Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 4, 1929, p. 1

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i liv iouitli vriir no 10 thursday ivening april 4 1021 acton onlario canaba tiiursoav evening april 4 102 six homeprint porcs five ctmt flljurrlf rruinb lluttiii uliurrlj nf flzmuhn acton mltiintrr rev c i tool b i parsonage willow direct 1100 il m till- minister subject tin- habltiimon fir clud iucriuiirnl ihc rinrn iiipihi 2 10 p m sunday school uison i h- ministry of kouili 7m p in i hi- minister subject ih prpindinl piiphrl tlmimliiy nil in inpariilory si-i- ve subjeii obedience through jjtiirtini monday a 00 p in young people 1 rligur meeting in rlmigr of heaver i on lliraluitrrtuii knox clluitcu acton minister he v a c stewart m a munsi willow strict 1 1 mi ii m communion si rvio- sub ject what of thy hmthrr ami p in sunday school lesson tin- mlnltry if isaiah 7 oh p rn tin- minister subject a scries tin the fouiiduuon of the christian fiiiui nn 1 monday 000 p m voimir pcoplen ciullil meeting in charge of educational committee prayer meet inn thursday evening nt 130 p m strangcru leaving address with the ushers will be culled upon by tho pontor artmt suptinl glfiirrlj iantoila iorsvtii frederick street 2 30 p m bible school 7 00 p in- subject wouldbe dlt- elplcs 11 the rich young man thursday 1 4fi p m annual business minting aiiilnhulm gtbtb v f a lf iutuniorlir y p u topict the power of pruycr jjveryuody welcome unclassified small advertisements r i j harrison carpenter repairs promptly attended o phone 111 to let furnished room with board apply dox jo free press for sale ivory reed baby carriage in good nndltton to sell reasonable apply mrs f e holmes rari of thanks mr mid mrs w j sword desire to lliank their many friend for the klnd- ni vi shown in their recent bereavement foil sale davenport and bed combined in wood condition apply mrs o a dills acton room ani hoard young lady may have room and board ii lelred modem iipartment all con- vellh nrw apply 1iox d free press i ouni sum of iiiiuny found owner may rc- tmrr same by proving prujierty and lni tor advertisement uy applying at free press office lost jute horse ulanket between acton and i- if hi line corner or on filth line on rilduy finder kindly return to free press office what is it a coat a hat a frock whatever your rcin rumen t for spring youll find it nt mncdniinlds at the rijht price such iihundnncu to choose from in guelphs ljj store thai everybodys laste and need nnd purse can he suited every kind of caul i hat is new in the world of spring fashions the youthful light weight wools that will go smartly through the whole stimmci the furtrimmed coat for im mediate wear the taped type and the hired model the new tailored units htiilt on mannish lines the tweed coats that adopt dressy ways in muttering scarfs novel collars and border treatments eveiythmg thats new choices in the jjnjidreds special half sizes in plenty 7l- 1095 si2b5 1l 1750 1975 2195 3975 lip u 75 hundreds of dresses j drefis with juclcet uwiufronl flam the scarf collar pleated tiers vivacious colorings flattering expressions of thefeininine trend in dress fashions 705 1095 1295 1195 1750 1975 52495 4975 dp to 75 i strawtrimmed fell hat 14 and ihc new ilmblc slrnws wis 1 i5 i 50 -alar- ipulutcd nilo clever new shapes d macdonald bros ltd guklph ontario the honor roll for the month of march the standing of tlic public school iupllh in acton for the pant month senior fourth murinierlte roiwll 1a amelia eviinii 470 catherine mackle 401 clara lliiiier hj harvey uaiuiurd i2h ilanll mellon 4 1 ii total 100 nmr irtli notice acton fall falf hoard hiw paved a iiih that all fxhlbits of gunned fruit and i1c1iji be exlilblud in pint jealera ui five the exhibit a uniform appeurance w j akins secretary milt sale one dreer and wiulutuud in uood er ihllflon can be een on friday or tliirduy at miss m masales mill and eljjln strecl i oil sall mcdounall llmie on frederick stilel c room and bath furnace and ehctrlr water heatlr apjily n ii garden wlr actuii tumiluu co lid dltfcssmaking all kind or dreiinaklnt ordcrn klven prompt and kllful attention price nimhiable mrs a ueesor 17tf church street acuin jaitp ok thanks mlv sadie crlppi iulret to thank her frlendji for their kindly tpoukhlfulne inmilry and v ell wl-h- durinu her recniit lllnefi when ilie wm onlhied u the iujuil and for the ilowcn wm in r i- ini her lllnewi till khidnev will i v ira efully ri nninhercd hi rn li ii- i dtn in apil y york- h111- ami 111 squared uirn apiily jno j tone r u no a ltoekwoud r illrl rocltwood 30 wondeklani htiia april 3 tour wulls a tlicy nl u i nriithui miirrlnu julin uilbert and juan fruudir i comedj pailoi i sls rabbit cartotni cluiidi wntli vlnllnll vauuevilll irlittivi luwn eeu it nit- ul ih wondi rlind then tie acton fi lila april i ai an added aluadlim satuitllav iltl b hw prinu i at ii refrttihlnu iniiiril iliiliim v i adolplie menjoii ltln- or ui hliik blhi fioin bomiiu hiil comedj whux llaby lm ni tilsilay aliiilu the sins of llty fiithm vjnia willi emll jannliiui the lllit ehupli or the new iu the dliinmiid miiti r ttaihu haiden stien omi dj fnu- ominfi sho pril il k rtioity son this weeks specials 6 pearl soap q c1iips0 small op hiiis for cidc o pikkels fur dc 5 comfort soap op j iavcilink 99 hiiis lor 6jc l cukcis ini zzic 4 ammonia ir o limy rlos btiircli lo 1qiketi for cloc l iuekelh for llv 2 chloride lime op o celluloid slurch jtl pncketii for 6dc i c packets for lioc pure clover honey 5s 55c cuhturd powder k for 2 potatoes peeks foi vitone small for pastry flour foi or o idno sugar op tidt j lbs fur liok zjc 3 piiekel for zijc 29c i 25c oq o maple leaf bran op out u paekels for ltov gran sugar 10 lbs 57c o puke lard op 9 man spinach qp 6 mis foi jjc i l 1 in- lm jdc op i o llilivc1 peaches ip- jdc 2 i s 45c e on o harvest cherries jp 7 for lyc l tins 45c oil i own bilk in pmilcr 2 tins fo lliriesl oiaiig mai iniilade it can red white sio j v jonios phone 25 arron ont tedy llnnien 307 gordon cook 3fld marjorle near 3113 poria ilollowny 300 may chlnholm 351 clalrr ourdcn 354 total 000 m z ilcnnett principal krnlnr thlnl harold fikllllnit si mary innlr ho mru- arnld oj helen camp- b ii oenrn bwltwr 45p ldilie footltt 4 total 000 r3 foliiter ieaclier junior third ellen dunn 04 john den i ir3 hobby marshall 471 kalblei i iltianl 457 hector uunbert 4sn harvey culcheon 440 total sflo m orr tcoclicr junior third freddie turner i2 thclma crlppi 337 helen lamb 331 vera coi5 uio jean lambert 320 wllma hanncn 313 hen lor nncond norman hralda 374 patricia llarrop 371 maritaret kelly 30g franden jcn- nlnif 301 hcwile vtclicra 340 grace mtcwart 341 total 500 i anderson teacher junior hecond olenn qardcn 350 dorothy dunn 320 ada elliott 307 jennie colea 300 chrltlnu nlcol 304 eileen ward 303 total 400 mrn c e ruddy teacher first class jack mulllnncr 103 prancca dllln 173 helen urown 100 lloyd allen 15b ollly stewart 152 elva mcdowell 160 lotal 250 n ndernon teacher general interest news ii f v iv o dancn actondale u f v r hold thajr annual dauei hall acton on friday 12 dancing fl 30 to 2 and tax extra luily 25 rhiilra will provide the provided everybody wel o club will in the town evening april admtuilon 95c llllottn or- inunlc it owefethfy murruy bauer jjnicc pnrcctcr francla paplllan william buchntiine- jr primary pauj lavallee nita ln- vallec harvey lambert luio marzo itlno d nil da donaldo bethune a w mcmillan teacher jr rrlmary koom beatrice taylor tommy wauion jaclilii cooney ollbert liomph ruby smith dorothy king m r moore teacher pnwttnirparl glvcc a ciiluulularicty prai cromnkiatul plan of tho hall opcnml j i- at brownfl dmp store yesterday the i toronto vent 1b under the auiplcci of the united church choir here how ahout it old iiovht edluir ot aayi from oil aqton old boy to the the fuse pheus on tuesday looklnu forwnrd to the rcunlon at acton the first of july while i aluayn enjoy the iiportri the big at trac tion ror me is in meetlnqt uifi iieopld uhom i liave not been name times for many yearu it would be in creating to know who will be there and i am won dering if a column in the par patau might be devoted to hating the nomefl i former residents who will iilgnlfy their mention to be present for the reunlun tbia i think would becumc tn the course of u few weelu n very popular feature of the paper what do you thlnlt of the idea the athletic society secnu to have been at work tn earnest and already have a lot of good talent litid we think the idea is just line and iv e have been in touch with secreuvry mccomb who has ugreed ui supply us vvili the iianich if tliose he recelvei wtu ignlfy their inuitlon of coming to acton lo the july 1 reuilion now leti hear from ail tut fbks piit leaders away from home on the subject send in your nomea to either tnc putt piiesw or lo secretary mccomb write tier lo the home town or if youie buoy- jut a post cord aaylng ill be there and dont forget to clan your name and addrca well start ho column in tlie issue of april 10 hi just two weeka who will be among the firsts the charter members a3 it were to send in their names that they are coming home to acton to inert their former friends here and others who have been away for yearn the editor wi thr nton i jest ruction for fi or tour boys from toronto came the country lo spend good friday and engaged in what they evidently thouifhl wus fun they hiked down the fourth line and finding two vacuiil houses belonging to harry brown and george tustln they proceeded with their fun a number of windows were imished in mr browns house while at tuilna property the door be in if locked they broke in and committed de- ptldatluni they hud a gun with them and shot several charges through the w indow n of both houses the authori ties ure investigating the matter and al ready have evidence or an incriminating character wear illfv vouil mw sikinci i mhtitau at iiai1k1sons- iliint klt stvli omhhi and economy uive us a tiual r lilir laalt discount coiipuiis with every ilirdmir liiipilrr about tiin money sjuiik plan at our cuiinum harrisons c buy and rll for cash ioihi limtw id wrat pfmnlhlc irlrea boy scout news acron uulldog tkoop have you ever heard of wolf cubs no t well they ai e boys between 0 and 12 earn old uho aie too young lo become hoy btoitbi so they are orerl into a krthlp called wolf cuba their iralulng 1- much similar to that of uie seouu lu fact the entire woli cub urd- uranuue la built up around scouting prin ciples und ideals hie llulldog irtmip la proud to an nounce that it will ioxm liave unpiecled ulth it u pack of woir culls tte acton akela has called twu meetlnga for prut- pirtlvc cubi and lie reports that every- tiling is looklnu juile fuvorable for his pack rul ilrjiier iurty and oaner til duke of devonshire i o d e n e holiuuie a tirldgiv party and dailce on wedneiday evening april lo in the tnuii hull at 1100 p m tlrkrtn arr 50c and may be obtained from any of the immibers or iil miss j oalbralthn itoie mill slrecl nomlnatrd for modrritorslilp rev a c stewart m a acum has been nominated by the prerbylery of klnciton for the modern taralflp of tlir 9ynnd cf toronto and kingston which nitels in knox church toronto early in may rev t d l mckerroll d d toronto has been nominated by th presbytery nf pcbrlioro for the iami office a srrlaiin quarrel and shooting two lacli fourteen and fifteen yean of age got into a heated argument ai llmetiuuse on saturday the foiirleaii- yearold lad had a 23 calibre rlllc and shot a charge toward uie other tlic cart- come before magistrate moore on tuesday the lad aim shot the gun expressed sorrow for his foolish action anked he otht to forgive him and the two plijgjd friendship for the future the rifle was ct unseated the aggressor put on huiipendecl hentence for a year and paid the coits ofthe court mini tret slmw next tuesday the young peoples society of knox church ouelph will prcacnt in the town hall here nrxt tuesday evening their mixed mlnatrel bhow thlo type of entertainment is ever popular and the programme given for his one would seem to place it among the best of iu kind old southern songs and ten funny the easter visitors wert numerous letttrrriii jlittn spat mnny viijiicd ho olil home town anil nn nicro iw chizcrt vthmoj lilgcwlicre from tor- mi- aiillir held ml j cjufiph miss cowie is e rally hrlrft i from rum toronto unl- mtifl lorna kennedy vvai liome j imi i il i i iii i m h tiitw on good lnox cliurt iititleu hi aid slnci st albanii ynune tropics the rollowlnif young ladles had charge or the programme op monday evening at st alban young peoples meetlni misses lrono- and rennettn waller dorothy smethurst florence and irene cross and they arranged a splendid programme it included the following umbers miss esther taylor reading ritfby crowi comic nonga jack mc- oeachle dancing miss leona waller lecltullon mr parker and miss henrietta waller violin duett with miss viola waller as accompanist mr joe whit- lani sou miss florence cross i piano miss itcnnettu waller recitation miss viola waller solo catherine mackle reading it is the intention ol ociety to visit the milton young peoples or grace church next monday april ii an eaatcr cantata friday evening the choir of h acton gave u cantulu ie prince ir life which was 1 mr j lewis of oshawa and mr sleveiison ot toronto were uie assbtlng aruiu with the local choir members mr stevenson gave u couple r wel rendered solos and mlsii jean drr also contributed a vocal solo mr i l wis and mli m it moore gave a plendid dueti mi fred salt contribut ed two delightful pipe organ numbers jul nc the unthem the choir members iry lively rendered the solo parts flcr tlu cantata the members of the rholi i ere served with a banquet hi the jusemi in of uie church by uie ladles president mr a mann absent from lhu banquet rev a c sleuail m a acted as chairman calling jiil members for brief speeches r durunt oemoiutratlon and e ri lorta i it m en t durant cur leniuiistrutlon lecture and dunce provided by mr l e atkin son lusl evening in uie town hall here proved a very attractive oftalr tlic hall w almost crowded to its capacity r john alderoon factory rcprcsentauve id sales organ tzrr for the district was numter of ceremonies and chairman the mechanical park of uie cur wua ably plolned by mr a hloke or the tech nical engineering staji mr monk re- preaenlallve of the york acceptance co explained the details of uie financial part of the organization und mr w v mucfurlaney advertising manager gave a very intereitlnit and informational gen eral history of the durunt organ tzutluu since its inception three reeh of mouon pictures were exhibited showing the con- slrucuon of the red seal conunentaj motoru that are used in uiese cam and two other reels showed perlul vlowu oj the durapt plant at laosldo and the fuctory and many details in the nianu- lucture and construction of uiese cam the lucky ticket holders who won uie pilze- given by mr atkinson wvrc mrs fred denny and mr james coukc fol lowing the lecture and pictures a dunce n s held with the music supplied by a lota orchestra ir mcsra j ci lindsay k spcllvoficl r agnew and c lands- l a i ugh an liitenillnu exhibition of the vurloiti models of durant cars was held in from of ihc town hull and inoved very informational u all muster slui days with frie lntrj for tlir dominion athlctle meet ul arton day im illol has it ih it 1 uuiube or young ill out unm ha e hopet of seeing oup uf ulrl o llle fonnet in acton our h- as it has been ul ul while hoy hcollts 11 h only na tun 1 thai ulrl iptlde why a merchant lo write n ailvtttisenunt nw to have muiie- thiiw lo tell uimiiil tlmt w why it pajh to mtuily tittc nuvnsiikrn hliich eimliiin itents of linimclal iutertfit to u conceiiilng the acton conference the 1 oi mi to llobe luul the following com- inenl siine mveiity troop leaders patrul leaders and seconds from trikijis in million und adjoining counties attended the junior leaders conference held in aelou last weekend all the meetings wcic held in the newly acquired hetid- quarlers of the lut actoi trcxij which icul theinclvos udiuiriably to the pur- pi e the varbius dlicujilons of patrol piobitmi were vciy keen and u real mir- prlie to some grownups who hadnt ihtiiikhl it possible for boyi to tackle their piublems in uch u busliicvdlke way saturday murnlni was devoted lo vbil to various local iactorles nihil lu lu jiul lu 4wi ilry the lomliiioii day athletic meet in acton ml margaret cjrludcil who has been attending collegiate in ottawa ml uiltulnll who is home for the easier holiday was approached by u number of the athletic club reqiicsung in i to k1 into training to tliat tnt acton athletic club would have ul least one representative to compete against the oiilslde liin and after a little por- mluslon ihr decided she would llackod by the opinion of many who know her alhleui utjlllty ii meius certain that miss oilndill tould have made the last olymph umii had iie undertaken uie always huo shown marked ver she cotimcled while irpirriitng acton continuation school u uie itunity meets nhe was always a point winner hirer years ago while i mining uiilirv a half dozin ljhcdy iiiuiuia on civic holiday she won ftom a ilil who bad mvir been beaten and in hei lal year at tliielph collegiate she won the iin chauiploiiihlp when she was unl 15 she had l murk inches or the high jump uji timid u li jl ml mm rays millinery purloi wedmiduys and evrry ev will dr e j henderson miss jessie london mr lloyd kenney was home from kennedy b a toronto age ipenl eastei okoiiok a fell the nnd new rearlirc hli parents mr and mrs arumr fell here on friday of the death of their son oeorgp a in jlhe ilnspluil nt tlnimlim thli young i man hail been farming in new ontario land was striken i few urckn ago with tor- i jphold fever he was removed to the hopllal and the previous tuecduy when 1 visited iv his lirouier charles recmed from lo be progrcing favorably the nrws hlir drnth came on n pcat slinck rejore to bin friends here oeonre a fell was the fccond son of mr and mrs artlilir fell wlio rrnlde at lot ib run- eeilon 1 quesinf townnhtp and was juit 23 yeiin of age he woa liorn at iliirnt river and removed here wlui hbi parents when tliry came tn reside in till vicinity mveml yearr ngo ilealdea hi- bereaved parents he iravon two brothers charles and pavld nnd two sisters olive and margaret tn mourn his ions he was an industrious young man mut won making good progrean wlui his funning activities when he woa seized with sickness the body woa brought to acuin and the funeral woe held on monday nftenioon from uie home of ills parrnbi rev a fc otewart m a fuclated interment was made in pair- view cemetery acton mr and mrs llutchei d acton friends of oshawa visit or to run to wan mr wurose reld with acton fricndi mrs james l warr wlui acuin itlends miss let tie scott spe home in kitchener if toronto visited mraihl mjsi frttl ttil mcwts chj syinon and jack werapixjtxllton spent sunday with mr and mr3 wm landsborough r t q andiirsoii visiting arton friends miss m miualus spent easter friends in st thomas visiting friends melvln drun of aylmer wai lie eaiter holidays s c k hrounr i- spending the mks clara friday ul hei mr und mrs john uronto spent leister 1 idi in roclcwood spending holl- r john robertson was home from windsor for the easur holidays r harold siilcllire of deliolt visited aclyii frlepils durinu eajtcrtlde holidays with filends in tin onto milne nr fergus in saturday r allan kirkness of london visited in friends during tic eastertide rs wm johnstone vbiiud her slater ledgers of burlington lost week nto visited miss lujlor of blylh scut the easter holidays with her sister mrs dr gray miss ruby clark of ig the ejister holidays coxe was home for the from toronto university blllty mlv margaret 1 i pen ding die easle lien watson iergus mr and mrs lathum visited mowals mr und mn c to vlsltrd at h prrt stteer miss doris ji spending the e grandpareiils ii and mrs t of strulhr j goulds holidays at hei ol tor- jirvhii nsbrouglj ol ay with ulelt one or london holidays with j campbell clark spent easier air and mm char a o matuiewi and manur hlllle paid acton friends i brief visit on sunday mr and mrs william mcnabb and mls1 jeisle and cameron of toronto were here for easier mr and mm arthur brishir of oshawa visited nt mr robert prices young street saturday miss bertha ilrown of toronto spent euatcr wlui her sister miss pern brown and other acuin friends mbw mrretta kirlcness or ilrmccbrldge teaching tufl la spcndlna easter hall- masters jack icenncui and douglas ltiisell of oakviile are holidaying wlui lielr crandparenls in town rev a ptndlng stewart und family af ew days at mrs stewarts pan nts home in hlvcmdulc miss velma blair has returned home after spending a few days with her sister mrs t p smith at evcrton mrs charlotte mcdonald and corlnne and mr qui don johnston of hamilton visited acton friends on sunday mr miec starkman of toronto is puiding ii fi w daya at the home of mr and mrs wm lu nds bo rough mrs w j goblet and ulss ruby clark re vihltlnu hits weok with mr and mra l campbell clark at strathroy mr a ra w d robertson and james strvins n p nt cjood friday at uie home if mi iiij s w d anderson mis sjl- mowat b a and ijtss mailc m v a h a are spending ens r i it their home here mt ul it w krlly of hamilton pi li- i ipdaya at uie home of her parenui jr and mrs j p scarrow and mrs fred cofrey and master jack were eiut vliitora at ue home of mr ind mrs wllllum johnstone m murli muckuy of loronto is lling her grandparents here and hei unl at rockwood mrn prank day mr and mrs prtnglc mr john hunt and tel turd kenney of hamilton spent eastr with mr and mrs john icrnney mr and mrs itoy lirowh mlfifl man i uwarl and mr william stewart of ioronu visited acuin friends at easter miss co us tun ce stevens and utss mary james of toronto visited at a raluuii s crew soi s camera over uie holiday mls dorothy mcihersun and iranccs dills are spending easter holidays at ihc homo of their aunt mrs p j brown ing in toronto ir harold wansbruugh gordon muckuy of toronto and mrs isltcd uielr ii wans- mr mid mrs bert clayicy und master itoss or toronto are upending n weeks holiday ut the homo of their aunt and imele mr and mro j p scarruw mr and mn frank wlckena and mr and mn will anderson of oalt spent sunday ut uie home of mr onjl mrs win laindsborough lake avenue city engineer ii nlcklln and mary betty black of oil mn a e nlcklln i ti nlcklln and mrs mlss kinsman and iph were gurstii of ii oood iriday ulss mr and mrs ii d daves ai tilth of mitchell spent uie weekend lib mr and mrs joseph holmes miss laijlirle near returned home wlui them r a visit miss jcle burburee of auclpji illsa in a and iois ilarberee o icnrus mr v tialbrailh of otuiibevhle mr h ford nf milton mr p t ford tor ino vblted ut hie liome uf mr w l muu nellie e tiuli wno wa3 appointed at the rrucheis inatltuu held ut milton list ocuiber us a delegate representing llalton county to the ontario educa- fiiial assaklutton is now attendhig the sixtlons held t the university of tor onto miss mcretta klrkness of brace- bi idgr ai go accompullieti her to attend the convention april fool by wholesale i hat was rather u too practical an april foul juke tile iuhlle utluuel diiurhtienl played on our cluzens on apt ii lt that dose of gasoline that filtered into the water mains was rather a still dose fur everyuwly most folks adinllted however that the gasoline j llivor wus au iiiiprovciuint on the class il dope served dally on the toronto mrs rue cook and kathleen of tin- onto visited acton friends during uie i easue holiday i opl nolil athletic coach like wullei linui piedhteil a glral uture for this oung lady with piopcr cdiirblng hie olllor ot the alton aiiluteul ath- letli club i- lad to know that the li d and while have one entry who is going to show the outside world thut nil the stars do not come from llu big eltlen mllllneiy spciil lluigullis at mlsi muiiiijs for frldayind ualuuluy ins been enjtr r vacutlol hundreil i tilijveninh meal imifcsteu mash r wlllloiu hall is sp udlng tlju i l hoy itiiinliv i spent ellsllt nd ehll- wlth mr why d nt urn adv ertise oud stoi keeper l o slrcc i and it in arly ru lied me 11 wi thu ouds sto i keiiicr why t in unl in a d bout hi dent near ock had ay yi ive topjied you wife from i in- iimuiiht j mfre improvements 1 for the town hall i the wometrh iiuititulc arc willing l to place a false ccilhty tn the stage of t hall at the regular wsslon of council on j nesday cvrning councillors the if old hansen harrison and dr nr bum wens present and reeve mason presided the seventh report of the plnonc committee recommended uiat uir ol- lovving accounts be paid o 11 ritchie teaming- etc lb 75 a h blaliop labor 490 j w jouen supplies for charity 1s7 acton public utuiucs commbi- nlon towh hall 1305 acton public uulluen commit olon street llghung 15350 acton 1mb lie uulluea commls nlan lighting pump house 113 acton public uuuuea commis sion iiower for fire pump 1031 a mccann coal for cliarlty and town hall 377 31fl7 the report woa adopted mrn il u davldcon cccretary of th womens inzutute oeked if uie council would give uie town hall free of cluurjfu for their concert tlia concert had ben for clmri table purposes and it was tltere- fore decided tliat uie usual refund of i en lai would be given mm davidson also said uiat uu in stitute would be willing to put m falss celling in uie stage of the town 1111 if the council so desired and requsled permission to carry out this iniprove- ment- mr d ii lindsay reoueted permu- slan to use the race course at uu park during uie time the can artf kept cut in view of the fact uiat mr lindsay and his associates are responsible for uie upkeep of uie track and uut nujdnf of repaint to it this permission was given moved by c hansen seconded by t j nelson uiat j a cm i th be recouimeruud oa agent for th globe indemnity co in respect to uie policy of uu corporation of acton carrlw c jl ikirrikoauiat henceforth ir f meiita or taxes sjiould be applied flntf m reduction of uie arrears owing against the property affected befpre stag ap plied in reduction of current taxes the oldest arrears being first paid and that all resolutions lusrclofaro passed to the contrary be hereby rescinded ci nird moved by c ii harrison seconded by c hansen uuvt the- postmaster he luiorlzed to close the post office in acton on wednesdays from i p nto fl p rn- from april 1 to november 30 as lias been customary for some years pssl carried a letter from mr a t brown express ed liis appreciation at his appointment to uie free library board and ills will- bigness to accept uie position the work of cieanlnff the ooldlers memorial woe decided to be awarded to mr john nlcol at a cost of 50 this in cludes uie repainting of all uio letters sad fatality at eden mills william cole discovered hatirtaf frsa rafter in tilabfe wlui life extinct despondency induced through ul lical lh and discouragement is thought to liave been uie reason for uie suicide of william cole aged 0 1 years eden mills who woa found hanging in ul table of his sons home but friday mr cole had resided with his sail who is uie shipper in uie acton uachlnfl slioii he was thought to have ben torrylng over the fact uiat arrange nents in connection with a pension he xcctcd were slow in coming to bead and while he had said nouitna to his son and i us aono wife neighbors de clared that on several occcaclans lie had staled uiat he would bo hotter out of the way he left the house between 8 jo and oclock to go to the village this was his usual custom and uttlo notice was taken shortly after eleven oclock lira cole his daughterinlaw went to the table for grain to feed her chickens and entering the building found uy aged man hanging from a rafter abova uto horse stall he liad used a thin piece of rope and stood an a milking stool which he kicked away from under himself when the rope was adjusted coroner dr t h orton of ouelph was called to uie scene of the tragedy but decided uiat on inquest was not necessary mr cole woa a reurod farmer and had bcoji in uu eden mills district fox sonic ycas two years ago he took up lib residence with his son havoc of wind stollm wind created doaiax at storey olm co factory when cleetrie hhru u dlown dawn tlie wind storm an monday created some damage about acton but apparent ly we did not get the worst of the lomi uiat passed over ontario numer ous ltmba were broken off trees and scattered about a window at uie boy scouts licadquartera was blown in and of the large steel frames wlui uie windows at uie ontario memorial com panys plant was blown tn and broken tlic msst serious damage was done at uie plant of uu storey glove co where a laruc scotlou of uie electric sign uiat runs uio cnure length of uie building- wua lorn from its fastenings and fell to tho ground in its descent it- toot part or uie brick coping of uie building- nd sin allied sevcrai windows on the cast side of uio factory the sign in faiunf also broke uie electric power line and the machinery was unable to operate for uie balance of uie day unul a new power line uusjrrcclcd nassagaweya council urcular ueetlus- passes accounli asj aatliorlsrs uu puixhase f a new it plow the reguhir mecung of nossagawcya township council was held on thurs day march 25 and uie following ac- counts were passed tut onto hospital for consump tives care of kauilcen young 9 wo 300 t it while prtnung reeve campbell espeiisca oood roads convention 1000 itoad suiwrintendent llarria uses lo oood roads con- iitlon 1000 ltoud hupterinlcndenfa voucher 10069 tlir itrevp was auutorlzcd to purcliase mr lvl ehdry was apolnted careuker of the township hall and inatructed to some necessary repairs dorm hi couulu chamber luncll adjourned to meet on april 39 nc oclock mlss murray a millinery parlor will open wednesdays and every vvcitllljr n lug uio scusoll

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