j mi iiomi or mml 1 lu urri1 nfii m 1 r ii 1 r j irl r kvmu c w n a iii at ion 1 11 i iiiissll i lli t i ever ii l rr m mr irr 1 irv ii mm mill slterl i ollt tl il i rlj to lt all i ml a lr umlr i seal- hc i c i wl i lit r ml n arr i i it i atrl llr allrri ml h ailvmltlstm hatls lt small icli tfixtvft ci r i i n nn ihr flay alvirtm l at i ll att n a hi1 i iihu r an i ir pntlt 1l1 i i hfni s iiu rial i i ii tant r thuusday lvening march 28 1920 whether we like it or not in a letter to thejlditor inm week our friend mr john burhngham does not approve of the old ngc pcnsions being paid out of the revenue trom liquor xanlml- ami niuijliuiicdjiifl2cjlzi hit 8000 000 or scrfrom the liquor control operations going into the provincial treasury how can we be cure just where this money is being paid out or for what purpose there arc many others who would rather not be sharing in thi profits from the tainted noney that our friend speaks of but it is impos sible to do otherwise undoubtedly some of this money is used on education mothers allowances and ether things that arc directly opposite to what would be desired but that is just one of the curses of the province being bartender and proprietor in the liquor business his name lives rorevermorc all the world has mourned the past week the pnssing of marshal foch this greatest fighter of the great war has made his last great struggle of this earth his fight against age and disease has been just as characteristic of his determination as was his strategy and tactics in the great war in his military tactics he won his battles in his last struggle he suffered his inevitable defeat like a true oldicr fighting to the lust trench in life the great nan was honored nnd esteemed by the peoples of all the allied nations in death his memory and his great achievements will ever be remembered as long as the memory of the great war lusts and wherever its history is written marshal toch will be known as the outstanding character ot the great struggle be tween world powers like the inscription that is curved on so many soldier memorials throughout all lands to those who assisted him in his military achievements his name lives for evermore tlte outlook w favorable the business summary of the bank of montreal for march has the following comment regarding con ditions throughout canada the irst quarter of the year has witnessed a larger movement of merchandise in production importation and distribution than a year ago tew branches of industry and trade have failed thus far to measure up to and a little beyond the- high mark of 1928 and in both volume and value aggregate business has reached a new record the epening of spring finds the general outlook favorable the carry over of wheat is larger than ever before the udvuntage of transportation interests over seas markets are more receptive to our products tl nn tor many years pait with few exceptions in dustnes are working well up to eapacity much rail ayconstruction is shortly to be begun mineral out put grows and prospecting will be widely prosecuted during the summer building construction mninlatns its activity and important engineering works arc to bt gone on with more motor cars tlfnn ever before ore benij turned out the index of employment is high rolling millt und fabricators of iron und steel ne notably hus and the distribution of general merchandise is well inuintutned trqininj the future oratoru it has been our privilege to attend scvcrul tunc tonh this season provided by the younger boys 6ueh as the lather and son banquets and the lutest the boy scouts con fere nee lie re lust week the ad unccment that the youth of to day is making in acquiring by early training and pruetice in the urt of ubhc spcakin iv very noticeable at all these fune tions hoys of teen age readily get up before the liuheriug und with a confidence often lucking in their elders give splendid expression of their views true the youth of to day has more opportunities for suell things than u few years ago und the present day boyst and girls too are grasping their oppor ttintties it is splendid to v less this activity among the younger set and it speaks well foi the future of the country und the men of tomorrow 1 oo often we are lucking in individuals who can think clearly i id so cxprc s their thoughts when they appear he f jre a gathering i his lack of early training among the men of to duy is often felt many a clear thinker and u man whose judgment is sound sets buck und illows ineutings to commit rush acts simply hecuusc 1 feels ins inability to tpic s his thoughts cleurly hen lit rises speak the tnuuing of the young i of to il i will be ml in a vciy few ycurs may these organizations which promote und foster publn pi liking continue then splendid work an important industry j he value of production in canadui hour and pri t in illini mduftryha been llimhing steadily mcc f2t the canadian government bureau of statitie how in a recent report on the industry for l27 the iimoiint of invented capital is al o again on the up grade an increa l of over 3700000 being i own mil gro valueof production for thb year i nder review wa 191 74m70 which compare with ith sbo 711 in i 2b and im 195991 in 1921 tl mid gnt millibg is canada ccond most impor manufacturing industry in point of gross vnluc production exceeded only by pulp and paper cnmilnh premier wheat crop he latet official compilation recently issued iiilioscs that the wheat crop ot canada in 1928 wns 51517000 bu jicjs about 33 000000 more than the r fhcfjil estimate i sued last november and the largest in the hiitory of the dominion it is the first time c anada s wheat crop ha- parod the half billion bushel mark the previous record crop was 470 055000 bushel in 1927 the average yield in 1028 win 22 1 bushels per acre oats yielded last year 152153 000 bushels and barley 130101400 bushels the aggre gate value of all held crops in 1928 is estimated at 51 1o0s08oo0 the total area sown to field crop- wii5uj5jailflxs neighborhood news- tuin formers own largest iiuulncflh in canada with the recent completion of nearly 500 grain elevators at country market points in western can- adn the canadian wheat pool the world s largest farmers co operative marketing organization now owps and operates a total of 1417 such elevator with a combined capacity ot 52 5 go 000 bushels in addition the pool has twelve terminal elevators located at tort william port arthur vancouver prince rupert buffalo and winnipeg with a total capacity of 13 fiog 000 bushels or an aggregate capqc ity for all pool elevators of 80100 000 bushels the pool elevators could therefore at one time hold about one fifth of the normal wheat production of western canada this impressive total of elevators has been built or acquired by the pool since its first year of epcration in 1024 the membership of the pool is i ow about 145 000 actual farmers in western canada ana the annual gros turnovor exceeds 380 000000 in point of turnover the whcot tools re th a great publicutility according to the report of the ontario hydro flectric power commission recently tabled in the provincial legislature this great public utility owned by the people of ontario had a gross revenue for the year ended october3l 1928 of 24287 200 total expenses were 23 340 633 leaving a favorable balance of 940 003 after providing for all necessary fxed charges in order clearly to understand the financial condition of the entire undertaking states the report it js necessary to include the reserves f the municipal systems along with the reserves set up by the commission in 1918 the reserves includ ing the reserves of the local hydro utilities aggrc gated si i 440 889 and in 1928 these reserves had ii ci eased to 75515584 an advance in the 10year period of 04 098 095 or more than 500 per cent in l the commissions capital expenditure amounted to approximately 01 000000 now it is more thon 211000000 and tn the same period investment of the municipal hydro electric systems in the provlnc ircreascd from 27 000 000 to 89 000 000 majcing an aggregate investment in 1928 of more than 300 000 000 in 1918 the total load supplied by the com mission was approximately 317000 horsepower and now it is approximately 1 071 000 horse power an interesting comparison between 1028 and 1922 shows the growth in the rural distribution phase of the commission s activities the number of miles of irimary lines increasing in the period from 320 to 4 103 numbor of rural consumers from 2220 to 11 008 and the load supplied to mml consumers from 183 horse power to 17000 horsepower in 1922 the total expenditure on rural lines and equipment was 681 891 in 1928 it was 8051770 editorial notes little advance hint to cor drivers for the coming season add another little drink to the one you vc had and help boost the insurance rates again bhelbournc economist the boy scouts seemed to enjoy every minute of their conference here on friday und saturday and they enjoyed the entertainment provided by their hosts and acton citizens the old age pension scheme has many splendid features that commend it to all it s one regrettable point seems to be the shifting of the portion of he provinces share unto the municipalities with the drying up of the highways the splendid row models of cars ure making their appearance they seem to be so tempting that most car owners are forsaking used cars for all the new ones an advertisement in u toronto daily says locate our industry in leaside trackage bites 0 000 per acre we might insert one to locate your industry in acton suve 5 000 or more per acre on trackage sites the spring bus shown were the streets are most in need of repairs the worst pluces should have first intention from the street commissioner this y nr and continue the programme of general roadway improve these municipal bye elections seem to develop nior- utqm ants for offices than the annual affairs i mi in november and december it seems to take a scrap to develop the desire to run for municipal office if premier terguson undertakes to pay the 20 pei cent ley on municipalities of the old age pension scheme as in blulfingly threatened to do for toronto for all the prousting munilipuhties he will require an increustd scssionul indemnity of considerable pro portion the i ergus news record compluius of pirucy bv other papers with urticles from its editorial columns without credit being given we often notice that uo but our inggtst surprise in tins hue came lust week when a letter to the iditor ot 1 in i ull phi ss was appiopnated and made to appear to have been vw iltui to this exch uiie mrn clio wwhot or i rmn vhllfd with mil cluyliin on monday mjrl illllnn manliall nt vcruun pent hi ujk rnil il lifr homi here mr mid mm u m nru uml win ijonnll and mm j ii ohm ontl win jlmmli ri it uunday wlu uiclr dniiifhtrrn in toronto mr t j iliiih liaa in 111 uonwiudoii n f ri ale urn n rail which hr found in n n it in hu hrn ikn thr othrr day it m a wiflnhdlpd ult and lias a pro- jfctlon about two indira tone anir quarter inrh in dlnmrtir uevcrol po trjmrn dcclarr it u the odjwtt npcclmnn of rua they have cvrr uecn rin- hipctlnir lifld in tlw town tall on run day afternoon under the aplrr j the i rin poultry ilrecdi rn awuimaikm vus fairly well attended by poultry breed cm of the vicinity prof cnydcr of the o a c ouclph uave a splendid ad tlrr on poultry raulnff etc which won much enjoyed by all prewnu ad nuri inoton m and mra w d plat i a holiday- inn at the clialfontc atlantic city p d ghent nrwly appointed pout- master will take over the local poat 0lcc nn apr 1 lot i it j icurl la upending a few iy h her ftun dr harry peart at pi m wood jlon ta r to crftfllrr cole whrjtnur t i vlnltlpd bin mother hi cngland nl c before chriaunafl lias arrived h me urn cole and daughter helen who 1 ic been in toronto during mr colon ouence have bimi returned to their home here mm e jocelyn wishes to announce thr enfincenicnt of her rrnnddaugliter chrlnuna rider to j o burton of u m o tara portsmouth cn aland the marrince to take plate at cl mary a church kflbum london england on march 30 ui the hev e val tlllort n d boa hern invited to give the bttcmooi bd- drena at the opening of the new charl ton avenue united church in hamilton on caster sunday a pretty wedding waa quietly jwlemn- lzed at ql johns church cayuga on march lflth wlltn plorenco may daughter of mr o d rooks of cayuga became uie bride of mr dawcon charles tufgar of hamilton formerly of burling ton aaxcttc georgetown mr thomoji dobblc of valleyneld quebec visited friends in town loot week m j p mccurdy of edmonton spent tuesday calling on friends in town mra cclwood jc4ugary waa tha guedt or mrn john ucdermul but saturday mr l u dennett lion purchased the general store at file wart town from mr d dlnkley and took pocneccton uus week mr will sinclair vho won seriously injured in the gravel pit cave in at norvaj recently is now progressing nicely at uie ouclph oencral hospital itev j l dulnn m a- b d of southampton exchanged pulpltn with ilcv or dickie of ocorgeuiwii lanl sun day the nth liuit on saturday morning about s 30 the bam in the rear of erwln s- oaldluun s butcher ahop belonging to j j gibbons uos discovered to be on tire the qanics had made much lie ad way before anyono noticed u and the building and con ten la were completely destroyed about 2 o clock last thursday after noon the firemen were cftlud out to blaze at the home of mr james mul- holland fortunately the nrc was ex thigutahcd before much damage was done and it was not necessary to turn on the hydrant water herald milton wlllniolt chambers who underwent an uiicrallon for anpcndlcltu on saturday lust is doing line mlsn lillian hndflcld who haa need in winnipeg for tcveral man ilia has re turned home word lias been received from tor- ito that the new provincial highway from palermo to mil ton wul be paved thb cummer miss craig of the toronto globe staff formerly of milton high school uloji sptnt the wackend with friends here i toy c hkho lm who accompanied uie sou qrcyhounds to toronto and niagara fatl visited ids mother here thin week he looks well and feels fine q p thompson of glroouivule who succeeds j p mccallum as sunt of italian peel children s aid societies has taken up ins residence in milton oc cupying uie brick residence corner court and pine gts opposite p w cooke s resi dence champion mr tl- e harrison who has been on the aick list for about six weeks is on the mend wc ore pleawd to cay rev dr marsh who with mrs marsh ice cora burling has been spending the winter in milton has accepted a call from the presbyterian church at norwich in oxford county mra manih la a staler or mra it m clemtuiu the mil ton brick co have started up uiclr uorks at slrecuvlllc in full force and taken on additional hands reform er oakville mrs j a williams moved this week to hir new house on dunn faurccl wc are pleased to report that w a chlsholm la improving as fast as can expected the other day he was able to be taken out on the veranda al the hospital for a few hours mr krcd bates died at bis home in toronto on friday the deceased was born in otjtvllle and lived here until about twenty years ago at wlilch umc he moved to toronto mr and mrs george booth oakvlllc announce the engagement of their eldest daughter mary elizabeth to ii jolui ttmitli son of the late mr and mrs colin bmlth oukvluc uie marriage to lakt place in april nowa hir many friends wul be pleaded to leant that mm w b bhlplcy who tuu bent wrlously hi or come time iiasl is now consldl rably improved alterations to uie lunau block for uie a a p 8 tore ure well under way ihe new addition at the rear is complct rd and uil star office has been removed uu whltakcr building lately occupied b 11 again mi a winery on dundas tiercel mrs harry oldduius accompanied by lur grand daughter miss grace hutch lumm went to toronto on tuesday to tukc up her residence in iter home on hlvufclilc drive j units d tjteed after nitcui or more yiun as a member of the oakvlllc nrc deimrtment has resigned hu on lec as eaptubi in uie hook and ladder de purliiiciit ajid rroin uie company ite just pldmi1 liick1 a inrdy negro was urrowlng jlo for one week und un counting what was handt d to him by uie loan man he found he had received only u 1 he loaner explained thut 1 interest had ui rn di dueled in advunce blinking hut iyrt in oniuvcnient lu rrutched uu in ud und numblcd 1st hho glud ah dldn t need dli monry fd why 11 u tin wlili mi good tfinpereil lleriiiiui it will utkn a blow from miyi what nlaiidn ih oil leg njid walkn on two a ntnrk why an rggn renrcn in hi llltlih inlen 11 cuilw thr re in only citin n hrn in ireland two in 1 oifland nnd none in wales how do we know mint nil horn i gon- slp heraute they are oil tale iwarrru what lii the difference between the letlem m a and someone uw fond of eating one 1 a degree and the other is greedy why 1 the inside of n uit myrterl ous because you cannot make it out why is it harder to spell purple uinn grrrn 7 ijernuw green in npelt with morksre e s r what fruit grown on ulegrnph mil r plertrlc rurrentn when is an umbrella like a balloon when it goen up why in a dotf with a inme log ilkn n boy doing bums7 because he puts down three and carries one what runs but i vcr iui7 a river not mudi out labtlujllounlna hall liul ddk 1 mlr mirnlii llrliiht iliehl llx il y tidonliur willi lllli hhlt inut loli t inn i i hi children rlr ur mn u tin lo n t i hi lilml iu 1 i ti r mornlni ilnll joyim i h r mi rnlnie i t t nil l i k p riurinllil with huppy bird ami biuldlnii flour r juki ph ii mi in iiuh pn ln hour ihl j lyuu i a lir m rnliiit ii hi oi cilaitaf tl it at a rinnt c nnfi rt m i i f lln ilir porauil fliinliirli a liitlou ul ilnlllol colli ii oxfinl mir loliii 1 i run n huvi nddn i n t lurvnlr tn nil 1m n unci mining hi nun ti llliiu p jul win till foil wlll ambition uilghl bi enn 1 lint it enn be ubllnii c huriu it r i nil u in con fund with n putntlmi npuuiii u mu i what it i nit churnrt r n nmin pututlon nm i tic c a hud w prinde follow or ill ippi r in i in inn nt dhur ilii r i lint only p mi r but in capital and ti i now h w i w rk und how to wiilt i ulimi i tin wlmlr a wmatiipr llirlhhlti i wlf wlmt did tlw fdltor iy lib ut yi ur poi m nji hprlnu flrrllibhr inn nlunliy we found this ileftiicly mr fjybllln upahni toiinllltlji n l nod urei i for lonrll ironblin cough nnnihltli qiilnny cuuirrh hi ad colds nnd lion ilirualn quod linn ltn or culi nhiniil 1 j itauard if food disagrees drink hot water willi ma e r la to neulralhe acid t stop iniueestloii give instant relief business directory ou j a mcnivrn 1 itytlfllaii anj tlurgoou office and residence camev wowrt avenue and jlgln otreet llqai rhoiip no 3q i o llax an iiakoid nasi tarmcr m a rarrlhtrr hoi lc i or notary lulu conveyancer fie ihiuyhan ihock acton onx money lknt on moiltoaotta lfoum p 30 am to 6 00 p m qaturdays 13 no oclock when do two and two make more than four when they make twentytwo what sort of patch nan no rutchi 7 a cabbage patch why is uie root of your tongue like a disheartened boy- hemline it in down in the mouth omliimint till ihosl i t a proipict i n r oji hi i in hi i wn i tlmatlon ut 1 m t peroiiubl hi icii to be thmiitlit will i ihlnk will if htm mm ii win n jou i nd him a utur hav your li lterht nd ulwive tin common run im ik i nbovi tuie com i i run of huyi n n i you nro above ihi nmimiin run if hi r a pro pi cl i eninpllnienlkl i imlf ld iiopli think i w ii of u biiilmii him i that thinks well i or itdf and a hum uml ttilnki willi if iltf hould u iiood lii ihil r liit ton ry in lln contncl kiiiind not mimnrn nivalin ilmcki d to death or hiing twill b b euus of a wimun tongtii winn vi r tin plum otu ii p thi quiz hi lln there denrli i ciiu who uih u u n fold hi like had in your rtom- und hi have mint full uncomfort- bli ill il fe ling it in lucnuflc of in- m i nt blood rupply to the stomach mblui 1 with tomnch acidity and food fi r i i ntiitl m in inch caws try the liu n m iillowid by thounandn of forni- r uiti n r f r in hullgeftlnn by simply tnklni n iniponnful of pure illnuraled miigtu la in half a glans of water un lint ii y iti run comfortably drink it hit hit wnler druwn the blood u the l mwrh and th illruratid magnenla as nny phyrlrlun enn l 11 you lnilanlly niunillj thi acid und ntopi uie food f run ntntlon try ihln nlmple plan and di will be nstnnlshed at the immidlate fitllnn of relief nnd comfort that ulwayn follnwi thil ilmple harmlenn rentoratlcu tit the normal proem of digestion p opli who find it inconvenient at times to i run lint water and travelern who nn frequently ohllgrd to take hasty mealn poorly pnpnnd should always tnk two or mikl live grain tablets of lilsumtod mngm la lifter meuli to prevci t fi rnin- tatloti and to neutralise the txeem aeld in mil lr tomnch iuactuial lu1its wtiats mil idea of unit m of lraille 111 hti uirr uu niajiu i inquired the joiini man railing on 111 tliunjittr it i futher a 1dm bhe explained ihi urei n stayt on until ii 30 thtii in flu hi a oil he aintxr and ut 13 th nd and you know i ii utuud fuuar h u trulllc eip liu mouurlt jiesjjhe stock market shut any orre out anyone can ifuy shares of the bell telephone company because they are listed on the stock exchange anyone thus can become a shareholder and exercise whatever rights share holders may have in purchasing new issues of stock bell telephone stock old and new has always been available to anyone who wants it and it is available to the public now on the open market tha bell talophono company ta owned by 1sj00 ahanaholdor and no individual ham a nniiti aa ona quarter of ono par cunt of tha total aharaa the dell telephone company ol canada r j spakflam barrister hollcllor notary tubue piionr 133 onuck miil htitfft acton next to ilaptlst church llourn 0 00 a m to 0 00 p m dental dr j m bell d d s l d s v dentj surfmn ofiick mill and frederick atretj phone 30 dr j h johnson ddslds dental hurfa4b office mill ntreot in um coopir niock telephone 4 miscellaneous trancis nunan ilmkbhi of oil kl account books of all kind mad to order periodical of every detorlputti carefully bound ruling neatly obj promptly done wyndluun otreet ouelph oat over wllllami a tor r j kerr auctioneer and heal estate sasr wrrtrmb cmcvaiaftotjsiaumiiriiirni jwaogy adding prestige to a name the whole world acclaims cirysler geaiu in style enca won tkines forth brilliantly in the chryxur75 chrysler designers hiui giuied an entirely new effect by oppjyoig ui a modem way the finest pcuunplf of classic art which have endured through the centuries but arc forever fresh and stimulating rcciptenx too of all chrysler prog res in engineering the chrysler 75 perform surpassingly its high compression engine of the chryilersihedome type develops astonuhmg speed with unique smooth ae the acceleration literally startles a driver unaccus- now qlltvmjjb 73 ntat sejy ytt tt i two 111 pcc fob rndir onldnt iiujiuins ttttadttrj fatttaty tomed to cluytler pickup all drivers too ore umtlariy tntpressed by the cjutck po4ave control of chryiler wearkeajfoftf lntmil expondliig 4 wheel hydraulic brakes pivotal steering and balanced front wheels rubber ckoek luiialuor on the springs together wrth hydraulic shock absorbers assure uicocnpacabie riding qualmes worthy companion to the mag mficent chrysler imperial the chrysler 7 u adding universal prestige to the name that m the world over everything that is fine and desirable in a motor car chrysler 75 c ii it v b l 1 k motors v u o d v ct ha thrjhlcr and plymouth ioilvn und scrvico mumc hti acton ontario if you hiivo money to invert standard royaltibs oftem one of tha safmt and bit dividend paylna invhtiunta dividends are paid regularly ovcry month if you want to know about it enqulro of h w dawson p o nox ss noampton district rcprewntatlve of mid continent bond corperatuu tjndcrwrluira i have opcnlngi for few local alien ui fashions for the smart woman alz ioumai m tl rm1us no ii nj cr cm i 11 wear your simple little mhrit rnck ill li 1 1 tor mal iftcnixii ua 111 midi is tra nli anil recent k m dciiuml tlieir 111 ri clci nil jliparcl of ivhich tlili lr tl ts a nrfclt cninide crepe utm the ideil medium for these racefull nn nine- in tdels vlulc the i rinte i rn n md diiftmia arc auo suit il 1 penally when cnmtuiicd mil pi 1111 miterials graceful cir i il ir iniirl dncli tna le nf even r dippuir at lower hrc im smrt hire al tin left iur hie dm ml c 11 r f nim a m lth r fashions for the smart woman a 1 mm yi w24 c 1 ol m 1k1 jail led mum ii it uium 1 liar it the yuiiiit k s lil irnclti thl 11 lrl it limiiiin hri hy an uinisual i al liu 1 it s i n 1 smart i nn ii h i lh 11 lumr is i ulird u 1 iliittil 1 nil l wild 1 iv ik n i 1 1 inilriktlilb in n i 1 1 ill dcmriul it m 11 1 1 m i i i lmtc il tl s uk 1 il i ii i iuiiiih llr lul 1 il lin mill or check d ii i 1 iiiuki j l re ml l alt 11 1 i i lain in ii e minillin tl t lie j ei ully u ml 11 i lc if mi 1 111 tt 1 limits illi 1