Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 4, 1929, p. 2

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oiljip art mi 3ffr fntfj tiniluiijav apiim i 1 01 j tin man nniinif im piowii i m mil id muih n liiilin in tlmw hlgh- fnlut in chaps my voire it mil b lurky nnd a llltlr loud peril up i tor ive been iilililii with n inry train nu m i and i iry i- krpl mi- pnlty busy with my hit up whon linu ore ilul it youll pny iittiiutton i c lust a mnril to n lis nil ul wiiil a ureal mklftke jou mnk mill du 11 erry day in denllng out your prnlnri nnd i uh to tell nu now that ton nftrii on fore i tin man uh wnlks behind tlir pnugh m i bin 3firev jri uirt 8tiirir a dlih nf fur uitiltn tvifanth mtoit ot ijaim 11 mm iks garden ii y mi1am iiamiii vakniir you tii ik nboul jiiur learned n wit nnd ul doni rnrr your poets mid ynur painu rs praise everywhere theyre u r11 enough to run it e but wljl you ell me how en jour the rld mild i behind the plough er do without the i like your grrnl hivenuonn nnd i in bind youre retting nioart i also ijkc your music cause it klndn sllrs my henrt llilt twill never fill llje stomach of real hungry man co i wish lo cull ultcnllon lo the kind of thing that can bo loyn dont be loo aiisioui to leave tile good old farm your fathers slrengui is fulling soon hell need your youthful arm if youre lion eft t in your purpose at jour feet the world must bow for tile greatest of the great men la ihr man behind the plough jobhonb lcecbkam dlih i a pudding ulil it ii vifirllilllc i1im1 imili ri urimiltn j lliiiuuh nlxllliiui nrliiully ir iiimi rullid iii like untd illlve liv tlmiblumu uialbui miss jlnuyoluud hi a uuwftrtaylwut i tti rimkul hut ye rnlli hidden by vibes just whore two ilnuui u dhuiigulihiil oldlime ol thi vlllugr crossed itimlly nobody led niiiriiriuil on her firiitrrnuld go anywhere without passing- jln- flui ii mil ilrldgrt nyu hiii- mid one had to run in mid n lurtmit ipvi o pn pure whnt sin ui dint lit inthrlrk il instil of nttu i he april jlnit tli hlrlhdu- irlim pi it nippy hr ii n ith red trlpi ini null ml urn k mid n pretty lmy hi with nd pnlku dots ihnl ilia itilhir hid iflwii him im n birthday gift jlniiule hiiji ulno joyful iwonuie hln play- mnu tommy white hnd liei n invited to pi ud tin afternoon with him nnd lemiilii to dliiiur after rnmni hud mnn ulnn lie and iliiuillf urn plnylnti unit in the bncl- nrd they nnw the pnrceliioit man clrlie lowly tnunrd the holie mid stop parcel fur master jn tries williams ii i rh d and the boy fulrl- flew to hi i i him jim m le tikik the lux in both arms it it from urn nd mother he shouted ax nd the address and postmark oh win n all i ume mid school ktnrted again anil ii r llilng in thr uurden had been lined jlminli rnld to loininy we have iioitiib mniiiy thnt uc have madr rj-ll- liill vrrtnblen to put in the nvliitn bank nnd in kt rprbir ue can buy more cerrii with h no that next year ue can have eitn ii larger sarden 1 lie birthday tirrrnt had groun will hie nnrdn hi mother mrn jobnon han a deadly fear of tr inlkirsavlng dcvlccn which lief thouhht ful hunband frequently ftfmrahacei uicrt- foro nayn a writer in tho waehlncuiii- glur whon mr joluujn began to describe a remarkable icecrcatn freezer whlcii lie hnd seen that day mrn jobcon showed but alight lntcrcnt merely inqulrtna whai use they would have for a patenticc- cream freeicr wliat one inquired mr jobcon well whnt use is an eggbeater or a skillet ur a teakettle or any other hounc- liold ncccjuilty mm joucon i am nur- prtudl but ouaueated mra jobooti you know wc alwayn have lcccrcaro nent in none of no care much about it and it really casta more to make icecream liome than it does lo have it tent and the work of making it is to be considered ana walt wait a moment requested mr jobson just look mc in the eye for a minute or to while i am addressing you havent i always told that the cnllud i c the bl i tlint ci rim i ualt to upen it what do you think thf box contained splendid ret of garden taoli and till pioniiuh louit hulliy fhe pioneers wui nettled in the middle wist sixty yearn ago rnrely euftered from n inrk of finwl supplto tlielr larders utrc filled from nbumlant stores of fruits and nutn gathered in tho fore i and hi h mid meat uerc nlwnyi to be had for very little labor in the llt of forestqto food v eri a few but j teinuu haselnuta in plenty hickory iut the mnmmolh variety ond uie pump htue aliellbarlca to wy nothing of t-hln- quapln and other acorns tliete last full of many klnda of rcrda the ttrr ubimdnnt nnd nourishing enough touli were not chlldnlre wj easily broken lo fatten our liogr until it became nec- nor were thiy the die thnt jlmmie a cusary to harden uielr flesh before klll- fnther uould una they were in be- lug time when we gave them niw tviitn exnctly the kind that jlmmle ct wngonloada of all these native could uc to ndvantnge there wan a u crc lo be hnd for hid gathering inke a hoi nnd a spade and there wild fruits were quite an plentiful as were viretnble needs mid flower eeedft i the nutn almont anywhere but more on ach packngf na a colored picture tsjicdlnlly nlongthc edge of the timber ulut each liny need would look like round prnlrica the wlldgoascplurru yel- grown in the vegetable line low nnd red large juicy and sweet wc ni onlonfl gathered by busliets 1 1 ounc wives had barrels in cellars fill ed with plums willi rain uater poured in lo fill tlie interstices and they made plea from the supply throughout the winter by the following fall the water may remaining in the barrel was the finest lettuce when it dlfihi be eta curroln peon parsley and in the flower line there were zin nias marlgulda nnnturliurm ports ea bachelor s buttons morning glories con- nnpdrnguni and four uclockn i mother jlmmle akcd lljr bnilnl look of il ii him olherwliie more reeiiitly with ctoilnda a rnlnred rook from llin 1iulh rontdnptiioun nf niltn and rerrlpu but n piil mlflirimi or the art of producing good thlugn to enl only nlm muil tlkn l hem hrrwlf ulm hnd nbnohitn cnu- liiiiri in her own palnle nnd a nntlve iiie of the cullnnry proprletlrn nnd a ilhh hint atu- disliked or unapproved of ii imply declined to cerve no mim fiiiiy ihe deelnrrd flnlly uluu n dnughler of the hiiure waa sent to urire her to concede a fruit naiad at i inning luncheon i nln gwlne mrk no secli n dlinultahle nieht fnr nntkidy 111 yrr pour in salad dnonln over pilf- fei y uood o ingen nnd bannnnn nnd pi lira nnd penchen nln right no minn flimy i don l keer whnt qunllty folks doen it la in i rlhtl coie nobody known ptcfcnckly unl de good iord hnd in nilu weu lie made munlnrd but innn like twns hnwgn nnd it nure enough wnnl penelien ner o inge oo way i chile i hut the drennlugn for fnilt naiads are different clorindn protested mlns uuny mnit of ihrm are very mild nnd talnt no use mlns ouny interrupt ed clorlndu relciitlcnnly cant have no f i lilt nnlndfl in dh hduse not in it i aint gwlnn otan fc ninrencn i would fer hourndduh in re ice cream icitchcn tyrants citn in the houce- holdn of the mighty have been known in all ngen nnd countries in prance napoleon ii in the heyday of hlfl power could rarely obtain at home nnd then only by peruana insistence his favorite dinner of partridge with boiled cabbage ills cook con vented readily enough to partridge but he cansldnred litttln plc- jlhilancabbtign beneath the imperial dig nity if the cmpcrorh palate experi- ccd unlmncrlal cravings so much the irse for the emperor i regret 11 if my master is disappoint ed he once slated but i know my duy nnd i know my art i serve to him that which should be served il j prlxe in nrlt jinny wludliii hi rim mil front a fire ilcally nald mrs jobson i dont recall and as for the work of making it did you ever know me to dodge work or avoid expense when the comfort of my family wan in question no urn jobcon i riot only want homemade icecream but i mean to have il the next day being saturday mr jobson had the patent icecream frcexer sent home he made various purchases and his materials were all on hand when he prepared to manufacture icecream t he studied the book of directions for the use of patent prcezer for a long ume then he turned his attention to the icecream recipes and carefully measured out cream broke the proper number of eggs and added flavoring from ceveral bottles then he placed the mixture in the freer and took hold of the crank- in eight minutes he removed the lid and did not notice that he had dropped in about half a nountl or sall the icecream had a strange unfrozen appearance no ur jobson twisted the crank far another fifteen minutes ond then peeped again it resembled a welsh rabbit mr jobcon worked pa tently on for two hours then he picked up the icecream freezer carried it out into the yard and dumped lis contents into uin garbagecan urs jobson lie remarked an he entered the sittingroom dont ever again try to persuade me to buy those socalled laborsaving devices i yielded in regard to the frceser but it was against my good judgment i use part of tile yard to hnvi that la mj very own mother was blad to ny yi illctd that tommy u istfut to help lardencr a garden kind of vtncgn ii lack berries were in such profusion i jlmmle thai we and the birds together could iking very na cnthcr half of them and the same tummy how would you like can be said of wild goose berries tic yuu could be assistant- the winter grapes were to sour be- and wc could divide all the f frost that it was said the pigs flowers ond vegetables that we raise tqucaled in merely passing beneath the jlmmle asked a broad smile covered vlnc yet after being slightly frozen they tomajjaaaadjtunu lila now clothes he gavo tommy a pair j fcvei of ovornhsrand then the two boys ran j mushrooms were abundant in rich out to the backyard and slatted to work timbered land and along the bluff aides i iv an pnwpaws missouri bananas they jlmmle used the spade to turn the soil mid tommy used the rake to get all the umps out of the enrth and make the ground smooth and one they did not stop working until almost dinner time and never were two boys ns hungry when the birthday cake una brought on he tabh and jlmmle was ready to blow out the candles nnd mnkt his wish he eld i wish thai wc huve a fine tlirdrn thtn he bleu hard nnd all the candles flickered and went out at mice which meant that hid wish would icmc true bui a harden mmint hard work every afternoon himr and before they ployed any games they dug and raked in the garden pre paring the coll fur the planting of the seeds it n much more fun than digging trenches told tommy because wc have mpethlng to look forward to when the soil was ready the boys drove some small stakes at either end of the garden spnee and tied a string tightly across so that they could plant j co quantities in straight rows then one saturday world wc then ore sometimes called that juicy sweet- scented abundant fruit could be eaten all day without producing ngeptatlon of surfeit then meat what dldnt we have in abundance buffalo lo begin with be cause it was our biggest game wc hung hind quarters of young buffalo in the cool smokehouse or other protected plac es nnd cut from them while lhcy lasted the sweetest juclcst steaks and roosts deer were numerous near by and the fines i vcnuon hams could be bought for five cents a pound sometimes less wild after school the boys hurried j turkeys trotted in the limber and hnd about all wc cared for of that super lor fowl wild ducks geese and prairie chickens were almost as erous as blackbirds wc only used the young tender squirrels and rabbits as the ample supply permitted us to pick and choose possum and sweet later prime and cooked to a turn could be had at any time during the winter our turbid old missouri reiver fumlsh- flsh uia best in tile thought an old- ume what ckittltication of seed vo- tatoks means to canada 111 1016 when inspection nnd certi fication of seed potatoes was introduced lo canadians tew anticipated the far reaching benefit which have resulted afternoon when jlmmle s father was at lady said when salmon lake trout and bordci standing by a big husky goodnatured young fcl low who went to work in a bank about seventhirty every morning look a cross cut through a aqualld section of the small city and every morning he notic ed that lie was togged by a group ot ragged urchins on their way to school finally he made friends with them and uiey told him the cause of their de votion a big bully of a youth made life miserable when they were not pro tected by the former football player when youre otan din by mister we re not afraid cause he cant do notliln the young fellow was profoundly touched he told the children he would stand by in even more substantial fashion than going with them to school he hunted up the bully and told him to stay away from the boys the bully looked at the build of the bank clerk and there was no further cause for com plaint efliclual standing by is what weak timid pour discouraged unhappy men rjid women need and this is just what the strong have to give a woman who employed a seamstress by tile day was nmoxed lo hear that she had bought a sewing machine on the instalment plan at once the employer took pains to point out uinl when the moahlne was finally settled for the cost would be almost double whit a cash payment would be so she offered to lend her helper with out interest the money necessary lo set tle for the machine at cash price in a large adult niblc class each mem bcr volunteered to assist some weak per son one member appeared at a trial wliere things were going badly for a poor woman and testified in her bclialf an old woman who had been threatened and bullied by a loan shark was freed from her anxiety in five minutes when an influential man went with her to settle with the shark many weak persons need moral sup port the job of standing by such per sons required infinite patience and tact and brotherly kindness tout it nayn nchiy hilda richmond in adult bible clans monthly home he allowed them how to plant the other varieties were brought to her they planted the carrots in a wouldnt give a good steak for a young around the beds where the radish- jn catfish for all tiicse pale alckiy- lcttucc beets and onions were to looking things brought trom the lakes grow because the leaves of the carrots an elsewhere re o pretty and fad tilery that they ould make the beds look more attroc- live it wasnt long until they could c little sprigs of green pushing up uirough the dark earth faoon uicy could see m their garden a resemblance to the greenery of the mmi to l- share improvement pictures on uie seed package and lhcy j ibe worune capital also noted lamed lo recognize weeds when they came pushing up among the vegetables t annual meeting of the shorehold- nnd flowers they always pulled them ere ot ehirant motors of canada limit- out they often used the hoe to keep cd was held in the new executive offices dlluant co eanings 377814 last yeah the soil loose around the plants they sprinkled the garden each day that il did not rain it was a eventful day when the first few radishes were ripe and jlmmle and tommy pulled come up washed them off and sat on the back steps eating them in july jlmmlca grandmother came for a visit and many of the vegetables uerc ripe so tommy a as invited again to dinner the boys were happy to show grandmother liow gnutly they had p predated her birthday gift in the at the plant at lcasldc last week itoy d kerby ocncral manager was elected chairman and drew attention to the an nual statement a copy of which was provided each shareholder present the following were elected directors ii d kerby fred j haynes a- 1 philip it a vail and john a nichols jr durnrit molars of canada ltd earned approximately 1 81 on the 244722 out standing common shares of 110 par value according to a financial statement presented at the annual meeting net what 1itlck isolation this is a story about a typical ten nessee mountaineer who had always re mained tucked away in the hills and who at the ugc or 43 still lived in the very shack in uhlch lie tiad been bo this mountain liome was 0 miles fr roll and 0 miles from the closest neighbors habitation 1hu tcnnroscon had never seen u locomotive u street cor on automobile nor even a two- storey house one day there came to his cabin n peddler who curried in his pack many tilings which the mountaineer had never keen before among lhcm a hand mirror how did you gel luilda lhntl cried this tniussec moonshiner that a a picture u v my pup jlie peddler did not explain but when the nioiiiitubieer hod ptircliaud sonic other things he gave him tliu mirror and u became one uf his most valued tiassfsslous iarh day he looked ut his fathers pliturc and then locked it care fully in u chest showing it to no one then one dwy hli wife cume upon ida kcyj in the pocki t of his txtra ovirill ijhc had long wlalixd to know what it win thut he tonccoltd so she opened tho chest with um key and found the mirror j uo she muttered us she looked into h so thai s the old hag w s chasing around after eh anon center of the tabic was n beautiful bowl j profit for the year amounted to 1577 s14 of flowers that they had raised and til from which la deducted j51j1c0 for fed- kkctablc that were served were thoso cral income taxes leaving 1525054 ovail- ihat jlmmle and tommy had planted able for stockholders the most beef was decorated with pars- thin compares with a net profit of ley there was a delicious dluh of 30flc01 in 1037 and 234503 in 1030 creamed carrots and peas and also some current assets are valued at 14011- tender green beans the sulud was made j 00fl d current liabilities at 1j3340 u lettuce and over il was a combtna- fcavlng working capital of wfl05057 tlon of radishes onions ond beets chop- against j220120fl hi lqxf current ratio ped fine j approximately 3j to one after dinner the boys asked jlmmles i llfl remarks to sliarclioldars preal jndmouier to go out to the garden dcilt w c durant stated ui tliem lo see their flowers the t ilext result from all operations jnnias grew stiff and straight and hold- curing tile year allows a profit of j577- ing their heads of orange white pluk d adding the surplus carried unit deep red high the nasturtiums forward from 1027 of 37722aa and i 5tlcd closer to the ground than the allowing a reserve for dominion income zinnias but their smaller blossoms were 1 1 of 51000 also a liability of u3- of nlmost the some shndes the marl- too 00 for forty cents per share divided golds uerc stalely and of o gorgeous on uie outstanding capital stock there nrnngc nnd th batchelor bullous were remains a surplus lo be ccitied forward dixlnty in pink nnd white and blue 1 l amounting to 11bd2d4 13 lhe snnpdragom uere pink aud jim- cash on hand in banks al this date mle picked one and put one on his uiuils t2 107200 50 which figure shows injjer to show grandmother how uie u remarked increase in cash available utile blossom could be mudi lo snap 05 compared with december 31 1037 like a dragon and open and close its the increased development in our ex- mouth the cosmo uoi not yet in bloom business especially during the wlnt- s il una n full holier but uie pajistes r months necessitated our carrying u licked up from u shady mol where in larger inventory of material and supplies the dnytlnic their wistful races would at december 31 1020 than wc have in mil feel tlie hot sun too tnicll i any previous year nnd nftrr i my but made and grandmother said jlmmle i full provision for depreciation and ab- thal know how ui udl jotieeiice the inventory stands berwrfe a national ffcelor of which we may well be proud tlie strict inspec tlon standards upon which certification is based are largely responsible for the marked success which has altended the production of canadian seed potatoes it is fortunate for the industry that at least the originators of these certification standards foresaw the needs of the future for buyers home and foreign have every confidence in our certified seed potatoes as shown by the yearly in crease in their demand in 1010 a few sample were introduced into the united states lhe impression created was so favorable thai in 1020 a few car lots uerv purcliascd and in 1d27 over 1250- 000 bushels of seed potatoes uerc sent out of prince udward island alone in this small but wonderful province fam ous for its garden of tile gulf brand seed potatoes there flourishes a pros perity uhlch is intimately associated with this industry in 1027 fourteen large 3cnmers leaded cargos nl charlotte town totalling 740000 bunhels in addition roil shipments taxed the transportation j facilities to the limit in 1020 the total fall shipments from tlie island umountcd to over dflo000 bushels by inalnlntnlng un extensive inspection service in 1037 for the comparatively smnl expenditure- of eighty thousand doiais canadian producers of qovcm mciil certified seed received a revcnui of well over a million dollars hand in hand with the seed industry liave developed marketing organisations of which tlu prince edward island po tato arowers association ranks first purtiicr benefits resulting from seed certification include s tan dardixa lion potato varieties and types increased yields improvement of seed stock cllm- ineuou and control of diseases the lited industry is dominion aide and lls benefits arc shared by the many rather own a lew when it is known that in 1027 seventy per cent of canadian growers entered for inspection less than five acres twenty per cent entered over live acres and under ten acres experi mental parm note but to link liow mkim the ilnrkluuu would lw duun tor mlsn jinny did tin- knitting for lhe town tllu- wah li liny lltllo cripple mid there die sat in the corner of her rosy room n brlgla fin in die grnu nnd splnnllil girnnlunii in tho window a fluffy cup hiding all exiept hrr watching in umlilu faco and the buny fingers with uielr glenmlng nr plrnt laura barnard lounged in on hi r wny to school i supimini- you aro making nurn of the prize in iirlthnii tic lolly wild miss lilg some yarn whnt put that in your hind mel a prize i why yes miss wny told rile he had not a pupil with more ability than laura ilariuird and your mother told me you wire a bom mathematician the ilnm- nrds have all done something in the world oh poor mother 1 tlhe liegan lnurn uneasily i suppose lhe ilar- uardn have good brains they can do what they choose if they c lino no said mini jinny quietly lnurn presently picked up her books and hurried off to school nol the prize but perhaps not the foot of the class said mlsn jinny to herself old mrs barr came in next paler and thinner than ever have you heard from jim asked mlsn jinny sympatlin ilcally no he hasnt much lime to write nald his mother jealously hes rlshv in his work though ves promoted last week i heard my cousin peters met him one day and they roll into talk peters told him he was coming up here and jim said well if you go to hint town just tell my mother you met me thats tlie best ood ever made sir and if i get ahead in tills world its owing to her jim said that mrs barr a face was red and her eyes shone boys ore queer hes been v silent i often thought but i wronged jim she soon picked up her basket and hurried iiway to take the sweet morsel to her heart alone after lhat the carpenter stopped for chat and jinny mentioned that the popes were hoping that he would make a man of their bam they think no man con influence lhe boy like you e old man nodded pleased he in u iryin boy miss jinny ha tllr- brain ed i but im fund of him as if he wen my own i was ready to give him up bul if the old folks depend on mo mi mihioojt nil cahi an old liuly fmrr tf vii hi tiikin by jiie nli i r ulmui 1 lug in urn city o on ul oculinl afh r a lu u lire nl in the behalf nr nl ithi i j iwirn mill jwkir i o ir ll 1 i nhe rxprcmiif ii in nut j so thnt nhe hnd lid d ii of rjn ifmlfi my duir iniidiun i ilil t llt ufur n enn fill i muni in in no iluiigi r tu he uppr 1 lake proper on i nu inn i 111 every package of red roit tea ii prepared- with the name care nil if our reputation were to stand or fall upon that mingle package on ildo ihnl lici lltm t roiin you uhniild fr i nnd x eltenn i i and for thr iii xt mx ninii all tny dmr ii ii di in 1 mvely you mi hill avnl worry do in l i ix ll nnd dls irer i ih hrr iu lo 1 ii n me ihr ill i nt pn i nt exp rli i why child id ii ing at he doetoi ullh uullr proof in un i poke n kihlv i kill si tm mitt i en me to of specs i u ulll t in em to hi qv i bul rli world nln inr inn m iybe yiu 11 1i1v w is good tea red rose orange pekoe i extra good furniture removal wi htvt nil up fr daf m inr m n f 1 1 living lu en 10 yt ir in up h i r il intl rcuwimiihli i cite- if viii l liii us ifjjdi 1 to h ions r for mo n i f tirninir- snyders carifcage georgetown box 10 imionk 171 caimoias 95 store ns he ran pantnnll told him how libnj master had said htjplt as though he were his own con and wanted to pull him through old he say that 7 x didnt think uie old fellow cared whether i went lo the dogs or not and gam turned back to the nliop to put away his tools later that whiter miss jinny died the whole village went to tlie funeral the squire and thq old doctor two of the best friends walked home together poor jinny was an abacurc little soul without any power or influence said tht squire and yet one misses her at every turn i cant think of her as dead some how hut she in nol dead said the doc- l tor smiling she is going about among the angels putting in a drop of balm here and there if they needed balm we do he added with dim eyes specials oap 10 bar 36 carroll ovn litimrry n fc butte ab s3 surpru coin fori or gold soap prinras pw1w sojpfuiw pei laundry surcli nkg old dutch 10 tun 49 pound 25 i cleanse 3tins26 carroui own cuoruer odwln dunond todrt fluifi wuli brtuli ammonia pcsrlinc gold duii sil sod dlly ships porulak it lias frequently been asserted ihal american ships being without liquor bars are not papular with ocean travellers brigadier ocncral a o dai ton vice president and general manager of the emergency fleet corporation ui the united states of america ls reported in the new york herald tribune ns follows ii 1 owned the ships of the united k la leo lines personally and could put bant on them and sell liquor legally i would not do so all this talk about our losing business because passengers can not get wine and highballs and all this i talk of our losing uie profit on tlie liquor thai could be sold is vic bunk in the first place for every person who rides on a foreign flag ship just because our ships arc dry two persons ride un ships soiling under tlie anvricun hug because they arc dry i have hatch ed the business before wc lutd to close uie bars and since we closed the them and i would not want to put them back tini best they are tin most inurrcst- cn showed hi r tlie mornlnir- klorlm that climbed on uie fence and incd around lhe stalks of com they d already gone to leep but in the initug they would come out in pink d blur land remain out until noon e fouroclock uould oim n about four the afternoon one day afu r jlmmle had gathered ill the vegetables that his mother could use nnd lummy hud taken some home to his mother tliry found that there were many lefl maybe we could sell tin in suggested tommy ielfi try ngnid jlmmle liny made the carrots in els onions ii tue mid parsley tnlo bunches and nskid uie grocer how iiiueh they sliould charge for inch bunch tin re were five rmlt four or flvt- beet according to lt nnd mini or eight onions in inch bunch lhe letture- and parsley were urruugid in bunclica about a big cauli flower the grocer said uial they should ten cents a bunch for tlie carrots j and beets and lettuce and three cents j or the oiiuiis and parsley he said ttiey uld measure the txans and peas hi quart un books ul u value uf 1j1pjb3 flu tiifc weat1ieb rin- wcauicr as a subjaflt at lguvf of conversation ls perennial this lias txen n very cold uarch uie coldest i hit knew a lung severe winter ulh bprlng woud hurry up or we v14jll have un awful inle season the wcauiei lias bcui atrocious uie raui nltyless uie streets so wet and slippery uiat the del uge may be repeated as a matter of fact march apart from one or two dsys has often been surpassed for severity and snou and lipring will be here in due time cvtn the crows arc giving caws of imp for this and uiere arc welcume- sluui of kindlier feelings in tlie bosom if lhe eli rk of uie weather ouier sllil ot tipiing tlie da j a are longer un sun u aimer and eggs nuire plentiful uud thai u souif uuiig ut cackle about j lhe hand thai was sllghuy blistered by j the use uf uie snow sliovcl may look forwnrd to tlie callouses of uie lawn mower and tills suggests one or our great needs a lawn grass uinl ill grow un inch and itun quit jack oleauys coat most prisoners would be conlcnl lo escape punlshmcnl for a crime lhcy had commuted ilut nut so with jack oxeary he wanted his coat haw bad ly he wanted it is told in the canadian magazine by col aeorge t dcnlson wlia as a young barrister was asked to defend oloory against a cliaruc of burg lnry he was almost caught in uie act says colonel ixnlson being found in a lorn 11 his shirt sleeves behind the shop uiat he had broken into in the shop was his coat there was utile chance of getting him off but i did the best i could with the jury making a strong point of the fact uiat uie crown had not proved uiat uie coat was his and uiat lhe re was no bvtdoncc uiat li was his cool to my amtueement the jury acquitted him i lefl uin court ond oloary came after me and asked me to apply to chief justice dratcr for uie restitution of uie coat i iu fused most emphatically told him lo any noth ing about it and advised him to love uie- city at once the next morning i was passing uirough the courthouse when ean dwifti came up to mc and sold good morning mr dcnlson i uas in the e urt ytstcrday and i heard ye au ug for jdck o leary ue j open c did ll wcll ve mulvauiered that jury till they didnt know where uicy were ul par ho uos bloody guilty i am afraid he was said i yci rald dan hut you know he had 110 buslucss to ask for his cunt 1 rctused to apply for il i replied lit thru told me thai oleury hud uie in himself just as uie court was iientng thut morning and hud asked he chief justice ui order uie return of fits coat hut you said uiat il was not your coat rrullrd uje chief juiucc tmuiik ayfnirr cora aylmti goldcr was bum spring vi pmnrdun ayimrr 2 keep stoves bright with etove polish battle 2 ivu 114 2 pigs lie s3 spcul pun jam 3t 5 o s for poti and pan plig suprams cil wool idvsj silver cream per ja ztbn liquid polul per tin mrauud upion juoiw lombard plu jonn slud arraota aylmii zt tin hanult ptan ay i met 40oi jar 29 ioot jr z9c i tin 2u ncitex brand mc 2 j 25 1 7c spdsl ktravan puird dates r 13 politlar lln i9e 49t j iuon w v 6s4 canvlls cedar oj poluh bold 1 5c 25c 4q liq vtattt 2dc ioc occdar 22c c j swirwompuui tomio 2 iu 2u mscaroni oulli 2 i lb pig 21 a amu ot vrircti pk ekm- fsocy msj c sliced lb brocm our regular g c 1 ie iiae eacli scrub ttruskss cscli spruig mops mistaken identitv certain young man was recently speeding merrily along the road when he caught up with a party of children on uielr way to school he asked them if uicy cared to ride and for on on- r they piled into his pord unul u so completely filled that one lltuc girl had to sit bi the drivers lap bhe was a plump little lhlng and lhe driver cuddled her close lo keep her awuy from the steering wheel do you like 1 school he asked her yes sir she its ped j do you go every day i havent missed a day uils year the little girl replied oood little girl said uie driver kissing her soft cheek do you like you leocher7 yes sir said the lltuc girl im the and lhe pord near went into the ditch i where quality is as high tts prices are low pliilbiahuailgldlkihhmiiviihmhhillhillhtll naataaimai mill street acton ontario earn goo to 1000 a day uun ik1 carnpsrt 1 1 nut ijutar mfliatv iclut lrr wlana vuleanluadiaus wiring luurllaylia pti indnouivculiunwixk ttod posit luoa uihin wrliaur call fraa instruct lboak- douinion charted eo schools iu ptdjc ve3t t08ohi0 fr mtptagnxanl i view coast to coast itirdj did well your counsel did no ould u leuxy he did not j iiily said that ucy did not nruve wui my cjvit uut i can prove it my coal i think tjiuj a ehc wotjt hupudeul j jural ever mudo of ue said the ehlef juntlre and n fdcfd the nyl t be sold nnd to prunjjflj glvcu lo u chorluible tnitluitloft and trdirsd yry to lm k moved from tlie court i do not think i ever dimidid anulhir prlitnir i was not phased wljl liy p per lent 11 in that case iraioiniireiiya juzlizjhtb imsiamiiuiwji j isnjjsfiiyii fii advertised goods re lower 1 kin lin lunih over oil l ail tlirclorc 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i tli profit imimii- lluil priech in a sliop wliicli iii can lie lini 1 idtlier than lon rapiil- thi- mortgage sale u valljaolfc faitu mioifcuty under and by virtue uf uie powers con- lulued in u certain mortgage which will b produced at uie time of sale uicrc will be eiftcrcd for sale by public auc tion subject to reserve bid on wrilnisiay the ttntii day up arnil 1020 at the huur of tuo oclock to uie afternoon at asures and uk firtetn cnu fori irl they borroid a quart in thirty days more wc wulurc to say from the kitchen welt d uielr i hj sky a ill be bright und uie sun getablis and start- will get gay td out for uie neighbor u t every buely was glnd lo buy vegetables i dure from the boys o they fiuiud uum so an hurt nun ii frtslitr tlion uuiuj hi ulu s air mill imvp uiulii 1- it t arel rags ulll enliven uie expkttlknceu iiklp a mint r ess of a boarding house hired 11 jouug irish girl who had jmt ar- rud in this country tihi- uus somi w hat dubious of tlju girls ability to wult on the ublr eki hio said noruli ilo ynu think im can wait on the table i hove ten boarttri you know ni rub lurr unit thnt j a i right ma mil why lu ireland i unil to feed foity plgi every day lashv h hotel in till viliagk or acton by il j hxllu auctioneer tlir folluwlpg property namely i he went half of lot number twentytwo in the plrst concessit ur uui lownsllip of luqucsllig containing 100 acres 11 or less on uie said property uicrc are said to be about fl workable acres of lund uie remainder being bush and pasture bam with good foundation about 10 feet square good brick tiousc h by 30 reel wlui kitchen u by j4 im in ilrst class shape and wlui good husemiil ifrlving shed and uut build rf il 11- h iiigi kinn jj mill i ltruh ltfi icr y u iit pal to k iiaid 1 itjjtlle on good stone road about rum acton r cent of the pur- lali down at uie time ki iiaid wiuu four- ticn dayn josrvlofi glyeif nuiicdauy 011 payment of purpose priqa piirct-as- r may nt hi option leave j3 ooo do un ippruied first mortgugc with iiiturisl ror furthvr particulars und cnihllllohs of sale apply tp ll n iaumib ac ton ob- bolkllof b j ulujt axlati out agsllaiimr dated at aium ont tills twuitynrst day ur maieh 1lj0 juj ui ii in- mire priir- in a v 1 1 uh rrlicv arc not al k thm in hop w hi ii iioih no ad cilice ill liaiu c rt llial lhr air ollrnlimc i ri i ln l rr v i 1 i mo i tlnili ali ii i imii iinl ciniall true 1011 will find in 1 lei allien ami bet if ioi- li iil 1 turn o it iliin mcaiih a- liicli ail ertisr 1 1 1- tlxir a iicniial a note to merchants u untiling li ls paid ftir li tin- iirolil- tli ilisiiik rol nu rimt silti vilvtilimiik ls tis il is hinii tajinij in writiiil uhit oi si lo thf castoiirts iiuyxmr h1io turn otr slncls iucljv 11 tu tvould milit- nitirc nitik- read the ads then shop jiliiiiijailiiliii tjui iiuiuuujiiilimuiiiu r uta ui niiiiilliiiijiiii v

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