrlulmii had the lllt five willi right hiimlx iauiit nuktinfi who uouliht he happy who wouldnt bo guy willi iaiir r 1 l and luirlnfi nit un- wuy the joy of the n auui i wlh you today t mon tried t have hud ihr- inil two hunilr iiu to i d year- iionim at ijaht ulil vmi ever renllze unytlilng mining invetnn lib yii i reiille what a jackni i buy ihelll vcvy von wintiu imrvkfth thin tnmbntone in for jimmy irin who drove lib ear on rupjiery ire lie tried to ntop upon a nlopo re ironed lib clutrh cruuli bung hope iuai a coimoitation an alrrdrrn beggar onkrd aim of irj jmputhetlr looking nlrunger im nrry uun the reply the nmnllet i mr i- i pound note cjhl tmt iii oblige ye vi change aid uu alterjouiim him much will i up bark till whond moviks i vhj ii it thnl you have brokrn off i ngugi uu ill alice h my diurl he uild me he was mud wllh the movlejx and the very uny i raw him driving a firrnlture d evoted cj jut jl ii t v march health platteit pour or five cooked and buttered vege tables surrounding a creamed vegctablo las- potato onion or cauliflower will make n autbfylng and nutritious dinner he bright colors of beets carrots lo- natocs parsley or water ere add to ppcarancc and food value almost any combination of vegetables with creamed sauce will make un uxcellent meal all the family jlllr 1 do vaiui cil ln in twenty daya why hid the tret- uiull huve lived fo ill ily1 shall i ginning ul lwelvi got buck she and the drug clerk were nturtlng lor a stroll und ihr nuld am i iioiiee you havrnl found your overt out we wont urge you to go but i ahall be glad to hear about jupiter noine other evening he evidently told her some furls about he drug buluria that umdu up for wliul lie dldn t know about fclurs uuy were tnguiftd inshlr uf u wetk as for me i bought n handy cotutndlum of in- ft rinutloii in one volume und itll do ihey shall i inc un ive never married ill bid you tin fet good morning maam and thb bylaw 11 us follow thaff punt tf uny lot fruil- et ullhtii thl miinl- itlliullty hall he at libel ty u iluut muph hadi in i t plutd u dln- tunce of nix f- t from in- boundary of i aid lot ami ruilher nor n and hull ik thirty feel i ii follow be- i t from the corner a oukk on wiili t mild lot -liiinu- dj planting s w jit aid blink fully planted die tntt hull b thirty l upart lid iri- null iu b h ui om and u half liitln a in dlanutor r moi than two 4 than und igltt uiul tut of m a uluii pluuttd itotjll height of i i thtm- grimy houst they say theic ure millions of themf is it si itled it la leltlrd ihey iuinrd uway from the ilomhom i a at i woa m vei so happy 111 my life and i ali and rii they jounilycd gaily home jillnji uu- louna on ine wuy and were lint dtlluhttd to rudi xirlcnt and ill uion- dehghted to have mode their i mo ii jourmy i in- very evening o ulr return coiaitr begun u rccltul o ii ir udvinluret which ended only wilt i life ihllomene and he described ul i iiuopi they liud strn und the lori 1- wirr nrvrr urrd of lllenlng ilalllkh wah uiuut vlng trouble with pun btlng lulled down b a pupil v i toatlon un the leachrr never mind sonny said uie vblung liuhii bourd president consolingly itj foullh to olhei about commas thry dint uuiouut to much anyway lhiiit they replkd the leachrr tinning hi uie president thin culling lo om of tin pilplb nhe ordered ihr imy to uilu on uli board thin uiltclue lln jir id nt or the board suya uiu traihlr b a fool now klie conuniud put u comma after board and unolhtr llltl lher just i1um1 mint i j very thlikly nettled t iu urgily tnr iund illilng tulloi no intkodbction nectbhaity the bottom or uie old ladyn market basket hud broken through und the potutocs were railing out im priedu hap- jhiii d along prleda hud junt been to the market for her mother and nhe net down her own heavy basket while she planned with the owner of uie bralc- tn one as to uie best way to rcmody the situation i know what well do she exclaimed 1 have some potatoes in thb big paper bug ill empty them inlo my basket and uien you can use uie bag for your pa i u toes bhe wan on good as her word hi two minutes the ntvuycd potatoes had been packed into a stout pupcr bug und returned to uie old ladys basket have you any other puckugr umull enough lo drop through thut hole iyledu inquired the old lady remembered that she had left the grocer n without a yeast cuke und huh consumed wlui anxiety for fear she had lust it prleda help ed her hum through her basket and dually found 11 hidden under a utalk ol relrry ui if it were in lloica that it would not be discovered prleda at nun popped it into uie paper bug with jiutoes auens you 11 have another i aikel baket before you make many more trli she said gayly yea it huve to have a new one thej dont muke em strong like they lived to why it uioid to bo uiat whun you bought u market basket you expect- td 11 to lusl for a dozen years lizzie hud iiukid bark looking on during uib i iilirc transaction then us the old ludy pltked up iilt basket and start ed uwuy nhe iiioulrrd tirlouuly who l- slt frieda haven t the leunl ideal you havent i ihiifn the ijueereal thing i ever heard of i uupixmcd by the way you pli ked up ihitutoei talked to her uiat ll wai nomrbody you knew real well prli du burst into u ringing etrully uzzle she cried it to me its awfully lucky that you don t huve to know people in order i them u good turn juat think if uie good samaritan hud wulted to be in- ttikluued to uie mun he found on uio jericho toad probably the poor fellow would huve dlrd while he was waiting oh fileda dont be ridiculous lizzie aald bill nhe loo luuglled loiiiluuu a when im whopping lrli du continued i e u clt rk who inoki und and dlmuuiagid and i try to auy soiuelhlng that will cheer hrr up even if i never nuw her before and nrvrr txtxet to srr her again tlulte often on thr ntrect cur 1 nit down hi ililt u girl who looki au though ht lutded chierlni up und try to do it even hough nhe 1 n ptrfilt nlrungcr it n lucky wr dont have ut wait lo know people ixfoir wr tan do little kind ihlngi if uuy nrrd to be dope an in- tioduellon lint nrrrnnarj llicubeth c hurwuotl results ol kxie rime nts in sprouting heed po tatoes in order to obtain potatoes of market- ilc size early ln uie season many market gardeners follow the practice of ipruutlng need potatoes before planung an experiment to determine the value thb practice rclauve to the dbtrlct fed by the dominion experimental btauon ut lcnnnivlllc p q has now been conducted at thai blatlon for five yenra thb experiment has each year consblcd of a comparison of dormant mid sprouted need potatoes of irbh cob- and green mountain all need has been kept in the beat available ntoraijj unul the first of april at tha tlm one ha if of the need of each varlclj is placed in shallow trays and sprouted in the usual manner the ouicr half oclng kept as dormant us pouslblc until plung ing umc with the vnrlcty orecn mountain the sprouted seed bus given an increase ln yield of approximately fourteen per cent over dormant seed there has also been an increase ln carllncss of from eleven to fourteen daya in no instance how ever have potatoes or marketable size been available from sprouted seed thb variety more than three or rouf days earlier than from dormant seed of irbh cobbler accordingly if irish cobbler seed potatoes are available there would be utue gained in carllncss of crop by sprouting orecn mountain po tatoes owing to the normal lateness ol the variety uie vines if properly opray- ed usually remain green and hcaluiy unul killed by frost the additional start given the plants by nproullng ac cordingly permits of a longer growing season and a consequent increase in crop in general liowcvcrlt b doubtful if uib increase would prove sufficient to rum- pinaatc uie growor for the additional expense of sprouting and extra work of planung with irbh cobbler uio results have been somewhat different uie yields from aprouted and dormant seed being prac tically the same with uie sprouted seed however un average increase in curltncsji ightccn days was obtained ac cordingly it would seem uiat if the price for very early new potatocu is nuf- uy high to compensate for the ncccsaury additional expense the prac tice can be recommended with irish cob bler dominion experimental tuuuoii lennoxvlllc p q gave the hhou away a conjurer giving a pcrformanc a village hall was the subject of i story recently told hce ladles and geuuemen lhe ton- juror bigan i have here a hut there a nothing insldr it la there a loud reply of no urgrd him on now i um going to get an egg out of thin lint and with a few movements of the hand and several mynuc words he produced the egg applause made him feel very pli drive it away ou could walk into any darant dealers sluwvfooitt rtd stal cputititatal motor iulx feurwlutl brajkt mont shrttt timing choi full force fttd lubrjcatsou paimtngir can fours and sixtt from sg75 lo 2005 fojt lidiidt out sumjurd factory equipmtut taxtt extra yoawe buying yoa know uut its red seal conrincntaj motor will supply all tlie speed and power you can use and the reiincmenfs and thoughtful improvements are additions to the durant principles of quality close examination of any model will reveal die reasons for such strong public confidence your dealer will oblige at your conv built by pubant uanxms canada limited tobonto canada d u 1a n t nuchv trucks in v ton to ton capacities j l e atkinson acton ontario cv nifiimiii penny wise ih- 11 iv ayl i not always a prmiy canucl soiiftimfh it is two pcniiitts lost f iihicliaiit who jmihis nothing on ad- ortisii is pruiliia falh rcoiiomy hi hihms in salr far rxrtd tlir ptminios av- ci tl ir and gei tho hen vlth hlmoclf now ladiea lig there waa an apparent flutu r hut and lhe faaclualcd crowd t for uie uirda appearance up 11 came perched itself on u ol the iiat stretched luielf on 1 puihcd hi neck ln the air an one loud cniladoodlcdoo optometry iih value ui the public by a 1 havage guclpli ontario ton s rillnk what that imaii- hi imply placing icniirn before ah- uormal eyra we cuiuc uirni ui see uoiiually if poaiilbji thatj our duty nothing la much more worth uhllc than lhal and wo tolild tie or much mure help lo lhl community if tlioiie wlm rt ally need our ncrvlcn would vlhll ua tlure ii a likelihood that you arc one of ulonu need ing our help lu lie continued neit wcit moiifa jxiit for plalr doh nol looked on ah lom i ixtlrr interior d iiione in on jlaks win- lor i the lirhtiiir ntl i 1 1 ail l to sal i s rl un nt aihi lii 1 1 lilt increases laor that that imilliplics customers ir re mi anlcd as a oil m-st- oimi lll isllllflll- just as plulc lass windows are dvertis- i 1 1 i is lie plate ilass w indow can send into eerv home joods to more sells niiiri sliopiv indow tlie nierehanl dertisin persons than 1 a word to thepublic do oti rrstnl h4 iu i tirfhant addnhm his nitshutfe lo iu id tlil- form of in juimtluttnuut in our colmuits on tlu- rontrin i not jour liniulse to rvhimiud to ills frirmllj icr- advertisements are store windows