hull ur u 1 cl kr hf i tl e it ui y lufiiii v iwhn j l u- i j ll r lu uauuiko mrcautniyhoi ukij oil saturday march 33 1131 ly hv ii j ur- intyn ivy lutlwl daughter of mr and wm chu- ilolnfl n nf vancouver c to ur itoydm ii mrcaruiey win of mr unci mm a mccartney mlulon city h c into pojin tlie hospital at tlmmliu on thursday morning uiareli 3a 1030 george a phi belowd kin of mr and mrs arthur id in hut 34th year hawick at drlnvby in monday april 1 1020 at the residence of lirr daughter mrs ii m 1 121 wood kleannr drakr relict of uie late wm iluuke in hrr 00th year if artntt sltst jjrati thursday aputl 4 1020 vk s ijotrid ffwi yyzzr neighborhood news kuooo iim r low r of our unpin in uinm i prime tipprnurhm morn clow haso kikjstn flu fniillniium it nnd public hclioobi to twllly lluu uhn llki lo hlun tin rl d lu t ilumduy fur ihi imu r hnlljlltth unit hrlghli n ti th rw r ulur lurwilo uu mr and mm ml ji 1 liir primu limik for the hnlldiy mlsn j willi tin on 1- d hammmd iwnt 1 uui r ullh mr w j mcdonald minn orntiliir glnrrldtp of ii ram pi on li pending tlir- holiday at hi r home here riir hack road arc drying up nicely and the earn an able to run again mm suuilfy malthrun anil donald i jwtlt a iu tla hen int week mrn a a clarrldi i n lurnlnji to toronto ulth ujcin well april came in with plenty of roar anyway aprils here i now lor fcarm showers and pretty flowers the weather was ideal for the easter liollday good pridoy it a all right to start uie garden now with a seed catalogue pirn did minor damage at rrunton a oarage in georgetown on monday tile maple syrup from the neigh boring farms is a real delicacy now the windstorm on monday cleared out a lot of dead wood in the tree tjie roads are now in pretty fair condition for uie car demonstrations fruit trees are now being sprayed by uioee wlio expect satisfactory crops looks like a fairly early spring well coon know definitely whether it is or the weather wan ideal at easter for uie annual display of new spring toe gry work in the home borden la already under way by come of our f handed residents easter flowers made beautiful live mtstfartlttare removed uils week tlielr new store formerly uie co lli irhiin the follnulnu i the rlnndlng of thr puplu of dulfcrln school b li no 10 hi fjiirlnff for th mouth of march in ordrr of merit jr iv vcma joe mirrln toncltl grace fmhloft jr iii mabel pane anfmo lonellt nia oaklij hilly mcrrltt jr ii laura iloniui charlri mills amrlla tunelll ur i joan wall beatrice mrrrlu flr pr qillnta tonclll jr pr chnrljr wall carney bonus cinrence bonus denotes rxamlnatloni muxcd n if hall teacher li iirjn n h j l li f uirlr jn rlui lunpi nth r pie wlulrr lemi i ho- uho imvi ln hurhlnjf ttt don- d if rton mid llonoru miuillotilln i lurid ml i ldnil m ivurm miwi mllroy and qioritr iorrnnrr are cnjoylnu un ir hulldij in our mid i 1u mr uniidh r of ilalllnnfad con duitd rrvln ut the lo- 1 ilunday nu 1 arrnmriit of uie lord a flupper uai olierd at thr irerbylerlait church- sunday monilnc i rejiaratory cervlo i vtirr held krldn rwiilnu nnd hia l intlon nddn jd hy uie pa tor itci ikhl li rl j in tidl furilii hy ihlnit it iirijm in ihi form or u u w flimirlnit i hriibi nrur thr hotivn and n luniminl nnvtr it d at thr iwirdi t of he laun in liuyliuc upplr trn r li i duyn the mil ury of kjxrhucrd yniurn is to unlled clmrcir ronflnr thr varwtltr to a lew ntandurd one 1 hr mmc idi n appllrn u the plant lull of iiotatorn in fnct uie hl rroai m in prln and adjnlnluu townrllin han irrldrd thal u li moct itrnfluiijir in coutliii their iintutoei nnw to luo vttrl llri irl h c litili r and ijoolryi l i lelln hallinavad it in hamilton fauier rev family mrfi illakc vannatur thtn aeek vultlng her mr waddell mr a an ton haa mo from here to aeonjclottn mr qtrodccr is movlna his family to erin vlllaac uiln week liavlun rented his form to mr clark of deaniotoun friends from a distance uho atlcndcd the funeral of the late joseph allen en- mr and mm joseph benluun mr and mrs jaclcwm and mrs prancls mr thomas nnd hlkln campbell of tor onto mr and mro harry carth of terra cottft mr and mm illnnlc returned home from toronto on saturday after cpend inn a neck wlui friends uiere h h no h nashaoaweva tlie rollowlna l thr sciiool itejiort or s s no 0 notcaflawcya form v marlon anderson sr iv ocorne wallace jr iv catherine anderton leonard brxjwnlow charles hcnderton jr iix harold uarber evelyn storey junes wallace sr l max storey chruuna wallace sr pr dorothy barber reginald a ftnney teacher the entertainment heilnxs s no was well attended tufcrho ill amjuuta ulyniladtheehah watr ittfndcd tut ruofi opera uv store keep uie road draff eolng it not only fuut uie ruts but unoouut the road uay and keepu the surface dry the lawn roller can come on parade now but there 11 be ample time before uie lawn mower is hi demand fortunately uie loe came off the trees and wires on monday momlns before uie hlfih wind developed all atones in acton are now occupied and uietr variety offers uie local aliop- pers splendid aliopphuj facilities march came hi with sinulune arid warm temperaturut and it went out with a snow storm and chilly weather we appreciate the assistance of our readers tn supplylnff us wlui their visitors name this weeks hit is quite luiguiy our monthly subccrlpuon accounts bo out nest week the usual promptl tude- of subscribers will asmln be appre- clabkl up to uie time of coins to press we have baen one of the few communities it seems who have seen no trace of orval qhaw preoonununlan services in uie unit ed church this evening the sacrament of uie lords supper at next sunday mornings service numbers of farmers have been busy wlui uie maple syrup harvest thr past fortnight the run of asp lias been ex ceptionally good the cuter music at the- church servlcm last sunday added much to the splendid easter messages delivered by uie clergy of the town alterations are in progress now for uie changing of qymoni warehouse on u1i street into a garage which will be occupied by ur fred mcdowell councillor harrison ha purchased from ur a- o easton the frame dwell ing on iuver streel incidentally a pan pssss advertisement negotiated uie deal mens clothes should harmonise wlgi uie hair says a fashion expert oee wilts t what docs that mean for uie baldheaded man ahelboumo econ mrs ben the xmw choir leader of uie united church made her first ap pearance with uie choir on easter sun day she created rather favorable un presalons mocvonnell agricultural representative for halton county gave a short address and provided moving pictures of an in icrtaung and tnstrucuve nature the dublin orchestra supplied splendid muaic which was much appreciated the regular monuily meeting of the duke of devonshire chapter of uie i ode was held on tuesday evening at uie home of miss u j uaodonald church street kastertlde has passed with its week of school holidays nd now the ijiool pupil have the twenty fourth of may r5 the object for the next holiday and i clyi s b no 10 lein the following is uie easter report of examinations of s 8 no 10 erin v class louise swaclrhamcr 75 honors 3r iv tdlui russell 74 g harold uclntyrc gb4 mildred poster 50 4 jr iv roy foster 77 honors annie burgess co 5 frank qwackham er c3 g vera mceachem 57 b icouileen farcy 33 4 stewart rtusell 45 8 jack cole 43j iil cbicii bessie spear 10 sr ii emily thompson hdd vctna foster 650 dorothy burgess 54 5 r ii ruth cole 315 marlon mc donald 43 d sr l douglas mceachem 0 honors audrey mclntyre 75 honors viola spear 07 0 jr i archie mcdonald 53 7 lena cole 43 5 sr pr dorothy foster honors mar caret owaclchamer honors willie thompson honors jack mclntyre jr pr charlie burgess russell john son annie mcdonald clarence johnson ahscnt for one or more examina tions l n stecn teacher clitnn whit returned to clei land i rlday mondiil after a plu m holldii in nnd nroiliul flnckuood willi l n mrinrh r of uie police force of thit rltj nnd ha lu ru pending his lioll du in llnckuood and vicinity for ill pa- t f w j i arc mr and mr flllnguorth croft and on of illoomlwedalr were recent visitor- at the hamr- or mir jos ii croft mr bruce hellbronn and ml nessle hi lllmmn of sai inaa mich were re- l itori ot the home of mr and mm uu war i li i toy on mm r ii wanbrough and daughter ir- tmlth of acton rpent a day last rek lth mrs prank day hartir holiday vtltom mr uwnard mill and mr ja hanson of qliawa llti mnruiret uicker fit peterboro mr and mn r ii richardson and family oi vlnrlnnd mr robert croft of tor onto mus jean torrance and mr johnston he at or slmcoe mr clar vxvc ljnch of ouclph the fine weather on oood friday brought a fro- from ottier places who pent oil day down the valley road and tome alio painted some pictures aloni the rucr bank mr and mrs angus carter and family mouirrd to seoforui on good friday and spent the day then- in ot to in martyred i it j klltltf i 1st oi same wi diir dii ajtrll 10 mirtqdiir flair f mnrlrj farm ijiui ilmf at tjwby n i i acton at two p m illots mist llntuii n drug flti re acton a pnrkanc ot rnnpihot lllina if uiey uerr pleked up inadvertently will uie farty win j t hum kind return to vee par ioiiicx thry arr photon of a drceaned fittnil nnd highly priced auto tilts what is home without a car motor accidents ore often caused by looc nutj and often by a tight one friend to motorlt how much cpeed has your car got motorul up to fifty dollars and itoblnnn i met my wife in a very funny ay i ran over tier hi my car and later married her brown if rvcrybody hod to do that uiere wouldn t be ja much reckless driv im aluayi uorrlcd about finding a parlcljic plncl whcn i cct down- toarn 3tiizjuu5 jtrratficf 3oniramrried 4e i m g car o i will be able to worry about the parking problem too gl sarah is there anything you want from town uils morning sarah well si you might stop in at one of them lores and buy a jar ol uiat ira flic jam i ve been hearing oo much about easy enough to be pleasant whrn your automobile is in trim but uie man worth while l the man that will smile when he ha- to ride home on uie rim fertilizers for tho garden prepared cnmmrrctnl perlllla rs for garden u i clronr t and mo t viin omlcnl j w nannnirtf plume ibs mil street ac ion weekehd specials i lb aikicors tor 10 lb uanui all i sufau 1 lbs iirst lilci 1 tin miilionaikt sakdinis for 2 iaclicl iavoi ini for 1 pnckcln ninso tor hard wat l soap tor i lawfir ghait truit ror i dozen okangrs rulnrly 2si tor i llnp choice potatoes for jill il j ii c 2it- jic 2ic jlk 7lc new wjmtsiblis alwij- in kioi 1c see our new prints nlw drta1ns dress lengths nelson co mill street acton specials at the mclean iore highway grocer wednesday half holiday commencing wcdncday april 10 uie banks of acton will close uieir renrcuvc place or business on wednesday afternoons at u30 o clock and continue unul ocobcr 30 1030 week end specials oui1lin at the cloe of uie school last thurs day a presentation to one of uie pupils was held ilaxcl woldle is removing from uie school secuon and her fellow pupils made this tlic occasion for show ing their esteem for her a short pro gramme was held and hazel was uie recipient or a bcauurul french ivory clock rrom uie pupils of uie school thc following is the standing of uie pupils at dublin s s no b esqucslng for march sr iv hasel woldle lawrence web ster rachacl kelly henry kelly billy mcphednin walter fryer wllmcr fryer stewart ruddick signa webster annie black wilfred woldle st iii beatrice kelly viola itobcrt ton sr n to jr iii wulle woldle elmer ruddick r n lo 8r el ales woldle mary robertson frances mullen dorothy prnnfc sr l cltbord wcbrter jr i ida fryer annie kelly sr pr wluic ritchie billy robert my rlchc- conl1 not in uie extent of ny poase4nns but in the fewniu of ny wonla j brothcrton bargains in used farm equipment i- 13 hot champion drill 2 15 plsc cocicshutt drill 3 deefung manure spreader 4 mossnxuanrtia rcdpalh granulated fj su 10 lbs tor ot c good quality standard corn 2 no 2 sux tin of tins tor ujrc bi more or burford pens 2 no 2 sue tin 0 tins for ctlq taney chocolate oo biscuits i lb for ltltq cream of wheat oo per packet liltc vcston b peerless or mind ma s cookies 2 packets for 25c junket powders all oo flavors 2 packets tor ejt quick quaker oats oc large iackct for joc del monte faney ja i ruit salad no 1 i in luc aylmer choice peas q no 1 sieve 2 fjo 2linsjic y ni ttiuduorna iithhpv uonure- sprcader 713 blodc cocicshutt disc hur row wlui fore truck a crown oona plow d tudhope andnrtson quebec bulky plow 10 massey ijatetus walking 3 furrow gang plow 11 no 13 delaval cream scpftr alar 600 lb- copaclty 13 no 15 delaval cream separat or 750 ibj capacity 13 viking cream separator new 143 ii p international engine 15 5 h p john deere enable 1g c ii p lister canuck engine pioneer equipment company telephone 1030 13 woolwich street qnelph ontarut 5 bars comfort soap and tvmmniardt hkjhwaygrocelt store news from parker bros two trn lint carcasses ol beef in this week troni the farm ot mr bain of bramosa lxtra i resh ekeh guclph creamery ituttcr cooked and smoked meals of tlic bent quality this weeks specials- pork and beef liver per lb la id per lb 15c lgc w nesbitt proprietor younc street acton phone 189 silk itloomlks i ml i hi ivy ill im sill lllooiiili in siiihi pe 1u1 plllkjilne i ll n i mill v line in m ill speeiillhl week d t i i li i i hi tp a 1 lj hoys pi i i ovlr swlatlks ii wml sie 21 to 12 sinil mil link red ileek spe i il till- wee i i mln s si itll i wis i iii only iii till lol ll l i hi all wnil i 1 life lc llllir li 0ij s eeml ll k i i iiovs iom iams eijes ind iwetils liints llinf will 11 ih i i in j im j we ir kiiiilnr m so s eli il i i 1lvs silk m hooi s ks j r e liulfe ill pilllenis lo lk llolll mil it i j ui il rie pi r pair mlvs i am v so ks hi i nil ill lfculll 2ie s el il llll week l f ill fur ijc i i for oil i im i linoi ll ms i j hipmlii t lo hand ihi wlck all new utern ind nut nius iii ri 111 150 450 275 60c specials in groce j p lft i asms q i lilir er ekile i wc i i i ioc 7loilel piper oc hiki ihilni fff lre for dc i i i jc 25c i 25c 55c xhile swim pine ike infant s deiijht so ip i nkes for 1 sin ill hipso i small 0di i 2 1 j s 2 nest ivor vc ash ijisii ill for mclean co mil l street ton ovt s s we sell the best for less and deliver fry s cocoa lb tin for 22c crisco v lb tin for 4c aylmer pure marnxalade 33c tomato ls large tins 2 tar 25c these are only two of our special prices inquire at our counters and you will find that qyality eonsidered our prices are lowest e k young teacher limliiouhb a prlday reeve mason and mag is urate moore are on uie programme at uie annual banquet of uie milton horticultural soc lety this evening mrs mason and mrs moore are also invited guests tlic central cloudng store has moved into uie store in the stark men block formerly occupied by mr a tlresor and opened a clothing and dry goods store on thursday hue spring is here i the best statistics prove its entrance to uie dol almanacs arc not for myxucs so i study them a lot shall i clieertng be or whining whats the weather like today every man slioukl liavc a small wood loe if for no other reason in order uiat til boys ought learn how to use aote the next generation ue fear will not know how to bind a sheaf or whet a scythe pannrra advocate th toronto globe said on tuesday morning in its comment on auilcuc meets uils year many meets of national importance will be held one at uie unl veralty of toronto stadium on may 34 acton ontario is contemplating a meet on dominion day eighteen member of uie women s ululonary society of acton united church ottcntld uie easter meeting of ui aaorgitown w m s tliey were cordially welcomed and their appreciation of uils was flulngly voiced in a vote of uuuiks by mrs g il uwiuer cum borer acuvlues are to be rn forced in uie 34 counthji of ontario where uia ravages of uils pest have btm found all corn sluhble must iw turned under uie sol ur burned tins cuan up meuiud has lou huooful in many localities hal- tou corn giirs are auuuig uie 34 couxlues the meeting or those interested in hydro in llmchouc and vicinity will be held in uie united church here on m ry to morrow night an engineer from the hydro commission will be present i i give full lnfarmauonon the subject on thursday evening a miscellaneous shower was held t the liiime of mrs 1 unwell whui mr i ably and miss i ary macdonald were uie icclplenua of numerous beuutlfu glfe previous lo their marriage at uib event about two hundred guests assembled during uie i vcnlnn rev kenneui miclcan of oeorgeuiwn in his speech uke cry i ighly rf ui- young couple mr guiy i mde a very ruling reply the out i ere then opened by mu duru gowdy cf llmchoue ihr names beliuj read by miss nellie hall of actip uirnre parcd i the bride and groom to be and lo mrs norton or lmehuur who placed i ach article on a beautifully decorated tabu at th- conclusion of uie preaen tauon mr otsby on bchair of himself nnd miss macdonald thanked uie people for uielr bcauuful gifts and kindness i i tended to them on this occasion 1 rlcnds were prcstnt from the surround- ng viclnlly acton guclph and toronto itcfreslimcnts were trved and a socuil time was enjoyed by all thr following la uil rrxirt of ui caster examination at llmrhousc iub c school s s no 0 euiucslng sr iv william newton bj lorcne mltchtll 7fl jr iv elsie davis 71 oilvi tyres doris qowdy 55 harold john in3d sr iii dennis hill 70 60 itobcrt lane cq i ijoyd given 64 eva ryrra tojn pack edith tyres uly tan- ii 73 harry umtthunt co earl bcott 63 jr h margaret brown 8v mar- crry johnson 01 dnrnuiy clrovtu 73 myrtle iarnell 7j n wilheml john in 48 iir i peggy snirt hurst 84 grorgr tarzuell 74 dorothy juhiuon jean parnell n l jirlliir ivactur it u not unnatural or uuunrmal for a hrn lo sit aitd hat h out rjilcfcuui but it uui t done much nowadays family lire alu t what it usld to tn parker bros quality and service butchers hone 16 wc deliver lrompljy our opening has not ended yet- jesti going on jc p ou c tub now opln to all those that purchase zzio uoici ai j over f anl 5 to may 10 are entitled u n ah wot itathinksuil now look at our puicls cahiiarttj q c llb per ialr 1 03 kltuto il oveitai lh m r pair 1 43 mrn a falnmg working ianu lw t mutt 1 93 l4uu heavy work shlrli lor oflc mens all wool heavy working ixxks 3 pair 1 00 iewb dress socicj ic r pair i5e muns 6prlng coat all liutl i sprrlal s13 50 mens pelt haln ull lylrn u hliauci lt 4 05 siwclal ut ii j 5 mlns dlretis i ants all wool or j3 mens spttlna caps for 1123 hoys boys alx wool jultieys fir 08c children b fatocicings j pair fi r 5c boys lono pants regular jv now si do children ilerfiri ami tbiili u iimjli i r 1135 iaoiis ooraesue j j i jk bliartenlnc in i i ihj bulk per 16 v 3 f 19 shut toas z tins for am salmon i lb tlni 25c 19c 7 barb pearl soap and i packet steel wool 10c bize for 97 i0 37c l for post toast ii s superior raking fowder n 25c palasnllvc sbavlnf cream 29c lily nuand haiinil- tin 22c 22c srn i soai ur 21c 19c 16c westons creamy cracker soda wafers 2 mill stkxet phone vour order to hills acton sprin specials hclou nrt ll4tcd a few hukestiorts u inch ire priced econ mirnlu to help ou secure the nuin nettiitifs of pnnj ktad them kir and sae mone 29c 69c i adii s aproins re he e ef i eli ll it eaeh adies mil idcloth iloomers i lors r e i lee cf m iul i eaeh and u hue bpeei i per j r 0jc idle- hruadeloih prlllee slips ssiriid i 11e il ti 11 fxtra speeml it el h iadifs supfrior yljalm sllll mnv r f nude pearl blush bl lek hid lio vio i iii ip see il 2 pur for 4jc i i p 1 rgf- b i h tow r1 s e i i3c i biis rdbkfcr i ants sjeeiil u 1- l adies broadeloth smoeks ss j a id s q seeill at eaeh jc un s soli ll us size i i i i i u i il a h 5c lei s work shirts di title t t li j h e isi i sk i du d i ill i i s zes ii i ee ll ii i letl 1 i sti kerill pauls k ul i i i spu il ii i er i ur n ii iv i i s it 69c 145 the maple leaf economy store ail s1rlct i ion ovrvitio ilooo hhudi i mid up s3 00 ut dn p a 11 fur ly knit 111 93 til eciai- all hllk dres inttl styles lugula bpirlal ladles coata light english iwli pockets pur colluri mhiii much mure at iil uuderwmr lateit mmilci 1 to go at 79c vcu to match iadlcn olngham hihim ln vj i u lirirriil stylm to ctiimirf fnim itr ii i 1hr c3e fullest sliadeii of i unl lj prints and kaun siiuh at iowest pncw qv iiavk trikii tiik kkst now iui at tijl iut centra clothing dry goods store in 1iik stahkman 1ilock miij strllt acion this weeks specials lllilt iimi i i ms ii im i i 11 at pattersons me- n tt 1a its round t1 ak roas1s per 11 hoici rih roasts per ih i hick rih roast pel ih mi i 111 pel ih pokk cuts llll pork h ihe me per ih i l kl 1 i slui pdkk pel ih idi bacon hy tin pieee per ih c b swackhamer h nlli l diklc ihi iiu 1 n t stlh 1u ll 1 t m 1 mtl lit ii nil l u w t ft tstv u cnv iilt l i ion i s i iuo i 1 i jar4 f s lr d iii mi ju i 1 h 1 1 jji d 1 i lard iiomi kl ndi kl i i attu pel lb 16c better and simpler i i i il v n i i il the i i i i ll th ids i ins 11 i tllll si m si 11 cooked meats tllll line of the chniecsl c ooked mints old ii un i in loaf jellied t onpue llnlofinu lleadelieese pussil it i in ed beef r- our irk ls int hum dkiimln on ml vriitlls pattersons meat shop ihoni 170 mill slkilt acton iki iu in i i i i i 1 e i e i i i i i i iii i i i l ll l 111 i i llll six iii ike ii i i ll ii hie illeil v h nisi h lh ihe i i 11 i n un ik i i ik ui i tin milium i il i 1 k i i 111 ill i k tul i i se 1 f i si mill su i ill in i i i s sli ill is moll i i 1 li i ni i ll ll i 1 ll iii i i i i ll i ll i i i hut iii uil iiiiisinll 11 i i i i i h esellls i d i i mini n nihlili n i i it i s 111 1 1 i ill i litiiins jli r iiiiiiitt ii i i i u i in attain i i ll ii ml eid v i til i si u in i i i ll i u lemilllli hi i i i ntlihiius i lh hu i iii 1 i i in llll iii ullnle nil i haik i 111 j u i i i i iiiii ihi ihihlits im liiieiiiiiinnlliiiiilili ill ll 1 e i e iiiiilii ii i e uest issihli llsi tllllll ll i iii i e e d ill 111 ill nun inuiu lit i eilse norton motors acton loiurioun ni vu vi i unl trut aiiessorus iiu t mil oil i rt ir olutr plow kip iirs phonl d pitoiuri slumci r