Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 11, 1929, p. 2

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ehr artnit 3fmtesri thuiuiijay aiuiijl 1030 tin lovi o floi llkr n rnullr rnrklng for km if ullcnt pmrrful to mid fro llkr a inothrrii sweet looks dropping on thn little fncr below hangs the green onrth winging turn inn jarlrin nnlnrlrrn infc and alow ill i in the utthl o gods face bending down rind watching un brlow and an feeble bahes that suffer towi and rry and will not rest are tlic ones i he tender mother holds the clnncit lovrs the beat do when v a n ro wenk and wretched ijy oumrlvi weighed down distressed thru it la unit qod s grrat patience holds un ctonest lnvro us best o ureal heart of ood whose loving cannot hindered be nor crashed will not wrary will not even in our rtrath i live if iw lostl love divine i of nurh great loving only mothern know the cost cont of love whlrh nil lave passing gave itself fo save thn lost just plain folk spring fever written specially for the free press by judy oguady lyi jfrrr- jlrrah iiirt gtiuii the sorrel span ijy milam iiamill varneil u1u hiwt nkjut in a citv uwuhv amh1hino it couldnt imppiii now imgrtii n iracllrnl jokm are ntvnr ntltr ito tluir- ninii who in u tlurn in the rullroad oughly jiullsfurhiry un when thry react world to a rtipnrur for tin n urn ull nn the lierpilrutor a kpullrmun who kludn of frlmidly mul protective agencies in nolcd for hln fonrlmnit for pleasantry thnt look aftar lonely country iwiya but nttimpted the other day to have u llttln thlrtyflvn yearn ago when i a boy of nimnemrnt nt the expense of lit wife fourucn in search of a job arrived in lie wan pnvilim along the it rent when u ijy jamra nijcicllam a ian i thnt hln rami should so conn lie r v dlclaht urn that horsr would nhakru to its foundations by thn most bll chore boy 1 make a irnt rate match foi nervllo and meanest of temp lit ions in j yours wouldnt it mr hen- nn liuiuint hr whirled about and came dcrcon the v ii logo storekeeper 1 bnrk to xlr hackett ilepptd out upon the piriform of hln mr ilnckntt ho cried i want you lore nml in id a friendly hand on the j to kno boulder of his young annlstant alouzo lawyer lon be was universally cilld lover of horses his f atari und grandfather had been no before him and he had n local reputation for ills lnowledri of horseflesh and horse nature me monthi previously un hart iwutetit n fine sorrel morgan horse which fully cnllzcd hln ideal of equine beauty sound- ii m and speed and his great desire ince then had been u find a suitable nute for hli pet so that he might liold ha rnlns over as fine a span as pounded the hard slate ronds of lelci county lon started as if waking from the pell of nn overpowering fascination iucm n fii llm nn to keep we arc in the uiroes of a belated fjprlnglover partner has been crowd ing two mens work into one mans time in hln zeal to have the odd jabs done before needing tlioy never will be done they never ajo hut we always live in hope that a certain amount will be ac complished regular work la a dif ferent matter one stays with it until the finish but odd jobs have a way of being done or undone according to a person temperament and the time avail able colncldent with our ardor for orderli ness com en the childrens enthusiasm to resurrect treasures that have been frosen in the ground all winter we tell them to play in the sunniest places sheltered i from tho penetrating oprtng winds conj jiequontly we cannot blame them when they select the front steps facing south as most nearly fitting our description tliere they collect more un cans than i have ever used which leads me to suspect that surreptitious visits have been paid ui the rubbishheap in the back held when mr henderson touched him the uhouldcr a stranger had driven up lo the porch of the hotel which immedi ately adjoined the village stare and was waiting for the proprietor to come out the strangers home was an exact counter part of lono own a shapely glossy wrrel with arching nock small welleel w eyes tie jmi head and the delicate cleancut limbs i larhc nrm hand ttnd oidcd of a speeder no wonder the boy was fascinated he could hardly trust hu senses it almost seemed ss if his strong that i can cure your horse cribbing in twenty minutes so that he will never do it again the only reason uhy im gnaws the manger or any wood that be can get at is because his teeth are too lonf thry force ills jaws apart and ninkrttthcni ache he gnaws to try u weljjtliem down and of course thn rtnawlnjund pulling niako him swullow wind and in time ho bloats and gets out of condition that u all that alls nny cribbing horse ndw i can take a lltuo veterinary saw and cut your horses teeth to the right length atid he will be cured i know it i was tempted to keep cr this knowledge bock and so cheat you i and yet your horse for a aong rut i thank oodl ive been kept from doing such n wrong mow you say youd jlkc your horse if only be wore sound i can make him sound if iou11 stop over a day if i dont succeed if i injure him in any way ill buy him of you and give you a hundred dollars tor him there was a strango glistening light in mr llackctts eyes as he put out his s in cordial grasp that lasted fully a minute then he said lon my boy im glad i for what you tell me about the horse but im mora glad for what you say dm mint hiivc token uu lm ol younu ovor you j say q ood nlghtl of cauroo4 have suruid in i thirertrjru the point which partner does not entlfujilastn sliarc i happened to mention that our bed room was golnff to be my first job well remarked partner whats the use of dolnjr that we go to bed in the dark and we get up in the dark- we never iee it anyway so wheres the sense however nothing daunted i got to work with mumsco and paint putting as much on the floor as i did the celling and walls and now he grudgingly ad- 1 mlta that after all there is some improve- ment neighbors i have an excellent recipe for dealing with a refractory man no doubt all of you have found that when you want a job done which requires a mans strength and knowledge you can cajole and command or use the best blarney that ever came out at erin and all youll be after getting for your trouble is a promise to see to it sometime here is my recipe wo will presume it is a chickencoop you want made take one saw one hammer a quan- tlty of nails or splits a miscellaneous collection of boards and boxes scatter them in every direction on the floor around you assume an utterly helpless and dejected expression and about ton minutes before the time you are practic ally certain the man of the house will come along start in on your job if as he approaches you can ffently yet with every appearance of violence hammer your thumb so much the better a sll wo women ore aware the vanity of man is gross and when he sees a woman making a terrible mess of a slmpls job he cannot resist the impulse of showing his superior skill and the job is done as with every recipe the proof of the cake is in the eating so try it neighbors and watch the result i have never known it to fail we arc told hope springs eternal in tho human breast and every season seems to have its characteristic temper omental effect hope seems to be thi- natural accompaniment to spring an optimistic nature is an excellent rvttrlbutc providing it doesnt end there i think if i had an escutcheon i would choose as my motto the old arabian proverb trust in god but tether your enmel we most of ui trust in qod but we dont all tether our camel that is to say we dont always lake a fair share of responsibility but trust too much to the almighty to provide for our earthly needs i remember about this ttme last year i was up at the employment bureau in toronto partner not being able to get away the place seemed to be teeming nlth men yet not a man could i hire in passing somo remark to one of the officials he answered yes they are all of them looking for work and half of them praying to ood they dont get 1l farming at times is quite a problem and after all what is it but a cycle spring summer and autumn we are working to provide food and proven drr for the coming winter during uie winter we feed on that which wo have garnered in order to keep health and i strength in man and beast to prepare us for the spring again and luflnltum waking dream why it seems to mo you look kind of daecdl laughed mr henderson come wake up and see if you cant buy that horse before the man drives off if you and your sorrel both lived to be a hundred youd never find such a match as that again the front platforms of the store and the hotel not only adjoined but joined to suit the convenience of a former store keeper who had owned and run both establishments and alonxo sawyer walked rapidly along the planks and iiccostcd the stronger he was a straight forward boy and as usual he cam luns little veterinary taw worked the cure which ho claimed it would the sorrel horse seemed to understand what was being done for him too for he kept perfectly still during the operation after two days test dun ng which the horse did no more cribbing mr hackett walked into the store and laid one hundred and nixtynve dollars in bills on the counter before lon thats for the operation he sold but i never charge more than ten dollars protested lon well young man replied mr hac kett tta my righ i su to pay asked tharattan in site carriage- iookcdiip with a friendly but somewhat incredulous smile lon was only seventeen and rather small for his age i dont know but what i would do you think you could find me a buyer for him ill buy him if hes all right replied the boy with a slight flash of indigna tion in his eye ive cot the money if i am young and ive got the horse thatll match yours like the other yolk a double egg well he isnt all right admitted the stranger frankly so i suppose that settles it i wouldnt cheat any body in a home trade least of all a boy la your home all right7 yea replied lon rather curtly the boy resented the strangers implication vhnt he was too young to protect himself in a horse trade he jumped down from the platform and walked round the lorrel eyeing him critically meanwhile the hotelkeeper came out leisurely fashion wiping his hands on ills shirt sleeves want to put up he asked the stranger that depends how much farther is to danville ten and a half miles is it then id better ston here over night i guess well how is it young man he added turning to lon plnd any faults getting a trifle large in the barrel for proportion replied the boy may i look in his mouth of itourse lon started the llpa of the sorrel with firm skilful hands one glance at thi can either kecir tlie money or put elbhtyifvaaoliiez uhiraita4uynyj home these are the only two alterna tives understand that this explains how alonso sawyer hap pens to be driving the finest span of sorrels in leicester county mr hac kett luu not lost track of him either strictly honest business men with large aommerclaj interests to manage do not discover sound integrity in a young man nnd thon forget it there is a well- founded rumor that lon is golnff down to the city in the spring to accept an important position in the big wholesale establishment of hackett stevens i co teeth af the animal told him the whole yo any tiling devoted parents arc heroines in the mast unci peeled places in the slums of the tene ment- haute districts are selfsacrlilclng women bringing up families the best they know how without money conveniences oi comforts but doing their poor beat to give their children the benefit of ducatlon the new york sun tells the tary of one unknown heroine i couldnt go on any excursion no maam she replied wearily to the offer of u day on the water to dress and lake ave of them and keep watch ol them all day an the boat and feel that all my work was undone at home why id be more tired than if i had worked all day the babys outdoors all day with his sisters and lie 11 have to get on with that you look as if you heeded the trip more than the baby said tho visitor couldn t you get away for a day orj week without them it neednt cost chicago lute one afternoon in fleptemlwr dld not know a uiul in the city i hail a letter to a railroad agent from a felativo of my inothnr who nudltor for a railroad and when i left hume i had exactly thirty dollars and twentyfive cent in a huge wallet that had lielongedf in my father i kept it nnlde my shirt the money was what iliualiird of my own savings as news i had besides a big old hloned black glazed bag that con- i lined all my clothes and other nonsefl- i rlonn and one of the extremely heavy iyttwrltern of that period well i started lo lug my bag to the ilj of the man to whom i had the tlter i reached there about tutven oc kl at night and the man of course dm gone the janitor of the building gnvo mc his home addrem and i started out again i had no idea of taking a street car i had spent my odd change for food on the way to chicago and i had six fivednllar bills left but nothing uould have induced me to take out my wallet on a chicago street car oo i walked to the agents house which was away over on the south aide of chicago it was eleven oclock at night when i pulled the bell i thought ii would be all right to pull the door bell at that hour didnt know any better for i wan about as uncouth a yap of a country boy as ever you heard tell of 1lnally the agent poked his head out of a second story window and asked what was wanted i told him what tho dickens do you mean by ringing me up in the middle of the night on such an errand 7 he gruwlod come to my office in the morning and ill look at your letter it was nearly three oclock in the morning when i got downtown again and well what with fatigue sleep incim and homesickness i couldnt stand il any longer i just dropped my black glazed boa and sat on it and blubbered whats the trouble son a huge uniformed figure with a lantern was bending over me i told him nothing to cry about buddy said the big man kindly ah youve got to do is iojjq to a hotel youve got the prii of a bed havent you thats just what im afraid of i replied ive got so much money with mc that im afraid to go to a hotel frald ill be robbed you dont want to be robbed of course how much is it aon its thirty dollars air i told him impressively tfuckod up my bag and xouowetrrdmb5atldcj found ue corner a young fellow was behind the hotel desk hu honest kindly counten ance reassured the and when they sold id better hand over my money to put in the safe i dug the wallet out of its hidingplace and he atuffed it into an pld fashioned key safe j the watchman shook hands with me and bade me good nlffht i never uiu him again but be was a good man i went to bed and slept like a top till noon the next day and leave them all in the clrcet and my husband a meals to gel and the furnished rooms to look after oh no she said hut why do you need to have this lodging house on your hands cant your husband support the family not and keep the children in school ciic said simply we want to glvo them cducatlori and he cant do it un- lory and ho stepped back with a satis fied smile well demanded the stranger crlbbcr responded lon briefly you struck it thai tlmol crlod tho man i see you know a thing or two i bout horses come ovrr to the hotel if tor supper i d like to have a talk with you jxjii nodded and went back to the iru in the meantime the hostler came 1 1 i mn thotiouse id led the awrrl lioisc to the bam hn la a heroine for you sold the iu waa certainly a splendid pecimen visitor to hr companion as they des of horseflesh thought lon and as to cj the stairs his single fault why for one who know uulc turldru whlch i uw real cause of crlbbmg that woan t salvatore lived in two rooms behind his n bad the ypung horse lover chuckled rather a barbershop with his brother o himself as he returned lo his duties a outer ftnd preuv blackeyed mother it the store turldrus father came in from the barber but suddenly the smile died from hb to m au m questions lpo and he looked sober again he had ordered by uie board of health were nver yet cheated in any business trans- answered satisfactorily until it came lo ctlon he had vowed in his heart that j uiat of windows open at night maam said turldrus father firmly no never do wa sleep with our windows open at nlghl we think tou much of our children but you must persisted the board of health visitor if you dont youll keep breathing bad air over and over again and uie baby will be sick and reducing them to hilence a certain english commodore who had tho misfortune to lose a leg in a shark encounter was beset wherever he v with questioners eager to know t when and where he had met with lib iptfl he finally invented an expedient toi suppressing his tormentors he wouk promise to answer them one qucstln bat only one on the subject the qjrs- tlon invariably was how did you lose rur leg and the invariable anawr it ana bit off which of course left his ivarrs tm times more curious thnn ever rrancis denk the hungarian states man used to rid himself of urrsome visitors in much the same way by telling them the following story once when in paris napoleon paid a visit to a hospital for old soldiers among the inmates was an old man who had lost an arm the emperor asked him where did yuu lose your armf at waterloo sire then no doubt ou curse the empt nr and your country for your fate 7 on the contrary said tlie veteran for the emperor and my country i would sacrifice my oilier arm i can hardly believe it said the rmperor the soldier immediately drew a nabrc from its shratli and lopped off the other arm at this point deak would pause and look at thn visitor demanding wliat is your opinion of such an action a most sublime ucl of selfnucrlnre tlie vlsluir was always ready to declare enthusiastically with however one flav would be thn withering comment iray how could u onearmed man contrive to cut off his only remaining ami tlie story never failed to produce the ditilrcd effect vcr would now he asked himself auld it be cheating to take advantage naturally coming to him from a superior knowledge of horses what is knowledge for except to give us an advantage in life a subtle temptation truly and yet the boy uneasily recognised that ii was i turn pin lion a solicitation to wrong if- kept turning the matter over in you ll all have cons urn puon hln mind unui it was time lo close thfc tno darbcr looted helpless how i slorc for the evening then before he wla you bpcak 111- nc a tht 1 went to ills supper he drupped in ol the i explain to you hotel the stranger was waiting for him 1 rlbbt opcak julian iau the and they sat down in a corner of the visitor in tho tongue of the laid of public room to discuss the matter which i ollvna v ns just then uppermost in the minds tne b smiled radiantly and broke d3tn into liquid syllables accompanied by my name u hackett john hackett i many gestures never would lie sleep began the stranger and the landlord tells j wlth wln open not if he suffocated mc that yours is alonxo sawyer lon for wlth ncbt no wou tlc wuld short which i prefer now lon i dont ftl n upon nla mfttnu7 1io ftopcd vnnlmq make any false representations ilc waa too good a father for that but statements even in a harms trade wny why nat sifinorlna those who know me call mc a square cbu3c lhc majttrltt wou cntel the mm and i want to live ui to that iulht alr wd a the llcplcb utut imputation everywlure and under all cli onea nimsuuircs they tell mc that you are uut amcr a wlln jjj windows open at night and dont you tranger than italians when tea was twenty shillings a iound tcadrlnklng is now so universal a cur torn uiat it is hard to believe that at one time tea waa un epicurean luxury and sold at from ten to twentyfive shill ings n pound nevertheless as late the mtdvlctorlan era a tea caddy filled with a pound of tea was a very hand some present in tlie eighteenth century tcadrlnklng was considered a fashion able pastime and sydney smith in lndy hollands memoirs quotes her 15 saying llwiilt qod for teal what would tlie world do without tea how did it exist i am glad i was not born before tea it was the custom then lo keep tea in handsome tea caddies in a recent article in the london dally express sent4o the salada tea company the following interesting account is given of ths origin and imparlance of the tea caddy the oldfashioned tea caddy was in- variably beautiful in its proportions and i intimate in its associations it is more- onr a rare thing today to find two tea caddies alike the prettiest and moat charming were made between 117ft and 1601 at first thoy were made of mahog any or of aattnwood inlaid with other chclce woods and sometimes painted with flowers or scrolls later on thoy wcro made of lacquer of tortolscshcll of silver or of ivory sometimes inlaid with silver rnj gold and motherofpearl and with b 1 jera of tortolscflhcll caddies fit for llnif solomon a palace if solomon had 1 ii the blessing cf tea sonu of the n 5 cabinetmakers of lhc period in cluding chippendale and hepplc while rclsed their talents to design tea caddies i side these treasures some were made ol i ally cut rlraw work laid in ueo- tc ileal pitltcnis over a wooden box cor such all aw wuik was a hobby of the day some stand on little feet some have 1 tn handle on lhc lid and all havp jnlnty kcyholcu delicious little cabinet ndccdl tlie word caddy comes from a chinese word catty meaning a parcel i if tea weighing about one pound and a third for so the chinese merchants were nccustomed to make up tbolr tea the possessor of on old fashioned caddy should treasure it and use it for la original purpose the collecting of id tea caddies has become quite a hobby in the united b talcs great brllaln and canada toy in n window attracted his stlen tlon the more he examined ltth more hn became ronvlnred that it mu- ncrred great misnllilllues in the way of myntlfylng his friends and thus enter taining himself he purchased one and slarjed for home in great glee the toy wan a utile contrivance with two rollers and a crank like a clothes wringer it was very appropriately called a magic monrymaker for if a piece of pnper wore put between the rollers and lhe crank turned there would comn oul on the other side a now crisp bill- one dollar five dollars ten dollars in short a bill of nny denomination within the limit of thn operators financial condi tion the nerrct was simple enough ijoth rollers were hollow and into one several bills were carefully rolled tlie turning of the crank rolled the piece of paper into one cylinder and at the name time 0110 of the enclosed bills was rolled out of the other the secret was supposed to be known only to the operator to insert a plain piece of while or brown paper between lhe rollers and to take out of lhe olher side a tendollar bill waa of course a mysterious and in teresting performance and the gentle man promised himself cansldernhlo amusement he secured several new lendollar bills nnd after practising the trick one or twice went home what have you got there anked his wife he exclaimed raising his hand warnlngly dont say a word ill tell you all about it after a while its a new invention ive got hold of and our fortune is made he put the little machine carefully on the table and asked her to cut him a piece of paper of tho ilie of a dollar bill which she did now he said i suppose you would like a nice crisp new ten dollar bill wouldnt you why she replied touched by such spontaneous and unusual generosity i dare say i could find plenty of usea for a new ten dollar bill or even an old one very wlcl my dear you ahflll have one and starting between the rollers lhc piece of paper she had cut him he turned the crank and out from the other side rolled a beautiful crisp greenback which he passed lo her saying i think you will concede my dear that this is the quickest way of making money you ever saw i sjiotood lax a moment bpechifw urith dopt yon knnff yru arrpgfirt fori ieoununrfeulngr btop it and throw that thing right away 1 i dare say continued her husband outwardly calm but inwardly sliaken wilh laughter you could use another ten you can have it just as well as not it only takes a minute and cutting another piece from the newspaper lie rolled it in and rolled out a second bill i tell you oeorge exclaimed the now thoroughly excited woman you shall not do this somebody 11 certainly find it out and youll be arrestad ill destroy these counterfeits just as fast as you make them and before her humorous husband knew what she was doing she caught up tlie two bills and tore them into twenty plocas the unfortunate joker spent his leisure time for lhe next week in pasting lhe fragments together lhimt or an oi iici orflrekcflkeni ilk lb in rrm n i other under men pirhnpi vc nilihl 1 are rmniuonly of 11 1 uuililne nnd imjj heiil tinnier an i xunipli i filial in il by the ilonlon cuurjiti did you see the in ldi nl iibnut ymn appointment w win la wi i1i111- uin asked mr niiiflfi r no said mr nomlli niaii bin i aw his srelary and from wiul in 1od me i nhnuld say i vim mid i win what did lie bayr he said thai the insldeut iml n marked when my iiiuik wnn itihniul d that i wan in rrwim ncm iinitn whats thnt7 why its latin nnd muim no r- son greater pntly hlifh pruln ij uiiu from uie pn nldejit thf we may fall n thou nntl llniii hut an long an w un mihaiiu d at our fail ure as long an we dn not iry to rom- fort ourselves for it by 11 can fill purndn of our other virtues ye un in tin pil grims road a c dniiin jmi uhhi for this weather shre wheat high in calorics and wanning carbo hydrates- no fuss or botherjust warm in oven and serve with hot milk maik ixy the cnmullan slircddcil wheal company ld caritoixs cnndaa largest individually ewtmd grocery weekend special savings big canned cotils reductions aylmeh white cbosby fancy quality wt o ji5j crrroll taney craaotfry butter lb 45 aylmrr dmd carrori 2a chour golden was otsn 2 chmc quality pumpkin 2j did you honey7 ever iry creamed whipped mid juirncv aylmer choice quality tomatoes ggjffi ricg to stovi siiirrri nv aehotlane attoy up in the quebec mining dis trict 350 rnllci north of bt pellclcn the manager of n new mine discovered to his horror that he had a fine camp but no cook a love to feed his hungry new crew of miners an urgent telephone call mils put through in general steel warcfc limited in montreal and a sturdy algoma camp cook stove was promptly packed and rushed to the cnr ex press which left montreal at a is p m oirtaarch 22 tho cxpross roared into st pellclen at 7 30 the next morn inn qna the big 740 pound range in its crate was swtftly transferred to a seaplane that lay wait ing for it3 precious cargo two hours later the seaplane with the much expected range landed on a lake near uie mine 350 mllca north of bt pellclcn it was promptly unloaded from he dlnnc set un in the cookhouse and th hungry mining crew had their no n- day meal rooked on thin rang- 1 elgh- trt 11 hour- from noky montreal to the remotest part of th quebec hinterland this la perhaps one of the most re markable deliveries tn the history of awutlon and lias caused a great rt of lnteiestlng speculation throughout tii i at not i ountry ai to what nest uroptun 111 do thought going to waste fancy pi tapioca fry japan rice fancy wh sago 3 pounds 25 golden evebgreen very fine 3 quality jjf um peas sfoal liownirri cocoa v soclaya salmon coronal ion shrimp fancy quality tin lobittr fancy quality urg nn corned deef libbya no i nn 24c 21c 30c 21c soap comfort 10 luu 49c ammonia ho dti 2pkc13c polixlor l lb on 49c cleanser carroll i 2 ilnl 13c rosedale sliced california peaches n 19 spfdsl thr hnldi dnnic toddy 49 pineapple aylmer fsncy cruthcd 2a pcsn harbor brand it grapefruit kusswcet fancy 21c 2 tin 23c un 1 5c 23c macaroni chcuis i lb 27c soda biscuits per lb i6c wrapped bread per loaf 9c choice quality bc loganberries no x tin i9 apricot aylmer choice quality 2 n n rsjpberrics aylmer choice quality 2 tu 23c 23c mill street ma acton ontario jfc jrs v o r e 13 to o uality 1 r 1 was made imj drnl it will not be a cose of q y kind of bi- think they annrtcans sleep with their windows you know open ov night would be a ccrlolri that firmly invariably very merllng q reck now lon md i know that my horse nluablc animal if it were nfttunau habit uf cribbing uut hav- a fltxanfii w inn that habit which i supixse is in- ht race tno am said he iuble ho b worth only a comparatively m acccn 11a ii sum i wouldn t think uf selltnu 1 ti if h- wi rrnt a crlbbcr thats sure hit i vsnt a perfectly sound horse and i you re willing to take this one know- nit hi fault and give me eighty five ilur3 for him its a trade what dye iy of despair exleitllnce a u of isngllnh tourist on an irish jamming cur were passing the general i uu oirite un sackvltlc tttrcct dublin whin one of them pointing to hrce tlatura on the top of lhe building asked jarvey whom do those statues ro- uie lou flushed und paled a strange prickling sensation ran over his whole bod and his brain seemed whirling like lii windmill he knew that by a iniplc operation which any ordinary jrcacul7 itrrhiarlnn could perform an operation i iwclve apoatjca sor j familiar as a u c ui himself and l j lhc driver to hli father and grandfather before him i hr most obstinately cribbing horse id be cured of his fuult and made perfectly sound he knew that if mr iliickettn horse should be so trratcd he jld be us sound us his own and worth ry cuit or the two hundred fcnd fifty dollars which hr had paid for his awn ri in u dazzling chance to take ad- j an irishman wtinsa garments were in ntngi uf another n ignoruncc and get tatters was brought before a magistrate liurie hi- wuutrd or tin mcrrul wuig joti the cliargr that lie was a vagrant agitation and with iui vlnlble means of support through the cut drew from tho pocket of his turn mill see lhc tiplrr- of the milage u t a loaf of bread tlie half of a dry ihuich puir while agulnst lhr darkening i codfish and uevrral cold potatoes ihsse sky and the firm twinkling stars only i ho spread on uie uhlu before him and u yuur ago in that tmme llttlu church cot uy askud wliat do you think of with u group of his fellows he had j them ytr iiunor euro an isnt the in pkdtfid hluunlf to the masturu uirvlce vuilhhi in unci uf uupport twelve apostles exclaimed urlit wliy i only sec thre lliuln all rolght said hike tlie jollier nolnc is inside sortirl th leluiers riai evidence many people am almost crippled with corns uut it is ncodlesa suffer m which can be ciieedlly ended with halloway s corn remover bfauon enough a fit- years ago two new irish recruits on lhe toronto police force were assign ed to duty near uie city hall they weie talking of tlie famous spuln in the cmcruld isle whrn a flfnau hay rushed up to them and yelled iii pops an old rag and bone mans horse has just drop ped dead on terauley street without much ado uie two irish stal warts of the law headed for uie scene mid truly enough there lay poor old dobbin well said pat its block dm uie traffic uud we should make a report lo the patrol tirgeant plnd out uie name of tin- ptrcc t he said to his chum mike mile sauntered away und looking at the otnrt sign came back and told pat luhaulay ohtrcel put looked bewildered at the sound uf the iinim or uie street and pluuug ills nubiut in his packet got hold uf the i ad homes tall i lik- hold ol it and pull it wlui mc mji the street demanded pal wh re iirt lou dragging ll to asked j mike ui they dragged uie unfortunate i inml urross quten bucot our to 11y otrect yelled pat with hugu beads of sweat dropping from his brow iiiat for asked mke ilreijusr i cant spell therawley htrcrt stammered pat r wl could see a typewritten recoru ccry thought wc have had in uie course of a duy some of us would be startled even when our thoughts are not bad they arc frequenuy worthless all day long these minds of ours arc busy we may sit without moving but all tho tlmo thoughts are flashing through minds we may no speak for hours but there never is an instant when uie mind is a blank if wc have nothing to show for all that activity if we are thinking all the time and uilnklng nothing worth while wc have rcaor to jj oannmud of ourselves to stop rather often to analyze our uioughta would be a good practice wliat arc wc thinking about what arc our thoughts about what arc our thoughts worth to let our uioughla run to waste is a tragic imitakc for we accom plish nothing in life if we do not map oul our course by thinking earn 600 to 1006 a day uwn and karnpart ira motor utchan- ica llatlary waulnj vuleanlajns ilausa wtrlnfl luuklaihifl huswl4 uarbm- tndilmutyculiutawuek ouojpmlflniu opan wrliaor rail ffmlnatrucilvabook lmuiniontabtiatw schools hi iuc vuttoiohto rrf mmpuiynunt trrrlo oxut in foul wb dusant w spsoal sedan wludir u cured it suftcrmg b an needlewi as it la terrible to endure after iii many yruru of irlh f f the inns 1111111x1111 rases uu siiffncr can doubt lhe perfect clfrttlvtnrmt of dr j d km- lo athina urmedy comfort of body and immuc uf mind return witli iu u and nlglils or wund sleep cotlio or gthxl auk yuur druggist he can suiply ybu jli4j tuul qukk to uy oa twixktfd or r is lit ovr oij ociss hib it oil waila to council humlsrd quality fuodruf and raftrioas- uw for tn pfteston ont had scj continent motor dfojtx rourwberl urkti mot it silml timing ckxia vutt force ftrd lubrirthimt psuingr cart four 4mj stxci from 07 to 2095 fob ujiue oml standard j littery liquipsital taxti lxtij du rant 6o all the attractive features of lhc new durant 60 will be thoroughly explained to you by the durant dealer in your locality he will tell ou about the refiniments to the red seal lmicad continental motor abour the new rjpe steering gear about the ilcndix i our whet i brakes jhmit all the methamcal pcr- fectiuns and juality uniii that durant tars poistis he wiltiake you oul m a 0 or any model you wish and it 1 jou jnu it m that jouuii touipare ifi performance and cxttlleui riding tunifort with any other tar ai or near its price you will ix uhtolulcly fitt to uiaje your own choice at your luiivtnitncc duilt tty ijuiiant motoi15 of canada l1mitlo d u rant ituonv ritucki in vi ton to i 1 j ton caiacitiu j l e atkinson acton ontario w r

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