Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 18, 1929, p. 2

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qfy arfdtt sltt jhphh iiruilildav aiuh ill 10 jo cjlmi unit 1 ilw 1111 i unit uiiuy i blue ojml for tin mm try luiitr anil llu fall of dew i til i tin way 1111 iii ilia rk 1 dniii 11 lit rd to do i iw or hluh that wr grow tin ty j tit wood worth just plain folk introducing ginger form written bpekuly for the frre rresa by jury o o it ad v i i partner and i drcldrd acunlago that should wi- ever own a farm wc would call it olngcr i why because a hi never mid 1l1nrvcr it wan it would surely mice oil uie glngrr we possess to run it aur n flw years wan tic ring we final ly bought a farm in old ontario ant let nir tell you right hero ontl now in case uierc arc any who don t lenov it that bnlden brain and bmwn it re quires ginger of the highest quality ontl spiciest order to come anywhere near ruccesj and the smaller the capital the more ginger required i muni confess wc have not yet mm moned up sufficient courage to write the name ginger form on ttio note pant dltunted an 11 in on a main road it might attract too much attention one hundred acres more or leu la the extent of our property which wo hove- managed to riirm with the occasional assistance of the moat nondescript hired help imaginable about them i might aay more only they deserve an aruclo entirely to themselves besides our horses we have a dairy herd canslsung of eight cows and two year lino lielfcrn peggy arid betty in theory we arc strung supporters of u fine herd of pure bred ayrslilrcs up to dato atablco and equipment resulung in a fat monthly cheque of 100 or more in reality we have a herd of mandrel clock good caws for what uie are but nouilng to write home about a chy jmuhavp irtgbttac- i emmmmmbwm 3 oljlt om1m 1 1 i weekly story i the blue rabbit jwatit of hut rolor it luti in t nil lit lumty t ii t in 1 k k i hindi ml bun nililill 1 hi will pi nil llliiit wiiiidi rful liivt- hindu me 1 j 11 t colli in rliil- and ihin 1 up lln inn at iliniii h i niiii 4t tf vi it kn l only tin thing that m 8 h ijj ti t 1 jin- lopping i 3 i 1 tin li 1 iwund r nml hi 11 ilhil i to walk the plank bridge aver qwctmit instead she wades through uie water inuic uummer twice niter heavy rain the current be inn so strong she was in danger of getung washed away aji other cow we christened buffalo on account of her malignant appearance and she has since lived up to her name no other bossy is allowed near the trough until her thirst is quenched no other cow may enter the yard before her i don t believe she is in ten uo a ally malic ious or unladylike but she apparently means to impress them with her dignity and they respect her accord ins ly then we have roberta the brood sow roberta rooms at will she la a lady of the greatest intelligence and has an unfailing instinct for finding- out when uie hook has been left undone on the kitchengarden gate one can almost imagine her grunt of satisfaction at the discovery last summer en route for the gardci she would raid the hen house disturb the broody hens upset the feedbin chew bits out of the shell and grit hop per scare all the laying llcna but for tunately cault not reach the eggs qhc would next visit the ditch close linndy and there wallow in the mud afterwords proceeding towards the garden fortunately for the garden as lie reached her goo she was usually discovered and pers uaded not ncces sarlly in endearing term to return from whence die came we have a small sock of o a barred rocks they are not the only inhabitants or the henhouse but by continually chasing the others 1 red mites with a mixture of machine oil and kerosene we manage to keep the hens healthy and productive then we have of course a dog and cats stump was one of a litter of six collie pupa lie was- the dearest little round ball of brown fluff with a dc- c i dly abhrcvlalad tail hence his name clump la by instinct a heeler but he is so zealons that we have perforce to curtail his activities in that direction to gat oven with us or as an outlet for his energy he has acquired the annoying habit of running to the road and barking at every car that posses to complete th list of animals there still remain the cols besides two name less felines at tile barn we have jlnnlc who is a greatgrandmother and lady jane grey both as our nine yeor old mollle arc keeping inside cats such is our farm and its quadruped family between them they provide board for partnrr nd myself two chil dren occasional hired help and on un certain quantity of visitors we have to do a deal of stretching to make both ends meet- it is so at any time but recent yearn have made 1 wider breach however we don t sit down and brood over our troubles we arc up and doing most of the time a s rise i f humor and an rxtxa dose uf gnglr is uf great assistance ii li also surprising how it helps to sec the funny ldc of thlngi at t mc of course one is apt to overlook th humor of the situation for instance there was the occasion last loll when partner was sitting on uie beam at uie top of the mow fixing the hay fork track look out he cried suddenly i of course looked up only to receive the butt end of the hammer right on my front teeth yes indeed it was quite fifteen mluutc3 before i saw the funny side of that episode but i felt it oh yes 1 felt it in my front teeth fur at least uu weeks afterwards hu irnif tt i i r pilliiu woni 10 culled ninthi r in i vi ry f mill ii i 11 hiul in 1 11 married half a dozen time then perhaps i would takt your 1 filiating advice but or jour cxpi rl liici h limit l to ju t 0111 ifiii iblc muii i sluipl romr tu ou for 11 mpathyt but pmuitidthi old lady i hnvfii t advli d a f ingle thing not in wurds tin but i can ftl that you lake jim n purl ydii re nervous child or were i truth ill 1 d nay irritable muyii mother but i v had thn 1 iv ful dnyn in back of inc i very thing vuit wrung and jim making it iii by upet the ink bottle oh i could tutvi gut the stain nut uf thr enrpi t lut along crimen jim with n putont 1 lain ylf and till carjx t li ruliildl and yenterdny i burned the chicken pli mid to top it jim brings home a stranger to dinner oh i almoi t died from mortification and anger then instead of him being rxtro nlci ur gj ln quiet like a clam and leaven me u do all tht entertaining he never sterna to see his blunders and i am mora than jclc of them bvery day its something clrc i can i rland il now this morning its sufficient nola im going to make some ten chtcp up dear think of to morrow your birthday and baby s both on the same day nola burst into tears i m dreading it she nobbed its useless to tell you for yuu 11 unly say i m mean or some thing but mother plcarn be just has jim ever given mc a present that i cuuld keep dldn l i always have to exchange his tmiiosalblc selections last year that hideous green and yellow para mjii lie knuws i cant wear anything yellow it makes mc luuk like a dried up lemon yen lie nhuuld know it by tills time she began to button up her coot no i can t stay for any tea it s late and i mwii ec to dinner vow mulhtr don t say it i can sec try and be pa nvq run in the mirror luildlnit color d liloiiu to lu r fun 1 raw a lron a tnlrarle rd wldi for lhat particular d in ealrh i hi llghti in in r lull nml hour fitly it l t 1i11 1 ver 1 hi nl i at tors i in ii uilr uhu li ach un to we henuty wi hid nut have dlxuvercd by our- i 1 an gn nt in m factor unmctlmi 1 im iijun tir iyr to wiine ckerydn uty unit hud i nqxd 11 by itn v r j huiilllnilly a 11i11 01111 mil rnorr sym pathi tie t tin 11 w ure n vi nl tu us th hl h id nl f 11 in llilior we had tliought 1 itlu r dull and unluterrntlng or ui klnilm lu unother we had claujlflil eiudi lit ul rummun to find that tin orld 1 n lovillir place than tfn had iuiii hi li wiiuderful but to discover hot thn i with whom we come in con diiy by dny are finer than we dream notiiint to 111 motm of fill nl think you have done enough not rrlllcre3or found when yuu lin fault 1 hut 1 1 mi n ly nrgntlvt he ready t eongrnlulnle tu prni e to expresr np liricliitlun tin popli who arc complor ml iv nit hoving found fault are like a niui wiio hold up n piece of blank pupi r and 1 xw rl u be congratu ted on it rintiiili it li better to i11vc the jiipr blank than u hatfe it c 1 nd wltli irurrllnui rcntlmrnbi bul mrrc blankne l iiuthlnif uf which to he proud a baking expert for light flakey pic mm use 2 tblileinoon less per cup of piinty plitur iliis uf or llnary p of uttt wjttai tlauf anil 1 lrvt tauirmion nnw uf ilmnm as uollltdrr vofttmu fdr cruir an half bunr an uvuij sdmj jor for vurtty i am too bad sad looking ntore becnu c it has panen in the what why window no the bouks ore in tiers gargoyle bladder weakness wrecking- health of thousands a blit percentage mime claim two out- uf three of m n and women of mature year un troubled with bladdar and urinary weakness causing backaches headuclk ntrvousnecs frequent night ilnlngi ond burning irritations thror r ii4 ms iw trtw viul hy undermine health anl ircqllequiu bo helpful effort to swiftly relieve ind comfort even the most obstinate and dlttrcsslnr of these conditions a well known phyclclan offers the value of uratabn a treatment he has success fully ured for over 0 years dr solith- worth i urntabf come in plain scaled i ackage containing 10 days treatment and all who need such a medicine arc invited to try it ut once without slight est rik of cost unless pleased with i suits an good druggist w111 supply you on a binding guarantee uf satisfac tion ur money back on first bos pur chased couklnlh iou do it for mmro to laughing slic kissed uie little two year- old girl goodbye jim was bite for supper the chops grew leathery from standing and uie plashed potatoes had gone in lumps been shopping explained jim brlcf- when he turned up more than an hour late putting two packages under the table nola determined not to quarrel served the miserable dinner in frigid silence presents tucked under the hail table weighed heavy on her mind there mistaking one was a waist box with apprehension she remember how she had admired cousin lola irueltc crepe waist before jim oh had been a dream of a waist a dell flesh colored affair but jim would vcr select so lonely a thing and the ouier package uf course uiat was baby prccnl what in the world had h chosen for baby her flril birthday o w hlch she would really take notice of lifts nola thought with a pleasant feel ing of satlsfacuon of her own pretty girt tor her unall daughter a wonderful white rabbit wiui uie softest fui im nijlnubll huw baby would love itl after uie dishes were washed and p il away and jim very tired went to bed nolo overcome with curiosity stood in the hall what could he have bought for baby she fingered the bulky pok ages something hard in another mo ment the string was unucd and uie paper pulled away and there came to view a bright blue rabbit clumsy mis shapen not soft and furry but hard and of brlsuy 10111 how absolutely hideous escaped nolo s lips its enough to frighten uie child and blue bright blucl who ever heard of a blue rabbit she re tied the bundle a lump in her throat a little queer cold fcciinil creep ins around her heart it wosn t so much the blue rabbit aft what it stood for jims blunders his inability to do uie tight uilng oh she was ured of it ail tired of excusing overlooking repairing hli mistakes perhaps he was uie same li business as in his family life very likely he was or turely lit d be farther than he was now oh his life was full of blue rabbits and she was uie vie urn here was the other box containing a alt it would nut be a soft flesh colored blouc but oh anouicr rabbit in uie morn na the sun streaming over he breakfast tabic proclaimed uie falr- l weather for the double biruiday baby was cuulne over uie soft white bunny nola o gift and now jlm- inilo from car ui cai hurried out to h hall and prescnuy came back with two parcels nolo touk uie one he ex tended to her and without a word plac 1 on uie imply chair next to hrr i n wiui tense nerve he watched jim wrap his jiretui i i baby hie wti girl wiui the soft fur of i uu my pressed to her pink checks uud hrr father untl ujrsuing of bun j in pretciidtd to have no d ul trnuble with it and baby t lyes w very bit and interested puur illue child thought her young muuicr suddenly jim tore away uie wrap pings and hrld up n all its uwfut ho ne- v the blm mbbll nula oat breath- ready to latch uil frtghleiud child baby chick pood fril your jkaby cliicka with i watts i1aijv chick food onl pnvrnt lie annimr of wlute ilunliora l cm t only mm chicks iivml but make lictii uonn and afunly anil ota litem la lurnmc ikjv uycia ilo ure rmi crt fuatts v fomi co of cnitai ltd toronto down ny tiif oid gauihn gati di you remember molly darling in thr days of long ago when i met you in thr gloaming you were dresred in calico the village bells were sweetly ringing and my heart was beating too when i put my armi around you and you whispered i love yuul chums down by the old garden gate sweetheart there s where first i met you there s where we stood in uie pale moonlight there was nothing bul loving to da you promised uiat you would bo mine cwoeuieart when uie robin again called his mau and uie years have brought joy u ce the day when a boy met down by the old garden gate till remember molly darling how i took your hand ln mine and wi b trolled into the garden in that i idlli summer ume when by the arden gale we lingered iweetesl perfume filled the air an t ly life was filled with sunshine wh n yuu gave your answer the in uil faluino time an old couplet ran this way in the opr ng the young mans failcy ughuy tuijimouioughta of love it was no cd i was ui cae afrriip h nt trftv pweiii century it is just as true to day indications manifest this on all sides as uie robin calls his mate j the young rmrn coils the maiden lie is attracted to and uie pleasures of ihe good old summer time begin nies nml n trn pi rtlun vi n nluu just nh ttliiii in ii iprlwi niui in ill any nf the ynuiil f ik mini 1 u tillll j ii i uii huppy a iliijfii i til i th in just i i u i nfmsil mllill i put 111 th limlth llll i ii m thiri nilil un ui ulit 1 uiiiik r give the h mik un ntlni lnn i t nit i j lhat i nil right id lln puljl i but it would imvi h iji i ull ii yuu ind jut in n lllllr d i i ii li i und un re pahi1 iiimsi i i a rutin r it kul 111 hiu if i n any hmp lib hi i n a dad ripllnl un iuiii in 1 iiilitu well gi l it wrunu b uijji healthful cereal for hot breakfast crisp in oven serve with piping hot milk delicious- and brimful of energy made uy tlic canadian slircdilrd vlioil company lid i- or knle by tvlitot acton ontario our m home ii i is nee ary fui non tin ip ou of thi ear ill taken c r of by an lc jm imy hot air fill nu mfac u ed by rhi pea i manu ic ring lo ut brampton and installed by mr w r e illntr aclon then li uu an electric aruti in the living everyone ih specially invited to innpect this home j b mackenzie take fart in ac tons community ijf bj ownlnt xotlt own uajne tlilrty five years ago uie late j w bcngough who was quite a creditable poet published his spring poem in moucy vencj orave and gay a book of 175 pages il loved charactering and in lhl poem vnlces uie ideaj of a dude englishmun whom he calls pltsdudc- son as follows ihe spwtng has come again wiui hi genue shuwahs o wain and tlic wubin s swrct wcfwaln deah boy drah bby and i wish it would wcrnam deah boy i d ad iw the pwlng wiilii tli bid bgln to lug l think li ju t the thing v hoy deah boy ttwytww mrs dollarwise says tih nci roiiji rliirr wli n i oay thut iiixnntw ran ay llir-jt- waj the milomoltile al the iioor itrmrrx nicenii from cait hulls slorc tlic saving made u roolly sioil pro vi tic llie iiuh willi run anil oil prarvd tiga i lii lylaa golden syrp a clergyman gives sanio pertinent in stances of uie unexpected to be met wlui in preaching he says ai my ume of life i ought nut to be stunned by anyuilng but one day after service a good woman or my flock did manage to take- my breaui away i was preaching about ood a wisdom in caring for us all and i said that u father known best which of us grow better lu uie bunllght and which mi have uie shade you know you plant roses in uie sun and heliotropes and geraniums too but if you wont fuchlas to grow you must keep them in a shady nook i hoped uie sermon would be a com forting one and after it was over a woman came up to mc her lace glowing wlui pleasure which was evidently dei p and true o doctor i jim so glad for that te nu on i said she cutcpbig my hand and slinking it warmly my heart warmed as i wandered what tender place i had touched in her soul but my joy lasted for a moment only yes she went on fcrvcuuy i never knew before what was uie matter with my fuirhlusl the ioar man i- r lend put up in utnull but lieu that un lailly jmr table and sold for a vury nnall sum dr thomas kcicltrli oh rwu4 uu s power in con- ctntratnd form its chraptwaa and the varied uius to which it can be put make it uie poor man friend nu dralors liluck lu compute without it he llaby looked jng at uil nun id ani mal in her father s hand iilie seemed fascinated by lis very homeliness then slowly her hold relinquished on uie furry thing in her arm- it ft 11 unnoticed to floor her chubby hands outstn tch she cried cagi rly my bunny my bunny i my bunny from daddy jim held it high over her head teasing and txua laid it in her arms and nula saw her utile daughter uesue uie blue rabbit in her arms her face beam happiness saw tier pics two ruebud him to the ugly brliuy liradl i hen like u flash it eame lu nula wu n l uie bluo rabbit ul all hut whut it i linta fori daddy a preeiil luddy luvel lltue baby understood and apprn luted nula sow her husband grub uiby und uu bunny und cuddle uiem cluie to ills heart covering tin shining itlue biruiday face wurtn with kisses nulal crlod jim i just knew shed like uiat blue rabbit yuu know i went lo at least a dozen stores trying to gt t one exacuy like i hod when i was a lltue shaver nu wuudi r he had been und uioilght nula u warm fccllue stirring hi tier galvanized siding for outsule walls attractive to look at inaxpaubivo kajiy to putoaovor old walla with buiidwjr napor worm dry winuproot choico of brick itock uco and cloplxmrd pattonu hi 3h0to ceilings add trie toueh of proi rlty to etoroa nlva attor uahl-ponnan- ent also for aciionla hpllgj latcliona and bathrooma easy tupat upovorolu pliator no duat orbttor eaav to claim and paint can- not crack or fall oft d i b y ui i ilm h duncher kn w h ih lot f beastly snuw j tn in rcury j duwn km deuli bo deuh b j jur biigtj n uun bl w deah buy and in bunimh time iti hut seaside bwecxes simply wut you cawn i find a decent sikji deuh boy deah boy and your collalis go to pot dealt buy i autumn tints are well enough but uie weothaw s sometimes wuuch and the leaves are dwopplng ofl deah boy deah hoy deah boy deal boy awfluh ull the pwlnffn the otuft deah boy 1 eixoy written in 6piuno michael bruce an old country poet of uie early days wrote this spring pjem which became quite a classic and ap pears hi crowclls book of tavorlte poms and numerous other collection get prices from you ix tinsmith or carpenter it she hud her hand on uie box uu uie chair in xt to her and raising her ryes met jim a all expectant anxious for her approval uluwly she untied uie curd ltulde site told lirrsclf was her blue rubblt jim s present all uf hb luvc fur her what matter what color uir wub t so long us it expressed his big love ulu lifted uie lid and a waist came tu view yellow l like bahy had dune a f t w iiiunicnls before she luild 11 in her handii wlui shining dewy eym jim my imuuiiiui uktl jim actually in am ing guuirrrd liei it his heart wolut and all i knew yuu ih luvo ll darling when you admir ed cousin luis and stood next to the yi how lamp shade i cuuld nut help but at how tmauuful yuu would luuk ui a cant be described it cant be copied bqt its the flavor of kelloggs corn flakes that makes 12000000 people de mand this wonder cereal every day ii corn flam tla post uie irun norui has spenl ht rage atom winter now r lgiifl uie iciluai en in b da stoimy in wlingy uugc i f un wind id warm iim euie p ay r western bre s of lenlul h i alii clieerful light the t urce p om bummer chimes beneath n qther dty oun returning v course htcl1 his gui d n b fare his beumi all hiiloua vajxjrj n rar to uil north grim l rain winter draws his lu his own clime t ihtr wh in i a ui u iil holds et 11 ll reign winn iih v indi m idilen mid wlur lemiiests ruar lou d fn m tin build- ul hull v rdiuil groutul tane nl oranges 3 ss olll milk macaonl j 1 lb pig- 2jc cnumika 1 rg- 2 uma daan 2 1u 21c gnu pa i u 2c pol fwir lb 23c buttcr cr lb 45 cheese ruior lb 28c wnu camttl knon tea i v ixirn ultdotii t for my tu for 14 in my i oc ity carioll trii iuv ucoma almoat a nu iwnir ijuality m1 valua on u jt d lb 75c jlk sim cial liddys quality aav fork- beans n 9 pcas ayli golden dsntam lek aylmef choice no 2 un 19 spinach lvi munie im 19 cobn aylnwi on wax utans no 2 v no sene the ip 15- t fine fottdn hahicots verts tie fin on 10e mushrooms tim tiuuer trcncb ligc im lie asparagus oli forms 1lb in loe deets choice no 2 i7c vir py m m mt 6 iba 24 collad daimaal 5 iba 2 u wluai cam mi 4 llw 1u sunara canal pta 21c daj diwr caraalrptb- z3c craam of whaat pkjr 24c craam of batuy pkj 2ftc csrroll owai corn flakes 3 tkc- 23 sajlau oajaim dal monta 2 pica- 23c aprtcom par lb lie 29c cliokm paacltaa it- 1 9c ctctiaumuloiaaa pniaaa goad alia iu 2u valaauu kaliua south africa 2 iba 2sc racuajwd cuitajua ik i3c mmmuuuwwwwtmuvwvu spi cial dl l monte fancy slictd apricots na 2 tin 34 tomato oui awiplmut 2 una 2ic no sejocitstrrrsxncirjrt nppn jlv sarpines croned twli loe 16e corned deer rrsy ociiroa penalty noneless chicken bver 1 ll nn 34 im j5e j splciai rinest tubk1sji layer figs 31vz2 shrimp islm bd fancy im 2ie crab mbat j m11 nn 24c tuna meat cunu whte halve 39e apple sauce aylmer 2 2 una 29c la your purse ijncappl e aylmer fancy crutlied it un 21c frurrsalaet prsn low fsne 2 on j5c baspuerries aylmer red no on 25c graphfrurr kuiiwot per jtk special rnfantsdcught toilet soap g a4 noaps csu co f ot carst castile soap nakes ptlacaaj pig 10 ban 49e gold diut aminonta purlin ralca 23c i carroll own claanara 30c loardol per package 2 pl lie luu 15 9c 22t katralvaal ahtta1 dates raguur w je fib mc m9 totajwwwummwaaftavvwwti mill street acton oantario pie dvuamt v os wxb sldmt u lln llhcrrd ilw deck tlulr boughs llitir ample leavos the in piubk plane ic lupd elm and lufly uli dlicloe 1 hi bicomlng huwuiuiiu kurligutes thij hcnil lily uf the uts un uie rube she spun blid un ground u f fluwert thr urj sfj cohidicmji malar iiej lour ii led urjiei mortc stlful timing t btn hull lent iced 1uih singing up thi still hi h rii tiiiun nwnl he ingj li tin unit i alulig uli lively and follow nutil walk lu virtue a flow y jiullis if tjprlng ip it nature s g corn flakes jlr oidneasa ltth retiniul great packets i our uwu canadian port wifrrd lump bell in a very readable poem churac u riiua bprlng bi bi asmi of life s rcnruul iovc o rebirth and all h ipevi young cipuuiul in y mr drrum i feel uilei niun uie ancient jurrinkii of earth and vi n 1 wh hi thtiu inn lint ilrmnn ixi hull tin wiiiulruiij iiirlni ujvi rare uiuueiaii if till waking world muiy and i liavi mmil inuny huiipy spring lliurj toeuirr m in than half a hundred mid uie ruining of ihli vernal ueaon iievtr fulu lo iur uj lo hup pi pjijrwirr cmti ioj1 fl i bxct from 675 ti 2095 fob lnje onl sloajrj i at lor j luifsirul tiixn lxfrj the d u ran t 40 establishes new standard among fours j fill iitmv dunnt rorry openi the door 10 inuiunmi jrcatef ijtiiiatuon tun hjs jircviuiiily lyr avjilthit tu tho ittmii- cylinder field i oil ejtinut fully rcjlii die irut worth of he llioulufujly jinpruvcil duum moeteh cidicr in lit four er iixejhnder lines until jou n in ihtir eunifunjble seaa jnd heii tcu tht in in inuiiuu j any ijfetd jou iilc dtuilnl jtstrijiumi of j1 durjm modtli wilt ik nuiled to yu on fttjin it or tuinr mill u obianuble nejr hy jt your j cm a i duijui dealers bltlt ut uu1ian1 motolli canada limnto tohovjo ana1m durant iluc ii 1ihicks in 1c to ii ion caiacii11s j- l e atkinson acton ontario rs laaaa i ifr iikii 11 j- jhm r

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