Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 4, 1929, p. 3

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teli e artoii3ffrpg lltljitmiay alilll 4 1d2q tin iii n i latiis llili pith hulim in nu in rprlr llirknti in nit to to hound nut mnn turn up one mor win n fnhrinl lump upn grow i follow after ami mil i wave i i 11 konlnj w urn n lravrn of 1 1 ivi r all day long rji ovrrl i li unor hnmmoutl nu pah i on juhii ir imo- 102d wayn in d inunrd i fir frlu il mir gratitude i look and niu i d and bl m d to fao willi lift n hlnli tuk it itcktd lord or our llvrr ut ilng uui bi ought u3 il brothlr gralltuur a minimi- o fifty ylars lrlrndi litre havi received nouvi n copies of hit iriibrnmmc in canncrllan wilh the fiftieth anniversary services of the ordination of tlir ilev chan a cook d d tlila brief history of his fifty years of ministry appears in the programme anil will be found internet inn to friends hrrr ollflrliii a cook li uie third ordained baptist minister in hli family line ills grandfather it v william cook wan or- dnlnrd in june m20 hlo father ilc hubert fl cook in june 11157 and lie in march 1070 converted in 11172 iir- en to red fapurp con a pan tor n colli gi london england in april 11170 while there hr supplied tin ilapllnl church at llrndnn a ruburb of i xi ti dim for ten months in that time thr congreiauon grew from 25 to 250 and a new building wan erected hi has hnd the following pan to rates kingston out where he wan ordained i four years parliament st toronto five jrin flloomsflcld n j fifteen and a half yearn butte mont five yearn and went aide seattle now nearly eight years lie supplied union park bpok- anr about a year for five and a half years he conducted christian stewardship campaign of education for the northern baptist con vcntlon he served u joint gecrclaiy the american baptist home and foreign muutlon societies for six years having uaatem washington idaho mon- tanna wyoming and utah as hu field the degree of doctor of divinity was conferred on him honors causa by william jcwrll college liberty mo in 1007 he la the author of the following books gyntcmalic diving a prize eisay stewardship and missions the larger stewardship ood s will and our life money in life and service is just now be biff published he is the author of the following leaflets the holy spirit in church finances the stewardship of life tithing a spiritual function l um sfmdwltia nnu fnm d c old nf vi iihrlr iftj- hood days and hlttnty year- hiuie mln tstry march m 1030 tiil old man tiil alton pass i acton ontario my dcai menu hints tin kteelpeu for new uitil novel ifjslirs llmiiirliam mm id for fifty yearn of luidlni light and love lor fifty yiarn or bit lint from alvc lor rvry holy joy and rlihtioui mood lord of our liven ui i lint our gratitude wl v u1 n throng laving pi uir 1 lord i i ur a ul hour thy pre m by stood lord of our llvti v h all the years thy lm kipi t hour by our r idi has always u lni our gratitude lo i tin be prnli imith now and ever thou ood of graci who grace we now anthem rini lit w ngi of joy arise till our imitltiidi to i arth and nicies ilev charlen a cook bcutllc mich ciiaiuil cooic thl victim not 1 1il aocxilssou itv j1lt1v uailctay ciilap- moiil i uilili pooun iiilrk rooking tapioca tiaipoon mil 1 pint hot iimpe julrr rup migiir l i up ilinildrd plflrnpjil 1 rip ijliarli ml iiinrnliniallown tf tli hnd i ihi whlu iul fliifti w nr nlrlpa of rnong cook tup lorn and salt in lhr hot grape julci in n double boiler 15 minutes rilrrlnir tn pli ntly stir in nigaf fir fnovi in in fire add pineapple when pnrtlnlly cooked ntlr in tlin mafslimal- lowi if desired and fold in ule stlflly beaten gg whiten arrange split lady flniii m around cldcs of a qloju bowl or around individual nherbert glorxea pour in mixture and chill serve wltli whip ped cream lady fliikern or sponge cake may be omltlid letters tcrthe editor a fititong imagination moke some chocolate and come tomato coup i think that will be enough wlui the apple sauce we liad left from ycflterday and those nice bakery rolls that came this morning said helen domwick to the cook who had come to uio sitting room door to sec what the young icddlcs wished for luncheon and molly called helen as the good n a lured irish girl was leaving the room be sure to put a little onion in the soup its flat without it sure mica helen answered molly laura dostwlck who was vlslung her countn helen while their mothers were in the sou ui together looked up as if about to speak and then suddenly chang ing her mind cloccd her lips an hour later the girls left their fancy work and sat down at the luncheontable molly brought tn the steaming coup and helen began eating it with apparent sat is faction while laura put her spoon into her dish very gingerly and took the mer est taste 1m so fond of cream tomato coup wltii just a touch of onion in it cald helen in a few minutes why laura you have eaten scarcely any of yours why dldn t you tell mc that you dldn t like it we could just as well have had fiome thing else 1 do jlke it usually replied laura who never found it easy to dissemble isn t it made the way you like lt7 i was quite particular to tell molly how i wanted il yes i know you were laura was making a brave effort lo force a spoon ful of it down its very nice im sure but you see helen i never eat anything flavored with anion i wish i could cultivate a taste for onions its eq inconvenient not to like them bull i seem absolutely unable to eat tlicm i in any shape or manner well they have such a pronounced flavor that i suppose if you do dislike i them you must dislike them very much indeed 1 11 have molly cook an egg for you oh no please don l i lute to have anything extra dune far me i can make a fine meal on thce good rolls and this delicious apple sauce well i do wish that you had spoki when i was telling molly to put in the onion i was going to and then i tuic from what you said that if it was made to luu my taste it would be spoiled fur you its a small matter anyway mother says most of us give too much import ancc to what we cat and i m sure she is right lets talk about bo me thing else as often happens when a change of subject is desired no one could think for a moment of anything to say be fore cluur girl had made a remark molly entered the dining room i just u anted to say mlsa helen that i hope you won t think i forgot your orders about the onion in the soup i d liavt put somr in like you said but i never noticed till the soup was almost done and twos too late to send for any that there wasn t a scrap of an onion ui the hoiuu very well said hi icn as molly dis appeared the couslm likiked at each other in chagrin tor an lnntnit and then burst into laughtir friend i want to tlmnk you vi ry v ry much for your very kind story about nu in a ncenl tiumbtr of fur fuei puran i gnauy iipprt clutt the old frltnd hip and lind many memories awakened by what you wrou i fiel however that i marl cor rect one mtslaki thai una madi it i that woi the victim in the school icuffli and not punch i armer and my arm wai dislocated not bnikm and ihe boys helped me to dr mc oarvln a office where it wan set my flrjl pastorate wai in kingston ontario shin i an ordulmd march il 107 you did viry wtll in tin ilory afl4r all tin it yinrs und with tin ubovl r vlslon it ts quite ok i thank you litartlly very miili rily cha3 a coofv wtll now i 11 ha vi to bcin to admll that i uin rinlly gt tllim old und that my mi mury nllpt u cog cini while i wa1 quite jur that ed farmer whoj arm aui injured and uiut charlie cook uos tin ncholomate who caucd uil injury to make nrc i asked mary about jt for idle wan at fchool tiuit day wilh the ret of un said yi3 it wan ghurlli who knock pumh funnir down ihin his arm you mi nhi wan wrong in f thing cai ifounia salad slice one orange into six slices one onion into thru place each slice of onion miami two nllcen or orange and iirrniil on brei n lettuce iravcs then quuru r a di llrioui n frcrhttik healthfu nu trltloin mid appetizing naiad nhv york 8ai ad 4 illcli pineapple j cup celery j cup nudt chopped 2 oranges cream mayonnaise lettuce arrange nliccs of pineapple on ncju of lettuce leavin cut celery in slender trips one and one half inches long and mix wilh nut meats pile in centre of pineapple and garnish with four section orange free from membrane laid symmetrically on pineapple pom dress ing separately oltanoe ffjdol 1 l cups sugar cup milk 7 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon orange juice orated rind i orange cup candled orange peel place sugar and milk in saucepan boll five minutes add butter orange juice and rind and boll until nllfl enough to ju ldllnr vaur ihuh di ur ilr a rnuplr of yi am ago i tlmiigllt uould like a near relative to have tnk 1 itrr iuiijj am had you centt it- uywlf a ri tiler for fifty five yearn aluwiiigli n w llvlnif in a distant rlty i wus pleas id to ri reive a communication to day lo this fleet i nin so glnd you sent me in pnrr fsmu- for he six months 1 ivi kept il on rlnce i rrnewitd it a i dio i ago when i read it i give it o my daughter uhote school days vver j p it in acton hie mentioned loday ill n h nothing we get better value in of thnn ihe actoh phkx iieco ihe torlen are to ood and there are so niniy cholrc tilings innr rven edltorn appreciate ap- i i rlatlun and i thought lhat i would pi h on fnek pbkuo ttichioiii jmmjt- creamy add candled orange peel catln smttll plfcca pour into a buttered in and whn almost firm mark in squares hambtllcolu en casserole 2 lbs of round steak ground or 2 ibi of lean barnburner largi onions 2 lanil peppers green or red 1 large lemon 1 8 ox bottlt lomato catsup i lb or more of bacon according to taste salt and pepper butter your casserole dlnh or pan and lay about lj inches of hamburger in tiollom 1 layer of one anion thinly sliced 1 layer of one pepper thinly sliced juice of half lemon knit and pepper to taste i it peat until the meat is used making i mcond layer of meat about one inch tlilrk this will give enough hamberger ir about j inch thick on very pour a whole 0 ox batik of calup over the strips of bacon bake lowly or in moderate oven for one hour nd a quarter ij yours cordially an old man kemnay manitoba march 35 1020 to the ildltnr or ins acton ontario dear sir i liuve read with interest the items commenting on tint old age pensions in your papers of mnrch 14 and 3 1st inst i do ugree with mr ilurllngliam in so tar as to meeting the financing of act by taxing the luxuries and lion necessities of life i would take ti p further by saying that i would sug gest that the excess profits an liquor would raue a larger revenue in shorter time than most any other method don t think that the mental hospitals child rms aid oocle tes and those who arc in these institutions through no fault of lhclr own should have to be maintained on tainted money any more than the old sgc pensioners i might say that upward onto sixty per cent of tliote applying for tiie pen sion arc in need of public old because of their strong desire for intoxicants when they were able to lay by money for the rainy day and that i don t think that it aould bo out of order to ask them lo exited the liquor pronto i think lhat the act could be reason- ably supported financially by taxing to bacco liquor and places of entertain ment instead of asking uie ratepayer to carry the burden which is overladen now with a las lhat la a greater concern to i tie gi ncral public yours truly j j camalian jr brandon manitoba i a taillsl of v ahv wht tllu had vl4lt d for die lint lime ui home of tlut merry eyt a iruhman who did odd jolwi ul iter place as slui wax leaving die tripped over u baby und ri rovertl lur buluun by rlulrhlng u boy- sluiuldrr while tuo little ulrls hump heatu over tlir irlvllee of rertorlng a fallen ulove how iiikliy rhlldren have you den nis slie asked laughing not to marry as ye d think ina am answered dennis apologetically tic the teramhllng and tumbling of thlm desaves tlie eye tlierc r nn mure av thlm than on ret around lhr table and a little felly or so left over atlng on tin diircctep lint iww many in that rhe per lsted deunls smiled a wide cheerful smile clvln is if no im uilnklng its lllvln no it can t be lllvln because its sliort we are ytt of the wldily maluineys number and liiatn lllvln ac cording lo tlie brag of lier well maybe tls nine but nnnyways lis oncet around the table and two on tlie dureslep that s a new way to reckon said the visitor by no manes ma am asserted den twos me gran dm oilier a hefurc grandirtollier had twenty one chil dren before she died and tape uie count av thlm all as uiey came along and which was dead and which was living and which wax immigrated ehe nlver cud do it small blame to her nor me grandlatlisr ay thr bo they tuk to counting by tablefuu twos but a rim nant of tlie family and rale lonesome like uiey felt thlmselves with ony oncet around oncet wld a stool or two exthra and tlie km nil children in laps was better twteet around was fair and wld three full settings and clearings mc grandma tiler wud slimllc acrost the tay- pol and tlien sigh and cay consldcr- ingllkb if ony tlilm uiats in amcriky was wld us tlie day its a tolnc family i d be liavlng to satisfy me ould eyes ah well sorra an empty scat may tlie re i be in hlvln i was a fa hie woman mc grand mother but i can t connate m eel if site d think mc little family liere onnyuilng i to brag of till we can reckon ou relives bcyant oncet around wise mother who know the virtues if motltcr oravcs worm exterminator 1 1 ways have it at hand because it proves wjnt ihtiiyf a count ct minlu iifh i uiiril iiitnnu through hl rollrrllnn of iliituify oiu- mamled thr 4th ni w orb rnalry ilur intf h civil war i uh u all ml nlflnr but hit romiimud iui u iiiotl ninfji of wlmm it ui dllllnill to u tl i uldleru 111 1i1t3 b nn on nl lh h ul i ndurt of lib mm tu ua kind a prl mi after un month hi an i i m 1 i 11 riiftment nucl raid ma to put tin t al thr unh of dl rliiluenml lr 1 mill ihi illsllugulsh tin inn ivr lubitl mi lh moment liny do that i hill r li n cesnnln war ur good a ul wirl on august l itlfu h at lh h h ul i hunt ed two confide rati ri inn lit if infantry and whlli ihi urny tu n in vlti thin gallant dud of arm c il n i c nolo nut in hln tent whllui a r 1 n lion of his com nil jiou tiny have rov ml m ulth lory to aid i in y may ill nu i mi lni i i ollld up hurrying up to wfl j u tlll i in fur i pi i dlnit town to hi tflltl i iii a sons your dog bit mi day to iiomtmadi i mi 1 a giod c mi nt that will bi fountl most efficnr oun in mindlnj rurio f nils and other thing thai iwty lovi tn collect li made lhl wn dl nlvi lui ouncei cum arable in ywiiil u pint of ler tlien add an ounti and u half laundry cfarch rtlrrid rmm lh in n little cold wfttcr and ii half ounci u j luflax and cook in d nitili ihiiii r until clear and h the con 1 ti ury of lar add a few dropi of oil of rloir or e inipho to assist in prerx rvlni tin glut i j cadesky of toronto iyiskiit specialist wii i hi at a t imowwa ullljo stoi11c acton monday may 6 0 u train in iiirfpring from i yo hi fi tivo vision or hi i huh aliould not mlsu thtt opiiortuiilty of ronnultlng this i y nl lit tiptrlnllnt appolnt- iiimtii may be mailo with mr a r drown druggist consultation fiugic olfic hours 0am till 4pm z1ixxir ecollectlon happiness her but i suppose tliln was junt another proof of lhc happy baying that tlie long- bund and wife livi happily to gethcr the more surely thiy ngrcc wllh another and the mure they get like each other chnrlli vidtntly enjoytd my wrlte- ip you v ill oboiae til hudu i a aurd f criuclm or eornctlon to make ubout my reminders of lib falllnt in love with emma mutuiew their joni and faltli ful courtship and itillr happy marriage and half a century npent togeuier i am sure the celebration by his church and congrn atlon at bcattle on till evening of the 2itt lnsl would be an uunplcioui and joyoui affair it ctttulnly was u imch in mukliib hr sonal und eccli lutlcal hlstory till illal lvent btnei writ in the ubovi i iiuvc re ceivi d from liev dr cook through t friend htn u copy of tin jublkt pro gramme a the uiifplcloui evuil wa ci niiunmali ij i urn inn many of you will u intcrtiud ua i am and i the re lit pre i nt an outline of it 1 tie crowning serlpturui quota lion urn v tu l one uould t spirt from charlie ctk nil unlo m o uird not unlo ui bul unto thy iituin lvl glory psalm 115 1 beside the grave luuaetj for ncari an hour natural boulder which marks el chandler harris in an atlanta ciinetery und read over und over ihe words irom his own pen rn- fi wi il itn reou these are uie words graven drt i n wy memory i net m to li before me the faces of thousands of children some young and fresh and some wearing the friendly miirti of u but ull ihlulriu- al heart and ivhll i rut trying tiard to speak and not an unfilendly faec umuug them lined abovi tin rt st haying you liavi uie right word i arcm to hear a voire made someone happy and so i r el my heart hutu ring and my lips trrmbl ing and i have to bow nllrntly and turn away and hurry into lhc obscurity that bultn me bet i i earlier of happiness that la ti title that suits joel chandler harris 1mil and you know that it will be n long long time ti fore his name shall sink into obscurity that la a grent lesson that he taught us that of making other pet pic happy it is u noble tiling to scatter hinlles and sunshlni along your jialh and wlilu we rannot all write uncle itemus nlorlrt w can each do omcthlug for the liap- piurss of ollirr j what can you do selected j i 111 pn idlnu chulnu an won mr c ni rum id iy an art ivi worki r tn uie we it tilde bnptl t c iiun h seattle and a u nu f rlliid ii if dr und mm cook rha udi n bl 1 1 hymn worship the king mil utlg wml tin invocation wus made by ii iv dr 1 lull 11 auii ulatle ilia fri in wi i t ttldi uupllnl h vi suit d by mr w w watt r and l rllni fu in jeultl- h ptl 1 ml til t r uire fdii itously spoken bv hi v 11 i ii irt i ulli itallona were uulu1 t ll lb tulf of wi urn wuhlnl by iuv i wot in and grilling from west iltli mini uri ur tuuierid by luv l j iloppeil lh iddris- of tin ivnln uili dr ii end by luv llbil 11 hkka i d i i a vi rj huppy tn i sting und n m i 1 till r i by dr co k himself iillowid iij ituluuiry toiiiiihitilcutliiiis win nl by mr ni ru u k y 1 he lighting h liilu iiuidki u- in iim rlnlendid tli ii y 1 u f til wiit sid plui church i hi mimorabl putt ding of this julh i vi n lni win luursmntd tiy rs liy un mule quartette if li in l ilupli l churi h un unr ti itl uid by mll1 tli himhi hi i r hudlng- eli isi d with tin sing ui if tin pastors jitblln hymn whlrii lip urn at the in hit of thin urtlck i am xtrtm iy hid that my schivil b y frliml cliurlle cihik has lived lo tills uutpli lous vint and imlh mury unit i rejoin ihul lmmu has b i n spur mpiitiy uud a mutiny rok cavhu a lady who lives on uie nurui side in chicago had occasion recently to go through the ordeal of engaging a new housemaid the young woman who liad applied for the place was evidently not u native of the united stales in fact it was apparent uiat she had been tn this country only a utile while cun you cook asked the woman who expected to be lhc mistress in cose uiey came to an agreement concerning terms yea i can that hou about washing well ma am not sayln anything ngln the woahln a you may have i d ralhe r take less and let somebody else do it she was a pretty blrl with rather shapely liandi and it was hardly rca so liable to blame her for desiring to preserve tier beauty if arrangements could be effected uiat would make such a cdurse possible ho it was decided that by accepting one dollar a week less than die would have otherwise received she might umit the washing there was some further questioning which proceeded satisfactorily to both sides until the girl was asked why she had left her last place well itn uiat ashamed i hardly llko u tell you she said hits at once aroused suspicion on uie oilier aide and of course negouatlons ci old proceed no further until the matter wus thoroughly explained you d a done it yourself if you d u been hi my place said the girl lhat doesn t matter i must now just what the trouble v as or i can lot i iigagc you well if you must know the missus had a utue dog carconductors familiar wlui uie vari ous peoattariues of travellers will agree uiat the following scene described the pittsburg oaxette might occur in any streetcar in ony city tlie dram atic pcrsonae ore iwo welldressed young women and ule conductor the uinc a the present conductor fare please first young lady i hasuiy let me pay it dear second young lady opening chate laine end beginning to take out hand kerchief email package gloves and keys not for words dearest i i have some change pirsl young lady trxcavnung the depths of wrtnt bag nonsense i have it right here and you paid it lost you tnov- tiecond young lady i m sura i dldn l il was you don t you remember tile reason i know is because we were going to lullle s tea first young lady oh yes and i wore my pink crepe dc chine but that woxn t lh- last time we went out together we were going to uie matinee and i sro iure you paid uie fare second young lady tiiumphanuy isjc- ig out a purse well it doesnt make y difference i ii just pay it aguln conductor wearily pare ladles ii st young lady indignantly also producing purse it does moke a dif ference tool do you uilnk i am going it and have you pay my lore evcry- hcre we go here i have il second young lady dpn t be silly here i have il first young lady my dear i instnl second young lady agnes i shall be uownrlghl offended with you in a nw- mcnl i shall pay uie fare conductor i dan t care who pays it but i don t want to stand here all day first young lady with dignity i0u arc a rude parson and i shall re port you my uncle is one of the prln clpal stocklioldcrs and i shall report your behavior to him here take uits money i m aire you only had lo wait a cond or two second young lady icn t it aw tli tiuolcncc of these people drink hot water with stomach disorders what piivbicians advibf banking kgquirgments ofalviehg every day and i had tu lake li r a walk i ihuuld think you would have join getting out i did it wasn t that i had anything ugln tin dug i r til frctt nlr but slie uujn mud nu go out uie runt door uli n 1 look the dog but when i went u by myself i j with any at uie young in n thai i iim after me we had to u we by tin back door and me self ni pict wouldn t stand that viry will annie you may bring your trunk riiuinl we linvm t any dog to hu aired honor and hats man juytk yi u dldn tl dldn l what marie retorted sill miss sparks the gneii hat i huts ixaclly what i did do and it i tut mm 1 1 mlllng believe met im go it t otrlke for u raise on the strrngth i it inn t everybody tint can sell il h t dollar ha la in one day what s some tuanblation jack returned home from college wliere lie hod won high honors as a student of ancient language but lie pleaded lgnor ance one day when his younger sister usled him to translate a sign she ihad seen at an optician a which read thus con suhu sabo utyo erey es jack struggled manfully with it ror veral minutes and gave it up it unit good lathi he said then- arc some doraji in it that arc latin the others arcn t anyhow it doesn t make sense that is what i said replied his sinter but cook translates it without any trouble she says 11 means consult us about your eyes christian union folks past 40 should read this thousands of unfortunate people suffer almost daily from dyspepsia indigestion fermentation sour acid stomach natu lence gases or distress after eating if uiey would only form the agreeable habit of slowly drinking after each meal a glassful of hot water containing a lea spoonful or two tablets of disunited magnesia uiey would soon find their stomach so strengthened and improved that uiey could eat uie richest and most satisfying meals without the least symp torn of indigestion nearly all so called digestive troubles are caused by an excess of acid and an insufficient blood supply in the stomach causing the food to ferment and sour be fore digestion can take place a glass of hot water will draw the blood to uie stomach and the disunited magnesia will neutralise uie stomach acids and make lhc food contents bland and swecl easy natural digestion wluiout distress of any kind is uie resull disunited magnesia not a lasauvc is harmless pleasant and easy to take and can be obtained j from any reliable local druggist do not confuse buu rated magnesia with ouier forms of magnesia milks citrates etc but get it in the pure disunited arm powder or tablets especially prepared for ulls purpose t jlhe banking requirements of farmers differ according to location and the partic ular branch of fanning in which they are engaged wititcvr your banking requirements may be you wiir find the binlc of montreal prepared to give tlie particular form of service you need bank of montreal total established isl7 ch l b shorey monn 000000 si car that doesnt say price n pr iii ii ill iijr w i rice rice every time you see it t if you an troubled wlui a burning eciisatlun bladder weakness frequent dal a inoyancc getting up nights dull j n in back lower abdomen and down 1 ough groins you sliould try uie amas lug value of or southaorlhs uri tubs at once and set what a wonder i ul difference uiey make i if this grand old formula of a well known phyalciai bring uu lhu swift and satisfying comfort it bos brought to doxetis of ouieri you surely will be thankful and very well pli a t if it does not satisfy the drug 41 tat thai supplied yuu with uru-uua- ti uutliorised to return your nioiit un lh first box purchased this gives you a lull 10 days 1 171 1 of uralabs without risk of cost unless pleased with resull f uii uould know uie joys of peaceful restful sleep und a normal healuiy blad start this teil today any good druggist can supply you i 11 ha i lllllu 1 if mom 1 hiked blruliihl into vi 11 kiuiu wliatn the matter that 11 hat madi hi r look sallow a a nun and hi bluek oiu was so be nlngl oh uantid it too only uu i nog ulli y hall huiidnd year de thn ugh ull tlir talked her i most certainly did was i itialdtrlng the him with 1 ir in lrl and soma hlrk twelve dollars uk st tihii t judge simidluu eh hi w many j unies half you bun bi fore uu up- tdi r nevi r your honi r ivi trit d lo pass yuu on the road onie or twite but my bus will ilujjnly fiftyfive uie uototut u a kim t i d 11 t like the if ii iiud bttn fifty dolluri dlflrreiilc it htlll uould iiuve be111 ixpulvc huw do you make that out uail- w 1 angry i in 11a lihiktd at her pleadingly lie e a line iil won t be sutuulcd und we may lost her custom and all for twelve ll hum lleildi 1 it dot m i seem honest wi ought u try to make people take ttu thlngi that null uiem best regard li of tin prln its tht honor of iu marie din t yi u wi 7 v ol iniiru i dout i murit answend turtl hun she glgglrd iliercs a mitnniir fur ymi go und work out your heoritii uu hir i wbh you luck i oitometky hh value to uie public 11 y a i savatil oaalph ontario a ran u i1l1 lunula hard u munagl not inclined lo iubmit to dlnclpllne home wise person suggested that lib eyes mlglil have sum thing to do with it an exiun i nation proved this tnn ills difeeuu lilun uiu cijr- nctbd at mte in became 1 ik dli nl und tturud umurd a 1 urn jiful manhood iliad to eoumdir thb nubjttt wlui uiler- rsud imuvils to n cauunuej nail wiit hl chrysler built plymouth 19 itze car- roomy and comfortable freed from all of the traditional limitations ofdimin ufjve cars so ordmarih associated with a low pnee plymouth has easy rtdinc icngilnness and appealing symmetry the dynamic grace and charm so characteristic of all chrysler designing fly moil tli also has the smooth power and supple quickness no typiad of allchrvslcr pcrfbrmarsce ihc cxelusim c hrysirr stjpcr- doiju high 1 omprcsmun engine cushioned on rubber mountings with ilumimim alloy pistons pccial manifold and sikromt steel exhaust v ilvts gts plymouth utmost igor flexibility and responsiveness i vrr tfinit full sfzc ui gcther with ruigcd nxlc ibour il mouth is tlepend ill i o hi t il 1 hassis and ll uuniili lb the safe sure e is 1 ntiol uf i hrysler full icze wear he 11 internal ex panding4 wheel 1 irjulu bnkcrs yet power ctonom k tit s and 1 m ml tuk llc u life i with all ils in plymouth i with am l ir oil iwui tire in aito in lipkctp and ion no longt r f d small limir inyboilv 1 1 mvtyng a sm ill car plymotitli full i ilv mouth power il m 1 u t h ht ui t and plymouth tion m make plymouth tuiln the ok must in vestment tn tin tit id ol iowcm pneed motor e irs cs sn ve j i r lit luxe i anf if ijur out or fmtnl r r fkk hit j 1 i jcu u i j tl tuf wssmmrm cdrnidi i j 1 i c im i h a coxe thryuler aiul i salcn und svrwre plluill- 6 acfam onlario

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