huh u uarruum an 1 drtlli rhiir r r at j r- tl wimk j y m i r r ur f i ilrj- i new 1ruck purchased oiticial visit oi d p fi m mi ai i an at lib home urnr llnllinafiul ii mmiiltl murrli j i 10j0 jnreph allnli in mi 7iu year gi aflltuxii- on murrh 21 10j0 nl hit renlilence of lirr ilauiiliur mm oeorue gardner iii cl rrnrd utreel kant toronto iiabelln widow of the al thnmiut clnrrlilur mcmuhciiy suddenly ot his resilience llroinptmi wednesday march 30 1030 jolin mrmiirchy iwloveil hu hnwl of film mrmutrhy nnd fatlier of harry i mcmurchy cllve i mrmiirchy unit gladys m mcmurchy meed cfl years alir artnu 3xt vr tiiuiujday matlcil 38 1030 kfiis jihd tfwi tlmr lo clean up now qood friday lo morrow ah uill lw nlad when hip cool fhoiel glvri plane to ihc rpade canter muilc will be a feature in the service of uip churclipr on sunday judge moure held a tltunff or the children n court at oakvllle on friday elaborate plan- tmve been made lor the athletic club a bio licet in acton pn july 1 the maple syrup from the pelffhbor mil farms to a real tempter on tho family menu now your contribution of news items in always appreciated tiik psk pssui telephone is no 174 these arc uic days when thn flnrlnff fever is subdued in the average man by the houccleantnii activities th sprinc thunderstorms have been rather severe this season now just a hat kind of weather doca that forecast thn work with tho road jlrsti on the strefcls about town is accomplish in 2 excellent results in putting them in con dition again the oakvllle star has moved into new quarters in the whltaker block nrar tlir corner or dundoi and colborno qtreets oakvtllc the regular mcetinjt of tho lake side chapter of the lode was hld last wednesday cvonlnn at tlie home of m hi lucy edwards traialsar township luu offered the ullton pint crtande 135 or each fire tltenr wenr uh criminal the tialtair sprlnjr afcxuah oliexllbrown presantd mr juuc mcevoy with uw customary white glove t money for the new easter outfit can be saved by taklnjr advantage or tir advertled cpeclau there economy in die mescaces of the merchants in tiix pikf pikss messrs t w dumzon ond ilewetson cramp ton who are members of orace united church there have agreed to contribute jointly sis 000 to their sister congregation at pauls unit ed church or uic same town provided the confftvjratlon will raise 30 000 to ward the building fund of the ql pauls church iiy th iku kklllilru un roualit 1aiijj uitj ittxillti uru tru iiuar td ijlit aji- at hip m n of iilllli mllltlir c mini i i n in dny ivnijiiit coin- mij i in r ict rr unit ioivi mum uin pn i nt mid gliilriimi i o ktiifi pn rliuil ai rouiib uin orili red to ik paid or fotlnun hydro arratful hydro tiiclrlc inutr c mini rlon of ontnrlo pnwrr tl 611 to i mccutcheon xpn 3 34 dr 11 a coxi truck mihiiiii j 05 hanftaino flertrlr co mi ti r 33 30 liose a o hi urn ltd mppll i so rn i lnroln mi trr co mi li r 100 70 cnnadlin i inr m it rlnl ltd nippllr j c mnttlnh p til i h n 100 li4j0 uatfrworlij account hydro di pt opi nitlonn tor i binary jigfld udxii b a ma jin src lulfrt by it j ktrr that a mrisaac in prrmlttrd to instnl an nppnntd lnvn tap nervier to li nhen rubject to the boodulll of hip commlwlnn carried the comnliilon and municipal oltlcrrr wire riqur led to have the fountain at ih iont offlrp repaired when ihu tin been repalnd the mllci are to br n tructid lo projcute any wlio are found damaglnic thl convrnlencp and mi example made of uioc who seem lo delight in bnakliir tlie mcchanum of the fountain afoid by it j icerr seconded by a mason that in regard to the purchase of a truck for the public utilities com mission that we accept uic tender of ii a coxc to be uic six c under job carried friiluyiillft ultd iitklruriko tvrlilnf llru i by h-lki-i- i a rr jb a m uu miuuy monday nlijlit u oi n mrmorubln oik in the nunali or wulkrr iwljrn aha i a m lulnic tin nlfirlul vb it or it w llro kitfir doom of wellington ni trlcujjn 7 w m llro jaa doble i f wulkrr ixiie mid hln olflrern exem plified the work nf the liulun in a manner that bnniglit forth cfmrhirollojirjv from th reprrsrntatlven nf clrulld ijwluri a rcntun or inlcrcitlurliig hip evening wan tin prrwiitatlnn lo w llro w ii llnrtcp or the pant murtern jewel the prrwntyllmi wan made by w llro cluu wilvin i here were many v in torn pre renl fmm the imlgen nt the towns lipar acpn voll wlng the reiilon in tho loilge roomn n i umptuouii bauiuet wan nerve il in the parlnh hall w llro j doble wan mnrtcr of cerrmonlon and proposed the tirn t to the king and llr craft which mils rerponded to by hie nlnglng of the natlnual anthrm 1 he liini t to a rand lodge was ably prnpnpd by w llro dr j a mcnlvn nnd re ponded to by n w llro icefter nnd il w uro it w ialrlcy w llro w m cooper proposed the tnart our vlrltors and in brief speeches it wa rerponded to by n w urn kirk v w lira laird nro nev p a uawyer v w nro mayor orant llro prtsnoll of chicago iii and ijro dlaclc of ouelpli it w ilni ici ffrr bpbpoke uie apprp- cntl n of the vlllri for the honp tnl- ity provided in his toast to walker imlge and w lira jan doble replied fittingly on behalf of uic lodge ilrtucen tin nddrcuica a hearty rlna- nng was enjoyed by all uie brethren uro dr f j nelson presided at the piano at wonderland far good 1rlday the otret angel will be the feature picture at wonderland on oood friday do morrow the stor laid against the caiorfutbaclground of naples and the beauuful cofttoned photographic treatment of the many picturesque scenes b a conspicuous contribution to uic art of the motion picture janet aoynor as a little wair of uie neapolitan water front and charles parrcll an a vago- tw nip arllt who meets and falls in love with her handle uielr rolco wlui superb skill and their many love ccenen to- liiuier hold uic audience enraptured it recounts the story of angelinas desperate attempt to raise funds for her dying mother by taking to uic streets for which she la arrested and sentenced to prison she escapes from uie police and joins a small travelling circus in hlch she becomes a ballet performer l l roi who trade he down and take her away to prison however uiey are finally re united and made happy again btrcct angel in a picture that ranks with uie best of all time variety of news wown inalltst the regular monthly meeting of the womens institute will be held at uie home of miss hannah wallace on thurs day april s at 3 o clock everybody welcome lode ujwrtuur tlie next meeting of uie duke of devonshire cliapter lode will be held at the home of miss margaret j macdonald church btrcet on tuesday evening april 3 tha tall wheal in goad shape reports from uie field husbandry department of uie oj a c indicate a good year for fall wlieal tills spring luu been free from repeated mild spells followed by frosts wlilch is the chief enemy of uie crop and the growth this year shquld be a good one dra team visits weo4itn lodjre on friday evening lodga woodgrcen no 303 sons of england was favored with a visit from itoyl cty lodge white rose degree team ouelph there was a large attendance of members including visitors from lodge trafalgar milton tliere were several candldatas for ad vancement the degree being exemplified in a most impressive manner the team waa under uic leadership of p p dro oooul uro w ecclesluol d d was also present and gave o brief address in which lie eulogized uie work of uie team on the motion of p p dro j p scar- row and p p nro e tyler gr a hearty vote of thanks was accorded the team to which nro booui fittingly replied bro dicks p p voiced the appreciation of lodge trafalgar after uie meeting closed lodge woodgrecn served lunch to uie vuitot all present voted it one of the best moeungs held first meeting of rink committee advisory cotttalku or eavaa anpahiud lo proceed wlib bdluux ipark the dtflniu lacaliaa the committee requested to meet with uie council and confer on uie building of uie new acton arena met but evening wlui uie following present luevc a mason and councillors k t ttictford dr e j nelson and c hansen and col a o t bcardmore and messrs l u oliorcy q t licardmorc dr il a coxc j m mcdonald it j kerr n h oardrn and o a dills upon motion reeve mason was elected chairman of uie meeting and a a dllb flecreury it was deemed advisable to appoint an advisory committee of not more than sxven to work hi conjunction with uic council on uie building as uie present committee was too large tho following nulldtng commlltac to act in an ad vunry capacity to uie council was ap painted with iteeve mason as chairman jond councillors hansen and thctford and messrs o t bcardmorc dr ii a ooxe j m mcdonald and r j kerr it was uic unanimous decision of uic mmmlltec uiat ute park was hie only luteal location and uiu site was uierc- fore definitely settled upon as uio first step towards uie erection ox uie arena plans of the building its location in the park information from contractors ui bo secured and ouier detail occupied i considerable attention the masting of the advisory committee will be held just as soon as uils data lias been secured it was the exprcad wish uiat ui bulldlna be completed in august so as to be ready for use for uiu years pull pair as an exlubltlon liall tlie u p y p o will hold uielr annua donee in the town hall acton i n april 13 watch for further particu lars next week continued from pane one feed for sale a quantity of o a c no 21 narley 51 10 per bushel nnd nanncr oats 00c per bushel also cobbler potatoes at tl 35 per bag apply it n buowjj phone 40rl 1 dressmaking all given prices kinds of dressmaking orders prompt and skilful attention reasonable 37u mrs a reesor church ctrcct acton r j keiut h liar op sales monday april 1 mrs u 0 wauon churchill choice dairy cows horsxs uliftp imgfl ulcd potatoes tuesday april 3 itobt k jalmston itnckwood a i head of young cuttle wednesday april 3 j d brawn lot 30 first line esquoslng near acton clearing tlale of high clyj utoak and implements ihunluy april 4 nell vtituirum lot 20 cmcchumi b naklugaweya bsld of 6 non 35 catuo and 63 hogs and 300 hags of imtaluu wodiicimbiy aiirll 10 unrtcagd uau nf uorloy iuin kqu1iu at utabt hotel acton at two p iu undi servtd auction sale townbhip of nabsaoaweya q horses 35 dairy cows and young cattll cj york hogs and seld potatoks the undersigned has received iris true uons from neil patterson to sell by public auction on ilia farm lot ib pirui concession nassogawcya near knatchbull on stone road on thursday april 4 lflzo at 130 o clock sharp uic following g horses 1 marc 0 yearn old 1 500 lbs 1 horw 11 yearn old 1 00 lbs this is a well matched pair 1 pcrchcron marc 0 years old 1 300 lbs 1 nay mare 10 years old 1 100 lbs l span pcrchcron marcs 3 years old well matched cattll 35 h lad 3 holsleln cows tan dda ugh tern of a one huntircd pound cow 3 durham cows with calves at foot 1 jersey cow with calf at foot f jersey cow due ume of sale 1 durham cow due ume of sail 1 holstcin cow due tunc of sale 1 durjmm heifer due in april 1 durham heifer due in may 3 dluc heifers due in april 1 durluun cow due in may 3 part jersey heifer bred 1 cow milking 3 months these cows arc all b years and under 3 dur ham hcircrs rising 3 years old 1 dur ham heifer rising 1 year old 3 veal calves 1 polled angus hull i year old 10 pat catuc g3 york pios 1 york sow due april 1 1 york sow due in may t0 ork pigs from 60 to 150 lbs sled potatoes 100 bags early rccrd potatoes 300 ttags cobbler pota toes terms 10 00 and under cash over that amount ft monuis credit on funilh log approvid joint not 0 per annum ol fur cosh potatoes cash r j klrr auctioneer plume 30 acton c o plank clerk easter flowers i astir lili1 s at kt niixun 2jc tulips at 73c per dozen fairview nurseries a ii ihsiiop sons phone si falrvlew avr acton spring millinery at mlsa murray a footwear buy your nfw spring foot wear at harrisons nest foil style comfort and economy qive uq a trial harrisons we buy and sell far cash good ygalatimgttgrttlwtimtefflfa dont miss this chance i or one day oiffy mr a z finrncr haul ilticc itlpredtiiut- live of tip top iaiumls uhijtwi who ut ilrintfliijr to iuiu ktorc u complete itanjrc of tlie newspring fabrics 2400 to measure will ptrsonnljy mcnuurt every mon onlerinjr a new tip top 24 suit or topconl m n thin li arj opportunity you shoiildn t mlh mr a z oamer tip top lallorn special represents tlve will be at thin store on wednes day april 3 to measure personally ovi ry man ordering j new spring cult or topcoat on those days in addi tion to a complete range of uie finest fabrics 1 lp top tailors have ever olfcrcd he in bringing a selection of gulli and topcoatn tailored in uie nlw spring ntylen and quit lenguin of clotlin from which you con obtain an idea of uip wonderful quality and value of tip top oneprice made-to- measure clothen don t forget uic dateiil and eomo early one day only wednesday april 3rd easter shopping specials a large vurli ty of mens serge nnd pine ilntany wool sultn jll t arrived im the icosler trade negitlar from ho 76 to 136 00 intra jnrrlul prlcu fir ilauler flhoppern at j12 05 u cifin mens siort caps latest patternn worth l 05 special 7sc to i 00 mens pipe ilroadrloui shirts atnrted nhailen collar attached slxn 14 to 17 upeclal at i parati collar i lo nuilrli i sis xi if gwc to illle men n penman n all wool hwealern rlu i 31 to 44 social ji 7j rent knvintffl on mchh work punts and overalls mepn strong work panui well tailored for rough wear i xtra pcriiil ij 10 men n triple qt itched llglithottse guaranteed ittd hack ov tlieclal at per pair men n smocks risen 30 to 44 special at mrn n fancy drcm sockn txlra special 3 pair for menu strong work shlrtn regular u 1 r sjm ctal strong police nracen out they go at t 3lr men n heavy penman n make all wool undi rwnar uigulur 175 jo clear at per garment obc soyn slid ohls nine serge iteefer coatn hlzin 3 to 0 ujircliil i ih iloyn tweed stilts 3 pieces special for uk i a r tradi 0 13 doya merino combination underwear itegular si 50 lxtra ipiclnl fur 7se soys at rang cotton stockings special 3 pair for mt iloyn pine shirt walstn sieclal each j 55c noyn pine capn special each 45o soys dlue sprgo illoomern special wc ladles ii o used rear es itegular 1 35 bcclal 50r lo 75e a nlw shipment of ijidlcfl silk drcssen the late t style i and fundi i to go at xi 95 up ladles first quality silk stockings later t shades sizes si to 10 oul they go at per pair 33c olrls dllckern colors rose dluc and oreen with cnpi to match sizj fi to 14 regular s3 05 fxtra special at each 1 70 the maple leaf economy store mill street acton ontario we seli rirst quality mcrclinndiiic only at- lowcat possible prices rockwoed minister called to vie tori harbor at a meeting of uie barrio presbytery if the presbyterian church two calls were received and nustolned rev wm ptj it uakluc rockwrood ouelph prcsbytecy was called to victoria itarbor used car parts wc stock nnil can promptly supply used parts for all makes of cars you r 60 per cent of the cost of new pifrts and get prnctically as good value radiators wl havt on hand all kinds of new and used car radiators ut reasonable prices h wolf ond sons 129 wntcr slrccl guclpli phone guclpli 2931 furniture special values in home ruknishings chestcrrield suite at bedroom suite 4 pieces at dining room suite at heirloom chest at axminster rug 0 feet by 0 fett at linoleums oilelouiii stair trcadii etc shotw 7aoi ffii oo 13 50 20 00 hardware tor the tarm anil tor uie home at attractive prices beatty electric and engine drivt and hand washers agency dodge bros motoil cars and trucks iirandam henderson paints and vanishlv a good paint to buy to paint with c b swackhamer funeral director willow street amkulance service acton ontario iiargains in used farm equipment i 11 hot dei rino drill j 15 dic cookshurr drill 313 hladp cocicshutt disc ii ir row with fore truck 4 crown aang plow 5- tud1iopk andhison quttxc flulky ihow 0 ma1uikv1iauuis walking 3 furrow oong plow 7 deijuno manuru spreadrr b massey haithis manure bpriatur 0 nisco majiuru spreader 10 ruuiioli andkitson manun spn adrr 11 no ij delavai cnajq tkpar- ator 00 lbs capacity 13 no ij dl laval cream lpaj- ator li0 lbs cafiaclty 13 vi1cino cream sijiarauir new 14 3 11 i inlkjtnahonal ldlgllia ij u p juun dkkuh luigliift 10 0 ii p i klltlt canuck fcngllie pioiuf kquikiueiit conttimiiy 1 wjkb huct tiuk oud s s we sell the best tob less and deliver carnation milk small 7c choice peas no 1 selv0 z thu 29c 13c ciioicl pfaes per tin 15c noutsrt w goucn ff sweel mued ah air lb jtf corn tin fur tia delmonte piachis no 2 tin 23c ricl krihlll i for 25c aylmer drecn label kasjherry jam lucbt 40 oj jar for 34c iyih crup soda biscuits 25c tine soap cm flakes st castllt hoap tjugr rar 16c 24c slirrddpd xvi i la t t iackeu for 25c iaflt mil k per tin 19c sti m uot i larsc packet 9c uk ovijm k1st oval bist tor the kiddies jrown lips too akrowroot special 0 biscuits ner lb gc plunu your order to mux mulct hills acton highway grncrll eckliincl specials economy tea choice 1 lb for 53c blatchlords baby of chick feed 0 lbs for jjc livingston s rolled oats 4 lbs for 25 2 westons sodas oa 1 lb packets for 4c aylmer pure black currant jam 40 oz 1 glass jar for jlc medium sue oranges 2 dozen for 35c kinney brand standard to matoci 2jj sizl 0tj 2 tins for ltoq choice red cohoc salmon i tn c 3 matches pint tree ok boxes for utjc choice peas sieve 1 o a no 2 size tin 2 tins liqc highway grocer younj street w nesbitt proprietor acton hone 189 v eal chops per lb home rendered lard ptr lb he lte these are only two of our special prices inquire at our counters and you will lnid that quality considered our prices are lowest parker bros quality and service rutchers plpnc fl wc deliver promptl imimihimiill i i i ford features dukaiiimty tin lord car is built for lin life muie teel fnrluit- uie ld th m uny lir i itctiie weldinj sup plants rivets and bolt moie than i 100 welding operations tre in each car steel wheels uro more than 25 stroiilei ilnin any other sai i7ty shutter proof lass in windshield of nil models i ully enclosed b hmke symem wlueh lnps with silent puwclo it any speed comiort pull halloon tnes liunsverse springs itild lloudnille hydiauhe shoek ahsoihers i conomy ford parts and luboi an piopoi tionatel low til priee as onjiniil eost if c ir 1 ire nilleue nieiliibed ly even smouth bnikuik modtrute illltiiil east means low depieeiutioil appearance beautiful lines and striking eolurs norton motors acton georgetown and nobv al tntnil garage work buttir re ciiarkinir 1 rtl lirls ttni ami acceivsiiries ihoni 09 iltomii hlrvice specials at the mclean ssre ii iibh ml iii imw holeproof silk hose jus to hani 200 pnir of uoleproot silk ilie for taster trade new sprinj shades in this lot ct a puir of holeproof and yon will have the he 1 wearni and lerfeet littlilf ho e made at j 00 h 25 91 r si 7 silk itloomlhs i lie e buiomer are made by one of the best maker cvciy pair iiarnii teed iheeolor uie lio e peiitlu orohid aa dreen and maie good heavy weij lit at j er p nr 4 m mlns silk and wool socks a 1 kliuk i 1 puk l c olor are sand and blue sand nnd green bluek nnd gray a hwd wconnj sock to day priee se cftv peeial this week ul per pair duc mens tils hw sloelt for luster trade stnpls all lire ilk j rtft i xtra jjood and latest r special each ijlluu mens i llt hats i ilvys sand this slsons styles specials in groces y jupl cros blnckwclls i stewarts marmalade a 1 cros blnckwcll s i j uc ih khsj e jam cidc s 25c 1 4 l wd 25c- choiel sweet biscuits i tb tor medium size oranges oc f istile soup f ff i dozen for oijc lonf bar for uz 48c our b5c hroom for mclean co mil i street tton ont furniture removal wc have njl up to date equipment for moving furniture and tmnos having been 10 years in the business ue can juarantee ou service and reasonable rates if roiiij a distance it will pay you to call us loads 3 to 6 tons snyders cartage georgetown box m0 phone 171 store news from parker bros an extra line carcass of beef for this week fed by george bam of framosn smoked meats the choicest of swifts hams und bacon for the caster trade all kind of cooked meats corned beef cooked ham roast pork alacaroni npd cheese loaf cunned goods olives etc this weeks specials easter specials z kllloggs bran flaklb for i bag potatoes for i lb special m1xfd cakli for j ivory soap lakes for t i ruito or nu jell povvdlhs fi r i cross blackweils chow how imcklls 1 ghapc truit for lb- ginger snaps for i hhnz catsup larke size ii lbs st lawrence gramjla1li sugar tor i ih corned beef for lbs icing sugar for fairy soap for l lbs lil1 white tlouk for 1 i lbs monarch i lour for lbs 11apie leat brlad 1 lour for 7 lbs monarch pastio tlour for in ants drllght soap for i farl white soap for 23c 70c 2tic 22c lc o9c ioc 2ic soc 70c 15c joe 21c 13c nelson co mil l street acton phone 37 choice chickens- for easter lor aster we will have i j i ml suj l ol the hoieet of hi k iii weillls from 5 to o lb ni in itttd take our cookki ml vis i nil hoc f ihc i hipiecl ooked me its c old ham heese 1 jellild ioiilue bolojjiui heidclillt pressed beef corn lu luel rekk clits hound shou1dir roasts it ii1kk shou1dih koas1s ei it kill hoi1 per lb iiamhurg si1ak per lb rimimuir our ikim1 id hill id i 1 ards sells al per lb 20c to 2jc 1jc to 20c lie tu lfic ihc 16c free delivery our delivery k intituled in all tute prices our plume no n 17h aiul ue dtlntr ull urderu pmmptly pattersons meat shop ihoni 178 mill street acton