otye atfam 3ft r t fuwifi uiniruia aiu i iwihim 1 hom im1 iii alt j rni sijndav school lesson i ok si miw trim n gitoi kota1iom ami uooiuov or wllat ii i ill til ill liiuuil fact tluil imilu r in r mid li ifl uun hum hjilnd hill hi ii lie uiri lltlci i t to- iim net i hori t il el in it li t 111 tit know wi re in l mliin turn ut and juit ihrli k at him m d an th n in iieleli louie i 111 main u lot of il ujh ii pultlni li mi mi t nn in u mi ufolk to bl u till ll m pi dlur an iiyi jihi ur i re pile a ihiii fur chi i id tir i i i i think i di riilly it i hut i urn rluni i mn whlpe r on drlvluit ninth anil ii ii lin ttmi iliilluic till till anil loqi hi pu ti 1 i hi ii li 1 th md 111 tl l ufely home my dear jojtd tlil ride you i- from the rear edunr qucnt it li ihdriw oil i in uk ut inull i n ileal tli hervice of the canadian medical association indigestion indlgi tuiin l u u nil hint l v rj fre eze nlly used and yi t it inn but utile meaniiiu in u fur il d eribliiu what li really tin trouble ur cumpliilnt it iji very much like rtutlni unit tine has u pain ju t an thin tin many con union i of tin body which luuji palu similarly then are n iarii irroijp of abnormal condltlunj which ivc rlt u tjint rnnitltluitiir yr t htrhlcnall it may be that aftur um yearn of iatlnr1rrffltw del nit the rlyht kind of foadi or uccuusi of worry or overwork or un account of some condition iuch m decayed teeth the body bi bin to falter in perform iiik lh reuular nurmui function of tht ilrt evidence of tliii failure in un tiptt or dl turban ci of tin dlccstivc o tcm unually there- 1 ami head iirht feellnn of lassitude con u pa tlon irrcirular or constant pain in tin ub doincil and frequi iilly pain in uit back undi r the riffht bhouldc r at thb huitic one of two thluls may happen tiil itr t l un attempt at clf- tnatintnt buying nnd uilnu ome remedy vthlch uromli relllf tlil tr u trlouu ml take the other choice i to con ult a phy lcliin it ls plain that the only proper uuv la treat a ih r un com plalnliil of hid ee uon lt lo find uit ei u-c- of hit condition mid remove l i ruitment of tin iitoniach it- elf may tflve x lief fioni tin iiyniptomi but miki the i um uf the trouble 1 n ruovod tin emidltlon ulll peril l and li t ly bi roin all c till ii 1 ich hi tic to i nipt l nt indlkl tlon the- rlhh kind of iihidi nhould b mtiu luul in propi r amoiiul meiibi nhoilld tie e n m on ck un plates in in attractive way under pleus mi l condllluiu fu kulur tolkt habits allould bo cultivated if any abnormal condition li prticnt iuch nu dleaed lcith ll rhould be attended to if uili ij done it will wive pain and expense the person who nc- uilclj to lake care of himeli may jet uioiik for yean wltluiut troublu but trouble will came und he will nuiltr for hli ntdlluence quluona concerninii health addrr el to the canadian medical a oclalujii lm collem hi will be answered per sonally by correjpondenee thtnty vi as ago from thr luur of the i rrr itcut ol thursday april 22 1ioj wlimt 1 up to 115 lure thl weil and ptilatois ui 7 c j ho bulldero hit nt work 011 lin new br ik and plate uluvi front to tin bltie block i wo hundred lady teiicheri uraduutei irom normal bclitxjli urrlved at ouelph to tuke a three month course in uu ontario agricultural collcije on monday tlil council ln urrunclng to ijlvi mill tnet u llberul coullnir of crushed stone und u thorough rolling tiil street ii ider via put mi monday and dialled o i a coiuld cruble portion of mild euniulatloiis i he probublllllea are uiut actou will liavi a troni baseball leani nyotn thli iiijii llilir chuinpliuiihlp work lu 3l j tar l mi eniiinb 1 d willi v 1 elation mlj myr le mm llw wit i to uu tip monday a 1 ik u muul c 11 n p nldid r in n lul i 1 nil itii m 11 0 a c 0 lu r el 1 lluna iii v llkt r i th nl m with 1 u lltllll t 1 1 i hi ndblnir ii 1 lm ol tin 1 hi 11 en bj1 1 uu i h humoi il t r li v u it one ir il li m id of till 1 111 rliibli 1 1 pu tl 11 ur j 1 kl 1 aatl 1 it in 1 dy 1 lie it 111 m ulth u ruili lifi bi onui 1 rt 11 ui and u tin umidy b uiid pe t ntly hi dloia e 1 put ptrinuii lilu t r mt 1 ik in ub tltute ohioui i oit ion 11 ri on i goiulu ilxi ai ime wlimii til mo chrl i pi ihn rllllly 1 of 111 cuinforli i piopli iiiopli hi 111 ut of ii into ii1 oniph u of i iilah f tin ihaiiuh tj hi ill purl of hi hook b im iipillllon of un upinhik rd in a iit- 1 ik 1 or tin aki of mpliju 1 1 i hi r 1 1 ninth comfort in that my pdipli and in that your uod god ij iniii in ui und wi bi loiik to qod unit joj und strmirth in tile thouhti v 2 i in margin rradi fapiult to the henrt of ji ruaali m that heart was torn wlih the many nfrva attack 1 1 uf- fi n d by the rlty duririk innlah n ij iiy warfare in meant 11 pi hod of dltn ui and not neceiwnrly 11 inllluirj atlurk thouflh hint may bi ineludi d 1 our life in n warfare i ho mnrt terrllilc dltri 1 1 cau ed by t in tin fit rceil warfare in tile itniir lilt with satan a convlcti d criminal wm n qulrtd to pay doublr for the harm he had done kx j2 0 tiimduy srrvlcc and happiness v 3 lnlah harr latni a 11m i mnl lnu proclamation of ood 11 upprouch llkt a htruld in advance of a klnic a wuderncis li a wild region un inhabit d a di irt 1 a di tried plnci i alah nnw that hi 1 country was not r udy for ood what coiuitry li and how about uu country of your hcart7 v h road in the ea t are often wiijiln d out by torn ntlal rnlnj and if a klnit or jentral is comlna uiey need u bi repuiled in advance mouncln art levelled pits niled up so the world li full of inteiualiyefl no lit hlnhwny for our kin it thu 1 john the baptl t prepare d the way for the combm of jew chrll mutt 3 12 v 6 qod n itlory li hii flamlnic pre ence no iflory of mmi can atiuid before bliiliud by u prnpir i hi mnl lyn hitli and in ltd und ilroiun r plnntu at lm i a part of hi lin- 1 lirtlllly 1 11 uk ititeid with the 1 d nriivily of tin mil inliiibllliii met burl rlu n ulllnis from tin 1 of t lop t r illlural prue ttei un t jill linn an lite rail lull il jh i micro rnplc plniur fjolni 1 m ml nillllon may b found j iruiiofroil ju niimlwn nnd if uu 1 liny plant- depend dlnrtly 1 innmiin and kind of food anil roiidltlorr ri r tin ir lanwlh in hie 1 ll ei luln plnul favor um d ve lopm n of mn kind inon hum otlu ni win 11 ui pirt or oilier plant nmnlnii an uliel to tin toll hit funid nnd line rlu ultlly multiply on ihli mu iui dticinie it to plant fooil at the mini tlm lln artlvlly of the c affectn other tlnl pi uit rood in tin will and 1 with ui llif lufhiriin would re uiiuwilt ibli tlnforluunt ly nome ill inhabiting funul and hue ti rlu may utlntk imni living and di ad eot pure e i r nun plnuti i hi f uiiri luit tan 1 root rot of wlunt in able to do hit llurifore iyh 11 wheal folio vk term of yi an there li nn iiccumiilallon of the root rottlnif funl 111 tin anioiml liecomei w treat that much lo may occur on the other hand oat lax anil the leiiumtq are not appreciably attacked by hil funul which nttut i tin root eif wheal w1u a crop i any of tin 1 tin rimitnittlnu funul 111 d rn 1 1 ei that wheal m iy a tin in be lown with comparatively llitht ioili lrom ixlinlve rtirveyi made by the dominion plant pillinlory nbratorlcv it lear that rnrtly more than n trace root rot occurs where wheat follow il lni of tin virnln sod however 1 1 11 marked increase of tht never- of tin root rot on the recund third fourth crops the reason for thin liti not yel be en determined cxperi- iilally but there is the pocilbllity that tlie introduction of wheat debris into hie ii k nn impeirtant factor of comer the rt are many casir where rettre root- fiill i lo develop and this may be due ui ctrlain will or ouicr climatic facto rn when prime wheat followu wheat cue lihily on old cullivoted land the root- o lend to bccomi more nevcre the n cl of tin time of plounhlnff on the velopuuiit of roolrot3 has not been determined there ls good evidence that tublillnu in a crop or the inclusion of lnnte amount of wheat rtubblc will atiy favor the tcverlty but nummcr- fnllow or a crop of oats will undoubt till reduce the rootrot on the follow lni crop of ik lit at hut to obtain the deolr- iult the 01l and the nummcrf allow fi hrfrr ftt nhentnr rt wl h excluaivenej by jeith uth ha ipokti l dt tich god s son what ood s m u rmlnid fortver wednesday confidence nnd happlneta v 0 tills li 11 dlaluuul between jehovah and iomt moruil perhaik isalali hlnuie if as the trai piedily withers away no mail s ufi ouickly paeh and 1 forkot it 1 the of qod that wlill plr matt rial ihluirn shall vanl h ituui thlnj alone abide v 0 in hilt world of unctrtninticji this mttiinit wurld ont lblnit li pt nnan tut tht word of ood uncertainty brink unhapplnejs but certainty cunfldtnce pi rmanence brlntr happlm s and unit happincaa every child of god may enjoy thursday coil and lluiiplncu v u zlou one of tilt hills of jem sal m land- for the tlty it elf lialah if wrk wits to tell it 1 ood tldliuri o tin adunl imktl aid lo hit nlup hud i bring you tfood tldun 1 er isrtal ji i uki 2 10 i jul ill wui to a tend a hinh mountain from willed hi eollld see tin lituenly klnit comlnu from afar oil whoever proclaims the comlnu of the lard should speak out boldly in a luud clear voice that all can understand not fiorlns ridicule or denial or oppoltlon hinlnha meuttc wies not only u jeru sali in but lo all hit cilit- ol judah it wun a mejunui uatlly needed by our modern cities behold your god i not lithold rlclicfi proiptrity jniwer but iiehuld ood i i rlday iteward and ilappinri v 10 tht lxjrd jehovah ij out of isnlnli s characlcrlsuca and elotmtnl phraj found thxouuiioul hla uook ood is a loving one a merciful one but tie t3 also a mlnlity one and in thilr pitiful pllbht beset by many miwer- ful fotj the je ws needed ilrhl of all a powerful god a ood with a tranu arm a god ablu to rule for hi- people hi is that to hts people still ood li mluhty athist lib foe lie l jiwi und liberal toward hls frimcl ilia arm- are full of blessings tor i1l1 people he drlvi a hock of recompense before him u1 jucub at hie fords of the jabbok 10 re ach hla people in advance of his 11 mini saturday icaee and llappinran v ii tllli peaceful picture of qod a u bhtpherd ls wonderfully a forui by david in the twenty- third isalin our lord accepted it as a picture of hlm- ielf stt john 10 it la found in many other purls of the ulblc if god is our nhtphird wc may be nure of defince and provlslon lei not your in art bi troubled nald our bhtplurd tht worms that infest children from their birth art of two kinds lhose ulal find loddi intht in tht suunach and hiosc i hut are found ui tin tuu jllnu i he latttr are thl most dtoiructlve as they tllnu to tht walli of the intestlnto and if n it inti rferr d with work haveck then mlllns worm puttiers dlslodite b ith it und while ikfllliit tin in frtin liu n rvi n upulr the damuit tluy ic ullu 1u1uh1 111 ecruiln paru or wcalcrn canada here hil root rol are a menace a uood crop rotation will be very helpful in dilckluk hit root rota in fact thin ls nfy nn thod at pre cnt available aonford plant putholoilat uom- iulmralory ldmonlon ibcrta shi kiaj1l rll 1 hindi man ls always ready thi fact provided hi has itiadi ii urc j of it if he is a fi lluri hi bi utrally puts uic rc- hjwii ibility on eimebody el iew are n ndy lo admit uiat bad temper lniiu or the inability to stick to one purpo 1 uccountn for their ixxir uhowuu i hey eumplain uiut luck alwayn has been iij ln l hum that uitlr employers al ii ijy inn bttn unfair uiat uiey never it 1 l hud a chance j t i it 1 trut that no comblnauon in ilreuin unices can make one a auc e- without lil full coopcrutlon wi it i n 11 lint iiolhinit can make one a i illiirt unit he ild 111 the process the if in idi uri not exctpllonal we arc ii 111 thai clie- failure s and ucccwi i 1 in only hope for the youns pe ph u ho ni 1 dlsnppointliui uicir irltnd and hum elvci b to stop blam uik elreuimtanees and n allxe that if tin turn out failures uiey will be self- miidi uiiis hoiitll tityint a niun reeently made the prejidi nt ot uu henlesl eeuroratlon of lis kind in the world had bi en with uic company llilrly ytur hi wa not selected for the imrth of dli service however but tor uiiutlii r niuin that all this umc he hud put uit saint hard work uu same liord thlnklnif into uic business aa thouffh he liud owned it that ejuality is rare many people li ivt to uo into bushiesj for uicmaclvcs be fore the y can net uie most out of thinwtki if they arc working for an employer uiey recent ulaylnif uflcr houni wlitn liny leail tilt office uiey drop 1l prouluu why uilnk about bucbuen oui f hours one who works tor a salary und el uorks iij uiouah the business wen hi mn is u marked man in any s mn of you wiio arc sure uiat all boss- e are blind tej ability lhat ucttlim ahead 1 u nun mutler of luck are advued lo iry tht lire crlpuon work for your euiployir e tliouth you yourself owned uic bulue yuu will find h worhi try int lilt imloltrancl of ikiatinfl hvrn jotaiol k i n utiiu nt of 1 u d polulot i for tin pre ventlon of elluunii urrn 1 on tlm nir- far of thi ttilu rn ls or ureuti r import- nuret u11111 1ft nnlliiarlly npprrclati d without doubt it in one of the mfu1 prolllnlili mraiii of rndurlnil thn ye irly imv n ruined ly certain dli 1 ni 1 1 id rd tmint hi 10 liiiimrtnnt tliut it may fiiijui ntly be thr dlvidlnir miu- lietuee n ipiln unci 1 011 in tin production of polu- tnrn in tlie proce 11 of urii treatment iyu nro eonrprned with ncub rhluirlonlnti and hlncklrfc all tlino caiisr appri c in bio re ductions in ylc id and impair tht quality of the crop ihe annual ions from any one of uu n rourct 1 would nnim many thnuiands of dollars ccab and ihlzoctonla periilit in the roll for yearn once they have bctn introduced qrow- crn tin rcfare nhoultl protect din hi c- fice roiln by pnictlnlnfl need treatment it has not been d nitons ir a ted that black- it ls carried lu the anil yet need treat ment will pn vi ut ili development on tubtrn which may have become contain hinted by contact with thone which are dlrared invtuefauoru conduct d at thr di inlon of ilotany ottawa have dimon- atratc d uic lmiwrtnncn of treating need potatoes where blackleg in concerned inarm itch an it is reduced but not en tirely controlled by teed treatment in uie case of rhleactonla the young rents are very lu ci itlble lo attach 11c e ree mu bodies or the fungus by mtaiui of which it lias survived the wtnur begin to urow when th pota toes are planted anil are act when hie tender nprouu are partlcul j sub ject to attack bced treatment alms to 1 educe uila sprout infection by destroy lug uic ornanlcm responnlblo for it buch measure assists materially in obtain ing the rood stands which so commonly follow careful need disinfection the marked incrcare in seed potato runcatlon and tuc clearly defined in rpcctlan auuidards direct our attention to the nccccnlty of producing potatoes of superior quality that tills jiaa been to shown by uie foreign demand for canadian becd potatoes the chief reason therefore far treating seed pota toes is to enable us to meet uie de mon do of critical markets which lulve been acquired by providing a commodity above reproach seed treatment will aid materially in main tain lntj this reputa tion rt ii hurst dominion kxperl- tncntnl uluuon charlotte town p e i you will never find time for any- uilns ii you want limn you murt make li charles fjuxton o honestly exerted force can be terly lost 7iitti digestive pills warns stomach suffers neutralise dangerous acldi in stomach with hut wmur and maencfb never force the digestion of ferment- intrfood trom your stomach simply to ijei temiwirary relief from lndlircsluan rays a well known authority the habit of taktiid dlgisuvc ill li after meals makes chronic dyspcpucs of many thousands of men and women because artificial digest euls druirs and medlclnca have practical ly no influence upon lhe excessively acid condluon of the stomach contents which ls lhe cause of most forms of indlgenuon and dyope iu the aricr dinner lll merely leens uie sensitiveness of the stomach ntrvts and thus gives a false nenic of freedom from pnln if u10 e who arc subject to indention bloat intt ons atiur nlomnch belching heartburn etc afu r 1 atlng would ut a little pure blsurnted mug iitsla teltlier powder or uiblctt from any ellable drucitirt and take n teaspoonful if hie powder or two ot the table la in a itlli 1 iter after meul there would be no furt h nccealty for druil or medicines b cau e the disunited mauncaln inilanl ly iitutrallx 3 tomach acidity stapi food crmui at on and thus insures normal i alnlcsn digestion by cnabllnu uiu stomach to do its work without hind ranee what is a hltfen whut li 11 frliud i will till you ii ir a pirion wlih v mm you dure in ho youn 1 if your will run in nuki d with him ih wi mn to ark of you to put on nothing only to a what you are un elofji not want you to he belter or wnr 1 whin you nre with him fn i in a prisoner ftiiiln wlu has in en drclai- id innotiiit you do not llavi lo bl on your guard you can nay what you think 10 long nn it u genuinely you lie undnrneamln i hour contradictions in your nature th li ad others to mlnjuilur with him you brl atlu free ly you can avou your little vanltlrs nml envlin ami ha lc3 and vlrlnua npnrkn your iiican- nenneii nnd nbnurdltlen nnd in opening them up to hlui they are loit dl sol on tin whlu ocenn of hli loyalty he uiidcrrtnnrtn you do not invi to be careful you can abuse hlni m hilci him tolerate htm test of all you can knp nlufwilli him it malrs no mat ter he liken yoli lln in like fin uiat purges to the bone he undcrntnndn he understands you can weep with hlni nln with him laugh with him pray with through it all and undi rneath een known and lovi 1 you a friend what in a friend just one i repi nl with whom you dure in be your nelf and the hilltop gardens yield this fragrant tea salada fresh from the garden homf kings i he rlasn composition was on icingn nays lhe hon tun transcripts and thlit ts hat one boy wrote the most power ful klui on earth is working the larlest ghlrk lng one of the wnmt in omoklng the witttrnl jo king tl quietest rbln- klnr tlie thirntient drin king lhe nlyent win king and the noirent talklng used c parts wc stotkniid cnn promptly supply used parts for nil mnktn of c nr yon bavc i per cent of the cost of new pnrti und lt pnieiienlly us jood value radiators wl have on hand ull kinds of new nnd used car rndintors nt reasonable prices h wolfond sons 129 wntcr street ouelph phone cuelph 2931 frtendly coopertictn with faiviejs lhere is a spirit of service ana cooporation abotif tlir n btronwy to our farmtrcustomcrs you arc cordially invited to call at this banltjmd discuss your financial problems with the manager bank of montreal established l8l7 tjytal assets in excess of fl g70 ooo 000 nil qiim n s 1 kin1 iuiv i kt hill 1 i i t tl u phi il dint illluanr jmoloith 1 anaita 1jmi1pi i 1 di proun 1 that mil mot tin 11 nn 1 th in- uki tthlth h1l1 my hn kilned durliu that uim 1 ls li id 1 hip mr hoy i ke rby ictid irislilint of hi canadian nny ai 1 ut 1 him of th dine ton iwiiil tlu annual m 1 tlna of ihur ihli l lice if hp ui ni in whteii mr kerby 1 in id by tin in u urnup ulitt ha liki p nir tin n tivt mail iilimiitt or dnrant motor tin in tin united laus und uhlch lm ludi 1t d j lluliii pri lilt nl a i pi it a vnll le hn a nli hul jr while it 1 will known tint mr kerb uid his exttulki lu tin canadian onpin 4i hon liuvi won the lonfldiiiti of h cinitllan pulillt llirouih uu pollclta uu y hut 1 oluhlhhtel he give 1 uu cndlt fir tin company n incu n to the loyally 1 uu dtnlir iiriduilitliin that mi const to 101 t and tin factory foi uu biilldlui of a ml oil fur lie 14 doctor ihlldrni ntai o utliamptuii in liillund tuud nallt y llo pltnl uu hugt homi built unci 1 quito victoria 1 e peclal patron ni 1 for the loldlei of the ilrltl h antty 1 ut homi woundi d in her wari it is j kingly nss rlcd hint if un whole army uen to bi itiit home nc tley would be till enough to ihrltcr them all krs 1 ill vt tj abiding plan or in ouh and com fort ii l aid with ili enuiitli i wiiiuj in 1 high urossy plateau ui the full iun 1 hlni o r looking tin glistening waters of hi solmt iiisldt are an army if ur gi oiis and nurnt 1 und i very appliance for uu eurt and ease of the invalid loldltr iii queen vl lud ulli hoipttal u few yari prior to in r dralh and was pu bed in hti chair through the nowded wards hipping now and then u pe uk u some p r wound d fellow at 1a il ut uu mghl of one paltfaeid hid tit topied be fun lit i cot und lujt- ed 11 pie tlon ceuice riling illm of the h vi ruor jh hud be 1 11 1 hot ihmugh uu lung in africa having thrown him ir be ton hi eapuiln to defend hlui for whli it act of bravi ry in hud received lln vittorlii cro11 i lit ipictii lookid at lilin in blltnte n uioiiii ut us if tiui lloiilng how she iiuild further ncognl hu valor unci thin ixuudtd he r huntl to him jood by my friend jiu laid ii r chair was rollnl away unt tin tun u 1 1 1 it wan uvtr but uu yiouui 1 rgi mt wui tlurcaltir a minked man inn ni uu lilin r puluiiu many of lln in had wen ir wi und di torallom but tht iliiein hud laid lie t hand iikiii hli mtui and eeilled him frh nil an long 111 hi uel liilluhmtn will nspett him uho g itiud 11111 huhur 1 up und for hu iholilit huujt it im uu 111 ituit who it uu 11 eatuaat pr- in toetal roof lag said cotnsaia liljfeliata vorma lilitfituna fire- droof la w00 t roof kir lunue tilej llouua hcimmsr v-atuu- wmuto conacil fllniulru quality rundrug- and rsfur meas- uromonla uui flail out about our wrdaiwttina omuu vrmcost stinuta gladly easlantefkodiacts preston ont moncii tcrcnli drive a ply rtlouth here is an opportunity for everybody during leant tke difference fortnight we invite yoi to discover plymouth supexiokrties behind the wheel v our infant upplltut 1 f 111 1 for uu 111 1 iirinluutor eit einipuitnti of lhe nu t e hi 1 live herbs are best for ailing kidneys natural safe and wonderfully healing 1 ami he rtwi only aru usm in qai- r 1 kicltie v ke uu ely which is una 11 eilel proved ihriull llouae hold di t th it tin note d lu rhniiat 1 allulnr ciiiiijkuiitlei lumalf hiin ui ik anil thi aorixui inn n 1 ifl hio ireat he ajmg r a ut knlmy lulmcnta un mn il 11m am n lie vml by gal 111 r i it 1 i i 1 huh deny apolla ml i ullir nilmini inm nti iry tin tru iw rlliy in rhal rrtniviy ll 1 1 n niailall uid aifo htibl by m a t uiiown acton ii rh ikh of tli rem ill xi lni i poll starting rtoay mid lust inij iwo weeki wc urc holding u learn- the difference iort night for he fvllgize pljnioulh we want you to drive a plymouth and learn the difference between plymouth performance mid any other in the plymouth price held iortherc is a difference an over whelming difference in the things plymouth does and how it does them see fce7 fln experi ence tine oizejrcice i here is only one turo wuy in vhich m will know how decisive this dillerence ucliially is i hut is o sec and feel mid experience to ride in md uetinilly drive the plymouth v invite you to discover for yourself the fullsize of the plymouth which seats five adults in comfort to note its casynding lengthiness to ice how sharply it contrasta with the small dimeusious usually asstciated with cars ut any where near its low pnec iifttcn minutes at the plymouth wheel will convincingly reveal how wide a inurgin separates the ply mou th from all other curs that attempt to compete with it in its pncetfroup t not mims tltis great opportunity tuke udvantage of plymouth learn- the- differ ence iort- night at once see the unmatched features experience the unprece dented performance wc urc eager und unxious to have you put every plymouth cluiin to the test to icurn for yourself hut a vast difference there acluully is in performance uppeurunce und vuluu between plymouth und other cur m its pncccluss once you drive a plymouth und learn the difference you wil never be content with uny other cur your judgment will insist th it you own a plymouth 1 no obligation we are eugcr lo huve you rctihsc the many out stand ing advantages of the ply mouth come und drive the ear see for yourself how und why it excels there is not the least obltaa tion clonic in today h a cgxe chrysler and plymouth sales and service phone 66 acton ont time tables 1 ai acton luulilij i eheenp j 1 gtdne wmi flunday only 1041 kum dally except uimday 7sakni dally except limday 10 42 rnjot daily except oututay 3 20pjn daily except ijtmiluy 500 pra dally except uuudav fl 17ua1 golujc tlakt fiimday only 7 0flpjrt- dally except flunday 7 obauui dully except fluntlay 1 1 57 tua dally except flunday r 147 pm dully except on n day fl 17p4n- dnlly e xcept fjunday 1 13pjh canadian national klkctbio u ail ways wmluuud dally except uunday 7bautl daily bssun dally 115 uu dally 1 bspju dally 3js5 pjit 95 pid dally 7 6pja dally dsspju daily iaj4au4 kitbauiul dully except ounday fljujnju 0j7ja- dally lljttua daily 1 37pju dally 3 j7 pjn dally 5s7pu 3ttlly 737 djtt 0j7d4a 11j5 pja- taotito trmliial kmi strt and rl culr avanu roleht delivered by idcja expr frolahl pvclcht picked up at any td- drtsu in toronto r leave acton for uia wtr lo lo a m 4 lo p m 7 00 p m and on gaturdays qundaya and ilolldoyn 11 00 p m leave acton lor acorcfitown norvol nrompton toronto j0 a m 1135 a m 7 35 pm and on baturdayn qundayn and iioll- dmy 10 35 p m card co cleajeera anil dyr guelph ontario gehifigandkeeping get your aoeeunt rau kep vour cuxtaautf our service daw tht kelly aiken diplomatic collectoud ontnrevllte owen sbi qsalb we deal only in llfo insurance and arc pleased to explain th various policies bent suited to your require merits it will surprise you the varud forma of policies that can be writ ten to cover your present bualncu nccda a request for information doea not obligate you in any way frederick l wright rcorascntauve imperial life assurance c or canada phono 10zj laala st axias mark every grave nothing la mure uuunjr or nioic appruiirlatc to cornniernorato the memory of loved oneo who have gone before than beautiful jranjlc well carved with our present equipment and acllluea no plant is better prepar ed to oiler better values or a better stock to ctiooac from than can be secured at our plant you owe lt to yourclf to ccc our stock and get quotations on monuments uarkeri or comer stones before plaxlnj an ordt r anywhere irnclal quatations rrevau on all order plarm delara april is acton monument works tusubuhej 1szs j nicol phonb iu savage company juvflxttty watl iies hil vt kwaill ciiinawaite silver tableware noted for quality msdsru4ly lrked mail inquhuloi ileceivk iltoult attijtion lowcer wyrulluuu sl plums 571 guelph