iji art mt 3ttt tyttm tihjiij3uav maucjh llll wid itiarihi in witon tho pnltniin hrnuiilt nir ti irttii a idler from fur uwiiy anil imv im cillnif very mire lhul ijhhs inn- to liny i mlll h ru th- iiiiitihiiiii aliiur thr ifurclcn path amltlu- utile brook lljut limn rli l uvlrii lit ijcii lo itii jf joii hud old mi yimitdny iliut ilprliiu viirciilly liiic 1 ihllllld lluc illwltrd arr you miri the neiiirmi up 119 ilnci it iriid the word ho wroui ullllnc to uijrro uu uic the jpilnif lift- cinni i ini it in tor rail alice ic hrowcr health bervlce of llm canadian medleal auacutlan dowi public iicnhli pay prom time to time the expenditures of public health departments nrc mic tloned on the irroundn hint the improved health conditions which are admitted are not the result of thr work of tlii health deportment bill are dun to othu imc torn wry omen tliln ti ton inn put in nuch pcur that public hculih uuthorltlci had dulled uiu influence of other factors upon health condition which la by no meann true an a maluir of convenience and for practical purjxe the work of a health department hnr certain limit lis imn that of any other department in tho oovcrnnicnt llawovar an the health of mi individual la indirectly influenced by many conditions which do not come under the health department it na iytoiiowrjthurihcttcanii officer and other health worker a hnvi an interest in many uilngn for which they aro not directly renpouolblc jt is fairly obvloiu to anyone that poverty and ulckneza ao hand in hand and no one will deny that the improvement of economic con ditions provision for the core of indi gents indeed that the whole field of social welfare doen nut influence health condition similarly town planning provlcton fur playgrounds and other fncllltlca which make possible healthy homca in healthy turroundinua arc im portant from a healtti ntandpolnl admitting all this the fuel remains that the activities carried on directly under health departments do result in rthrljl fit llyilcjnrt nn inn f n the sunday school lesson for sunday maiu1i 31 tt tin rimmk lifij kahtjjh lltfjlon golden text lie hum faithful uuui death nnd i will five hire the rrown of life rev 3 10 ivijii mutt s5 3140 mark 13 30 117 iufco 34 113 john h 1fl 1 cor j 330 605114 1 thitji 4 1310 ilev 113 15 kuiuluy rrrllililnnry the dchl fjcrlpturu other conditions arc improved along wltli public work but health conditions aro improved on a result of public health work even when there is no change- in economic conditions maternal deaths infant dcnum preventable sickness and dcntlis and lack of health arc by no mentis rare in the homes of tlio well-to- do organized health protection iupcr- vlslun and education arc needed both by rich and poor the expenditure of arinlprjrtwtj dollars per capita is very cheap community health insurance which no community can altord to neglect is the welltodo who carry individual nlclmes1 insurance the public health cx pendlturca rcprcsenl a measure of in surance covering all classes in the cairn munlty questions concerning health address ed to uie canadian medical association 104 college st toronto will be answer ed personally by letter item tlii- cluht fjcrlpturu w lections n ting in each the light it ihedji on the he reiiflei- cfniiiiir the iipjtroprlateneri of thin ickiii ni a iiiflunlim for ihlu wrlm on on at jhrkllnii tcuchlimn monitiy chiutu lteiiirrctloii iuke 24 1 3 tie open tihtib when ih wuiiitn hitd bjfn wiirrylnu about roll ing away the heavy rtanc door la a type of the burdens which knstcr rolled away from human hearts v 3 the empty tomb meant the 1ul- inimuil of all human t 4 never before not even on ad vent mo ruin il had angcli co glorious news to- tell 5 the grave is no place to seek immortal soul t 0 7 christs rpiurrecuon was foretold by tlio old testament and rc- ciuently und clearly by hhhrclf vfl u 0 christs resurrection trans formed the eleven from despairing tim orous men to irresintlblo heroes v 10 one of tjie proofs of tho re- miriectlon is the prominence of women in the account which would not have been the cae if it were fabricated v 11 another proof in the recorded unbelief of the disciples whloh a false historian would never have set down to their discredit v 12 the linen clotlw an dscylbcd morolllllyby jolinwcrc fdund-iollcd- up in the shape of the body which had withdrawn itself from them tuesday oar kesurwouon mark 1 3 30 tills some moses to vhom qodof the patriarchs won seen conversing wiu christ in the transfigura tion scene himself a witness to human immortality v 37chria whoso rcdurfihitlon uos co fumbui the proof ofhls own power vcr death here testifies to our resur rection our lord told martha that ho was the resurrection arid that whosoever be- on him should never die lib word la enough wednesday the judgment day twenty yeahs ago from tho luue of the free press of thursday april 1 1900 the rhubarb plants arc poking their new stalks through uic ground the last meetlnu of tho ladira ghakcs- peare club for uic ceaon will be held next monday evening at falrvlcw place contractor mackcnxie is getting tho materials ready tor the construction of a new two storey brick front with plata glass wuidowi in stovels choc store and lawyer macklnnons office adjoining reeve swaekhamcr contractor has been engaged the pact week on a new entrance with double oak doors at tho acton a fire escape has also been installed and a doorway leading to it from the third floor dainty spring millinery is attracting the ladles in large numbers to the mll- uncryjdiotti roomaol messrs hondcroon ji co where mlsa 13 wallace and her staff arc in charge also at messrn cameron b moores the new firm in tho warren dlock displayed many attractive creations in millinery miss niitrens 13 head milliner here on tues day ovening tho methodist sunday school orchestra played a scries of selections which added to uic attractions it will rrevent ulcerated throat at the first symptoms of core throat which presages ulceration and inflamma tion lake a ejjoonful of or thomas licqtrlc oil add a little sugar to it to make jl palatable it will allay the irritation and prevent the ulceration and swelling uiot ore uo painful those who were periodically subject to quinsy have thus made uicmschci immune to attack mangel guowing mangels arc more difficult to grow than swedes but they have advantages over that crop in that they liavc better keeping qualities will not uitul milk and are not cffcclrd with club root to grow mangels successfully the land must be well drained in a high state of fertility the seed bed lhu roughly prepared and tho seed soun early the work at the lrederlctan cxpcrl- mntul station hanuhoun conclusively uiat it la nrceuiiiry to hae the land in a high state of fertility in order to get u large crop of mangels use from 15 to lu tons of manure und 000 to 1000 ihiunds of u 4ug hoincmlxld fertllleir manure early in the spring and plough under apply commeielal fertiliser im- nildlately ufter ploughing in order that it may be thoroughly mixed with the 10 ii during subsequent cultivation 1 jf possible select u tight loam ui this typ of soil is better iiiliiprid iqnuuigcls tlun heavy clay one year old fall- 1 ploughed sod or land which grew cither 1 a grain or a hoed crop will give uie bikt results old tough sod should be 1 avoided the seed bed must be thoroughly pre pared the seeds are enclosed in seed pods hurefure the ground must be in u good iitaui of tilth in order that the sol particles may lie closely uround thr teed lods and suftcn them ouierwlie the seed will gl-rmlnau- slowly and there will be u ioor stand it it also a good plan u roll the drills ufter needing in 1 1 der that the capillary moisture may rise to the surface it is important that mangels be sown us curly as it is possible tu p- nro uie land but it is equally lmporuml that u good quality of seed be used ami thai sufficient tuud be uiwn to ensure a good stand lie sure that the seed 1t se cured from u reliable sei-dhoilm- und re- nit mbcr that while under favorable con ditions it is possible u get a good stand with 4 itoundii of seed per acre thn cliunces of u good catvh are much betttr u hen u or even 7 pounds of seed are jwh lxp4r linen lai lurm note it lib it in nibbing with 1tls liy o for idimr iurk a lrbik r ihniuus keierlili lie buik tin- skin immediately ubrb the oil ami it will pt ilitrute the tissues and bring bpecdy relit f try it und be convinced as the liniment ulnlts in the pain rouns out and i hen are umple grounds for saying j they wen- jut us scant as they used that ii is oil excellent article ij to was tinutdnrttuitnurily 57 curlstttftrnirff v 33 thers must be neparauon of the good from the evil heaven would it be heavnn if wickedness were there- nor would uie wicked wont to be there v 34 what a wonderful place heaven must be prepared wlui iovlngcare by the creator from tho fouluiatlontir the world vs 3540 it la cosy to win heaven for it u gained by uic happiest em ployment loving service of clirlta dear ones v 41 hell also is a prepared place but prepared for the devil and hla angels originally vs 4345 sins of omission are pun ished in hell as arc sins of commission v- 40 the human soul has the awful power of cternal choices there is uic same necessity for on endless hell as for an endless heaven thursday many mansion john 14 1 be not troubled is one of chjrlstfl commands v 2 a mansion is a permanent abode a place to remain ln v 3 christ wants our companion ship what a glorious honor for usl vn 4fl christ is our life if we have him wc have the resurrection friday flnitfrtills of ut dead 1 cor 15 37 pauls list of those who saw u10 risen christ is of vast im portance the apostles lawyerhlco mind must have weighed each testimony be fore accepung it vb 121 0 this argument shows how vital was christs resurrection in pauls thinking ho seems to have built upon it oil his christian arguments 10 philosophy furnishes no proof our immortality that proof rests entirely on chrbto resurrection v- 30 pauls statement is confident the case 1b proved vn 5057 this cloaucnt passage lias driven the fear ol death from countless souls christ lias conquered death for us forever 50 our immortality gives to all acta and experiences an eternal slg- jdjlcancc satanlnay our eternal home i thcss 4 ifl 17 to be ever wtth1 uie lord is uic summit of uie chris tians anticipations all heaven is in those words tho knowledge of the rcaur- rccuon is one of the cblei comlorts of the christian and ano of his chief in spirations y 23 1 2 jleavcn la a place of hfosjlght eager uuaundlng unending that is its control joy v 3 heaven la a place of purity no more struggling with sin v 3 heaven la a place of service of happy unwearying and restful work v 4 heaven la a place of companion- 1 alilp with uic one best comrade a place of the most cxhal ted friendship v 5 heaven is a place of light of cheer of thrones and crowns and power our human imagination cannot even dream of all its glories i internal parasites in uie shape of warm in the stomach and bo web of ehlldrcn sap their vitality and retard physical development they keep tho child in u constant state of unrest and if not ut tended 10 endanger life the child can be spared much suffering und the niothcr much anxiety by using a tillable worm remedy such as millers worm powders which aro sure death lb worms iritii of ploughing deep ploughing appears to have little jlin it according to experimental work cunlcit un at uie central farm qttawa ihcrr wus no significant difference in l he yield uf either corn or outs by ploughing neven inches deep on compared llli ploughing four inches duep of heavy clay und of sandy loam soils corn after nod on heavy soils gava precisely uiu sumi yield whero tho soil was ploughed four inches deep and wlicrc it was ploughed three inches deeper on undy hulls the difference was so little n to be nut worth considering luuount- du to 30 id tons after four inch plough- m und jo 00 urns ufter seven inch plouglilnn oals after rum on heavy clay yielded ijil bushels per acre wllcru tho uu wus pluiighud 4 inches deep und 1j3 5 bushels ivr acre where it woo plough ed seven lucheii deep on sandy soil uiu shallower ploughed imid yielded 00 3 bushels und tlmt which was ploughed deeper ih u bushels per ucru communing on these results mr k 13 hupkliih uie ixiiulnlou field husband man in his report for lust year publish- by the department of agriculture ut ottawa expresses the view that uie re is uppariiilly no object in ploughing rxcens- iw ly derp so lung as the work is thoroughly done lcrlmciitul farm note oufi to kit itl m old adam und lve came back uiey say miwltat the uuwiis lookud like today hut they turned uround und went buck mil lttanlkhon tllh gooi1 ok vi iiayh i feel luiunil o nay ryiuiuler caleb ullee observed hut you reeiu lo b ilven over to fliulln fault uiday a ipell ago it was the weather you claim ed it was colder than it wan when you war j youhutcr then you judged wall r didnt tuste the mimo anil iirw its unit yoke beam that aint made right but teeliilf that yoke won made moron fifty yearn ago i cant help iwdlnvln sonnt of the faults ip you uartln the yoltn aint tiny newday culrivunrt i he deneon protruded a iitublmni under lip i dont euro what you nay ki hup he malntulnrd im ready to like mi nluiid that tlitngi ulnt u good now us liny wan when i wan a lwiy i aint gnln to argue with you 1-y- finder coldcaleb but i am goln tt tell you a utile lory nbout a nelghlmir n mi cy wrlbr his name was ih niiir i d a sliojlteurher a smart thin kin j cf a girl und one that 1 vi r jm1 11 crnt nigh- u say but ihuhn did uy win always to thn point cy lliiielf aii a hardworlcin man and gooduuilliied except for one little uuglfln way about him he wan forever trllln liow much better things won uiflt his mother or his aunt barrpta hlgglna usrd to cook according to my ideas curliua that was cyn wife wan a major good cook ive et there a number of times potluck but cy wan always sure to find come llttli fault ho took uie stand uiat uie ruler his mother and his aunt qarcpta uicd made nluff taste goqd to him while hern didnt he claimed clarlsrad kot her train- in out of some cooking school or other when uie main thing they sought after uiui lo make grub look ccd to uie eyo und he let on that to some men it mebbe wouldnt make any dlffercncfl but- that to him uiatd been brought up on goodtantlng food cooked by oldume rules it worked an awful hardship sometimes when hod get to runnln on like uiat clarlssad sort of open her mouth to cay something but she always addcatcdltothjalltteiol4tan4lat him go on unui ho was talked out or till he was filled up solid wlui her cook in for he alwayn made what id call a heavy meal even if he did con sider it poor coakin but there camo an end to her silence at lasl they had a minister uiero one quarterly mcctln and after he woo gone clarissa come over to our house and took my wife into her confidence and uienj two women went over to clartoiao house and put in the best part of n forenoon huntln for came tiling it happened to be in sheenshcrin time and i was hclpln cy considerable and when mcaltimed cone hed aalt mc to draw up und cat with uiem and i alw did 1 iahy had nut dllflrlilly in hint hud vi- ill lined llm muthr to a a man uhn ii4lllnic word 1 in them infill friend oh mild the fill nd i haw a splen did n medy tor that its infallible too ive liied it foi yun and never been let down yet i his lifht for enllghlen- urnt ihe rule is thii tin wilie ycin vi mt nil be nun and put imtweetl tlin pair of thi friend dnrlared exactly alike 0111 dot exactly you cam mahm g to 10 v run nv v urn uml v tcv uotr mli7 wlilnr blllrlrulyluh and 1lumoriiiu hurler- in mill llrnuiy cultui wtirk jjlj iroiparoui utii rlnppy unul kllllllll lll dominion clinrtewsdscliool lisl kins lit rent wi rr ij rvlr cmul to cimi t1mme gimmi gimme r how can any man poulbly look on plcasn ns hlc oymnaslum inntruc- tor with rjivcn cliamilng ladlna crying gimme at ence tlie annwer la uiat the ilkluitograph waa taken on thn canadian pnclhc hnlr duchess of richmaiid during a cnibu nf west africa the inks of he hies and the mediterranean this was tlie last photograph taken by th lale topple tdwanu fatjicr of the modern illustrated newspaper the komance of the potato is uicro a dining table in ui clvllbced arid that knows pot uie potato car an evening at tiik oflua z hufun chont who was not musical who once ut the opvnt gazed jlc once declared that the biggest gold helplessly at his libretto and turning to vit hnntuek ia me it tasted terrlbla flat and nouunglsli i madeout to make a meal mulnly offn potatcrti and gravy and cald nouiln of coarse but cy took on consldablo and if he wished once uiat he could get some more pld-foshlon- cd cookln lie wlshcrl it a dosen umen clarissa didnt suy anything but after wed got up from uie table alie took down a receipt book and made came marks an uie margin of a leaf inside of a week i was there to probbly five more meals all about uic same pattern and every time oy got a lit lie more pointed in ills comments on modem cookin flnly one supper umo vc sot down to a tabic uiat almost bo j sted mo and i can eat most anyuilng when im hungry there was a cake so strong of mlasces uiat it bit my tongue and come nourcmpuni bread that i oil but took a tooth out with cy et a spell without sayln much but when he got to uie cake he bust out at her for uic land sake clarissa nils what in uie worlds the matter with you for a week now he sayij your cookln been ecttln wuss and wussl ono thing im goln to do tmorrer ho says im goln to hunt for mouura old receipt books and i wish youd use cm a spelt when he said uiat clarissa threw her head up and looked at him for a minute then stiff got up and went into the pantry wlien she came back she liad two books and bhe laid one of em hi front of cy open- there p dsho theres uie rule your aunt used for that spice cake you tried to cat tonight i fallcred it word for word there it b in her own hand writing then she opened at another place therca her rule for mincemeat she cays i never varied from it one jot but you said it tasted like sawdust j and i agree with you and heres tiro rule your mother used for bread ive made come uiat -way- how do you like it the trouble with you cy she cays is that when you were a boy anything 1 tasted good to you but youve growedj up now and uie same sort of food doesnt taste uie same and affirmed caleb cy never yip- ped a word uien or aftcrl peevish pale rcsucss and sickly chil dren awe their condluon to worms mother a raves warm exterminator will relieve uiem and restore hcalui safety manlisth ten unfit diuveus there arc 1 0 classes of pooplo who are not fit to drive earn according to list prepared by 3 j williams di rector of u10 public safety division of tho national council of uie united fltatcs these lie says would be excluded from motoring if every state enacted uie model motor vshlcle operators and cliauffcurs act recommended by uie recent national conference on street and highway safety these are 1 children under 10 3 persons whose height docs not per mit easy reach of controlling pedals persons who have not sufficient strength to operate control levers easily und ixjsltively persons under the influrucc of liquor or drug 1 epileptics or othcq subject to flto fainting ape lis i persons who do nut know and undirstniid the traffic laws ordinary rules of the road and other points con- rued with safe and efficient auto- iihblle opcrauon penons with dangerously defect- hearing and eyesight cripple or persons mums arms or legi whost- defects interfere with ulclr control of un automobile persona wlioae nervuus ntructuro is not sound or who do not react quickly 3 the mentally incompetent ilrlves asthma lik magic tho im mediate help from dr j o icrllogga asthma remedy seems like magic nevertheless it is only a natural remedy aed hi u natural way the smoke or ajkif reaching the most remote passage f the unected tubes brushes aside uie trouble and opens a way for fresh air to hut il in unld by djiuciajairoughout he land iiih ambition four- yearold bobby was much uiter- u d in the story of david und oultaui which his mother read to him when he was uirougtl he asked mamma vhere li david now in heaven i uuppose will i go to lie a ven when i dle7 i hope so dear munima tuio little voice was very uger nowl do yuu sposo when i get there duvld will let m hold his sling shot u little while du cation neighbor what la your son taking it collenr dad all ue can send hlni nugget ever found woo never half so useful to the world as one good mealy potato and yet uie potato had a hard fight for recognition it la probable uiat uic potato woo originally an american plant but its use became universal through lta artop- ut a nn qrucle o food lneurnpc wiioin traduced it into europe thorfl are many clalmanu for uic honor fjonie say that it w the naturalist cluslus who planted tjic tuber in uie botanical q aniens at vienna in 1608 but u gpanlarda tell a different story for their records say that the plant was brought from south america into spain about ifjflo they declare that it wan taken from opaln into italy and belgium and that it was from a belgian uiat clipilus obtained the roauj there arc ouer stories to he heard however sir john hawkins on returning from banta fv in 15j3 had with him some potatoes but it is mora ulan prob able that uiey were yams or sweet potatoes the jmo that cahjmuu de- more sleep for mother shredded time tables at alrron sunday only daily rxefl pt daily cxrept dully except dally except dally oxeept sunday only dally except dally exempt dally except dally rxcept dally except gtolnf wt flunday sunday uimday sunday uumlov galug fosl uuuduy sunday flunday dunday sunday 1041 tltit 7c5ni 1043 arrt 330 pin 800 pin 117 vm 70 pttl 70a mm 117 am 347 urn 817 liuri b1spm canadian national yimcvuw uailwavk lveilnuiitl dally except sunday 7bs ajkc dally ob5a4n dally 115s- am 15q6 biit hu claim is disputed and it is asserted uiat uie genuine irish potato u a nauve of cliue tradluon says uiat sir francis drake made a present or conic potato roots f raleigh who planted them in his garden in county cork in 1cdi but id not unu 1010 that we have any authentic record of potatoes in ireland in 1507 a book hii daughter who was musical said hilii expounded to mc this record utl l dilate with the wrong cmouon mr3 binna of dulverton who lr also unmusical recently attendedtlie opcxa1 with her daughter and felt that her emotions uicre were hardly satisfactory- xcsaslictoldlicrxrlonds cai rotuni- ing to the village loulsy took me to the apery and h certainly wo- a night- it waa renl lnireiung looking round be fore it brgun und i enjoyed it sjiue after wards looreolly i did there was so many folks in it and such a lot of going and coming and marching and grouping it made quite a picture and the mulc tc some f 1 had quite- n swing to it most as good an a ptadr- but it went on and on an on and i got urcder and llpder you see twant like a cantata at honie where you know the follcf thats uflcient it dont matter then how long ihe story strlnga out and nlnjlng anyl kind o story doo slfnff it out rldlc- lous but knowing the folks theres savds time because us ready-baked- warm m ovei and serve whh hot milk lleahhful protection for the whole family hade lyy uic canadian shredded wheat company ltd twii potato from vlrrlnirj noywtit ii gave ionu ralnys daughter uierc was all uielr clauicn to look at first off and myl uicre were some clever makcovere amongst em ton you remember oellny ueadea dress cr uis princes she got out a that old talncd wedding satin o grotgrand mother barclays if uiat want job to be proud of i dont know what 1 and sam qlddlnga trousers 7 well on herbal medicine was written by oer- they werent trousers exacuy but those ard the frontispiece to which waa a uiings be wore on his legs earn felt ho portrait of uic author holding a potato in oughtnt to hire and jano olddtngs mado hln hand cm herself how she ever did ltl id when potatoes were first used for food us scon try cutting out a cult o court it was the seed or apple that was cloes for the emperor or chlny myself used and it was some time before the then i always find it kind o enter- tuber was found to be uic most delicious aintng to watch out for lonny bakers food up to the end of uie seventeenth rd front tooth to flash when ho opens century uic poito was out of uic reach wide on a lop nole and oh well you uic people of moderate incomes it know luiw us there always something is recorded that in ig03 potatoes were qici at one shilling twentyfive cents a pound in uic london markets tut uic sale was small because co many people believed uiat uie potato caused leprosy and fever ouiers declared uiat they were endangering their souls if uiey atc thc potato since the tuber waa not men- uoned in uieblblc the late duke of argyll in his history of bcotland says uiat little or nouilng was known of uie potato in bcotland i until long past uie middle of uic clgh- they apparcnuy had not met for some tcenui century the duchcs of buc- tim they weir sltung in uie gloam- cuiuch in her household hook far m listening to uic langurous roll or uic uia year 1701 speaks of uic potato as pea below an esculent of great rarity i and you ray you were in uie town hugh ulller in hu flchool and uhere i live last week she murmur- schoolmastcra says uiat his maternal cd sufuy grandfather about the year 1740 used to bring liomc in his pocket same three 01 four potatoes as great rariuca grown by the gentry for lie was a friend of uie head gardener at balnagown casuc thomas carlylc tons us uiat hl3 fauier got possession of four potatoes and know ao lltuc about them uiat lie hid uiem away for a possible time- of want and uiat potatoes were saved to be eaten at halloween there is no doubt uiat a re a am cllf i uic irish were the first people to rccofl- i m j iri nlxc the value of uic potato as a staple i h remedy for anicic of food mm wung children i millers worm pqwders but at uic optry uicre aint and by the end of an hour of bang and tootle and tumtetum and tralala id had oil i wanted and but for hurung loulsys teellngs id ha lefl stic cays twas grand and i dare cay twas but give me uie town hall and home talent every orrte uememrfued yes and jou uiought uf me john she cooed aye i did replied john i said to mjsclf why isnt this where w hats hername lives a sewing pautv a merry party of phllauieas planned picnic on the morning appointed to sky was overcast with clouds but it did not caani as if it would rain go they gathered at the station tlicre was cuch a crowd they were hemmed in and it was wlui difficulty uiey could uircad uielr way to uio car boeing it coming uiey found uiey must run for il- one girl in trying a short cut foil and tore her dross butum clmn- eron said she could mend it wlum she got home as they roda along uiey uw uie farmers sewing in uialr fields and turning the sheep from uie fold at another place an old scissors grinder got on when uiey came to a patch of woods near uie lake whoec water were scarcely ruffled enough to keep a tiny boat bobbing about uiey ate their lunches under an overhanging rock near uie lake while strolling about uiey caw a cow with mild eyes and one girl puckered her face and said will sha hook a lltuc lad with uic cow sold surely not she la a quiet body and will tiarm no one i know because a seam stress up the road told me so but one girl ran until she got a sutch in hrr side and lost her braid and at hut sat down under a button trco to rcsl they had no ouier trouble and return d in the evening wlui their hats trim med wllh wild mowers they all dc clarcd they had enjoyed it more uian if thry had gone to uie park to hear the band play note tiic worda luparcnuiescu were left out und filled by uiose playing thn game the one filling in the most blanks 1 the prize vhoftoihihl vrtghhig bvj tttc uon diucati ivtiu a3 swear as buoah i rheumatism no 1art of natures plan site effitrs her healing herbs to 9top muffering wlum america waa wildcmnaa indiana wcro using uorua sueressfully from tlm hodmen q yearn ago jainc oajuglicr learned iwlial tvcrou and ocanpounuvd gallaghers itertiat ilonsa- bold llemadieo ilia famous ludncy lliiniody liaa hrlpm many a eufyorar from llliaumatiain this fino timivprovl remedy drawn from thfl heart of naturn heals and claanfiaa kldueyo quickly stojin hack- eho dminusa and other naffging kidnny and bladdar aiimeata ivy ltl far sob by u a t 11izown acton ifuflctly wonderful murgol asqultii lady oxford uflers this as the funniest juke sho has ever heurd young mun and hui bride an utcir honeymoon arrived at monte carlo uikiii ihclr llrsl night uiey strolled down to the beach in the moonlight and sat then guslng out over uie water 1mimiiuy the man quoted iuill on thou dark und deep blue ocean roll whereupon uic young bride grasped tier husbunds arm mid exclaimed oh richard deur loot how wond erful yuu are ita doing it the few the easy roads are crowded and the level roads uru jammed the pleasant lltuc rivers with ih- drifting folks an crammed but olf under ulure lt11 rocky where yoi get a better view you will ilnd the ranks are thinning and uie travellers arc few when the goings anoolh und pleasant yon wilt always hud the throng 1or uie luuiiy 11 lores uie plly ijeeiu to like ui drift uuing hut the ilreu that call fur courage and the task thats hard to do in the udtisults ut glory fur the nrvirwuverlnu few kjgor a- aucvl easlerrtsljsd jrvodncid pheston ont highest prices paid for butter fat give us a trial phone 53 halton cream butter co milton and acton chas thompson manager acloii branch dally dally dally dally dally lbpia 3 55 ptn b55 pan 7ss pja 0b pjcu d lajiian emtltmd dnlly except sunday oapjti dj7 0m dally dally dally dally dally dolly dally dally i1s71 1s7 p4- 3j7p4rt 837 pta 737 pjtt 0j7pjtj 11j8 ps taraiiu trtruiuii kmid surest and fjl clair avnu freight delivered by rpeelal exprta freight frelgjit picked up at any ad- dresa in toronto i jflfcr i j- cadesky hpvlt eyesight specialist ksvisdur wni n at a t imowwa wsm tinua mtobis acton vjt monday april 1st w ff 3 anjone urterlng from kyo- xh n strain dt fcctlvo vision or 1 its n heajiulie hould not misa tho alt opportunltj of eonsultlng this 77 ft oyealitht fiuclnllat appoint- y j menu rnij l madii with mr v j a t unmn dnmilst x runsiltation fhick offico hour 1 m m till 4 p m leave acton for uu wt 1010 a m 4io p m 700 p m and an saturdays oundaya and holidays lloo p m leave acton for aeovttown narval brampton toronto 8j0 s m 1135 a m 73s p m and an oaturdays oundsys and holi days 10js p m the opening of a new service station wc wihli to announce tlmt wc liavc opened u repair and service gnrage on mill street next the station hotel and cordially invite cnr owners to vibit us at our new quarters wc have n full line of equipment and our motto is we aim to please w j kentner proprietor w b browne co millcru nnd gnii mcrchantii nurvnl ontario national nokval for postrr kings choice canadian wonder for dread j biian shouts middlings c flopped wheat knrlcy and chicken feed at the shu consult ouk neabest dkauiu aldrm fry for castoria mlt chers castoria is es- perially prepared to re lieve infants in arms and children all apes of constipation flatu lency wind colic and diarrhea allayinj fcverislmess arising therefrom and hy rejjuldin the slomacli and uowcli aids the assimilation of food jjiviitj healthy and natural sleep to avoid imitation always lo alilihy hurinlm- mo 1 of ik for thr sijiatiire c blrs pliyiciini cvnywtierc recommend il card co cuamrt uul dyr guelph ontaiwo gettlgandkeeping get vaur aeeouat iciu keep vour caitouur our rvle oatm ihu kelly aiken diplouatio collebtoiuj ontnjvlile owen seuad qusljdi life insurance we deal only in life iniuranea and ar pleased to explain tha varioiax nolkles best suited to your requirements it will surprise you ths varied forma of pallciea uiat can be writ ten to cover your present biuinass nedfl a tbqucat for information doci not oblujata you in any way frederick l wright rctireuntauva imperial u assarancs co at canada riione 18zj main s aaua mark every grave kouilnu 1 more lobuns or more appropriate to coiumernarata uu memory of loved ones wlio have bone before than beautiful pxantto well carved with our present equipment and facilities no plant is better prepar ed to offer betur value or a batter stock to choose from than con be secured at our plant you owe it to yourcclf to see our lock and get quo la uon- on monuments marten or comer btoncs before placing an order anywhere speelal quotations prevail ail orders piaeod before april ib acton monument works estabuinul lszft r nicol phone 12 savage company jewflleuy watches bil- vkuwaue chinawabe silver tableware notrd for quality moderately priced mail inquih1eu itecelve illoupt attention iiwer wyndham sl pluma 571 guelph