Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 4, 1929, p. 5

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eljm art im 3xtt tfttcm aumiiia aiun iti it omini 1iomi 1 iifiillillllu k joy i jnj i i muhiiiit hnir honn bound bound tniln tiik sunday school lesson i ml sunim avuu 1 i iii minis ity oi i aiaii fit 1dm i it i in i i nli ii r nil in lid ii thomas flanagan spots nickel sllllilii umt ttrr miii ik i r ijk itnphf hi of ludllh i j iinl utijit i ir nil i ii lnh tn ihi i ml nl llu old ii nhtiul ihjiji th serlti- at tlir can med leal a uuor i u ion tubut iiuims s pit d or um ltmt linvlut lilbtrculutl 1 trnn mlltttl tu human bi iniii during tin yiar of childhood lid tiiuiaml ion u unlly nniti thioiiifh lin u iu if milk coiiiiim from lulu r uiur cntlli jei whul i xti iit thl i ii prue ttml duiii r el i i ml iii th amount of lubcrculn i unit xl t iiiimnu l mtllt bi cuil l upon hint iiin wt uld dipind iiil chiuili of ixpouri nt children to infection ol tin cimudlnn lin rt uppcured n iri vuk iicl und cx- ubercitln l in canada thl article preu utrd u rutnmary of uil lulu collected through li rlaln mrtiautxa u hid revlulcd uil priiuici or jbiliicc i i tubtrculonli in rm nix million cattle uurlnii u numbtr of yltiri from varloun bourcta throughout the dominion the conclusion rcqdi r would therefore appear to bc jmufbihlt to estimate that bovine tuberculosis infection in ciwinda at the present tlml does not i xcud five per crnt ihe uctuul ptrclnuiir b iid on the nl million cuttle win up- pioxliuiiily our p r cliii it la lvldinl ihul it iipprtixlmutt l marly four out of mry luindi havt tuberculoid th dunucr in uil trim mjberculoabi to chlltln n in this country it 1 not a tlilorttltul dtuili r but i practical onl that contlniiln day by d ly tllln h no doubt bu that children require milk but no ont would auinical ink in k tin rlik of usiiik milk that mluht vi 1th four uudnh lit li tiiild i until by lclnre mm prnphch j and i l u wry r ion ol bm i fflssssiss mulludllf liliiuiik- mi dltflrulty jxi- tcurhuillnn of milk de tmyj all dl producing icrm- including uil tublr tuloula ijerm we may u l pa tcurtzed milk und feed it to children wlui full conlldencc that the danger of bovine tubcrculuil has teen overcome lliriiuidi puatcurlzuiion ul have it hi uur i pi wer to privliit lmmcdluuly tin occurrence of even oiil niorl cuc of bjvltu tuberculous which attacks little children dt troy inn iomi and crippling uthen 1 here is no excu l for failun lo uc buch a powerful mnui for pro ti ctlon from dliiu l qutotlona conctrnlnit health uddre s- cd to thl canadian medical as oclatlon 1b4 colhgl st ttiroiito will bi an utttrtd ptrtonalfy by ktur twlntv vlaits ago hi wlft i rullid imd im om iii proplu li n art thr mont i lotmcnt null mnrvi lloun in tin ulblt und t pi rlnlly lull in reference to chrtrt turstlay ikalahn lull i a u 1 uzlah wnt iinu or tin nwt brlllliuit and ptiwt rful uiiik i of judah anil hit dnith u c 76 mu it iiuvl illud isaiah with a tlnu of iprcat loi c unurbalancld by thin pit ndld vl ilon v 2 th leraphlm were nnwtniilrii of jehovah thty covtred uillr fiicl mi ail not to jazt on uil bllndlnu lory ol god their body with a unit of modci ty und awl and tin lr ipldln wlnm implkd ready obcdlcnct v 3 jehovah of hoil 1 uii lord of hiavtnn arnilli thl ood of bub v 4 thl houe meant tin lanctuary of tin templi the i molti i ymbolhu d tin dlvlnu aiiffi r airalif i tht ptopli mill v 5 i aiuh ood n alle n hli ptoplt ur tall7lni tin hollne t of i how unholy hi und f ytnbullzi iiirlflcatlon mlthiut which no oiil can leach ood i uuth lililtuily wrdnrsilny icatati h mrttarc i i g i aiah s ilrrt work wu ui inulcl thi pi opli pcrcelvt uillr tplrllual bllodiu1 and ntupldlty v 10 the prophlt 1- said to do wha i piuph reully do blcuue he annourc the fate of blpuratlon from uod hlch slta i ram he ixaur of the 1 rce lrrcit o thursday prll h 1u00 lhi im tty lltth lulkln an bur tin low farlj on ih rullwab illl monday luster holiday the tnowdrop and ciucu an in bloom aijuln the front com mliicld uillr jirlnu to nip monday evei inn mr wm i ryer has moved to the mcpher on farm o n tlll olcond line a uurter nuke wus klllid by om of the nchonl boyi near thl o 1 it track on monday mr itobert moore u movlnu to i1l3 m wly ucqulrtd rtbldliiei on park avmue ull week chool clu e thl et ninit for lister hollduyo it u laid that ul u a i thn i new uutomohlles will bl brouubl to town by ellljxni this iprlnu mr w a storey la havlnu the brick bam at hta recldence n modelkd for un automobile truruuc a cement floor 13 belntr laid mr donald duir 1 hipped hb oaw mill outfit to iliornloe new ontario on sat- uiday mr duff accnmpanled by mi sra woley kennedy ilobert clark and wm wuntr lefl on monday and meurs jos lnd und i humiei clark will follow tn tht committee who were in cluirgl of tin btcond annual at home ol acton lodge of oddfcllowa uri well phased with the result of their function lujt itlday nlijlil tin proitrammt includtd wiloa by mlirfti hazel aifiieu und ltnu hay- wood nuartt tteb by mlica lenu hay wood lmmu uurt lolhl und hael m jiu duett by mlvn j mcdonald und l nur riadlni1 by mla ncluc wu luma und mr jack mclln rjon the initrummtultnli wtre mlvjia 1 ichmuii thomiou und opt lifhl und mimb j c hill and a luehmuii mr it m mcdonald oeeupttd tin rhulr maitkii 1 bwacicilamljclabuy at tin mum of mr it j fluber mill bind acton on wldniaday murth jl by itev li a o wlllouuliby clinton u bwuck llamef y utiiti t tm ol cbrlauipht r twuckhitlm r taq lo lllvuibeth younu est duuuhti r of jo ph lxaby all of l ulalni real yi li lalah a ra mat lit country wnufil be laid was to by tin auyrlana and lib people carried into exile v 1j here b liu til h f amoii 1 and eoinfortlnn doclrlnt of thr nmnant ood would not utterly dm t toy i1i11 puoplu but a rtump would n miiln trom which un tree would sprlne up unoin thurmtlny iiutlah courajc ltn 7 i j ahaz klnt of judah wu a mi ak and wicked ruler who wu utter ly dliinuyld when syria combined with lplirlum lhi northi rn klnitdom irrotl to tnuki war on juduh vs j 01 ilnh with hi ton whu name imanl a remnant itiull return i it t the craven kind and nicouramd hlin prophe lylnu that lphrlum ihould it ilf full within nlxty llvt ylr- an letuully happtned vs 1017 in toktn of tht truth of this prophlty isaluh ifuvi aha the luuiiitii t lun that u tlrtfln hhould bear it son immanuil ood li with u- und bi fore the child should come to i 1 in h ul undir uiudluie both fayria and lphrlum should be overthrown trltlay luuli 1 sic 11 i a 0 1 fanruon kliitf of asryrta liiptund sumnrlu lphrlani israel in ii c 1 ltn y lutlr he enl ills i urtiui yelicrul who luptured the 1liiiuuiil city ol ashdod west of j ru iulem vn jti aolldod hud expected tile aid o lthujptu then in eonlrol o lffypt but llu uld hud not belji nlven juduh iindlt iclnu hczeklah hud foolishly join ed uil leaijue with luuoplu and laalah ttrenuouily opjk ed lor three years hi went about in bluvei uttlre wcaruiu unly hi undtruurnienth to lunlfy that ethl pin would become the slave or aijyria saturday israeli cansalatlan lm 30 i the iftid and ureal kbiu hlzlkluh wm iiatnh 1 friend and usual ly liltdld hta counsels va b 3 hezcklah showed hlnuclf thruuihoul hu history to be a man of prayer vn a 5 the fifteen yeara added lo iltrekluhtj reltpi more tlian doubled 1l v fl the aundlal coitructed by icum alius wua probably a oerica of steps which indicated the lime of day as the iun s shadow crept ulonu them day wanbuhouoll dene of un brldi miii cornt n on 1 im bj itev d ii lajlor 111 uf alfrtd dui aveay cumba lnnhi at lhi pnrints crew day marth s mr trunk day mill i urm lllu loli eldest duuuliler of mr 11 ii wuna brouith a corrector of pulmonary 1 rouble many te tlmoutui inild b inimuitd bhnwlnu tin lriabiltu inty of dr 1 honiiui lt li elrlc oil in torn line diamdamul tin aplrutoiy pnei but tht bta nlttl 1 xpru n und thu oil 1 undid i uil w ullt1 rron ihordu with tn uriulnly thu ill und nil i 1 lll ulliy in mo 1 imp iiinii wotu in bu 1 y l fullh no maun how v 1 in worldly mulun 11 what 11 finunri il tunillmt may 1 iiutandlnu it nihil in utl uur d with om uuiithit 1 that iu 1 mi my taunot tnk llu plue 1 lllnr tun 1 itbil pi unlnincl ii li fir v ry int t mtl nut in of hli wind ha i 1 but 1 rvlm t tliltik anil whili y pu it it in hut a ml 1 vi ry rrlliidnl 1 ry bu im it mun t and tin ultli tile bllo hit i ci ary to mic- falth i li sordid y brlnu it mpor- icnnanint frlinclahlpi alltiri llu who mun m ih a hoi up of dr rhumu leli i oil is uinud uuulii t ilium llli will plliic n oiihh btmk a told hill die hioul it will lillun till linn horn a piiiln t li i the in t muhu ton 1 und will ptillly tuul and t until li 11 ii i 1 iiudleliu ui in uiir hack in 18h3 tho nteol for canadau flnit trnnn- continontnl railway lino was nlowly crcopinu acroon nortliwcntlm ontario thoman ritnafan a litack- iimitlt notirod that wrtnin parta of tht cartli nlonp tlio riiht ofwny near sudbury wtrc c a red el la 1 1 cole tlmi l d to tho dttcovory of roprmr oroa trouble in worltmictho oro n ultod in u laboratory teat hoi rig madt und to thu mine ownorn uurpri 10 tho old nnint niclti i i 1 an old g rman namo for tho ovi npint that had liotht rcdtho early saxon minora wu dincovorod lnddrn in tho copp r oro thin trouhloflomo nickol in tho oro proved to bo more valuable than tho copper and today sudbury nirltrl in iinown and uned tho world over r one una of nlclu 1 1 that touchoo daily iifo cloacly in an alloy with line and copper for tho contact iipnnrn imndo tcltphonea when a tolophonu uicr ilftn tho rocoivor off tho hook theno dprinni mnlto contact and compllto tho path to tho opiirotorn ninal lamp in tho larco picture mhava wo boo a rtoup of men at work in cupola of tho international nmvi1 co at sudbury tho yocinc lady at tho richt in tlp northnrn electric factory at montreal h innpcctinc uli phono apparatun partn which havo boon plated with nlckcj for protrton a runt and its flavour is the finest in the world salada tea fresh from the gardens time tables a acton 4iujjljimmfhj for anjrwcatherfor every day shredded cuts down bad weather colds- helps prevent constipation- safely- good forall wonderful for children mauo hy the canadian blircdrtcd wlicat company lid llll boy who nidnt likt milk ji rry liruliiim jit down ubh with a cowl in i fnce ihy i have lo drink milk i wl h there were no 0 to the dinner i dun l bee he crumbled then ul ice box cookies new idea wl ltinday only i0 41iun dully exrept otinday daily t xtejit fiunday 10 43 am dally eitwpt fltinday 3j9 pa dally rxrept dunday aooluri illy except ountlav 0 ilpjrt goin tjil sunday only impjjt dally cuccpt ounday tollu dally except uunday llfitaan i nlly ckcrpt ouhday 3 47pm dnfty fxcept ounday 8 1pjh dally except uuhday 8 llpd t canadian nayional eltctuio uakiwavfl welbuuj ially except gun day lbbajd dally dbbajn 1 1 ss aw 155 pan 3 55pja 6 55 pm 7j15p4h 05 pjh isjiat eaatbtiud dally except ounday bjapjo 07 aju lutaan utpjh 3j7pjrt 5j7pw 7j7p4u- ojtpal llj5pw yruu iwttual kmi ctrmt and sl cuir avitu prelfiht dllvered by tnedal w irelhl pretght picked up ml dreu in toronto wotildii t have any milk to drink jerr jou ouuht lo be u homed of j 111 1 if to b oiylnd and wishing uch thlnitj uld hi mother don t you 1 now thai you need lo drink milk in order m itruw up to be u larue und 1 irons mun like your father i huvc often heurd that ou wanted to be as li id and btroiik ui he i don t llki milk and i don t want to b a bltf man if i huvc to drink injlk ujd ji rry v 5- brmikhinron ijitm- lyjdarrj rt t h to drink m tt you iitti nd to jicow louit own tiiotlin the word protcbi la comlnu t bl belter understood by dulryuu11 uian it once woa it la the chief talking polnl ol those whau buliicm it li to aell eommcrelul feedj the value or which 1 1 boat d largely on protein content it reprcieuta ome mysterious eoiiiitltu 1 nl in feeds which unlmuli muat have before ihey can be expected to ulvc the lildhea relurna it li mm rally true uiut live slock fuds run be- more cheaply urown on the f 11 rin thnu they cun be purclnuxd out- iluht throuuh tht trade it uj also true 1 hat tht high protein crojw uiut can bl sulci 1 ilully urown in kuitcrn canada ure n lutlvrly lew and furthermore will not itpluce intlrely tht conct titrated ft uli that un oflcred on tin market nlvirthllt with tin priaml price of ri miuerclul tt ed tomlher with uil small innri in of profit ordinarily oblalm tl by hie urmer rrum live alock produeta 11 jiema uood bunlntia to huhstliul us iihilji of un hlnh prllid eommcrelul till 11 mivilbk by honn urown iroduct amonu the flijd crop widely urown in nstern luuudu pt ua uloiie cun be cluss d ua n latlvt ly liluh in protein i hi rop uwrnffci cloie la 0 pt r ct nl pro tin wheul oat und barliy ure uil uther low in protein if e 111 rally ruiiutntt bclu til d 1 chore- fait i nl 10 iier have at dlirieulty in liibibly hui btn purtly it i tn ink or mien si in thk in t iilisltli 1 huui ptu b 1 iii nt xlmc iet ulwuy rop und otronn stj tl irly j 1 tued a1 i nniovt 1 y t but eun bi upjireclated in ivi ftrown ptas for uraln wh ur piyliu out n ipilurly lnl purt or their itrov lntuuk i mi n html thla uiibjecl tilmuld ul r ihil un rops that tan in tin fiirm can lot ltd mon mil mon u ink illy than pitti lxpt unit ntul luiin binder hull hi i tuln iropj r no lat1 nl ws iwuy line was doodi tl lhi htuvy rulnilouu a a obllud tti bnul hi small boy all jour life i jerry at htaruly of all that was pul 1 on hl plate and helped himself to two luriu ph ce of cake the milk stood by lili plain untouched that niiiht when jerry went lo bed hi couldn t sleep he had eaten too much in dldn t feel quite well in ordi r lo umusi himself he wntch- 1 d tin shadow on the wall he tried to make mi ftliui the dllferent shapes win i hen what do you suppose hap- elf walklns down the i town where hi lived were coming towards jerry round htm net ol the little wo arown boy- how iruime thouuhl jerry thm tmk like ijirry faeaman and jimmy drown burely it couldn t be they jirry 1 0l1 d al him elf how little in it mid itusl boji wire nearly lx ft t t bill he n numbered ht hud called ihie suiiil boys uubhs bt caue uuy litouuht a bolui of milk to school with uillr luneh wiilii jt rry came ciosl to the boya hu ttu about to ipcuk bm juji then hi luurd one of the boya say iiii tjiul tunny htuc dwarf docan t in look like jerry iiuil cunt b jerry graham the other uiuwered don t you remember how much laryer he ued to be than illher you or i and how he ui untied at 11s becuu e wc brouuht milk to tcnool now jerry mad up hta mind not to pt 11u hi dldn l wunt them to know ihul hi woo nally j ua hi was be ihlnlnt ti iili uihamld that in was so litui jirry hurrhd up the etreet but every win re he looked he suw hb clusmates und frh nd utmost jrown up all laugh ed ul him und made remarks about the runny htue dwarf and how odd it was that he renimbled jerry iiili l too much for jerry he walked quickly out of town towards home when he came to the old pasture he at down on the stump of the old tree and tried lo think what was wrong no sonim r had he seated hlmclf than furc stood before htm their own cow laughing as if her side- would opul who ever heard or a cow laughing aid the ojtonlshcd jerry i can l help il said the cow you ur a funny little dwarf i ben she burnt into anouicr flt of laughter jtrry wua more bewildered than ever how iruiige to sec a cow both talk and luugb uiought jerry hut worst of uil she la talking uboul me jul like erjone hi town did jirry was now on the vlrac of tears ry indlgnunt he juiruelup from yiur ago there was a great hole units and musicians be thorouahly marly a city block in arra foclnu the hi ml wheievir they arc speaking but union station at toronto down in bj cuiimclloii ihrough the radio room aiij olhtr kirtlun of the building the bottom liolf a duzcit crant bu y uirliik huge pieces of tccl whlci were bt big noisily rlvelted as they were el meccano like into position on ihul ilk lo day laud the uulmt building in the urituh empire uie mug nlllileiil itoyul york hotel which in two nninlli- more will open thr doors to lea thocuand rikima and wclcxiroe us first guests miml hemarkable as iiaa bcrn the sliced wiul inu which thb greal canaduui iclflc hotel l haa been erected still more extraordinary cl lllr to the man on ihc street most be the ul l trtmendoua ihoueht which went into ue j t ploiuilnc f whal will be the most u u th re is print ion ulso for television houd lh be dew loped for moving ptc tin mid muvli tune proji ctlon willi us i wn powi r plant and water- tioik il timrgiticy hospital and intcr- iiiitn 11 il and nut side transportation and rommutile itlijn u the itoya york llott 1 1 u complete city ii has iu imik ind biokira onins il stores and all il l e immunity hull and rccrca linn ci ntr- nothing which a progrca- 11 town inihi have lias not been uid ineorporated tn ad van t- ln uie biuiimtnl ls a com to date insumtlon of its kind in the llrtl i etabilhmcnl a linotype world and iu the working out of ihoc i aud u fl l p 4 arrangement- that wul cnure its guests willi a tunnil eiitrunct from union the uttermost hi focillues and service fatatlt 11 al tin junction of ail roods into then will bc for instance radio out- tht ttj in th hiurt of down town iel hi every room and in the concert i llu ur of un itoyul york ts strategic ball banquet hall and ihulroam which wlui ijikt ontario bt tore it 11 is bcuuu have seaung capacity for nearly seven rul ltn trun hint eonthittnt will johi ihouund eopic the mua modem means with ih cltlnn or loronui in their of umplinctlon iiavt been inlallcd to t r 1 nucipullim or ui ojunlnu day provide not only tlial e peak en wild in jum his s why are you laughing ai dtmunded of uie cow umn i ud to bt 1 you laugh dwarf all tin be ton call un boy rec i veil from the cow was unother burst of luughttr hi she frukid uway calling to her calf instead of uiylng moo moo as a cow should jtrry heard her calling come 11 dwarf who wouldn t drink my conn s t the boy who wljicd uiere ji rry luch atler eudful very n stunu und if lit inurt would break jtrry i jirry what la hit lit luurd mother calling o mother i had the mut di dtijwii he auld still in tears jirry told lib mother the whole dnam thm in tuul i want a glua of milk it r iwrj uiiul and mollnr may i lake u in itli tjmllk tii uliukj fur my lunch illi ijirry nndjlnuny do miiuu r you iy bull lui uil the bicl i tp ullk yt n want ruotkbsional wlaknlbs il l u well known fact uiut prure- aliuial men ure -omeume- so eiiurojcd with tin lr work uial they uihik of little i li lor example the hundreds of ler which have been told nf atcrnl- inluuid iroft t n o on doctor- it b tald are uie llnt men lnvi stun tit ukmen or lock salemen i to bteaue as a class ihey mon nodlly lull lor in vestment icln ran ihun other elu is litre arc ue nuiiia blven 1lrally ihty usually liavc on hand u little money hiccndly tlicy cannot iiimat uicir urplus in their pnifealon as bulnca nun re limit uuir profits back in their blialiit ihey mul look ruullcn ihlrdly i in j haven t uie inclination unit 01 buslmfc cxpcrlliiccc to invt ill 1 ate und judge lor thinjsclvis hi un uit ilk ly to ucl on the udvlcc or other rourthly knowing the imiortuiict or mom y u doctor do uity nuturuily un unxloii lo inuke money tlurrfore un upt lo b ludueiicrd by otlurs who hue tht lepulutlnii of btlng urct slul ul money nuking rtrihlj doctors a- u ruk un un 11 f tuiidlni in nc nr oil 11 aouuht lor un lr lulliu ul aud like oun r morials l liiuiiunr to lattery herbs all herbs gallaghers keeps you wonderfully well i tare it eat better sleep j work play better j mtitlur nntim u own imm herlm nrh i 111 litalfh iviiik ptiwi r tin ui lire what i inakt tidli linui and system j ituild rnirhi itnullv workkwopdem for pli tlioiirocoiiiliiili tl rundown inrvous folk lu 1 in 11km du not i 1 vn lr ulit una ji i in to it iiv 1 ixitll it will kp u tltur of nll unillnr ills sold t ol l r i id lilbr hlxuii uuuochuld ilciuidi are hy 33 i a t itltown acton nje 1 u irt or ji iltin ven r- i u iii iu 1 ulrli uie re 1 juubtrl eiib- jiiij nun nuiibleil about having u ihliik milk uuln hi griw bt a big ltioiik mun llkt hls fullu r hi still drinks milk rather ulan it u it mill i not biiuust he btta tti bill be 1 hum h ilk ii iiiueli betttr itrllrvri aklhnia al ourr if yn could it nd th th iimiiiii of uiirfillelui b tttirti 11 ivid tiy tin uiuktia inn tn grille till ii r you too would riullw tin re imrkuhll pow n of dr j d ktllogits a tliniu htimdy all casts inelplcnt and 1 1 in nil un brm hit d by ihh grint family tunitiy why ullt r or txinrlmenl with uorthli- prt puratlon 1 whin tin gt iiulnt iti ii ittt 1 in ih purchusid tvirywhtn wi win tht 1 txlli oh all ft i 104 stouul nit 11 new puh buuki rr huvt u wt akin sa 11 in onn iurllcular line it iih man who atudlia plesyeholo and u4- bis ouu u hi illy to iul 11 uuir pmfe clonal men mil ullllrtitl than otlnrs but wi 11 achlllis heel mimiwhik wt 1 who kniws whirr uiut wtuk mil huuids it lux oncfc in a imiilt wl his olioktcinity of tin atalls ut a wi ii ju l hai our dinner he ilil un ab tilonliii t hlj w1i tud tut hi for 1 tl t noe ui i hi dehie1 litltlltl noi humti t you n uil 11b i li mill un urk uiul m 11 wh 11 1 lulliu 1 lr t 1 muiultr i uplkua your wul 11 1 tu at thr motion wll 1 llu cur ii 1 1 d ctiiumu ir oh s t ur two thr t witk i 11 rt 11 u un ufteruihiu 111 hi n no brldt parly mauir id mill r worm iiwdero ucl uuir lhlv uiut mm lachlc mid intt liuul j111l piivi imui the child w thou b 11 tiled and wlllwut lur nit 1 it e the iillinr they aix palnle untl rfi 1 t in ui lleui und ut ull tttin will muni a hrulthy intdltl hl 1 11 tin inluulll toiuueh und mun lulu highest prices paid for butter fat ivl us a tiuauihone 53 halton cream butter co milton and acton cha thompson manager acton branch used car parts u t toek und can promptly supply usd parts for uil makch t f ar 1 tiu sm ti per lent of the cosr of new parts and jer priilllull a m d due radiators uc hnu mi hand all kinds of new und used ar radiators t il isnnahle pi iees h wolfond sons li w1u1 slixti tuclph ilium- ouclph 2331 di ian 11 nil tuotal ur luiru jiouaoi hiimu iimtaam wamlious cay nawrntirii or rig lit dvarokl ouao kill itull im tatdm to cuunfil ittbiulanl tjuflltiy tleiulrldx ad r f tr me- uromcula lor fro ctlajitf nrtavt mltual whlhil oil uil ildren cry for casfdiia mqnierj fletchers cistoni is especially prepared to relieve inf nits m inns inri onldreii all ajcb of conhtipition wind colic to sweeten stomach flatulency oi irrhe i regijitc bowels aitlsmlheassunilationof i und irtiootitf clicerfulnris restana natuml sleep without opiates to avoid imitatinns utw i a i m i i r the si nature of proven duet li ns u ih iliy iliani rvcrywhere recommend it wn ir mid tin wultii wt huvi hail 110 pupnj luii loi thin iluyo om 11 kllli tin 11 ul injury unui ti nliul null i urm ii iu mi t runs uptruttiu th bt iuk un tlfittlvl viiiulml hiulth 1 ulni hi eastern steel fkodiicfe pbeston ont m urn tw oj yoracio free press ads will sell your goods let us convince you leave anton ar the wwuv 10 10 a m 4 10 p m 7 00 p m and on oaturdaya ounday and holidays 11 00 p m leave aeton tat oaoriretown norval llrampton toronto j0 m 1135 a m 7 35 p m and on saturday oundays and holi days 1033 p m life insurance we deal only in life inxuranoa and are pleased to explain uie various pollelca best suited to your requlrementa it will eurpiise you the varied forma of nollcleji that can be writ ten ui cover your present builnau need a request for lnformauon does not obllgutt you hi any way frederick l wright btracauuh imperial uje awmuuw ca x canada phone lflzj afat su aetaa hark bvery grave nothbig la more lastlnji or more appropriate to exunmamorata the memory of loved ones who have ffone before than beautiful granite well carved with our present equipment and facilities no plant u better prepar ed to offer better values or a better ktock to chnoce from than can be secured at our plant you owe 11 to yourself to see our stock and gvt quotations on monuments marken or comer btonca before placlnu ar order anywhere special quatatuiu prvau en ail ortlwi plaead befer april is acton monument works ijuhubaj 18 j nicol pilonb iu savage company jewuojuty watches hil vi ttwake cuinawaoe silver tableware notej for quail tj uojirately rrtced mail rnquiilieu ukceive imlouit aitentioh lowtirwyiulham rt hiu 571 gueuui

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